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Patfp Slit Following this ceremony, the unit returned to the Armory on SR 285, where "open house" was held, despite the inclement weather. The unit includes: first row, left to right, Capt. Howard S. Beall, Sgt. Carlos J. Bryan, Sgt. Lawrence Macenko, Sp.4 Charles Harmon, Summerfield The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will meet Tuesday evening March 1 at the church for their regular meeting. Mrs. Emily Havener will be the spiri tual life leader and Mrs. Thelma Wharton will be the program leader. Mrs. Verna Guiler, presi dent, will conduct the business. Lunch will be served by group three with Clarice Guiler, chair man. Local Lodge Summerfield Lodge F. & A. M. will meet Wednesday evening, March 2 for their regular meet ing and their annual inspection with the D.D.G.M. Robert A. Hinshad of New Concord as the inspecting officer. The regular meeting will be in charge of the master Dean Oliver. After the close of the meeting, lunch will be served in the dining room. Sutherland Death Friends and relatives were saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Hayes Sutherland, who died Friday evening at Guernsey Memorial hospital in Cambridge where he had been a patient for several days. Funeral services was held Monday at the Brubach funeral home and burial was in Eastern cemetery. Guiler Rites Miss Anna Guiler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Guiler, former resident of Summerfield, Pleasant City Those present were Mrs. Vickie Winberg and daughter, Mrs. Florence Larrick, Mrs. Helen Secrest, Mrs. Fern Williams, Mrs. Marie Larrick and daughter, Mrs. Zelma Williams, Mrs. Cora Nicholson, Mrs. Edna Johnson, Mrs. Carol Williams, Mrs. Clara Cunningham, Mrs. Minnie Sec rest and hostess. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Ruby Sec rest. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shriver, of route 2, called on Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty Jean, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cunning ham and daughter, of Zanesville, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Brady Cun ningham. Mi. labor MT. TABOR Mrs. Clarence Leasure and Maggie Mallett visited Elsie Wright recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leasure and Miss Elsie Wright enjoyed a chicken dinner in honor of Darlene Kirkbride's 12th birth day last Wednesday. Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, Joy and Gay, and Roger Martin visited with Mrs. Vernon Hannahs and children, Tuesday. Mrs. Otis Martin and son, Terry, Mrs. Verna Kirkbride and daughters, Joy and Gay and Miss Blanche Smith were business callers at Caldwell, Wednesday afternoon. Elsie Wright visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroy er and daughter, Tina, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Saturday afternoon. Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Sunday afternoon. TRADITIONAL "MUSTER DAY" CEREMONY HELD BY ONG Pictured above are members of Battery C, •2nd A.W.Bn., 174th Artillery, Ohio National Guard,-as they assembled Monday morning for their traditional "Muster Day" ceremonies. They are under the command of Capt. Howard S. Beall, shown at extreme left. Local W.S.C.S. Will Meet Tuesday At The Church For Regular Session died Saturday night at Hyatts ville, Mr., after a long illness. The body was brought to the Eberle funeral home in Quaker City where services will be held Wednesday at 11:00 by Rev. Fred Shiltz. Burial will be in the Sum mer field cemetery. Personals Mrs. Vernon Havener is visit ing a few days with her daugh ter, Mrs. Lawrence Brewster and family in Painsville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cantor and daughter, of Akron, visited over the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richeson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilton and sons visited Sunday with his rpother, Mrs. Frieda Tilton in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gessell and son, of Wooster, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Weber of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. William Guiler and daughters of Wingette Run, visited during the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and family. Miss Patsy Truax, student at Ohio University, Athens, and her girl friend, Miss Aurelia Wilson, visited over the weekend with Patsy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Durel Truax. Miss Kathryn Bishop, student at Ohio U., Athens, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bishop. Ml. Zion Homemakers Club Enjoys Meeting Thursday At Riggle Home Mrs. Harriett Riggle was host ess to members of the Mt. Zion Homemakers club at her home Thursday. At noon a cafeteria covered dish dinner was enjoyed. Miss Enid Augenstein, Noble county association county exten sion agent, was present and gave the lesson on "New Fabrics and Finishes." Mr. Roy Johnson, of Zanes ville, spent a couple of days the| past week with his mother, Mrs. Edna Johnson. Mrs. Ruby Secrest called on Mrs. Beulah Long and family, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Faught and granddaughters, Sharon and Carolyn, of Buffalo, spent Wed nesday evening with Mrs. Ralph Ayers and family. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Secrest and family, of Coshocton, visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Secrest. Mrs. Helen Miley and daugh ter, Betty, were shoppers in Cam bridge, Saturday. Several from here attended the funeral rites for Mrs. Helen Boley at the McVay funeral home in Caldwell, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomp son, of New Concord, spent Sat urday afternoon with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. Davis is visiting her niece, Mrs. Walter Hannum and family. Mr. James Morland and Miss Sandra Rohl of Derwent, were united in marriage by Rev. John Thompson at his home Saturday night. Those attending were close relatives and friends. Ava AVA Mr. and Mrs. Clell Randolph, of Marietta, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Ges sell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McElroy and son, of Cambridge, spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wood. Mrs. Wilma Moshey and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Muth and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sopko and son were visiting Mrs. Betty Trenner and family, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Delancey and children, of Coal Ridge, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bates, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Buckley and son, Robin were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin West recently. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Bryan, of Caldwell, were callers here on Sunday. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Sp.4 Ronald Ross, Cpl. Andrew Gerst, Sp.4 Nelson Thompson, Sp.4 Larry Sanford, Sp.4 Charles Keylor, Sp.4 Lee Gildow and Lt. Den nis F. Gerst. Back row, left to right, Cpl. Frank Stevens, Sgt. Dale Addis, Cpl. Roger Love, Ret. Delmar Wiley, Cpl. Thomas Clark, Sp.4 Gerald Fitz, Sgt. David Ruble, Sp.4 John McFerren, Sp.4 Gary Ruble, Sp.4 Arland DeVoll, Sp.4 Ronald Wyscarver, Pvt. Franklin Smith, Sp.4 Roy House, Sp.4 Delbert Hill, MSgt. Roger King, Sp.5 Don H. Thomas and Sp.4 Daniel Farley. Keithtown KE1THTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chandler and family and Jill' Morse, of Cuyahoga Falls, spent the weekend with his parents and other relatives at Beverly and Marietta. Additional guests at the Ard Chandler home on Sunday afternoon were Em met Caplinger and Linda, of Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Junior McMannis and family, of Cambridge, were Sunday visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMannis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carpen ter and son, of Newark, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Farson and family. Olive Chandler is employed at Beverly. Mr. Neely, of Florida, visited recently with his son, Johnny Neely and family. Dean Stack spent the weekend with Phil Chandler. Caldwell Route 3 CALDWELL ROUTE 3 Mrs. Alva Garvin visited Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Phillis. Leonard Gardner called Mon day on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gard ner. Due to the large amount of snow and wind the roads were drifted so the mail man couldn't make his full route a few days last week. Mrs. Guila Garvin called Tues day on Mrs. Edna Boyd. Mrs. Jessie Lawrence returned from the Memorial hospital, Marietta, recently to the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gardner. Fern and Nyla Woodford have ben sick with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Parcell spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin. David King spent the weekend with his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence King. Mrs. Wayne McFarland is suf fering with the shingles. Mr. and Mrs. James Garvin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells, Dicky, Christy and Donna spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. Fred Gardner is still poorly at this time. Here & Yon HERE AND YON Preach ing at M.E. church in Sarahs ville Sunday at 9:30. Sunday school worship at 10:15. Had 19 out last Sunday in spite of icy roads. Double Trouble Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spicer who were blessed with twin daughters, names are Violet Kaye and Alice Mae. Due to deep snow drifts the stork decided to give these young folks a bargain. Personals Marie and Patsy Poling were supper guests of Mrs. Genevia Henry and family Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry were recent visitors of the Henrys. Mrs. Shelva Robinson and son, Rickie have returned to their new home at Fallensbee, W. Va., after spending several days with Mrs. Jewell Wickham of Cald well. Mr. Robinson has been transferred to that city. Other visitors were Charlene and Glen Daniel Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Lafollette and son, Kenny, spent Sunday a. m. with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Meighen and son. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens and family spent Sunday p. m. with his mother, Osa Secrest, of Sarahsville. Mrs. Callie Meighen and son, Jeffrey and Billy Depew were visitors of R. A. Poling and fam ily this week. A special thanks to Miss Flor ence Lothes of Sarahsville grade school for the nice box of candy, cake, etc., as a valentine gift for Patsy Jean Poling. THE JOURNAL CALDWELL, OHIO Coming Events on the Social Register Fulda Grange Fulda grange will hold their regular meeting March 3rd at 7:30 p. m. All members are urged to be present. Center Grpjige Center grange No. 2285 will meet in regular session Thursday evening, March 3, at 8:00 o'clock. All members are asked to attend. To Sponsor Dance The February group will spon sor a social and dance to be held at St. Mary's hall Saturday evening, Feb. 27 in Fulda. Jubilee Banquet Cub Scout Jubilee banquet will be held at 6:0U p. m. on Thurs day, Feb. 25, at the Church of Christ. All members and their families are urged to attend and to bring a covered dish and table service. To Hold Dance There will be a round and square dance in the Tiltonville school house this Saturday night, Feb. 27, from 9:00 until mid night. The public is invited. Thanks Offering Service The regular Regen's Chapel W.S.C.S. thanks offering service will be held Sunday, Feb. 28, at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Richard Drake, superintendent of Cambridge dis trict, will be the guest speaker. The public is invited. Olive Grange Owen Pickenpaugh, master, an nounces Olive Grange will meet in regular session this Friday evening, Feb. 26. Refreshments will be served and all members are urged to attend. Sunshine Club The Sunshine club will hold their monthly meeting in the American Legion hall at Dexter City Thursday, March 3 at 10:30 a. m. Miss Augenstein will teach the lesson. A pot luck lunch will be enjoyed at noon. W.C.T.U. Meeting" Mrs. Margaret Clark, presi dent of the Ava W.C.T.U., an nounces that there will be no February meeting. Circle One, W.S.C.S., will meet March 3rd in the church annex of the First Methodist church at 8:00 p. m. The hostesses are Adaline Jordan, Alice Guiler and Helen Gordon. The devotionals will be in charge of Jessie Reed and Ennid Buckey will have the program. All members are asked to attend. Mothers Club The Belle Valley Mothers club will meet in the grade school building for their regular mon thly meeting on Monday, Feb. 29th. The meeting will start promptly at 7:30 p. m. and all members are asked to attend. Jackson Grange Jackson grange No. 408 will meet in regular session on Fri day evening, Feb. 26 at 8:00 o'clock with Master Erma Brown in charge. Refreshments will be cherry pie, ice cream and coffee. A good attendance is requested. Gospel Circle Choir The Gospel Circle choir, under the direction of John Betts, of Batesville, will present a pro gram Sunday afternoon, Feb. 28 at the Kennonsburg Methodist church from 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock This program was to have been held last Sunday but postponed due to the weather. The public is invited. To Hold Dance A dance will be held March 5 at St. Michael's hall, Carlisle under the sponsorship of the Senior class of Summerfield high school. Music will be furnished by a Cambridge orchestra and the public is invited. Esther Circle Esther Circle, First Methodist church, will meet Tuesday even ing, March 1st, at 7:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. Roberta Cleary on Belford street. Co-hostesses are Laura Farley and Bessie i s o e e e v o i o n a leader is Edna Tarleton and the program will be in charge of Iva Guiler. Mrs. Ellen Douglass, chairman, urges all members to be present. SERVICES CONTINUE The evangelistic services at the First Methodist church continue through this week at 7:30 p. m. Rev. Richard Drake, Cambridge district superintendent, is preach ing each evening. His themes will be: On Wednesday, "One Good Man" Thursday, "There Must Be ." and Friday, "Where Do We Go From Here?" The services will conclude on Sunday even ing at 7:00 o'clock with the pastor preaching on "Now I Belong to Jesus." The public is cordially invited. IN HOSPITAL Lawrence Steen of the R. C. Moore Lumber company, was admitted to Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, Saturday for treat ment and observation. File Pockets and File Folders pay for themselves many times over in speedier, more accurate filing. They keep files neat and orderly. i" .m FILE FOLDERS Made of high quality Manila oc Kraft stock clear, smooth and of a toughness that gives long wear. Triple scored at bottom for expan sion. Double and single top styles In choice of printed or plain tabs In various positions. 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