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Page Two THE Harriettsville A NEWSPAPER IN AND FOR CALDWELL AND NOBLE OUNWT PRFNTED EVERY XHl'RSDAV AT CALDWELL, OHIO Office: 309 Main Street Telephone i»S An Independent Democrat newspaper that oes into the home* of Noble Coanty and covers the Caldwell business /.one like the sunshine. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Outside Noble County— One Year S3.50 Six Months $1.79 Noble County and Radius—One Year $3.00 Six Months $1.50 Entered at the postoffice at Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio, second class mail matter under Act of Congress ol March 3, 187% N A I O N A E I O I A AS(S^ C0TS0N Members of Ohio Newspaper Association, National Editorial Association, Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc.. Ohio Press News Service, and the Newspaper Advertising Service, inc. Published by The Caldwell Journal Publishing Co., Inc. CLARENCE J. ESTADT, JOHN D. WHEELER, President. Vice President. Successor to The Journal, The Caldwell Press, The Republican Journal and The Republican All Day Quilting Is Enjoyed A! Home Of Mrs. C. E. Johanning Mrs. C. E. Johanning enter tained recently with a quilting. Those enjoying the day were Ida Kehl, Jean Hockenbery, Virginia Ullman, Edna Ullman, Mildred Hoffner, Freda Fleeman, Gert rude Baker, Ida Zimmerman, Elsie Unger, OUie Schafer, Emi lene Schramm, Luna Ullman and Bertha Johanning. A delicious dinner was served at noon. Birthday Observed Mrs. Richard Cunningham en tertained Friday evening in honor of the first birthday anniversary of her son, David. After enjoying a pleasant evening, a delicious lunch was served including a decorated birthday cake and ice cream to Mr. and Mrs. Virge Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. James Cunningham and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Love and Debra and Michael and Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham and David and Marilyn Sue. David received nice gifts. w.s.c.s. The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church held their February meet ing in the home of Mrs. Emilene Schramm. The meeting opened with hymn singing with Ann Johanning ai the piano and a prayer. Mrs. Faye Love led the devotionals and Mrs. Schramm had the program. The business session was in charge of Mrs. Nina Huffman. A delicious lunch was served dur ing the social hour to Bertha L. Johanning, Pearl Ullman, Blan che Schafer, Nina Huffman, Mar tha Fryfogle, Helen Wilson, Mary Ellen Cunningham, Faye Love, Bertha Johanning, Ann Johanning and Mrs. Schramm. Enjoy Visit Mrs. Delsie Thornberry, of Cleveland, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFos sen and Ross VanFossen and with Mrs. Eylvia Feldner. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Richard FroilArlflrfilaU i iwuui auijuaiC FREDERICKSDALE Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spicer, Feb. 18th in the Guernsey Memorial hospi tal. The infants have been named Violet Kay and Alice May. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Henry. Great-grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Suth erland. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and daughter, Teresa visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Champlin and family of Columbus, Sunday. Mr. Larry Robinson, of Park ersburp, W. Va., visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robin son, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and family called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, Sun day afternoon. Edison Schafer was dismissed frgm the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Saturday to his home near here. Archer's Ridge ARCHER'S RIDGE We are all well satisfied at our homes these days for fear of getting stuck in a snow drift. Our mail man, Argyle Leasure has not been able to get all over his route on account of snow and ice for several days. Dr. Cox, of Caldwell, was called out one night to the Del bert Crum home. They are all sick with flu. We hope they are much better by now. Our friend and pal, Rose Crock of Fulda, was admitted to the hospital recently. We wish her a speedy recovery. Callers at the Paisley home were Rupert Hill, Paul Hill and Larry Wickham. Caldwell shoppers the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley, Natie Wickham and Paul and Don Hill. FROM SARAHSVILLE The William Buckey who ap peared in county court last week was from the Sarahsville com munity and not Ava as stated jLltt. -f.k Mat-Trot Mastitis Ointment Ploitic disposable iyri gi, new high po tency formula. Effective when other ti«ut m«nu foil. Bingrran Laboratories, Caldwell, Ohio RALSTON'S Prescription Pharmacy Cunningham and Marilyn Sue and David visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Springer and Mrs. Jane Wilson, of Cald well. Mrs. Marie Ball, of Watertown, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wil liams and Normajean visited last week with Pvt. Harold Carpen ter and wife (nee Nora Mae Wil liams) of near Columbus, Ga. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fry fogle and Jimmy and Jane Ann and Luther Schramm were Sun dav dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman. At Meeting Pastor and Mrs. Ray Fellenger and children attended a meeting at Cambridge on' Wednesday evening. Sunday Guests ._ Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson and Jeffry and Sherri of Lower Salem visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Van Fossen. Birthday Party Mrs. John Huffman entertain ed Friday evening in honor of the 8th birthday anniversary of her son, Johnny. Games for the children and cannasta was the diversion for the evening. Present were Jimmy and Jane Ann Fryfogle, Donald and Myra Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fryfogle, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke, the honored one and Mr. and Mrs. Huffman and Steve. Refreshments of a decorated cake, ice cream and kool-ade were served later in the even ing. Johnny received nice gifts. At Barber School Dale Schoeppner, who is at tending Andrew's Barber school ifrjtohimbus, spent the weekend witV'hre parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner. Miss Anna Tornes was a houseguest in the Schoeppner home over the week end. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Hender shot and Debra of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Beardmore of Summerfieid route, were Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Huffman and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ullman and Donna, Alicia and Kathryn, of Marietta, and Jane Ann Fryfogle were dinner guests on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman attended White Shrine at Mari etta, Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. E. Johanning and Mrs. Emilene Schramm were called to Alexandria, Virginia on Thursday by the sudden death of Henry Rawlett, husband of Mrs. Fanch ion Johanning Rawlett. Mrs. Blanche Love Visited Thursday with Mrs. Myrtle Hard estv of Carlisle. Mrs. Pearl Ullman and Mrs. Martha Fryfogle and Jane Ann were Marietta shoppers on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman and Johnny and Steve spent Sun day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Huffman and family of Lewisville. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner visited Thursday evening with Joe Noll and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Oblisk. Kennonsburg KENisoiNoDbriu The gos pel singspiration under the direc tion of John Betts and Dr. Dou dna will be at the Kennonsburg church Sunday, Feb. 28 from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. The public is in vited. Grange Meeting The next meeting of grange will be March 7. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bartoletta, of Belle Valley, Mrs. C. E. Corbett and Mrs. Wm. Bagent were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Russell Magis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dervvin Moore of near Akron, spent a weekend recently with his father, Harmon Moore. Mrs. Hazel Williams enter tained the Wayne Ilomemaker club Wednesday. The group made name tags for Achievement Day as their project. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohut and daughter, Kathy were visiting Harmon Moore, Sunday. Rev. Lela Howland was visit ing Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lashley Sunday. Afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lashley and daughter, Tania, of Dext I City and Mr. and Mrs. Wm L^shJey and daughter, Lu Ann Sharon Members answered ocal L.T.L. Meets In Home Of )ivid Ramsey, Wednesday Evening Sharon L.T.L. met at the home of David Ramsey, Wednesday evening for their February meet ing. President Joan Boyd called the meeting to order. Song, "God Bless America." Scripture lesson, John 15th Chapter read by mem bers, followed by prayer by Tommy Marquis, pledge to Unit ed States flag, song "Saved Every Day of the Week," pledge to Christian flag, song "Onward Christian Soldiers." roll call with Bible verses and repeated L.T.L. pledge and slogans. Mem bers voted a contribution to the Anna Gordon fund. Pledge to temperance flag song, "Ten Lit tle Brain Cells." During lesson period, birthdays of famous per sons, born in February and their views on Temperance were com mented on and stories, "Jeremiah Jobling" and "Abraham Lincoln and Temperance" were read by leader. Meeting closed with L. T. L. salute and prayer. During the social hour games were enjoyed and Mrs. Doris Ramsey assisted by David ser ved a delightful lunch to Candace Wilson, Joan and Billy Boyd, Tommy Marquis, Peggy, Robert and Randall Ramsey and the leader, Vera Harmon. THE JOURNAL MAIL BAG Sarahsville, Ohio February 23, 1960 The Editor, The Journal Caldwell, Ohio Dear Sir: I received the greatest shock when the school bus arrived on February 22, the birthday of George Washington. That day has always been set aside to com memorate the birth of the father of our country. I realize that the children have missed several days of school due to the weather but if our world has to move at such a rate that we have disregarded the tribute that has always been paid this great man I am sure we are undermining the very foundation of our great nation. I am sure that Khrushchev and his fellow men would be overjoyed to hear how laxed our teachers are be coming about our country's heros. We have always been taught God and Country are the most important things in life. Next we will not observe God's day then we will be a fallen nation. I would appreciate it if you will print this letter as I am sure I speak for many but I must ask you to withhold my name as I do not want to jeo pardize my children's place in school and it might make a differance in the teacher's treat ment to them. Sincerely, Sarahsville Mother Route 3 Caldwell, Ohio February 23, 1960 Dear Sirs: There was an error made in the article in The Journal last week of the cheerleaders at the New comerstown basketball game. They did get to the game and cheered for part of the varsity aiiie. Yours truly, Mrs. Clinton Wiiley John B. James Continued from pnge one and was instrumental in the final approval of constructing the present Caldwell lake which is the principal source of water supply for this community. He also played an important part in the construction of the present filteration plant for Cald well.* Surviving are his widow, the former Nolle Beymer a daugh ter, Julia Nolle Dennison and two granddaughters, Jo Ellen and Minda Sue of Gallipolis a broth er, Frank of Carmel, Calif. two sisters, Mrs. Agatha Thorla of Caldwell and Mrs. Beatrice Mor gareidge of Canton, in addition to a number of nieces and nephews. Two brothers and one sister are also deceased. The body was i-emoved to the McVay funeral home where it was prepared for burial. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock from the funeral home with Rev. E. Parker West of ficiating. Interment was made in Olive cemetery. Achievement' Day Continued from page one When buying clothing after March 3. look to see if the proper label is on the garment. All fibers must be listed if they are present in five percent or more. The achievement day pro gram in Noble county is always an outstanding one and several hundred women from every community of the county are in attendance. The various clubs are urged to cooperate fully in this plan ning program and again help to make the 1960 Achievement Day an outstanding one. Classified Pay Dividends In Hospital Mrs. Mary Griffith received treatment at Community hospi tal, Cambridge last week. Improving Mr. G. E. Marquis is much im proved after being confined to his home with illness. He spent Sunday with his son, George and family. Injured In Fall Friends here have received word that Mrs. Mary Bivans re ceived injuries to her head in a fall at the home of a friend in Zanesville. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harmon and children, of Zanesville, visited with his mother, Mrs. Ocie Harmon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hallowell and son, Joey, of Rhode Island, Carl Coyle of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gill and daughters, of Steubenville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Picken paugh and Clair. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Garvin and Paul, of Caldwell, were sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Marquis, Thursday even ing, honoring Mrs. Garvin on her birthday. Hettie Jo and Kristi Parrish spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Shields and sons, Mark, Larry and Jon of Apple Creek, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, of Zanesville, visited recently with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Courtney. Wava Geary and Laura Coyle spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dovenbarger and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Arm strong, of Columbus, visited with Mrs. Jessie Marquis, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer have received word of the illness of their granddaughter, Joan Archer, of Oak Ridge. Tennessee. Senecaville SENECAVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Baker are the proud parents of an eight pound and six ounce daughter, born at Guernsey Memorial hospital, Feb. 14. Mrs. Don Rich and son, Rex, of Lore City, Mrs. Irvin Gra ham and Mrs. Ural Rich, of Mt. Ephraim, visited Mrs. Gene Gra ham and family, Wednesday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson at Guernsey Memorial hospital, on Feb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Oiler visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oiler and family in Buffalo one evening last week. Mrs. Hallie Riggs is spending the winter with Mrs. Lillie Ma son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clodfelter, of Buffalo, called on Hayes Clodfelter in Greenwood, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Peck Chalfant, of Cambridge, visited Mr. and Mrs William Miller and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Graham, of Mt. Ephraim, visited Mr| and Mrs. Gene Graham and family, Friday. Vance DeLong, of Ohio Univer sity, Athens, spent the weekend with his wife, the former Martha Ann Marquis, and they went shopping in Columbus. Mrs. Eva Harding and daugh ter, Alice, were shopping in Caldwell, Saturday evening. Hallie Burns, Irvin Burns and Mr. and Mi's. Miles Burns were shopping in Columbus, Friday. Mrs. Ola Sharrock was return ed to Guernsey Memorial hospi tal on Sunday, still suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. Jewell Saltsgaver visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cater in Fairdale over the weekend. Charles Marquis and son, Ralph were shopping in Colum bus, Saturday. Mrs. William Bryant enter tained ten guests at a birthday party Monday for her daughter Barbara on her third birthday. Several from here attended the opening games of the basketball tournament held at Central high school gymnasium in Cambridge Mrs. Fern Channel had dental surgery in Guernsey Memorial hospital last week. MEETING POSTPONED Valera Hutcheson, chairman of the Noble County Red Cross announced today that the meet ing previously scheduled for Thursday, February 25, has been postponed and a new meeting date will be announced later. SALES TAX RECEIPTS Sales tax receipts in Noble county for the week ending Jan 30 amounted to $1,068.14 cotn pared to $2,329.12 for the same period in 1959. Total collected to date in the county amounts to $65,383.18. POSTS BOND Burl Warren Smith, of North Field, Ohio, posted a bond of $50.00 Tuesday on a charge of driving with an invalid license He was picked up bv Patrolman Ritterbeck on USR 21, south of Caldwell. In all probability, the bpnd will be forfeited. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Stale Highway Dept. Reduces Load Weight ON YOUR GUARD THE ACCURATE MARKSMANSHIP OF THE NEW HAMPSHIRE MILITIA —NOW THE NATIONAL GUARD—STOPPEP COLD THE WELSH FUSALIERS, CRACK5HOTB OF THE BRITISH ARM* ON THE SLQPE5 OF BUNKER HILL. SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS by Merle Marie ta Local Soil Supervisors Attend Washington County SCD Meeting Bob Ball and Bill Grimes, Noble soil conservation district super visors and Merle Marietta attended the regular meeting of the Washington county soil conservation district Monday February 22. These men have served for one year and feel the need to under stand their job as supervisors a little better It was felt that by attendin Effective at 1:00 a. m. Feb. 23, 1960 the maximum weight of vehicle and axle loads permitted ject by law shall be reduced 25 per cent. The following state highways in Noble county will be effected: Route 76 from Morgan-Noble county line to Noble-Guernsey county line Route 145 from Washington-Noble county line to north junction SR 260 Route 260 from north junction SR 145 to junction SR 78 Route 340 from Muskingum-Noble county line to Noble-Guernsey county line Route 513 from Batesville north corporation limit to Noble Guernsey county line Route 564 from junction SR 145 to junction SR 78 Route 670 from junction SR 313 to Noble-Guernsey county line. This measure is being taken because thaws and excessive moisture have rendered the above highways liable to dam age by heavy traffic. It means that the maximum allowable gross weight of vehicle and load will be 58,500 lbs. in stead of the normal 78,000 lbs. and the maximum load for any single axle will be 14,250 lbs. instead of 19,000 lbs. Said reduction will remain in effect for and during the period of thawing and excessive mois ture or until further notice by the Director of Highways. The return to maximum legal loads will be permitted when it is adjudged the danger period is past. The majority of state highways have sufficiently strong bases to carry the weights allowed by law the year around. The above listed highways do not and have there fore been posted in order to avoid damage and expensive re pair costs. Lawn and Garden Guide Available To (ountians A colorful, compact lawn and garden guide crammed with simplified tips for "green thumb enthusiasts is now available Ohioans. Aimed at the home gardener, the 60-page, illustrated booklet stresses following of certain simple practices, including pro per use of plant foods, pesticides and other chemicals for success ful lawns and gardens. Ruffing has simplified directions for ap plication of these materials. In addition to discussing lawns the '"Landmark Lawn and Gar den Guide" deals with successful growing of orses, flowers, shrubs and ornamental trees, vegetables, fruit trees and strawberries. The booklet also takes up weed and brush control, household insects and nuisance animals. There is i conversion table for small quan tities of spray materials. RETURNS TO HOSPITAL Gerald "Dutch" Miller, of Sharon, was admitted to Mt Carmel hospital, Columbus, Sat urday afternoon, for additional ,?re™ises treatment and observation. 4 u Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Archer of Lewis street and Mrs. Sa Young of Chautauqua court were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hesson, of Wooster. another meeting of supervisors, they may be able to do a better conservation job here -at home Noble SCD. Bad roads kept some of the supervisors at home. The essay contest sponsored by the board will end March 1. Entries should be in the SCD office at the K. of C. building by that time. Prizes of $10.00, $5.00 and $2.50 will be awarded the winning students. The sub concerns future resource conservation (meaning wise use of resources), particularly how they could be best developed with maximum efficiency by ilu year 1975. Mr. A. J. Crock has made ap plication to the district to become cooperator and develop a con servation plan for supervisor approval. He plans to plow some land for corn this year and seed it down the following year. This will make all the farm in grass land except for some woodland he intends to protect from graz ing. He may plant some trees in the future. MAUD ACKERMAN DIES The Kennonsburg community was saddened by the death of Maud Ackerman which- occurred Feb. 12 at the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. She had worked in the home of W. I) Lashley, Senecaville route 1 for the past three years. SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Till: STATE OF OHIO NOBLE COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT Case No. iWl'.t The Caldwell Building and Loan Companv Plaintiff vs. Donald L. Rutherford, et. al. to Written by Ervin J. Ruffing of the Farm and Garden Chem icals Department of Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, Inc., the "Landmark Lawn and Garden Guide" is the only booklet of its kind prepared specifically for the state of Ohio. It is available at all Farm Bureau Cooperative Landmark outlets. Defendant lit pursuance of an order of s:tl in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, it the west door of courthouse in Cild well, in the above named county, m Saturdnv, the ?6th day of March, I'.ico at 10:00 o'clock a. m._ the follow me described real estate. situate in 12 Quart Size Brown Fleece 1h County of Noble and State of Ohio and in the Township of Center to wit TownsbiD of Center and bounded and described as follows Tract Being a part of 1he southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 7 Of Range fi. commencing for the same at the southeast corner of said lot thence north 100 rods, thence west 80 rod?:, thence south 100 rods, thence east 80 rods, to the place of beginning all of the nhove described land, except that lying southeast of the road lead ing from TI. N. Rutherford's to the Ball's nidge, said tract to con tain fortv (40) acres, more or less. Being the same premises con veyed by Isaac Bates and Jane B'ltes to Hiram Rutherford and Woodie Rutherford by deed re corded in Volume 99 at page 4?o Deed Records of Noble Count v Ohio. Tract 2: Being nart of the north west quarter of Section 28. Town ship 7, Range 8 and bounded as follows: Commencing at the north west corner of Section 28. thence run south 4'^ degrees west 160 60 rods post, thence south 86 de grees east 108 rods to stone on ouarter section line, thence north f3i degrees east 75.60 rods, thence to stone, thence north 57 degrees west 17.50 rods to stone, north 4 degrees east 76 70 rods to stone north 8534 degrees west 5)5.60 rods to tlio place of beginning, contain ing 10.1.65 acres also part of the southwest quarter of Section 28, Townshin 7 of Range 8 and bound ed as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said south west auarter thence east 110 rods south 63 rods, west 97 rods north 6.5 rods to the place of beginning containing forty and sixty hun droths acres, more or less, con taining in all 144.25 acres more or less. And being the same premises conveved to Hiram N. Rutherford bv Ktta B. Rutherford bv deed dated January 8. 1919, and record ed in Volume 73 at page 230, Deed Records of Noble Countv, Ohio. Except from last above described tract 15 16 acres conveyed bv Hiram Rutherford and Woodie Rutherford, to William Trues and Helen Truex by deed dated December 12, 1955. and recorded mi Volume 112 at page 126, Deed Records of Noble Countv Ohio. All of the real estate herein described being the same premises conveved by Hiram Rutherford to Woodie Rutherford, by deed re corded in Volume 114. Page 226 £cc°rds 0f Noble Countv! Ohio. Being the same premises recorded in Volume 115, Page 199 of the Deed Records of Noble Countv. Ohio, except the coal in and underlying the .afore-described premises L"cated at approxi- matelv 6 miles east of Caldwell. Ohio on State Route 78 Said Premises Appraised at $8,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two thirds of that amount. TERMS OF SALE: Cash in hand day of t-nlc. DONALD CONAWAY, Sheriff of Noble County. Ohio Fred F. Fox Attorney 35 36 37 38 39 Big 8' Sale PRICES SLASHED! OUR LOSS IS YOUR Automatic, Two-Piece A ELECTRIC TOASTER *9 PLASTIC WASTE BASKET 25 Foot Roll 0% ALUMINUM FOIL 28 PROCTOR Fingertip Control ELECTRIC STEAM IRON RUBBERMAID Won't UfMp or Warp DOG DISH 22-Gallon, Complete With Cover pg PLASTIC ASH CAN *5 GLOVES-2 PAIR OO Sturdy Metal Trav and Soft Wool RoHei PAINT ROLLER AND IRAY 88 Choice Of Three Styles 40-Hour Alarm POCKET KNIVES 98 Four Bat Set, Complete TABLE TENNIS SET *4° Durable Two Piece Balls HARDWOOD FRAME TABLE TENNIS BALLS "«28 ALARM CLOCK *2 Removes Clogging Scale STEAM IRON CLEANER 78 ASH TRAYS-Three Styles Guestray 28c Town-n-Country 48c Belong. 88c Fine Quality, Four-Sawed Full Sized HOUSE BROOM 88' Adjust From 30 to 48 Inches CLOSET ROD *188 CLOTHES RACK *2 Solid Molded Construction WHiTE CLOSET SEAT Molded Plastic, White Finish Five-Foot Colored Ilose High Pressure Hose BATH TUB CADDY 78' BATH SPRAY SET Reinlorced Sturdy Cup RUBBER FORCE CUP 38' AUTOMATIC WASHER HOSE "One Squeeze And You've Tacked It" ARROW GUN TACKER *4 14-Foot A Needed Chain For Your Car STEEL UTILITY CHAIN $488 Fun For Everyone In The Family WHIRLY BIRD GAME Complete With Carrying Handle 9 Ft. 12 Ft. Size SPONGE MOP BATH SCALE $488 Chemical Pow der In Flake Form SUPER ICE REM I68 PAPER DROP CLOTH 58' 2.) loot Rubber Attachment Plug TROUBLE LAMP *138 Thirsty Cellulose Sponge With Full 4-Ft. Handle :5v- 6J-J (UMitRUNDST. CAlDWli.L,'OHIO y TVmrgdnv February 2S, TOM GAIN! 88 9 88 $388 68' $188 88' $148