Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Januarv^l960 Shoron The regular meeting of the M. Y. F. was held at the Methodist church, Sunday evening, with President Ruth Pickenpaugh pre siding. Other officers for the new year are: vice president, Victor Boyd secretary, Carolyn Arch er treasurer, Billy Boyd, and press reporter, Marlene Tetters. Rev. Ota Teters preached an in spiring sermon at the worship1 service. Special numbers were presented by Marlene Teters and Ruth Pickenpaugh on accordians and a song by Ruth, Earl, Bonnie and Diane Pickenpaugh. Bible Study Class The Bible study class will meet Wednesday evening, Jan. 13 at the Methodist church. Entered Hospital Gerald Miller entered Mt. Car mel hospital at Columbus for ob servation and treatment. On Sick List Mrs. Lozzie Morrison is ill at the home of her son, Dale and wife. Jesfcte MarqufS is alst) tfa the sick list. I I in. I a II il Carlisle CAWLfSLE Carlisle grange No. 2344 will meet Thursday evening, Jan. 7, at 7:30 o'clock with Master Rayner Schehl in charge. Third and fourth degrees will be conferred on a class of candidates, After the business meting a pot luck supper will be served with Mrs. Ruby Leasure as chairman of the kitchen com mittee. Vicky Gressel has returned home after spending the past week with relatives at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haycox, of Painesville, spent the weekend' with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mallett. George returned home after spending the past wek with his sister. Mrs. Eunice Miller, Mrs. Clara Mallett and Mr. and Mrs. Rayner Schehl visited Thursday with' their mother, Mrs. Eva Schehl. Mrs. Belle Spence and son, Hugo, of Cambridge, visited Wednesday with her son, Mr. and ^Mrs. Frank Spence. Mrs. Anna Schehl, of Summer field route, visited Friday even ing with Mrs. Anna Crum. Mrs. Glen Mallett visited Thursday and Mrs. Ida Spence Friday evening with Blanche Smith. Norman Feldner spent the past week with his aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle. ChaseviHe CHASEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumm and daughter, Waneda, returned home Satur day evening after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher and son, Jackie in Fon tana, California. Sandra, Barbara and Connie, Tilton, of Ava route, spent last week with Mrs. Hazel Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Murphy and family were Tuesday even ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest and son, John, of Pleasant City. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laugh \|lin and family, of Byesville route, spent Thursday with Mrs. Nellie :Laughlin and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Murphy visited with Louise Murphy, a patient at Good Samaritan hos pital, Zanesville, Sunday after noon. Mrs. Stanley Lonca, of Can ton, visited with Mrs. Hazel Fin ley, Thursday. Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Halderman Murphy and family were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Secrest and son of Pleasant City. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Murphy and family called on Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffman and fam ily, Friday evening. Mrs. Curtis Hill was a recent caller at the H. D. Murphy home. Wilfred Hill, Jimmy, Martha ^and Paul Murphy attended Luth jer League at Pleasant City, Sun day night. Mr. Ed McGee and daughter, (Evelyn, of Gibson Station, LHobart Annual Congregational Meeting Is Held Sunday, Presbyterian Church following the regular worship services at the Presbyterian church, Sunday morning, the an nual congregational meeting was held with Rev. Anderson presid ing. Yearly reports were given: and the following trustees werei elected: George Ralph, Charles Wilson and Kendrick Marquis. M. ¥. F. Meets Bond, Jr. of Pleasant 'City route and Mr. and Mrs. Miley Larrick, of Mt. Zion, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Hill and family. Photo Developing:—Gillespie's Personals James Conner was calling on Carl Marquis, Sunday. Judy McLaughlin has returned home from Columbus, where she spent the holidays with her moth er and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Critchfield. Mrs. Ocie Harmon visited with her brother, Mr. Clyde Teters and family, of near Hoskinsville, last week. Mrs. Cora Marquis and son. Tommy, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Trott, Mr. William Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harmon, near Zanes ville. Mrs. Jessie Gill and daughters, of Steubenville, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Piclrehpaugh. Mrs. Jessie Marquis spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walters-and John McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin vis ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin. Earl Jennings called his mother. Mrs. Maud Jenfnhefs, at Columbus, last week and reports her much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bowen and son, Mark, of Zanesville, vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Eicher, on New Year's day. Mrs. Lucille Heddleson called on her sister, Mrs. Lillian Boyd, last Tuesday. Mrs. Letitia Steen, who is be ing cared for by Mrs. Goldie Col lins, at Caldwell, spent a few days with her son, Herbert. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer called on Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dov enbarger, Saturday. Mrs. Mary Hronec and children of Ava, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Heddleson. Norma Jean Sayre visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Boyd, Sat urday. Brenda Cartell, of Belle Val ley, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Okey Caldwell. Wayne Waite, of Coshocton, and Ben Dovenbarger, of Cones ville, spent Thursday with the latter's brother, R. T. Doven barger and enjoyed hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler, of Maple Heights, called on their aunt, Mary Griffith last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Boyd and Jay were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Noble Wiley, who were celebrating their golden wedding anniversary, Sunday also called on their grandmother, Mrs. Charity Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nessel road called on Mrs. Mamie Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Kenrick Mar quis, Saturday. Mr. G. E. Marquis, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Marquis attended the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Wiley, near Forest Grove, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parrish were calling on Mr. and Mrs. John Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson at Seneca ville. Mr. and Mrs. George Marquis and Tommy were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson at Louisville, New Year's day. Charles Cain, of Minerva, visit ed with his sisters, Mrs. Edna Wiley and Mrs. Lucille Marquis and families over the weekend. Center CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossiter called on Mr. and Mrs. Harden Everly one day re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Everly and son, David, spent the fcreekend with relatives in Akron. Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bates are on the sick list. Mrs. Cuma Murry and chil dren, of Canton, are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trabotta and children, Gary, Ronnie, Pauline and Renee, of Geneva, spent New Year's with Mrs. Frabotta's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Minus Good will. Mr. Steve Hedges was also a guest. Mr. Hedges is from Cleveland. Raymond Poling called on Harn den Everly, Monday There will be prayer meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson on Thursday evening of this week. Any one who wishes to attend is wel come. Mr. Joe Archer and son, Wayne and Billy Archer and sbn called on Mr. and Mrs. Harden feverly, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harden Everly visited with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Everly, Sunday evening. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Minus Goodwill Sunday were Rev. and Mrs. Paul Neville and Mr. Neville's mother. COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE ALL MAKES BARNHOUSE CHEVROLET COMPANY Telephone 861 Miller 8treet Whigyflte WHJGVILLE Mrs. Wayne Hayes and ghildren, Lawayne and Cameron of Caldwell, spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark were at Marietta Wednesday after noon. Clarence West, of Columbus, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. West. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruby, of Cambridge, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berry were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanDyne, of Sum merfield. Mr. and Mrs. Hkrley Smith, of Lore City route, were greeting friends here Sunday afternoon. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bates, New Year's day, were Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guil er and daughters, Sherry and Vicky, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bates and son/ of Cambridge, Shirley Bates and Dick Long berry, of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Guiler have returned to their home after several weeks vacation in Flor ida. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gant and sons were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dettra, of Chase ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hayes and children, of Caldwell, spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Berry were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark. Keithtown KEITHTOWN Mrs. Bess Vanfleet, of Maple Heights, spent a few days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Leighton Landak er and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Landaker and family, of Wat erford, were recent visitors at the home of his parents. Forrest Farson, of Big Run, Noble Rogers and sons, Timmie and Donnie, of Cuyahoga Falls, were callers on Sunday at the Jonas Stack home. Mr. and Mrs. James Courtney and family, of Norwalk, visited during the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchel and Ronnie. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Chandler, of Stow, were weekend visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and fam ily. Other visitors at the Chand ler home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves, of South Olive and Emmet Caplinger and daughter Linda, of Beverly, and Roy Chandler, of Canton, who had spent the holiday vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Teeters and family spent Sunday with their parents, Ocie Sullivan, of East Union, and Bertie Teeters, of Maple Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Swank, of Galveston, Illinois, spent a few days recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hale. Mrs. Bess Keith, formerly of this place and who, with her hus band, Charles Keith, operated a general store here for many years passed away at Columbus on Sat urday evening, Jan. 2. She was brought here for the funeral and burial on Tuesday morning. Sam, Jim and Raymond Mc Mannis all returned to their jobs at Canton Sunday evening after spending the holiday vacation with their parents. Linda Landaker spent several days with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Wilson, of Ashland. They accompanied her home on New Year's eve. Olive Chandler is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jonas Stack and family. Mrs. Helen Wright, of Stow, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Chandler and family. Eddie Chandler, who is em ployed on a boat, spent a few days the past week with his family here. East Union EAST UNION 1959 has pass ed away. 1960 is here. Hope everyone has a prosperous year. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lahue were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Pride spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller and sons, Denny and Danny spent Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller. Ray Lee Miller has returned to his home in Zanesville after spending Xmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and Cora Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Clesson Love and Kenneth VanFossen attended church at Green Valley, Sun-Jay evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clesson Love spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller and Carl Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Huffman and family were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baker and daugh ter, of Lewisville Friday evening. Rachel Robinson has returned to her home here after spending Xmas vacation with her daugh ters in Canton. Bob Love and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coss and daughter ana Mr. and Mrs. Willard Love, of Woodsfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clesson Love, Saturday. Mt. Epftroim THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Chelcie McCon nell were surprised Sunday with a pot luck dinner in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The honored ones received an electric skillet and other gifts. Those attending were Mrs. Nellie Bates, Mrs. Marie Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bates, Kathy and Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Bates, Joanne and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hayman, Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Franklin, Carolyn Franklin, Mr. and Mrs Billy Franklin, Allen Franklin, Jackie Bowers, Charles Cowgill, Ronald and Terry McConnell, Tom Shafer, the honored ones and hostess. Mrs. Susie Hannahs. In Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Moore were shopping in Cambridge on Saturday. Pleasant Hill PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rochus and son, Scott of Columbus, spent the weekend with Floyd Davis and family. Myron Dale Miley called on his parents, Carl Miley and wife, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Musser, of Zanesville, called on Owen Lar rick and wife, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson have gone to Columbus to spend the winter with their daughter and son-in-law, Delbert Swain. James Stillion, of Canton, call ed on Ella Belle Cater and fam ily and Owen Larrick and wife, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis and Donnie and Debbie visited with Leslie Cater and family, Sunday. Clyta Cater visited with her cousins, Donnie and Debbie Davis in Caldwell, Saturday. Floyd Davis called on Bion Larrick and wife recently. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Nelson called on Mr. and Mrs. Carr Davis, Saturday evening. Mt. Tabor MT. TABOR Mrs. Verna Kirkbride, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin and son, Ricky, Nancy and Roger Martin were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughter, Joy and Roger and Nancy Martin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daugh ters, Ann and Lynn, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer and daughter, Tina, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, New Year day and even ing. Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, Joy and Gay and Nancy Martin were visiting Mrs. Grace Hannahs and children, Sunday. Elsifc Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family on Wednesday evening. Caldwell Route 3 CAl.nWTLL ROUTE Mrs. Bessie Harper and son, Dwight, and Mrs. Virginia Wagner spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner. William Pickenpaugh called Monday on Mr. and Mrs. Blake Davis and Mrs. Clem Garvin. Charley Eraden and Irvil Gar vin butchering a beef for Edna Boyd, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gardner and watched the Rose Bowl parade. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin. Mrs. Guila Garvin visited Fri day with Mrs. Sue Garvin. Fred Peddicord and Larry Les lie spent the weekend with Edna Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Parcell and Willard Bennett called Satur day on Mrs. Clem Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin vis ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Barnhard and James Ed ward and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Garvin. Dicky Ray Wells, spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin call ed Saturday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner and Edna Boyd. David and George King, of the National Guards, spent their fur lough over the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence King and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn King. Mrs. Bessie Harper and son, Dwight, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner. Mr. And Mrs. Chelcie McConnell Are Honored On Silver Wedding Event Knjoy Visit Mr. and Mrs. James Menden hall and family, of Canton, spent New Year's with Hazel Powell and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and family visited Wednesday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell at Cambridge. Mrs. Edith Williams visited a few d«ys last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Chloechalk and sons at Cambridge. Sunday Dinner A potluck dinner and gift ex change was enjoyed Sunday, Dec. 27 at the home of T. R. Bates. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates and daughter, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs George Bates and family of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Foster, Rita Finley and Larry Robinson of Canton, Mr. and Mrs Leroy Miller and son of Zanes ville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bates and family of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Bates and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and family. Holiday Guests Callers at the home of Hazel Powell New Year's Day were Mrs. James Mendenhall, Dianna and James of Canton, Mrs. Fred die Powell, of Cambridge, Mrs. Frank McVicker, of Senecaville, Mrs. Earl Powell, Terry and Arlene, Evelyn, Janet and Mari lyn Powell. Club To Meet The Seneca Homemakers club will meet Thursday, January 4, at 10:30 at the home of Mrs Ardith Mendenhall with a pot luck dinner at noon. Basic mixes will be the topic. Walnut Ridge WAlNUT RIDGE Earl Hor ton and family spent Saturday with M. I. Horton and Mrs. Nancy Rossiter. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horton and children spent the weekend at O. O. Horton's and Otto Carpen ter. They were dinner guests on Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Zerger and sons, of Cald well. Marie Smithberger spent a few •days last week at Raymond Smithberger's. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Horton en joyed a turkey dinner New Year's day at Calvin Smith's. Mose Horton was a business caller at Woodsfield, Tuesday afternoon. Fred Warner and Raymond Smithberger attended the stock sale at Woodsfield, Wednesday Mrs. Bessie Horton returned home Saturday after spendin^ the past week with George Hor ton and family and her brother, Dr. I. W. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. George Horton and son were recent visitors at Otis Horton's. Archer's Ridge ARCHER S RIDGE Larry Wickham was a caller at East Union, Tuesday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Bertha Lahue and Ronnie were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hines of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blaney and children, Bobby, Cathy, Rusty and Teresa, of Zanesville route 6. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Archer were supper guests Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley, observing Mrs. Lucy Archet's birthday an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hill and family spent Wednesday evening with the Paisleys, Mrs. Eva Gerst and Virgil Saling was a supper guest Sunday evening." Sophia Rupple and Marvin at tended the entertainment at Fulda New Year Eve. Natie Wickham was a caller at Caldwell, Saturday afternoon. Other callers were Anna Paisley^ and Bertha Lahue. ARCHER'S RIDGE Natie Wickham and Larry were Callers* at East Union recently. Mrs. Bertha Lahue and son spent Christmas holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. adn Mi's- Oscar Blaney and chil dren, Bobby, Cathy, Rusty and Teresa of Zanesville route 6. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Wickham and family of Chandlersville route. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shell, of Carlisle and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox, of Sarahsville, spent Christ mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Char ltes Archer. Mrs. Eva Gerst is stepping high since she was notified that she had a great-grandson born on her birthday to Mr. and Mrs. John Schimmoler, of Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wiley and daughter, Kathy Ann, of Caldwell, spent Christmas with the former mother, Mrs. Eva Gerst. Dallas Paisley and Paul Hill spent Sunday evening with Ray rhond Kraft. Colley Insurance 409 West Street Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio Here & Yon HERE AND YON Sunday school worship at M. E. church in Sarahsville at 9:30. Will I see you there? The year of 1959 has come to an end and we are now starting on a new year. As we look back thru the 12 months gone by, we find many changes, many of our loved ones have closed their final chapter of life here on earth. All in all, lots of water has run under the bridge and some over the bridge, so let's strive to be a little kinder, Jet us be a little blinder. To the faults of those around us, let us praise a little more, let me be when I am weary, just a little bit more cheery, let me serve a little bet ter, those that I am striving for, let me be a little braver, when temptation bids me waver, let me strive a little harder, to be all that I should be, let me be a little meeker, with the brother who is weaker, let me think more of my neighbor and a little less of me. Personals Harden Everly and Billy De pew visited with Raymond Pol ing, New Year's day. Recent visitors of Mrs. Callie Meighen and family were Mrs. Helen Dudley and children and Mrs. W. E. Jacobs. Mrs. Lucy McCandless, of Cambridge, spent the weekend at her home in Caldwell. Mrs. Stella Depuy has beei) released from Guernsey Me morial hospital at Cambridge and is now being cared for at a rest home near Sarahsville. Charley Hague fell at his home in Sarahsville and is a vic tim of a broken hip. He is now at Good Samaritan hospital in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Depew visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones, near Ava. Miss Becky Kirk spent Xmas vacation with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hickman and sons in Cambridge. Summerficld SPECIAL RACK! LADIES' DRESS SHOES Regular up to $12.00 Life Stride And American Girl High or Low Heel NOW $599 SPECIAL RACK! $ 3 9 9 Regular up to $7.00 A fine selection of budget-wifte shoes. n i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 i n i i i i Take Advantage of Our 50c Coupons Mailed To You "iMlimrithfli 111111111 u 11 i i i i 1111111! 11 11 I I I I 111 11 Cii i 11 11111 M111 I I 111I I1111J iT Regular Meeting Of 0. E. S. Will Be Held Wednesday Night, Jan. 1) SurnmeiutiU Chapter, O. E. S., will meet Wednesday evening, Jan. 13 at 7:30 in charge of the worthy matron, Reah Bates. Club To Meet The Homemakers club will meet Thursday, Jan. 14, at the home of Mrs. Betty Warner for their regular meeting, with a sack lunch at noon and the host ess serving the dessert. The lesson for the day will be on basic mix es. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher had as dinner guests Tuesday, Bonnie and Jeanne Weisend, from Lew isville. The dinner was in honor of Bonnie's birthday and the table was centerede with a cake bearing 13 candles. Watch Party Mr. and Mrs. Otis G. King, of Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. LI ovd Bach and daughter, Cheryl, of Lewisville, route, spent New Year's eve with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher. The evening'was spent watching TV and playing games and watching for the New Year. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. King also spent Friday with the Birchers. The Kings then spent Friday night and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gene Whar ton and daughters, on Lewisville route. Holiday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Leach en tertained the following guests on Christmas day with a turkey dinner: Barbara, Hallie and Vie cent Carpenter, of Cambridge, Mrs. Carl Bates and children, of West Lafayette, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and Sammy, of Cos hocton. and Phyllis Leach, and on Christmas eve the above listed and the following enjoyed a gift exchange in the Leach home: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leach and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Leach and family and Mr. and BIG SAVINGS—WIDE SELECTIONS CARL'S SHOES Page Three—B Mrs. Hex Casey and Wendy Leigh. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Craig and sons, of Cleveland, visited recent ly with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed and Mr. H. P. Gibson visited Friday afternoon at the homes of Clar ence and Carl Gibson, in Barnes ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bode had as dinner guests on New Year's day: Mrs. G. A. Horton, Mr. Flode Yost, Mrs. Ida Hartshorn and Mr. and Mrs Fred Bode. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball and son, Bobbie, of Caldwell, visited Saturday evening with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver. Mr. Charley Wharton was ad mitted Sunday to the Selby hos pital in Marietta for observation and treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Batten, of Somerset, are announcing the birth of a son, born Sunday morning, Jan. 3. Grandparents here are Mr. and -Mrs. Arthur Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Warner, of Glady Valley, had as dinner guests on Christmas day for a turkey dinner and all the trimm ings: Mr. and Mrs. William Warn er and daughter and Joseph Warner and a friend, of Colum bus. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wharton were among the shoppers Satur day in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris and family, of Woodsfield, visited on New Year's eve with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richeson. Chlorine in the form of ordin ary household laundry bleach now is being used effectively to correct sulphur water problems, according to Ohio State Univer sity extension agricultural neers. I Little Boys' 1 "BUCKS" Regular up to $7.95 e n i IN CALDWELL rugged Special Rack! MEN'S and BOY'S SHOES WORK or DRESS Sale Price *5" CLOSING OUT! ALL SLIPPER SOCKS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! 00 NOW IN CALDWELL