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"Page Four Spiltiebug Conirol Effective This Week Perfect Attendance, Honor Students Listed For Summered School System The following is a list of scholastic and perfect attendance stu dents of Summerfield school for the fifth six weeks period endinj April 10, as announced by Supt. F. Ward Bishop: 'Grade 1: perfect attendance Beverly Biedenbach, Dennis Car penter, Carol Christman, Jay Dee Kerns, Roger Reed, Jerry Tucker: scholastic Audrey Warner, Victoria Grywalski Sheila Bates. Grade 2: perfect attendance Linda Bates, Pamela Edgar, Joyce Cline, Theresa McElfresh Linda Stotts, Frankie Wise: scholastic Frankie Wise, Joyce Cline, Judy Moore. Grade 3: perfect attendance Danny Bates, Barbara Bieden bach, Donald Burbacher, Debra .Carpenter, Lowell Kerns, 'John Kirkbride, Betty Leach, Peggy Moore, Gary Reed, Cynthia Stal lings, Gary Truax scholastic Barbara Biedenbach, Brenda This week is the opportune time to spray meadows and pas tures for spittlebug control, ac cording to an announcement by Noble county agent, agriculture, Floyd Henderson. The work is most effective if the material is applied while clover and alfalfa are 4 to 6 inches tall. The rate of growth now is such that applications after this week will be less effec tive and need to have a larger volume of water used to get satisfactory results. Heptachlor and methoxychlor are the two materials recom mended, either one will give satisfactory results. It requires two pints of 25% emulsion of Heptachlor per acre diluted in 10 gallons of water or two quarts of a 24% emulsion of methoxychlor per acre diluted in 10 gallons of water will accom plish the same results. Experience over the last 10 years has shown that the con trol of spittlebug by this or a similar method will increase hay or pasture yields from 15 to 25%. In some instar^es the increase may be as much as 50%.. SALES TAX RECEIPTS Sales tax receipts in Noble county for the week ending April 11 amounted to $1,669.94 com pared to $1,286.06 for the same period in 1958. Total collected to date in this county amounts to $107,276.57 compared to $107,074.25 for the same number of months the past year. O MOUNDVIEW—In the Pieeo MEAT BOLOGNA 1 Lb. Bacon SHI RFINE CAKE MIXES S.o-CUL—10-oz. (Ilassc-, Clark, John Kirkbride, Cynthia Stallings. Grade 4: perfect attendance Dale Archer, Wayne Bates, Lena Christman. David Dvsert, Carol Moore, Leo Powell, Tommy Sny der, Sue Stephens, Richard Hill Connie Wise scholastic Dale Archer, Lena Christman, David Dysert, Carol Moore, Sue Ste phens. Grade 5: perfect attendance Jack Blakslee, Johnny Truax, George Warner, Kenneth Wise, Patricia Archer, Barbara Leach, Kay Morris, Judy Reed, Linda Warner scholastic Jack Blaks lee, Kenneth Wise, Patricia Archer, Barbara Leach. Grade 6: perfect attendance Gary Edgar, Donald Warner, Gary Snyder scholastic Gary Edgar, Eddie Hanes, Martin Johnson, Sandra Harding, Caro lyn Guiler, Rosie Smithberger. Grade 7: perfect attendance Brian Christman, Gene Reed, Gary Roe, Alice Carpenter. Darlene Thompson, Donna Kirk bride scholastic Alice Car penter, Donna Kirkbride, Darla Starr. Grade 8: perfect attendance Lila Christman, Barbara Leasure scholastic Karl Guiler Vernon Kirkbride, Lila Christman. Grade 9: perfect attendance Mary Starr, Olive Hill, Judy Gressel, Richard Dimmerling, Ray Gant scholastic Ann Shelton, Sandra Smith, Karola Delong. Grade 10: perfect attendance Vivian Moore, Carolyn Franklin, Larry Edgar: scholastic Rich ard Schehl, James Crum. Grade 11: perfect attendance Rita Gressel, Loretta Henry, Peggy Christman, Virgil Thomp son, Leanna Carpenter scholas tic Leanna Carpenter, Rita Gressel, Peggy Christman. Grade 12: perfect attendance Helen Moore scholastic Law rence Crum, Helen Moore. Kath ryn Bishop. ATTENDS MEETING Clayton S. Smith, superinten !ent of the Caldwell schools, has been selected to serve on the executive committee of the state exempted village superinten dent's association, Columbus, which is affiliated with the Ohio Association of School Adminis trators. A meeting of this com mittee was held in Columbus Wednesday oi^this week and Mr. IjSmith was in attendance. n 0 FOR 3 MEALS 1 Pkg. Chipped Beef I Lb. Sausage Buckeye STREITMANN'S RAISIN RUMMEY COOKIES 39 Pie Crust Mix 9s$100 l'»I 1 i i Ml* -U ».!(• i'llow• Peanut Butter 3s*1 SIII KHM --ii: i 1 ti(. HotDes CATSUP 51 *1 HOLLAND DUTCH TREAT Olive Street All tor Moundview *1 Devil s 1 odd 41S1 ICE CREAM IRWIN'S .00 .00 Tusco AC E E PARKING Local ONG Unit Promotes Trainina For Entire Group There were 51 enlisted men and three officers answered the roll call when regular meeting of the Noble County Ambulance unit of the Ohio National Guard was held at the armory, Wednes day night, with Capt. Charles J. Coyle in charge. The training period concerned advanced individual military oc cupational specialty. Capt. Coyle issued a directive that the men would attend the next drill practice on May 6 in their summer uniforms. The commanding officer also announced that the unit received a rating of superior at their ordinance inspection held April 20. Capt. Donald Larry, Newark maintenance shop, was the of ficer in charge. It was also announced that Ronald Crock and Robert Smith berger left Saturday for Fort Knox, Ky., where they will take their special six months train ing and then report back to the local ONG unit. Religious Drama To Be Presented Sunday As a iini::X to ihe \vek "Building Bible Homes Cam paign," a religious drama will be presented this coming Sunday evening at the First Church of Christ on North street. The cast will include Mrs. Ed. Reinhard, Mrs. Earl Woodford, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Sheila Schafer, Carlos Connell, Charles Wilson and Ronald Shell. The play is especially pointed to the problems of young couples establishing Christian homes and a cordial invitation is extendi the general public by the pastei. Rev. Ira J. Brandon. Kings Men Quartet To Sing Ai Local Church The Kings Men, a quartet from Asbury Seminary, Wil more, Kentucky, will be singing and preaching in the Caldwell Free Methodist church this week end, May 2 and 3. The service on Saturday even ing will begin at 7:30 o'clock while the services on Sunday will bo at 10:45 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend. 3 sj oo CALLIE SIURIRFSH OLEO 61 *1 .00 00 sill HI INI! TATI'EKi.D TOIU Peaches In Heavy Syrup Halves and Sliced 3NO. 00 2/2 CANS I 59 '/a" Gallon Supermarket State Route 78 THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Woodie Faye Rutherford estate, proof of publication of notice of appointment filed. Joseph Champlin estate, waiv of summons on petition to sell real estate filed. Perl Blake estate, waiver of notice filing of inventory filed. Joseph Champlin estate, waiv er of Summons on petition to sell real estate filed. John lams estate, return of Red Cross Drive Lags In County Chapter Chairman Mrs. Sara Young announced today that about 70 percent of the rural solicitations of the Red Cross fund campaign has been received at the local office. In dollars and cents, this per centage is only half of the county's quota of $2,773. Chairman Mrs. Young said that if you haven't purchased your 1959 membership card, you are urged to do so now, at the local Red Cross office in the court house Monday through Saturday Although the volunteer solici tors are doing a wonderful job, it is impossible for them to con tact everyone and you are being urged to make a voluntary con tribution. FINED IN COURT Edward F. Furbfce, Caldwell, was fined $50 and costs in muni cipal court, Cambridge, Saturday and also sentenced to three days in the county jail after entering a plea of guilty to a charge of driving while under license suspension. Furbee also drew a fine of $25 and costs on a charge of driving left of center. Both charges were filed by the state patrol, following an automobile accident. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Ed. Reinhard, of Fairground street, is really sold on classified advertising in The Journal. At least he can thank a 50 cent ad vertisement for recovering their pet parakeet, which was found by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henery, Belford street. Mr. Reinhard said he never expected to see this pet for his children again but he kept watching the classifieds anyway, just in case and it paid off. PATIENT IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Florence Gillespie, Ava route 1, is a patient in the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville where she is recovering from major surgery. *•53 .&ffM MAY 3-10, 1959 TO OBSERVE SOIL STEWARDSHIP WEEK Rural Life Sunday, May 3, and Soil Stewardship Week, May 3 thru 8th, are two times when farmers and townspeople observe and reney faith in the land and other resources to which we owe our high standard of living. We have become a great nation because of these resources and if we are to remain great, as a nation and people, we must conserve the resources that made and can support us at the level to which we have become accustomed. Conservation is wise use and can fee applied to any x-esource. Conservation applied to one resource will usually have a beneficial affect on the other re sources. Our natural resources include soil, water, woodland, and wildlife. Rural Life Sunday and Soil Stewardship Week occur natur ally in the spring when the grass has turned green and showers have cleansed the hills that man may be inspired to take a good look at his environment and ask himself, "Do I like all that I see?" "What can I do to improve the things I do not like?". The Soil Conservation Service and your local Soil Conservation Dis trict office can help you find answers to problems in the wise use of natural resources. Court House Happenings Probate Court Howard Shafer estate, journal entry, appointment of testamen tary trustees. Wilbur A. Seevers estate, journal entry, order to record proof of publication of notice of appointment. E. J. Shackle estate, journal entry, order approving inventory and appraisement. Perl Blake estate, journal entry, orders on filing inventory and appraisement, order approv ing inventory and appraisement. John lams estate, confirming salS, ordering de£td. Howard Shafer estate, applica ••:on for appointment of testa mentary trustees letters of auth rity to transfer filed. Wilbur A. Seevers estate, peti tion for authority to transfer certificate of title to motor vehicle filed. public sale filed. Juanita Triplett estate, precipe on petition to purchase leal estate by surviving spouse filed. Real Estate Transfers Raphael and Rita Yontz et: a^., to Norbert and Ethel Gerst, sur render of oil and gas lease. Lewis E. and Inez R. Davidson to Consolidation Coal Co., Center township, 45.242 acres. Clarice Wickham, deceased, to Daniel A. Wickham et. al., Center township, affidavit for transfer. Daniel A. Wickham et. al., Chelcie and Elsie McConneH, Center township, 41.31 acres. G. T. and Lois V. Jennings to Nellie A. Ullman, village of Cald well, lot 117, third addition. Hazel Brown et. al., to Anna Douglass, village of Batesville, lot 21. Evelyn Bcadwell, to Ruth Hinchliffe, Noble township, Maple Heights, lot 5. Norbert and Ethel G. Gerst to Un'on Carbide Corp., Enoch township, 6.82 acres. Tessie M. Danford to Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer, Olive and Center township, 126.49 acres. Ruth and Bruce Hinchliffe to Patrick and Iva Irvine, Noble township, Maple Heights, lot 5. Martha Cain to Raymond Den nis, village of Caldwell, lots 9 and 16, Young and Gouchenour Addition. Raymond Dennis to Martha Cain, agreement. Leland A. and Mildred M. Clark to Norbert and Ethel Gerst, Jefferson township, lots 23, 24, 25, 29, 30 and part 31. William M. Smith, deceased, to Edwin Earl Smith, et. al., Sharon township, 14 acres. Charles and Myrtle Hardesty to C. A. and J. C. Crum, Elk township, 7 Vz acres. Harry F. Evans et. al., to Leander Crock and Ruben Schaf er, Olive township, .62 acre. Clifton Neal and Clara Dan ford to Robert B. and Helen Jean Feldner, Noble township, town of Johnstown, lots 25 and 26. Church Notes Mt. Lpnraim Methodist Church Rev. Robert Griesinger, Pastor Church school, 9:00 a. m. Worship service, 10:00 a. m. East Union Methodist Church Harold Grable, Pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. New Harmony Baptist Church Leslie Koskovics, Pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Harriettsville Methodist Church Worship service, 9:00 a. m. Church school, 10:00 a. m. Summerfield Church of Christ McKinley R. Bates, Pastor Bible study, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30. Church of Christ on Main Street Church school, 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. United Presbyterian Church Sharon, Ohio Dr. Russell Hutchison, pastor Worship service, 9:30 a. m. Church school, 10:20 a. m. Qkuhzh yioioA Reinersville Methodist Charffe Harvey H. McPheron, pastor, Reinersville Worship service 10:00 a. m. Rural Life Sunday. Church school, 10:45 a. m. Ohio area convocation on high er education at the Veterans Me morial auditorium in Columbus Tuesday, May 5, at 10:00 a. m. Smith's Chapel Church school, 10:00 a. m. Worship ser vice, 11:00 a. m. Rural Life Sun day. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30| p. m. Spiritual Life Hour of Power. W.S.C.S. is to meet at the home of Edna Rennock on Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Keith Church school, 9:30 a. m. Youth fellowship Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Dungannon Church school, 10:30 a. m. Prayer meeting Tues day, 7:30 p. m. Youth fellowship, 7:30 p. m. Forest Grove Worship Caldwell First Methodist Church E. Parker West, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. A rural life program will be presented with 4-H groups par ticipating. Sermon "Continue Communicating." Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. Caldwell First Baptist Church Roy Wikander, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Observance of the Lord's Supper. Evening service, 8:00 o'clock. Sermon "Fear or Faith?" Note: All evening services are sched uled for 8:00 o'clock throughout the summer unless announced otherwise. South Olive Methodist Church Lenley Addis, pastor South Olive Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Margaret Pryor, supt. Morning worship, 10:30 a. m. Middleburg Church school, 10:00 a. m. Emil Barnett. supt. Olive Green Church school, 10:00 a. m. Charles Nichols, supt. Evening worship, song service beginning at 8:00 o'clock. Ser mon: "The Church." Followed by the fourth quarterly conference with Rev. Richard Drake, district supt. in charge. All members of the charge are urged to attend. Everyone else welcome. First Church of Christ Ira J. Brandon, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Sermon: "Live Ye ." Evening service, 7:30 p. in. a l'eligious drama will be fea tured. Macksburgr-Dexter City Methodist Charge Walter H. Brown, pastor Marv Reed Memorial church— Church school, 10:30 a. m. Wor ship service, 9:30 a. m. Dexter City church Church school, 10:00 a. m. C. C. Webber, supt. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Maeksburg church Church school, 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Ina Bates, supt. Worship service at 7:30 p.m. Caldwell United Presbyterian Church Fred H. Eastman, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Church worship service, 10:30 a. m. Anthem by the choir. Ser mon "Proclaiming the Gospel Today." County wide all organization Rural Life Sunday will be obser ved in the school gym at 2:30 p. m. Monday, Monthly meeting for board of trustees at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, choir rehearsal at 7:00 p. m. Bible study hour, 8:00 p. m. Friday evening, Senior class play, May 8. Rev. Eastman attended the Senior Hi Westminster fellow ship rally at New Concord Sun day afternoon. Ogle's Ridge Church J. T. Barnes, pastor Church school, 10:00 a. m. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. The public is cordially invited to all services. Summerfield Methodist Church H. F. Durham, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. C. D. IflcKinney, supt. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. M.Y.F. and evening worship each Sunday night. Bible school each Thursday evening. Summerfield Free Methodist Church Paul W. Smith, Pastor Church school and church unified services, 2:00 p. m. Mt. Tabor Methodist Church Milford R. Carey, Pastor Church school, 10:30 a. m. Clarence Spence, supt. Worship service, 9:00 a. m. Caldwell St. Philomena Catholic Church Rev. Fr. S. J. Pekalla, pastor ser vice, 8:00. Rural Life Sunday. District M.Y.F. Rally at the Bethesda church May 3. Road Fork Baptist Church Harriettsville, Ohio Ray Fellenger, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Morning worship, 10:30 o'clock.' Young people at 7:30 p. m. Monday, May 4, through May 10 there will be special meetings each evening at 7:30 o'clock with Rev. Marshall Harper as the speaker. First Friday mass, 7:30 p. m. Confession Saturday at 1:30, 3:00 and 7:00 p. m. Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30 a. m. Belle Valley Corpus Christi Rev. Fr. James A. Dirker, pastor Sunday morning 8:00 a. m. (Low Mass)'. 10:00 a. m. (High Mass). Confessions Saturday and on eve' of Holy Day 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. St. Mary's Church (Fulda) Fr. J. J. Donaldson, pastor Sunday masses, 7:30 a. m. and 9:30 a. m. Confession Saturday, 7:30 p. m. St. Michael's Catholic Church (Carlisle) Rev. Fr. Rudolph Wargo, pastor Sunday mass at 9:00 a. m. Daily mass at 7:30 a. m. Novena Devotions every Sat urday at 7:30 p. m. St. Henry's Catholic Church Harriettsville, Ohio Rev. Fr. Ashley B. Pettis i Masses: Sundays, 9:00 a. m. week days, 7:30 a. m. Saturdays, 8:00 a. m. First Friday and Holy Days, 7:30 p. m. Confessions before all masses, or at any other convenient time. Perr.vopolis Free Methodist Church Ronald Wells, Supply Pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Barry's Ridge Church J. T. Barnes, Pastor Church school, 2:00 p. ,m. Worship service, 3:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Tuesday ait 7-30 p. m. 1958 1957 1955 1957 1955 Thursday, April 30, 1059 Pleasant City Lutheran Church A. G. Higgle, pastor St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Pleasant City Church service, 9:15 a. m. Church school, 10:15 a. m. Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Pleasant City route Church school, 9:15 a. m. Church ser vice, 10:15 a. m. Harmony Lutheran Church, Buffalo Church school, 10:00 a. m. Church service, 11:15 a. m. Summerfield Bible Missionary Church Church school, 9:30 a. m. Testimony service, 10:30 a. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Hiramsburg-Cumberland Methodist Charge Carl Bucey, pastor Hiramsburg Church Wor ship service, 9:30 a. m. Church school, 10:30 a. m. Cumberland Church Wor ship service, 11:00 a. m. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Ava Free Methodist Church Leroy Hiett, Pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening, 7:30 p. m. i Caldwell Free Methodist Church James L. Mason, pastor Church school, 9:30 a. m. Worship service, 10:30 a. m. Children's service, 7:00 p. m. F.M.Y. at 7:00 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Midweek service, Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Sarahsville Free Methodist Ronald Wells, Supply Pastor Worship service, 10:00 a. m. Church school, 11:00 a. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. USED CARS BUICK CENTURY, Hardtop, 2-Door, 6.70x15 White Sidewall Tires, Red and White Finish. Like New, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission. 4 7 U I K 2- O O S E A N a k i n i s JL 3* Like new, Good Tires, Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission. An Extra Clean Car. A U I K 2 O O S e a n S a n a a n s- JL mission, Radio, Heater, Yellow and White Finish, Good Tires. DODGE ROYAL 4-DOOR SEDAN, Ex tra Clean, Gold and White Finish, Like New, Radio, Heater, Torque Flite Trans mission. PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, Green Top, Cream Finish, Like New, New Battery. Motor Overhauled, Hydramatic Trans mission, Radio, Heater. CHEVROLET BEL AIR, Sport Sedan, Green Two-Tone Finish, Like New, V-8 Engine, Powerglide Transmission, Radio, Heater. Has all the appearances of a new car. OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN, Power Steering, Power Brakes, New Tires, Blue Finish, Like New, Radio, Heater. Will sell with new car warranty. FORD 350 SERIES, One-Ton Truck, has a Flat Bed, Dual Rear Wheels, 4-Specd Transmission, Heater, Signal Lights, Six Cylinder Engine. Extra Nice. CHEVROLET DEL RAY 2-DOOR, Heat er, Oil Filter, 3 Speed Transmission, Good Tires, Red and White Finish like New, Low Mileage. An Extra Clean One. "J 7 O S O I E 9 8 4- O O S E A N JL a Radio, Heater, Hydramatic Drive. Power Steeiing, Power Brakes, New Tires, Good Black Finish like new. Has new Car Ap pearance. MERCURY, 2-DOOR StoAN. MONTE rey, Two-Tone Finish, Like New. Good Tires, Clean Inside and Out, Radio and Heater, Push Button Drive, Low Mile age. A Used Car You Would Be Proud To Own. BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR SEDAN, Radio, Heater, Blue Finish, Clean Inside,' White Side Wall Tires, One Owner, In A-l Shape. FORD FAIRLANE "500" Convertible Coupe, New Top, Good Tires, Radio, Heater, Ford-O-Matic Transmission. PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DOOR Se dan, Radio, Heater, Good Tires, Clean Inside, Blue Finish Like New, Power flite Transmission. PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN V-8 Engine, Hydramatic Drive, Radio, Heater, Good Tires, Clean Inside and Out. Many Other Accessories. A One Owner Car. 1 7 E V O E E A I S O o u e Heater and Defroster, Undercoated, Good Tires, Power Glide Transmission, Low Mileage, V-8 Engine. One Owner. 1 CHEVROLET TON PANEL TRUCK Tires, Clean, One Owner, Heater' Oil Filter, Six Cylinder Engine. FEW NEW 1959 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR and 4-DOOR SEDANS. Can Furnish Factory Warranty. The Above Listed Cars Sold With WRITTEN GUARANTEE KARL KRESS PHONE GR 2-1633 WOODSFIELD CLARENCE HAGUE, Salesman Used Cars