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Thursday, July 21, I960 Summerfield Mary Moore Will Again Head Local American Legion Auxiliary For Year Tne American Legion Auxili ary met Monday evening, July 11, for their regular meeting and election of officers. Business was conducted by the president, Mnrv Moore. During the business session the following officers were elected: president, Mary Moore, re-elect ed first vice president, Becca Leach second vice president, Lou Philpot secretary, Mae Hannahs treasurer, Jean Cline sergeant at arms, Mary Goodhart his torian, Ina Haga chaplain, Flo Smith color guards, Betty and Donna Wise. The officers will be installed on Monday evening, Sept. 12 Homemakers Club Due to the inclement weather, the Homemakers club held their annual picnic and their regular meeting Thursday in the grange •hall with a pot luck dinner at noon. Mrs. Ruth Archer, president, conducted the Dtisiness and the following officers were elected: president, Irene Bates vice president, Edna Truax secretary, Marie Bircher treasurer, Treva Tilton leaders, Betty Warner and Wilma Johnson counselors, Beu lah Watson and Irene Bate?. Others present besides the above mentioned were Leone Garret, Roma Jean Wharton, Thelma Wharton, Thelma Atkin son, Bernice Batten, Emily Hav ener, Pearl McKinney, Gladys Moore. Children: Linda, Audrey and Chris Ann Warner, Wayne and Danny Bates, Patricia Arch er, Garry and Johnnie Truax, Martin and Jimmy Johnson, Brenda and Barbara Wharton and Norman Brague. O.E.S. Picnic The annual picnic of district 15, Order of Eastern Star, will be held Saturday, July 30 at 6:00 p. m. (D.S.T.) at the large shelter house of the Barnesville park. This picnic is for the East- WELLINGTON 4$^ FUND A Name to Remember when Investing A balanced Mutual Fund investing in bonds and pre ferred stocks selected for conservation of principal and current income and in common stocks selected for income and profit possibilities. Wellington Fund gives you a share in the ownership of about. 250 SECURITIES IPf MANY DIFFERENT AMERICAN INDUSTRIES BRADEN & COMPANY Investment. Securities PEOPLES BANK BUILDING PHONE FR 3-1638 MARIETTA, OHIO ern Star members, families and friends. Coffee will be furnished. Bring covered dish and own table service. Enjoy Visi$ Mr. Ralph Reed of Lakemore, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reed and was accompanied home by his wife who had spent the week with her father, Mr. Zeter Hanes and with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Oliver. Personals Mr. Forrest Horton and son, David, of Canton, 'accompanied by Mrs. G. A. Horton, Mrs. Ern est Bode and Mr. Flode Yost were shopping Tuesday in Wheeling, W. Va. Miss Vivian Moore has return ed home after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Williams, Jr. in Minerva. Mrs. Ronald Wheeler and family, of Caldwell, visited Sun day with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Blaine Moore. Mr. Wilber Taylor has return ed home after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor in Barnesville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode left Sunday and will visit with friends in Indiana and Illinois before returning home. Mrs. Harold Edgerley and daughters, of Johnstown, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brague and son, Norman in Wadsworth. They were accompanied there by Norman Brague, who had spent the past two weeks at the Bircher home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodard and grandson, of Newark and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Slemboski and family, of Caldwell, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler and Mrs. Allie McElfresh. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. David Weaver and daughter and son, of Canton, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gardner in Cam bridge. They also visited with Mrs. Grace Egger of Bvesville and her mother, Mrs. Emma Mc Gurk still remains a patient in Community hospital in Cam bridge. Mr. Harry Calland was admit ted. Saturday to Guernsey Me morial hospital in Cambridge for treatment. Mrs. Martha Morgan, of Quak er City, visited Monday with her mother, Mrs. Lou Philpot. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson attended the annual picnic Sun day at East Union. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gessell and son, of Wooster, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler. Classified Pay Dividends STOP ITCHING! IN 15 MINUTES. After using ITCH-MK-NOT, get your 48c back IF THK ITCH NEEDS SCRATCHING. You feel the medication take li«Hd Itch and burning disappear! Use instant-drying ITCH-MH-NOT day or night for eczema, ringworm, insect bites, foot itch, other surface rashes TODAY at RALSTON PHARMACY. Car Washing WE PICK UP AND DELIVER Car Waxing We use the Cyclo "Wonder Tool"— Guaranteed not to mar or swirl car's finish. Removes traffic film and oxidized paint. Leaves a high luster and well-sealed finish. Motors Cleaned Motor runs cooler Looks like new Increases Trade-In Value REASONABLE PRICES Call For Appointments ... Phone 148-J HEPPNER'S SOHIO SERVICE Olive Street Caldwell, Ohio Planning to build? Use NOBLE CONCRETE BLOCKS Any Amount.. At Our Yard .. Pick up or Deliver AVAILABLE IN SIZES 12 8 4 Inches Tested To Double State's Specifications For QUALITY, SAVINGS and Complete Selection, See Us! MORTAR MIX SAND GRAVEL Stock-piled At Our Yard Wr DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS NOBLE BLOCK COMPANY OLD MINE SITE NORTH OF CALDWELL Phone Caldwell 388-F-3 Balesville BATEfeVILLL I'i.t monthly singspiration service of the area gospel singers will be held at Lashley's Grove, Seneca lake on Sunday, July 24 and will be pre ceded by a basket dinner at noon. short message will be given, followed by the singing service. Rev. Robert Richards and fam ily of Lexington, Va., expect to be present. Rev. Richards or ganized the singing group. Grange Meet Beaver Valley grange will have inspection Monday evening, July 25. All members are re quested to be present. A covered dish lunch will be served. Personals Mrs. Ethel poak, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doak and daughter, of Middlebourne W. Va., and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wagner of St. Clairsville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Julia Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Deal. Darlene Miller visited her cou sin, Linda Montgomery of Co lumbus the past week. Mrs. Jean Erwin and daugh ter, Terra attended a shower for Mrs. Sandra Bishop at St. Marys hall in Temperanceville, Sunday p. m. Mrs. Kenneth Hedleston, Mrs. J. H. Hedleston and Mrs. Kath ryn Long visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph House, Friday and Sat urday. John Gilmore and daughter, Kay, of Weirton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. House. Ida Hyett returned home Fri day evening from the Barnesville hospital where she had been a patient -for a few days. Her daughter, Mrs. Rhineas Wheat ley of Massillon, was called here due to the illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flood, of Quaker City route, Scott and Cindy visited Sunday evening with the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Lashley and family Mrs. Anna Douglass and Mrs Helen Douglass were business callers in Cambridge, Wednes day. Robert Atkinson and Phillip Carpenter spfent Wednesday and Thursday in Columbus. Mrs. Maud Creighton and Mrs Clara Sidel, Quaker City route, and Edward Sidel of Cambridge, were business callers in Colum bus, Wednesday. Mrs. Inez Rice, of Barnesville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Betts and Julie Long were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carpenter, Sunday. Carolyn Leach, of Quaker City route, visited Saturday with Ferra Erwin. Mrs. Kathryn Long entertained with a Stanley party at her home Tuesday evening. TVTfS. Betty Kohut, of Kennonsburg, was the demonstrator. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Luberg, of Woodsfield, and Mrs. Pearl House visited on Sunday p. m. with their sister, Mrs. Paul Old ham of near Cambridge and fath er, Andrew Needs, who was celebrating his birthday. Mr. Needs was 91 years of age on July 16 and has good health for •his age. Terra Erwin visited with Ar lene Hughes of Quaker City route, Thursday p. m. Virginia Carpenter, Pearl House, Marie Betts and Ruth Mercer attended the dedication of the Rainbow Girls at Barnes ville, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Butler and daughter, of Quaker City route, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Iiyet, Sunday evening. The 3% Series E Savings Bonds the Treasury now sells for $75 are worth $100 in 7 years and 9 months, $144.75 in another 10 years, a 93% return on your savings. You can buy E's in units of $25 up, on payroll sav ings where you work, or at any bank. Here's Harricttsville a Tire you FAMOUS 3-T NYLON ALL-WEATHER TURNPIKE- PROVED THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO W.S.C.S. Holds July Meeting Thursday Evening At Ullman Home The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church held their July meeting Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Pearl Ullman. The meet ing opened with a hymn and a prayer by Mrs. Martha Fry fogle. The devotionafs on "The Use of Leisure Time" was given by Mrs. Evelyn Ayers and the pro gram was led by Mrs. Helen Wilson. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Fryfogle. Several readings were given on the lesson. After the closing prayer, a social hour was enjoyed and a delicious lunch served to Mrs. C. E. Johanning, Mrs. Emilene Schramm, Mrs. Helen Wilson, Mrs. Dora Nowell, Mrs. Blanche Schafer, Mrs. Martha Fryfogle, Mrs. Mary Ellen Cunningham, Mrs. Bertha Johanning, Mrs. Evelyn Ayers, Mrs. Barbara Wooster and guests, Mrs. Fan chon Rawlett, Mrs. Marian Rae Wogan and daughter and chil dren, Harry Schafer, Marilyn Sue Cunningham, Sandy Nowell and Jane Ann Fryfogle host ess and B. W. Ullman. Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kelby entertained Sunday with a fam ily dinner. Those enjoying the dinner and day were Mrs. Sheila Lovett, Mrs. Mildred Malster of Waterford, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Ullman of Beverly, Supt. and Mrs. Joseph Nowell and Sandy and Vickie of Lower Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelby and hosts. Dinner Guests Dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. C. E. Johanning were Mrs. Fan chon Rawlett and Mrs. Bertha Johanning and Aundree and Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fryfogle of Westerville and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lin Fryfogle and Jimmy and Jane Ann. Sunday Dinner Mrs. Glen Wilson entertained Sunday evening with a dinner. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Springer and Mrs. Jane Wilson of Caldwell, Hatty Hardesty, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham and Mari lyn Sue and David and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Gary. Other evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Virge Cunningham. Mrs. Jane Wilson remained for a visit at the Wilson home. Birthday Dinner Ma s. B. W. Ullman entertained ^Saturday with a dinner in hon or of the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Martha Fry fogle at an attractive table with a decorated cake and a bowl of roses forming the centerpiece. Covers were arranged for Mrs. Elsie Kirchner, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fryfogle and Jimmy and Jane Ann and Mr and Mrs. Ullman. To Bethesda Pastor and Mrs. Ray Fellenger and children moved Wednesday and Thursday to Bethesda where Pastor Fellenger will be the new pastor of the Baptist church there. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, Charley Shook and Mr. and Mrs. Riley McConnell and grand son, Frank Brilliant accompanied the Fellengers to their new home at Bethesda and enjoyed the d&y and a basket dinner at noon. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ford, of Barnesville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFos sen. Steven Miller accompanied them here and will spend a week at the VanFossen home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis and children and Mr. and Mrs. Gene low priced Nylon can trust! good-year MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND! Mike's Tire Shop alS North & Cumberland Streets Flkone 200 Caldwell, Ohio 6.70 i IS Blockvrall World's First Turnpike* Proved Tires Now, save with safety on famous Goodyear 3-T Nylon Tires! Get safer, longer tire life. Trade today for Goodyear 3-T Nylons. They've never been lower priced. Price plus tax and recdppable tire. Other sizes also value priced All.Goodyear Tires are Turnpike-Prowad... designed and manufactured to malt* ra capping practical. Your old tires will make the down payment Baker and children, of Ravenna, are spending part of their vaca tion with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Schramm and Dr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Schramm were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brum of Hilliards. In the even ing they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kimpel and family, of Somerset. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and M*s. Phillip Schenk of Marietta. A picnic get-together was en joyed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Prvor and sons. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt of Middleburg, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carnes and Eugene of Belle Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peppel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schafer and Harry, Mrs. Wanda Uliman and Mrs. Harry Pryor. Homemade ice cream and cake were enjoyed. Mrs. Edna Carnahan, Mrs. Carol Bush and David and Lori Ann of Tallmadge and Mrs. Mae Kilzer of Lower Salem. route, visited Wednesday evening with Mrs. C. E. Johanning and Mrs. Fanchon Rawlett. Mrs. Pearl Ullman attended church Sunday at Lower Salem and gave a report on the North east Ohio Conference at Lake side which she attended recently as a delegate. Mrs. C. E. Johanning and daughter, Mrs. Fanchon Rawlett visited Tuesday with Mrs. Mary Ullman and son, Ralph of Chand lersville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Unger, of Marietta, and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Unger of Sebring, were dinner guests Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornberry, of Cleveland, spent their vaca tion with Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFossen and Ross VanFossen. Orville Steen, of Barnesville called Saturday at the VanFossen home and evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson and children and Lynn Miller, of Lower Salem. Rupert Ullman, of Beverly, visited Sunday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. C. E. Johanning and daughter, Mrs. Fanchon Rawlett. Mrs. Sam Smith, of Marietta, visited last week with her par ents, M^ and Mrs. James Schafer and with other relatives. You save mtfre thaivi, money when you buy U.Si Savings Bonds. You save for your coun try as well as yourself. Every Bond dollar helps keep America strong. To purchase Savings Bonds, Peter Piper picked the painless partial payment payroll savings plan in the place where he works picking peppers to put in pickles. See the Chevy Mystery Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV. 4 Ky East Union EAST urtiOiN Visiting Lena Johnson Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and son, Mary and Charles Feld ner, Twila Carpenter, Walter Johnson and Redman Archer. Sadie Butler remains the same. Rachel Robinson is in the Al liance City hospital, Alliance. She has received lots of cards and letters. Mrs. Neil Stevens and daugh ters have been spending several days with her parents at Car lisle. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carpen ter and Twila visited friends in Cambridge over the weekend. Mary and Charles Feldner visited friends at Road Fork, on Sunday afternoon. The past week visitors at the Mary Feldnei home were Ruth Ann King, Ruthie and Bill Par son, Vernon Kirkbride, Delbert Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Huff man and family, Mrs. Neil Ste phens and daughters, Mrs. Anna Bryan and daughter of New Con cord, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Car penter and daughter, Twila, Mr. and Mrs. Denver Bates, Terry. Patty Jo and Danny Bates, of Canton. Gary Feldner is spending a week with relatives In Canton. Elba ELBA A picnic supper was held in honor of Mrs. Harold Williams on Saturday evening, July 16. It was her birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edison Hickman and fam ily of Charleston, W. Va., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and family of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. George Gildow of Macksburg route and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams. Personals Mrs. Clara Reed is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franks at Lower Salem. Cecil Schob is receiving treat ment at the Good Samaritan hos pital at Zanesville. Burhl Stack was in Marietta, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vincent called on her sister, Mrs. Pete Kirkbride at Zanesville. Miss Virginia Stack and Miss Marilyn Mellinger of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Carrie Stack spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stalanaker and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Addlesburger at Middleport. Mrs. Anna Goodwill spent the weekend in Zanesville with her daughter and visited her aunt in the Good Samaritan hospital also J. W. Hughey, Sr. and Cecil Schob. Russell Darrah- was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams. Mrs. Vera Morland, of Mari etta, spent Monday evening with Mrs. Carrie Stack. For faster and more even dry ing, dry lightweight and heavy garments in different loads, say Extension home management specialists at The Ohio State University. Corvair 700 4-Door Sedan ff you See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for economical transportation BARNHOUSE CHEVROLET COMPANY 408-410 MILLER STREET CALDWELL, OHIO PHONE 261 MIDDLEBURG NEWS NOTES MIDDLEBURG Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Gerst and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Arnold and family, of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. James Fogle and children attended the Burkhart picnic at Lewisville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mor land and family of Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and Jack spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clem Morland, of Cleveland and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison and family of Barberton. Earl Hayes, who is employed as tool dressing at West Vir ginia, spent the weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes and family spent Sunday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forshey and family. Mrs. Blanche Schafer and son, Harry and Mrs. Lydia Pryor visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt. Mrs. Norbert Gerst, Mrs. James Fogle, Mrs. Nora Clark, Mrs. Evelyn Antill and sons and Mrs. Lenora Estadt were at Marietta last week. Earl Hayes visited Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pryor. Miss Sue Gildow spent Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and children, of Sarahs ville. Terry West, of Sarahsville, visited last week \yith Mr. and Mrs. Edson Clark and son, Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gildow and daughters. NEED MONEY fPR A VACATION? We supply it fast. Get enough to clean up bills too... and re lax. Don't worry about City Loan terms. They're easy for anyone to handle. LOAN MO. PMTS. $200 $11.41 500 26.30 800 39.82 25 month* time if desired 520 West Street Phone 69 Hours: Weekdays 9 to 5, Saturday 9 to 12 noon. 'Ty L© mam £000 MILES A MONTH ON CORVAIR THINKS in MARVELOUS GAS MILEAGE "OUT OF THIS WORLD" Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eahefin of Plant City, Florida, couldn't be happier with the way their new Corvair has worked oat as a combination family and business car. On their newspaper distribution route alone they travel more than 400 miles a week over all kinds of roads. Little wonder they're so pleased with the gas mileage they've been getting —"at least twenty-three miles to the gallon with an auto matic transmission ... and we've had no trouble with our Corvair." The Kahelins have equally good things to say about Corvair's easy going comfort and unique con venience features. They especially like the way the fold down seat doubles as a built-in baby sitter. CHEVY CORVAIR FOE ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION haven't driven ft yet you don't know what a delight driving can be. Its steering, response, traction and readability are unique because it's a unique car —the only U.S. car with an air-cooled airplane-type rear engine, transaxle and independent suspension at all four wheels. Be in on the know. Find out what delightful differences this advanced design makes. NHcSft&SmSttN Page Seven—B Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stan berry and family, of Dexter Citir, visited Saturday evening wityi Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark arid son, Tom. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peppl^s, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schafer artji son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Bern ard Carnes and son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt. Mil Lydia' Pryor, Mrs. Wanda man spent an enjoyable after noon Sunday at the home of My. and Mrs. Blake Pryor and son$, Junior, Jimmy and Billy. Tl*e afternoon was spent makirjg home-made ice cream. Mrs. Laurie Harriman, Mr. aqd Mrs. George Kroskpought and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mor rison and daughter, Sherry arid Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and daughters were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison. Mrs. Mary Lou Clark and chil dren visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and son, Tom. Mrs. Irene McCune, Mrs. Claga Morrison, Mrs. Elizabeth Mor rison, Mrs. Kathryn Poland and Beverly and Mrs. Joe Morrison and Sherry were callers at Calf well, Monday. Gerry Antill, of Macksburg, visiting Mrs. Ida Brotton and family of Rado. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gildow visited Sunday evening with Alex Bettinger and Bobby. Broadloom is the term used to describe the width, not construc tion, style or quality of carpels. It usually refers to carpeting woven on looms 6 to 18 feet.