Newspaper Page Text
Page Sir e cicome, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Lincicome, of Dexter City route 1. 1955 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-door Sedan, V-8 en gine automatic trans mission radio and heat er scat covers and good tires. 1951 FORD V-8 standard transmission black fin ish good tires. 1956 FORD CLIJII SUDAN MR. AND MRS. CLYDE ERVIN LINCICOME Photo by Teters Free Methodist Church Is Setting For Morris-Lincicome Nuptials Rev. James Mason officiated at the double ring ceremony on July 9, 2:30 p. m. at the Free Methodist church, Caldwell, in the presence of the immediate families, for the wedding of Miss Ruth Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Morris of Caldwell route I V-8 engine radio and heater and three-speed transmission. 1958 FORD VICTORIA, 2 door V-8 engine auto matic transmission ra dio and heater good tires black and while finish, with black and white interior. 1956 FORD CROWN VIC TORIA V-8 engine, aut O a i transmission padded dashboard for safety power steering, power seat and power windows black finish and white wall lires. 1955 NASH RA!MR1J 4 door Station Wagon, cylinder radio heater two spot lights new seat covers. A-l shape ready to go. 1957 MKRCURY, V-8, Push button transmission ra dio heater good tires seat covers black and white finish, like new An extra clean one. 1956 STCDI:BAKI:R CHAM I'lON 6 cylinder stan dard transmission heat er two-tone green fin ish, like new motor overhauled, new rings and bearings. A one owner car. 1957 STl'DICBAKKR COM IMANDI'-R V-8 engine automatic transmission radio and heater powc brakes white and blue finish. A nice clean car. TEN CARS of ASSORTED RIAKES, priced $100 to $.*550.00. Ideal cars for work, hunting or fish ing. KARL KRESS USED CARS WOODSF1ELD, OHIO Phone OR A"* 5, to Clyde Ervin Lincicome, sor of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lin-|pataskalat E. RUTH GUL1CK Whigville Resident Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. John W. Guliek Sr., of 155 MeCleary Avenue. Cambridge, formerly of Whig ville, announce the engagement oi their daughter, Eleanor Ruth to Pfe. James W. Kernan, son ot Mrs. Edward W. Burnett, Jr., ol 201 South 12th street, Cam bridge. The bride-elect is a graduate of Cambridge high school with the class of 1960 and is employed at the National Truck Stop. Pfe. Kernan is a graduate of Steubenville high school ami is currently stationed at Fort Dcvens, Mass. No definite date has been set fiM' tile wediliiii.',. "Economy" ZIPPER BAG AltHY-ALLS Tough, rubberized fabric Water-proof and durable Ideal for carrying swim suits, gym or golf togs, baby needs, photo accessories, etc. 14-inch $1.59 ijiu* 16-inch $1.98 18-inch $2.25 i)lus HILL'S plus tax tax Local W.C.J.U. Meets At Heddleson Home The Caldwell WCTU met Fri day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Minnie Heddleson on West street with 13 members and guests in attendance. Mrs. H. M. Shafer presided and opened the meeting with prayer. Lois Ziler led the devotionals assisted by Mattie Groves and Roberta Cleary, who read the scripture. Mrs. Lois Jennings, program leader, reviewed a chapter in the study book, "Real Living," with everyone participating. Poems were read by Miss Effie Warren and guests Mrs. Lucie Fleming of Marietta and Mrs. Bellzora DeVoll. A nominating committe was appointed to report at the Aug ust meeting to be held in the home of Miss Warren on Walnut street. The committee consists of Roberta Cleary'Mattie Groves, and Edna Tarleton. Mrs. Herbert Ullman read the minutes and a thank you note from the Veterans hospital, San dusky for two afgans sent to them by the ?roup. The meeting closed with the Aaronic benediction. Mrs. Heddleson was assisted by Mrs. DeVoll in the serving of I delicious refreshments. ENJOY PUNIC DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sanford entertained Sunday with a picnic dinner at their home near Pine lake. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sanford, Reb ecca and Earl of Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sanford and Robert, Mrs. Robert Davis, Sue Ellen and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patten, Randy, Jerry, Rodger and Brenda. VISIT PARENTS Mr. and Mrs. James M. John- sori anc For her wedding the bride !"B.and Sundnyin Caldwell with street-length dress wore a white nylon lace over taffeta which featured a full skirt. She arried a white Bible topped with white and pink carnations nd white lace streamers tied in over's knots. She also wore white accessories. of Serving as matron -of honor was Mrs. .Carol Louise White, sister of the bride. She wore a street-length dress of pink nylon with white accessories. A cor age of white carnations was pinned to her shoulder line. Serving as best man was Earl Thomas Lincicome, brother of the bridegroom. The new Mrs. Lincicome grad uated from Belle Valley high school with the class of 1958. Mr. Lincocome graduated from Dexter City high school with the class of 1953 and has served two years in the U. S. Army. He is presently employed with the Noble Tractor Sales The couple is residing in Maple Heights where their home was n readiness daughter Marianne of spcnt Saturday eJen- the.r_parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ziler. LADIES" Demonstrate O N S A Gifts for coun try's largest parly plan co. No Invest ment good commission guaranteed nulse T.V. advertising. Nanta's Helpers Co. Write or phone "Mildred Unit. 7M N Mh St. CambridKO, ohm. I'lioni .i-'MiKi. A A A LADIES' COORDINATED Skirts and Tops lA off All New Summer Merchandise LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' Coats Suits Toppers Coats Suits Toppers Coats Suits Toppers V3 V2 AN° V3 V2 V3 V2 THE JOUHNAC, CALDWEED, OHIO Announcement Made Of Marriage Performed In Follansbee, W.Va. Miss Marlene Welshans, daughter of Joseph W. Welshans of Follansbee, W.Va., and Russell Paige Curtis, son of Mrs. Margaret Curtis of Follansbee, formerly of Summerfield, were married Sat urday evening, June 25, in the Hooverson Heights Church of Christ in Follansbee. Franklin Karns and Vernon Welshans, brother of the bride, officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bridegroom is a grand son of the late Thomas and Min nie Haga Briggs, ot Caldwell, and the late J. Thomas and Mol lie Okey Curtis, of near Sum merfield. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of hand chipped Chantilly lace and pleated nylon tulle over saitin. The bodice was styled with sabrina neckline outlined in sequins and pearls, and long, tapering sleeves. Swirls of pleat ed nylon ruffles decorated the bouffant lace skirt. A scalloped queen's crown of tulle and seed pearls held the bride's finger tip length veil of French illus ion. White carnations and pom poms with pink sweetheart roses formed her bouquet. Mis? Judy Westlake was maid of honor wearing a dress of white organdy and pink and white tissue gingham and a white picture hat. Miss Judy Davis and Mrs. Esther McCoy were bridesmaids dressed in blue and white dresses styled like the maid of honor's. Their bouquets were cascades of pink, blue and white summer flowers. The bridegroom and the male attendants, all members of the U. S. Marine Corps ceremonial guard drill team, weit in full dre^s blues. Howard Dickson was best man, and 'liam Rog ers and Merle Johmton were ushers. Litle Jeffrey Wright served as ring bearer. Following a southern wedding trip, the new.yweds will live in Washington, D. C. Both are graduates of Follansbee high school. Mrs. Curtis formerly was a member of the Herald-Star staff in Follansbee. Mr. Curtis, who attended West Liberty State college, is with the U. S. Marine Corps cere monial guard company rifle drill team in Washington. LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES Juniors Misses' Half Sizes Juniors Misses' Half Sizes Juniors Misses' Half Sizes From Regular Stock All New Spring and Summer Merchandise From Regular Stock All New Spring and Summer Merchandise From Regular Stock All New Spring and Summer Merchandise \A to Vs off \A to Vs off \A to Vs off moke Ladies' Sleeveless Blouses lA to off ALL SALES FINAL NO CHARGES NO APPROVALS NO LAYAWAYS NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS GIRLS' GIRLS' GIRLS' off AN moke off AN moke off am MRS. RUSSELL P. CURTIS Silver Spur Riding Club Holds Regular Meeting Tne Silver Spur Riding club held their monthly meeting Fri day evening, July 15, in the basement of the Reed and Wheeler Sinclair service station on Olive street. Karl Rogers, president of the Buggy Wheel riding club, Cam bridge, met with trustees and the ribbons and trophies were or dered for the horse show which is to be held on the first night of the Noble county fair, August 31, at 7:00 p. m. Betty June Sereseen resigned as secretary and the club voted to have Mildred Reed to take over the duties. The club also made plans to ride in the fireman's festival parade on Saturday evening, July 30, as a group. They are to meet at the R. D. Buckey feed store at 5:45 p. m. to get ready. Refreshments of cup cakes and coffee were served by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Cicor^e Womack. t-di" t-di" ONE RACK y2 ONE RACK y2 ONE RACK ONE RACK BOYS BOYS BOYS Happy Birthday Hhufsday, July 21 G. P. Moore (90). Friday, July 22 Maggie Cooper (82), Mary Woodard, Mrs. John Snyder, Calvin Chester. Saturday, July 23 Mrs. J. C. Glasgow, Joyce Car ter, Otis King. Monday, July 25 Bobby Lee Sanford, Merwin Ball, Mrs. Ed. Ball, Jane Rad cliff. Sunday, July 24 Alfred Duesenberry. Tuesday, July 26 Clifford Slay, Helen Conaway, Bill Ferguson. Wednesday, July 27 Mrs. Wade Longfellow, Blake Davis. Thursday, July 28 Betty Sue Garrett, Shirley Pangle, Lylan Stringer. Friday, July 29 Phil Chandler, Mrs. John Morris. Saturday, July 30 Merritt Mendenhall, Wes. Cun ningham, E. E. Cunningham. Sunday, July 31 Jack W. Vaughn, Charles E. Wheeler. Homebuilders Class Has Regular Meeting The Homebuilders class of the First Methodist church planned a picnic for Monday evening on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Shamhart, but due to rain, it was held in the church base ment with Mr. and Mrs. James Hinkle as companion host and hostess. There were 35 members present. Mrs. Roy Smith, president, conducted the business meeting during which plans were made for the stand at the Noble county fair. MARRIAGE PERMIT One marriage permit was is sued this week by Probate Judge Earl P. McGinnis to Neil Baker, 18, of Jackson township, con struction worker, and Nancy Clark, 16, also of Jackson town ship, a student. According to the journal entry they were mar ried July 16 at Beverly by Rev Charles Dowdell. Gray's ...JULY CLEARANCE SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 22 skikts skikts Off Off 14 V3 Off 14 V3 Off LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' Shorts- Bermudas Pedal Pushers Slim Pants Shorts- Bermudas Pedal Pushers Slim Pants Shorts- Bermudas Pedal Pushers Slim Pants Knit T-Shirts YA Knit T-Shirts Y Knit T-Shirts Y A A Y to V2 off to V2 off to V2 off Tots thru Teens Tots thru Teens Tots thru Teens y y y Bathing Suits Bathing Suits Bathing Suits Swim Wear Swim Wear Swim Wear Tots thru Teens Tots thru Teens Tots thru Teens YA A Y A to Ms off to Ms off to Ms off PLENTY OF HOT WEATHER AHEAD BE READY FOR VACATION! GRAY'S IN CALDWELL Simplicity Marks Wedding June 25 Of Miss Franklin and Charles Cowgill THE COWGILLS Circle One, Holds Meeting In Rucker Home Circle I of the United Pres byterian church, met for their July meeting in the home of Mrs. William Rucker. Mrs. W. C. Harper led the devotionals. Mrs. Willard Hick man, chairman, conducted the meeting and reviewed the study book, "The Hymn Book of the Ages." Mrs. William Mclntyre gave the closing prayer in Japanese. Mrs. Charles Evilsizel", presi dent of the Women's association, announced a retreat, September 20 from 10:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. for women of the Muskingum Presbytery at the United Pres byterian church here. Refreshments were served. Hostesses were Mrs. Rucker, Mrs. Vere Miller and Mrs. Hick man. There were eleven mem bers present. A 1 A 1 1 E Mi.k kMi/i bj Ballsing Suits */4 to Ms off CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S Coats and Toppers Coats and Toppers Coats and Toppers Thursday. July 21, 1960 Mr. and Mrs.#Donald Franklin of Summerfield are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Carolyn Marlene to Charles Ervin Cowgill, son of Linnie and Ervin Cowgill of Mt. Ephraim. The double ring ceremony was an event of Saturday evening, June 25, at the Church of Christ in Cambridge. Evan. William Craddock officiated. Toddlers thru 14 Toddlers thru 14 Toddlers thru 14 V3 to Ms off V3 to Ms off V3 to Ms off Values to $14.98—-Now Values to $14.98— -Now Values to $14.98— -Now Attending the bridal couple were Miss Gara Sue Leek, of Caldwell route, and Ronnie Mc Connell, of Mt. Ephraim. For her wedding, the bride chose a still blue dress, with white lace. She wore white accessories and a shoulder cor sage of red roses. A reception followed the cere mony. The former Miss Franklin is a senior at Sarahsville high school. Mr. Cowgill graduated from Sarahsville high school with the class of 1956 and is a factory worker. The newlyweds are presently residing with her parents. Caldwell L.T.L. Holds Meeting In Shafer Home Mrs. H. M. Shafer was hostess to the members of the Caldwell Loyal Temperance Legion for their July meeting in her home on North street. The meeting was opened with group singing "For God So Loved The World." The scripture was read by the president, Judy An derson, who conducted the meet ing and read a story on "Inde pendence." They sang "America" followed by the pledge of allegiance to the American and Christian flags. Sharon Wikander, secretary, read the minutes and called the roll with the response being a favorite flower. The group gave the LTL pledge and yell followpd by the bene diction. The next meeting is to be Wednesday, August 10, at 7:00 p. m. in the home of Brad Doug las and David Kiddle. One guest present was Sharon Hannum and Mrs. Dean Riddle acted as director in the absence of Mrs. Billa Patterson. Others present included Bever ly and Rose Marie Rummer, Joy West, and Charles Hummer. TOPPERS TOPPERS TOPPERS ONE GROUP ONE GROUP ONE GROUP CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S Dresses and Suits Dresses and Suits Toddlers thru 14 Toddlers thru 14 lA A ALL CHILDREN'S SUMMER ALL CHILDREN'S SUMMER Play Clothes Play Clothes Boys' Girls' Boys' Girls' \A \A $5 00 $5 00 $5 00 to V3 off to V3 off to Ms off to Ms off 315-315 Main Street Phone 106M