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VOL. 101 NUMBER 6 ESTABLISHED IN 1859 Candidates Rush To File Petitions Before Deadline Veteran Willscreek Scribe In Hospital G. P. Moore, the well known Journal-Leader scribe from Willscreek, is a patient, in Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, where he is re cuperating from a broken right hip. The 89- year -old retired school teacher and operator of an old fashioned general store entered the hospital for surgery on his eye. His hip was fractured after the operation when he climbed out of his bed and. fell on the floor. Mayor Chester J. Howiler Will Seek Another Term For Top Local Post The filing of petitions by candidates for the fall elections will come to an end today (Wednesday) at 4:00 p. m. with-a large number filing at the last minute. The following candidates have filed petitions within the past week: Beaver township trustee, Robert J. Mercer, Batesville Buffalo township—clerk, Paul W. 0NG Ambulance Unit In Extensive Training The contractors report they are waiting for the arrival of forms for the grandstand proper, which have been ordered from New York. As soon as these arrive, construction can get into full swing. At present crews are in the process of laying the five-foot walkway which will run in front of the building, five feet from the present racetrack. Upon completion of the walkway, the foundation for the building itself will be poufed. The completed grandstand will be of cement block walls with an 18 row tier of seats and seven rows of aisle ways. MAKES DEAN'S LIST Donald Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, route 1, Cald well, has been named to the Dean's List of Kent State Uni versity for the spring quarter. An average of 3.0 or better, rep resenting "B" work, is the pre requisite for this honor. ACCEPTS CONTRACT The Noble county commission ers have signed a contract with Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, accepting the per diem rate of $20.23 from August 1, 1959 to July 31, 1960. Two Accidents Involving Local Residents Investigated By Patrol Mrs. Judith Dennis, a pas senger, suffered a sprained neck in the two car collision when a car driven by William Buckey, 29, of Ava, struck the Dennis car from behind after it slowed down in a line of traffic. Mrs. Dennis was not treated. The Cambridge patrol investi gated the accident which occur- ROBEY'S Coffee Shop, North Street, will be closed for vaca tion from August 6 until August 14. 6 WINDOW GLASS cut to accu rate size. See us for y«ir needs. D. D. Nichols, Caldwell. tf. Wheeler, Pleasant City route 1, and trustee, Thomas N. Cale, Pleasant City route 2 Elk town ship, trustee Ralph Bettmger, Harriettsville route 1 Noble township trustee, Sam Curtis, Caldwell route 6, and John R. Buckey, Ava route 1 clerk, Owen McCune, Belle Val ley. Noble county board of educa tion J. D. Gibson, Quaker City route 1, and Alfred Brown, Dex ter City route 1. Belle Valley board of education Charles H. Feldner, Belle Valley, and Carl B. McKee, Belle Valley. Cald well board of education—Fred S McDonald, Belford street. Center board of education James A. Shaw, Sarahsville route Continued on page two Nearly 8,000 National Guardsmen from Ohio's famous 37th In fantry Division arrived at. Camp Breckinridge approximately noon, Sunday, July 26, 1959. Included in this influx of men were 54 men from the local Ambulance Company of Caldwell for two weeks en campment. They were under the command of Capi, Charles J. New Grandstand Construction Gets Started Thursday Construction of the new Noble county grandstand got underway on Thursday of last week and some headway is being made on the job by contractors Crock and Schafer. Coyle While at Camp Breckinridge they are taking part in a new type of field problem known as "Pentomic" and called "Opera tion Fly Wheel." This is a new type of fighting unit which has five self supporting units. These five units when combined are known as a "Battle Group. In this problem, Ambulance company with five fully equipped ambulances will act as a support unit to the Division. This called for 2Vz days last week of actual combat living conditions in the field, with actual aggressor forces and assimilated attacks and counter-attacks. The Ambul ance Company was used to transport sick and wounded back to the dispensery. During this week of training they will move back to the field to participate in a four-day tactical problem. Continued on page two Church Of Christ Buys A. G. McGregor Home The congregation of the First Church of Christ on North street voted Sunday morning to pur chase the adjacent Dr. A. McGregor property. This home will eventually be used by the church as a Sunday school annex to alleviate over crowded conditions in the church due to increased attendance and enrollment. There were 205 in attendance at church Sunday morning. At a called congregation meet ing, the church agreed to pur chase the property for $12,000. Dr. and Mrs. McGregor plan the construction of a new home in Sunset Hills in the immediate future on the lot adjacent to that of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Martin. Two accidents involving local persons occurred over the week end on USR 21 with moderate property damage and minor injuries being reported. One person was slightly injured early Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. James Dennis, North street, were involved in an accident north of routes 146-21. red at 12:14 a. m., Sunday Moderate property damage resulted to both cars, and Buckey was cited to appear in municipa court, Cambridge, on a charge of failure to stop within the as sured clear distance ahead. Another accident occuring later Sunday, 2:30 a. m., involved cars operated by Vance Kawa, 48 of Cambridge, and Alfred Mc Gowan, 29, of Cleveland. The vehicles received minor damages as they sideswiped on the horse shoe curve on USR 21 near Ava Kawa was cited to appear in the mayor's court at Belle Valley for driving left of center. A freak accident occurred last Wednesday, when Alfred Brown, of near Crooked Tree, was mow ing the lawn of his home with a rotary blade power mower. The mower threw what Brown thought was a stone which hit his knee, and he continued his work. An hour later he was unable to move his right leg and was taken to the office of a local doctor where it was discovered something had penetrated his kneecap and moved up his leg At Marietta Memorial hospi tal, an incision was made above the kneecap along the course which the object had followed Five inches above the point of entry, a one inch piece of wire was discovered. The wire, which was approximately the thickness of a six-penny nail, had been propelled so rapidly by the force of the mower, that Brown had been unaware of what happened. Precautions against lockjaw were taken and Brown remains a recuperative patient at the hos pital. New Manager Named For Local & K Store Assuming his duties on Mon day of this week as the new manager of the local & K store was Dewey Moffitt, of Coshoc ton, who replaces former man ager, Paul Truex. Moffitt comes to Caldwell with several ears experience in the grocery business behind him. He served for the past year and a half as assistant manager with the Coshocton & K, and prior to that was associated for five years with the A & grocery chain. The new manager is married and has one child. He and his family are now making plans to move to Caldwell in the near future. OBJECT IN FINGER Wayne Davis, Caldwell route 3, employee of CGB, was treated and dismissed in the office of Dr. E. G. Ditch and Dr. Fred Cox for a foreign object in the left fourth finger. NOBL-£. 5 MARY JANE SLAY AND JOYCE WILLEY CALDWELL GIRL WINS SPEAKING CONTEST Miss Mary Jane Slay, shown on left, and a member of the Noble County Junior Cattlemen Beet club, won the annual safety speaking contest held Thursday night at the Sarahsville high school auditorium. Miss Slay is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slay, bf Caldwell, and will represent this county at the district contest to be held Aug. 10 at Cadiz with 11 other entries. The alternate winner was Miss Joyce Willey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Willey. She represented the Three Forks Girls 4-H club. Other participants were Ruth Combs, of the Crooked Tree club, Dottie Nichols, of the Forest Grove Girls' club, Clara Elaine Ziler, of the Brookfield Buckeye Lassies, Nola Dudley, of the Buffalo Belles and Rosemary Crum, of the Caldwell S. O. S. club. Pine Lake Baptist Camp Is In Session Twenty-three senior campers moved in Monday afternoon to the Pine Lake Baptist camp for a week of recreation and religious in struction. In addition to the campers, vising the camping activities. Ca Freak Accident Occurs To Farmer In Mowing Lawn a staff of eight persons is super npers have come in from various Ohio towns, including Conneaut Barberton, Akron, Crestline Caldwell, Zanesville, and Cam bridge. Camp director is Rev. Merle Brown, of Barberton, and the dean is Rev. Walter Keib, of Crestline. Other staff members are camp missionary, Rev. Ruth Lee, who serves the Kothra Leper Colony in India, and Rev Ferris Scott, camp evangelist from Huntington, W. Va. Counselors are Rev. Herbert Lamb, Conneaut, Mrs. Drake Columbus, Mrs. Merle Brown Barberton, and Mr. Colonel Hahn, Barberton. The general camp manager is Continued on page two PONT STRUCK BY TRUCK A valuable pony stallion owned by Vernon Slater, north of Caldwell, was struck by truck Wednesday morning at 1:00 o'clock, when it strayed onto USR 21. The accident was inves tigated by the state patrol and it is believed the animal will have to be destroyed. Patten's grand opening Is continuing all this week through Saturday and owner, Charles Patten, invites everyone to come in to see the COUNTY Li- SuNf-uiN-£ Resignations Hit Caldwell Local Schools At their regular monthly meet ing Tuesday night, the Caldwell exempted village school board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Garnet Evilsizer as English in structor in the local system. President Hilles Keeton was in charge of the meeting with mem bers Robert Lorenz, Fred Mc Donald, Dr. S. J. Doudna and Charles Dyer in attendance, in addition to Supt. Clayton S. Smith and Clerk Margaret Archer. Mrs. fevilsizer has been teach ing English and French on the seventh and eighth grade level in the local school the past year. No action was taken to fill this vacancy although Supt. Smith indicated that he would make every effort to find a replace ment. The resignation of Bruce Mero was also officially accepted by the board. It was pointed out that Football Coach James Smoot is now taking a special Driver's Continued on page two Serious Fire Is Prevented Sunday Near Belle Valley What could easily have been a disastrous fire Sunday after noon at 2:20 o'clock was averted by the quick thinking of the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall DeVolld, Caldwell route 6, near Belle Valley. Mrs. DeVolld first saw the flames shooting from a large barn, which was filled with tons of baled hay. The Belle Valley and Caldwell fire departments were immedi ately called but their services were not needed. The family pulled out the burning bales of hay which were located on the run-way of the barn and thus prevented it from spreading. The loss could have been a severe one for the large barn was completely filled with hay. The family advanced the theory that the fire had been started accidentally by one of their small grandsons. 4PPLMNCE KH I I Lli O CENTER PATTEN'S APPLIANCE IN NEW, MODERN STORE ROOM Pictured above is the remodeled and new ly decorated Patten's Appliance Center on Main street, located in the former Jordan store building. CALDWELL, OHIO, THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, 1959 SIXTEEN PAGES THIS WI^EK SINGLE COPY 6c New Tax Levy To Pay For Village Street Lighting Aired At Meeting Main order of business at the Tuesday night meeting of the Caldwell village council was the discussion of proposed rate in creases on the village utilities, water and electrical service. Members of the village board of public affairs, R. D. Buckey and Charles Evilsizer, were present in the interest of advising council the need for "increased facilities in the water department. They proposed that an additional settling basin tank be installed at the water plant. Board Recommends Raise In Water And Electricity Rates For Caldwell Users The recommendation was made on the basis that at the present time the pumping facilities are in use 21 to 23 hours a day and the present basin is lacking in the capacity to take care of the increased consumption. Facilities are present for an additional Alteration bed, and the site needs only to be com pleted. Council gave the auth ority to proceed with estimates on the job and to draw up plans for the basin which would take care of future needs. No facilities in this direction have been added since the sys tem was installed in 1935, and the board made the recommenda tion on the increased demand of consumers. A proposal was made to take care of the added cost by increas ing present water rates. Light Increase A proposal was also made that the electric light rates be given a slight boost to offset increased costs of production and increased use of municipal facilities. Continued on page two 29 New Cars Sold In Noble County in July Carl Martin, car, Dodge Don ald G. Pickenpaugh, express, Dodge Denver E. McKee, car, Chevrolet Paul McVay, car, Plymouth Paul Yonker, car, Ford Cleetus Carsey, car, Vaux hall Fleeman Pontiac Co., car, Continued on page two SCHOOLS WILL OPEN The Noble county and Caldwell schools will open on Tuesday, Sept. 8, according to an an nouncement made today by Supt. H. C. Secrest and Supt. Clayton S. Smith. School will resume on Tuesday morning following La bor Day, which falls this year on Sept. 7. new show room and register for the grand prize which will be given away Saturday, August 8, at 9:00 p. m. The winner will get his or her choice of one of a number of electrical appliances, in cluding a washer, range or refrigerator. Photo by Journal-Leader Staff Plans Completed For Annual Noble County Fair Here All Livestock Entries Will Close Aug. 29, According To Secretary Plans are already being brought to a completion for the Noble County Fair which will be presented at the local fairgrounds Sep tember 2-5, with a large number of exhibitors expected to be on hand. Prize livestock, home-grown, and home-made articles will be the main feature of the 107th agricultural exposition, and the prem ium list and regulations are now available for those interested in being exhibitors. Secretary J. K. Walkenshaw has announced the closing dates for making entries as follows: livestock entries to close on Sat urday, Aug. 29, at 4:00 p. m. all other entries to close on Tuesday, Sept 1, at 4:00 p. m. All articles and animals for exhibition must be in their proper positions by Wednesday, Sept. 2, by 12:00 noon, or be excluded from competition. Twelve departments are listed for this year's fair. They are as Continued on page two A total of 29 new cars was sold in Noble county during the month of July, according to a report from John H. Snyder, Noble county clerk of courts. New car owners are listed as follows: Wilbert Frank Sayre, car, Chevrolet Gilbert C. Roe, pickup, Morris Minor Charles Frederick Bauer, pickup, International picKup, Lester A. Wheatley, car, Chev rolet J. Willard Hickman, car, Dodge Larry J. Ross, car, Ply mouth Monte L. Neuhart, car, Chevrolet George Brier, car, Ford Harold T. Lewis, truck, Ford Alex Pezzopane, pickup, Ford Wm. M. Fleming, one-half ton truck, Chevrolet. Fined For Fishing In Seneca Lake Without Permit Cases heard in Mayor Chester J. Howiler's court this past week were not too numerous, but they varied in nature. Four cases were reported in all. Homer J. Holley, of Macks burg, was fined $10.00 and costs for failing to stop at a "stop sign" on USR 21 approach, south of Caldwell. The charge was made by State Patrolman J. Rit terbeck. Ottilie Burke, of Cleveland, was charged by Noble County Game Protector Cleetus Carsey with fishing in the Seneca Lake waters without a permit. The Cleveland woman was fined $15.00 and costs. Continued on page two GARAGE ENTERED Ziler's parage on Mill street was entered again late Monday evening, according to the sheriffs department. Ivan Ziler, owner, said the only thing taken was 20 pennies from the cash register. Investigation is continuing. Children Urged To On cards will be sent home with the pupils requesting informa tion on what shots they have received and other facts. If for some reason the parents do not wish for the child to be vac cinated, they are requested to so designate on this card. After this information is received, further steps will be taken, but no definite plans have been made. Those present at the board meeting were Arthur Rich, presi dent George Hyett and L. K. Marquis, members Dr. N. S. Reed, health commissioner Mrs. Vera Cunningham, health nurse John Wargo, county food inspec tor, and John Zahala, district sanitarian from Athens. Belle Valley Council Plans Truck Purchase Belle Valley village council met in regular session Monday evening with the main form of business directed at the village cleanup campaign. The council has agreed to pur chase a 1950 Ford dump truck for the purpose of village street maintenance. Also in connection with this truck it plans to institute a program of picking up rubbish, trash, and other refuse. In t^urge k this pickup pro gram Will be street commission er, Paul Delancey. Plans call for the pickup to be made on the second Friday of each month, with a nominal fee to be charged. Deputy Fire Marshal Martin^ of Reinersviile, will be called in on Wednesday to determine what old buildings need to be razed or destroyed. This is also in con junction with the cleanup cam paign. In addition, also to promote the cleanup program, notices will be sent to all property own ers having vacant lots which are growing up in weeds. These lots are to be mowed and cleaned by the owners or the village will have it done and bill the prop- Continued on page two Belle Valley Youth Is Charged In Theft Norman Earls, 22, of Belle. Valley, was to be charged today with the theft of a motor bike, valued at $350.00 from W. C. Mattingly, of Zanesville, accord ing to the sheriff's department. Earls was picked up Wednes day morning by Marshal Jack Oliver. It is understood that the young man took the official to a gulley on SR 340 where the vehicle was found. It had been completely dis-mantled but all the pieces were recovered and taken to the sheriff's office. The Zanesville owner was to come to Caldwell Wednesday afternoon and identify the motor bike. The theft was reported Tuesday morning. Receive "Shots" Before They Enter School This Fall The Noble County Board ot Health met in regular session Mon day evening at the courthouse for the discussion of routine business. In regard to the vaccination of children before entering school, based on the recent ruling, officials are recommending, if at all pos sible, for the children to receive their shots before entering school, the first day of school, WE NOW HAVE in stock the EQ-335 Cooper Screw Worm Smear for head flies on cattle, horses, and other livestock. Cald well Implement and Supply com pany. East street, CaldwelL Phone 225. 6 7 72 HOURS SERVICE on color Pictures. Color film must be left at the studio. Six days on movie film. Black and white film, one-day service. Teters Studio, North Street. 48 tf. NOTICE We are going to of fer our special price on MAR IETTA MASTER PAINTER Out side White during July and Aug ust. A S6.35 value for only $4.65 per gallon. Caldwell Implement & Supply Co. 1-9}