Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, October 15,1059 O S A E For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS GOOD SIX ROOM, two store house with gas, electricity, bath, full basement and double garage. Good well and cistern. Good location in Caldwell on paved street. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Broker 516 M, West St. Phone 228-J Caldwell, Ohio SEVEN ROOM house with bath, gas furnace, storm windows and Venetian shades, located on North street in Caldwell. Phone Caldwell 117-J. 1617 18 pd. ATTRACTIVE ranch home in Bronze Heights. Stone trim, large rooms, attached garage, utility room, dining room and fire place. Priced to sell. Phone Caldwell 358-R or 362-R. Jack Ferrel. 15 16 17 18 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, with bath, full basement, automatic gas furnace, built-in kitchen, hard wood floors and Venetian shades. Located at 516 Walnut street, Caldwell, Ohio. If interested write: Willis McDonald, 3445 Knapp Drive, Grove City, Ohio. 2 tf. MODERN HOUSE, carpet, Vene tian blinds, large living room, double garage. Bolon Bamhouse, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 165. 47tf. LOT AND HALF in South Olive with 14x28 garage on it, in good repair. W. O. Mincks, Box 54, South Olive. 14 15 16 pd. TWO STORY-DOUBLE house in Caldwell, located one block from courthouse, in good repair, with -gas, water and electric and a two story garage. Good well of water and cistern. Mrs. Bertha Bettinger, 613 Bridge street, Caldwell. 14 15 16pd. THREE BEDROOM, one floor home in Bronze Heights. Phone 359-W or contact C. R. Locke. 16 17 18 pd. For Sale—FARMS 68 ACRE FARM with a seven room house, bath, laundry room and a coal furnace. Located one half mile off new SR 21 and one half hiile north of South Olive. Herbert Groves, route 3, Caldwell. 13 14 15 16 pd. For Sale—BUILDINGS TO BE REMOVED from the premises located on the follow ing farms in Rich Hill and Meigs Townships, Muskingum County, Ohio, in the vicinity of High Hill Ohio, John A. Few farm Bern-ard L. White farm: Norman Cunning ham farm Thomas R. Fenton farm Alma L. Smith farm (Mary Allison) Mamie Huffman Shafer larm. For further information see representative at Cumberland Strip Mine Office, Cumberland, Ohio, Monday through Friday 8:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. or phone H. A. Moore, Telephone No. TRemont 2-3481, Zanesville, Ohio, after 6:00 P. M. Bids to be mailed to Ohio Power Company, P. O. Box 501, McConnelsville, Ohio, before midnight Fridav, October lti, 1959. 15 16 For Sale—FEEDS SEEDS CORN, $1.00 per bushel in the field. Lorin Hutcheson, Dexter City. Phone 21. 14 15 16 CORN from the field or deliver ed. Ralph Bettinger, Harrietts ville. 1(5 pd. For Sale—WEARING APPAREL GIRL'S 3-PIECE blue snow suit, size 5, like new. Phone Cald well 305-J. 14 15 16 pd. BOY'S gray suit, size 15, and brown sport coat and pants, size 18. James Watson, Cumber land street. Caldwell. 16 BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple as Murphy's Up to 24 Mos. To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL. OHIO GO O S A E For Sale—LIVESTOCK HORSE, well broke. Weight 1500 pounds. Cliff Stewart, Sarahs ville. 14 15 16 HAMPSHIRE MALE hog, service age 18 month old beagle hound, and a Warm Morning heater, with jacket. Edward Greathouse, Hoskinsville. 15 16 pd WHITE LEGHORN and heavy pullets, ready to lay. Buckey's Hatchery, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 315—J or 61. 15 16 17 BEAGLE PUP, male, three months old, litter registered. Harry Colley, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 186-R. 15 16pd THREE, eight-months-old bull calves, dark colored and nicely marked: one, nine-month-old heifer, also dark colored and nicely marked one young cow with calf at side, four years old. All are registered Herefords and double standards. Wilbur Grimes on Davis Ridge. No Sunday sales. 15 16 17 TEN HAMPSHIRE PIGS, ready to go in two weeks. Bernard F. Hohman, route 4, Caldwell. 16 17 18 pd. TOY MANCHESTER pups. A.K. C., reasonable. Edna Bailey, Dexter City. 16 17 18 pd. CORRIEDALE RAMS, one year old, can be registered. Howard Ritterbeck, Caldwell, route 1. 16 17 18 pd. PURE BRED Columbia rams. H. D. Parmiter, l'oute 6, Zanes ville. Phone GL 3-0166. 2M miles S.E. of Zanesville on SR 146. 16 17 18 pd. For Sale—HOFSEHOLD GOODS ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner with throw awav bags. Balance due of $36.00. Phone Caldwell 294-M. 16 17 18 SPECIAL. New spinet piano for $495. Come in to see our com plete selection of pianos and or gans. Thompson Music Co., 15 W Church street, Newark, Ohio. 15 16 17 COAL HEATER, used only a short time. I am heating with gas now. Daisy Rue, Quaker City, Ohio. Route 1, miles dff SR 513 on Palestine road. 14 15 16 pd. SINGER '56 model sewing ma chine, darns, monograms, sews over pins and equipped to sew wide stitches. Balance due of $48.00. Can be paid in payments. Phone Caldwell 294-M. 16 17 18 WARM MORNING heater and comoutine scales, both in good condition. Haocie Foraker, five miles south of Sharon. 16 17 18 ROYAL circulating gas heater, 40.000 B.T.U. wi^h Honevwell electrieallv controlled therino 5«t. Herbert Ramsey, Box 13. Slmvon, Ohio. Phone Caldwell 74R-F-5. 15 16pd LARGE. AUTOMATIC cas heat er. Phone Caldwell 364-F-12. 10 tf. GAS COOK STOVE and a gas circulating h»^tQr. Mvron Han r»^hs, route 1, Caldwell, near Car lisle. 14 15 16 pd. CHANNEL 7 ANTENNA, $10.00 Walter Quick, 214 Main street. Caldwell. 16 SINGER sewing machine, eauio ned to ziif-zatr. Pav off $47.] fi balance or take over payments of fc'vOO per month. Phone Caldwell 294-M. 16 17 Kor Sale—FRUIT KF.TFER PEARS, $1.00 per bushel off the tree or $2.00 a bushel oicked. Mrs. Walter Fish, Pleas ant. City route 1, in Buffalo town ship. 15 16 GRTMES GOLDEN. Red Deli cious, Stavman Winesao and Rome Beauty aonles. Mak nri sweet cid^r on Fridays. Beebe's rirr* hard. Waterford. Ohio. 16 17 18 pd. STftfK GFMOVPIV HORSES and COWS FREF DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta. Ohio WANTED CLEANING RAGS WILL PAY 100 WE HAVE THE PRODUCT YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY RAMBLER AT DEAN A. REED MOTOR SALES Caldwell, Ohio Phone 108 OPEN EVENINGS PER POUND Rags will be inspected Rags must be clean Overalls and silks will be refused The Journal-Leader WANT AD SECTION O S A E For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1953 FORD, 4-Door, with V-8 mo tor and a 1951 Chevrolet, 4-door, will sell reasonably. Inquire at 615 Walnut street, Caldwell. 14 15 16 1940 FORD, 8 cylinder, standard shift, radio and heater, two door sedan in good condition. Mrs. Mildred Fink, 608 Main street, Caldwell. 14 15 16 1950 CHEVROLET, four-door, in good condition, and a snare drum. Howard Davis, 410',^ North street, Caldwell. 16 pd. 1942, ton and half, Chevrolet truck, and electric cream sepa rator. Mrs. Edna Johnson. Pleas ant City. 16 17 18 pd. 1950 CHEVROLET pickup truck. Body in A-l shape. Also four months-old spotted Shetland colt. Robert Carpenter, Summcrfield, Ohio. 16 1954 FORD F-100 pick-up truck. First class condition. New paint. Also 1953 Mercury nine passenger station wagon, in good shape. S450 for quick sale. Wilmer F. Watson, 2V miles south of Mt. Ephraim. Phone Mt. Ephraim 3 R-62. 16 17 18 For Sale—MACHINERY-TOOLS THREE PHASE electric motor, 10 h.p., 220 volts, 60 cycles, 6.9 amperes. In good operating con dition. Priced to sell. The Journ al-Leader, Caldwell, Ohio. EIGHT FOOT self serve dairy and produce case, one-half original price ten foot double duty meat case, one-sixth original price Hobart grinder, one-fourth original price steak cubing ma chine, one-half price4, two com puting scales, each one-fourth the original price meat block, $40.00 and coffee mill, $15,000 Can be seen at National Brands store or see Walter Collev. '16 17 pd. McCORMICK-DEERING electric separator Rite-Wav single unit milker and a McCormick-Deering corn busker. Harry Reed, phone Caldwell 327-F-3. 16 17 18 pd. For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS FINEST MOBILE HOMES, 46 and 50 ft. on display. Repairs, ser vice, accessories. USR 21, South. Phone 78 M, Fleeman Pontiac Co 8 tf. FROZEN FOOD display case for store use, very reasonably priced. Phone, Zanesville GL 3-9276. 14 15 16 CLARENCE CRUM says a slug gish septic tank or drain is easy to fix with Klean-Em-AU Sewer and Septic Tank Cleaner. Guar anteed at & N Farm Bureau, Caldwell. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 pd. HOUSE-TRAILER in good con dition. Price $200.00.' See Joe Ramsier, Caldwell route 3. 14 15 16pd. SORGHUM MOLASSES. $3.50 per gallon. Urban Nau, South Olive on USR 21. 15 16 17 pd CHAIN SAW SERVICE ATTENTION CHAIN SAW MEN! We are now equipped to do cus tom saw chain grinding and guide bar refacing and regrooving. Also complete Remington and McCul lough Chain Saw sales and serv ive. Long's Tractor Sales, 809 Miller street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 170-M 16 thru 23 (2t) Mobile Home Special 1959 MICHIGAN ARROW FRONT KITCHEN 50x10, two-bedroom, full bath, side aisle, all jalousie windows, with storms, satin finish in terior. Retail $5,895. Me Price $4rg95.Q0 FLEEMAN PONTIAC CO. U. S. R. 81 South Pontiac Vauxhall Phone 78-M CALDWELL. OHIO BYE5VILIE COM (0. McFARLIN MINE DEEP mini: coal Lump 26c Stoker 24c Egg 24c Nut 19c Slack 12c Two Miles West of Pleasant City GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OHIO Sec and Compare Our Fine SelectionI Phone: Woodsfleld GR 2-1210 THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO FOR SALE OR TRADE WE WILL SELL OR trade for good property in Caldwell, our farm, consisting of 36 acres. House strictly modern, free fas, all kinds of fruit, pond stocked with fish and lots of good water the year around. No Sunday sales. Wilbur Grimes, Davis Ridge, Caldwell, Ohio. 16 17 18 TWENTY EWES and one ram, will trade or sell on dairv cows. Elias Bvrd, route 2, Lowell, two miles from Crooked Tree store. 14 15 16 pd. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OH RENT. Two prop erties in Maple Heights. Good location, water, gas and electric. Phone Caldwell 258-W. 14 15 16pd. PUBLIC SALES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 Near the South limit of Sharon, Ohio (near Sharon Cemetery), I will offer at public auction the following personal property: LIVESTOCK: 6 feeder type calves 1,18-months-old Hereford steer 3 Hereford heil'ers, 3 years old 1 Hereford-Jersey mixed cow, 4 years old 1 Holstein cow, 6 years old. All cows now milk ing, including heifers, are bred to Hereford bull. MACHINERY: 1948 Case Vac tractor with 7-ft. semi-mounted mower 2 bottom plow, 12" fullv mounted 2-row cultivator, fully mounted: 1, 10-ft. double disc harrow, pull type 1 comb, lime and fertilizer spreader with grass seeder attached 1, 75-bu. manure spreader-wooden box 1, 9x11 ft. tilt-bed trailer, ideal for moving equipment 1 Unico Roto Garden Tiller 1,8-ft (2 section) smooth ing harrow 1 dump type hay rake 1 hillside plow 1 land plow. MISCELLANEOUS: 1, 10-ft. wood gate 1, 12-ft. wood gate: 25 steel fence posts, 6-ft. length 1, 3 corner cupboard 1 Unico 16 cubic foot deep freeze. Numerous other small items. Sale Time: 12:30 P. M. Terms: CASH on day of Sale. Earl R. Tom, Auctioneer W. MARQUIS—Owner Sharon, Ohio (Not Responsible for Accidents) 16 HAVING LEFT OUR FARM we will sell our personal property at auction at our farm, located nine miles east of Caldwell, two miles north of Middleburg and five miles east of Fulda on county road No. 42, on Thursday, Octo ber 22, 1959. starting at 10:30 o'clock, the following: 15 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK One Hereford cow, six years old one Hereford cow, five years old one Hereford cow, seven years old one Hereford cow, three years old one shorthorn cow, six years old two Jersey cows, seven years old. All above cows are pasture bred. TB and Bangs tested. One registered Poll ed Hereford bull, four years old. Seven Spring calves, four steers, two heifers, and one bull. One spotted Poland China sow and eight pigs. FARM MACHINERY One, 1950 model TO 20 Fergu son tractor, in very good condi tion with plows one set disk har row (pick up type) rear mounted mower, 7 foot cut buck rake David Bradley rubber tired wag on with bed and rigging McCor miek Deering manure spreader lime spreader grain drill, disk type hay rake tractor pulley tractor chains heavy duty U hitch tractor jack two wheeled trailer with bed and racks John Deer hammer mill, belt driven platform scales corn sheller horse drawn mowing machine disk harrow grain binder corn drill. Two hillside plows one, 3-shov el corn plow one single-shovel plow two buzz saws with three blades, 3 belts: 2 Mother Nature brooders 2 and 3 block with win line 2 snatch blocks 1 wire block line 1 grapper fork one single fork 1 hay rope: 1 electric fenc or 2 mail boxes hand cider press 1 set of work harness and collars 2 iron kettles 1 sausage stuffer 2 mixing boxes 1 sausage mill 1 large meat barrel 1 De Laval cream separator, electric used one season two gasoline drums one two-burner fuel oil heating stove, with fan, used two winters (and fuel oil tank) 1 Home Comfort cook stove 1 Warm Morning heater and two tables. Terms: CASH. GEORGE V. SAILING, owner Route 4, Caldwell, Ohio James Watson, Auctioneer, Caldwell, Ohio. Lunch will be served on grounds (Not responsible for accidents.) 15 16 17 PEST CONTROL SERVICE TERMITES, ROACHES, ANTS, WATERBUGS, ETC. For FREE Inspection and Estimates PHONE 21 TIPTON'S HARDWARE CALDWELL, OHIO All Work Guaranteed! Exterminating Service PUBLIC SALE I WILL OFFER at public auc tion, my personal property, lo cated on Hartshorn Ridge, two miles east of Stafford, off route 145, four miles south of Lewis ville, on Saturday, November 14, at 1:00 p. m. 36 HEAD of DAIRY CATTLE Two registered Holstein heif ers, due in December two pure bred Holstein heifers, due in No vember one pure bred Ho Lit em heifer, due in December two pure bred Holstein heifers, due in February 17 head of pure bred Holstein heifers, pasture bred, due in spring. The above heifers are of exceptional quality and size, selected from better dairy herds in Wisconsin. One registered Holstein bull, one year old, from outstanding dam and best of breeding, excel lent herd sire. One Jersey cow, five years old. due Nov. 15 one Jersey cow, five years old, due Nov. 27 one Jersey cow. four years old, due January 23 one Jersey cow, four years old, due Feb. 15 two Jersey cows, five and six years old, in full flow of milk one Guernsey cow, thi years old, due Feb. 6 one Guern sey cow, nine years old. due Feb. 6 two artificial bred Jersey heif ers, due in May and one artificial bred Jersey heifer, 15 months old MISCELLANEOUS Milkers, complete side load T33, six-can milk cooler milk cans John Deere tractor, with plows and cultivators Seeman field tiller, like new 1957 Olds mobile "98", 8,000 miles, in A-l condition. Terms: CASH. LEONARD MINES—Owner Weddle Bros., Auctioneers 16 and 20 (2t) HAVING SOLD my farm, I will sell at public auction on the farm, located 6 miles South of Caldwell on State Route 21, on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24 12 CATTLE Two cows, 7 years old two cows, two years old one pure bred Hereford bull, two years old three cows, three years old five calves, two to four months old. FARM MACHINERY (Horse drawn) two wagons disc harrow steel harrow mow ing machine hay rake two-horse corn plow plows and cultivator harness forks shovels axes mattock and other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Piano 3-piece living room suite tables gas stoves gas range: Frigidaire refrigerator cupboard five dressers two chests of draw ers studio couch dishes some antiques cooking utensils, and numerous other articles. Terms of Sale: CASH. Sale begins at 12:00 Noon. MANSON LANDAKER,Owner E. R. Tom, Auctioneer Cumberland, Ohio Phone ME 8-2202 (Not Responsible for Accidents) 16 17 O S A MALE FOX HOUND, white and lemon spotted. Frank Nel son, route 4, Caldwell, or phono 718-F-12. I6pd BLACK, brown and white, malt Beagle hound that answers the namo of Souser. If found call Caldwell 299 or after 5:00 o'ciock, 270-F-21. 16 17 O U N FOUND, beagle hound. Owner may have same by identifyin dog and paying for this adver tisement. Contact Ruben Scha ler at Crock & Shafer, Caldwell Ohio. 15 16 at the MONDAY, OCT. 74 HEAD -MARKET REPORT W»'diM-sclay, Oct. II The Caldwell Produce Co. Heavy hens Jb. 12c Light hens lb. 7c Old cocks lb. 6c Southeast Ohio Egg Producers Somerset, Ohio Jumbo—30-oz. and up— from 28c to 37c per dozen. Large—24-oz. to 30— from 21c to 33c per dozen. Medium—21-oz. to 24— from 15c to 21c per dozen. Small—18-oz. to 21— from 10c to 15c per dozen. Above prices based on qual ity and size shipment picked up at door. Cases furnished. O E N SIX ROOM HOUSE with gas and electric, 11 miles east of Cald well on SR 78. Contact Harry L. Merritt. 16 17 18 od. FOUR ROOM second floor apart ment, with bath, large closets, utilities paid, storage room in basement. TV cable available, ga rage. H. B. Young, 1101 North street, Caldwell. Phone 76-R. 16 APARTMENT in double house with five rooms, bath, gas fur nace and running water. Nicely located in Sarahsville. Lalla Hicks, Sarahsville. 15 16 17 pd. FURNISHED apartment with pri vate bath, entire second floor and utilities furnished. Inquire at 814 West street, Caldwell, or phone 297-J. 15 16 17 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment with four rooms, down stairs, bath and private entrance. Ira Pryor, 1415 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 15 16 17pd FOR RENT—Apartment, unfur nished, located on Miller St. Modern and conveniently located. Floyd Henderson. 901 North St., Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 100 or 198-W Caldwell. 15 16 17 ONE HALF OF DOUBLE five room house with bath, base ment and garden. Will accept a family with one small child. See Ernest Parry, 1405 North street, Caldwell. 14 15 16 pd. THREE ROOM furnished apart ment. First floor, private en trance. Utilities paid. 107 Cum berland street. Phone llfi-J. 14 15 16pd. APARTMENT for rent. Ideally located on public square. Carl's Shot' Store, Caldwell, Ohio 13H WANTED TO BUY WOOL. BEEF HIDES and root C. R. Teters. Hoskinsville. Phonn Caldwell 304-F-21. 40 tf USED COAL FURNACE, com plete, 24-inch or more. G. Triplett. route 2, Cumberland. W A N E ELDFRLY LADY to make "tittr with couple. If interested, phono McConnelsville 3465. or writ. Mrs. Branch Parsons, Box 314 Malta. Ohio. 15 lb WORK FOR SMALL dozer and landscaping. Reasonable rate.-. William Grimes, phone Cumber land 83370 between the houl" of 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. nv 25t Authorized Sales and Service for BRIGGS & STRATTON CLINTON LAWN BOY POWER PRODUCTS LAUSON E N I N E S MIKE'S TIRE SHOP Phone 200 Cumberland Street JOHN GEORGE NOLI REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD DISPERSAL farm, 11 miles southwest of Waterford, O. 19,19S9 12:30*. M. 2 herd sires 2 young buffs 34 cows 24 Spring calves 5 open heifers 7 commercial Featuring Domestic Woodrow and Numode Breeding also, one Palomino Stallion WRITE FOR CATALOG— Lorin G. Sanford, Sale Manager Buckeye Polled Hereford Assn. Caldwell, Ohio JAMES MERRY STONE CO. Just Off SR 78 Near Sharon ROAD ROCK Construction Aggregates Crushed Lime Rock Agricultural Lime Domestic Cool Phone Caldwell 714-F-6 HELP WANTED GIRL jiwUsckVoi'K and c&rc of child. In Columbus. Write Box 90-A, Journal-Leader, Cald well, Ohio. 1(5 NEAT APPEARING salesman, to represent top lines of pianos and organs. Experience helpful but not necessary. Transportation furnished." Earnings up to $15, 000. Write home office—Thomp son Music Co., 15 W. Church St., Newark, Ohio. 15 16 17 MAN WANTED to service rural customers with Nationally Ad vertised Watkins Products. Be your own boss with no strikes or layoffs. No investment neces sary. Write Dept. E, 74 E. Robin son Avenue. Barbeiton, Ohio. .15 .16 Tpd N O I E S TO WHOM THIS CONCERNS: The group that upset 36 shocks of ear corn, 9 large shocks of fodder which was scattered over part of the wheat field and un covered a pile of eorn and threw ears of corn at each other, like they would snowballs, come to our place and make good for the damage you did Wednesday night. We have had the officials out and an examination has been made and the investigation is in progress. There is evidence which supports clues to a direct prose cution. We want no absentees and no conflicting answers from this group on the day you report to me. If there are any absentees or any Conflicting answers. I will order a day to day investigation which may last a year. This group is large enough that the cost may amount to $7,000 for a whole year's investigation. 16 pd. EARL SMITH, Caldwell route 5 NOTICE—We are now back in our store at East Union and open for business. C. F. Love. 15 16 17pd "We Buy and SHI Anything for *.h{ Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITWW: STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio 6 tf. j_ET US SAVE YOU $ $ $ on fertilizer. We supply Farmqro Plant Food in bulk either straight potash, phosphate or nitrogen or in popular analysis. & N Farm Bureau, Phone 95, Caldwell, Ohio. 41 tf. 173 lbs. 190-220 lbs. 230-245 lbs. Sows Choice grass cattlc Good grass cattle Medium Rrass cattle Plain qrass cattle Feeder calves Yearling feeder Steers Bulls Good cows .... Medium cows Common cows Shellv cows CALF RECEIPTS 259 HEAD head prime 1H0-215 lbs. 18 head choice 130-215 lbs. 1 27 head good 130-215 lbs. 20 head nie.diuin 130-215 lbs. 12 head medium to prime 220-250 lbs. 13 head medium to choice 105-125 lbs. 5 head plain 140-195 lbs. .. ... 40 head light 85-100 lbs. 28 head licht 70-80 lbs. 42 head liffht 65 lbs. and down 25 head light 100 lbs. and down—back i© farm $20.00 to $39.00 LAMB RECEIPTS 313 HEAD 33 head choice and prime lambs 73-98 lbs. 7 head lipht choice lambs 71 lbs. 21 head good lambs 81-85 lbs. 17 head light pood lambs 56-69 lbs. .. 19 head common and medium lambs 57-88 lbs. 54 head good feeder lambs 64-68 lbs. 29 head medium feeder lambs 52-53 lbs 9 head feeder buck lambs 65-66lbs. 81 head slauirhte* sheep ... 1 head yearling 40 head brood ewes 2 head rams BARNESVILtt LIVESTOCK RAR\FSVn,LF„ OHIO USED CAR SPECIALS! 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1956 1956 1955 1955 1953 Page Seven N O 4 E S THE PFOPLF. should be con sulted and their will observed* insofar as tlieir will reflects thp children's interest and the coun ty's ahilitv to provide educational opportunities. HAVENER FOR COUNT* BOARD OF EDUCA TION. l« DON'T KEEP a bull—keep a tele phone number. Call: Don Fris bee, Caldwell 273. il0. FOR YOUR winter coal, see Ralph Larrick, Pleasant City, route 1, or phone Caldwt!1 347 F 14. lfi 17 lb pd. SUPPORT JOSEPHINE DAVIS for clerk of Olive township at the Nov. 3 election. Your influ ence and support will be apprS« ciatod. 16.17 18 pd. LOSE WEIGHT safely with new ly released Dex-A-Diet tablets. Only 08c at Ralston's Drug Store, Col dwe! 1. 16 thru 27 pd. NOTICE-Vote for John C. Smith bcrgor, a farmer, for township trustee, Stock township. Your support and vote appreciated. Election: Tu^sdav, Nov. 3, 1959. 16 17 JU pd. SUPPORT CLEM GARVIN, can didate for trustee, Sharon town ship at the Nov. 3 election. Your support and vote greatly appre ciated. 16 17 18 pd. NURSING HOME for the very ill or the aged or convalescent. Over 40 years experience. Ask your doctor. Phone Robert L. Kine, Supt., Mark Rest Center, McConnelsville 5231. Reverse the charges. 16 17 18 19 THE CALDWELL B.P.W. will sponsor a white elephant arrd rummage sale in the Tonnous building, next door to the Noble theater, the evening of Oct. 30 and all day Oct. 31. Proceeds will be used for career day and other special projects. Any donations will be greatly appreciated. 16 INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. RATS AND MICE eliminated for ovcr. "Get Star'' at Donald Nich ols. & N Farm Bureau and the Corner Hardware, Caldwell. 13 thru 21 pd. YEAGLE for TRUSTEE BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Morket Sole Receipts for Saturday, Oct. 10, 1959 HOG RECEIPTS 132 HEAD $14.50 $13.35 to 514.90 $10.20 to S13.10 $ 7.30 to $10.50 C^TTTJE RECEIPTS 304 HEAT) $23.00 to $24.40 $21.50 to $23.00 819.50 to $21.50 lsn.00 to $19.50 ... $20.75 and down f&T>.10 and down $ 18.00 to $20.90 j?16.00 to $17.50 *1 1.00 to $16.00 *12.00 to SI4.00. F10.00 to S12.00 $36.40 to $37.00 S*34.75 MERCURY TURNPIKE CRUISER. 2-DOOR, Hardtop, Fully Equipped,. Low Mileage, Ajito matic Transmission. MERCURY MONTCLAIR, 4-DOOR. HARD TOP. Fully Equipped. Famous Push Button Transmission. FORD, 2 DOOR, HARDTOP. FORD 2-DOOR HARDTOP, AUTOMATIC Transmission, Radio and Heater. White Wall Tires MERCURY 4-DOOR HARDTOP, TURNPIKE Cruiser, Fully Equipped, Buff and White. CHEVROLET, 4-DOOR, STATION WAGON, 8 Cylinder, Power-Glide. CHEVROLET Power-Glide. to $36.60 3i.OO to $33.60 23.00 to S27.50 18.00 to $33.00 S18.00 to $30.25 SI 8.00 to $20.00 S18.60 $17.50 $15.50 S21.35 to $22.50 S91 on $20.70 to $20190 S16.90 to $18.00 ,SI0.75 to S16.75 $16.10 to $16.90 $13.40 to S14.50 $12.00 to $12.75 $ 2.75 to $ 7.25 $16.00 per head $ 4.00 to $ 8.75 per head S10.00 to $20.00 DELRAY. 2-DOOR, 8 CYL., DODGE CORONET, 4-DOORS, 8 CYLINDER, 2 To Choose From. Radio, Heater, Automatic Transmission. CHEVROLET ONE-HALF TON TRUCK CHEVROLET, 2-DOOR, HARDTOP, 6 CYL., Power-Glide. DODGE CORONET, 4-DOORS, 8 CYLINDER, 2 To Choose From. They are coming and going every day. If we don't •have it today, we may have it tomorrow: Karl Kress Used Cars CLARENCE HAGUE Salesman WOODSFIELD. OHIO