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Pftgfc Six Coming Social Events Demonstration Club The Sharon Home Demonstra tion club will meet January 14 in the church basement with mem bers of the Rich Valley, Forest Grove and Belle Valley clubs as invited guests. Mrs. Orena Haines, clothing specialist, from Colum bus, will be present to teach the lerson on "Selection and Care of New Fabrics." Members are ask ed to note the change in date of the meeting and all interested persons are invited to attend. Dinner will be pot-luck with the Sharon club furnishing the cof fee. Center Grange Center Grange, No. 2285, will meet Thursday evening, Jan. 7, in the town hall at 8:00 o'clock. At the close of the meeting, a chili and oyster soup supper will be enjoyed by all. All members are asked to bring their own bowls and spoons and 25c will buy all you can eat. All members are urged to attend. To Hold Dance There will be a round and square dance at the American Legion hall in Batesville Satur day evening, Jan. 9. Fred Hayes and his Rythemaires will furnish the music from 9:30 until mid night. The public is invited. Libbie Martin Circle The Libbie Martin Circle of the First Methodist church will meet Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Hope Webster with Mayme Sealock as companion hostess. All members are asked to attend. Grange To Meet Halley's Ridge grange No. 2747 will meet Friday evening, Jan. 8, at 8:00 o'clock. Refreshments will be pie and coffee. A good attend ance is desired. M.N.0. Bridge Club Meets At Searle Home Mrs. A1 Walton, Mrs. Joe Gial lombardo won the club prize and Mrs. Archie McGregor the guest prize, Tuesday evening, when Mrs. Robert Searle entertained the M.N.O. Bridge club at her home in Bronze Heights. Dessert refreshments were served by the hostess to the fol lowing: Mrs. Clark Knox, Mrs. Bill Davis, Mrs. Joe Giallom bardo, Mrs. Robert Lorenz, Mrs. Clarence Estadt, Mrs. A1 Wal ton, Mrs. George Daugherty and the guest, Mrs. McGregor. Esther Circle Meets In Church Social Rooms The Esther Circle met Tues day evening in the First Meth odist church dining room with the chairman, Mrs. Ellen Doug lass, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of hymns with Mrs. Mildred Fink at the piano. "A Clear Vision" was the theme used by the devotional leader, Mrs. Lois Zilcr. Mrs. Elsie Kirchner, program leader, gave a very interesting talk on the subject "Arise and Shine for Thy Light Has Come." Mrs. Fink presented New Year's resolu tions. Mrs. Douglass announced the School of Missions for January, which is sponsored by the local Woman's Society of Christian Service. Pledges were paid and more than $100.00 was reported from the circle bazaar envelopes. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. Sewing Circle Has December Meeting A covt t'| 11 d:nner with lovely appointments was enjoyed at the Christmas meeting of the Friendly Sewing Circle held re cently in the home of Mrs. Orton Lantz on Caldwell route. Mrs. Paul Seftens served as compan ion hostess. The Lant/. home was attractively decorated in keeping with the holiday season. The meeting opened with the singing of carols and a poem read by one of the members. Du ring the business session, con ducted by the president, the group enjoyed the revealing of secret sisters and new ones were drawn for the coming year. Contests, games and a gift exchange were enjoyed during the social period. Members pres ent were Mrs. Thomas Bond, Mrs. W. S. Camden, Mrs. Wayne Dan ford, Mrs. Tessie Danford, Mrs. Ben Davis. Ruth Johnson, Car letta Morrison, Mrs. Mack Pilch er, Mrs. Gay Pitts, Mrs. Mae Robinson, Mrs. Maynard John son, Mr? Mnrjorie Snling and Mi s. Ch i us Carsey. REGULAR COMMUNICATION NOBLE LODGE, No. 459 F. & A. M., Caldwell, Ohio MONDAY, JAN. 11 7:30 P. M. Ellis H. Murrey, W. M. Dwight F. Wiley, Sery. Mixed Dance The Shenandoah Valley Gang will furnish the music Saturday night for the round and square dance at the Lewisville school building. The public is invited. Circle One Circle One, W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church will meet Thursday evening, Jan. 7, at 8:00 o'clock in the home of Mrs Robert Moore, Chautauqua Court, with Mrs. Martha Watson, Mrs. Charles Remington and Mrs. C. Secrest serving as companion hostesses. The devotionals will be in charge of Mrs. Remington and Mrs. Secrest will have the program. All members are asked to attend. Renrock Grange Renrock grange No. 1504 will meet in regular session Friday evening, Jan. 8, at 7:30 o'clock with Worthy Master Ray Tilden presiding. A program is planned by the lecturer, H. R. Blackburn, and refreshments will be served by Mr. and Mrs. Don Leonard. Woman's Bible Class The Woman's Bible class will meet this Thursday evening in the dining room of the First Methodist church at 7:30 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. Look Who's Here! Mr. and Mrs. James I). Oney, of Canton, are the parents of a daughter, Terry Ann, born Christmas Day, Dec. 25, Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Oney, of Canton, former residents of Guernsey county, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holton, of Canton, former Washington county residents. Great-grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Oney, of Pleasant City, Mrs. Bes sie Daw of Ava, and Mrs. Maude Mercer, of Zanesville. A nine pound son was born Sunday at Bethesda hospital in Zanesville to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huhn, Cumberland route 3. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGilton, Lore City route 2, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huhn, of Cumberland route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bridgman, of Caldwell, announce the birth of a daughter on December 17, at the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. The infant weighed six pounds and six ounces and has been named Gwen Ann. Grandparents are Mrs. Florence Bridgman, of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Raynor Schell, of Car lisle. Great grandparents are Mrs. Barbara McKee, of Cald well, and Mrs. Eva Schell, of Carlisle. An eight pound, four ounce son was born at 7:00 p. m. Thurs day, Dec. 31 in Guernsey Me morial hospital, Cambridge, to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stottsberry, of Sarahsville. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stottsberry, of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pickenpaugh, of Senecaville, are the grand parents. Clarence Dennis, of Belle Valley is the great-grand father. The inafnt has been named Jeffrey Dale. Happy Birthday Monday, Jan. 4 Joseph E. Stephens (89). Thursday, Jan. 7 Donald Eugene Spicer, Jr. (3) Teresa Ellen Spicer (1). Sunday, Jan. 10 Euclid Floyd, William Moore Iu.kI, Hester Shaffer (90), Joyce ly mer. Monday, Jan. 11 George Mason, Winafred Ray, Verona King, Carl B. Ogle. Tuesday, Jan. 12 Edward Thomas, Billy Archer, Edna Zudeck, Gladys Seffens, Edward A. Thomas, Jess Reed, Kathy Wilson (3). Wednesday, Jan. 13 Addison Cleary, Vance Mc Donald, Willis McDonald, L. E. Potts, Marylois Colley, David Leonard Long (1). Thursday, Jan. 14 Jasper Wiley, Roy Ogle, Amy Brookover, Jeanette Hoguc, Carol Lee Richard, Mike Chic wak. Friday, Jan. 15 Frank Craig. Saturday, Jan. 16 Dorothy Salhanney, Dick Davis, David Radcliff, Ralph SHfens, Jessie Blake. Sunday, Jan. 17 Donna Joy Wentworth, Del oris Bond, Hubert Bates, C. L. Franklin (79), Chauncey Rich, Byron Bates, Mrs. Martha Buc key. DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Eva Crov has been dis missed from St. Mary's hospital in Nelsonville to the home of her daughter. Mrs. Lloy Gray, also ot Nelsonville. Mrs. Croy is re cuperating from a fractured hip which she sustained in a fall at her home here in Caldwell. HOME FliOftl HOSPITAL rs. Mldred Long, who re cently underwent major surgery at the Bethesda hospital, Zanes ville, was removed to her home on East street. Her condition is very much improved. KHODERIC G. MILLS New Lexington Democrat Announces For Congress State Representative Rhoderic G. Mills, of Perry county, an nounced today that he would be a Democratic candidate for con gress from the 15th district in the May primary. Mills will be opposing Herbert U. Smith, Marietta Democrat, who has already announced his intentions of running. Mills started his political career in 1956 when he was the first Democrat in more than a quarter of a century to be elected to the legislature from Perry county. He is a former resident of Morgan county and graduated from Ohio U., in 1949 as an accounting major. He is married to the former Carolyn Conaway, of New Lex ington and they have one son. HOSPITAL NOTES Cambridge Community Admitted, Dec. 28: Emil Reed, Cumberland route 1. Dismissed, Dec. 28: James Phelps, Caldwell. Dismissed, Dec. 29: Emil Reed, Cumberland route 1. Dismissed. Dec. 31: Frances Tonnous, Caldwell Mrs. Richard Carpenter, Quaker City. Guernsey Memorial Admitted, Dec. 28: Miss Judith Walters, Cumberland Lew D. Herriek, Quaker City. Dismissed, Dec. 28: Mrs. Alice VanFossen, Caldwell route 6. Admitted, Dec. 29: Jack Hillis Johnson, Caldwell. Dismissed, Dec. 29: Mrs. Clara LaFollette, Ava route 1. Admitted, Dec. 31: Mrs. Wayne Stottsberry, Sarahsville. Dismissed, Dec. 31: James Atterbcrry, Cumberland Stella Depuy, Sarahsville Mrs. Charles Moore, Cumberland Mrs. Gene King, Sarahsville Mrs. Clem Saling, Caldwell Mrs. Verna Tot ten, Belle Valley. Dismissed, Jan. 1: Mrs. Ronald Elliott, Caldwell Larry Gene Glasgow, Quaker City route 2. Admitted, Jan. 2: Mrs. Carrie E. Porter, Quaker City Glen Bay, Cumberland John Saribok, Cumberland. Admitted, Jan. 3: Alfred Due senberry, Ava route 1 Thomas Ha.vhurst, Quaker City. Dismissed, Jan. 3: Mrs. Gilbert Long, Quaker City Jack Hillis Johnson, Caldwell. Marietta Memorial Admitted, Dec. 27: Mrs. Clara M. Moseley, Caldwell. Admitted, Dec. 29: Lida R. Davis, Coal Run route. Dismissed, Dec. 29: Mrs. Harold Haga and baby, Caldwell Mrs. Harold Reed and baby, Dexter City. Admitted, Dec. 31: Mrs. Arthur Sears, Coal Run. Dismissed, Dec. 30: Lida R. Davis, Coal Run. Dismissed, Jan. 1: Mrs. Clara Davis, South Olive Infant Ron ald A. Roberts, Lowell route. Dismissed, Jan. 3: Mrs. Ima Phillis, Coal Run. PERSONALS Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkbride, Jr., on Pleasant City route, were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ball and son, of South Olive, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Estep and daughters, near Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Kirkbride and son, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Funk and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkbride, Sr., and sons, Roger and Robert, all of Pleasant City route, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Estep and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jasper and son, Charles Ball and Bettv Mae and Peggy Huberty, of South Olive. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thomp son and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller and children, Shirley, David and Marilyn, of Caldweil, spent the New Year's weekend at Ravenna with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russell and twins, Rodney and Rebecca. Miss Barbara King, of Colum bus, spent the New Year's week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence King on Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkbride, Jr., and family, of Pleasant City route, Mrs. Robert Ball and son, James, of South Olive, and Sandra Kirkbride, were visitors at the home of Edna Smith, of I Sarahsville, Sunday afternoon. Surviving are his widow, Deborah Broadhead Wheeler of the home in Richmond Hill, New York thre daughters, Nancy, Patricia and Judith, all of New York nine grandchildren four sisters and two brothers, Mrs. J. A. Whitehead of Toledo, Mrs. Harry E. Fast of South Charles ton, Mrs. Paul C. Brooks, of Atlanta, Ga., and Mrs. John Hooper, of Los Angeles and two brothers, John D. and Edgar B. Wheeler, both of Caldwell. Funeral services were held Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock from the Johnson funeral home in Richmond Hill and interment made in the cemetery there on Wednesday morning. Alfred Schaad Alfred John Schaad, 54, of Belle Valley, died at 4:00 p. m. Saturday when he was being taken in an ambulance to Mari etta Memorial hospital. His death was attributed to illness. Never married, he was born August 1, 1905, in Washington county. He was a member of the Corpus Christi Catholic church, at Belle Valley. Surviving are his father, Henry Schaad of the home three broth ers, J. H. of Wellston, Paul of the home and Robert of Coal Run three sisters, Margaret of Can ton, Sister Mary Justin of the Order of St. Joseph's in Akron and Mrs. Cathrine Stodghill of Canton. The body was taken to the Estadt funeral home where last rites were held Tuesday at the church of which he was a mem ber. Officiating at the solemn requiem high mass were Msgr. Ambrose W. Schilling from St. Bernard's of Beverly, Rev. Fr. Stephen J. Pekalla of St. Philo mena, Caldwell, and Rev. Fr. James Dirker of the Corpus Christi church. Interment was made in the Beverly cemetery. John S. Fornsworth John S. Farnsworth, 83, a re tired farmer of Summerfield, died in his home at 10:30 p. m., Sunday after a lengthy illness. Surviving are his widow, Mary Odessa Morris Farnsworth, of the home five daughters, Mrs. Mil dred Powell of Lewisville route 1, Mrs. Clarice Brovvnfield of Bowerston, Mrs. Evelyn Price of Massillon, Mrs. Louella Markley and Mis. Gladys Browni'tcld, both of Canton two sons, Hobart and Virgil, both of Summerficld route 2 40 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren a sister, Mrs. Ella Kuethc, and several nieces and nephews, of Colum bus. The body was taken to the Brubach funeral home in Sum merfield, until services were held Wednesday in the Calais Meth odist church by the Rev. Myron Guiler. Burial was in the Calais cemetery. THE JOURNAE, CALDWELL. OHIO DEATHS Lloyd Marshall Lee Lloyd Marshall Lee, 27, a form er Harriettsville resident, died at Aultman hospital in Canton, Sunday morfiing following an illness lasting 14 months. He was born July 2, 1932, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee of Harriettsville. He married Faye Parks who survives. He had lived in Canton for five years where he had been a meat cutter. He had served with the U. S. Marine Corps. He was a member of the Church of Christ in Canton. In addition to his parents and wife, he is survived by a bro ther, Floyd of Dateville. Mo., and two sisters, Mrs Irene Mor rison cf Toledo, and Mrs. Ruth Bettinger of Harriel-sviile. Funeral services were held Wednesday at the Creighton Ridge Church of Christ, with Tad Waller conducting. Burial took place in the church cemetery. Charles O. Wheeler Charles O. Wheeler, 56, native of Caldwell, died at the Queens hospital in New York, Saturday morning at 1:45 o'clock follow ing an illness of cancer. A son of Jude and Emma Hupp Wheeler, he was born March 17, 1903 and spent his early life in Caldwell. For the past 30 years, he had lived in New York, v/here he was engaged in the import and export business. He was affiliated with the Masonic lodge in Brooklyn, where he was a past master, as well as being a past patron of the O.E.S. chapter. William Clendening Funeral services for William Clendening, 81, of Buffalo, were conducted Wednesday at the Meek funeral home in Seneca ville by Rev. Ralph Geiger. Burial was in the Buffalo ceme tery. Mr. Clendening, a retired em ploye of Ava Brick company, died at his home Monday after noon following a lengthy illness. He was born Jan. 11, 1878, at Taylorville, 111.-, a son of Thomas and Rilla Ann Reading Clenden ing and was a member of the Buffalo Methodist church and Eagles Lodge 386, of Cambridge. He leaves his widow, Elizabeth Carrel Clendening whom he mar ried Dec. 24, 1899: one daughter, Mrs. Marie Gueisenger of Can ton one son, Carl, of Senecaville nine grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. One daugh ter, Mrs. Isel Gadd and two sis ters, preceded him in death. DON E. BATES Reports Back For Duty After Enjoying Leave Don E. Bates has returned to Fort Knox, Ky., after spending a two weeks furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bates, of Cumberland route 2. He completed his eight weeks basic training at Fort Knox, under the six months reserve training program of the Ohio National Guard. He reported back for duty Sunday. DEATHS Mrs. Bess O. Keith Mrs. Bess O. Keith, 72, Cald well, died suddenly at 7:00 p. m. Saturday in Columbus, where she was visiting. Death was due to a heart attack and she was pron ounced dead on arrival at Grant hospital. Mrs. Keith was born in Mor gan county, July 18, 1887 but most of her life was spent in the Keithtown community where she and her husband owned and operated a general store for more than 40 years. Her husband, Charles Keith, died in 1938. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Bolon Barnhouse of Bronze Heights two grandchildren a brother, Wilbert Quillen, of Ravenna and a sister, Mrs. Blanche Bain of Columbus. The body was removed to the McVay funeral home in Caldwell and prepared for burial. Services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock from the Keithtown Methodist church with Rev. E. Parker West and Rev. Harvey McPheron officiating. Interment was made in the Keith com munity cemetery. Mrs. Bertha Dyer Mrs. Bertha Dyer, 75, of Belle Valley, died at 3:00 a. m. Satur day at the Nightengale Rest Home in Cambridge from the effects of a fractured hip sus tained in a fall Nov. 27. Mrs. Dyer was born March 11, 1884 near Belle Valley, a daugh ter of Homer and Lydia Drake Ralph. Her husband, Everett, died in 1953. Surviving are a brother, Milo Ralph of Belle Valley and a number of nieces and nephews. The body was removed to the McVay funeral home in Cald well where it remained for ser vices Monday with Ira J. Bran don officiating. Burial was in Halley's Ridge cemetery. Herman F. Peaker Herman Floyd Peaker, 68, a former resident oi Macksburg, died at 11:00 a. m. Monday after suffering a heart attack at his home in Nitro, W. Va. Born July 6, 1891 at Macks burg, he was a son of the late John and Belle King Peaker. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Virtue Peaker a son and a half brother, Dean Peaker of Macks burg. Funeral services were held at Nitro and interment made there. Mildred M. Rutherford Word has been received that Mrs. Mildred M. Rutherford, a former resident of Noble county, died Sunday, Jan. 3, at Santa Monica, California. She was married to Ernest H. Rutherford and was the sister of Mrs. Olivia Cross of Westlake, Mrs. Lucy Hamlin of Mansfield, Mrs. Nellie Gumm of Santa Monica, Calif., and Weldon Ral ston of Canton. Funeral services were held Wednesday, Jan. 6, at the Moel ler, Murphy and Moeller funeral home chapel in Santa Monica, Calif. John A. Conrath Word has been received of the death of John Adams Conrath, 83, of Santa Barbara, California on January 1. Mr. Conrath was born at Macksburg, May 1, 1876, the son of the late John A. Conrath and Rita Hohans Conrath. He spent his early life in the Macksburg community and owned and oper ated a meat market there for many years. He was married to the former Lula Gramlich of Macksburg, who survives along with a daugh ter, Mrs. Helen Thompson, of Santa Barbara, and a sister, Mrs. Katie Ogle, of Macksburg. A sister, Mrs. Carrie Derby, pre ceded him in death. Funeral services and burial were in California, Monday, Jan. 4. PERSONALS Miss Diane Ogle spent the holi days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ogle, of near Caldwell. She returned Sunday to Columbus where she is taking a secretarial course at Bliss college. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos McHaffey and grandson, Michael of Gratiot, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Duffey and son, Michael of Morristown, were New Year's day dinner guests of Sheriff and Mrs. Donald Cona way. Mrs. Mae Robinson, of Cald well, recently returned to her home in Caldwell after spending the holidays with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Rob inson, of Norwalk, Ohio. Mrs. Hiley Beymer, Main street, spent the holidays with her son and family, Richard Beymer, of Columbus. Visitors New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pang le, Caldwell route, were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mackey and chil dren, Pamela and Clifford, Jr., Mafalda Angello, of Columbus, Mrs. Helen Peros, of Gahanna, and Miss Elizabeth Angello, of Zanesville. Dr. and Mrs. John Shearer of Princeton, New Jersey, were guests during the holidays at the home of Mrs. Shearer's mother, Mrs. Iva Shafer, North street. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bolev, of Ava, were Susie Secrest, Cecil Davis, of Pleasant City, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bond, of Belle Valley, 3 $1.00 bo OO Cannon Wash Cloths RUBBER FOOTWEAR 20% Less I.O. O. F. Bldg. WINS TOP HONORS AT HEREFORD SHOW Pictured here is W. Mr. Numode Victor, first place senior bull calf at the 1959 national polled Hereford show and sale held at Shreveport, La. This blue ribbon winner was bred and exhibited by John R. Watson, Sarahsville. Approximately 60 herds from 20 states were represented at this annual event. Second place winner was the Vance Golden Hoof Farms, of Coleman, Texas and third by| Green Pastures, Elizabethtown, N. C. i Harry Davis, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Davis and chil dren, of Ava route, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hannum and Ernest Han num and son, of Pleasant City and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bird, el Dover. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. San ford and sons, Bobby and Jerry, January Clearance AND White Goods Sale Begins Friday, Jan. 8 Ends Saturday, Jan. 16 36-Inch 36-Inch Regular 49c Yd. CLOTH OF GOLD HOPE 80-SQUARE MUSLIN MUSLIN DRESS PRINT Solc 29cYd- 81"x99" 81"xl08" 42"x36" FOXCRGFI SHEETS FOXCRGFT SHEETS PILLOW CASES 0 0 U O Regular 49c Cannon Towels 20"x40" Sale 39c 36-Inch Light or Dark Stripe Outing Yd. 35c 38'2-Inch Quilt Lining Good grade 4 Yds. $1.00 81"x96" Mountain Mist Batts $1.05 81-Inch Bleached Quilt Lining Sale Yd. 69c 81-Inch Brown Quilt Lining Sale Yd. 59c 81-Inch Bleached Sheeting Special at Yd. 69c Regular $3.95 Pr. Printed Cloth Drapes Sale Pr. $2.99 Chenille Bedspreads Full Size Sale Ea. $1.99 Ladies' 51 Gauge Nylons Sale 2 Prs. $1.00 Ladies' Rayon Panties Sale 3 Prs. $1.00 Regular 39c Pr., Ladies' and Children's Anklets Sale Pr. 25c Regular $1.98 Girl's Corduroy Blouses Sixes 7-14 Sale $1.39 Regular $5.95 Ladies' Car Coats, Sixes 10-18 Sale $4.95 Ladies' and Children's Flannel Gowns and Pajamas Less 20°o Boys' Lined Dress Jackets, Sixes 3-8 Sale $1.99 Regular $4.50 Boys' All-Wool Sweaters, S-M-L Sale $2.99 Regular $2.98 Boys' Orion Sweaters, Sixes 3-6 Sale $1.99 Boys' Long Sleeved Polo Shirts Sale 3 tor $1.00 Men's and Boys' Dress Gloves .... Less 20% Men's and Boys' Dress Jackets Less 25°0 Regular $2.98 Boys' Flannel Pajamas Sale $2.49 Regular $1.49 Boys' Dress Caps Sale $1.00 Special Prices on Men's and Ladies' Luggage ENTIRE STOCK ODDS and ENDS Men's— Ladies' Children's Soiled Merchandise CLOSING OUT ALL LEATHER FOOTWEAR Regular $6.95 Pr., Ladies' Comfort and Arch Type Regular $3.95 and $5.95 Pr., Ladies' and Girl's Low Heels Pr. $1.00 $2.99 Regular $2.95 and $3.95 Pr., Infant's and Children's .... Pr. $1.50 $1.99 Regular $5.95 and $6.95 Pr., Men's and Boys' Oxfords pr JORDAN'S Thursday, January 7, 1960 vf of West street, spent the holidays with Mrs.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Milligan of Salem. Mrs. Florence McAuley, Sale GREATLY REDUCED PRICES of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blake, of Dexter City, spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at the Robert Musgrave home in Williamstown, W. Va. 39cYd- 49c E°- Sale 10c pr# $3,99 $3 99 Caidwc!!, Ohio