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w*- Rev. Charles Carter delivered the following message to his con gregation at Latonia, Ky., in 1938 and a few hours later was instant ly killed in an auto accident enroutc to Caldwell to visit his parents, Mrs. Etta Carter of North street and the late Miley Carter. At the last minute in his home church, Rev. Carter changed his sermon to this one, printed below. It seemed to come as almost a premonition from on high, for only about nine hours after this sermon was delivered with strength and power which far excelled past messages, Mr. Carter met with instant death while starting on his vacation with his family to the home of his parents in Caldwell, Ohio. The message is still a very fitting one for Memorial Day, 1959, and it will be used next Sunday morning by Ira J. Bran don, pastor of the First Church of Christ, in observance of Me morial Day Sunday. We are indebted to Mrs. Don ald Hamilton, of Coolidge, Ariz ona, for this final fitting Me morial Day sermon delivered by a Caldwell pastor back in 1938: ft THE GOOD FIGIIT "The gods do so unto me, and more also if the dust, oi Samaria shall suffice for handfuls for all the people that follows me." Such insolent message did Ben-hadad send to the king of Israel. Ahab's reply was as spirited as it was wise, and one that, from such, a man as the husband of Jezebel, and the cowardly murderer of Naboth, was like the first that flashes, when it is struck from a cold black flint: "Tell him," said the king roused by the insult, "Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off." Ere four and twenty hours, the Syrian host was scattered by the arms or rather by the God of Israel, like autumn leaves before the wind and this proud boasting foremost of a band of horsemen, was galloping away for life." When the Apostle used such words, from which I intend to speak he did lie upon to any such taunts as Aham's. He was no young- soldier on his way to battle, with unsoil»d armour, and unwearied arms. Nor like many a Christian man who now in the thick of it, now giving, now receiving blows now with sword flashing, and voice shout ing, pressing forward and now alas! borne back now brought to his knees, and again rescued by his captain and revived by prayer, rising to his feet to once more persuing hie em-mies and renew the1 combat. Paul had been throuch all this. He had reached the close of a long hard struggle. In him we see a veteran of a thousand battles. On his arm a battered shield: his hands cal loused from gripping the sword that had conquered over sin in many a hard fought fight on his head was the helmet of salvation dented by the blows of the enemy in many a struggle. He stands before us with his body scarred and bruised, yet droned about with the laurels of a hundred victories. His suffer ings, toils, trials, travels, preach ing, prayers are nearly over: with foot planted on the thres hold of glory, he is about 1o enter on his reward. The battle fought, the victorv won. nothing remained but to die, and that lie counted as nothing. The dark valley of fear, of which so manv have dreaded throuehout the long years' struggle in life, was no enemy of his: he had no fear of death, no quarrel with it. "I have finished my course, I have fought a good fight." It is done and over: he now looks forward to that silent couch much like a wearied soldier, coming in from battles welcomes his bunk. Paul was ready to go thus he savs, "I am alreadv bcine offered: the time of my departure is come. have fought, a good fight. I have finished mv course. I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous iudee, shall uive to me at that day: and not to me only, but also to all those that have loved His appearing What a wonderful message has Paul delivered to us in these few words. A message that should interest us all and strenthen us for the great battle that is before ues. So many feel that if they •have been baptized into Christ and are now looked upon as Christians, that they will be saved. Oh what a sad mistake When we have repented of our sins, confessed our faith in Christ, and have been buried with Him in baptism, then and only then, has the Christian life begun. You are not a soldier of the cross until you have compiled with the terms of admittance The battle does not begin until you have fallen into the ranks So taking this lesson of Paul' as a background, let us first of all look upon the Christian life as .a great fight. In a sense we mieht say that all life is a fight. Look at the world! What a scene of dismiiet and disorder: what a succession of great battles which begin at the cradle and do not end until we have crossed the bar. Some have greater struggles than others poverty, yes, and riches trials, misfortunes, sickness they rise up early and lie down late, and eat the bread of sor row. What a struggle on the part of the majority trying to get riches. What a struggle amone the different members of society to get uppermost Young people get the idea that they have to be up to society to nd Only A Few Hours Before He Was Killed In Accident, Rev. Charles Carter Delivered This Message Which Is Appropriate For Memorial Day be recognized and sorry to say, parents urge them on in these visions. They do not stop to realize that more strife, jealousy and sin rage in society so called, than anywhere else. We might compare this world to a rock at sea, on which eager to escape the jaws of death, more drowin ng men seek standing room than it offers and when they whose gain has been others' loss, when the few that have risen on the shoulders of the many that sink, have possessed themselves in wealth, or power, or pleasure, of the objects of their ambition, they have only reached a bare, black, unsheltered rock, on which it some future day, a giant wave ises roaring to sweep them from their slippery footing. Let no man be deceived, even this world is not to be gotten without fight ng: and compared with the good fight of faith, though its reward be golden crown, presents a scene of no more real dignity than a nursery quarrel—children lighting for some guilded toy streets where a few ragged boys oil over each other for a few copper coins. I admit that it has pleasures, but its sweet enjoy ments perish in the using. I admit that it has roses but oh, the countless thousand of thorns that are found there, and the hand that plucks these roses must bleed. Nor are any of these to be obtained without a vtruBgle. The few prizes which this world offers are not be won without much toil and hard labor. To have your picture on the front page of the Who's Who reouires sacrifice. Thi^ world's pearls are not to be picked up among the pebbles of the shore he who would possess, must seek them in a sea where sharks are swim miner and storms rage. Indeed dare say that, so far as the followers of the world bein« exempt from foil and hardshin, would not take a man half the care, and time, and trouble, to get to heaven, which it takes anv man to get rich and manv man to get to hell. The Quest ing therefore, is not Tvhether we hall fifht, for a battle is before is no matter which side we take: but the question foremost in our mind, on what side '--hall I .fiphf On the side of Jesus, whose ward is life, or on that of sin. bo",c wages is death? Now realizing that the Chris tian life is a fight let us trv ind enumerate a few of the nemies. and thevp are many, which ovorv Christian has to fight against. He has to finrht against the world. Jesus tells us, "Tt haled me, before it hated vou." It had no crown for TTim but a crown of thorns: it found no wav to evnlt Him but on a bloodv crosc* Wbnn He came to earth to dwell ith us and the angels annonnnpd His coming with shouts of .Tnv. i-efuseH Him a nicht's lodcint*. "The fox^s have holes, and the Ivrds of the air have their nests, but the Son of M-n hnth reipct the \vorlr| vant no "'here to lav Hi* headM "The Servant is no bettor than hi* master." I feel friends that if we are going to be true to Ood wo of ,,n along less smeothlv along the nath of life. Jesus said, "woe unto you. when all men shall sneak well of vou." Tt is nice to be called a good fellow, a zoori snort, but the nav in the end i' poor. Not less true, than shrewd, was the remark of a Seotch woman, respecting one who had iust settled in the min istrv. and had been horrfe to his nulpit amid the nlauds the T.ord Jesus Christ he will havp all the black Puards in the parish on his head before a month is gone." I am not saying that the world is alwavs wrong in its iudgment or that it is alwavs right to go aeninst its customs Alas! the "children of this world are sometimes wiser in their gen eration than the children of lifht." But as a living fish is often found cleaving its wav against the stream, and that fish is certainly dead that floats on the top, is alwavs moving with it. so we might make a compar ison to the Christian by savine he is no living Christian whom vou ever find walking according to the course of this world. Thev who wear a crown in heaven must don the Christian uniform shoulder the cross of Christ carrv always the sword of the spirit for a defense and fieht the rood fieht of faith without flin ching overv day of their lives Paul says, "Be no conformed to this world: but be ye transformed bv the renewing of your mind." This is not an easy job. We need but look about us to see the multitude of Christians following with the great procession to do evil yielding to the customs of the world, fearful of beine laughed at and called an old focrv then would rather fail in their duties as a good soldier of the cross than to offend some friend. My good people, if your friends laugh you to scorn be cause vou have become a follow er of Christ, thev are not worthy of your friendship. You are the one to feel proud because you are a part of the salt of the earth if you yield to their remarks vou have lost your savbV, and "if the salt have lost its savor, where with shall it be salted? It is henceforth good for nothing but to be trodden under foot of man." It takes a real man or woman to be bold for Christ, and not be ashamed of the cross. Bad men glory in their shame, and it would seem as it good men were shamed of their glory. In the strength of God, then stand up for the good, the holy, the true: seeking not the praise of men pitying the world, though your reward here should be none less than his who finding a ser prent frozen, warmed it in his bosom, to have it sting him for his pains. "The servant is 'no better than his master, nor the disciple than his Lord." So we see that the world is one great enemy against which we have to fight. Next, the Christian has to fight against Satan. When Napoleon Bonaparte, watching the course of the battle, saw the charge of the enemy at Waterloo: boldly they dashed like a thunderbolt into the thick of them, crushing and bearing down all before them he ex claimed, "How terrible are these Greys!" But what mortal foe so terrible as him we have to fight? So restless, so relentless, ever walking about seeking who he may devour. No serpent so cunning, no roaring lion so cun ning. You cannot escape his presence, but you can prevent from entertaining him. He may come to the banquet, and he is most always present, but you can refuse him a seat. Martin Luther once said, "You can't orevent the bii'ds from flying through the air, but you can prevent them building nests in vour hair." You can't prevent the temptations which the devil places before you. but you can keep from yielding to those temptations. You cannot avoid him. Therp is but one refuge that is the hollow of God's hand, the shadow of His wings. Thp Snhhnth was instituted as a day of rest. A day in which we are to withdraw from our regular routinp of work to com mune with God. But Satan has no rest dav, the dav on whiefc men are to rest is usually the rav when he is most active in ^iminp men -md women f»*om the ehurp'h. Telling them that a" ^nomobilp vi^e, or a wa'V hrniirrh the fields and thp fnrneto onld bp much more erunvaKI" VPS, he is more oersnasivp thr)r' thp most olnnnpnt nrpachers. an^ morp wakeful than most anvionc bparers. "Rpeaiisp of the hardpn- T\a of their hearts, not to t'-e nlparling of men. b"t to the n1p idin* of the TTolv Sn'rit. men rirl women march fvni the door-: the rhnrch arm in arm W'tk down the lonr broad rnn^ •hat loadpth to destruction. Mer1 ike nn arms aminst the pres et odds and fiph' on their own harn lots to be with the maioritv to have the respect of their fellow-men. Can you visualize force that can make himself invisiblp, able *o pass in a moment ovpr a lea^nr. of coun try: able to livp without sleerr to march without wearving to work without food: one who vegardeth neither sex, nor in nocence, nor age. Such an enemv has no paop in thp annals of war: nor did man ever find such a fop in man. B"t vp havp such a foe in Satan. That vou do no* *ee him is nothing* no man ever saw thp ^ippicp which it is death to brpnthe. He can conform him self to anv shane. si^p. or asnpet HP works in mvsterious ways his evils to perform. Two weeks a*o when preach ed mv wife had to take our little bov from thp buildino: to keen him ouiet. While she sat in the ear a group of girls, out for of all thp neoole.—"if he is a faithful ser a little hike were passing by. The foremost four, seeing that ehui-ch was going on, thought it «'ould be nice to f"'' PO in us fov Church. Thev had made no thei minds to that effect, hut as there worp two more of their groun ^rinrdng up the rear thev waited them to get their decision whpn thpv came Un thev were amiroachod with the snbiect Those two onlv lan»hed and con sidered it a ioke. The result was •hat none came in to church. The devil was present standing iust outside the door urging people not to go to church. Thev were H'ft iust outside the door. TIIP Bible tells that m-»nv are coin" to be in that position on the iudcrment dav, iust outside the door. It is hard to imagine vic tory over such an enemy as this but Oh for these precious nromises. "Thou sholt tread upon the lion and the adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet." "Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am Thy God will strengthen thee with the right hand of mv righteousness Courage! mv friends: a little child with God at his back is mightier than the devil and all his angels. He that is with us is greater than al! that be against us. The third great enemy against which the Christian has to fight is the flesh which is merely one of the devil's agents. "The Prince of this world cometh,' saith the Lord, "and hath nothing in me." Can we say so? Assuredly not. Hence the disadvantages under which we carry on tht combat. Called with such a nature, to contend both against the influences of a world that lieth in wickedness and the temptation of the Evil One, we sail, as it were, in a poor cra?ry damaged, leaking boat which has both wind and tide against her It is not so remarkable after all, that many make shipwrecks of the faith. The wonder is, is THE JOURNAL, CALD' VELLs OHIO not that many never reach the harbor, but that any do Oh. friend, if I can just stir yum heart to a realization that this is a hard battle and it takes real fighting to conquer. "If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?" Our corrupt nature is food for temptation, as fat is food for flame. We nv ready to be set on by the fires of hell. Under such condition^ it takes every ounce of Christian virtue to conquer in this great fight. How often.have good men been fighting on the bad side. H"W often has the trumpet summoned from its distant home and peace ful occupation, those who had no quarrel to settle, nor wrong of which to complain, to the work of blood slaughter to destroy each others lives and to mangle each others bodies, until they would be in such a horrible condition that a dear mother would not know her son. In v.-.'u both sides cannot be right. Some one is wrong, someone is go ng to be judged as a murderer, the guild being laid at the right door. No war is justified, that is waged between man and man. But as soldiers of the cross, we have an immense advantage, that our cause is just, and noble, and holy and good. The Christian battle is a "good fight." Our enemies ore not our kindred, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh they are enemies of God and Christ and light and peace tyrants that would bind us in chains worse than iron, and burn not our houses but our souls in hell forever. His men are wait ing to be addressed ere the fight began. Erect in his saddle -with his gray hair streaming in Un wind, he stretched out his arm and pointed to the foe in front and said, "There are the enemv: if vou do not kill them, they will kill you." So with us. if we do not destroy sin, it will destroy us. This fight is not only a goorl fieht. but here victory is inter mingled with ioy. It is not so in other fielits. The laurels that a e worn, are steeoed in tears: win n the cannons roar, and bells rut" out a victory, and shout in crowds throng the stress: Ruminations turn nifht into d-,v ^ark is manv a home whn broken hearted parents jm.i onely ones weep for the bv "•ho shall never return. are thorns in victory's proudest crown. Thank God. our iov over in slain, had passion subdued. S-.i an defeated has to suffer ,i' such abatements. Heaven, th i can fancy, hiding its pves fi in •her batles watches the fortu", of this with keenest interest angels reioice in our RUCCPSC N.N are anv tears shed hem but such s poured from the father's evev. "'hen kissing thp returned ivr,. digal. and folding him in h hapnv embrace, he cried. Let "s eat and be merrv: for the snn *hat was dead and is alive again* he was lost and is found." My kind friend, vou that are not a soldier in the ranks- of battle. would like to enl'st vou as a soldier of the cross. This is a »rood fight: one thnt is con tained hv Jesus. w th arms in the wholo armor of God and as thev shine in the beams of tho Of rifh+pousness. thev mako ^atan troinblp what a helmet fov the henrl what a shield in faith, what breast nlnte in right eousness that nrotects the believ er's he:*rt whrt sword is that ^nirit, thp word of God: what Girdle for the hodv in truth* what shoes for thp fpot: and last of all what a crown for the vic tor! "Fpar not him who is abln •o dostrov +hp bodv. but r»ihnv foar him who is ahlo to dnslrov hoth bnrK' anrt soul in boll Tlvc •s a J"iffht for vour soul* it is a hattlp for heaven. Break awav f,*om vour sins, iust ranks of tho flrmv of God, throw your self into fhic battle. No douht it is a hard fieht: do not disguise that. How can it hp easy for a man to ovprmmo •his worlH and rrucifv bis own *1pch: hn* *f that is h.nrd it harder still to suffer the pains of a lost soul to lie down in pypr lasting burnings. Oh. surelv. mv friend it is b*»ttpr to loso a hanrl than have the whole bodv hum hottpv to part with some darlnr sin than, nart with Jesus. Von have no choice. The crowns ar for the saints, not sinners. How '•an you conquier unless vou fi^ht IJsten to the words of him who said, "Take un vour cross and follow me." "To him that over cometh will e-ive to eat of tho tree of life, which is in tho midst of the paradise of God." "He that overcometh shall not be hurt of thp second death." He that ovcr- cometh the --ame shall he clothed in white raiment: and 1 win blot out his name in the Book of life but I will confess his nome before mv Father and before his angels." And still higher honors "To him that overcometh, will erant to sit with me on my throne." Oh my brother can He say of vou and of me, as He said of Paul "I have fought a good fight, I have finished Ilis course, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness and not for me only but for all of those who have loved His ap pearing! Two of the four national lead ers in "prefab" houses are Ohio firms, Scholz Homes, Toledo and Pease Woodwork, Hamilton. Come. .See. $4.50 SEALY MATTRESS BUTTON FREE Regular S59.50 Now $39-95 Regular or Twin Size 11 CU. FT. NORGE AUTOMATIC DEFROST REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Regular Now $369* MURPHY'S FURNITURE 301-305 Main Street Phone 128 CHECK THE WEATHER WITH ACCURACY! WEATHER BAROMETERS ttcgular $6.50 to $27.50 40% off KODAK 8 MM ROLL FILM BROWtiSE MC¥!E OUTFIT Regular $134.95 Now 7-Pc.U S100-M Includes Camera, Projector, Field Case, and 4-Bulh Movie Light Bar NOBLE JEWELRY Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morgareidge—Owners Main Street Phone 1(»4 Now 2-Pc. 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