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1060 Due to the fact that the major ity of the little league managers requested this alteration on the playing field, it was approved. The standings reported this week are based on the score sheets that have been turned into the Journal office. Other games have been played but the man agers of the home teams have not turned in the score sheets. Game Results of Aug. 3 Dexter Citv—8 AB Steve Otfle. cf 3 Dan Warren, 2b 4 Jim Warren, ss 3 Dick Wilson, 3b 5 Mike Long, 5 John Ogle, If 3 Ken Wilson, 3 Gary Sabo, lb 4 Tom Barton, rf 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 8 Totals 32 Fulda—6 AB Don llill, lb 5 Dave Kress, ss 4 Ken Sailing, 3 Herm Hohman, 3b 4 Dick Tonnous, 4 Larry Schafer, rf 2 Vince Fox, cf 4 Bob Thompson, If 3 Bern Kickham, 2b 4 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 Totals 33 Dexter City 000 040 4 Fulda 002 202 0- Suil.set Hills—5 AB Dave Koval, 2b 4 3 S. Brown, lb j. 4 0 D. Davis, If 4 1 D. Hill, 3b 4 1 D. Carsey, 4 0 J. Carsey, 2 0 Dan Brown, ss 1 0 D. Stellfox, cf 3 0 D. Koval, rf 3 0 J. Estadt, ph 1 0 Totals 30 5 Macksburg—7 AB Mi neks, cf 5 Miller, ss 1 Cartell, 3b 2 Wears, If _• 3 Lewis, lb 4 Parks, 2b 4 Kemp, 4 D. Hughey, 3 R. Hughey, rf 2 Massey, ph 1 I Totals 29 10 Sunset Hills 200 102 0—5 Macksburg 000 232 0—7 Every small boy wonders why his father did not have sense enough to go into the candy and ico cream business. Grit. 1955 PLYMOUTH E V E DKRE 4-door Sedan: black and white finish red and charcoal inter ior automatic transmis sion: radio and heater. A nice one. 1955..PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4 door Sedan (j cylinder standard shift radio and heater two-tone blue finish body little rough. A good buy. 1956 PLYMOUTH V-8 Push button drive black anci blue finish, like new, blue trim, white side wall tires radio and heater. Ready to go. 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door Se dan V-8 engine auto matic transmission blue and black finish, like new heater and white wall tires. A nice clean car. 1953 PLYMOUTH CON- VERTIBLE green fin ish, like new good top and three speed trans mission with overdrive 1953 PLYMOUTH CON VERTIBLE: pushbutton drive blue finish. 1955 PLYMOUTH two-door Station Wagon V-8 en gine three speed trans mission black finish and good tires. 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 2 door V-8 engine auto matic transmission blue and black finish gooc rubber. 1954 PLYMOUTH E V E DERE 4-door yellow and white finish ail power equipment. 1956 DODGE CORONET 4 door sedan white, coral and red finish black and white interior ra dio and heater. A nice one. 1957 PLYMOUTH SUBUR- BAN 4-door Station Wagon 8 cylinder mo tor good tires low i e a e a u o a i transmission. An e x tra nice one. KARL KRESS USED CARS WOODSFIELD, OHIO Phone GR 2-1633 Three Teams Tied For Spot In Little League Softball Belle Valley, Macksburg and Sunset Hills are the three teams who are sharing the top spot in the Little League following play last week. Unusual interest is being shown in the play-off of this league with several more games yet on tap. John Barnhouse, little league commissioner, announced that five managers had approached him and asked that the pitcher's mound be moved ahead six feet from the place it normally sets for men's softball. Sarahsville—4 AB Gibson, 2 Kirk, 3 T. Gibson, ss 3 Hague, lb-c 3 H. Bates, 3b 3 Stottsberry, cf 2 West, rf 2 T. Bates, 2b 2 Bond, If 2 West, If (4th) 1 Hayes, cf (6th) 1 Mason, If (6th) •_ 0 Totals 24 4 Belle Valley—3 AB M. Mazgay, 3b 4 01 T. Mazgay, 2b 3 0 J. Mazgav, ss 4 2 R. Gaydos, If 4 1 B. Purvis, 3 0 W. Barnhouse, lb 3 0 M. Thomas, cf 3 0 S. Cartell, rf 3 0 C. Caldwell, 2 0 'Totals 29 3 Belle Valley 100 002 0 Sarahsville 000 400 x- Game Results of Aug. 5 Macksburg—11 AB Mi neks, cf 6 2 Kemp, 2 Wears, 1 Parks, lb 2 Lewis, 2b 2 Miller, ss 1 Cartell, 3b 0 P. Hughey, 0 Curtiss, rf 1 R. Hughey 0 D. Mackie 0 Tolas 45 11 Hill-Toppers—13 AB R. Devolld, cf 4 1 K. Schafer, 3b 4 2 L. Elliott, ss 4 1 M. Barnhouse, 4 1 L. Warner, 2b 4 3 M. Crock, If 4 2 D. Barnhouse, 4 0 D. Dyer, lb 3 2 B. Paxton, rf 3 1 Totals 34 13 Macksburg 300 501 2—11 HillToppers 002 254 x—13 Sunset Hills—4 AB Dave Koval, 2b 4 D. Davis. If 4 D. Hill, 3b J. Porter, D. Carsey, S. Brown Dan Brown, ss D. Stellfox, cf Dee Koval, If J. Carsev, rf 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 12 Totals' 25 Dexter City—3 AB Steve Ogle, cf 2 Dan Warren, ss 3 Jim Warren, 2b 3 Dick Wilson, lb 4 Mike Long, 4 Dave Lauer, rf 1 John Ogle, If 2 Gary Sabo, 3b 4 Tom Barton, 3 Leroy Reed, rf, 3 Terry Vaughn, ss 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 8 Totals 30 Dexter City 110 x--4 O o o -3 Belle Valley—8 AB J. Archer, 3b 4 M. Mazgay, 4 T. Mazgay, cf 3 J. Mazgay, ss 3 M. Hrinko, 2b 3 R. Gaydos, If 3 L. Purvis, 2 M. Thomas, rf 3 S. Cartell, lb 3 0 0 0 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 2 8 Totals 28 Fulda—3 AB Don Hill, 3 Dave Kress, ss 3 Larry Schafer, l.b 3 H. Ritterbeck, 3b 3 Robert Thompson, If Vincent Fox, cf Dick Tonnous, 3 Larry Hill, rf 2 Tom Singer, 2b 3 Sailing 1 Totals 27 Little League Standings Team Games W Pet. Belle Valley Macksburg Sunset Hills Hill-Toppers Sarahsville Dexter City Fulda 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Belle Valley 022 040 x—8 Man is not rational: he keeps looking for home atmosphere in a hotel and hotel service at home Farm Journal CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for the cards, gifts, flowers and favors that were given me dur ing my sickness. Also for the prayers that were offered in my behalf. They were deeply ap predated. God bless you all. Oleta Triplett, 7pd. Summerfield, Ohio PROBATE NOTICE Approval and Settlement of Account Accounts and vouchers of the fol lowing named persons and estates have been filed in the Probate Court of Noble County, Ohio, for approval and settlement. First and final account of Paul Mc Vay. administrator of the estate of Elmira Webber, deceased. First and final account of Mollie Roehrig, executrix of the estate of Albert H. Roehrig, deceased. First and final account of A. D. Whealdon. administrator of the estate of Lucy Whealdon, deceased. First and final account of Earl Wil liam Noll, guardian of Richard Ray mond Noll. Fifteenth (15th) partial account of Eleanora Warner, guardian of Simon J. Warner. First and final account of Louella Khune, administratrix of the estate of Marion Khune. deceased. First and final account of Louise Walters, administratrix of the estate of Anna L. Archibald, deceased. First and final account of Geneva I. Carpenter, administratrix of the estate of Violet Jean Bailey, deceased. First, final and distributive account of Martha Secrest, administratrix of the estate of Woodrow Secrest, de ceased. Unless- exceptions are filed thereto said accounts will be for hearing be fore said Court, on the 12th day of September, 1960, at which time said accounts will be considered and con tinued from day to day until finally disposed of. Any person interested may file written exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution of the trust, not less than five days prior to the date set for hearing. EARL P. McGINNIS, Probate Judge Doris McKee, Deputy Clerk 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 .607 .667 .667 .500 .500 .333 .000 Noble Cookies The meeting of the Noble Cookies was held at Mrs. Aven elle Williams. The president call ed the meeting to order and the secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting. We decided upon when to decorate the float, and dis cussed committee project. After the meeting we worked on our projects. Refreshments and re creation was -enjoyed by all Maureen Dowling, reporter. Beaver Valley 4-H Club The Beaver Valley 4-H club held a meeting Tuesday, Aug. 2 at the Beaver local grade school. All members but four were present. Meeting was called to order by president, Dan Starr. Roll call and minutes of last meeting were read by secretary. Demonstrations were given by Dan Stan- and Daryl Long. A gun demonstration was also giv en by Paul Jonard and Don Smith which was enjoyed by all present. Refreshments were served by Carol Reed. The next meeting will be held Aug. 16 at the grade building at 7:30. There was no recreation at the meeting due to recreation leader absent. Jackie Bates, reporter. Three Fork Busy Bees The seventh meeting of the Three Fork Busy Bees was held at the home of Judy Heddleson. Plans for the talent show were discussed. There were four members present. Delicious re freshments were served. Cheryl Wells, reporter. The Three Forks Town and Country Boys The Three Forks Town and Country Boys met for their ninth meeting at Gary Tiltons. Demon stration contest were conducted and books were inspected. A re port on safety speaking contest was given. Roger lams placed third in the district. The next meeting will be at Bob Tarle ton's on August the 19th. All the members enjoyed recreation. Wonderful refreshments were served by Mrs. Tilton. Don Willey, reporter. Sharon Shamrock 1 The meeting was called to order and the roll call was ans wered by eleven members. Bills from the float were settled. Tic kets and money for the chicken barbecue were turned in. Plans for Style Revue were discussed. The next meeting will be Aug. 16 at 5:30ip. m. at the Marquis park. 0 FI 0 2 1 1 0 Joyce Cain, reporter. OBITUARY 3 7 SARAH ANN SPENCE BUTLER Sarah Ann Spence Butler was born Sept. 29, 1882, near Crum Ridge, a' daughter of Albert and Mary Butler and departed this life at the Good Samaritan hos pital, in Zanesville on Aug. 6, 1960, being 77 years, ten months of age. She was united in marriage to William Ayers in 1906 and to this union one daughter was born. Mr. Ayers preceded her in death, and in 1923 she was united in marriage with Henry Butler. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and daughter, Rosa Tucker of East Union, one sister, Rosa Curtis of Belle Valley, one brother, Brady Spence of Zanes ville. She also leaves six grandchil dren, Raymond Tucker and Elsie Pride of Zanesville Clyde, Car los and Delbert of East Union and seven great-grandchildren Two sisters preceded her in death. She was a member of the Crum Ridge Church of Christ. When the golden sun is setting In a far and distant land, I hope some day to meet my Saviour And shake his blessed hand And as I have trod my last mile I know he will welcome me home And greet me with a smile. Card of Thanks The family wishes to extend their thanks to each and every one who helped in any way during the sickness and death of our wife and mother, also to Rev. Brandon for his kind words The Brubach funeral home and to all who sent flowers. Thanks to all. The Family. TTTfl .TOTJRNAT,, AT/DWELT,. OHTO 2841 Mallards and Wood Ducks Set For Release This Summer A total of 2841 six-week-old mallards and wood ducks are scheduled for release this summer under terms of the duck pioneer ing project, it was announced by Karl Bednarik, wetlands biologist, Ohio division of wildlife. All but 82 of the ducks are mallards. Forty mallards have already been released at Seneca lake by County Game Warden, Cleetus" Carsey The release program, which started early in June, will be completed oft August 22, Bed narik said. There will be a total of 12 releases, one being made in some part of the state each week. The ducks were produced at the project hatchery on the Delaware wildlife area. Ducks are being released in each of the five inland districts and marked with colored bands and nasal discs to permit easy identification of the source. A colored plastic band is placed on the right leg and an aluminum U. S. fish and wildlife service band on the left. District colors are: 2 (north western) white 3 (northeastern) red 4 (southeastern) yellow 5 (southern and central) green, and 6 (southwestern) orange. District 4, which includes Noble county has the following distribution^ (all mallards) Sen eca lake, Noble and Guernsey counties, 80 Clendening lake, Harrison county, 50 Leesville lake, Carroll county, 50 Tappan Vuie Su^r Cane F%treW LAND 'O LAKES BUTTER lake, Harrison county, 49 Wolf creek wildlife area, Morgan county, 50, and scattered special study areas, 150. Bednarik pointed out as a final reminder that the purpose of these releases was not to provide immediate shooting but to estab lish brood stock which would nest and hatch to provide a per manent waterfowl flock in this and other areas. Ducks tend to return to the area where they learned to fly, so the program will mean better duck hunting in time. When buying sheets, look at the label for the maximum amount o shrinkage which should occur, suggest Extension home furnishing specialists at The Ohio State University. Recent research indicates that the most acceptable stocking ratio for Ohio ponds is 200 large mouth bass fingerlings and 1000 blugill fingerlings per surface of pond, according to Ohio State University Extension specialists. FOLGER'S INSTANT COFFEE 30c OFF LABEL 10-ox. JAR DOMINO SUGAR 5 "Thefop cropk in! Milky sweet and begging-for Land VINEGAR KENNY'S Big Gallon Jug Lb. Bag O'la kes oSmButfer 49 302 Noble Countians Get *19,387 In Aid The public welfare department reports the following aid for the aged assistance payments which were made for the month of July. Noble county had 301 recipients subject to federal participa tion for a total amount of $19,289 or an average payment of $64.08. There was one recipient not subject to federal participation for the amount of $98.00 with the average payment being the same. Total aid payments for 302 recipients was $19,387, or an average payment of $64.20. Other nearby counties report the following: Guernsey county had 939 re cipients subject to federal par ticipation for the amount of $59,161 with the average pay ment being $63.00. There were 20 recipients not subject to fed eral participation for the amount of $1,266 or an average payment of $63.30. Total aid payments for 959 recipients was $60,427, aver age payment'being $63.01. Monroe county had 453 recipi ents subject to federal participa tion for the amount of $27,845 with the average payment being $61.47. There were five recipients not subject to federal participa tion for the amount of $330 or an average payment of $66.00. Total wm FRESHLIKE VEGETABLE SALE SPINACH (Tender) PEAS and CARROTS WHOLE KERNEL CORN French Style GREEN BEANS CREAM STYLE CORN PEAS (Sweet and Tender) CUT GREEN BEANS BANANAS 10c i POTATOES 4139c aid payments for 458 recipients was $28,175, average payment being $6i.52. Morgan county "had 404 re cipients subject to federal par ticipation for the amount of $27,855 with the average pay ment being $68.95. There were four recipients not subject to federal participation for the amount of $524 or an average payment of $131. Total aid pay ments for 408 recipients was $28,379, average payment being $69.56. Perry county had 520 recipi ents subject to federal participa tion for the amount of $30,127 with the average payment being $57.94. There were 12 recipients not subject to federal participa tion for the amount of $531 or an average payment of $44.25. Total aid payments for 532 reci pienth was $30,658, average pay ment being $57.63. Washington county had 1,079 recipients subject to federal par -vs-i Your Choice 4 6* YACHT CLUB SALAD DRESSING !iftkfa Cans 45-49-55 Shank Portion Whole Butt Half Boiled Ham Royal Bacon HUTCHINS 11U 1 VIIIM*# ROYALt^ 10139' ^^LUE\s PEACHES SUPER MARKET USR 21, South Caldwell, Ohio Ample Parking Available! Page Fiva ticipation for the amount of $70,516 with the average pay ment being $465.35. There were 25 recipients not subject to fed eral participation for the amount of $1,304 or an average payment of $52.16. Total aid payments for 1,104 recipients was $71,820, aver age payment being $65.05. Tranquilizers To Reduce Shrinkage j.i«t atiesi ana strain of travel bears down heavily on cattle being sent by rail or truck from range to feedlot or from fatten ing pen to market. Injection of a tranquilizing drug by veterinary scientists at the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station reduced the shrink, but not enough to pay for the drug and handling of the animals. The Station workers do not feel the use of tranquilizing drugs to cut down on shrink is an econom ically sound practice. Weanling calves given the tranquilizer lost about eight pounds per head after traveling for 6% hours over a 205-mile i U n e a e e e o s shrunk 10 pounds per head. The two pounds less shrink was not enough to make the use of the tranquilizer worthwhile. Who errs and mends, to God himself commends. Thomas Shelton. HUTCHINS ROYAL BLUE Super Market FREE PARKING! HAMS lb 99 49 lb lb QUARTS