Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, July 21,1960 Quaker City Class No. 9 Enjoys Meeting Friday At Home Of Mrs. Laura Bundy Mrs. Laura Bundy entertain ed class No. 9 of the Methodist Sunday school at her home on Smith avenue on Friday, June 15. A dinner was served at the noon hour to sixteen members. She was assisted in serving by Mrs. Geneva Bundy. In the afternoon devotions were presented by Mrs. Lottie Moore. Business was transacted and a memorial service was held for Mrs. Willa Hartley and Mrs. Inez Parkes, followed by a short program. The August meeting will be a picnic at the home of Mrs. Gen eva Bundy. In Hospital Wayne Hannahs, Quaker City route 2, is a patient at a Steu benville hospital where he was admited on Friday, July 15. Hannahs sustained a head in jury while working on construc tion. Ura Henderson, of Quaker City route, was taken ill at his rural home early Saturday morn ing and was admitted to Guern sey Memorial hospital for obser vation. Enjoy Visit Evangelist and Mrs. Fred E. Dennis, of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Knight and daughter, Patricia Ann of Wil liamstown, W. Va., Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Black and son, Larry of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Orton Ridgeley, Pleasant City, Mrs. Alta Shriver and Mrs. Cora Ea gon of Barnesville and Ernest Kirkbride of Calais, were visitors ROBEY'S Coffee Shop CALDWELL, OHIO GOOD FOOD OPEN SUNDAYS BUD'S SUMMER AND YEAR AROUND SUITS Xk off SPORT (OATS V4 off SUMMER DRESS PANTS Alterations Included off KNIT SPORT SHIRTS $4.95 Regular N» $3.49 Regular $3-95 m°w $2.69 $2-98 Regular *1 .99 Now $2-49 Regular Now »li9 ONE TABLE MEN'S SHOES off at home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barker, Sunday. I.O.O.F. Lodge Anderson Lodge I.O.O.F. Quak er City, celebrated their 99th anniversary on Thursday night. Regular routine business was transacted with Donald Smith, Noble Grand. At the close of the meeting, a turtle soup supper was served in the lodge dining hall. Members of Cambridge and Byesville lodge attended. w.s.c.s. The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church met at the church on Thursday evening. Devotional leader was Mrs. Cora Betts and program leader was Mrs. Bessie Hay. Topic was "From A Mis sionary's Diary." She was assist ed by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. Plans were made for the lunch stand during fall festival and closed with benediction. Song Service The "Singspiration" will be held at Lashley Grove, near Kennonsburg on Sunday, July 24. There will be a basket din ner at the noon hour. In the af ternoon the choir will sing and Rev. Robert Richards of Lexing ton, Va., will bring the message Rev. Richards is a former pastor of Mt. Zion church, south of Quaker City. Personals Mrs. Merle Pultz, Broadway, spent last week with her former friend, Miss Gladys King and other friends at Elkhart, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Goodin, of Antrim, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Belle Sharrock, of Main street. Miss Mary Ellen Parsons spent last week with her cousin, Mrs. Gerald Neiswonger and husband, Newark. Mrs. Keith Carpenter and chil dren, David, Susie, Pike street, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Carlton Lavely and husband of Columbus. Mrs. Lavely re cently underwent surgery at Uni versity hospital, Columbus. Victor Carpenter, who is work ing near Oberlin, spent the week end at his home here. THURSDAY, JULY 21 THRU SATURDAY, JULY 30 ESQUIRE ESQUIRE SOCKS SOCKS Regular $1.90 Regular $1.90 79° 79° 2i $ 1 2i JULY CLEARANCE 5 0 $ 1 5 0 SPORT SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS VAN HEUSEN JOCKEY VAN HEUSEN JOCKEY $£.98 Regular $£.98 Regular £9 £9 Now $#£ Now $#£ $£.98 $£.98 Regular Regular Now $2-W Now $2 -W ONE TABLE Short Sleeved SPORT SHIRTS $5.00 $3.98 $2.98 $l-69 Now Many, Many OTHER BARGAINS Many, Many OTHER BARGAINS IN OUR STORE FOR IN OUR STORE FOR THIS SAU. THIS SAU. The lot extends all the way around the store and will have an entrance and exit pro vided. Lawrence King and Sons have done the work on this project with the help of their shovel, grader and truck. Dirt and trees had to be removed, a new slag-topped road was built for the homes above the store and a wall, seven feet high and BATHING and Bermuda Shorts 1/4 off ONE LOT ONE LOT MEN'S JACKETS MEN'S JACKETS LIGHTWEIGHT LIGHTWEIGHT V3 off V3 off STRAW HATS STRAW HATS STRAW HATS Regular 00 Regular 00 Regular 00 No. $£.4J No. $£.4J No. $£.4J Regular $^98 Regular $^98 Regular $^98 $2.69 $2 $2 N°w N° w .69 N° w .69 Regular JO.98 Regular JO.98 Regular JO.98 Now Now Now ALL SALE MERCHANDISE IS CASH ON THE BARREL HEAD. BUDS Where Men Like to Shop'' CALDWELL, OHIO LARGE PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTED AT HUTCHINS Hutchins Super Market, south of Caldwell, will have a brand new parking area for use by their customers. There will be space for 75 cars to be conveniently parked. CALDWELL ROUTE 3 HAPPENINGS CALDWELL Route 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harper and Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Foracre and son visited Monday evening with Vergie Gardner and Edna Boyd. Mrs. Esther Garvin spent Mon day night and Tuesday visiting her daughters in Zanesville. Mrs. Guila Garvin called on Edna Boyd and Vergie Gardner, Tuesday. Lawrence Brown and grand- THE JOURNAL'. CALDWELL, OHIO son, called on Robert Reed, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gard ner spent Wednesday evening with his mother, Vergie Gard ner. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Brown and family have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Garvin were visiting a few days in Akron the first of last week. Fred Peddicord spent last week with Edna Boyd and Vergie Gardner. Larry Woodford spent Wednes day evening with Fred Peddi cord. Mrs. Grecten Woodford and Mrs. Vesta McFariand enter tained the Wonder What Ladies, Thursday. Mrs. Leonard Gardner was a business shopper in Zanesville Thursday. Fred Peddicord suent Thurs day with Larry Woodford. Leslie Woodford is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Wayne McFarland. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore formerly of this vicinity, an nounced the birth of a baby girl Thursday at Memorial hospital Marietta. Jacque Sue Reed is spending some time at the home of Mr and Mrs. James Moore, caring for the children. Dicky Ray Wells spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hughes of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Fulton Hughes and Mr. and Mrs S. W. Parrish of Sharon. Mrs. Edna McCune and Mr and Mrs. Paul McCune and fri ends of Columbus, called Satur day afternoon on Edna Boyd and Vergie Gardner. Dwight Ogle called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnhart. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnhart and son spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Garvin Mrs. James Garvin called Sat urday morning on Mrs. Alva Garvin. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Alva Garvin spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillis. Mrs. Vergie Gardner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan lams, of Canton, visited recently with his mother, Alta Spear. Mrs. Bessie Harper and son Dwight, spent Sunday evening with her mother, Vergie Gardner and Edna Boyd. Edna Boyd called Sunday af ternoon on Mrs. Alta Spear. 224 feet long was erected. The parking area will be lime stone topped and will be ready for use this Saturday. Mr. Hutchins stated that the parking lot will be well lighted for the safety of the vehicles and patrons. Hutchins also stated that this is the big gest major improvement that has been done since he completed the building in 1949 after he came home from the service. The retain ng wall will have a fence placed on top of it to insure the safety of children. Photo by Journal-Leader Staff Chaseville CHASEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Edison Murphy and daughter, Barbara, Carrollton, were week end visitors of Mrs. Nellie Laughlin and daughter. Recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumin and daughter. Waneda, were Mr. and Mrs. Har old Hickle, of Cumberland route Mrs. Lewis Lucas, of Buffalo and Mrs. Joe Andrejcik of Can ton. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Murphy and family visited Rev. and Mi Myron Danford and family, of Newark, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Pry01 and family, of Senecaville visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayrt Sr., and they all attended t) movie, "Voice in the Darkness-,' at the Free Me'hodist churi Caldwell, Sunday evening. Miss Helen Nicholson, Plea:, ant City, route, visited at home of Mr. and Mrs. H. i) Murphy and family, Sunda\ afternoon. Ellsworth Secrest, Mrs. Cleo Secrest, Mrs. Hatie Moss, But falo, and Bobby and Mike Brun er, Cambridge, visited Mrs. Nc lie Laughlin and daughter an William Laughlin, Tuesday aftei noon. Mr. and Mrs. Randy Murphy and family had as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Edison Murphy and daughter, Barbai of Carrollton. Miss Ethyl Wood, of Cam bridge, spent a few days wit Mr. and Mrs. Harley Drumm and daughter, Waneda. LARGE EASTERN MANUFACTURER Has opening for factory field representative in this area, flood car a distinct advantage. No previous experience need ed. Further details upon re ceipt of application below. Name Address Phone Age Married Own or rent home Education Make car Year Employment Present or previous: Mail to: L. J. Slaughterback 70fi Putnam Ave. SPECIAL RACK MEN'S SHOES First Pair Zanesville, Ohio 9 9 Second Pair THIS WEEK ONLY!! MULLIGAN'S SHOE STORE NORTH STREET CALDWELL, OHIO $30° CARLISLE NEWS HAPPENINGS CARLISLE Mrs. Bertha Spence, of near Carlisle and her granddaughter, Patty Spence, of Canton, spent Tuesday evening with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miracle. Enjoy Visit Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn, Mrs. Anna Miracle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesson visited Tues day and Wednesday with their unt, Mrs. Mary Weighagen of haddock, Pa. Birthday Party Mrs. Ida Spence spent Thurs day with Mrs. Ruth Spence, of Caldwell. Mrs. Spence entertain •d with a birthday party for ier four year old daughter, indy, Mrs. Ida Spence, Mrs. ^thel Mummey, Becky and Fred Spence, Patty Spence of Canton nd the honored one, Carla Jane. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gillespie, of Caldwell, visited Tuesday vening with Blanche Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kuhn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spagnola and Rhonda visited ecently with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bates and children, of New Matamoras. Mrs. Eleanor Slack, of Mas sillon, spent Monday and Tues day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horton. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spence were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lewis, Jr. and daughter, Sharon, of Columbus, Mrs. Faye Spence and daughter, Cindy, of Caldwell. Mrs. Anna Miracle spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Tnresa Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Feldner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spagnola and daughter, Rhonda have re turned to their home in New Orleans, Pa. after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kuhn and other relatives and friends Miss Eunice Hoi* 11 visited Tuesday with relatives and 101 Friday-Saturday Only! Regular $2.07 Value Dr. West's TOOTH BRUSHES 3 F°'$1.00 A skilled and experienced pharmacist is always in attendance ready to give •your prescription his im mediate and undivided at tendon. 1 EX-LA* friends in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kurn sp°nt Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Earnett and son, Brent, of Summerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith, John, Donald and Mariana, of Westerville route, spent Sunday with his brother, Raymond Smith. A picnic dinner was en joyed at noon. They also visited with Blanche Smith. Dana Swick and sons of Kingston, Tenn., visited this week with his father Mr. Tom Swick and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swick and family. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horton the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Loo Miller of Lamira, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Breibwell, of Akrjn, Mr. and Mrs. Cloy McNut and children of Lowtll, Mrs. Lulhc Slack of Massillon, Forrest Horton and son, David, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jone^ and children, of East Liverpool, Mrs Dick Leach of Canton, Mrs. Florence Horton, Summerfield route 1, Rev. Fr. J. J. Donaldson, of Fulda, was a caller. Think you can't save money? Try the painless partial payment payroll plan for buying U.S. Savings Bonds, where you work. KLEENITE .... 54' LAVORIS ,7«- SWEAT BANDS 49 TOOTH PASTE 2 i f0RRa®0FC0NSW^N .79® •fjr-LAXj 'rr? 48's RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE i i "•'"•v'sfc0**' K'% AOORM ABBOTT'S VlT* kaps SKlti fcVLON BRACER SATLHI SET C0ld1[ R°OTHPASTF toRID 89* Tut*s 69 FLEA & TICK SPRAY s«9ent $1.49 PAC Compound Tablets... 69* HEP Insect Bomb 98* ANTIVY LOTION 98 SWIM CAPS $1.19 WOSS OOTTQft BALLS V«' MC YOUR PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE Page Three—B Pleasant Hill PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Owen Larrick visited with Wm. Musser and wife in Zanes ville, Sunday. Sue Cooper spent Tuesday night with Clyta Cater. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley West and son were calling on relatives here, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cater and children and Ela Belle Cater visited with Robert Young and family in Zanesville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snode and children, of Zanesville, called on his brother, Charles and fam ily, Friday afternoon. Maiy VaiiL-yiiw entertained the Pleasant Hill Bible class, Wed nesday evening. Karen Young, of Zanesville, is spending this week with her grandmother, Ella Belle Cater and other relatives. Jackie Rose Wilson spent last week with her cousin, Elva Mos ser in Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Nelson and children, of Columbus, spent the weekend with Eli Rogers and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Russell, of Cambridge, visited Jacob Russell and Robert Cooper and families on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Larrick called on Henry Russell and wife, Saturday evening. BREAD 7 '6"°x-Loa¥,s 95* Holsum Surplus Store 810 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio s v* 50e °"°*i°fbrefurid o *o t-HUX mpERs CHSIf conornyp3^ for vaca- A trips 1981 NOI2& ®wwr mm k0""d-«0°r.*ap, TwJn dimple Fin 3*r Grip, feiv Push button lilt The A REGISTERED PHARMACIST ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES! f«st push button PHONE 160 130 home permanent CALDWELL OHIO