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Image provided by: Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Octobor 1,1 Letter Writing Week Will Be Observed In Area Tlu' 122nd annua] Loiter Writ ing Week will be celebrated in Caldwell, Ohio during the week of October 4 to 10, it was an nounced today by Postmaster Woodrow E. Cecil. "I am sure we are all awaro that a personal letter is, next to an actual visit, the most intimate and economical means each of us has to communicate with our fellow human beings. According ly, I urge everyone to 'write today to those away'." Posters, depicting a mailman in a new postal vehicle called the mailster, will be displayed in post offices throughout the country. Colorful streamers pro claiming that "Letters are fun to send and exciting to receive." will be displayed on postal vehicles. Postmaster Cecil stated that the special week should serve as a reminder to write long over due letters to servicemen, hos pitalized patients, foreign ac quaintances, faraway friends and relatives, and others who will welcome a personal letter. Sandra Parrish Is Awarded Scholarship Sandra Parrish, of Caldwell, has been awarded a sophomore scholarship to the Home Econ omics school at Ohio State Uni versity, Columbus. The award is leased upon scholarship and participation in extracurricular activities during her freshman year at the uni versity. She is active in the university Home Economics club, the Agri culture Student, a student maga zine, Saddle and Sirloin club, and the Women's Self Govern ment Association. Sandra is a 1958 graduate of Caldwell high school. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parrish. Perfect Attendance Records Announced Perfect attendance records for Sunday school were announced for the past year and certificates given out last Sunday at the First Methodist church by the pastor, Rev. E. Parker West, to the following: Heed Vogel, Marilyn and Caro lyn Hinkle,' Ronald Brown, Bar bara Beyer, Barbara Wood snd Darrell Secrest. Special recogni tion was given to Sally Parrish, for not missing one Sunday in six years, and to Sandra Par rish, sophomore at Ohio State University, who has a perfect attendance record of seventeen years. Those only missing one Sun day in a year included: Kristv Parrish, Arthur Beyer, Jr., Nancy Hinkle, Paigs West, Connie and Keitha Reed. Pri'e W'nners At Social Announced The following persons received prizes at the social held Sunday evening, sponsored by St. Philo mena church: William Ritterbeck, quilt Kr. S. J. Pekalla, $15.00: Emma West, $10.00 Wilbert Schott, $10.00 Richard Nau, $5.00 and Mrs. Eliiah Crum, $5.00. The door prize, a bushel of apples, was won by Mrs. James Ackley. REVIVAL SERVICES Revival services will be held at the Bracken Methodist church beginning the evening of Oct. 4th with Rev. Myron Guiler, of Summerfield, as the speaker. Special music will be furnished by Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Durham The Summerfield Methodist choir will help with special sin ing one niftht durin? the services. It is planned to extend the ser vices from October 4 to the 11th. The public is invited. NATIONAL FLOWER Teters Floral shop in Caldwell is participating in the national flower election held by all FTD members during the month of October. Practically every com munity is voting in this contest to which permits every American to vote for his choice of a na tional flower, the results of which will be submitted to Con gress. Additional details may be secured from Teters on Main street. PATIENT IN HOSPITAL Don Hickman, Caldwell, is a patient in the Mt. Carmel hospi tal, Columbus, where he is under observation and receiving treat ment. His room number is 721. RETURN FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leasure, of Caldwell, have returned to their home from a trip to Oak Ridge, Tenn., where they visited with their daughter, Mrs. Dean Archer and family. While there they attended the Knoxville fail ajjd visited many other interest ing places. r' '*4. mwwrn^rnsifmmm^. m\t IF" L- lonarcb a a®,tnmj idt'n (on u K u N S A I E U NABISCO PREMIUM Monarch i\ if v. MONARCH FANCY- CALIF. BARTLETT HEAVY Values Galore Throughout1... All Royal Blue Super Markets! PEACHES SLICED or HALVES HEAVY SYRUP-2i CANS Fruit# Cocktaihfn HEAVY SYRUP APPLE N.30, SAUCE GRAPEFRUIT ernes PE ARS2'/ SYRUP CORN CREAM STYLE or WHOLE KERNEL MAXWELL HOUSE—Drip or Regular COFFEE ROBIN HOOD ICE CREAM CRACKERS FLOUR 2ViCANS I THE JOUKNAL, CALDWELL, OFflO CANS CANS I HIGH QUALITY 5 SECTIONS 303 CANS R. S. P. No. 303 CANS C*NS3 $ tor Lb. TIN 25 LBS. DM FREE ICE (REAM (ONES ...FRIDAY and SATURDAY! Vi 69 Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday! FRYING I •. 59 Gallon Package 2 1-lb. Boxes CHICKENS FRESH 5 to 9 Lbs. Average 3i$1TURKEYS DAVID DAVIES 51CALLIES IMonarc! 1 Siiii "Ji v PEAS CUT GREEN BEANS KIDNEY 11) f! Potatoes CAf.IIOKMA CELERY m.AD BEANS PIECES and STEMS Mushrooms TOMATO JUICE Catsup Spinach 19 35 3-lb. Bag 10-lb. Bag Lettuce 2 25 Bunch 25 Heads 'A ROYAL' P*feLUE SUPER MARKETS featuring MONARCH FINER FOODS GUARANTEED SATISFACTION OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! -CANNED GOODS SALE ARMOUR'S STAR 4 lbs. $3.19 6 lbs. $4.59 CANNED HAMS 3!'2 WIENERS or BACON -2i95 DAVID DAVIES or OLD SMOKEHOUSE MIX 'EM or MATCH 'EM LARGE TENDER SWEETS 303 CANS No. 303 CANS LIGHT REDS 303 CANS 4 OZ. CANS BIG 46 OZ. CANS 14 OZ. BOTTLES CALIFORNIA 303 CANS Page Flv* O 29 s 39 29 i $*59 1-LB. CELLO 7i$1 6 $1 81*1 4:$1 41*1 6! $1 7!$1 HUTCHINS th Cc SIMS USR 21, South Caldwell, Ohio Phone VA 2-5194 Derwent, Ohio Royal Blue Markets