Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, April 30, 1959 111 HARRIETTSVILLE NEWS HARRIETTSVILLE Wor ship service next Sunday morn ing at 9:00 o'clock by Rev. James McConnell, followed by Sunday school at 10:00 o'clock. Mass at 9:00 o'clock next Sun day morning at St. Henry's Cath olic church. Road Fork Baptist church news by Pastor Fellenger, Sunday school at 9:30, morning worship fit 10:30 and Young People's meeting at 7:00 o'clock. Begin 3i ng 7:30 Monday evening, May 4th, the Road Fork Baptist church will hold a week of spe cial meetings with Bible preach ing every evening through Sun day. Rev. Marshall Harper, of Cambridge, is the speaker. Enjoy Dinner Rev and Mrs. Leslie Koskovic and family, and Rev. and Mrs David Shimp enjoyed a pastor's fellowship dinner Tuesday even ing with Pastor and Mrs. Fel lenger and family. Attend Inspection Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fry fogle, worthy matron and patron of Aurelius chapter, Macksburg, attended Eastern Star inspection at Glouster on Tuesday evening and at Marshfield on Saturday evening. Weekend Guests Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham and Marilyn Sue and David were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and son, of Mercer, Pa. Attend Festival Those from this community who attended the Noble county music festival held at Southern Noble school at Dexter City on Thursday evening when ten girls from Elk local school had a part in the musical were Supt. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman, Mrs. Martha Fryfogle and Jane Ann, Mrs. T'nelma Oriffin, Mrs. Lottie Crum, Mrs. Edith Bonar, Mrs. Blanche Forshey, Mrs. Vietta Williams and Betty Williams, Hester Rossiter and Lee Gildow. FOR ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME ALL THE YEAR AROUND &<• SPBCIFY A tUdiCrbiin] Gas-Fired Furnace or Air Conditioning Wh«th«r you need a new gas-fired furnace or plan to convert your present heating plant to gas, there's a Waterbury model to fill the bill. Let our installation experts bring thrifty, dependable comfort to your home with the finest in heating a Waterbury! Atk about our easy payment plan Call us for your free estimate EVILSIZER'S Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Phone 96 302 East Street Caldwell, Ohio Weekend Guests Miss Anna Tornes^of Marietta, Dale Schoeppner and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. Earl Schoeppner and children, of Columbus. Personals Mrs. Mildred Hesson and chil dren, of Stafford, spent Wednes day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Noll. Mrs. Noll is ill. Mrs. C. E. Johanning and Miss Emilene Schramm were visitors at Caldwell on Monday. Last week's visitors of Mrs. Harry Pry or, who is ill, were Mrs. Shellie Stephens, Mrs. Hazel Spies, Faye Spies, Mrs. Blanche Peppel, Mrs. Lenore Estadt, Mrs. Dorothy Pry or. Mrs Fern Carnes, Mrs. C. E. Johan ning, Mrs. Emilene Schramm and Mrs. Blanche Schafer. Mrs. Mabel Baker, Mrs. Wald ine Beardmore and Mrs. John Duff were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. William Born and Barbara and Kenneth, of Stanleyville, were Sunday after noon visitors of Supt- and Mrs L. D. Schramm. Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman and Johnny and Steve and Mr. Leo Huffman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Kessler and Sandy and June, of Wellston. Leo Huffman re mained for a visit with his daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cunning ham and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lucas and Kathy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Carnal and family of Barberton, and with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carnal and family of Wakeman and also visited with Fred Love, a heart patient in a hospital there. Mrs. Shellie Stephens, Mrs Hazel Spies and Miss Faye Spies of Lower Salem, visited Satur day afternoon with Mrs. Blanche Schafer. Sunday afternoon call ers were Mrs. Lenore Estadt, of Middleburg, and Mrs. Fern Car nes and son, of Belle Valley. Sunday evening callers of Mr and Mrs. Erval Stevens were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stevens, of Senecaville. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rossiter were hosts at a Lifetime Health dinner party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens, Tues day evening. Guests were Mr. and Mi*s. Karl Kress and daugh ter, Louise, of Woodsfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Crum, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker, Harriettsville route, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Held man, of Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neuhart of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. Mrs. James Schafer visited Monday and Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Dean Forshey and children, of Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. Joe T. Ullman and daughters, of Marietta, were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman. John Kirchner, of Caldwell, was a dinner guest, Saturday. Mrs. Stella Schoeppner was a visitor at Caldwell on Tuesday and at Woodsfield on Thursday. CLARIFICATION The Andrew Archer, of Cald well route who received a fine of $10 for intoxication last week in the court of Mayor Chester Howiler was not the Andrew C. Archer, who is connected with the firm of Crock & Schafer in Olive Addition. HAS SURGERY Bessie Stringer, Caldwell, un derwent surgery Thursday at the Memorial hospital, Marietta. UNDEKSTAMtiS'G THE BIBLE For iree booklet, write: Christadelphian Bible Society 3037 Cromer Ave. N. FARM NEEDS AT YOUR FARM STORE! COMPLETE LINE OF JOHN DEERE and NEW IDEA FARM MACHINERY BARB WIRE and FIELD FENCE FULL LINE OF MARIETTA PAINT and COLOR PAINTS ROOF COATINGS BALER TWINE for all makes of Balers. LAWN BOY and MOTO LAWN MOWERS SPRINGFIELD ROTO TILLERS FERTILIZERS LIME SPRING FIELD SEEDS GENERAL FARM HARDWARE Caldwell Implement & Supply Co. East Street Caldwell W. Canton 9, Ohio SPRING Students in tne third grade at Belle Valley have been study ing poetry and one of the pupils, Miss Paula Seamster, has written a poem on "Spring." It is as follows: Spring is here! Spring is dear! •I. lpve all the things I hear! Robins, bluebirds, redbirds, too. I' love all the things they do. I love the babies in. the trees. And I love the nice cool breeze. Spring is ijere! Spring is dear! And I love the flowers here! Political Mailers And Otherwise By JESS S. HARRIS Continued from Page 2-B with which he had complied. Re port has it that the matter will be carried into the Franklin county common pleas court. The cause for the past and present business recession that has brought about an apparent minor depression can be attri buted to the great wa^e demand in practically all branches of in dustry. A strike for an increase in one industry has invariably caused similar action in another, with the result that the selling price of all products has been increased throughout the entire nation until only those in the higher income brackets can make purchases from local dealers of whatever kind. Those in the middle and lower brackets are thereby crowded out of the mar ket to a sufficient extent as to bring about a business depression but let us hope that it will not equal that which prevailed dur ing the year 1893-4-5, as the result of free trade in the United States. Willscreek WILLSCREKK Tom Ros siter of Sarahsville, died last Wednesday of a heart attack. He was 86 years old and was on Sunday before all right. I read in the Caldwell Journal where they are making a move to get Noble county schools con solidation. If they get it done this leaves Beaver township with $200,000 school house empty. Our taxes show we have 19 year to pay for it. Beaver township has now the highest rate in the county. The buses would have to start about daylight and get back after dark. We have two good school houses and we don't need any more. Blaine Day sheared his sheep last Friday. We had some very nice weath er last week. We needed it. Earl Moore and Frank Roe were at Caldwell last Friday. Carol Triplett, of Columbus, was a visitor at her father's, Frank Triplett over the weekend. Eekard Hogue was working for James Wyscarver a few days last week, fixing roofs and cleaning wall paper. Sylva Roe is getting along as well as we would like. Several large catfish were caught last week somewhere from 3 to 12 pounds. Most farmers are now done sowing oats. Pretty late. Alva Carpenter says he is planting his corn next week. Oscar Carpenter from Jeru salem, was visitor here last Sun day. Msr. Ralph Starr and daughter were here last Saturday. Ross Roe, of Zanesville an old pupil of mine 56 years ago was a social caller here last Sunday. Junior Smith and family were visiting here Sunday. Johnny Wentworth, son of Roy Wentworth and wife, died last Friday. He was two years old. 2 /6-OZ. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO SENECAVILLE NEWS HEMS SENECAVILLE Miss Carol Bates, Miss Betty Walters, of Cumberland, Helen Lucas, San dra Kay, Ruby and Joann Stor alik, of Byesville, motored to Washington, D. C., to see the cherry blossoms. Observes Birthday Rev. and Mrs. Everett Wild man spent Monday in Athens where they visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Misner. It was Mrs. Misner's 74th birthday anniversary. They also visited the Marietta Museum and was dinner guests of Mrs. June Math eney of the Plains. Personals Mrs. Nancy Sidwell is spend ing this week in CoolviTIe. Mrs. James Basford and Mrs Elma Booth, of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Basford. Mrs. Addie Moorehead and Mrs. Robert Unklesbay and chil dren spent the weekend in Co lumbus. The 500 club met on Wednes day nite at the home of Mrs Helen Wolfe with the prize going to Mrs, Ada Bird who won high score. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Weekley and daughter, Kay, visited re cently with Mrs. Verna Weekley of Birmingham. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumm and daughter, Jaunita, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hickle and daughter, Joann, of Cum berland recently. Mr. and Mrs. James Gaither and sons, Mike and Mark, of New Kingsington, Pa., stopped overnite with Mr. and Mrs. F. Devine. They were enroute to their new home in Louisville. Ky Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, of Pleasantville, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. De vine recently. Rev. and Mrs. Meryl Cutlip of Parkersburg, W. Va., visited on Wednesday with Rev. and Mrs. Everett Wildman and fam iiy. Dennis Riddle, of Caldwell spent a few days last" week with Craig Edwin Hill. They are both pre-school age. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riddle and family, of Cambridge, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ger aid Hill and family. Summerfield Miss Pat v.- Tinax. a student at Ohio University, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Durel Truax. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Kordel of Columbus visited over the week end with her brother, Mr. Dean Edgar and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Guiler were business callers Saturday in Cambridge. Mrs. Fred Smith spent last week with her husband in Dan ville, where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. John Leasco were business callers Saturday in Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dotson and family of Kentucky have re turned home after visiting a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dotson and on Fri day they all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hughes and family in Beverly. Mr. Ralph Reed and son Joe, of Akron, spent Saturday with his i, i'ills. a.'id Mr--. Sam Kri^ See sne for Complete Insurance Coverage at lower cost! AUTO HOME LIABILITY HOSPITAL GRANGE MUTUAL CASUALTY CO. R. B. DeLONG R. F. D. 1, Box 82 Macksburg, Ohio AD 20 oz Loaves Loaves SWEET ROLLS and CAKES AT REDUCED PRICES. BRACKS '"CHOCOLATE WY 2..... 3 9C REGULAR 39c 810 Main Street BOX ZION FIG BARS'**. 39' Surplus Stare Caldwell, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miley and children, Eva, Ike, Kiel and Alvira visited recently with Mr. Warren Miley, of Pleasant City. So sorry about last week's news items we apolize and so did our postmaster, Don Denver. Your news correspondence, Mrs. Erwin dropped them in the out side mail box at the post office on Sunday evening on my way to church and the letter became lodged in the box. The postmast er called and told me on Wed nesday and of course too late for the paper. It's just one of those things. Rev. and Mrs. Harvey McPher son, of Beverly, visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parrish. Rev. McPherson is pastor of the Reinersville circuit. Mrs. Bertha Patterson, of Cam bridge, attended the funeral ser vices of Mrs. Bessie Long which was held at the Meek funeral home on Thursday. She also visited Mrs. Mollie Aplin. Mrs. Mollie Aplin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bichard in Cambridge recently. Mrs. H. C. Pryor and daughter, Shirley and son, Hascal and Mrs. Gene Graham and children were in Cambridge on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Yoe are getting ready to open up the Donny's Drive-In just above the boat dock at Seneca Lake. They have lots of good eats. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Erwin were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Erwin and children, Jackie and Connie, of Pleasant City, and Rev. Mel vin Maxwell of Circleville. Rev. Maxwell was guest speak er at the 4-Mi Hill Christian Union church on Sunday evening where Mr. Erwin is the pastor. Archer's Ridge ARCHER'S RIDGE Natie Wickham attended the sale at Sarahsville on Friday. Kathy Wiley, of Caldwell, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Eva Gerst and attended the dance at Fulda with her aunt, Anna Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wiley, of Caldwell, visited with her mo ther, Mrs. Eva Gerst, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Helen Hines, of Canton and Mrs. Lalia Blaney and chil dren, of Zanesville, visited on Tuesday with their mother, Ber tha Lahue and son. Natie Wickham was shopping in Caldwell, Saturday afternoon. John Anderson called at the home of Dallas Paisley, Saturday evening. The men are busy plowing and sowing oats while the fair sex are busy cleaning house and making garden. Mrs. Sophia Rupple was shop ping in Caldwell, Monday. for Mothers Day DRESSES DACRON CREPES VOILES BEMBERG COTTON All Sizes Many Styles $8-95 u New Spring Styles in HATTIE LEEDS... DAN RIVER GINGHAMS $5-98 Other Cottons $2.98 up LADIES' MISSES' CHILDREN'S INFANTS WEARING APPAREL Estadt's 419 Main Street Phone 159 CALDWELL, OHIO A SPRING RIDE I went down to Marietta today The scenes were gorgeous along the way Old Nature spruced up, with Tulips red Like a beautiful maiden ready to wed. The background was nature's delicate green With flowers of all colors to brighten the scene Trees and shrubs that flower and the orchard's rich bloom Fill the air with their fragrant perfume. With God's rich glory in shrubs and trees And birds all singing in rapturous glee It is fine to live with things so grand Let's keep it that way in our glorious land. Dr. H. B. Hune Caldwell, Ohio South Olive SOUTH OLIVE Mrs. Johnnie Harper and son David, visited her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Harrison at Fredericksburg. Mrs. Ruth V. Harper entertain ed with a Tupperware party, Fri day evening. Mrs. Virginia Harp er was the demonstrator. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanford and son and Mrs. Madge Keyser were callers at the Howard San ford home, Saturday. Mrs. Jerry Bird also called at the Sanford home. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sharkey. Columbus, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Davis, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and son Danny and Ruth L. Harper were business callers in Caldwell. Mrs. Atta Clark and daughters and granddaughters were callers in South Olive, Saturday. Mrs. Clark is spending some time with her daughter in Philo. The county musical at South ern Noble school Thursday night was well attended and well rend ered. Vicki Whetstone, Caldwell, vis ited at the Barton home Sunday. They went on a picnic and fish ing. Mrs. Ruth V. Harper and Ruth L. Harper were callers in Cald well, Thursday. Neil and Marlene Rubel of Co lumbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Rubel. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son called on Mr. and Mrs. How ard Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis of Dexter City called at the William Davis home. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Peters of Beverly visited Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and family, Sunday.. Mrs. John Egnot called on her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Davis, Saturday. Please HER Mere with Hats Blouses Sweaters Stoles Spring Coats Costume Jewelry CUMBERLAND NEWS NOTES CUMBERLAND W.S.C.S. of Methodist church will meet on Tuesday evening in the social rooms. The program will be pre pared by Margaret Secrest and the devotionals by Edna Harper. Refreshments will be served by Eleanore Bell, Hazel Shuster, Jean Roberts, Ida Gaither and Mary McClurg. Rebekah Lodge Cumberland Rebekah lodge will meet on Monday evening at 8:00 p. m. The refreshment com mittee is Mary Ruth Howell, Gladys Vessels and Ellen Hickle. Council To Meet Tne village council will meet on Monday evening at 7:30 p. in. Visit Patient Mrs. Ann Mellinger and daugh ters, Shirley, Sharon and Becky, accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Howell of Crooksv.ille, visited the widow of Rev. Lehman at Jackson, who has just been dis missed from the hospital follow ing surgery. In Hospital Mrs. Charles Gillespie, of route 2, is a surgical patient at Goo Samaritan hospital. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Mort Hitchens, of Caldwell, visited Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Wavr.e Stiers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conn and family visited the weekend with his parents, Harry Conn. Mrs. Ida Gaither has returned to her home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Lena Sauvgeot and family in Cleveland and her son, Millard Gaither and wife at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross visit ed friends in Zanesville on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Erman Bell, of Worthington, spent Friday night with his brother, John and wife on Carl street. CITY SUPS Give HER lingerie from our exciting new group. BARBIZON MOVIE STAR In dry-drip fabrics DACRON COTTON NYLON SATIN NYLON TRICOT! $2-98 To $5.98 Sage TTiree-B Mrs. Shelia Johnson, of Can* ton, has been visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell were business callers in Columbus on Friday. Mrs. Edith McNutt transacted business in Dayton on Saturday. Charles Stigler, of Canton, is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott on route 3. Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Collins and daughters spent Saturday in Columbus. en RID THEY CAN UNDERMINE YOUR HOUSE! Termites often destroy val uable property before anyone is aware of their presence. That is because they live in tunnels which they eat into wood. They do their damage from the inside out We'll check your property for termites free, eradicate them at low cost. Remember an inspection in time saves dollars. For FREE Inspection PHONE 21 TIPTON HARDWARE CALDWELL, OHIO Pest Control Service Announcing THE NEW ... the easy way to buy a car, or anything. Ask us or your dealer and enjoy yourself. 0^ ESTADT'S Handbags All Colors All Fabrics Hosiery... $1.98 "p Clutch Bags .... $1.00 up Very gift-worthy, see-worthy shades and styles ... in famous MOJUD! $1-15 To $1.65