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Page Six—B Quaker City Four-H Club Counsellor Will Enter Ohio State, Columbus Vivian Watson, who has been employed at 4-H club camp near New Haven, Conn., this summer, has returned home last week and will enter Ohio State University, Columbus, as a junior, Seut. 23. Her brother, Ronald Watson attended 4-H club congress held on the campus of Ohio State Uni versity last week. They are son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Watson of Quaker City route 4. Enjoys Visit Mrs. Luna Woodland, of Sales ville, is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Sam Beetham and husband of Cleveland. In Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Edson Forsythe and Mamie Starr visited Mrs. Wm. Dollison on Tuesday at Good Samaritan hospital, Zanes ville. Mrs. Dollison underwent surgery there on Monday of last week. To Ohio State Mary Ann Alwine, daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Charles Alwine of route 3, has been visiting at her home after attending summer school at Columbus. She will en ter Ohio State University this fall for her junior year. Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. For dyce and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hall of Georgetown, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Voal and family of Lakewood, N. ,1. e DON'T HANG UP when "she" answers Teleph'tfit tftk* your call !mi to ettmded to pn Call ANYTIME- day «r aigfc Phone 273 COBA SERVICE DON FRISBEE—Technician N e e O N E Y and Mr. ana Mrs. Clarence Hall and family of Carrollton, en joyed a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hall recently. In Hospital Mrs. Wm. Dollison is a patient at Good Samaritan hospital in Zanesville where she underwent surgery recently. In Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sivard and children, Vereda Kay and Luetta Day of Tallmadge, visited this week with Mrs. Sivard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knouff, north of town. While here Mr. Sivard was admitted to Guernsey Me morial hospital, Cambridge for a few days medical treatment for an infected knee. New Teacher Earl Knouff has been hired in the local school as a social sci ence teacher until a regular teacher can be* found. Mr. Knouff is a former teacher of the school here. Enjoy Visit Misses Florence Daniels and Bertha Hall are spending some time at the latter's home on Smith avenue. Enjoy Party A merchandise party was held at the home of Mrs. Donna Sue Perry on last Thursday even ing. Mrs. Mildred Hoit was the demonstrator of Cambridge. Mrs. Luella Carpenter received the door prize and the hostess served refreshments. The next party will be at Garfield hall and Mrs. Nancy Carpenter and Mrs. Joyce Morgan will be hostesses. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carter of route last Thursday evening. Mrs. Freda L. Frakes, Main street, is staying with Mrs. Lot tie Morgan at the present time. Just say the word. We supply the cash quickly and privately. Our terms are made to suit each customer. The cost gets less as you re pay. You can clean up bills, buy bargains, and have everything in one thrifty account. You name it. We supply it... $100 ... $300 ... $500 or more. We will appreciate your call. 520 West Street Phone 69 Weekdays: 9:00-5:0ft Saturdays: 9:00-12:00 S COMING SEPT. 29... LQ& AVlNGS CO* MBMMBWSt^ililiiiiilMillllllWIWIilinWMWI YOU'LL NORMALLY GO 30,000 MILES BEFORE YOU SPEND A PENNY FOR A CHASSIS LUBRICATION 12 NEW FALCONS TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Register September 29 thru October 1 dick kki.uO! Ohioan Is Re-Elected National President Dick Kellogg, general man ager of the Central Ohio Breed ing Association, has been re elected president of the National Association of Artificial Breed ers for a third term.. His election took place recently during the group's annual meeting in Louis ville, Kentucky. Kellogg has been a member of the NAAB board of directors since 1956. The NAAB president was also commissioned a "Kentucky Col onel" by Bert Combs, governor of the state of Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Shively, north of town, have re turned from a six weeks trip to California during which they visited their son, John in Liver more, Calif. Their daughter, Josephine and their son, Richard Jr. in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Carter and son, Bryson and daughter, Anna Elaine have just returned 'from a trip to San Antonia, Texas, where they visited their son, Gerald. Class No. 9 of the Methodist Sunday school will meet at the home of Mrs. Maggie Loveall next Friday afternoon, Sept. 23 with Mrs. Lottie Moore, co-host ess. Pleasant Hill PLEAS AM i i ILL Mr. and Mrs. Melvin West and daughter, of Ava, visited with Vernon West and wife, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Musser, of Zanesville, spent Monday night with Carr Davis and wife. Mary Rogers spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Buster Nelson and family in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Cater Davis and »ns, of Akron, spent the week id with Carr Davis and other latives. Lafe Robins was admitted to (uernsey Memorial hospital, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Musser, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Larrick and Mrs. Ada Davis have returned tu their homes after visiting various points of interest includ ing Ford's museum and Green field Village in Dearborne, Mich., Ontario, Canada, Niagara Falls, also visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mosser in Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blake in Steubenville, Mr. and Mrs. Verle McLaughlin in Dearborne, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin had returned recently from a two months trip to Europe and during the even ing moving pictures were shown of their trip which were very interesting as well as educa tional. THE JOURNAL', CALDWELL, DHtO Harrfeftsville HARRIETT,SVILLK A pic nic supper was enjoyed Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Beardmore of Sum merfield route, in honor of Pvt. Roger Hendershot. Other guests were Mrs. Shirley Schafer, Mrs. Mary Lou Wheaton and Bill Payne, of Marietta, and Mr. ai Mrs. John Huffman and Johnny and Steve. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelby were guests on Sunday of Supt. ar i Mrs. Wallace Blake, of Zanes ville, and visited with the aunt, Mrs. Freda Bode who is a patient in the hospital there. Dinner Guests Mrs. Wanda Ullman, of Lows Salem, was a Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Bertha Johannir and Ann, Aundree and liarry. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson and son, Gary and Marilyn Sue Cun ningham spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of Mercer, Penna. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newhart, of Marietta, spent Friday night and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. John Lee and Johnny, of Canton, were week end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Lee. Other Sun day dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke and Donald and Myra and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lee and Eddie and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman visited Sunday with friends at Moundsville, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lallathin and Tommy and Julie Ann of Lower Salem route, visited Sun day with Jim Lallathin. Rev. Fr. O'Carroll, of Lore City, called recently at the Ed Schoeppner home. The annual Fall Festival of St. Henry's Catholic church will be held on Sunday, Sept. 25. A chicken and beef dinner will be served from 11:00 until 2:00 o'clock. Amusements in the after noon and a dance in the evening. Come and enjoy the day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schafer and Harry and Mrs. Lenore Esiadt visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carnes and son, of Belle Valley. Rev. Fr. Schleuter, Herman Papst, B. W. Ullman, Erval Stev ens, Roy Stephens, Riley McCon nell and Mrs. L. D. Schramm were business visitors at Colum bus, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jane Wilson in the home of Mr. an dMrs. Shirley Springer of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Feld ner visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Van Fossen. Jeffrey Thompson, of Lower Salem, spent Sunday at the Van Fossen home. Archie Davis and Gene Baker and their friends, of Ravenna, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Har old Baker and enjoyed squirrel hunting. Mrs. Minnie Stevens, Mrs. Lottie Crum, Justine Smithberg er, Mrs. C. E. Johanning, Mrs. Edith Stevens and Mrs. Emilene Schramm attended a home dem onstration meeting held Tuesday at Caldwell. Mrs. Rose Schoeppner and Mrs. Ethel Schoeppner were shoppers at Caldwell on Saturday even ing and visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Schoeppner and son. Mrs. Frett Fleeman and Mrs. Ola Schafer, of Caldwell, visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Haidet and sister. Mrs. Schafer also called on Mrs. Nel lie Dettinger. Mrs. Blanche Schafcr and Harry visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt, of Middleburg. Rev. David Hively and son, James Stewart and sons of Old GENERAL DECKER New Chief Of Staff Confirmed By Senate The appointment of General George H. Decker as the new Chief of Staff, U. S. Army has been confirmed by the U. S. Senate. General Decker will suc ceed General Lyman L. Lem nitzer who will become chair man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when Air Force General Nathan M. Twining retires later this year. Washington, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and Mary Ann of Staf ford and Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schramm, of Zanesville, were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm. Mrs. Pearl Ullman, Mrs. Emi lene Schramm and Barbara Wo oster were shoppers at Marietta on Friday and Saturday. Stafford STAFFORD There was a good attendance at the mission ary service Sunday evening at the Methodist church, Miss Mabel Deane from Lahore, India gave an interesting talk and showed slide pictures of India. Mrs. Kellis McCrosky is a patient in the Marietta hospital. Her mother is caring for the family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCon nell spent Friday with their daughter, Mrs. Lillie Mae Swavt out, of Woodsfield, who is on the sick list. Mrs. D. C. Hoguc, of Marietta, spent Tuesday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Odessa Miracle and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carey and son, of Washington, D. C., spent the weekend with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hughes, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson attended the wedding of their niece, Mary Robinson, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Sam Robinson, of Akron, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wammes, of Geneva, visited with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Holland and Eddie over the weekend. Mrs. Harold Robinson accom panied her mother, Mrs. Willard Mallett to Marietta, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hawkins and son, of Antioch, spent Fri daf evening with his father, Wm. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Miracle and Bruce, of Marietta, spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swort wood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hamilton and sons, of Zanesville, Fridaf and Saturday. Mrs. Frank Bonar and daugh ter, of Columbus, spent last Tuesday with Mrs. Tillie Bonar. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miracle and children were shopping in Woodsfield, Saturday, and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith. ELECT W. RICHARD DICK" F0CLE SHERIFF OF NOBLE COUNTY YOUR SUPPORT AND VOTE APPRECIATED Election: Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1060 Batesville BATESVILLE Mrs. Nellie Powell entertained with a Stan ley party at her home on Wed nesday p. m. Mrs. Betty Kohut of Kennonsburg, was the demon strator. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lubery, of Woodsfield, visited Sunday with Mrs. Pearl House and father, Andrew Needs. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warner and Mao Roe attended funeral services for the former's brother, John War ner of Dayton, Saturday. Sarah King and son, Wayne of Quaker City, called on Mrs. Mar tha Eagon, Saturday. The W.S.C.S. held their Sept. meeting at the church, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Frank Atkinson and Mrs. Paul Atkinson and Garry and Jacque were business callers in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glass Powell spent the weekend in Cambridge with Mrs. Joseph Powell. On Sunday they visited their son, Joseph Powell who is a patient in a veterans hospital in Pitts burgh. Mrs. Martha Eagon will enter tain the volunteer Sunday school at her home on Friday evening. Mrs. Bernice Weaver, of Sales ville, Judy and Dennis Bailey and Jack McDonald, Akron, Jack Tidyman of Columbus and Dean Roe, of Senecaville route, visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Betts, Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Key lor and son, Scott, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Manford Keylor and Mrs. Ray Keylor of Summerfield, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Montgomery, Sunday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Deal and sons, Mrs. Virginia McConnell and children of Barnesville route visited their aunt, Mrs. Virginia Nickles of Quaker City, Friday evening. Mrs. Cora Lowery and Mrs. Ethel Miller of Quaker City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Betts, Sunday. Mrs. Mil ler returned home Sunday even ing after visiting at the Betts home last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Christman and family spent Saturday even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Weber, of Lewisville. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher of Flushing, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vachel Flood and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ham mond, of Lore City route, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Betts. Mrs. Lizzie Cline who had spent the past week at the Betts home, returned with them. TALI FOR SHE? Trial Size with Purchase of... tliPSUPiR PLENAMINS America's Largest Selling Vitamin-Mineral Product BUY of /2 tablets at and regular price get a bottle of 18 FREE! $6.19 A "TO Savo Value $1.40 11 Vitamins, 12 Minerals in Each Tablet Use the free trial size—if not sat isfied return large size unopened for money back. COME IN—SEE THE OTHER SUPER 4 SPECIAL PLENAMINS OFFERS I AT OUR DRUG STORE DALE J. SCHOEPPNER Harriefisville Youth Completes His Training Dale J. Schoeppner, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner, a graduate o* Elk local high school, Harriettsville, and of Andrew's barber college in Columbus, is now employed with Britton's Barber Service in the St. Clair building on Putnam street, Mari etta. Schoeppner was employed with the Marietta Concrete Co., before entering barber college. special service from us to you. 2 GREAT PAINTS FOR YOUR OWN DECORATING! i i (UMBiRLAND ST. It takes some TALL medical research to develop the miracle drugs that cure so quickly. This necessarily makes them expensive. However, at Ralston's you can depend that your prescriptions will be as reasonable as possible. A camera as small as a pack of cigarcttes?? YES, WE HAVE IT MINOLTA-16 MINOLTA A-5 MR. FARMER! Cool weather is coming. Do you have plenty of PENICILLIN lOOcc -1 tmn Thursday, September 22, ljJ60_ Senecaville SENECA V11 .LE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryant recently visited friends in Pinerville and London, Ky. Pic. James Brown of the U. S. Army, is spending a 30-day fur lough with his wife and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Moor head. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Williams, of Marietta, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Booth, of Columbus, visited Ernest Bas ford and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Booth last week. Miss Darlene Cunningham, of Byesville, visited Miss Janice Pryor, Tuesday night. Bill Booth, of Columbus, spent the v/eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Watson, of Sarahsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Dettra, Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Secrest and family, of Wooster, spent the weekend with Raymond Sec rest and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Burns and attended the wedding of Miss Mary Kay Hollingshead and James Burns Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Parks, of Caldwell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Parrish last Tuesday. BORROW IT FREE! It's loaded with wonderful color combinations You know you're right—because you can't go wrong on color with the Color Harmony Guide! Gives you hundreds and hundreds of color ideas and combina tions for perfect beauty. Borrow it free. It's another Kim Sll'IR BOIUED jA iflWfe a NEW CAMERA DEPARTMENT only $3995 Only SLIDES or BLACK and WHITE A 35mm camera with 1/1000 sec. shutter for only $59.50 with case. STOP AND SEE THE $4.00 STOP AND CHECK OUR FULL LINE OF INSTRUMENTS (^PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY PHONE 296-J CALDWELL, OHIO The Store