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Page Eight—B Pleasant City Ml. Zion Homemakers Club Enjoys Regular Meeling At Ida Bailey Home The Mt. Zion Homemakers club held their regular monthly meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ida Bailey on route 1. The business meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Helen Miley at which time new officers were selected as following: president, Mary Anna Bond vice president, Rebecca Miley secre tary, Marie Larrick treasurer, Rubv Secrest. At noon a covered dish dinner was enjoyed by the sixteen mem bers present. In the afternoon, Mrs. Minnie Secrest gave a les son on Civil Defense. Mrs. Edna Johnson won the door prize. The June meeting will be at "the home of Cora Nicholson. Other members present including above mentioned were: Helen Secrest, Ava Groves, Zelma Williams, Clara Cunningham, Nary Cale, Florence Larrick, Ester Groves, Vickie Winberg and Fern Wil liams. Personals Recent callers at the Rev. John Thompson home were Mrs. Everett Thompson and daugh ters, Linda and Karen, of New Concord, Llewellyn Thompson, Jr., of Muskingum college, New Concord, Rev. Wilbur Cash, of Cambridge, Mrs. Baronich Sr., Mrs. Eleanor Baronich and son, Perry and Mrs. Mildred Goudy and granddaughter, all of Pow hatan Point. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Withing ton spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. Jackie Shaw and family at Canton. Mrs. Florence Speraw, of Can ton, returned home Sunday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Buckey. Mrs. Alice Shriver, of route 1, is visiting her son, Noah and family on route 2. Saturday even ing callers at the Shriver home were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley Mrs. Zona Ramsey, of Pow hatan Point, was a Thursday sup per guest of Rev. and Mrs. John Thompson and attended the Eastern Star lodge inspection Several local firemen of this community attended a meeting in McConnelsville, Sunday. Mrs. Edna Johnson, route 2, has moved into the Harry O'Morrow apartment in town. Mr. Paul Richcreek and family will move soon into the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Trott visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Homer D. Trott and sons of Zanesville. Mrs. Glenna Miley and daun ter, Evelyn and granddaughtc Peggy, of Canton, were Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mr Warren Miley and daughter Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Danford of Greensburg, spent the week end with her father, Mr. Jarnes Worthington and daughter Hilda. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weil, of Powhatan Point, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Neiland and family, Thursday and attended the Eastern Star inspection. Mrs. Mary J. Walters and daughter, Mae, of Caldwell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mi Leslie Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hively, of Derwent. Mrs. Dorothy James, of Colum bus, visited a few days last week with her father, Frank McGranor and wife. Me. and Mrs. Andrew Hrone and family and Mrs. Mar Hronec, of Ava route, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hronec and Kathy Ann. FARM NEEDS AT YOUR FARM STORE! COMPLETE LINE OF JOHN DEERE and NEW IDEA FARM MACHINERY BARB WIRE and FIELD FENCE FULL LINE OF MARIETTA PAINT and COLOR PAINTS ROOF COATINGS BALER TWINE for all makes of Balers. LAWN BOY and MOTO LAWN MOWERS SPRINGFIELD ROTO TILLERS FERTILIZERS LIME SPRING FIELD SEEDS GENERAL FARM HARDWARE Caldwell Implement & Supply Co. East Street Caldwell YOU'LL DARE to COMPARE for THE COME TO CARE Convenient, stylish, roomy... l'he Lark by Studebaker is America's newest sweetheartl (Fastest rising sales curve in the industry) Shorter than most cars, it handles and parks easily, seats six graciously. Prices start several hundred dollars under the so-tailed "low- priced" field. Cuts costs of insurance, gas, maintenance! Fashion approved by Harper's Tartar. l-un drive it—nowl ENJOY A DEMONSTRATION DRIVE I \Y in the V-8 that outscored all V-8's in the MoJilgas Run with 22.UN miles per gallon. And The Lark "6" does even better. Available as a 2-door and 1-door sedan, hardtop and station wagon. Discover what you'll save at YOUR STUDEBAKER DEALER'S—TODAY ZILER GARAGE, 900 MILL ST., CALDWELL, OHIO SEE THE STUDEBAKER TRUCKS .. .THEY COST LESS, TOO! BYSTUDEBAKER Top or first row, left to right, Terry Mal lett, 1 :i ri:.i i .T 111"Pari .1 ami SUMMERFIELD HIGH SCHOOL HAS 16 GRADUATES Pictured above arc members of the senior class of Summerfield high school who received their diplomas during an impressive ceremony held Thursday evening at the school auditorium. The principal address was given by Dr. L. C. Staats, professor of dramatic arts and speech at Ohio University, Athens. The graduates are as follows. SHARON NEWS HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. rioyd Gall and on Bill and friend of Hillsboro •ailed Sunday on Mrs. Ella Mc Donald. She accompanied them home for a visit and to attend the graduation exercises of her Hummer 111 Muuelia. Mr. and Mis. S. W. Parrish re cently attended a rural carrier's auxiliary meeting at the Cald well post office and home of Mrs. B. B. Caldwell. grandson, Raymond Floyd Gall,\ Mr. and Mrs. Paul McNabb of Caldwell route 2 visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Haines and family of McConnelsville route 2. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Spicer and children, Donnie and Teresa have moved to the Cisler home, south of Sharon. Mrs. Delores Baker and sons of Massillon spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wells and other relatives near Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parrish call ed at the R. W. Watson home in Summerfield, Monday evening. Mrs. Carlton Spriggs called re cently on her aunt,*Mrs. Minnie Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haga and daughter of Caldwell called on Mrs. Marjorie Gordon and fam ily, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Minnie Marquis was ad mitted to Memorial hospital in Marietta, last Thursday, suffer- mm THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO •'riTpftTTiMi i ifltilij i it 10X0R I CO#C»CY* FlOOft CftAMLl «LJ fir Kathrvn Bishop. Second row, left to right, Gloria Bates, Charles Moore, Mary Ann DeLong, Floyd Stern, Jr. Third row, left to right, Larry Crum, Mary Farnsworth, Clesson Carpenter, Katheryn Shackle. Bottom row, left to right, Gloria Guiler, Jerald Wise, Helen Moore and Marlin Brown. Graysville Driver Fined For Passing School Bus Charles Piatt, of Graysville in Monroe county was fined $25.00 and costs Wednesday night when he appeared before Mayor Dean Oliver, of Summerfield, and en tered a plea of guilty to passing a school bus. The affidavit was filed with the local sheriff's department by Harry Moore, driver of the Summerfield school bus. Sheriff Donald Conaway said that Moore was loading students on his bus and Piatt failed to stop, which is mandatory accord ing to law. Photo Dmloplnf—Glllfspif's New basement wall paint New Basement Floor Enamel SHERWIN WILLIAMS L0X0N Sherwim-Wiuiams L0X0N Concrete Floor Enamel This new latex finish is specially for mulated for basement floors, porches and patios. Moisture and alkali won't harm it. 16 beautiful colors. DONALD D. NICHOLS "THE BEST FOR LESS" Phone 63-J 506 Cumberland Street Summerfield SUMMERFIELD The friends of Mrs. Alice Carpenter were sad dened Saturday noon to hear of her death. Although Mrs. Carp enter had not lived in town for very long but she had made many friends and she will be greatly missed. Her daughter, Miss Malis sa Carpenter, Kentucky, was call ed here Friday by her illness. Lodge To Meet Summerfield lodge will meet Wednesday evening, June 3 for their regular meeting. Attend Funeral Mrs. Ernest Bode, Mrs. G. A. Horton and Mr. Flode Yost at tended fuheral services Thursday in Woodsfield for Mrs. Margaret McAuley. Weekend Guests Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver visited over the weekend with her brother, Mr. Earl Calland and wife in Columbus. They also vis ited on Mr. J. K. Guiler and daughter, Gertrude, and Miss Frances Rouse. Mr. H. L. Jerles and daughter, Beulah, of Niles, spent the past weekend at their home here. Mr. Carroll Batten of Somer set spent Tuesday with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs., A. R. Batten and attended funeral services for Mr. Ross Watson. Miss Mary E. MUchelnaus is spending a few days with rela tives and friends in Columbus. Mr. Forest Horton of North Canton visited Tuesday night and Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. G. A. Horton and his uncle, Mr. Flode Yost, and on Wednesday, accompanied by his mother and Mr. Yost and his sister, Mrs. Ern est Bode, spent the day in Wheel ing, W. Va. Mr. Fred and Ernest Bode were business callers Thursday in Mar ietta. Mr. and Mrs. George Pryor of Cuyahoga Falls visited Saturday with Mrs. C. K. Pryor. Mr. and Mrs. John Leasco were callers Friday in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodard of Newark visited over the week end with his sister, Mrs. Harry Fowler and husband and with his mother, Mrs. Allie McElfresh. Mr. Leroy Holler of Penna., visited a few days with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson and fam ily in Cambridge. Other guests were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wehr of Zanesville. Mrs. Ernest Bode entertained Sunday with a dinner in honor of her husband's birthday to the fol lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. John Holsehuh of Stafford, Mrs. Ida Hartshorn and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode. Mr. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weisgarber and daughter Debra, and Mrs. Robert Y. Hor ton of Massillon were dinner guests Sunday with Mrs. G. A. Horton and Mr. Flode Yost. I f. •T.M. WON BUB OFF... WON'T PEEL OFF... WON'T FLAKE OFF! Easy to apply OBI coat covers Completely waterproof Lovely colors COLUMBIA GAS SYSTEM IN FOR THEIR ONLY RADIO HAD HORSESHOES Qm the early days of the gas industry MESSENGERS ON HORSEBACK WERE SENT TO THE FIELDS TO ADJUST FLOW, SPOT LEAKS, MAKE REPAIRS. •K TODAY, THE FLOW OF Thursday, May 28, 1959L J* JACQUELINE DAVIS JOHN EASTMAN WIN COVETED BABE RUTH AWARDS The highly coveted Babe Ruth awards for the Caldwell high school were presented this year to Miss Jacqueline Davis and John Eastman at a special recognition assembly held Tuesday afternoon. The students are selected by the entire student body and the recipients are considered the most outstanding in their class. Their names will be inscribed on a Babe Ruth plaque which hangs in the local high school. Miss Davis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and Eastman is the son of Rev. and Mrs. Fred H. Eastman, both of Caldwell. Mr. John Leasco was a business caller Monday in St. Clairsville. He also called on Mr. and Mrs. Turner Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode and Mrs. Ida Hartshorn were callers Saturday morning in Caldwell. Mrs. Lily Moore of Zanesville visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore and family. Mr. George Amos has returned home after visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charley David son, and while there visited with Mrs. Bessie Gessell and Miss Edith Davidson of Florida and Miss Louis Davidson of Calif. They were called there by the death of their brother, Mr. Fred Davidson. Mr. Bert Porter of Parkersburg, W. Va., is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Dan ford. Other guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Calland of Columbus and Mrs. Edgar Richey of Senecaville. Mrs. Howard Williams of New Mexico is spending a few days at her home here, and with her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bud* die Williams and others. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gessell and son of Zanesville visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Day visited over the weekend with relatives in Columbus. $15039 IN 15 MINUTES You sign for it alone. Personal money service. Terms to please you. Phone first for quick approval. Then stop for your money. Up to $1000 available. Offices all over Ohio. loA^ OAS IS r^jr2*.r CONTROLLED DAY 8Y DAY HOUR BY HOUR, MINUTE BY MINUTE BY A COMPLEX COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM THAT UTILIZES TELEPHONE SHORT WAVE RADIO MANY AREAS ADJUSTMENTS ARE MADE BY REMOTE CONTROL— VALVES OPENED A'D CLOSED BY THE PUSH OF A IT WAS READILY DELIVERED. NO WONDER NATURAL GAS IS THE PREFERRED FUEL THROUGH AMERICA'S ORIGINAL NATURAL 6ASLAND- PART OF THE SEVEN STATE AREA IN WHICH COLUMBIA GAS SySTE/A SERVES. THE OHIO FUEL GAS COMPANY SERVING AMERICA'S ORIGINAL NATURAL GASIAND AND BUTTON. THUS, IN JUST ONE DAY LAST WINTER MORE 4.7 BILLION CUBIC FEET OF GAS WAS CALLED BY HOMES AND INDUSTRIES IN THIS WHEN THAM AREA