Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, October 1, 1950 O S A E For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS GOOD SIX ROOM, two story house, with gas, electricity, bath and furnace. Full basement, doub le garage and extra lot. Good lo cation in Caldwell on paved street. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Broker 516'- West St. Phone 228-J Caldwell, Ohio 48 tf. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE with bath and gas furnace, nearly three acres of land. Upstairs can be used as a three-room apartment if desired. Good location. Priced to sell. Call alter 5:00 o'clock p. in. or on Saturday afternoons. Cletus Estadt, 201 Railroad street, Caldwell. 12 13 14 pd. SEVEN ROOM house with bath. gas furnace, storm windows and Venetian shades, located on North street in Caldwell. Phone Caldwell 117-J. 12 13 14pd. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, with bath, full basement, automatic gas furnace, built-in kitchen, hard wood floors and Venetian shades. Located at 516 Walnut street, Caldwell, Ohio. If interested write: Willis McDonald, 3445 Knapp Drive, Grove City, Ohio. 2 tf. MODERN HOUSE, carpet, Vene tian blinds, large living room, double garage. Bolon Barnhouse, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 165, 47tf. THREE BEDROOM, one floor home in Bronze Heights. Phone 359-W or contact C. R. Locke. 13 14 15 pd. LOT AND HALF in South Olive with 14x28 garage on it, in good repair. W. O. Mincks, Box 54, South Olive. 14 15 16 pd. TWO STORY-DOUBLE house in Caldwell, located one block from courthouse, in good repair, with gas, water and electric and a two story garage. Good well of water and cistern. Mrs. Bertha Bettinger, 613 Bridge street Caldwell. 14 15 16pd. For Sale—FARMS FOUR AND ONE-HALF acres, with small barn located on it for $500. Mrs. Beatrice Jennings, Sharon, Ohio. 12 13 14 pd. GOOD 142-ACRE stock farm on county road No. 75, in Jackson Township, Noble County. Unable to ooerate il so will sell at rea sonable price. John and Fred Baesel, Lowell, Ohio. 10- 14pd 68 ACRE FARM with a seven room house, bath, laundry room and a coal furnace. Located one half mile off new SR 21 and one half mile north of South Ol've. Herbert Groves, roule- 3, Caldwell. 13 14 15 l'J pd. For Sale—WEARING APPAREL GIRL'S COAT, light blue, size 10 girl's coat, red, -size 8 Ladie's gray coat, size 11 and a treadle sewing machine. Don Bates, 401 Miller street, Cald well. Phono 198-R. 12 13 14 GIRL'S 3-PIECE blue snow suit size 5, like new. Phone Cald well 305-J. 14 15 16 pd For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1956 FORD F-100 pickup truck with V-8 motor and in excel lent condition. Gene Lambert Made Heights. Phone Caldwell 408-R. 13 14 pd. FOR SALE OR TRADE, 1948 Chevrolet 1V» ton flat bed, with racks, good motor and tires Inquire at 804 Belford Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 12 13 14pd 1950 CHEVROLET, good for parts: Florence Heating stove. C. W. Worthington. Hiramsburg. 1? 1? 14 BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple os Murphy's Up to 24 Mos. To Pay -C Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL, OHIO GO O S A E For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1955 FORD FAIRLANE 2-door Fordomatic, green and white. Good shape, good tires, heater, fully aquipped. Priced to sell. See it at Fleeman's Pontine Co., Cald well. Ohio. 12 13 14 1954 DODGE, four door 1950 Studebaker truck, one ton 1952 Farmall tractor, with plows and cultivators 1955 Internation al Harvester baler, with side de livery rake. Phone Summe?-field 26-F-3. 12 13 14 pd. 1953 FORD, 4-Door, with V-8 mo tor and a 1951 Chevrolet, 4-door, will sell reasonably. Inquire &t 615 Walnut street, Caldwell. 14 15 16 1950 STUDEBAKER, two door, with good rubber and mech anically conditioned. Howard Thompson on SR 78 out of Cald well. 14 1940 FORD, 8 cylinder, standard shift, radio and heater, two door sedan in good condition Mrs. Mildred Fink, 608 Main street, Caldwell. 14 15 16 For Sale—LI VESTOCK PURE BRED COLUMBIA ram. Fred Siholl, route 4, Caldwell. Phone 735-F-22. 12 13 14 pd. TWO GUERNSEY heifers, due last of month and one Guern sey cow. All have been bred by COBA sires. Francis Dimmerling, Summerfield route 1. Phono 64 F-22. 12 13 14 pd HORSE, well broke. Weight 1500 pounds. Cliff Stewart. Sarahs ville. 14 15 1G ONE FINE WOOL RAM, four years old. Howard Wilson, Dex ter Citv, on route 339, one and a half miles west of Crooked Tree. 14 pd. REGISTERED Polled Hereford bull. Marcus Gant. Sarahsville. Phone Summerfield 70-F-21. 14 pd. HORSE COLT, five months old, half pony. George Gildow. P.O. Ma^ksburg. Phone Lower Salem 5-F-22. 13 14 pd. REGISTERED BLUETICK coon hound, six years old. straight, trial, $125.00. A black and tan Rluetick cross, trening. $50.00. Reason for selline. other interests. F'mor Hupp, Caldwell. Phone 362-M. 13 14 15 pd. 600 GHOSTLEY's leghorn pul lets in product'on. Ravmond Wheeler, route 6, Caldwell. 12 13 14 THREE HORSES for sale. Onp spotted mai'P. five years old with sorrel fillv colt a black ?oT'Hnl!jt-V!Tr'ht tfebr l?or old with four white sock* and white tail. P^rrd 4o sell. Tom ani Phil Yontz, Fairground road. Phone 361-J. 12 13 14 For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS COPM. sn.nn ivr bushel in the T.orin Hutcheson. Dexter Citv. Phone 21. 14 15 10 Vnr Solo 4 f'H'VRIfV.TOOl,5 THREE pw/VSF. olertric motor 10 h.o.. 220 volts, 60 cvcles, 6.9 amoeres. Tn good ooeraiine con dition. Primd to s^'l. The Journ al-Leader. Caldwell, Ohio. Site—FRITIT rrwTMRS nOLHWN. RoH TVlirioiis i'OdI*" Also niakine sweet rider Fririavs. Bcebe's Ovrhard. Waterford. Ohio. 13 14 15 For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS T.ARCiF GAS circulating heater $100: Norpp automatic wa«hin? machine, $1^0 hall tree. $5.00 lvrd raw with stand, $4.00 and 90 and 16 pauee guns. Charles nni Caldwell, Ohio. 13 14 15 pd. 29-TMCH COAL FURNACE, four vc i''s old. in good rendition. Di'ffaln B^lle Val'ev. Phon Caldwell 351-F-2. 13 14 15 pd. •^An WftfK DFMHVUV HORSES and COWS FREF DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio WANTED CLEANING RAGS 100 WILL PAY PER POUND Rags will be inspected Rags must be clean Overalls and silks will be refused The Journal-Leader WE HAVE THE PRODUCT YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY RAMBLER AT DEAN A. REED MOTOR SALES Caldwell, Ohio Phone 108 OPEN EVENINGS WANT AD SECTION O S A E For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS TWO HEATING STOVES. One 35.000 B.T.U. Both are in A-l con dition. Also a large medicine cab inet. in good condition. Mary En got. Dexter City. 13 14 15 pd. FUEL OIL HEATER, in good condition. Gene Lambert, in Maple Heights. 13 14 pd. TWO GAS heaters, one a 60,000 B.T.U. and the other 40,000 B.T.U. Charles West, Sarahsville. Phone No. 1, Sarahsville. 12 13 14 LARGE, AUTOMATIC gas heat er. Phone Caldwell 364-F-12 10 tf. SINGER sewing machine, equip ped to make fancy stitches and button holes. Pay off balance of $47.16 or pay $5.00 per month. Phone Caldwell 294-M. 14 GAS COOK STOVE and a gas circulating heater. Myron Han nahs, route 1, Caldwell, near Car lisle. 14 15 16 pd COAL HEATER, used only a short time. I am heating with gas now. Daisy Roe, Quaker City, Ohio. Route i, lVz miles off SR 513 on Palestine road. 14 15 16 pd. ROYAL circulating gas heater, 40,000 B.T.U. with Honeywell electrically controlled thermo stat. Herbert Ramsey, Box 13, Sharon or phone 748-F-5. 14 ONE PHILCO refrigerator, two rockers and one heating stove. Phone Dexter Citv 68-F-14. 14 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS FINEST MOBILE HOMES. 46 and 50 ft. on displav. Repairs, ser vice, accessories. USR 21. South. Phone 78 M, Fleeman Pontiac Co. 8 tf. SORGHUM MOLASSES. Rav mond Arnold, route 4, Cald well. 13 14 15 pd LARGE HENS. $1.10 each. Con tact Virgil Moore, Ava, route 1. 13 14 15 pd 1951 RICHARDSON 34-foot, two bed room, house trailer, in ex cellent condition. See Rodnev Wilson one mile west of Crooked Tree on route 339. 13 14 15 pd. ELECTRIC HAWAIIAN Guitar. Practically new, used very little. Complete with amplifier and lesson instruction book. See William Howiler. Route 6. Cald well. Ohio, in Maple Heights. FROZEN FOOD display case for store use, very reasonably nri'^'d. Phone, Zanesville GL 3-9276. 14 15 16 HOUSE-TRAILER in good con dition. Price $200.00. See Joe Ramsier, Caldwell route 3. 14 15 16pd. WHITEHALL TROMBONE, like new. Phone 5064. Byesville. 14 SOPHMTTM M^T.ASSFS. Lnvv^ll Swain. IV4 mil«5s south of Cald well, Ohio, on USR 21. 14pd PUBLIC SALE ON SATURDAY, OCT. 3. at 12:30 p. m., a public sale will be held '•oi'ated one-half inil» west of Mart-, Ohio, off SR 260 and foui mil^s e'»«t ol Lebanon, consisting of the following Seven head of mixed dairv and stock cows, some with calves: two Hereford heifers: one Here ford steer complete line of horse-drawn farm machinery manv small farm tools dinner Ivll: sleigh bells: antique clock: old dishes: lot of good furniture •and household itme.s and many other assorted items. Terms: Cash. Not responsible for accidents. I.ESTER ZWICK, Administrator of the estate of the late J. F. Zwick. Auctioneers—Weddle Brothers. 11 and 14 H. ROSSITER TREE TRIMMING SERVICE Phone Caldwell 171 INSURANCE PROVIDED! BYESVILLE COAL CO. McFARUN MINE DEEP MINE COAL Lump 26c Stoker 24c Egg 24c Nut 19c Slack 12c Two Miles West of Pleasant City GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OHIO See and Compare Our Fine Selection! Phone: Woodsfield GR 2*121* 14 If) Hi pd. familv THE JOim.NAL, CALDWELL, OHIO FOR SALE OR TRADE TWENTY EWES and one- ram, will trade or sell on dairy cows. Elias Byrd, route 2, Lowell, two miles from Crooked Tree store. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT. Two prop erties in Maple Heights. Good location, water, gas and electric. Phone Caldwell 258-W. 14 15 16pd. PUBLIC SALE DAIRY DISPERSAL A DAIRY DISPERSAL will be held MONDAY, OCTOBER 5. at 1:00 o'clock"p. m. at the farm of Forrest C. Stiers, located five miles north of Beverly off route 339. Due to my health, I will sell the following: Fifteen head Guernsey and Jersey cows and heifers, several fresh in September, some with calves at side and several spring ers. Health papers furnished, el ling grade A for ten years, a real good herd. Two unit Linman milker, five can cooler, water heater, wash vats, can hoist, cans and various other hand tools, etc. Not responsible for accidents. FORREST C. STIERS—Owner Harold Goddard—Auctioneer 14 O E N SIX ROOM HOUSE with gas and electric, 1 miles east of Cald well on SR 73. Contact Harrv L. Merritt. 13 14 15 nd. HOUSE in Ava. Lela Stiers. Hir amsburg, 01* phone Caldwell 312-F-l 1. 12 13 14 MODERN SIX-ROOM house with bath. TV cable is available. Phone before noon, Caldwell 351 F-22. 12 13 14 COTTAGE, unfurnished three rooms and bath with or with out oarage. Utilities paid. Inauire at 517 North street or phone 149-M. 13 14 15 pd. FURNISHED aoartment w!th four rooms, downstairs, both and private entrance. See Ira Prvor. 1415 North street. Cald well. Ohio. 12 13 14 APARTMENT for rent. Ideallv located on nublic square. Carl's Shoe Store, Caldwell. Ohio 13tf. ONE HALF OF DOT7RLE five room house with bath, base ment and garden. Will aeoeDt a with one small child. See Fvne?t Parr.v, 1405 North street, Caldwell. 14 15 16 pd. THREE ROOM furnished apart ment. First floor, private en trance. Utilities paid. 107 Cum berland street. Phone 116-J. 14 15 16pd. W A N E WANTED Woman clerk to work in Caldwell store, be tween the aces of 18 and 40. Selling experience preferred. Must provide character reference. Good working conditions. Write Box 90-A, Caldwell, Ohio. 14 WORK FOR SMALL dozer and landscaping. Reasonable rates. William Grimes, phone Cumber land 83370 between the hours of 5:00 p. rr. and 7:00 y. re 25tf PEST CONTROL SERVICE TERMITES, ROACHES. ANTS, WATERBCGS, ETC. For FREE Inspection and Estimates PHONE 21 TIPTON'S HARDWARE CALDWELL, OHIO All Work Guaranteed! Exterminating Service TREE WORK Topped or Removed ARCHER'S TREE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURE® Phone, Day or Nigfit, Caldwell 307-F-14 Authorized Soles and Servic* for BRIGGS & STRATTON CLINTON LAWN BOY POW Eft PRODUCTS LAUSON ENGINES MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone 200 Cumberland Street W A N E HAVE A GOOD home,- close to the square, for an active gen tleman pensioner. 14 15 RELIABLE PARTY wanted to take over payments for spinet piano. Write Thompson Music Company, 178 Front street, Mar ietta, Ohio, or phone Frontier 34870. 12 13 14 GENERAL OFFICE WORK, in or around Caldwell. Four years of secretarial experience. Phone Caldwell 313-F-2. 13 14 WANTED TO BUY OLD STAMPS, coins, Indian rei ics, etc. James Moss. 1801 Edgeworth Avenue', Cambridge, Ohio. Phone 45901. 12 13 14 pd. 200 HEDGE LOCUST posts. Andy Zudell, Coal Ridge. Caldwell route 6. 12 13 14 pd. WOOL. BEEF HIDES and roots. C. R. Teters, Hoskinsville. Phone Caldwell 304-F-21. 40 tf. USED COAL FURNACE, com plete, 24-inch or more. G. Triplett. route 2, Cumberland. 14 15 16 pd. HELP WANTED WANTED Appliance sales man. Experience preferred, but not necessary. Must be of good character and able to meet the public. Reference needed. Salary plus commission. Evilsizers'. 302 East street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 9G. 12 13 14 EXPERIENCED apple pickers, male or female. Inquire at the: Livezey Fruit farm, turn off SR 147 east edge of Barnesville and watch for farm signs. 12 13 14 GIRL OR WOMAN for house work and care of children. Steady employment. Phone 22-J Caldwell. 9 tf. N O I E S "We Buy and Sell Anything for the Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio 6 tf. WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell. Ohio. 29 pd. NOTICE—Are you having troub le with your drinking, want tf stop and can't? The Maples wa» established in 1950 by an alcoho lic to help alcoholics. The Maples, Marietta, Ohio. Phone FRontier 3-3044. 10 to 19 pd. NOTICE—I am now hauling coal from the following mines: Palmer, Byesville & Dogtown Hauling luinp, egg or nut coal, crushed stone, sand delivered $2.85 per ton, gravel delivered $3.15 per ton. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. 5 tf. NOTICE Expert picture fram ing, good selection. Murphy's Furniture, Caldwell, Ohio. 40tf. STAUFFER HOME REDUCING W. H. LONG Independent Licensed Distributor Call Your Local Representative VERNA FORAKER Waterford Phone 79-J 1 tf. i-ET US SAVE YOU $ $ $ on fertilizer. We supply Farmgro Plant Food in bulk either straight potash, phosphate or nitrogen or in popular analysis. 8z N Farm Bureau, Phone 95, Caldwell, Ohio. 41 tf. STOP TERMITE damage. Free inspections. All work guaran teed. Sure Kill Exterminators, 408 Miller street. Phone Cald well 233. 10 tf. N O I E S WILL THE PERSON or persons, who picked up the pipe lining subsoiler at the Richard Beck farm, belonging to the Noble County Soil Conservation Dis trict. please contact this office immediately, or phone Caldwell 180 or write Box 267, Caldwell. 14 15 PIANO-TECH. General string in strument repair. Exact strobo scopic tuning. Player pianos and reed organ.? reconditioned. See, write or call us for reasonable rates. O. T. Gatten, technician, Lewisville, route 2. Phone LO 7-5636, Barnesville exchange. 14 15 16 17 18 19 pd. DON'T TAKE a chance on a scrub bull. Use COBA proven sires. Call: Don Frisbee, Caldwell 273. 14 WE WILL OPERATE our cider press starting Saturday, Octo ber 3, and each Saturday in Oc tober. Located two miles off SR 78 on township road 4. We will have barrels. McFarland and Reed. 14 15 16 17 18 pd. INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. Lincoln Electric Welders Homelite Chain Saws Bar Regrooving and Chain Grinding Edsel MeFerren's Chain Saw Services 9 Miles South McConuelsville Route 77 13 tf. RATS AND MICE eliminated for ever. "Get Star" at Donald Nich ols, & N Farm Bureau and the Corner Hardware, Caldwell. 13 thru 21 pd. BUY YOUR bottle gas at Nichols aiul Save! Bottle gas at com petitive prices and quick, depend able service. See us for your needs Donald D. Nichols, Cald well, Ohio. 12 tt IN MEMORY In loving memory of our fath er and grandfather, Isaac McDon ald. Sr., who passed away threr years ago Sept. 29. 1956. Sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Morgan and son, U. S. Navy. Waukegan, 111. 14 Photo Developing—Gillespie's Mobile Home Special 19S9 MICHIGAN ARROW FRONT KITCHEN "i)\10, two-bedroom, full bath, side aisle, all jalousie windows u ith storms, satin finish in terior. Retail $5,895. 1:00 P.M. (D. S. T.) Woodsfield Livestock Sales, Inc., Sale Barn Let us know if you have any Feeder Calves to Consign. Calves will be weighed in on arrival and graded to size and weight. Woodsfield Livestock Sales, Inc. SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY Phone GR 2-9911 JAMES MERRY STONE CO. Just Off SR 78 Hear Sharon ROAD ROCK Construction Aggregates Crushed Lime Rock $4,895.00 Sale Price 1959 MICHIGAN ARROW FRONT KITCHEN, two-bedroom, lull bath, center aisle, jalousie windows, with storms, satin finish in tuiior, aqua kitchen, pin- bath. Sale Price $4,000.00 FLEEMAN PONTIAC CO. U. S. R. 21 South Pontiac Yauxhal! Phone 78-M CALDWELL, OHIO FEEDER_CALF SALE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14 Agricultural Lime Domestic Coal Phone Caldwell 714-F-6 MARKET REPORT Wednesday, Sept. 30 The Caldwell Produce Co. Heavy hen:, lb. l2c Light hens ___• lb. 7c Old cocks lb. 6c Southeast Ohio Egs Producers Somerset. Ohio Friday, Sept. 4 Jumbo—30-oz. and up— from 35c to 44c per dozen. Large—24c-oz. to 30— from 31c to 44c per dozen. Medium—21-oz. to 24— from 22c to 28c per dozen. Small—18-oz. to 21— from 12c to 17c per dozen. Above prices based on qual ity and size shipment picked up at door. Cases furnished. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who sent me cards during my recent illness and also thank those who furnished transportation for my family the past five weeks. These kindnesses are sincerely ap preciated. 14 Robert C. Blake CARD OF THANKS I wish to tiiank my many friends for the cards, flowers and other gifts that I received and those who visited with me while a patient in the Marietta Memorial "hospital. May God bless you all. Clara Davis 14 South Olive, Ohio CARD OF THANKS The family of George Franklin Ahrendts wishes to thank all those who were so considerate at the time of his illness and death. To the singer. Miss Ruth Combs, the minister, Rev. Wal ter H. Brown, the pall bearers, funeral home and any others who assisted us at this time, we. are deeply appreciative. 14 The Ahrendts Family CALF RECEIPTS 282 HEAD Prime 7 head—160-215 Lbs. S35.75 to $36.50 Choice 1? head—130-215 Lbs. $34.60 to $35.20 37 head Good—130-215 Lbs. $29.90 to $34.10 14 head Medium—130-215 Lbs. $21.50 to $27.00 14 head Medium to prime—105-125 Lbs $22.00 to $31.25 20 head Medium to choice—220-250 Lbs $19.80 to $29.90 5 head Plain—145-165 Lbs. $16.00 to $21.00 26 head—85-100 Lbs. $22.00 18 head—70-80 Lbs. $17.60 43 head—65 Lbs. and down $16.00 41 bead—100 Lbs. and down 923.00 te 42.00 back to the farm LAMBB RECEIPTS 453 HEAD 59 head Choice lambs—70-101 Lbs. $20.60 to $22.50 25 head Good Lambs—89 Lbs. $19.00 73 head Light and medium—53-82 Lbs. $16.00 to $19.00 3 head Buck Lambs—65 Lbs. ... ... $12.50. to $15.00 51 head Good Feeders—68 Lbs. $16.50 51 head Medium Feeder—54-63 Lbs. $13.35 to $15.00 2 head Cull Lambs ... S1.25 to $1.50 per head 72 head Slaughter Sheep $1.50 to $6.00 per cwt. 14 head Yearlings $ 5.00 to S12.10 101 head Brood Ewes $ 5.25 to $10.75 2 head Rams $ 8.00 to $15.00 A FEEDER CALI SALE WILL BE HELD AT THE BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK YARDS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1959 Sale will start 7:30 P. M. EST. BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE. OHIO USED CAR SPECIALS! 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1956 1956 1955 1955 1953 MERCURY TURM'IKE CRUISER, ^-LJOOR, Hardtop, Fully Equipped, Low Mileage,. Auto matic Transmission. MERCURY MONTCLAIR. 4-DOOR. HARD TOP, Fully Equipped. Famous Push Button Transmission. FORD. 2-DOOR. HARDTOP. FORD 2-DOOR HARDTOP. AUTOMATIC Transmission. Radio and Heater. White Wall Tires MERCURY 4-DOOR HARDTOP, TURNPIKE Cruiser. Fully Equipped, Buff and White. CHEVROLET, 4-DOOR, STATION WAGON, 8 Cylinder. Power-Glide. CHEVROLET DELRAY. 2-DOOR. 8 CYL., Power-Glide. DODGE CORONET, 4-DOORS, 8 CYLINDER, 2 To Choose From. Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission. CHEVROLET ONE-HALF TON TRUCK CHEVROLET. 2-DOOR: HARDTOP. 6 CYL., Power-Glide. DODGE CORONET, 4-DOORS. 8 CYLINDER, 2 To Choose From. They are coming and goinfi every day. If we don't have it today, we may have it tomorrow! Karl Kress Used Cars CLARENCE HAGUE Salesman WOODSFIELD, OHIO Page Seven CARD OF THANKS To nil the friends who have so .generously helped me in my sick ness: those who helped me get ready to move to my new home with my niece in Wintersville of anyone who contributed to my comfort and care, I can only say "Thanks so much. You have all been so good to me and I shall not forget you. God bless you all." Nettie A. Tilton R. G. Morrow Cemeterv Lane Hpd. Wintersville, Ohio TIMES FOR HOLDING COURTS OF APPEALS, AD. 1960 .STATE Ol- OHIO. Seventh Judicial District Court ol Appeals It is ordered that the time of begin ning of the terms of the Court of Ap peals ot the several Counties in said: Ashtabula County on the 26th day of April and the 1st day oi November. I-lelmcmt County 011 the 11th day of May and the 16th day of November. Carroll Countv on the 7th day of March and the 12th day of September. Columiana County on the Bth day of March and the 13th day of September. Geauga County on the 28th day of April aiid the 3rd day of N'ovember. Harrison County on the 10th day of May and the 13th day of November. Jefferson County on Uie 17th day of May and the 22nd day of November. Lake County on the 27th day of April and the 2nd day of November. Mahoning County on the 14th day of March inrl the 26th day of September. Monroe County on the 12th day of May and the 17th day of November. Noble County on the 12th day of May and the 17th day of November. Portage County on the 9th day of .March and the 14th day oi September. Trumbull County on the 2nd day of May and the 7th day of November. Said terms to begin at 10:00 o'clock A. M. except Carroll, Harrison and Noble Counties begin at 1:30 P. M. September 15. BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Prices for Saturday, Sept. 26 HOG RECEIPTS 118 HEAD 182 Lbs. 190-225 Lbs $14.90 to $16.40 232-305 Lbs. $13.00 to $14.60 Sows ... $ 9.80 to $12.00 CATTLE RECEIPTS 305 HEAD Good and choice dry lot cattle $24.85 to $26.00 Choice grass cattle $23.00 to $24.00 Good grass cattle $21.50 to $23.00 Medium Rrass cattle $19.50 to $21.50 Plain grass cattle $17.00 to $19.50 Stoeker calves $29.00 and down Yearling steers $26.75 and down Bulls ....... $17.00 to $22.40 Good Co\v» $16.75 to $18.30 Medium Cows $14.00 to $16.50 Common Cows $12.0.0 to $14.00 Shelly Cows $ 8.00 to $11.90 Lynn B. Griffith Elmer T. Phillips John Donahu Judges CERTIFICATION I ccriily that the above Times For Holding Court of Appeals for I960 has been duly filed at the office of the Clerk of Courts in Noble County, Ohm, JOHN H. SNYDER, Clerk of Courts. Caldwell, Ohio K! 11 IT, .v $15.00