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Red Cross THE JOIRXAL A Wkwsr.vrER IN AND FOR CAMUVKLI. AND NOBLE OUNWT PRINTED EVERY THURSDAY AT CALDWELL, OHIO Office: 309 Main Street Telephone 98 All Independent Democrat newspaper that goes into the homes of NoMe OMBty and covers the Caldwell business zone like the sunshine. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Outside Noble County— One Year $3.50 Six Months $1.75 NoWe County and Radius—One Year $3.00 Six Months $1.80 Itatered at the postofflce at Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio, .u Mrond class mall matter under Act of Congress oi March 3, ltti I A I O N A E I O I A Curtailment of the Red Cross activities in the county was necessary when the chapter fail ed to meet their quota in the last drive. Mrs. Josephine Davis, of South Olive, has been serving as executive secretary for the past several months. Those in charge of the Red Cross office during the week will be as follows: Monday morn ing, Mrs. Tarleton Tuesday morning, Mrs. Harkins Wednes day morning, Miss Lillian Har kins Thursday morning, Bqrnice Mills and Friday morning, Mrs. Robey. Alternates volunteer helpers will be Mrs. Adeline Jordan, Mrs. Quick, Mrs. Douglass, Mrs. Bar bara Cunningham, Mrs. Aliff, Mrs. Lorene Moseley, Mrs. Hut chinson and Mrs. Louise Lewis. Open Fridays Continued from page one falls on Sunday this year and will be observed on Monday, Memorial Day and July 4th. Armistice day opening or clos ing was discussed but final action delayed until a later meeting as it was pointed out that Caldwell is now the only community in this area that closes for the entire day. They will close at noon on Thursday and Friday for the Noble county fair and Good Fri day will be observed from 12:00 noon to 1:00 p. m. Clark Gray, Charles Lorenz William Estadt and Calvin Men denhall were appointed as mem bers of the Xmas hours com mittee. 1953 PONTIAC 2-door Sedan blue finish hydramatic transmission radio and Jieater. A nice clean one. 1955 PONTIAC CATALINA new white paint: radio and heater hydramatic transmission. Clean. 1955 BHICK SPECIAL two door Sedan white and 1lue finish radio and heater automatic trans mission and white wall tires. 1952 CHEVROLET 4 door: green finish radio and heater automatic trans mission. 1959 CHEVROLET BIS- AS^)C0T,0M Members of Ohio Newspaper As-m i.ition, National Editorial Association, Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc., Ohio Press News Service, and thl Newspaper Advertising Service. Inc. Published bv The Caldwell Journal Publishing Co., Inc. CLARENCE ESTADT, JOHN D. WHFELEB, President. Vice President. •accessor to The Journal, The Caldwell Press, Vhe Republican Journal and The Republican Continued from page one Another meeting of the staff volunteers will be held Tuesday, Aug. 23 at 9:00 a. m. and the annual Red Cross meeting is being set up for Tuesday. Sept. 27. CAYNE: 2-door sedan 6 cylnder powerglide a n s i s s i o n e a e green finish. Nice anc clean. 1956 OLDSMOBILE 88 HOL IDAY COUPE hydra matic transmission two tone green finish radio and heater: good tires 1957 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 4-door Catalina hydra matic transmission ra dio heater good tires two-tone blue finish like new. An extra clean car. 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 2-door 6 cylinder radio and heater: good tires green and black finish 1955 B1JICK SPECIAL, two door: yellow and white fiiiish 3 speed transmis sion radio and heater. 1957 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR STATION WAGON: V 8 engine: powerglide transmission radio and heater: green and vel low finish, like new. nice one. 1956 CHEVROLET DEL RAY 2 door V-8 en gine heater E-Z Ey glass black and white finish, with black and white interior. 1955 CHEVROLET two-door sedan cylinder stand ard transmission green finish and gray interior new brakes motor over hauled, and new piston rings, new rod bearings clean carbon and valves. KARl KRESS USED CARS IfOODSFIELD, OHIO Phone GR 2-1633 )r. Fred Cox Continued from page one low this week. He als expressed confidcnce that the il'GO mem bership would exceed that of the previous year. Tentative plans call for an evening luncheon meeting to be held for the entire 'menibershir during the month of September. It is hoped that Donald W. Stull, assistant director, Ohio depart ment of industrial and economic development, Columbus, can be ecured as the speaker, President Meek also reported the immediate urgency of completing that portion of the Ohio community survey booklet hieh pertains to Noble county and Caldwell. A meeting i scheduled for this Wednesday evening to review the question naire. Present at the meeting were President Meek, Secretary Lor enz, Walter Quick, Joe Yontz, John Hazard, M. A. Brienza, Robert Ralston and C. D. Elliott, directors. Ken Leighton and C. Estadt were absent. It was noted the number of firms or persons now listed as having contributed to the indus trial fund, designed primarily to purchase the 12.13 acres, south of Caldwell, totals 62. The land was purchased fi"om Mrs. Ignatz Fox by the Noble County Chamber of Commerce for use in promoting its indus trial development program. The property was purchased for $600 per acre and the fund drive netted the industrial group $6,200. The remainder of the money to purchase the land was laken from general fund. As con tributions are received, the gen eral fund will be reimbursed. Chamber of commerce mem bers participating in the fund drive, in addition to those previ ously listed, include Willis Ogle, of Ogle's restaurant, Dean A. Reed Motor Sales, Dr. J. B. Jen ins, Evilsizers' Plumbing & Heating, and Bill Ferguson bar ber shop. "rooked Tree Continued from page one where he would spend the night if it did rain he replied, "guess it will be still outside." He plans on following the highway and hopes that he will have no trouble as far as the state highway patrol or city police forces are concerned. Buck, his horse, seemed raring to go and pranced through Cald well with his head high, looking like a horse from the Queen's own stables. Wayne plans on spending a few days with his parents and then returning to Crooked Tree i the same mode of travel. This story certainly exempli fies the saying, "Where there is will, there is a way." So if you don't have a car and yet have that yearning for new ad venture and new excitement, buy or borrow a good horse, plan your route, and good luck. OBITUARY MRS. IDA M. OKEY Ida Mary Okey was born April 17, 1890, in Noble county and departed this life at Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge July 15, 1960, being 70 years, two months, and 28 days of age. She was united in marriage with Orville Okey and to this union nine children were born She was a member of the Crum Ridge Church of Christ. Surviving her are her husband and the following children Mrs Freda Woodford of Sardis, Mrs Ethel Hill of Caldwell, Mrs Odessa Reed of Summerfield Mrs. Opal Gary of Canton, Mrs Sylvia Babik of Cleveland, Mrs Beulah White of Caldwell. Miss Fanchion Okey of the home Clarence Okey of Newark and Bernard Okey of Caldwell. Also surviving are 15 grand children and 13 great-grandehil dren and a host of other relative and friends. Her memory is so dear to us, It never can depart. It can't because it's part of us, It is carved upon our hearts Card of Thanks The family wish to extend their heart felt thanks to Rev Mildford R. Carey, the Mallett funeral home, pall bearers friends and neighbors. Also thanks to all who sent flowers food and to anyone who helped in any way. Your kindness shall always be remembered. 4pd. The Okey Children I Bogus Checks Continued from page one eral states, blank check books from a number of banks and driver licenses from several states. Sheriff Conaway said today that he was wanted in at .least three states and five different communities in Ohio. Since he could only be charged this county with "intent to fraud" he was removed to the Guernsey county jail where he will face a charge of issuing bogus checks. Preliminary investigations in dicated he is wanted in Saginaw, Mich., in Jewett, Sandusky, Cam bridge and also Harrison count\ on the suspicion of issuing worth less checks. Baldwin had been using "the alias of Fred Raymond and sai he represented an Ohio chain of I hoe stores. Baldwin is married and has wife and two children living Massillon. TB Levy Continued from page ont All three of the commission ers, F. C. McNutt, C. K. VanFo. and A. E. Secrest voted the village that breakdowns oi the "broom" would not normaIIv be too serious in that he could secure repairs within one or two days time. Approves Annexation Technicality in the previon enactment of the village ordin a n e e a n n e i n 7 1 a e s i n i n Sunset Hills division to the i lage of Caldwell, necessitate! council reapproving this villa,i legislation. The suspension of the rules e u i i n e e e a i n s a separate meetings, was approve, and the annexation of the 7 acres was finalized by a vote five to one. Councilman Ed Ullman en the dissenting vote. He Sprague, of the Sprague Elec tric Co., Marietta, presented to council a possible solution to the traffir light. problem that exis Caldwell. Two new tratfi lights will be purchased to place the old ones on USR 21 on the public square. The new lights will be equipped so that they can be timed with the flashers at the fire depart ment exit to reflect an all-red signal at the time of an emer gency. Additional study on the traffic problem will be taken under advisement by Mayor Howiler and details worked out with the Marietta firm. Approves Defense Budget Council approved civil defense budget for the village which calls for 12V2 cents per capita. Ap proximately $250 was set aside for the village's participation the program. Gerald Ramage is Caldwell and Owen Pickenpaugh is director for the conntv. Present at the meeting Tuesday evening were Councilman Ed Ullman, Robert Ralston, Dean Reed, Dwight F. Wiley. Robert Whitcomb, and Donald D. Nich ols, Mayor Howiler and Clerk Violet Morgareidge. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin-| cere thanks to all friends and relatives for their kindness to I us in the loss of our wife and daughter, Bernice Young Wirth. Special thanks to Rev. Wikander, the palLbearers and McVay funeral home. Walter Wirth 4pd. Mrs. J. W. Young Filtering Plant in favor of submitting the TB lev.\ to the people of Noble county this coming Nov. 8. The board of commissioners also accepted the road petition of Erwin Newton, et. al., of Jack son township, Walter Henry, ?. al., of Seneca township, and Mar cus Gant, et. al., of Marion town ship and portions of these roa will be placed on the township system. They also agreed to transfer !20,000 from the auto licerw the road and bridge fund and $5,000 from the road machin ery fund to the material am! supply fund of the county high ways. An agreement was also signed by the board with the Bethesd hospital association in ZanesviH to provide hospitalization indigent persons from tbi •ounty. Buys "Broom" Continued from page one that the procedure followed will result in the filtering of 750 gallons per minute or i,080,000 gallons in 24 hours. The estimated cost of the in stallation is $12,000, according to Burgess and Niple, consulting engineers on the project. But since the employees of the plant will do the actual work, it is expected that several thou sand dollars will be saved on this estimate. The financial arrangements wil! i Home Grown Home Grown \v is not in compliance with the law. The only other comment n the "broom" purchase was by Council Robert Whitcomi: who referred to the maintenam-i of the equipment. Bond assured 6 state* that the annexation was to, costly for the village. Lee Croe!* 3 of three petitioners, w i present in the interest of tlu ordinance. Other petitioners ii eluded Mrs. Gertrude McGreg( and Reuben Schafer. Meter Ordinance The third reading of the n vised parking meter ordinan was passed and approved. The o v i s i o n s o e o i n a n e w i make it possible to place rnelei all streets leading from thr public square and also in area where parking meter installations are considered feasible. Apnroves Budget Council, after making only one minor change, approved the 1W1 budget as prepared by Clerk Vio let Morgareidge. New Traffic Lights DANDY FREE NESTLES THE JOTJRNAE, CALDWELL. OHIO Continued from page one Ktr ylllotp council and it will be necessary that an ordinance be passed providing for the issuance and sale of the needed revenue bonds. The sealed bids will be re ceived until noon on Aug. 9 by the board for the furnishing, in cluding delivery to Caldwell, of the following One 6" filter rate of flow controller capable of auto matically maintainihg a uniform rate of flow through a gravity sand filter at any predetermined rntr Virtv.vcr th'* 'hnit" n* 115 00" Minus are TOPS at BALL'S Home Grown Grower's Grade PEACHES 5 55 SWEET CORN POTATOES 50 TOMATOES 10 La rac, Fresh, Crisp, SPECIAL PRICE!! Friday and Saturday Only C0C0-C0LA 6-oz. Boftles 25 PLUS DEPOSIT ON EXCHANGE CONN'S FRESH POTATO CHIPS YOt'R CHOICE OF BAG- 59' 49' 39" 25 0LE06i$1°° ICE COLD COCA-COLA Friday and Saturday Only CANNED MILK 8 cori*o.\ FREE COII'O.N WO Kill 10 ON PURCHASE OF 2 PACKAGES OF ARCHWAY COOKIES! GOOD ONLY AT BALL'S SUPER MARKET IN CALDWELL woictii and 615,000 gallons per 24 hours. The controller will be attached to a horizontal pipe and shall have 90 degree discharge ell. Flanges shall be 125 pound stand ard and one-set of indicating rate of flow and loss of head gauges mounted on a single pedestal to be installed on the operating floor above the controller. The board stated that a bid will be accepted or all bids may be rejected within 30 days after opening the bids at noon on Aug. 9. The bidder must also rr pir.. rnn *r dr1:vcrv t:-nr. in Caldwell! 59 2 lb. Basket HEAD LETTUCE 2-29 $**49 Firemen's Festival PORK LIVER 2 BUCKEYE In Cello BACON DAVID DAVIES SHOP HERE AND ENJOY BIG SAVINGS Continued from page o*e 11:00 p. m. the same evening. On Saturday evening at 6:00 p. m. the big parade of the fes tival will get under way. Fire fighting equipment from many different communities will be participating and trophies are to be awarded to the truck com ing the greatest distance, the best appearing pumper, best ap pearing emergency, best comical outfit and the oldest apparatus. A cash prize of $10.00 will also hr trivr-n tn the be-! amr i: mi: Sweet and Juity 2 8 lb, avg. CALIFORNIA Red Grapes JI'ICY LEMONS 'Kitchen-tested SMOKED CALL AS: From U.S. Good Grade Beef ROUND STEAK $1°° io 25-Lb. iHag ENRICHED FLOUR V Thursday, July 21, I960 I horse in the parade Saturda\ night and three cash prizes oi $15.00,-$10.00 and $5.00 to the best appearing floats. The Midwest amusement com pany of Columbus will again furnish the rides with all the concessions to be operated by the fire department or local organizations. Members of the department hope to realize enough from the festival this year to make a sub stantial down payment on their new fire truck which they re cently ordered and which will be doTveteo h: .T.,n,i ,rv. 1HCT WATERMELONS 25 39 GOLD MEDAL FLOUR $169 35 39 i 3 3 79 DAVID DAVIES Pickle- Pimento Loaf Lunch Meat BFI K In Your Jug Cider Vinegar 49 S O E O U S Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. Thursday 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. Saturday 8:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. lb w 49 CALDWELL, OHIO