Newspaper Page Text
Page Six u n v !^v- v"^" v s A HOSPITA Guernsey Memorial Admitted April 20: Mrs. John Urwin, Pleasant City. Dismissed: Mrs. Ruth Kirk, Sarahsville, and Mrs. Everett Singleton, Seneca ville route 1. Admitted April 21: Fernando Connell, Ava route 1. Admitted April 22: Lewis Spur rier, Pleasant City. Dismissed: LaShona Gill, Caldwell. Dismissed April 23: Mrs. Wal ton Starr, Caldwell. Admitted April 24: Mrs. Harry Nixon, Caldwell, and James, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Holbert, Cumberland. St. Francis Admitted Muth, Ava. April 20: William Dismissed April 22: Robert Buckey, Pleasant City. Admitted April 25: Everett Ferguson, Pleasant City. Dis missed: Mrs. Roy Ginn, Buffalo and Donald Jones, Ava. Dismissed April 26: William Muth, Ava. Bethesda Admitted April 20: F. Ward Murrey, Caldwell. Marietta Memorial Admitted April 20: Richard MOVING!!! We will be moving to our new store location soon WE NOW HAVE A LARGE NUMBER, OF USED APPLIANCES Refrigerators and Ranges Gas and Electric Washers and Dryers TV SETS Closing Out At Special Prices for the next lew days! PATTEN'S APPLIANCE CENTER Phone 8 CALDWELL PLANT, CGB, WINS SAFETY AWARDS At the annual safety awards banquet heid Thursday evening at the Cambridge Country club, the Caldwell plant of Cleveland Graphite Bronze company, received two awards from Larry Rhodes, representing the Industrial Com mission for the state of Ohio, shown on the right. Receiving the awards for the company is Robert Vogel, personnel manager and buyer for the Caldwell plant. The awards were presented by the In dustrial Safety council of the Guernsey County Caldwell S A E 100 Lbs. v- ,* U \\N i NSX^^ V -v v s .*' NOTES Hendershot, Whipple route. Dis missed: Mrs. Gerald Hawkins and infant, Whipple route 2 and George Mendenhall, Lowell route 2. Admitted April 21: Mrs. Wylie Stringer, Caldwell route 5, and Mrs. Solomon Stark, Lower Salem. Dismissed: Richard Hen dershot, Whipple route 1 Mrs. George Brown, Lowell and Mrs. Warren Iiutchins, Caldwell route 3. Admitted April 22: Miss Ar lene Morris, Macksburg. Dis missed: Mrs. Walter Thompson, Lower Salem route 1 and Mrs. Robert Fisher. Coal Run. Admitted April 23: Mrs. David Hughes, Whipple route and Mrs. Sarah Day, Harriettsville. Dismissed April 24: Richard Hendershot, Whipple route 1 and Miss Arlene Morris, Macksburg. Admitted April 25: George Schlarb, Warner and Mrs. Carl Sullivan, Dexter City. Dismissed: Albert Pabst, Coal Run. Admitted April 26: Mrs. Harley Pitt, Lowell route 2. Dismissed: Mrs. Charles Williams, Dexter City. Selby General Admitted April 20: Miss Mar garet Sorg, Caldwell route. Dismissed April 21: David Mackie, Macksburg, and Miss Martha Washington, Lowell. Dismissed April 23: Mrs. Andy E. Mishlan and infant, Belle Val ley. Admitted April 24: Andy Kafrak, Ava route 1, and Mary Griffiths, Caldwell. Admitted April 25: Mrs. Albert Bosncr, Lowell. REVIVAL MEETING A two weeks revival meeting will be held beginning May through 17 at the Beaver Baptist church, one mile west of Bates ville. Evangelist Myron K. Guil er will be preaching each even ing at 7:45 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. Evan Guiler recently graduated from Bob Jones University in North Carolina, FRACTURES SHOULDER Bonnie Wickham, of Fulda, fell last week on her way to school and fractured her right shoulder She was treated and dismissed in the office of the Caldwell (. '1 inie. KENNEBEC and COBBLER CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES MOTO-MOWER LAWN MOWERS SAVEup $15.00 $20-°° City Dexter Market DEXTER CITY, OHIO Chamber of Commerce. The group award was received by Caldwell for being second in the group of manufacturers in this area and the achievement award for im provement of the yearly safety average. The local company dropped from eight loss time ac cidents to only two last year during a span of 450,000 work hours. Robert French of March Electric, Cam bridge, is chairman of the safety council and Robert Vogel of Caldwell, the vice chairman. CALDWELL IBRARY NOTES New records for circulation at Caldwell public library are Car men Suite with Philadelphia or chestra, Eugene Ormandy, con ducting, Hawaiian War Chant, Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra, Favorites in Hi-Fi, Jeanette Mac Donald and Nelson Eddy and Hugo Winterhalter Goes Latin. New Books New books added to the lib rary collection are as follows: Breakfast at Tiffany's Capote Ordeal by Innocence, Christie: Mrs. Bridge, Connell Alas, Baby lon, Frank Land Beyond the Mountains, Giles Doctor and Son, Gordon Beauty is a Beast, Knight If a Body Meet a Body, Malcom-Smith Women and Thomas Harrow, Marquand Far Mountains, O'Rourke Home town Doctor, Seifert Champ agne for One, Stout and Ele phant Hill, White. This list does not include light fiction, westerns and replacement titles in the Zane Grey shelf. Non-Fiction Meredith, Writing to Sell Gessell, The Child from Five to Ten Liebman, Emotional Problems of Childhood Marshall, The First Easter Overstreet, What We Must Know About Communism Turner, Complete Guide to U. S. Civil Service Jobs Kemp, Without Fear, Favor or Affection Reingold. How to Get that Part Time Job Conant, The American High School Turner, How To Win College Scholarship Mueller, U. S. Postage Stamps, How to Col lect, Understand and enjoy Them Anerson, Nautilus 90 North Knight, A Simplified Guide to Collecting American Coins and Kovel, Dictionary of Marks, Pottery and Porcelain. Additional titles will be print ted in next week's issue, of the Journal. The list is too long for one issue. Come in and use your public library. Hours are 10:00 to 4:30 Monday through Saturday and in addition, 6:30 to 8:00 p. m. on Saturday evening. Hortense D. Gibson Librarian TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Mrs. Mary Griffith was taken from her home at Sharon to the Selby General hospital. Marietta Friday for observation and treatment. PATIENT IN HOSPITAL Minnie Spicer, of Belle Valley is a patient in the Good Samari tan hospital, Zanesville, where she wns admitted Friday for treatment. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO faming SvcLuI £vsmJtA Olive Homemakers The Olive Homemakers club will meet Wednesday, May 6, at 10:00 a. m. in the extension ser vice room of the courthouse. The lecson will be on leather craft. Hugh Bobey, from Tandy Leather Co., Columbus, will be special guest. All members are urged to attend. Center Grange Center grange will meet in regular session Thursday even ing, May 7, at 8:00 o'clock in the [range hall. Pot luck will be rrved and all members are urged to attend. Sharon Grange Sharon grange No. 1561 will meet in regular session Friday vening, May 1. The business r.eeting will be conducted by the master after which a liter ary program will be enjoyed with "Mother" as the theme. A grange mother will be picked and iwarded a prize. The baking con est for chocolate brownies will be held with both men and women participating. All mem bers are urged to enter this con test. Refreshments will be served. Mothers Club The Caldwell Mothers club will hold their meeting Monday, May 4, at 8:00 p. m. in the high school building. Guest speaker will be Mr. Don W. Mobley, psychiatric social worker, Cam bridge state hospital. Each mem ber is encouraged to bring a guest. National Mental Health week is being observed from April 26 through May 3. Esther Circle The Esther Circle of Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will meet in the church dining room Tuesday evening, May 5, at 7:30 o'clock. The program chairman is Mrs. Jessie Young. Devotions will be in charge of Mrs. Pearl McKee. Hostesses are Sara Cam den, Jessie Blake, Orla Shafer and Ellen Douglass. All members are invited to attend as a spe cial program is being planned. Macksburg Dance A mixed dance will be held at the Macksburg school gym Sat urday night, May 2. A cake walk will be held and door prize given. Refreshments served at all times from the lunch room. Music will be furnished by Murl Thomas and his orchestra. The dances are sponsored by the local school community club and the public is invited. Laurel Grange Laurel grange No. 1678 will hold its regular meeting Thurs day, April 30, at 8:00 p. m. A literary program will be pre sented. Sandwiches and pie will be served following the meeting. Renrock Grange Renrock grange meets Friday evening, May 1, at 8:00 o'clock. A program is planned and re freshments will be served. Mixed Dance A mixed dance will be held Saturday night, May 2, at St. Michael's hall, Carlisle. The Shenandoah Valley gang will furnish the music. The public is invited. Round And Square Dance There will be a round and square dance Saturday night from 9:00 until 12:00 o'clock at Highland Park. The public is in vited. To Hold Dance A round and square dance will be held Saturday evening, May 2, from 9:00 until 12:00 o'clock at the Tiltonsville grade school building. The public is invited. To Have Dinner The dinner for the Past Noble Grands of Noble Rebekah Lodge No. 376 will be held Friday evening, May 1, at 6:00 o'clock at the lodge hall. A short pro gram is planned. All members that have not made their reserva tions please contact Mrs. Gladys Seffens, president of the group. Regular lodge will be held at 8:00 with the vice grand, Jessie Yuiik ill charge. n i) iii LAWN MOWER 19-INCH ROTOMATIC TWO CYCLE $ 46 SPECIAL MIKE'S 95 TIRE SHOP Phone 200 Caldwell major surgery, 535 Mother's Day Dinner The annual mother's day din ner will be held at St. Henry's Parish hall, Harriettsville, Sun day, May 10. Dinner will be ser ved from 11:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. There will be entertainment in the afternoon and a dance in the evening. The public is invited. Mothers Club The regular meeting of South ern Noble Mothers club will be held Monday evening. May 4, at 7:30 o'clock in the cafeteria room All members are urged fo attend THE JOURNAL MAIL BAG Dear Editors: Being the mother of one v i the teen-agers who was in the car involved in the head-on col lision with the Caldwell fire truck- on Friday, April 17th, 1 was extremely interested in the news item of last Thursday's Caldwell Journal concerning the crash. I am finding no fault with the Journal for printing the item, but I believe the person who submitted the article should have told the whole truth con cerning the circumstances which contributed to the crash. Any person reading the item in the newspaper could assume that the accident occurred on a straight stretch of road and the teen agers were entirely fault. The driver of the car in ques tion was following the Cumber land fire truck to the scene of the fire. The Cumberland truck turned left off the narrow, town ship road into a field, the next two vehicles turned off right into a field, and the next car stopped to permit two high school boys to get out of the car at the scene, then drove on to return to Cumberland by another route (to avoid being in the way of other cars following the Cumberland truck). About 300 ft. from the place where the boys left the car the crash oc curred, on a 90 degree blind curve on a one lane road. The teen-agers heard the siren, but thought it was the siren on the Cumberland truck in the field to their left, never dreaming that another fire department would be called to the grass fire. The blinking, red light on the Cald well truck could not be seen due to the very high bank on the inside of the curve, (which was on the right of the teen agers' car and on the left of the fire truck). The teen-agers were not going to the scene of the fire, but were leaving the scene when the two vehicles collided. It was re ported that all four teen-agers were taken to Bethesda hospi tal in Zanesville in the Caldwell emergency truck. Carol Frisbee was the only one taken to the hospital, for which her parents are most grateful. The three boys did not receive any treat ment. As for the practice of follow ing a fire truck to a fire, many, many adults are guilty of just that. If I remember correctly, the Caldwell fire department were most grateful when some high school boys were dismissed from school to aid in fighting a grass fire several weeks ago. They want to be helpful too. The "teen years" are rough years and I believe the adults should try to avoid making them rougher Let's not place blame on them that adults should assume, know they try our patience many times, but we were all teen-agers at one time. The accident was unavoidable, so why don't the firemen admit they were partly to blame. True the fire truck has the right-of way when making a "run" to a fire, but the driver of that vehicle is supposed to exercise caution and have control as well as the driver approaching his vehicle If the crash had occurred three or four minutes later, a Cum berland school bus could have been the victim. We all need to exercise more caution. A teen-ager's mother. DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL Denver Bates, of Canton, form er resident of Noble county, has been dismissed from Aultman hospital, Canton. He is recover ing from a fractured foot at his home on 3240 55th street, N.K., Canton. SUFFERS STROKE Mrs. Betsy Poling, who has been living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stottsberry, South Cumberland street, suffered a stroke at her home and is now a patient in Good Samaritan hos pital, Zanesville. ftUJ-ftUM Sec or call 1 Rev. and Mrs. Fred Eastman will be guests this Friday even ing of Dr. George Martin, mod erator of the Synod of Ohio at a moderator's dinner in the Cal vary church, St. Clairsville. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hook and son, Eugene, of Marietta,visited Sunday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Boeshaar, Main street. Caldwell. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Oliver and family in Summerfield were Mr. and Mrs. Lane Orem and family, of Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manst of New Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Albert White and family of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mathers, of Cambridge. Mrs. Oliver accompanied Mr. and Mrs. White home to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engler, of McConnelsville, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell, Mr. and Mrs. William Zim merman and daughter, Carol Ann, all of Columbus, Inez and Louise Clark and Mr. and Mrs Warden Everly, of Caldwell, visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cam Wil son, West street. Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, of Summerfield route, called on Lydia Gant, East street, last week. Helen Gordon, Lydia and Sarah Gant, recently visited at the home of Angie Johns. Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. Leander J. Smithberger of Lower Salem route 2, were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smithberg er and daughter, Janet, and son James, of Welch, W. Va., Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smithberger, Mari etta, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Estadt and daughter, Kathy Ann of Caldwell. Mrs. W. E. Jacobs, Saraihsville, attended an anniversary party of the Women of the Moose at Laf ferty, Sunday. W. E. Jacobs spent Monday in Wheeling. Mrs. Ethel Daugherty, Cleve land, will be spending the next four weeks with her son, George Daugherty and family on Cald well route 6. ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL Mrs. Carl Sullivan, of Dexter City, was admitted Friday to Marietta Memorial hospital for observation and treatment. N O I E Westmoreland Customers and Friends: Please forward all future orders for Westmoreland Silverware to— MRS. MILDRED PUGH 615 Columbia Williamstown, W. Va. S In the above photo, Instructor Finley is demonstrating the different types of fire streams that are possible with this nozzle. This nozzle was recently presented to the Caldwell fire department by the Cleveland Graphite Bronze company, Caldwell plant, in the interest Thank you—K. VV. Riley BLU BLAK-SUPERBA Finishes On Metal and Stock Choice of all good sportsmen. You'll be amazed by the beauty and economy that's wrapped up in this new and better method for mak ing old guns look and wear better than when new. $5.00 and up. A WIDE SELECTION OF RIFLE SCOPES and BINOCULARS H. O. BUCKEY CALDWELL, OHIO PHONE 295-J Church school, 10:20 a. m. Worship service, 9:00 a. FIREMEN COMPUTE INSTRUCTION IN FIRE FIGHTING Eleven Caldwell firemen and two from Belle Valley will receive certificates for com pleting 30 hours of instruction in firefighting skills and techniques at the close of the last class period held Monday night at the fire house. Individual cards will be presented each man completing the training by John K. Fin ley, instructor from the McConnelsville fire department. (pcA&jDncd yfljmiion and Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hague and son, Eddie, of Danville, visited Sunday with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sholtis, of Caldwell route, and Mr. and Mrs. Okey Hague, of Senecaville route. m. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bates on Caldwell route 1 were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sanford and chil dren and Miss Sharon Beachler of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Glen den Bates and children and Miss Wanda Laughery of Beverly, Miss Diane Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. Murl Thomas of Caldwell route, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanford of Pitts burgh, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bates of Cambridge. Recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gillespie, Fairground street, were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Britten of West Mil ton, Mrs. Mae Steel of Zanesville, Mrs. Carrie Elliott and Mrs. Leonnard Frazier of Chandlers ville and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Parrish, of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Bird Caldwell, Spruce street, recently called o i Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bates, Cum berland. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Brown, of Columbus, visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Carnes at Belle Vallev. SPECIAL! COMPLETE BOTTLED GAS INSTALLATION *5*8 t* $25-0° Includes 2 Full Tanks Range Adjustment PATTEN'S APPLIANCE CENTER 424 North Street Phone 58 Thursday, April 30, of better fire protection for the community. Shown in the demonstration are Frank Tarle ton, Everett Hill, Glen Slay and Instructor Fin ley. The men who completed the training were Merle Barnhart, Subray Dahood, Ben Fowler, Paul Jonard, Everett Hill, Malcolm Parks. Ray Rossman, Dean Riddle, Frank Tarleton, Glenn Slay and Joe Yontz from Caldwell. Lawrence •Macenko and Merle Marietta from the Belle Valley department also completed the course. The training was made available by The Trade and Industrial Vocational Education ser vice of the state department of Education, in cooperation with the Caldwell school. TImwa Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seffens, South Cumberland street, were Mrs. Hugh Seffens and Mr. and Mi's. Herman Lacey of Belpre and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Cam bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Stanley of Wooster and children, Eliza beth Lee and Michael were week end guests of her parents and brother at the Presbyterian, manse, Michael was baptized at the church service Sunday morn ing. s »Jrsui sy a a n 4^ & $ $ Planning fo build? Use NOBLE! Concrete Any Amount.. At Our Yard .. Pick up or Deliver For QUALITY, SAVINGS and Complete Selection, See Us! MORTAR MIX SAND GRAVEL Stock-piled At Our Yard WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS! NOBLE BLOCK COMPANY I I 9lobi& for walls & weed work WITH THiSi FAMOUS SHIRWIN-WIIUAMS him Flat-Tone1 for walls Odorless alkyd wall painf that dries to a flat-matte finish. Exquisite colors for finest deco rating. Washable! Budget priced! mmm KATTO0 Semi-Lustre for woodwork Odorless alkyd enamel with a semi-gloss finish. The perfect painting partner to Flat-Tone. They match color for color. Washable! Economical! s*M|-LU5TW DONALD D. NICHOLS "The Best For Less" u:\ .5 i'U, Ohio Blocks AVAILABLE IN SIZES 12-- 8 4 Inches ijfi^ Tested To Double State's Specifications OLD MINE SITE NORTH OF CALDWELL Phone Caldwell 388-F-3 I ill!