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Page Eight Journal Society Mrs. Hayes attended the wed ding in a light gray print dress with white accessories. She also wore a shoulder corsage of white carnations. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate families and immediately follow ing, a dinner was held at the Berwick hold in Camb' '.l^i\ O N 9 8 MAYTAG 3*% •v£ f. Sms#"3 Ww?'* Mil. AND MRS. JOIi.\ I. HAYES Photo by Teters Sarahsville Couple United Marriage July 9 At Cambridge The wedding of Miss Karen Sue Bates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bates of Caldwell route 6, and John Taylor Hayes, son of Gerald Hayes of Sarahsville route 1, was an event of Saturday eve ning, July 9, at 6:00 o'clock, in the Church of Christ at Cambridge, with Evan. William Craddock officiating the double ring ceremony. For her wedding the bride chose a street-length dress of pink chiffon over net and taffeta. It featured a fitted bodice", petal sleeves, a round necklace and a very bouffant skirt. A large bow accented the waist. A matching veil was held in place by a crown featuring seed pearls. A corsage of white carnations was pinned to her shoulder line and pearl earrings were her only jewelry. Serving as matron-of-honor was Miss Barbara Bond. She wore a dress of pastel blue chif fon over net and taffeta, featur ing a square neckline, a fitted bodice, and a very bouffant skirt. A corsage of white carnations was pinned to her shoulderline and she wore white accessories. Bud Meyer, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, served as best man. Mrs. Bates attended her daugh ter's wedding in a black crepe dress and wore black and while accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of white carnations. a favorite for three generations! n The new Mrs. Hayes is a grad uate of Sarahsville high school with the class of 1960 and is presently employed with the Journal office. Mr. Hayes is also a graduate of Sarahsville high school with the class of 1960, and is employed with the Western Electric Com pany in Columbus. The couple will reside in Rey noldsburg where their apartment is in readiness. Catholic Women's Club Holds Regular Meeting The mnnthly meetmg of the Catholic Women's club was held Wednesday, July 13, at the K of hall. The meeting was opened by Fr. Pakella and was in charge of the president. A report was made on the Catholic Women's Convention by those that attended and a spirit ual action report was made by Mrs. James Ackley. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Urban Nau, Mrs. Bill Nau, Mrs. Albert Crock, Mrs. Marjorie Postel, Mrs. Louella Macenko, and Mrs. Thelma Johnson. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Hugh Cox, of Sarahsville route 1, was admitted Monday to the Good Samaritan hospital, Z.dicsville. YUURb FOR ONLY Down PATTEN'S -Sir You Always Pay Less When You Select the Best! )aughter Honored On Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Harley McAtee enter tained Wednesday evening, July 13, with a surprise party for her daughter, Joyce, in honor of her seventh birthday. Games were played and the honored one received many love ly gifts. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Frank Hupp and daughter, Marianne of Mas sillon, Mrs. Joe Young and daughter, Deborah, Stanley and Terry Addis, all of Marieta, Elvin Seevers, Denver and Cortnie Hesson, Mrs. Rosa McAtee, Nancy Haas, Kathy and Deb bie Hesson and Martha McAtee, all of Elba. Shelley Rocco, of Dexter City, Mrs. Clyde McAtee, Betty Nau, Gerald Lewis, Susan, Sara and Bonnie Yost, Linda Vaughn, Mrs. Charles Hughey and children, Danny, Ronny, Gary and Den ise, Rosie Darrah, Mrs. Eileen Curtis and Brian, Cheryl, Linda and Danny Mackie, Mrs. Kate Ogle, and Mr. and Mrs. Harley McAtee and daughter, Judy, all of Macksburg. Charles Fowler Family njoys Reunion Sunday Recently vacationing in Cald well with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowler and 15 months old Chuckie of Denver, Colo, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Fowler and Sheila and Susan of Springfield, Mass. It was the first time Jack and Max had seen each other for five years. Sunday evening the above mentioned and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler, Barbara, Bobby and Nancy of Caldwell and other members of the Fowlei family enjoyed a picnic Supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benny Fowler and son, Tommy. Dioneer Girls Gel Award Presentations Annual encampment for the Pioneer girls of the Baptist church was held Thursday at the church with a number of achieve ment awards being presented. Guides who received manual arts badges were Mary Wikander, Julia Wikander, Pat Hogan, Kar en Beaver and Glendola Pryor. Those who received food arts badges were Dee Ann Brown, Debbie Brown, Paige West and May Wikander, who also was the only one to receive the Bible badge. Attendance awards to members who attended 36 out of 40 meet ings were given Pat Hogan, Kar en Beaver and Nancy Riley. The gold strip award for attending 40 out of 40 meetings went to Mary Wikander, Julia Wikander and Glendola Pryor, guide. The girls who won the foods art badges also baked the cook ies and served the refreshments following the encampment. Wii. DIANE LEE OGLE Caldwell Girl Is Announcing Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Marion Ogle, of Caldwell route 3, announce the engagement of their daughter, Diane Lee, to Pfc. Larry Arlene Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen- dcn Bates, of Beverly. Miss Ogle is a 1959 graduate of Caldwell high school and a June graduate of Bliss Business college, Columbus. She is pres ently employed with the State of Ohio, Public Welfare depart ment in Columbus. A 1959 graduate of Caldwell high school, Pfc. Bates is now serving in the U. S. Army and is stationed in Germany with the 541st Engineering Company. Wedding plans arc incomplete THE JOURNAE, CALDWELE. OHIO MR. AND MRS. HOWARD HUPP Double Ring Ceremony Unites Couple In Marriage, July 9 St. Mary's Catholic church, Fulda, was the scene Saturday, July 9, at 9:30 a. m. for the double ring wedding of Miss Carol Arnold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Arnold of Caldwell route 4, to Howard Hupp, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hupp also of Caldwell route 4. Rev. J. J. Donaldson officiated. Music was presented by Marie Miller, organist and Howard Nau, vocalist. Their selections in cluded "Ava Maria" and "On This Day Oh Beautiful Mother." The bride wore a floor-length gown of chantilly lace designed with a basque, bodice and a jeweled bateau neckline. Her gown also featured long sleeves that tapered to points over her hands and a bouffant skirt ac cented by tiers of lace and tulle in the back. She wore a finger tip veil held in place by a jeweled crown. Maid-of-honor was Marilyn Riterbeck, cousin of the bride. She wore a gown of mint green chiffon over taffeta and carried white and green carnations. Bridesmaids were Mary Rose Arnold and Mary Singer They wore dresses of yellow styled identical to that of the rnaid-of honor. They carried ye'l^w and white carnations. Serving Mr. Hupp as best man vas his brother, Norbert Hupp. Urhers were AnrJ. .• Miller and Ronald Hupp, cousins of the groom. Mrs. Arnold attended the wed ding of her daughter in a lilac dress with white accessories She wore a shoulder ccrsage of whi'c pom-poms. The mother of the groom wore Silver Spur Riding Club Enjoys "Trail Ride" The Silver Spur Riding club sponsored a trail ride at the home of Roy and Mavis Reed on Sun day, July 19 with a good attend ance. The group rode for a period of three hours through the hills and fields of Morgan and Noble counties. They saw lots of things of interest such as the big shovel of the Ohio Power in operation. At the end of the ride every one enjoyed a covered dish supper with pop and coffee fur nished by the club. Two riding clubs were repre sented and several visitors were present. Miss Barbara Lyons and Miss Margie Lyons, of Cumberland route 1, joined the club. DISMISSED HOME Karl Stritz, 26, who was struck with a .22 rifle pellet at hisjiome on July 4th, was dismissed Sun day from Good Samaritan hos pital, Zanesville, where he has been receiving treatment. Hospi tal attaches were unable to re move the bullet which is lodged in the chest cavity. Stritz and his wife were both hit by .22 rifle bullet at their home in Flor ence Addition, presumably by someone target shooting. JOIN OUR BLANKET CLUB! WE ARE PREPARING TO START ANOTHER BLANKET CLUB. To our many friends who have expressed a desire to enter this club, please contact us this weekend. TO ALL OTHERS- ask any of our personnel about this easy way to get a beautiful blanket, bed spread, comforter or pair of dacron bed pillows. 111 LL'S in Caldwell navy blue dress and also a shoulder corsage of white pom poms. Immediately following the wedding a reception was held in the St. Mary's hall, Fulda, for approximately 209 guests. Aides were Florentine Schell, Clara Crock, Margaret Schafer, Ella Weisent, Bertha Nau, Millie Nau, Clara Sailing, Alma Singer, Adeline Arnold, Delores Schafer and Cecil Ostroski. The new Mrs. Hupp is a 1958 graduate of Caldwell high school and was employed until recently as a clerk-typist for the state highway department in Colum bus. Mr. Hupp is a 1952 graduate of Caldwell high school and is em ployed as a surveyor in Cald well for the state highway de partment. Upon returning from a wed ding trip through the southern states, the couple will reside at Caldwell route 4. Out of town guests attended from Marietta, Canton, Woods field, McConnelsville, Columbus, Fairhope, handlersville, Ava, and Louisville. $ SUB-TEEN DRESSES ON. U,T ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE ONE LOT LADIES' SUN DRESSES 1 98 $2«8 ONE RACK QA LADIES' BETTER DRESSES 3 TIlKii: OM.Y—LAIMIS' Oil SKIRT AND BLOUSE SETS 'Z ONE LOT &"fQ8 GIRLS' SHORTS 1 ONE GROUP OF MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHORTS (Assorted Sizes) OM norr THICK & CH(J€K JM PLISSE ROMPERS •*V ONE LOT Sizes 30 to 50 Qft MEN'S WASH SLACKS Gigantic Parma Girl Completes Plans For Wedding To Richard D. Buckey, II Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guska of 7706 Wooster Parkway, Parma, are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Kathleen Guska, to Richard D. Buckey, II, of Cambridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Buckey of Belford Street. The wedding will be an even Ridgewood Methodist church with Rev. Charles Bright of ficiating. Miss Guska has chosen Mrs. Bernard Thomas to serve as matron-of-honor, Misses Char lene Paul, of Cincinnati, Karen Buckey of Miami, Fla., and Mrs. Merle Vandergrift of McCon nelsville to serve as bridesmaids, and Miss Lorraine Guska to be flower girl. Mr. Buckey has chosen Tom Ferguson to serve as best man and ushers will be Tim Fleming, Ward Murray, Jr., Gregory Buckey and Jim Guska. The bride will be given in marriage by her father and fol lowing the ceremony a reception will be held at the Kay-Dee hall in Parma. After a wedding trip to New Orleans, La., and Miami, Fla., the couple plan to reside in Cleve land. Miss Guska attended Ohio University and is employed at KYW Radio-Television, Cleve land. Mr. Buckey also attended Ohio University and is employed with the Economy Savings and Loan Company, Cambridge. Pakistan Guest Honored At Gathering Thursday Mr. Azizullah Khan from Pakistan, was honored Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Rich of Seneca Lake. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jonard and sons Paul, Dale, Billy and Bryan, Mrs. Bon nie Groves and son Allen, Homer Rich, Audry Long, Dickie Wys carver, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rich and family Tresa, Stevie and Ronda, Mrs. Nellie Graham, San dra, Darlene, Brenda, Jerry and Billy Rich, the honored one, host and hostess. Home made ice cream and cake was enjoyed by all. Mr. Khan, an IFYE student, left Noble county Friday morn ing for Columbus enroute to Col umbia, Mo. He has been in the county from June 10 to July 15. Lime Rock Council Enjoys Annual Picnic The Lime Rock Farm Bureau council had their annual picnic at Seneca lake, Sunday. Boating, swimming and a delicious dinner was enjoyed. Present were: Franz McNutt and daughters, Judy and Tammy, Miss Nancy Raccy, Miss Deloris Beckett, Carl Lori-, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parrish and daughters, Sally, Jody and Kriste Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Glen King, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radcliff and Mr. and Mrs. Paul McNabb. $-149 ViS SHOE SALE! Prices Reduced ... Save Money! Come in now for best buys Quality WEAR-U-WELL! Long's Factory Outlet Store 404 North Street Caldwell, Ohio of August 14, at 3:00 p. m. in the KATHLEEN GUSKA ngagement Announced 3y Cumberland Girl Mr. and Mrs. Brown Hall of Cumberland route 1, announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Margie Gale, to Lynn Ed ward Ogle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ogle, of Caldwell route 3. Both Miss Hall and Mr. Ogle are graduates of Belle Valley high school, class of 1958. The bride-elect is an employee of the Nation Wide Insurance Company, Columbus, and Mr. Ogle is em ployed at the Westinghouse Cor poration in Columbus. Wedding plans are incomplete. Wonder What Club Has Regular Meeting The Wonder What club met at the home of Greeten Woodford with Vest McFarland serving as companion hostess. Quilting and sewing rug rags were the diver sions of the day. At noon a delicious chicken dinner was served to: Edna Boyd, Nellie Chandler, Gladys Clark, Allie Garvin, Edith Gar vin, Guila Garvin, Hallie Hughes, Grace Radcliff, Carrie Reed, Martha Reed, Edna Smith, Fern Woodford, Nyla Woodford, Hazel Woodford, Clarace Zimmerman, Iva Stewart, Doris Garvin, a number of children and the hostesses. The next meeting is to be an all-day outing and picnic on Fri day, August 12. Everyone is to meet at the home of Fern Wood ford at 10:00 o'clock a. m. JULY CLEARANCE SALE Take Advantage of These Reductions In Warm Weather Apparel. GOOD SELECTIONS STRAW HATS $4.95 HATS—'educed to $3.69 $3.95 HATS—reduced $2.99 $3.50 HATS—reduced to $2.95 HATS—rcduced to $1.95 HATS—reduced to SPORT SHIRTS SHORT OR LONG SLEEVES $2.19 SPORT SHIRTS—now $1.69 $2.95 SPORT SHIRTS-"0* $2.39 $4.00 SPORT SHIRTS—now $2.95 $5.00 SPORT SHIRTS—now $3.79 $2.19 BOYS SHIRTS—now $1.69 KNIT SPORT SHIRTS SHORT SLLEVES $2.19 KNIT SHIRTS—now $1.69 $1J95 BOYS' KNIT SHIRTS—"0* $1.49 SWIM TRUNKS $2.19 SWIM TRUNKS-"0* $1.69 $1.95 BOYS'TRUNKS—now $1.49 MEN AND BOY'S BERMUDA SHORTS $4.00 BERMUDAS—"0* $2.95 $3.50 BERMUDAS—"0* $2.65 $2.95 BOYS' BERMUDAS-"0* $2.19 55c MENS and BOYS SPORT SOCKS- 39c JAMES A QUICK MEN'S AND BOYS' STORE Thursday, July 21, I960 Surprise Pink and Blue Shower Honors Mrs. Smith A surprise pink and blue show er honoring Mrs. Harry Smith of Ava route 1, was given Tuesday evening, July 12 at Mrs. Smith's home. Games, conversation and contests were enjoyed by all in attendance, with prizes awarded to the following: Mrs. Agnes Sayre, Mrs. Donna Poland and Miss Geraldine Nichols. The following attended: Mrs. Barbara Zudell, Mrs. Alice Phelps, Mrs. Ruth Miller, Mrs. Donna Nichols and daughter Ger aldine, Mrs. Agnes Sayre, Mrs. Mildred Gibson, Mrs. Pansy Po land and Jackie, Mrs. Mary Rob inson and Mary Ann, Mrs. Donna Poland, Miss Karen Ann Davis, Miss Bernadell Sayre, Mrs. Mary Hronec, Mrs. Betty Cater and Clyta, Mrs. Gladys Cooper and Sue Ann, Mrs. Winnie Moore, Mrs. Marie Harper and Cai l, Mrs. June Poland and Craig, Mrs. Lu cille Hall, Miss Nancy Archer, Mrs. Dorothy Hansen, Johnnie, Naomi, and Johanna, Mrs. Alme da Stottsberry and Terri. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were: Mrs. Alberta M^l lett, Mr. and Mrs. Tam Jennings, Miss Judy Fairhurst, Miss Join Oliver, Mrs. Faye Rayner, Mrs. Mickey Clark, Mrs. Elizabeth Danford, Mrs. Patricia Dan ford, Mi's. Daisy Buckley, Mrs. Elverna English, Mrs. Donna Ginn and Mrs. Patty West. Pleasant City Couple To Have Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. John Khune, of Pleasant City route 1, will cele brate their 50th anniversary on Sunday, July 24, with open house from 2:00 until 4.00 p. m. The Khunes were married on July 27, 1910 at Caldwell, and have spent their- entire lives in Noble county. The couple have six children living and three deceased. They also have 20 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren. Danny Miller Honored On Second Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller, of Sarahsville route 1, entertained Thursday evening with a chicken dinner in honor of their son, Danny Bert, on his second birth day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wells and Paul of Summerfield route, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Miller, Mrs. Grace Van Fossen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanFossen and children, Wanda, Susie, Larry, Lloyd and Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and children, Cora Lee and Tommi*, Denny Miller, the host, and honored one. $2.65 $2.19 $1.49