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Page Eight Qowiwil Soritsdi} Mr. and Mrs. Albert Offen berger, of Waterford, wish to an nounce the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, Theresa Ann, to Ken neth R. Schoit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schott, of Caldwell. Miss Offenberger is a graduate Of Waterford high school and is employed at the Save-More Mar ket in Beverly. Mr. Schott grad uated from Caldwell high school and is employed by Crock and Schafer, Caldwell. The wedding will take place Tuesday, May 5, at 9:30 a. m. in St. Bernard Catholic church. Beverly. Monsignor A. W. Schil ling will officiate at the cere mony. A public dance will be held in the evening in the church base ment from 8:30 until 11:30 in honor of the bride and bride groom. Caldwell PTA Meets Monday Evening, Apr. 27 The monthly meeting of the Caldwell P. T. A. opened in regular form Monday evening with the president, Hope Web ster, in charge. Invocation was given by Fr. S. J. Pekalla fol lowed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag. A report was given by Mrs. Ruth McEl fresh on auditing of (books. Installation of officers followed by Mrs. Frances Wood as installing officer. A report was read by Mrs. George Daugh erty on various publication ma terial. Mrs. Martha Reed was appointed as the new publication officer for the coming year. The banner for April was won by the fourthWgrade boys. The meeting was then adjourned. The program for the evening was under the direction of Mar vin Wood and Glenn Scott. A piano solo was presented by Mark Webster followed by a number of musical selections, tumbling acts and trampoline acts were presented by a group of boys from the 8th grade through 12. Following the program refresh ments were served by the com mittee. O N E 9 8 American Legion Auxiliary To Hold 33rd Anniversary Dinner The 33rd anniversary :.i the Noble Unit l'x2, American Legion auxiliary, will be observed with a pot luck dinner in the Legion hall, Wednesday evening, May 6, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. The dinner is for all legion and auxiliary members and fam ilies. Meat will be furnished by the committee. Each person is asked to bring their own table service. Theresa Offenberger Is Now Engaged To Kenneth R. Schoft Mrs. Charles Yockey, Bridge port, 11th district president, will be present at the dinner. Sgt. William Fraer, Zanesville, army recruiter, will show a one hour film in full color entitled "The Pentomic Army." The film will demonstrate the pentomic concept of fighting a nuclear war. It will include demonstra"5 tions of the latest weapons guided missiles and equipment presently in operation. Irene Kalan Hostess To Caldwell Band Mothers Mrs. Irene Kalan was hostess Friday evening to the Caldwell Band Mothers at her home in Bronze Heights. Mrs. Adaline Jordan conducted the business meeting and thanked the mem bers and officers for their fine cooperation during the past year. An election of new officers were held as follows: president, Mrs. Jessie Elliott vice presi dent, Mrs. Faye Hayes secre tary-treasurer, Mrs. Mary See rest. The new officers will take office the first of June. Others present were: Mrs. Mar garet McDonald, Mrs. Alice Noon, Mrs. Ruth Shondriek, Mrs. Sara Stellfox, Mrs. Roberta Big ley, Mrs. Vivian Feldner, Mrs. Kathryn Lorenz, Mrs. Murl Pickenpaugh, Mrs. Edna Fore man, Mrs. Kathleen Hupp, Mrs. Marcella Paxton, Mrs. Faye Wiley, Mrs. Frances Wood, Mrs. Hope Webster, Mrs. Etta Davis, Mrs. Alice Brown and the host ess. Jennie James Society Meets Tuesday Night Eleanor Briggs was hostess Tuesday evening to members of the Jennie James Missionary Society of the First Baptist church. The meeting opened with group singing and a prayer. During the business meeting plans were completed for the Mother-Daughter banquet to be held Friday evening, May 1. Following the meeting the group sewed on rug rags. Delicious refreshments were served to: Ada Ramage, Susie VanFossen, Lucy Williams, Mar querite Wikander, Martha Pat ten, Lois Dudley, Irene Schnee berger, Helen Johnson, Martha Burlingame, Virginia Doan, Mar garet Ann Morgareidge and Sara Bruce. Ml 9* MODEL LB-10S Magnetic Safety Door Full-width Freezer Chiller Tray Two Vegetable Drawers Adjustable Cabinet Shelves Removable Adjustable Door and ... Only Shelves Famous General Electric Dependability $ 199 95 and your old Refrigerator PATTEN'S A I A N E E N E Phone 58 North Street !P9lWWM»K'.f I it* CAROL A. HORNING Local Girl Is Named Cadet Corps Sponsor Mrs. Carol Archer Horning of 719 Cumberland street, Caldwell, has been named Deputy for Material in the Corps of Spon sors of the Ohio Wesleyan Uni versity Air Force ROTC Detach ment at Delaware, Ohio. She is the daughter of Judge and Mrs. W. Vernon Archer. Members of the Corps are selected annually by the officer of the organization which they sponsor. They serve for the entire year and hold the rank of the cadet officer who selects them. The Corps of Sponsors was presented recently at the Mili tary Ball and will participate in a dress parade in May. Presbyterian Circle Two vfeets In Evilsizer Home Mrs. Ruth Evilsizer entertained members of Circle Two of the Presbyterian church in her home Thursday evening with Mrs. Mary Jo Heddleson serving as companion hostess. Twila Ball opened the meeting with the Lord's Prayer and read ing an article entitled "Girl in the Gauze Mask." Mrs. Mildred Eastman reviewed the study book "Spirits Speak to the Church." Mrs. Ball gave the book Every Widening Circles." The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Refreshments were served by the hostesses to Mrs. Twila Ball. Mrs. Jane Radcliff, Mrs. Ethel Davis, Miss Mary Rad liff, Mrs. Mary Frye, Miss Ber nice Mills, Mrs. Esther Shafer, Mrs. Mildred Eastman and Ger tha Radcliff. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mary and Gertha Radcliff. .ambda Phi Class Meeting Jeld In Ira Brandon Home Rev. and Mrs. Ira Brandon and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson were companion hosts and host esses Friday evening to members of the Lambda Phi Sunday school of the First Church of Christ in the former's home on North street. Rev. Brandon led the worship rvice. The president had charge a short business meeting. Fol uvvinK the meeting games and ontests were enjoyed. Delicious efreshments were served to the following: Bobby Miller, Ronnie Shell, Nancy Clark, Mary Connell, era id Elliott, Jolene Hayes, Mr. nd Mrs. Ed Reinhard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meek and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woodford. Pioneer Girls Will Hold Mother's Tea The Pioneer girls will sponsor a Mother's Tea on Saturday, May 2 in the chapel of the First Uaptist church, Caldwell, from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m., according to announcements by Mrs, Charles Patten and Mrs. Myron Guiler, guides for the group. Along with the teji, the girls' encampment will be held at which time they will be pre sented awards for achievements completed in the last three months. A short program has been planned by the group according io a report from Mrs. Florence Moore, chairman. Mrs. Bernice Parcell Entertains Beverly Circle Mrs. Bernice Parcell, Beverly entertained members of the Friendly Circle club last Wednes day. The day was spent quilting on two quilts. At noon a delicious baked ham dinner was served to thirteen members, four guests and three children. Guests were Carrie Par cell, Zora Welch, Effie Parcell and Gladys Lewis. The door prize was won by La vada Silvers and the guest prize INSURANCE THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Connie Smith Is Honored On Birthday Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith of Dexter City entertained Friday evening with a surprise party in honor of their daughter, Connie, on her sixteenth birthday anni versary. Dancing and games were en joyed by the following guests: Leon Byrd, Marie Theiss. Wanda Wilson. Terry Prvor, Alva Heet er, Vicki Siers, Sandra Bates Donna Arnold, Judy Rollyson, Wayne Rogers, Steven Binegar, Dick Tidd, Danny Miller, Art Bolen. Darlene "Cookie" Carrel, Nancy Clymer, Skip Carrel, Dav id Lewis, Stanley Wilson, Ceci Wilson, Mike Bolen, Lay Smith, Mark Smith and John Carter. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Smith, assisted by Kathryn Wilson and Barbara Way. The honored one was pre sented with a number of nice gifts. Summerfield Youth Is Honored On Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stern, Sum merfield route 2, entertained at their home Friday evening with a birthday party in honor of their son, Floyd Stern, Jr., on his 18th anniversary. Social diversions were enjoyed during the evening. The honored one was presented with many nice gifts from the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and son,. Mrs. Virginia Singer, Enos Singer, Marilyn Singer, Janis Bishop, Diana Clark, Sandra Smith, Kathryn Shackle, Barbara Barnett, Jerald Wise, Norma Bates, Charles Moore, Bob Dur man, George Lcasure, George Mallett, Virgil Thompson, Mar vin Dimmerling, Larry Crum, James Crum, Terry Mallett, Gary Wehr, Clesson Carpenter, Gary Bates, Randal Brownfield and Richard Schell. April Meeting Of Club Is -leld At Robinson Home The April meeting of the Friendly Sewing club was held at the home of Mrs. Mae Robin son in Olive. Mrs. Carletta Morri son served as co-hostess. During the sewing hour quilt squares were pieced for the host ess. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses to the following members and guests: Mrs. Marilyn Bond, Mrs. Sadie Camden, Mrs. Estalene Danford, Mrs. Tessie Danford, Mrs. Mary Davis, Miss Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Fern Lantz, Mrs. Opal Pilcher, Mrs. Kathryn Pitts, Mrs. Edna Tarleton, Mrs. Marjorie Salings and Mrs. Gladys Seffens. Guests were Mrs. Maggie Glidden of Waterford and Mrs. Genevieve Johnson. The next meeting will be Thurs day, May 21, at the home of Mrs. Marilyn Bond, with Mrs. Mary Davis serving as co-hostess. The feature of the meeting will be the flower slip exchange. Mrs. Walter Quick Is Hostess To Dinner Bridge Mrs. Glen lams and Mrs. Harry Richcreek won the prizes Tues day evening when Mrs. Walter Quick entertained with a dinner bridge at her home on Main street. Those present were: Mrs. How ard Tarleton, Mrs. John Parks, Mrs. Glen lams, Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Mrs. Frank Tarleton, Mrs. T. M. Ehlermann, Mi Nelle Headley and Miss Thelma Rice. SHOWER IS PLANNED A miscellaneous shower i being planned for Wednesday evening, April 29, In the base ment of Ragon's Cnapel Meth odist church, Hoskinsville, foi Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baker and son, Russell Jr., 20, and daugh ter, Nancy, 1G. Gifts of groceries canned goods, money, clothing and anything useable will greatly appreciated. It will remembered that their home and entire belongings were destroyed by fire early Sunday mornim Everyone is invited. MARRIAGE LICENSE* Two marriage licenses wei issued this week in the Noblt county probate court, accordim to Judge Earl P. McGinnis. Thc\ were Floyd Steed, Noble town ship, laborer and Delores Dim merling, Caldwell Harold Car penter, Marietta, service station attendant and Nora Mae Wi liams, Elk township. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schafer, of Caldwell, were invited dinner guests Sunday for the 89th birth day anniversary of Bert Saltsz gaver in Cambridge. He is a former resident of Caldwell. Reed Insurance Agency Phone 43 I. O. O. F. Bldg. CALDWELL, OHIO OF ALL TYPES PAULINE REED Miss Pauline Reed Has Announced Engagement Mrs. Hazel Reed, of Caldwell route 6, is announcing the en gagement of her daughter, Pau line, to Mr. James D. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robin son, of Sarahsville route 1. The bride-elect is a 1958 grad uate of Caldwell high school and is employed at the Caldwell Clinic. Mr. Robinson is a 1952 graduate of Sarahsville high school and is employed at the Cleveland Gra phite, Caldwell. Wedding plans are incomplete. Literary Club Meets In Kathleen Hupp Home The April meeting of the Cald well Woman's Literary club was held Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Kathleen Hupp in Bronze Heights. The roll call was answered by Spring Thoughts. The president, Mary Slater, conducted 'a short business meeting. An article entitled "Charles Franklin Ket tering" was presened by Lillian Beyer. Mrs. Slater presented a selection of interesting musical number on the Hi-Fi set from the county library. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the fol lowing: Margaret Archer, Lillian Beyer, Inez Clark, Louise Clark, Adaline Jordan, Ruth Knox, Ruth McElfresh, Marion Robey, Mary Slater, Mayme Sealock, Irma Smith, Rama Steen and Frances Wood. Brownie Scout Patrol, No. One, Meets Thursday Brownie Scout Patrol, No. One, met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ruth Tarleton for their regular monthly meeting. Ethel Moore, assistant leader, was in charge. Sixteen members answered the roll call. The meeting was opened by the president, June Franklin, with the presentation of colors and pledge to the flag. The pro gram for May was discussed and plans were made for marching in the Decoration Day program. The meeting was closed by the leader, Mrs. Tarleton, to open again Thursday, April 30, at 3:30 p. m. MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license was issued last week in the Noble county probate court to Nelson Thomp son, 21, of Jefferson township, carpenter and Catherine Miller, 18, Olive township- Herk. UVR BERRY 39c VALUES look Who's Here! Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Bates of Usumbura, Urundi, Congo Beige, Africa, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, April 21. The new arrival has been given the name of David Earl. Grandpar ents are Earl Bates of Caldwell route 1 and Mrs. Pauline Parsons of Grand Ledge, Michigan. Monica Susan is the name giv en to the new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milan Mika of Ava route 1. The new arrival was born Sunday, April 12. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macenko, Sr., of Ava route 1 and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mika, Sr., also of Ava route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nixon of Caldwell are announcing the birth of a son Friday, April 24 in the Guernsey Memorial hos pital, Cambridge. The new arrival weighed six pounds, six and one half ounces at birth and has been named Harry Brent. Grandpar ents are Mrs. Delsie Haugh, of Derwent, Mrs. Thomas Rucker, Caldwell, and Glen Johnson of Los Angeles, Calif. Great grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ar cher, Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams, Dexter City, are the parents of a son born Friday, April 24 in the Marietta Memorial hospital. The new arrival weighed nine pounds and two ounces at birth and has been given the name of David Charles. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woodford, Caldwell route 3 and Mr. and Mrs. Miles Williams, Caldwell route 3. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Garlinger, of Columbus, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, April 21. The new arrival weighed six pounds and ounces and has been given the name of Karen Sue. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Hill, of Ava route 1, and Mrs. Helen Tilley, of Co lumbus. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinnen, of Belford street, Caldwell. The mother is the former Murilla Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Black burn, of Findlay, are announcing the birth of a son, named Jon Edward. The mother is the form er Virginia Law, of Cumberland, and the father is a dentist in that city. Herbert R. Blackburn, of Cumberland, is the paternal grandfather. ATTEND CONVENTION C. D. Elliott and Robert Whit comb represented the Caldwell Lion's club at the sub-district rally held Sunday in Columbus. Charles Boring, of Thornville, was elected district governor for 13-B, which includes Noble county. Mr. Elliott is president of the Caldwell club. Donald Lucas, of Frazeysburg, was named zone chairman for the second year. LOCAL DELEGATE Dr. Frederick M. Cox repre sented Noble county at the state medical association meeting held in Columbus Tuesday and Wed nesday of last week UNDER CONSTRUCTION The new home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Jackson is now under construction on USR 21 in Park Heights. Contractors William Lahue and Sy Boyd will be in MOM OR GRANDMA-SHPS ALWAYS YOUR BEST GIRL BERRY BOWL 6 for 35c E & STORE BERRY DISH & BOWL, SET Set of 6 Dishes and 1 Bowl SET New Swirl Design. HASSOCK OR SEAT 16"xl6"xl4". Beautiful Asst colors. Plastic leather grain seat, black finished legs. The perfect gift. Reg. $3.98 irWilHihffl TIDE SOAP REG. 33c SIZE LIMIT 2 PKGS. 2 FOR 47c KEGERREIS STORE On The Square Caldwell major surgery. Church school, 10:2^Worship service, 9:00 a. m. MISS JANE ELLIOTT Caldwell Girl Selected To Attend Girls' State Miss Jane Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Elliott, of Caldwell route 6, has been selected by the American Legion Auxiliary, Caldwell, as their delegate to girls' state. Miss Elliott is a junior in the Caldwell high school. Miss Diane McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac McDonald, Jr., of Cald well route 6, has been selected as the alternate. HONOR STUDENT Sally Hill Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hill. Main street, has been selected as the outstanding honor student at Belpre high school and was elected to the National Honor society. Based on character, leadership, scholarship and ability, Mrs. Robinson was the unanimous selection of the teach ers and students. She has main tained a straight A average for the past six months. RETURN l-ROM FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. S. Nowels of 268 Sixth street, N. W., Barberton, have returned to their home from a two weeks' vacation trip through the southern states, in cluding Florida. They enjoyed numerous sight seeing trips. Mrs. Nowels is the former Ora Axtell, of Caldwell. 1TV Ho other mattress has -C •y. Wj I m. F.A.C. P. A.C. .Thursday, April 30, 1958 diappy (Binihdcitf Monday, April 27 Sarah Carpenter, John Lash ley, James White, Norval Robey. Tuesday, April 28 Billy Thomas. Wednesday, April 29 Myrtle VanFossen. Thursday, April 30 Cynthia Gerst, Diane Ogle, William Gulick, Sr., LaNelle Bates, Billy Gulick, Frank Boyd, Martha Poulton, Clyde Arnold, Marcus Leasure. Friday, May 1 George King, Arthur Moore, Guy Oliver. Saturday, May Z Earl Clark. Sunday, May 3 Glen Daniel Wheeler, Carlos Porter, Nattie Wickham. Monday, May 4 Garfield Wentworth. Tuesday, May 5 Martha Jordan, Rodney Jen nings, Richard Lee Howiler (1). Wednesday, May 6 Dean Odlivak, Carolyn Gial lombardo, Billy Bates. Thursday, May 7 Gloria Hatfield, Nancy Wheal don, Margaret Bowron (91), J. R. Starr. Friday, May 8 Thomas Rucker, Orlis Miller, LaVerne Kalan, Janet Rex, Jeaneen Morland. Saturday, May 9 Marie Lyn Wheeler, William Kimnach. ENTERS HOSPITAL Earl Schehl has entered Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville, where he will receive treatment and undergo major surgery. For a number of years he has served as the popular bookkeeper at the Ava Brick plant. INJURED~IN FALL, Mrs. W. H. Bowron fell in her home on North street Sunday and has been removed to Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville, for observation. A medical examination revealed that no bones had been broken. Mrs. Bowron will be 91 years old in May. && :v y -c^ -A a V* means Floating Action Coils me3ns Firmness And Comfort Unlike ordinary mattresses, with coils tied together, Beautyrest has F.A.C.-coils completely free both top and bottom. This famous Simmons mattress gives you proper support healthier rest. 79 $ Only 50 McVay Furniture Store Phone 155 Caldwell We Deliver i