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,••»««! ), gjg e Four—B State Auditor Will Be The Principal Speaker At Trustees-Clerks Meeting State Auditor James A. TJhi des will uisi uss the be-t-sr'.h "*Hie Trial of Mary Todd Lincoln" Friday, October 16, at the annual ban quet of the Guernsey County Township Trustees and Clerks Asso ciation. The meeting will be held in the high school at Old Washing ton. Township trustees and elei'ks from Noble, Belmont and Mus kingum counties have been in vited to hear the state auditor. Rhodes is co-author of the novel which deals with incidents surrounding the insanity trial and incarceration of the widow of Abraham Lincoln. He contends that Mary Todd Lincoln was wronged by her son and the men who had been close associates of her famous husband. He declared the whole thing was a plot to eliminate the son from considera tion for high political office. Another book, "Johnny Shiloh" which was also co-authored by Auditor Rhodes, is fresh off the presses. Rhodes has been closely iden tified. with youth activities. A recent contribution to young people is the Teen-Age Hall of Fame of Ohio, aimed to emphaize outstanding achievements accom plished by famous Ohioans dur ing their teens. Auditor Rhodes is a national sports figure. He is a past presi- DON'T HANG UP when "she" answers If ytm h—t a rWtHc vok» whw you Hug our tiUBiher, it nttm our "Electronic tary* 1 elrplsone ArMftering 'nit ii re«J to UU« your l*.r your in«**i«(r an.l it wjB be att^ndeij to promptly. Call ANYTIME -day or ntght Phone 273 COBA SERVICE DON FRISBEF.—Technician OUTSIDE WHITE—Per Gol. MARIETTA PEEL-PROOF- OUTSIDE WHITE—Per Gal. MARIETTA BARN a... Per Gal MARIETTA REV SATIN- Per Gal, SPECIALS ALSO ON mw dent of the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) and is a member of the U. S. Olympic Committee. In the latter capacity, he was in Rome this year inspecting the site of the 1960 Olympics. DEATHS Mrs. Tina E. Cunningham Mrs. Tina E. Cunningham, 81, o£ 1926 Fairground street, died at 2:00 p. m. Thursday in the Elmhurst rest home at Wester ville, following a long illness. A daughter of Jonathan and Louisa Young Wheeler, she was born in South Olive, September 6, 1878, where She spent most of her life. Her husband, Arthur, died in 1944. Mrs. Cunningham was a mem ber of the Caldwell First Baptist church. She leaves a son, Edgel of Co lumbus two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. The body was removed to the McVay funeral home here, where it remained ior services Sunday. The Rev. Roy Wikander and the Rev. Walter Brown officiated. Burial was in the Dudley ceme tery, south of Caldwell. Alex Clark Alex Clark. 64. of Sarahsville r'.ute 1, died at 5:10 a. m. Sun dav in an Athens hospital where lie had been a patient for several PAINT SPECIALS FOR OCTOBER $A65 ROOF- »»v.- Per Gal $^60 MARIETTA REV MASONRY- SHIELD COTE ENAMELS PORCH & DECK PAINTS LIQUID GRANITE CALDWELL IMPLEMENT AND SUPPLY COMPANY East Street Caldwell, Ohio &* 4 v $ 9 0 $i*L19 I years. He was born at East Union, Noble county, June 11, 1895 to John and Lucinda Butler Clark. Surviving are seven brothers, Ira and Zedrick, both of Cald well, and Jum, Sam, Steve, Bill and Harry, all of Sarahsville route 1 and two sisters, Mrs. Rachel Robinson of East Union and Mrs. Clara Meola of Mag nolia. A son and three sisters preceded him in death. The body was removed to Brubach funeral home, Summer iield, where it remained until services on Tuesday afternoon trom the East Union Methodist church where the Rev. John Grimes and the Rev. Leroy Hiett officiated. Burial was held in East Union cemetery. Mrs. Mary Ann Bales Mrs. Mary Ann Eagon Bales, 101, died at 5:40 p. m., Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Amy Shawver of Cam bridge. She was born in Noble county, January 28, 1858, a daughter ot Taylor and Margaret Marlow1 Hague. Mrs. Bales was twice married. Her husbands died pret viously. In addition to Mrs. Shawver, she leaves a daughter, Mrs. Krina Roe of Quaker City two sons, Frank Eagon of Buffalo and Nulton Bales of Salesville a sister, Mrs. Barbara Warner, of Zanesville six grandchildren even great-grandchildren and three step-grandchildren. A bro ther and two sisters are deceased. The body was removed to the Corwin funeral home where ser vices were conducted on Wed nesday. The Rev. Floyd Gaugler officiated and the burial took place in the Kennonsburg ceme tery, Noble county. MONUMENTS at Guernsey Memorials, Inc. Located at 3G8 North Street See What You Buy, Compare. IF WIS E. YOUNG, Salesman Resilience: 845 Walnut Street a i YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALERI JOHNSON MOTOR SALES U.S. Route 21 South Caldwell, Ohio BUICK FEATURES NEW SCULPTURED STYLING The new sculptured styling of the 1960 Buick is complemented by the tasteful use ol' chrome trim, new front end design and massive new bumpers. Twin headlights are set in a sim ulated jet pod that extends back to the middle of the front door panel, and the rear fenders Have liken rounded gracefully. The model shown is the two-door Invtiea, the outstanding performer in the Buick line. New features in clude a single transverse muffler which is Come for the quietest ride you've ever tried ... a Quadri-Balanced Ride In a '60 Rocket! What ie Quadri-Balnnrfd Ride? It's the smoothest, steadiest and quietest ride in Oldsinohile history and you owe it to yourself to try it out on the road! This dramatic advance is the result of new "ride-engineering" introduced on the '60 Olds. Yibra-Tuned body mountings of live-action rubber (.hat are up to 50% thicker have been electronically located at the points of least vibration on Oldsmobile's Guard-Beam Frame to innulate the body from road »ioipe and harshness. Trv a "ftO Hoeket on the road today! THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO BATESVILLE NEWS HAPPENINGS BATESVILLE Mrs. Virginia Carpenter, Mrs. Lucille Douglass and Mrs. Margaret Atkinson were business callers in Coshoc ton, Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Carpenter and children, Mrs. Ward Bishop and Mrs. Irvin Stallings, of Summer field, visited with Mrs. Donald Betts on Tuesday. Robert Deal, of Columbus, was a weekend visitor of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Deal. Mi-s. Martha Eagon spent Wed nesday and Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Powell of Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Flood were business callers in Pow hatan on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. St. Clair and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jefferies of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Don Jackson of Barnesville, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har old Powell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leasure of Ashland, were wekend visitors. Mrs. John Atkinson, Mrs. Richard Wehr. and Mrs. John Wehr attended the fall confer ence of the American Legion Auxiliary at Bellaire, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Eagon entertained with a dinner Sat urday evening in honor of their son, Jack's birthday. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Halbert Eagon, Allen, Janet and Cathy and the honored one Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eagon. Mrs. Countess Wagner, of Hial eah, Fla., visited Mrs. Donald Betts, Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. Richard Atkinson and son, James of Quaker City route Mrs. Bertha Flood, of Quaker City route, spent Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Doug lass on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Johm.nn and sons, of Barnesville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Atkinson Saturday evening. The W.S.C.S. held their Oct her meeting at the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. William Deal spent Wcd fcm.-iday with her daughter, Mrs William Carpenter and family ot Quaker City. John Decker, of Ashland, \v a weekend visitor of Mr. ami NlNKTY-ClOHT HOUDAY StORTSCDAM *?\Z mounted crosswise of the frame, providing im proved gas flow and longer muffler life. The unique muffler is used on cars equipped with iboth single and dual exhaust systems. Also new is the adjustable instrument panel, an industry •first for Buick, which the driver can set to the Viewing angle most suited to his height. They are now displaying at Johnson Motor Co., USR 21, South. Mrs. George Ilyett. Mrs. Pauline Wheatley and Mrs. Gertrude Morgan and Vici were visiting during the weekend with Mrs. Ida Hyett and Mrs. Florence Goodhart. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Lashley, Danny, Sue and Dale visited with the former's parents on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lashley of Kennonsburg. Mrs. Ruth Anna Decker and sons, of Newark, were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown during the weekend. Phyllis Jefferies, of Barnes ville, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Deal and Mrs. Dorothy McGee. Pearl Cline visited Mrs. Sadie Triplett at the Kuhn rest home in Zanesville on Friday. Bernard Christman, of Bolivar, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Christman. On Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Christman of Quaker City route, were callers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph House, Jerrel Neuhart of Canton, were weekend visitors of Mr. artfl Mrs, J. H. Heddleston. Mrs. Earl Bates, of Caldwell route, visited her sisters, Mrs. Marie Miller and Mrs. Pearl Montgomery, Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Wehr returned home Sunday after spending, a week with Mrs. Bates. Mrs. Kathryn Long and Sue were shopping in. Cambridge on Saturday. Reg. 1.98 Reg. 1.00 Morgan Local School Head Attends Institute John S. l'.-itterson. o[ Chester hill, president of the Morgan local school board, Morgan county, returned Thursday from the meeting where he served as consultant in the school manage ment institute attended by 44 school superintendents from throughout the state who this week attended a management seminar on the development of school administrative personnel. During the two and one-half day meeting which started Tues day morning (Sept. 29), school executives met with members of business and industry to examine plans used to develop key execu tive and administrative person nel. The object of the seminar was to enable school administra tors to determine how industry plans might be adapted for public school management. The seminar, co-sponsored by the. Ohio School Boards Associa tion and the Ohio Association of School Administrators, was con ducted at the executive training center of the National Cash Reg ister Company in Dayton. South Olive SOUTH OLIVE Mt. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper were busi ness callers in Zanesville, Sat urday. Mrs. Vinnie Warren spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lemual Davis, Caldwell. Mrs. Lillian Jordan, Mrs. Cora Antill and Mrs. Vinnie Warren attended the funeral of Mrs. Cunningham, Caldwell, Sunday Mrs. Robert Keith was a call er in town, Sunday. Visitors at the Alta Clark home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Har old Penny Baker and grand daughter, Philo and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smale, of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Freda Sanford and Mrs. Mary Jean Bird attended the funeral of Joe Boyd at Elba church, Sunday p. m. Mrs. Wava Whetstone and daughter, Vicki were dinner guests of- Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and sons, Saturday even ing. Dr. Taylor was a caller in town. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Estridge, of Cambridge,, were callers in town, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Harper and son, David attended the Mur rey l'eunion, Sunday, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis, Caldwell. Ruth L. Harper, Wayne and Willa R. Harper were business callers in Cambridge. Batesville Ray Neuhart, of Whitall, visit ed during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Neuhart and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hedleston. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Betts visited in Dayton over the week end and attended the fall con vention of the 419 Engrs. held in the Miami hotel. Kegerreis Store Weekend Specials! SPONGE MOP 99t HEAVY STCfl PRESSURE FIAT!. PUU SIZK, KASY WRINGING TYPE. BIG SAVINGS. HEAVY DUTY LEAF RAK8 66c WIr* TMA a# Spring Still. Plot End* Won't Injur* laws PLANTERS PEANUT BUTTER 48 17 18 Ounces Giant Size More than One Pound SiTRUE FACIAL TISSUE 400 Coun?. 33c Size. KEGERREIS STORE On The Square Caldwell Mrs. Mary Cheat wood and Mr. Everett Cheatwood of Reynolds burg, called on Mrs. Helen Miley and daughter, Betty, Friday. Mrs. Vera Thompson spent Monday night and Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Lueien Young, Jr. and family in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Welling ton, are visiting her brother, Mr. Jackie Shaw and family in Can ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee and son spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McKee and sons, Ronnie and Kennard. Mr. Howard Miley, of Canton, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Clara Miley and his brother, Carl and family on route 1. Mr. Roy Ayers, of Cleveland, spent Sunday with his father, Ellic Ayers arid brother, Ralph and family. Mr. Everett Thompson and son, of New Concord, spent Sat urday evening with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Thompson. Miss Betty Miley has resumed her duties at the Graphite Bronze company at Caldwell after being confined at her home the past week with the flu. Miss Blanche Moore, of Shar on, Pa., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Alva Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Secrest, Mrs. Ruby Secrest, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ayers and children, Mr. Ellic Ayers and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bayly and son were among the Saturday shoppers in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Danford, of Greensburg, spent the week end with her father, Mr. James W o i n o n a n a u e Hilda. Several local residents at tended funeral services for Mrs. Laura Dallenfoltz at the Scott Corner Main and Thursday, October 15,1959 PLEASANT CITY NEWS NOTES PLEASANT CITY Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest and son. John Everett were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edison Murphy and daughter, Barbara at Car rollton. funeral home in Cambridge, on Monday afternoon. Rev. John Thompson officiated. Patrolman and Special—70,000 BTU Gas Heater $170.00 Complete with Blower, Thermostat, and Safety Valve Coal Heater $39.95 Coal Heater $49.95 House Broom 88c Lawn Rake 69c Nylon Dust Mop $2.19 7-Inch Electric Hand Saw $29.95 Outdoor Thermometer 69c FERTILIZER SPREADER 25-lb. capacity— 16" width $6.49 ALUMINUM STEP LADDER 5 foot $13.88 6 foot $14.88 WOODEN STEP LADDER 5 foot $4.95 6 foot $5.95 Paint Roller and Tray 98c 9x12 foot Jiffy Cover Drop Cloth 69c 17 foot Roll Foamedge Weather Strip .... $1.59 Gutter Guard, 6" wide and 25' long $3.19 Workman's Lunch Kit, with Bottle $2.79 Foot Ball, with Kicking Tee $2.79 Foot Ball Helmet, with Guard $4.19 Basket Ball $2.88 Basket Ball Goal, with Net $2.19 8-Piece Tumbler Set 99c GE Heating Pad $6.49 Foley Food Mill $2,49 Ironing Caddy $3.49 Towel and Dryer Rack $4.29 Gtamorene Rug Shampoo'er $4.98 Foley Stainless Steel Baby Starter Set .... $1.98 Electric Corn Popper $3.49 Rubber Door Mat $1.39 Knife Rack 79c Aluminum Window Ventilator $1.89 25 foot Flat Flexible Steel Rod $1.09 Pencil Sharpener 99c Cordomatic Handy Lite Reel $8.95 Chain Door Fastener 88c Thor Jig Saw $19.88 Fresh'nd Aire Radiant Electric Heater ... $11.88 Unbreakable Flash Lite 99c Hacksaw 88c Hatchet 98c Electric Paint Sprayer $9.95 Hip Roof Tool Box $4.95 Utility Shear $1.19 Tubing Cutter 88c CORNER HARDWARE (TIPTON'S) Cumberland Streets Mrs. George McConnell, of Columbus, visited over the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Worth ington and other local relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lester McKee, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKenna and daughters, Nancy and Linda, of Marietta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKee of Pleasant City route 2. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelisher and children, Ronnie, Caron and Joyce of Canton, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hojn er Trott .and Willard. Mr. and Mrs. John Hronec and daughter, Kathy visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKay and family, of Byesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Colematt and daughter, Laura Lee, of Byesville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, of New Concord, visit ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry James, of Columbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGranor. Canned olives are plentiful this season. Ohio State Univer sity extension nutritionists suifr gest using them in salads, sand wiches, casseroles, cooked vege tables, stuffings and sauces. ROBEY'S Coffee Shop CALDWELL, OHIO GOOD FOOD OPEN SUNDAYS FALL SALE ... is Still in Full Swing! Caldwell