Newspaper Page Text
FULTON COUNTY TRIBUNE, WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1913 fULTON COUNTY TRIBUNE ESTABLISHED IN 188S , , KENTON WEIR PUBLISHERS Entered at the Pest Office in Wauseon, Ohio, a Second Class Matter CIRCULATION 2400 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 11.00 PER TEAR ii , CLOVER LEAF Helen Lambert, of Delta, was a week end guest of Stella Agsten. Harold Miley and wife, of Toledo, soent a couple of days with their parents here. Grace Lane spent a couple of days at home. Gladys Bratton is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Murray. I. J. Wilcox and wife were called t ) Toledo this week to attend the funeral of Mr. Wilcox's step-father, who passed away Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery called on Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Sunday afternoon. C. F. Bratton and family spent Sunday at W. S. Murray's. OTTOKEE The infant child of Steve First's is reported no -better at this writing. The Gleaner contest now on makes it quite interesting; nine new mem bers were initiated last week. ;, Clarence Rockwell and wife visited , the letter's parents near Liberty Cen ter Sunday, Miss Ruth Lamed was a Sunday guest of her sister in Delta. H. H. Hough and wife spent Thurs day evening with Elton Jones. n i li j i.uouii l evening' vino dijc.v ' at John Vier's last Friday, where dancing and cards were enjoyed by all. . Lou Rockwell's and Arthur Lutton's were in Napoleon Saturday. Will RnAmnn. tf -rrrth rf Tlplfn. spent Sunday .with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeAr thur, of this place. SOUTHWEST YORK Wm. Sehlmp.ver and family srmnt , Sunday at Napoleon with John Fry singer and family. Clifford Lindley spent Friday after noon with Kudolph Ulanz. John Yoder has rented the S. L. Foncannon place. ' Geo. Gee has rented Mrs. -Henry Yeager's west farm. . John Yoder and family -spent Sun ' day night and Monday at Dave Rupp'S. ' ; !. The little infant son of Mr. and ! Mrs. Gale Stickley was buried at Zion Wednesday. I IvrlA llpmsi hna haa rontort I hae Reed's farm. Mrs. Geo. Bernath called on Mrs. Lindley Tuesday. uave itupp, wm. sehimeyer ana : Roy Shamp are entertaining the hay bailers ! for a few days. Mr. land Mrs. Roy Schamp spent Thursday afternoon helping Mr. and Mrs. Roily Holmes move. ' LYONS ' Mrs. G. D. Chandler is visiting her . Bister in Chirnirn. Til-' . Murr Downer is on the sick list. The ladies of the -JJniversalist . fchurch are holding their annual ba zaar today (Friday) and tomorrow. 4. Tl Til J. ' - - I 111 1 xvev. riunan preacDCQ ac tne unurcn . of Christ Sunday morning and even ing to two good sized audiences. , At the annual election of officers for the Eastern Star the following were elected: - Worthy Matron, Lena Y- . A - J HjT-X .. x eijusuu, Assucmw iviau-on, unioe ' Fetterman; Secretary, Belle Bour gess; Treasurer, Nettie Meeker; Con ductress, Emma Smith j Associate Conductress, Opha Borden. , Mrs. Geo. Burgess, Jr., is recover ing slowly from a very hard attack of quinsy. - Emery Fox has rented the store room, recently vacated by N. C. Wil son and has a meat market in con nection, with his grocery and drug . store. The ladies of the Church of Christ 1 will hold their annual bazaar the sec ond Thursday in December. . All , kinds' of fancy articles will be sold. Would Make Them Better If They ; Could The makers of Foley Kidney Pills know that they have absolutely the best combination of curative and healing medicines for kidney and bladder ailments and urinary irregu larities that it is possible to produce. xuay la wuy ruiuy xnaney mis are the nest matlirnna fni tha can buy. Fink & Haumesser, Walls are Easily Restored to Original Beauty and Brightness When Finished With The Modem, Durable, Sanitary Flat Oil Finish. PEE GEE FLATKOATT is a distinct departure from old time wall paper and other unsanitary material. No more expensive and frequent redecorating, no more germ and dust catching walls. A moist sponge is all it takes to restore a Flatkoatt-ed wall to its original beauty and brightness. PEE GEE FLATKOATT comes in 24 soft, deep, velvety colors, permitting the most artistic decorative effects. X? TO 1? T? The Modern Method of l u a- FinishinnW.Us. ILLUSTRATED ig Walls.' Itcontains oractical auseeatione and color Diana for evenr room. Bf O K Write to Peaalee-Gaulbert - - Co.,Incornorated. Louisville, Kentucky, for FREE BOOK, or ak ua. FINK & HAUMESSER ' WAUSEON, OHIO I OAK SHADE Mr. Chas. Glispie and family, of Lyons, called on her parents, Mr. E. D. Hawkins and family, Sunday after noon. , Those that spent Saturday with Ar thur Johnston and family were: Mr. William Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Johnston and son, of Medina, Mich. (June a. number attended the social given by the Sunday school class at Mr. Geo. Swarts' last Wednesday evening. Mr. H. Partridge entertained com pany the past week. There will be a Hard Times supper fiven at the Oak Shade school house uesday evening,- Nov. 25th; come dressed like "hard times" as a prize will be given for the best make-up. A program will be rendered after which supper will be served. Admis sion, adults 15c and children 10c. Mr. and Mrs. rJdear Hawkins visit ed at Wm. Seifert's near Powers, O., Sunday. BOYS DOINGS The juniors held an interesting meeting last Monday evening. Harold Garrett was a visitor at the junior meeting on Monday evening. Come again Harold. Rolland Maddox is a boy scout now having taken the examination and passing with a grade of 98. A number of lads are planning to take- the scout examination in the near future. A brotherhod orchestra is a plan for the future, as a meeting will be held next week to determine the mat ter. . The members of the Council are (endeavoring to secure another hall for the boys, where the gym" may be a feature of the work. The intermediate lads had a bunch of fine lads out at the session last Tuesday evening. Only a short ses sion was held as the "gym" could not be used. . The senior yoting men met in regu lar session last Wednesday evening. DANGEROUS CATARRH STOPPED BY HYOMEI Just as long as you have catarrh. your head will be stopped up,v your nose will ' itch, ' your breath' will foul, you will., hawk and sniff : you will have droppings in the; throat ( and that choked up feeling in the-morning. The germs of cattarrh "have you in their power; they are continually irritating the membrane of your nose and throat. You must kill these loathsome germs or their desperate assaults will in time leave you a physical wreck. There is one remedy sold by Read & Wager that is guaranteed to kill the germs and stop catarrh, or money back. It is Hyomei you breathe it. The complete outfit costs $1.00. There is none just. as good or that gives such quick, sure and effective relief. SMALLPOX AND DIPTHERIA. .. There is less dread of . these dis eases now than formerly, - because everybody knows they cp.n be " pre vented, one by vaccination, the oth er with antitoxin. You can keep from having colds, grippe, bronchit is, pneumonia, catarrh, typhoid fev er, rheumatism and other dangerous cold-weather ailments, if you put your system into a proper healthy condition to resist disease. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion helps the body produce substances which prevent the growth of disease germs in the blood, thus putting the sys tem into a healthy condition to re sist disease. It will help you get well and strong if you have any of the above diseases, or other diseases. It is very good for children just at this season of the year to make them healthy and strong' to success fully resist cold weather ailments. There s direct benefit to you in every ingredient in Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion. The four Hypophosphites it contains are used by leading phy sicians everywhere in debility, weak ness and liability to disease, to strengthen the nerves. Purest Olive Oil, one of the most nutritious, most easily digested foods known, being taken with the hypophosphites, gives rich tissue nourishment through the blood to the entire system. You who are weak and run-down, and you who are apparently well now, but are liable to suffer from various cold weather ailments, use Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion to get and keep well and strong. For the tired out, rundown, nervous, emaciated or debiliated the convalescing growing children aged people-it is sensible aid to renewed strength, better spir its, glowing health. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion king of the celebrated Rexall Remedies is for freedom from sickness of you and your family. Pleasant-tasting, con taining no alcohol or dangerous drugs, you'll be as enthusiatic about it as we are when you have noted its strengthening, invigorating, building- up, disease-preventing ettects. If it does not help you, your money will be given back to you without argu ment. Sold in this community only at our store The Rexall Store one of more than 7,000 leading drug stores in the United States, Canada and Great Britian. Read & Wager, Wauseon, Ohio. PARISIAN SAGE FOR THE HAIR If your hair is too dry brittle colorless thin stringy or falling out use Parisian sage now at once. It stops itching scalp, cleanses the hair of dust and excessive oils, re moves dandruff with one applica tion, and makes the hair doubly beautiful soft fluffy abundant. Try a 50c bottle today. It will not only save your hair and make it grow, but give it the beauty you desire. Fink & Haumess er. . - CONGREGATIONAL SCHEDULE Sunday schoolvat 9:45. The inter est which has developed, in this de partment of our work is certainly en couraging. Keep at it. Preaching service at 11. "The Intellectual Side of ity". , . Christian Endeavor 'at 6. Discontent or. Praise : r Which is Your Life? ' Leader, Miss Mary ' McClar- ren. ' ' ' The evening service will follow at 7. Subject: Readiness of Mind. We are determined to make things clear to all who have ears to hear. W. T. WILLIAMS, Minister. Subject: Personal- Subject: LYTTON S. S. at Zion 9:30 a. m. Preaching after S. S. Y. P. S. at 7:00 p. m. Miss Erma Luke, leader. Andrew Sipe, wifend son,. Wood row, and Miss Rozetta Hable spent Sunday at Mrs. George Frybarger's. . Jacob Krieger and wife spent the latter part of the week in Toledo.' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Service every Sunday at 10:45 a. m., in the Miley Block, corner of, Ful ton and West Elm streets. The pub lic is cordially invited. Subject: "Soul and Body". METHODIST CHURCH Come to the Sunday school service next Sunday morning at 9:30. Yon will enjoy the hour before the morn ing service. Orchestra music at9:15. A pleasant period of bible study. Bring your friends. '! The Young Peoples service at 6 p. m. will be a. helpful one at the close of the Sabbath day. You are Invited and urged to bring your friends with you. Miss Ivah Smith will lead the meeting. Saved His Foot H.D. Ely, of Bantam, O., suffered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctor' advised amputa tion, but he refused and reluctantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve as a last resort. He then wrote: "I used your salve and mv " foot was soon com- Eletely cured". Best remedy for urns, cuts, bruises and eczema. Get a box today. Only 25c. All drug gists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Some Reasons for the Tremendous Business Centering at Shoop & Mathews To achieve the enviable position attained,, by the house of Shoop & Mathews, as the largest, most completely stocked, jand best equipped home of reliable Clothes and Furnishings and to maintain ' this : prestige, means some thing more than the everyday merchandising methods generally prevailing. The Shoop & Mathews store is utterly devoid of hur- rah methods. The simple, straightforward, plain truth about our merchandise 'and store service characterizes all our announcements. Misrepresentation is never per mitted, for we intend our store, today and always, to stand as the safest provider of men's and boys wear. A STORE TO LEAN ON-TO DEPEND UPON--; TO HAVE FAITH IN. TATA LOOK At our $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00 suits and overcoats for men. ' $3.50, $4.00, $6.00, $8.00 and $10.00 suits and over 4 coats for boys. . Our $1.50 $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 Rummell hats. $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Ralston,shoes. It Will Pay You and Cost You Nothing to Investigate YTRAGOOn SHOOP & MATHEWS i , The House That Always Satisfies PUBLIC SALE Having sold my farm and decided to move to California, I will sell at public auction, on what is known as the Jacob Keiger farm, 3 miles south and 3 miles east of Fayette, or 2 miles east and 3 miles north of Elmira, commencing at.. 9 o'clock sharp, on Friday, November 28th: 6 stallions: .these horses are known as the Joel' Schmucher stal lions; black Percheron stallion Weri- ner, record Jno. 43,207. 9 vears old. weight 2200; gray Percheron stallion, Homatim, No., imported from France, 6 years old; Record No. 543,- 501, weight 2050; strawberry roan, Hackney, 14, years old, weight 1300; black Spanish Jack, 9 years old, weight 800. . 10 Head Horses: Sorrel gelding 3 years old, weight 1100; bay gelding, 2 years old, weight 1000; bay mare 3 years old, good driver, weight 1100; black driv ing mare 7 years old, weight 1000, family broke, has stepped in 2:30: good bay brood mare, in foal, aged 7 years, weight 1500; black mare, 9 years old, weight 1400; gray gelding 4 years old, weight 1450; bay gelding 3 years old, weight 1350; gray mare 7 years old, weight 1100; gray work horse, 14 years old, weight 1400. . Cattle and Hogs: Red Durham c.ow, t years old, giv ing milk; red brood sow with six pigs; 10 shoats, weight 135 pounds each; between 75 and 100 hens; good n j l 1 1 - l . ocoicn ome aog. Grain and Farming Tools; 300 bushels of good feed barley; 14 acres ot good corn in shock; some corn fodder; Turnbull wagon, 8-in, tires, good as new; Troy wagon, 3- m. tires, good as new; feed rack; hay and beet rack; log chain; two gravel boxes; set three horse thills; top buggy; surrey; Concord road wagon; set of team harness, good as new; 2 sets of farm harness; 2 sets of light driving harness; 3 sets of single harness; disx; drag; harrow; corn harvester; Johnson binder, nev er used; 2 two horse cultivators; Junior planter; corn planter; Ideal manure spreader, 75 bushels; float, riding plow; walking plow; Blank scraper; 40-foot ladder; 2 cider bar rels; 2 gasoline barrels; 50 cords o: good stove wood; side delivery rake 5 passenger Studebaker automobile. Household Goods: Sideboard, bedroom suite, kitchen cabinet,, cook stove, two bedsteads, 6 sitting room chairs, 6 dining room chairs, 2 rockers, couch, 20 yards of woolen carpet, 9x12 rug, small rugs, linoleum, extension table, dishes, can ned fruit, go-cart. Good lunch served at noon. Terms: $5.00 and under cash, sum over that amount, 6 months time will be given, good bankable notes with approved security, 6 per cent inter est; 4 per cent discount for cash. ; D. C. SCHMUCHER, Prop. .Lewis Kyan, Auctioneer. M. B. Badger, Clerk. Mrs. Dr. Frank Stine entertained the Sigma .Phi at her honte in Swan ton Thursday night. ALCOHOL FOR AUTOMOBILES The Challenge Oil & Paint Comoanv. Toledo, Ohio, issue a folder showing "Frost Proof" -Oils for Winter use for farm and automobiles. Their TWO-IN- ONE Alcohol Is also making a hit; it keeps cooling water from freezing, cleans out all dirt and scale, and is approved by leading engineers. Enodgh for Winter season costs $3.50, including Beaume Hydrometer for testing. This would look like cheap insurance. They also want an automobile owner with some spare time who could look after their business in this locality. It might be well to write mem it interested. Farm for Sale , 102 acres of good level land, well fenced, on main road, 2 miles to town; have R. F. D. and tele phone. 7 room house, 3 barns, new silo 12x32 and other out buildings; will sell this farm with stock, tools and crops for $8,000 or $6,500 for farm alone. George E. Coon West Clarksfield,! Ohio. Huron County 30-5 The first real festive occasion of the fall and winter season soon here' a time of feasting and thanks q. time when every department of this store lends its best efforts towards fullfilling every need for the home table. Buy your thanksgiving supplies hereyou'll be even more thankful when the day comes for your savings. Sale of Table Linens Including oux entire stock all new merchandise dainty patterns excellent selections- and only until Thanksgiving day to secure these special prices in fact its in honor of the occasion as has been our custom. VERY NICE SAVINGS r At 29 cents, bleached and unbleached table damask ..... .worth 35 cents yard At 42 cents, bleached and unbleached table damask worth 50 cents yard At 50 cents, bleached and unbleached all linen table damask worth 60 cents yard ,At 69 cents, bleached-all linen table damask ......worth 85 cents yard At 89 cents, bleached, all linen table damask, 70-in. wide ..... . worth $1.00 yard At $1.00, bleached, all linen table damask, 72-in! wide worth $1.25 yard At $1.29, napkins dainty patterns to match--.... worth $1.50 set At $1.79, napkins dainty patterns to match worth $2.00 set At $2.19, napkins dainty patterns to match.....: ....worth $2.50 set At $2.69, napkins dainty patterns to match..... worth $3.00 set At $3.10, napkins dainty patterns to match - .worth $3.50 set At $3.50, napkins dainty patterns to match-- worth $4.00 set FOR THAT THANKS GIVING TRAMP or for the dance in the evening, youU need appropriate foot wear. Sturdy, comfortable shoes for the appetite creating walk, patent leatner low cuts or pumps for the dance. We have them both and many other sorts beside. And listen, we fit your purse as well as your feet, perfectly. THE FURNITURE AT : THANKSGIVING gomes in for as much attention as the turkey. Don't leave yours open to the criticism of your friends. Come and select an odd piece or a whole set, just as you require to make your home complete. Don't worry about the cost. Prices are surprising ly low at this store. - " ' ; ; Special Values in Roasters The time is ripe no need to put off the purchase any longer you can't expect results from the cook without good "tools" to work with. . Banner Polished Iron roasting and baking pans, good value :..... ... .25c Blue Enamel extra large roaster special at $1.19 Coronna Black Granite Roaster raised bottom will not burn the roasts self basting two sizes .Medium $1.35, Large $1.75 : Reed Self Basting Roaster granite guaranteed not to chip nothing better made in granite roasters .. .Priced at $1.75 to $3.50 Wear Ever Aluminum Roasters good values . .$4.00 and up Cake Pans, Pudding Pans, 'Bowls, Gookers--Recent shipments makes our as- ' sortment of tin, aluminum and granite wares very complete no doubt you will need some of them. - . VARIETY ITEMS Japanese Handmade Baskets so much in demand right now we have them for fruit or tab le a nice selection 25 cents Holiday China first showing of holiday china and cut glass, special until Thanksgiv ing a large heavy cut glass bowl at $1.69 Cut Glass Water Sets -star cut pitcher and 6 glasses eith er bell or straight shape .... set $1.25 Candy Our variety of can dies is not excelled the assort ment improves almost daily the prices surprise most every one at 10c a lb. and up The Pure Food Section is at its Best Everything spic and span after our move everything fresh and bright a place to gain an appetite overflowing with food suggestions : Florida Oranges, Grape Fruit, New York Apples, Fancy Bananas, Figs, Dates, New, California Budfled Walnuts, Soft Shell Almonds, Pecans, Filberts, Brazils, etc. Cheese our line of fancy cheese will be at its best. Edwards Canned Goods This year we believe we are offering the public the finest line of canned goods ever sold here and at a moderate cost. Try a can of our fine California fruits a can of the vegetables corn peas spinach pumpkin, etc., for Thanksgiving. ; " Sunshine Biscuit Co. fancy cakes and crackers the kind the Westfield Board of Health endorses. Vegetables a trifle early to giye a detailed list but rest assured, we will offer everything the market affords. QUICK RELIEF FOR STOMACH MISERY Mi-o-na Will Put Your Sour, Gassy, Upset Stomach in Order lry One Dose and Prove It If you are a stomach sufferer, do not despair. xmmeaiate, sale ana sure reiief is at hand. Mi-o-na Stom ach Tablets, sold in fifty cent boxes at all drug stores, are a specific for out-of-order stomachs. If suffering with indigestion, dys- nensia. erasmus, or any of the vari ous forms of stomach misery, usually indicated bv nervousness, distress af ter eating, headache, dizziness, bad breath or sour stomach, do not wait, do not suffer any longer take Mi-o- na today delays are dangerous. Mi-o-na is always sold by Read & Wager on money back if not satisfied plan. PUBLIC SALE Have decided to raise nothing but Registered Holstein Cattle and will devote my entire time to them so will sell at my home four miles south and one mile west of Delta, and onei mile south of Platston, Friday, Nov ember 28th, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following property to-wit: One roan team, b years old, weignt 2,400 pounds, one a gelding and the other a mare in foal; bay mare, i, 350 pounds, in foal; two spring, colts, mares; one brown mare, 4 years old, in, foal, weight 1150; 1 good road mare, pace or trot; two good milk cows fresh in February; 3 brood sows with pigs; 6 "shoats about ISO each; one full blood Poland China Boar. The following list of machinery is practically new and in fine condition: Deering Binder, Deering mower, Cen tury cultivator, John Deere check corn planter, disc, Bryan plow, 60 tooth drag; also bob sled, low. Turn bull wagon, wagon box, Clover Leaf manure spreader, Superior grain drill, Dane hay loader, 2 sets of har ness, 2 sets Breeching, 50 gallon oil tank (galvanized), 2,000 bundles corn fodder, 2 tons alfalfa hay and many other articles of value. . Terms: Jill sums of $5.00 and un der cash, over that amount twelve months time on approved security with six per cent interest. Everything to be sold to the high est and best bidder. You set the price. , . Lunch at noon. DAN LILEY, Owner. Pugh & Pugh, Auctioneers. WABASH EXCURSION To Chicago, International Live Stock Exposition, Saturday, Novem ber 29th, $3.50 round trip. Train leaves Wauseon at J 0:15 a. m., Nov. 29th. returning, leave Chicago at 12:04 p. m. on November 30th and December 1st, and at 11:30 p. m. on "MnAvxT Dafamhor 1st. Onlv. In- rmva tnr flll-tVlPr tlArtlCUlarS Of agent Wabash Railway, Wauseon, O. BRING YOUR Poultry and Produce TO OTTOKEE, STORE where you will get the highest market price. Poultry taken any day in the week. Frank McArthur fj HaniloWa II awdaiat II 3 sizes: capao. W ity. 4oo ib. That Lock! For Lifting Heavy Loads You can swing tip a slaughtered nog, change a massive wagon box, do all kinds of hoisting and do it ten times easier if you use a famous EflM-L JHUirJJBlID Safety "2-in-l" Hoist and Wire Stretcher The only block and tackle with a cock-sure automatic locking device on pull rope. The instant you slack up on the pull rope, the lock, locks the rope In A Grip That Can't Slip Load hangs suspended until you release it with a twist of the wrist. One of the handiest labor saver ever offered the farmer. Price low, and earned the first time hoist is used. - Drop in on your way home and try one of these hoista in action. The most Interesting thing you've seen. . II JOHN A. CRON Hardware and Auto Supplies Let everybody rouse the will now- I er. Frequent salted baths, followed er to . resist the invasion of grippe I with brisk rubbing, is good to drive germs in this, their fostering weath- them out.