Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, August 6, 1959 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS MODERN THREE bedroom bun galow type house, gas, electri city, bath, gas furnace, lull basement. Beautiful oak finish and flooring. Nice location in Caldwell on paved street. Shown by appointment only. GOOD SIX ROOM, two story house, with gas, electricity, bath find furnace. Full basement, doub le garage and extra lot. Good lo cation in Caldwell on paved |treet. GOOD FIVE-ROOM house, gas, electricity. Water in kitchen, Cellar and outbuildings. Large at tic for extra room. Three-fourths licre of land. Good location on Koute 21. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Broker 516^2 West St. Phone 228-J Caldwell, Ohio 48 tf. GOOD SEVEN room house, lot .70 acre, five rooms on first floor, two on second, with gas, water, electric and garage. Also by same owner, 2.G4 acres, with barn. Both in Summerfield, will Consider selling separately. EIGHT ROOM modern home in Summerfield, with furniture. Priced less than $5,000. Look these farms over, 35 acres l'arm land, pasture, some timber 1*!35 ?icres, eight room house and out buildings. Both near Summer field. 110 acres, with five room house and outbuildings, near Stafford. CHESTER J. HOWILER, Realtor A. RAYMON FOGLE, Salesman Summerfield 5 6 7 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, with bath, full basement, automatic gas furnace, built-in kitchen, hard wood floors and Venetian shades. Located at 516 Walnut street, Caldwell, Ohio. If interested write: Willis McDonald, 3445 Krapp Drive, Grove Citv, Ohio. 2 tf. MODERN HOUSE, carpet, Vene tian blinds, large living room, double garage. Bolon Barnhouse, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 165. 47tf. SIX ROOM HOUSE in Macks burg. See Myrtle Miller in Macks burg". 4 5 6 FOUR-ROOM bungalow, painted and in good condition, garden, gas and electric. Harry Clark, Macksburg. 4 5 6 pd. THREE BEDROOM, one floor home in Bronze Heights., Phone S59-W or contact C. R. Locke. 4 5 6 pd. FOUR ROOM HOUSE in Coal Ridge with gas and electric. George Toracho, route 2, Cum berland, or phone Caldwell 312-F-12.- 4-5 6 THE A. M. GILL property, 3V2 acres on Fairground road at edge of Caldwell. Seven rooms and bath, basement, coal furnace, city water, gas and electric, large barn and other outbuild ings. See Howard Gill at the First National bank for appoint ment. 4v5 6pd For Sale—FRUIT TREE RIPENED WHITE Cum berland peaches. Beebe's Or chard, Waterford, Ohio. 6 THEY (AN UNDERMINE YOUR HOUSE! Termites often destroy val uable property before anyone is aware of their presence. That is because they live in tunnels which they cat into wood. They do their damage from the inside out. We'll check your property for termites free, eradicate them at low cost. Remember an inspection In time saves dollars. For FREE Inspection CALL TIPTON HARDWARE CALDWELL, OHIO Pest Control Service HOME OFFICE ST. MARY S, W. VA. FOR SALE For Sale—FARMS 78 ACRE FARM, three miles from Dalzell, Ohio. House, barn, oil, gas and timber. On gravel road. F. E. McCauley, 711 Fifth street. Marietta, Ohio. 6 7 8 pd. 151 ACRE FARM for sale, with six room house and coal fur nace, bai n and other outbuildings. Everett Rayner, route 1, Ava, O. 5 6 7 pd. 57 ACRE FARM for sale, with six room house, bath, basement* coal furnace, barn and other out buildings. Everett Rayner, route 1, Ava, Ohio. 5 6 7 pd. FARM of 2.75 acres, with a seven room house, garage, and other outbuildings. Plenty of good wa ter, one-half mile off USR 21. Priced at $1400. Earl Addlespurg er, route 1, Macksburg. 5 6 7pd APPROXIMATELY 100 acre farm on new USR 21, about six miles south of Caldwell with a ten-room house, double garage, good dairy barn and other out buildings, in good condition. For more information phone Dexter City 702-F-4. 4 5 6 pd. For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS SOFA BED, green Simmons Da veno, in good condition. Mrs. Russell Keith, Caldwell. Phone 270-F-13. 6 7 8 REFRIGERATOR, General Elec tric. in good condition. Sophia Malissa, route 6, Caldwell, Flor ence Addition. 6 7 8 pd. ANTIQUE live-drawer chest, Cherry. In good condition. Call The Journal or write 115 E. Whit tier Ave., Fairborn, Ohio. 6 REGULAR SIZE youth bed, three-piece bedroom suite, eight piece living room suite, electric stove and refrigerator, five-piece dinette set and kitchen sink. Stanley Miller, route 1, Ava, O. 5 6 7 pd. PRESTELINE ELECTRIC range. Priced cheap. In good condi tion. Mrs. Howard Smith, Dexter City. Phone 58-F-5. 5 6 7 pd. BENDIX ELECTRIC IRONER, like new. $85. Phone Dexter City, 22. 5 6 7 AN ELECTRONIC piano, used only about 60 hours, eight months old. Original price $425. Will sell for $325. Mahogany finish, in perfect condition. Call Caldwell 714-F-ll or see Ray mond Boyd on Caldwell route 6, county road No. 13. 4 5 6pd. FOURTH DECK antenna, in very good condition. Mrs. Mary Frees, route 2. Cumberland, Ohio. Phone Caldwell 312-F-22. 4 5 6 For Sale— PLANTS AFRICAN VIOLETS. Mrs. Beda Schoeppner, Carl street, Cum berland, Ohio. 6 7 8 For Sale—LIVESTOCK 17 HEAD OF coarse wool ewes, 10 head of fine wool ewes, reg istered corriedale ram. J. Fletch er Guiler, Summerfield, route 2. 6 7 8 pd. FOUR REGISTERED Polled Hereford bulls, double stand ard. Also two registered heifers, ready to wean. Wilbur Grimes. Caldwell, on Davis Ridge. No Sunday sales. 6 7 SIXTEEN WEEKS OLD and ready to lay pullets White Rock Reds White Leghorn and Ghostley Pearls. Buckey's Hatch ery, Main street, Caldwell. Phone Hlfi-J or 61. 5 (5 7 BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple as Murphy's Up to 24 Mos. To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL, OHIO USED CARS THE BEST DEAL IN CALDWELL DEAN A. REED MOTOR SALES Phone 108 202 West Street OPEN EVENINGS FROM 6:00 TO 8:00 WANT AD SECTION FOR SALE For Sale—LIVESTOCK COW, four-year-old, fresh, with heifer calf. Carlos Ramage, route 4, Caldwell. 6 7 pd. FOR SALE—One two-year-old Polled Durham bull: two year ling Polled Durham bulls. Also four coarse wool rams and two fine wool rams. G. W. Ankrom, three miles west of Batesville on State Route 147. Phone: Quaker City ORange 9-3479. 6 7 8 pd. For Sale—MACHINERY-TOOLS CORN HARVESTER, Interna tional one-rcw. Priced to sell. Don E. Parrish, Caldwell route 2. Phone 702-F-5. 5 6 7 THRICE PHASE electric motor, 10 h.p., 220 volts, 60 cycles, 6.9 amperes. In good operating con dition. Priced to sell. The Journ al-Leader, Caldwell, Ohio. TWO-UNIT DeLaval milking ma chine, complete with pipe for 24 cows. Also International one raw corn harvester. Priced to sell. Don E. Parrish, Caldwell route 2. Phone 702-F-5. 5 6 7 I. H. C. COMBINE with motor 52R in good condition this year. First $300 buys it. Contact Andrew L. Crum, Caldwell route 4 or phone, 718-F-5. 4 5 6pd. 14 FT. THOMPSON boat with a 10 horse power motor and trailer: two pony carts garden tractor and attachments: two rifles, 22 gauge three shot guns, 12, 16 and 20 gauge. Watson's Garage. Ava, Ohio. Phone Cald well 346-F-31. 4 5 6 For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1955 FORD FAIRLANE 2 door, Fordomatic, green and white. Good shape, good tire's, radio, heater, fully equipped. Price $900. William Gillespie at Gillespie's Drugs, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 160. 6 7 8 l1:- TON FORD TRUCK, long wheel base, on good rubber. In A-l condition. Mileage 23,000. N. H. Bigley, 509 Walnut street, Caldwell. 6 7 8 pd. 1955 CHEVROLET dump truck. with 7x10 dump. Walter Smith, Botts Trailer Court, Woodslield, Ohio. 6 pd. 1951, 1952 and 1953 Chevrolet. half ton pickup trucks. Also specials on brake jobs and over hauling this month. Paul Warn er shop, located on East and Olive streets, Caldwell, in the old DeVolld building. 4 5 6pd. 1957 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, convertible, automatic 1953 Buick, two door, dynaflow and a 1939 Chevrolet, business coupe, in excellent condition. Don Briggs Caldwell. Phone 295-M or 19-J. 5 6 7 pd. For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS CANNING TOMATOES. Haines Market, Coal Run, on SR 77. 6 7 8 PLASTIC FLOWERS and mater ial. Free lessons with material. Rhea Elliott, route 6, Caldwell. Phone 138-F-U. 6 7 8 pd. MELONS, sweet peppers and canning tomatoes. Pick your own and bring your containers. Peal and Worthington, Lowell, Ohio. 6 7 8 pd. ALLSTATE MOTOR SCOOTER, $105.00. Harold Hune, 920 Main street, Caldwell. Phone 318-J. 5 6 7 pd. TEN USED school bus seats, in good condition. Moore's garage in Summerfield, Ohio. Phone 21, Summerfield. 5 6 7 ELECTRIC HAWAIIAN Guitar. Practically new, used very little. Complete with amplifier and lesson instruction book. See William Howiler, Route 6, Cald well, Ohio, in Maple Heights. 5 tf. WANTED EXPERIENCED Practical Nurse wants two bed patients to keep in nice auiet country home. Phone Caldwell 725-F-2. (5 7 pd. RESPONSIBLE PARTY wanted to assume payments on practi callv new spinet piano. Write Credit Manager, Box 334, Zanes ville, Ohio. 6 7 8 TWO WAITRESSES for night shift, experience not necessary. Lone Elm restaurant, near Ava. Inquire at the restaurant. 5 6 WORK FOR SMALL dozer and landscaping. Reasonable rates William Grimes, phone Cumber land 83370 between the hours of 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. 25tf WANTED TO BUY WOOL. BEEF HIDES and roots. C. R. Teters. Hoskinsville. Phone Caldwell 304-F-21. 40 tf. STOCK REMOVED' HORSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta. Ohio miHimimiuimuinimumMwuuiiinuminmiiiiHMW—• GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OHIO See and Compare Our Fine Selection! Phone: Woodsfield GR 2-1210 THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO PUBLIC SALE I WILL OFFER for public sale on Saturday, August 8, at my farm on state route 78 at junction of state route 539, beginning at 12:30 p. m., the following: Seven cattle: one milk cow, three beef cows, one yearling heifer, two calves on cows. Farm Machinery: 1955 Oliver Super 77 tractor with cultivators 1954 Oliver grain drill on rubber two-bottom David Bradley plows on rubber Yerian farm wagon Massev-Harris manure spreader disc harrow spike tooth harrow Case hammer mill lime spreader Planet garden tractor platform scales and other items too num erous to mention. Some household goods to be sold on day of sale. Terms: Cash. STANLEY NICHOLS, Owner E. R. Tom, Auctioneer. 4 5 6 FOR RENT APARTMENT, with two rooms and bath upstairs, three rooms down. Located at 602 W. Main street. Phone Summerfield 64-F 3. 4 tf. FURNISHED vacation housetrail er at Seneca Lake and house trailer parking space. Herschel Davis, Byesville, Ohio. Phone 5064 or 6291. 4 5 6 O S ELGIN WRIST WATCH, with black expansion band on the Athletic field, Caldwell. A re ward is offered to anyone find ing it. Ronnie Schell, route 1, Caldwell. Phone 742-F-ll. 6 pd. A HEATHKIT electronic test meter, small black case, some where between Cambridge and Caldwell. If found contact. H. S. Rusk, route 1, New Concord, or phone 3334, New Concord. 4 5 6 pd. O U N FOUND a sum of money in the lobby of Noble County trea surer's office. Owner may have same by identifying amount -and approximate date lost. Owner must pay for this advertisement. 6 7 8 NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC hi-aring on Brookfield Local school dis trict budget. Notice is hereby given that on the third day of August, 1959, at 8:00 o'clock p. m. a public hearing will be held on the budget, prepared by the board of education, Brook field township, Noble County, Ohio, for the next succeeding year, ending December 31, 1960. Such hearing will be held at the Brookfield school house. 4 5 6 Edith Hedge, Clerk ON FRIDAY EVENING, August 7, at 8 o'clock, the trustees of Elk township will hold a public hearing at the Town House in Harriettsville. At this time, the clerk will have the annual bud get prepared for the year 1960 for inspection. Charles N. VanFossen, clerk vHarriettsville, Ohio Route 1 4 5 6 PINK EYE SPRAT -combs for cattle and sheep. R. D. Buckey. Caldwell, Ohio. 4 5 6 HOG FEEDS ground, wheat cwt., $2,75, ground barley, $3.00. grinding and mixing. R. D. Buc kev. 4 5 6 i-ET US SAVE YOU $ $ $ on fertilizer. We supply Farmgro Plant Food in bulk either straight potash, phosphate or nitrogen or in popular analysis. & N Farm Bureau, Phone 95, Caldwell, Ohio. 41 tf. STOP TERMITE damage. Free inspections. All work guaran teed. Sure Kill Exterminators. 515 W. Main Street. Phone Cald well 233. 48 tf. INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. TREE WORK Topped or Removed ARCHER'S TREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Phone, Day or Night, Caldwell 307-F-14 JAMES A. WATSON AUCTIONEER 25 years Farm, Business, and Auction Experience & Service. Phone Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO i i itimiiuiaMWWMMimiuiuiuniiiiiiiiuituiiiiuiiiimiuinniHimiiiniiinifl mwMHHiwiiiHiimiiiiwiiiiiHHiiMiiiiummfimiiuwmww Authorized Soles and Service for BRIGGS & STRATTON CLINTON LAWN BOY POWER PRODUCTS LAUSON E N I N E S MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone 200 Cumberland Street! toHimmtimmMiiiuuitmumuMMWMBWuMMMttmuMBiHPjnHff -MARKET REPORT Wednesday, Autj. 5 The Caldwell Produce Co. Heavy hens lb. 13c Light hens lb. 8c Old cocks lb. 6c Southeast Ohio Egg Producers Jumbo eggs, 30-ozs. and up— from 30c to 38c per dozen. Large eggs, 24-o?.. to 30-oz.— from 23c to 33c per dozen. Medium eggs, 21-oz. to 24-oz.— from 19c to 26c per dozen. Small eggs, 18-oz. to 21-oz.— from 13c to 17c per dozen. Above prices based on quality and size of shipment picked up at door. Cases furnished. NOTICES USE COBA SERVICE: It's Safe —It's Reliable—It's Economical —It's Sanitary. Call: Don Frisbee, Caldwell 273. 6 "We Buy and Sell Anything for the Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio 6 tf. NOTICE We are authorized dealer for the famous Twen tieth Century welders. Free trial, no obligation. Five-year contin uous welding guarantee. Welding supplies. & N Farm Bureau Co-op., Mill street, Caldwell, O. Phone 95. 6 7 8 PIANO-TECH. Complete piano and player piano service. Gene ral string instrument repair. Stroboscope tuning is much more accurate—yet costs no more. "The richest are poor without creative music—the poor are rich with it." Call, write or see: O. T. Gat ten, technician, route 2{ Lewis ville. Phone (Barnesville ex change) LO-7-5636. 5 6 7 8 9 10 pd. NOTICE—I am now hauling coal from the following mines: Palmer, Byesville & Dogtown. Hauling lump, egg or nut coal, crushed stone, sand delivered $2.85 per ton, gravel delivered $3.15 per ton. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. 5 tf. STAUFFER HOME REDUCING W. H. LONG Independent Licensed Distributor Call Your Local Representative VERNA FORAKER Waterford Phone 79-J 1 tf. NOTICE OF PUBLIC hearing on Stock township budget. Notice is hereby given that on Friday, August 7, at 8:00 o'clock p. m., the trustees of Stock township will bold a public hearing on the 1960 budget, in the basement of the Carlisle grange lull. Robert Schehl. clerk. 5 6 7 NOTICE Expert picture fram ing:, good selection. Murphy's Furniture, Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf NOTICE We are going to of fer our special price on MAR IETTA MASTER PAINTER Out side White during July and Aug ust. A SO.35 value for only $4.(m per gallon. Caldwell Implement & Supply Co. 1-5) 150-160 IhS. 190-220 lbs. 270-330 lbs. Sows CATTLE RECEIPTS Choice and prime dry lot cattle Choice grass cattle Good grass cattle Medium grass cattle Plain grass cattle Butcher bulls Good cows Medium cows Common cows Shelly cows NOTICES WHY WORRY it afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 29 pd. CLARENCE CRUM says, "Don't worry over a sluggish septic tank or clogged drain *. "Come to the & N Farm Bureau in Cald well and get Klean-Em-All sewer and septic tank cleaner." Money back guarantee. 1-9 pd. OBITUARY LIZZIE YERIAN Funeral services for Lizzie Tdella Peck Yerian, who died July 22, 1959 at Bethesda hospi tal, Zanesville, Ohio, were con ducted from the Tom funeral home in Cumberland, July 24, at two p. m. Burial was made in the Cumberland cemetery. Mrs. Yerian was born in Mor gan county, January 24, 1882, the daughter of Wallace and Rebecca Gilliland Peck. She was marri«*d to James A. Yerian, May 28, 1902. To this union was born five sons and two daughters, Harold of Cumberland, Roy of Orrville route 1, Wayne and Albert of Ava route, Fred of the home, Mrs. Opal Rhinehart of Cumber land and Mrs. Audrey Milligan of Caldwell. A brother and one granddaughter are deceased. She was 77 years, five months and 29 days old at the time of her death. Early in life, she joined the Methodist faith, being a member of the Hiramsburg Methodist church at. the time of her death. Her inspiring and strong faith was a great comfort to her in her trying illness. Rev. David Hively, of Center charge in Guernsey county, and Rev. Karl Bucy, her pastor, conducted last rites. V Life is so wonderful, life such as thine death cannot end it, dear mother of mine. Morning will come again, gild ing the trees spring notes will sound again, sweet on the breeze. This is not dying, my brave mother dear thou art but climbing up out of the here: out where with Christ life wiil flower again. So, there good night, mother. Only good night: turn thy dear face to the mansions of light. Life is so wonderful, life such as thine. Death cannot end it. Good night, mother of mine. Ca*d of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to the many, many friends, who so willingly helped during the illness and death of our wife and mother, Mrs. Lizzie IdeJla Yer ian. Our special thanks to Rev. David Hively and Rev. Kari Bucy, for their comforting words, Mrs. Don Ziler and Miss Shirley Bell for the lovely music, the Tom funeral home and donors of flowers. Mr. James Yerian 6 and Children. Classified Pav Dividends JAMES MERRY STONE CO. Just Off SR 78 Near Sharon ROAD ROCK Construction Aggregates Crushed Lime Rock Agricultural Lime Domestic Coal Phone Caldwell 714-F-6 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Sale Prices for Saturday, August 1,1959 HOG RECEIPTS 109 HEAD R13.00 to SI3.50 £15.00 to S15.50 $12.85 to S13.40 $ 7.90 to $10.50 211 HEAD S27.70 to LAMB RECEIPTS 318 HEAD 21 head choice lambs, average 93 lbs. $24.10 22 head good lambs, average 80-88 lbs. $23.20 to $23.40 6 head medium, average 84 lbs. S22.10 15 head light goods, average 60-62 lbs. 819.70 to $19.90 42 head common and medium lambs S 9.50 to $17.00 13 head yearling and clip lambs $ 6.75 to $19.75 93 head slaughter sheep $ 1.25 to $ 7.60 6 head sheep (by the head) $ 1.00 to $ 8.50 Ifold your light lambs for the Lamb Sale to be held at t&e Barnesville Livestock yards, Tuesday, August 18, 1950. BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE. OHIO S29.60 $25.10 $23.50 $22.00 $20.00 $23.20 $18.60 $17.00 $15.00 $11.60 50 to 5522.00 to $20.00 to S17.00 to 822.00 to $17.00 to S15.00 to SI2.00 to $11.00 to 168 HEAD CALF RECEIPTS 7 head prtnie, 160-215 lbs. 24 head choice, 130-215 lbs. 22 head good. 130-215 lbs. 8 head medium, 130-215 lbs. 17 head good to prune, 220-250 lbs. 10 head good to choice, 105-125 lbs. 4 head plain, 105-160 lbs. 6 head heavies, 255-350 lbs. 28 head light, 100 lbs. and down 87 head light, 100 lbs. and down back to the farm S36.40 to S32.75 to $29.25 to 826.50 to S30.40. to $29.00 to $20.00 to S23.00 to Si!*.10 to $23.00 to CARD OF THANKS I v. i: to press my thanks and appreciation to my friends, relatives and neighbors for the lovely flowers, cards, visits and prayers during my recent illness. May God bless each one. William Katharv 6 Macksburg, Ohio CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of expressing our appreciation to all of our friends and neighboi-s for their kindness and for the floral offering during the time of our bereavement. 6pd. H. C. Bates and sons. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my many friends and neighbors,, for the prayers, flowers, cards, gifts and visits while a patient in the Good Sam aritan hospital. Also I wish to thank all the doctors and nurses and nurses aids. Linnie Cowgill 6 Sarahsville, Ohio A-1 1QCCBUICK 1 OCT $36.60. $35.00 $32.00 $28.50 $35.25 $30.00 $22.50 S29.00 $26.90 $39.00 jggggy Mrs. Margaret Simonton 6pd. Caldwell, Ohio CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank my many friends for the cards and letters I received while a patient in the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. Special thanks to Dr. McCuskey. Dr. Kellum and the nursts and aides. WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU- 1. A-l used can are reconditioned by factory trained mechanics and body specialists. 2. Cars carry Ford's A-l nationally written guar antee. 3. Each car Is road tested before delivery. 4. Locally owned and operated used cars offering best values for your used car dollar. 1954 Buick Tudor Special 1956 Mercury Fordor Monterey 1954 Ford Pick-Up 1956 Ford Tudor Hardtop 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air Tudor Hardtop Caldwell Motors, Inc. Phone 84 Caldwell, Ohio USED CAR SPECIALS! 1 QF/% DODGE CORONET TWO-DOOR SEDAN. Two-Tone Gray Finish, like new Radio and Heater Automatic Transmission Good Tires. New Car Appearance. OC"TF0RD FAIRLANE "500" CONVERTIBLE Coupe. New Top Good Tires Radio and Heater Ford-O-Matic Transmission. 1 QC7oldsmobile Page Seven NO NEED TO SPEND COUNT- IBS HOURS AND ENEROf' LOOKING AROUND TO REftf/ FIND LOST ARTICLES OR TO BUY AND SELL,WHEN AN AD IN THIS NEWSPAPER WILL DELIVER YOUR NEEDS QUICK AND EASYJ To serve liver at its best, pur chase fresh, plump liver with a bloom or brightness about it. Avoid liver that has dark edges or looks rough and dried out, rec ommend Ohio State University Extension specialists. In Ohio, girls in 4-H club work outnumber boys nearly two to one. Records show 27,794 boys enrolled last year, compared to 54,017 girls. 5595 $1295 $750 $1495 $1295 CORONET FOUR-DOOR SE- X%7Z^ljDAN. Red and Black Radio and Heater Automatic Transmission Good White Side Wall Tires. An Extra Clean Car. SPECIAL TWO-DOOR SEDAN. Radio and Heater Blue Finish: Clean In side White Side Wall Tires: One Owner. In A-l Shape. #IC££FORD FAIRLANE VICTORIA. V-8 En Three-Speed Transmission with Overdrive Radio and Heater Good Tires. Cream over Green Finish. f%d"?DODGE ROYAL FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Gold and White Finish, Like New: Extra Clean Radio and Heater Torque Flite Transmission. One Owner. BUICK TWO-DOOR SEDAN. STAND ARD Transmission Radio and Heater Yellow and White Finish Good Tires. A O O U -D O O 9- A S S E N E S A TION Wagon 6-Cylinder Engine Auto matic Transmission Radio and Heater Good Tires and Poor Paint. Extra Clean Inside. E U y TURNPIKE CRUISER, TWO- Door Sedan Blue and White: Radio and Heater White Wall Tires Power Brakes and Steering. Many Other Extras. An Ex tra Nice, Clean Car. 98 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Radio and Heater Hydramatic Drive Power Steering Power Brakes Good Tires: Green Finish, Like New. Has New Car Appearance. 4 A O N I A O N V E I E E E N O X%J«3^Pand Cream Finish, Like New. New Bat tery Motor Overhauled Hvdramatic Transmission Radio and Heater. Karl Kress Used Cars CLARENCE HAGUE Salesman WOODSFIELD, OHIO