Newspaper Page Text
Artrnist ft. 1 oriTT MT. TABOR NEWS HAPPENINGS MT. TABOii iVii. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Johns, Sunday evening. Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, Joy and Gay and Nancy and Roger visited Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and family, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Jerry, Terry and Roger were business callers at Cald well, Thursday forenoon. Jerry, Terry and Roger Mar tin spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughter, Ann Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and daughter, Nancy Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, Joy and Gay were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin and son, Ricky, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, Elsie Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin and son, Ricky were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family and Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, were business callers at Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina and Gary Kennonsburg KENNOXSBUHG Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hague and children and Mrs. Ambrose Hague, of Ellet, were visiting the latter's father, H. L. Moore last week. Enjoying: Visit Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Short, Jr., and children, Vickie and Ronnie of Rand, W. Va., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Long last week. School Closes The singing school closed Sat urday evening with a program by the school and specials by the teacher, Mr. Short, family, Dou dna and Rev. Richards and Rev. Ralvh Keenan families. Church Meeting The all-day meeting was well attended Sunday which was held in Lashley's Grove, conducted by Rev. Robert Richards, Dr. Dou dna of Caldwell, brought the morning message and Rev. Ralph Kennan of W. Va., the afternoon message. The Mammoth choir from Mammoth, W. Va., solos, double duets and the Glory Bound quar tet and the gospel singing circle assisted with singing and music. At noon a basket dinner was served. Personals Mrs. Mary Alice Bates and children, of Canton, spent the •weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Lela Harding, of Chand lersville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Josie Wells. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Long, Saturday, were Guy AnkkOm, of Columbus, Rex Ankrom of Williamsson, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Long spent Sunday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Bertha Bates and daughter, Gertrude in Cam bridge. Saturday evening callers at the Long home were Mrs. Neville Ruder, Miss Bonnie Fra ley, of Columbus, and Freddie Basford, locally. Chickens that roost on open range or venture out on range before sunrise invite trouble from fox, mink, weasel, raccoon, or other predators. Wehr were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Saturday evening. Mr. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, were business callers at Woodsfield, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leasure and grandson. Rex Davis were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Wednesday evening. Mr. Irvin Miracle and Wiley Thompson were callers of Reed Thompson and Willard Mallett, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila and Jesse Miracle were business callers at Cambridge, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wells and son, of Marietta, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kellis McCros key and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ivin Miracle, Frank Thompson and Jesse Miracle visited Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daugh ter. Shila, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert VanFos sen and daughter, Eileen were visiting Mr. and Mi's. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin and son, Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family and Mrs. Ver na Kirkbride and daughters, Joy and Gay were sight-seeing down through Clarington and had sup per at Woodsfield airport, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin and son, Ricky, Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, Miss Sandra Hannahs, Mr. Earl Bennett, Mr. Ronnie Lahue were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ste phens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Jerry and Terry returned home Monday night from their vacation after visiting Monticello home of Thomas Jefferson, Ashlawn home of James Monroe at Charlotts ville. Va., toured across the Sky lines and visited the Luray Cav erns visited Mr. Martin's dad, Mr. William. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martin at Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Martin's in Win chester, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin and sons, Guy and Wayne in Stephen City, Va. were dinner guests of Mr. Mar tin's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Martin in Elkins, W. Va., Mon day, also visited the Davis and Elkins College at Elkins, W. Va. Ava AVA Mr. and Mrs. David Gessel spent Saturday in Mari etta. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dusen bury and family of Coal Ridge, were callers here Sunday. Mrs. Russell Johnson and family were visiting Virgil Brown and family, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wood spent Monday in Cambridge. Mrs. Lena Crow and Mrs. Mary Schott were in Caldwell, Mon day. James R. Buckey, of Crestline, was visiting here Sunday. Mrs. Carlos Bryan, of Cald well, is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson. Mrs. Bertha Bates spent Mon day in Coal Ridge. Mrs. Bessie Ingram and Mrs. Carl Joseph and daughters, of Zanesville and Mrs. John Delan cey and daughter of Coal Ridge, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Bates, Sunday. Evangelistic Crusade CALDWELL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM August 10 August 14 thru Each Night1 at 8:00 O'clock Rev. And Mrs. Charles Gray HEAR HEAR Dynamic Inspirations! Beautiful Music Christ-Centered Lowery Organ ... Vibra Sermons Harp. i e s e s by by Rev. Charles Gray Mrs. Gray HEAR A GREAT CHOIR OF 40 VOICES SPECIAL NUMBERS NIGHTLY! Romans 3:23 Epheeians 2:89 Give God A Chance Now SPEOES SQUIRRELS SQUIRRELS RtNGNECKED PHEASANT CCOCKS ONLY) 1 QUAIL (STATE OWNED OR CONTROLLED LAND) DEER (ANV AGE I OR SEX) DEER (ANV AGE I OR SEX) HUNT* NO RACCOON OPOSSUM SKUNK. TRAPPING RACCOON OPOSSUM SKUNK. T~- Col. 3:3 John 3:16 1959(%£& Smm4- 0PINIM6 OATt UOMNG DATE UMIT ItUFFEp GROUSE OCT. 15 FEB26 I960 HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE NOV.tfo DEC 9 2 A 6 I 5 N0V.I6 JAN .4 I960 P0S6 UMiT ZONE SEPT 11 NOV 2 ZONE SEPT.15 NOV.2 It 3 vD 4 vD 4 vD 4 vD 4 vD 4 Ifi Ifi Ifi Ifi Ifi 4 0 u -1 4 0 u -1 4 0 u -1 4 0 u -1 4 0 u -1 $ $ $ 0EC.9 2 $ NOV 16 DEC9 6 GUN DEC.. 10 DECI2 WOOD CHUCK. NO CLOSED SEASON OR. BAG LIMITS ZONE 1 N0VI6 FES.15 I960 HUNT* NO RACCOON OPOSSUM SKUNK. Z O N E e NOV. 2 ZONE 1 N0V.I6 FEB 13 I960 TRAPPING RACCOON OPOSSUM SKUNK. ZONE Z N0V2 HUNTING AND TRAPPING MUSKRAT ANO MINK WEfcSEL NO CLOSED SEASON OR BAG LIMIT NO OPEN SEASON ON SNOWSHOE HARE REEVE5" PHEASANT .ELLIOTS PHEASANT WILD TURKEY BEAVER. OR BEAR ALL DATES INCLUSIVE TIME IS EASTERN STANDARD TIME. WHIGVILLE NEWS ITEMS WHIGVILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas were called to Cambridge, Monday, by the sud den death of their son, Chester Thomas at Guernsey Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, of Middleburg, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Homer Guiler was calling on Kenneth Guiler, Monday even ing. Mrs. Afny Johnson, of Cald well, and Jill Bates of West Lafayette, were calling on Mrs. H. D. Carter, Tuesday p. m. Mrs. Margaret Ellen Copa, of Detroit, Mich., was called here the past week by the death of Chester Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Guiler were calling on Mrs. Clarice Johnson, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Berry call ed on George Berry, Monday evening. Mrs. Ralph Best and son, Ker mit, of Pittsburgh, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Goodsell Carter, of Cuyahoga Falls, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Johnson, of Cald well. Clarence West, of Columbus, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West.. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Thomas, of Cumberland, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Thomas, of Zanes ville, attended the funeral of Chester Thomas, Thursday at Summerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Guiler, of Marietta, spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford. The annual homecoming of the Whigville Methodist church will be held Sunday, Aug. 30th at the church with a well planned pro gram to be presented. All former pastors and friends are cordially invited to attend. A basket din ner will be served at noon in the town hall. Bring your own table service and well filled bas kets. Mrs. Kermit Border and Ann Border, of Coal Run, were guests the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark while Mr. and Mrs. Clark are on a vacation trip. Edna Arnold was calling on Mrs. John Beatty, Tuesday. Martha Archer, of Caldwell, was a recent guest of Glen Archer and family. Mi-, and Mrs. Maynard John son, of Caldwell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Carter. 3 1st PAIR THE JOURNAL, CALPWEIX, OHIO SHOOTING HOURS 4 DAY LIGHT TO OARK 4 DAY LIGHT TO OARK It DAYLl&MT TO DARK. EXCEPT NOV lb TO JA.N 4 INCLUSIVE WHEN IT \S 9 OOAM. TO 5 00 PM. It It It 9 00 A TO 5 00 P.M. 4 9 00 AM. TO 5 00 P.M. 9 00 A M. TO 5 00 P.M. $ o O o O o O o O o O 9 00 A M. TO 5 00 P.M. 9 00 A.M. TO 5 OO P.M. SHOTGUNS ONLY OOO OOO BOW OCT.15 DEC .31 DAYLIGHT TO DARK EXCEPT DEC 10 TO DEC \Z WHEN IT IS 9 00 A M. TO 5 00 PM. RACCOON 4 PER DAY 6 00 P.M. TO ft 00 A FE&.29 I9b0 MOKIE DAY OR NtGHT NONE DAY OR. NIGHT NONE DAY OR. NIGHT FEB .29 I960 NOV 16 MAO 15 I960 NONE DAY OR NIGHT Mrs. Ruth Clark, Mrs. Jane Berry and Mrs. Earl Clark were at Cambridge, Monday. Mrs. Carroll Guiler and chil dren, of Caldwell, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ouiler arid Rev. Myron Guiler attended the homecoming at Fredericks dale church, Sunday. Cumberland CUMBERLAND The Wo men's Society of Christian Ser vice of the Methodist church will sponsor a social on the church lawn on Saturday evening, Aug. 8 at 6:30 p. m. The menu will consist of homemade ice cream, pie, cake, potato salad, baked beans, chicken and hot dog sand wiches, coffee and kool-aid. Visit Here Rev. and Mrs. Leroy Lawther, of Cleveland, recently called on friends here. Mrs. Lawther will be remembered by her friends here as Helen Morledge, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Mor ledge, who served as minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church for more than twenty years. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tilden en tertained guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Elliott and family of New Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Don Paxson and family, Rosa Paxson of Zanesville, Miss Judy Butler of Shelby. Their daughter, Betty Jo Tilden, of Mt. Vernon, spent the weekend with her parents. House Guests Mr. and Mrs. Stowell Perkins, of Bethesda, Mrs. Nellie Beckett and daughter, Delores and Nancy Racey visited Sunday afternoon at the James Conn home. Grange Meeting Cumberland grange will meet on Monday evening, Aug. 10 at 8:30 p. m. The refreshment com mittee is: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kackley, Charles and Helen Kackley and Eldon Martin. Personals Mrs. Ann Mellinger enter tained with a birthday party on Friday afternoon for her daugh ter, Becky's seventh birthday and Patti Sue Conn's eighth birthday. Rachel Collins and Annie Cowgild enjoyed th« Oc casion. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crawford were Sunday evening supper guests in the Willard Collins home. SHOE SALE SPECIAL RACK $*5.99 2nd PAIR 1 MULLIGAN'S SHOE STORE North Street Caldwell, Ohio QUAKER CITY MEWS HAPPENINGS QUAKER CITY Mrs. Joyce Dean, of Columbus, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Keith Carpenter and family, Pike street. Her mother, Mrs. Helen Gattrell, of Columbus, also spent the week with her daughter and fcamily. Mis. Dean will leave the last of August to join her husband, Eddie Dean, who is serving with the air force in Morocco. Mrs. Annie Yost, of Steuben ville, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. W. R. LoveaU and husband and Mrs. Blanche Reed, of Barnes ville. The annual homecoming of the Fletcher Methodist church will be held on Sunday, Aug. 9. Mrs. Ken Kennedy and daugh ter, of Mt. Gilead, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Lawrence Eagon and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Hall, of Ashland, visited with her mother, Mrs. M. S. Lawrence last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens attended t,he ice cream social at Old Washington last Thursday night. The Methodist Sunday school enjoyed a picnic at the Barnes ville Memorial park on Friday evening. Approximately 75 peo ple enjoyed the picnic supper. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Best, of Pittsburgh, Pa., were visiting over last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin. The Franklins accompanied them home for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Randal Bundy have returned to their home at Sarasota, Florida, after a visit with h-is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Othel Etandy. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bundy and children, of Whitehall, Colum bus, visited over weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bundy and Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Vorhies. Miss Hazel Morgan is spending a week's vacation at the home of her brother. Lawrence King and family of Columbus. Mrs. Randall Brothers, of Cambridge and Mi's. Sam Nelson of Washington, Court House, visited on Tuesday of last week with her aunt, Mrs. D. L. Lingo and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Morgan and family visited Lawrence NOW ONLY TYPE OF TIRE Custom Nylon Super-Cushion (White) Custom Nylon Super-Cushion (Black) Custom Super-Cushion (Blacky) King and family, of Columbus. Dick King who spent a week there, returned home with them on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Steele Hayes, of Danville, Va., Mrs. Ella Long and Leila St. Clair visited Mon day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid. Jeff Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gibson, of Wester ville, visited last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McMullis, of Newark, were weekend visi tors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Max. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moorhead and Mr. and Mrs. David Moor head and children from Flint, Mich., were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin. Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Vorhies, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Loveall, Mrs. Freda Frakes, Mrs. W. J. Moore and Miss Gertrude Deal attended the homecoming at Wesley Cha pel on Sunday. Pleasant Hill PLEASANT HILL Can Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Co oper and Maude Russell visited Luther Joy and family of near Canton, Sunday. Ruth Ann Alders, of Morrow, spent a few days with her par ents, L. J. Mair and wife last week. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Larrick called on his brother, Bion Lar rick and wife last Teusday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Robins, of Columbus, spent the weekend with Lafe Robins, of this place and Luna Butler, of Sarahsville. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis and children, of Bycsville, spent Sunday with Ira Davis and wife. Hazel Davis entertained the Bible class, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Davis called on Henry Russell and wife, Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hitchens, of Pleasant City, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Meighen and son. Mrs. Lafollette called on Carr Davis and wife one day last week. NYLON IL 3jTriple-Tough Trade today for safer, longer lasting 3-T Nylons by Goodyeaj. Heat resisting 3-T Nylon runs safer be cause it's tempered by an exclusive process involving precisely controlled Tension, Temperature and Time. Now, at these rock-bottom prices, you can afford the extra safety of Nylon! LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED! "CONNIE" MacAdam Keeping our roads in good repair it a full-tim* job BUILD our roads HERE AND YON Sunday school, 9:30 at M. E. church in Sarahsville. The welcome mat is always out to everyone. Personals William Johnson has been re leased from Good Samaritan hos pital to ,his home on Caldwell route 6. He is slowly improving from an amputated toe. Recent visitors of Emma and Fannie Kirkbride were Mr. and Mrs. Mavwood Kirkbride, Mr. and Mrs-. Bernard Sills and fam ily, Mrs. June Jones and two children, Mrs. Rose Danley and daughter, Helen aftd grandson, Mike. Thursday visitors of Raymond Poling and family were Mr. and Mrs. Asberry White and chil dren, Pat, Ronnie Dean and Tommie and Timmie of Cam bridge and Fannie Kirkbride. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson and sons, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ankrom spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kirkbride. Miss Sara Clock and Miss Kathy McMinch of Battle Creek, byGOOD/^EAR 6.70x15 blackwall Tube-type plus ta* and recappable tire on Nylons...Rayons... Black or Whitewalls... Tubeless or Tube-Type ...14-inch or 15-inch! Popular 7.50x14 Tubeless fits recent Plymouths, Fords, Chevrolet* TYPICAL SAVINGS PE* TltE Even Greater Savings On Larger Sizes! MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Corner Cumberland & North Streets Phone 200 TIRE PRICES NYLON TYPE OF TIRE Custom Super-Cushion (White) Safety All-Weather Nylon (Black) Safety All-Weather Nylon (White) Page Five-—8 by Mark Blakm the leu our MAINTENANCE eoife IS OHIO CiriZfNS HIGHWAY COMMtTTft HERE AND YON HAPPENINGS Michigan, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Smith. Clark McCandless and Miss Fannie Dye visited on Thursday with Mrs. Lucy McCandless of state hospital in Cambridge. Mrs. Rose Danley and daugh ters, Helen and June and grand children and Fannie Kirkbride were visitors of Mrs. Genevia Henry on Wednesday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Lafollette spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Meighen and son, Jeffrey. Recent visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hickman and son, Mrs. Nancy Meighen, Miss Mary Ellen Smith and Debbie. Mrs. Dorhan Willev, of Byes ville, called on her mother, Mrs. George Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Lafollette were recent visitors of his par ants, Mr. and Mrs. Maywood Lafollette. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hickman and son. Tommy, and Mrs. Mildred Feldner were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruth Kirk aiuf family. See The Journal for Quality Printing. D! TYPICAL SAVINGS PER Tl«