Newspaper Page Text
FULTON COUNTY TRIBUNE, WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1913 aww mMHr tf AbsoIutelyPure ROYAL the most celebrated o! all the baking powders in the world celebrated for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc healthful, it insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the low priced brands o o-I CORRESPONDENCE Miss Lola - Dinnius visited Delta school last. Wednesday. E. J. Harmon, wife and son, Blair, were puests of relatives at Oak Shade Sunday. , - . Eoy Pancost and family, of Wau seon, were guests of his parents Sui day. A. J. Koos and wife and little Flor ence and E. Wymef and family,- of Delta, took dinner with Win. Dailey's Sunday. Grant Andrews and family and Glen Dailey helped ; Sherly Faylor celebrate his 14th anniversary Sun- ' BATDORF . Claude Traill has built a hog pen and a corn crib on the farm. Callie Schlegel is "spending 'a few u .L i : ..i ir T wcciva wiui bister, luxs. uuiLie Biery. Mrs. Frances Berkebile and daugh ters are spending a few days in To ledo. , 1 Sarah Stebbin, of Delta, was a Sun day guest of Florence. Smith. Roscoe Wright and I family were Sunday guests at the home of Henry Hines in Delta. . Mrs.. Robert Wright is spending the week at Walter Tappan's. ' James McDonald, of Chicago, and John" McDonald, tof ColWn, - were guests at William Whitaker's Friday and Saturday.- "--. Alice Batdorf was a guest at Rus- Opal Murry visited friends in Stry ker last Wednesday. Philip Rumbaugh visited . at Otto Schlegel's last Thursday. NORTHWEST CLINTON Wm. -Dunham and wife, of near Wauseon," called on Mrs Christ Aeschliman one dav last week. Mrs. Aeschliman has been sick , for ' the past- three months and is still con fined to her bed. Henry Merilatt spent Saturday in Archbold. ' Miss Ella Roth spent last . week with her brother Alva and family. Mrs. Lewis Center and daughter, Mrs. Jay King, visited with . friends in Archbold one day last week. A. J. Winzeler and family spent Sunday with E. B. Robinson and fam ily in Wauseon. Arthur Gallagher and family, of Wauseon, were the Sunday guests of Abe Hogeboom and family. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testimon ial should certainly be 'sufficient to give hope and courage to persons af flicted with chronic dyspepsia: "I have been a chronic dyspeptic for years, and of all the medecine I have taken, Chamberlain's Tablets have done me more good than anything else," says W. G. Mattison, No. 7 Sherman St., , Hornelisvuie, JN- x, For sale by allv dealers. ' APPEL GROVE .- D. L. Shrock has the idea to have some cotton picker, a little barfooded boy came to his home last wensday the' 12 to stay and is all right but has no big toes to play for Uncle D. L. he has him stopt a while to go to T.exes. Mr. C. Rupp hulled his clover last week and 1. A. Ashliman broke a pooley and ript the belt and could not finish till the next week and the wind was rong at -Fauver and C. Rupp all the time oh what a smoke of dust in the barns. , how nice it would ie if everybody would help one the other and - not make the other .troubel. -A fine thing i is the" feller can go when he is told and not hang around. Mr. Wm. Gresinger that has bin hired on the' J. E. Leatherman farm was surprised when going to Wau seon in a hury and doun his horse went he is laying in Rupp barn but luckey is geting better. . how the gravel road is geting so bad it will take some horses to pool the Auto out of the mut and watter this winde. , Mr. Jacob Hauinstine has trated his old Auto on a new Ford Automobel and is well pleased with the Trade he clames it is the chepest in the long run as it is light in weight. , WINAMEG Grant H. Speer of the Central Christian church, of Toledo, Ohio, has been secured by the Church of Christ at this place to hold a revival begin ning January 4th, 1914. , . Why not have a Winamesr night and go in a body , and hear the music of the File Bros, at the Wauseon Christian church some evening? I venture to say Brt. Wharton would let us sit possibly in the basement u we were real quiet, don't you. Might ask him, some one. Geo. Knapp and E. E. Smdel visit ed John Clifton Sunday, who is some better at this writing. Chas. Knapp and wife visited Uhar- lev Roos, of Chesterfield, Sunday, who is very ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. Koos and family nave our sym pathy. . Last Friday evening the S. S. of the Church of Christ enjoyed an oys ter supper at the Aetna Grange hall. The Puritans were given a warm re ception by the San Salvadors. A fine literary program was given just before supper. E. M. Tappan made the welcome address and Chas. La Salle made the response, ihe Misses Geneva La Salle and Elsie Sindel gave fine readings, also Mary Mc Clarren with the ' biear story was thrilling even making the little ones shudder; she was given loud applause and responded with "When Malindy Sings" by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Mrs. James Disbrow gave a fine reci tation which was comic and brought the house down again. Howard Mc Clarren was called upon to make a speech without any preparation, but it was equal to some I have heard who studied a week or two. "Come again". About 100 were present. A. C. Daniels and Henry Lawrence of Lyons were in the Meg Monday. E. L.' Sindel recently built an addi tion to his kitchen. Remember next Sunday, an offering will be taken for Ohio , Missions at the Sunday school. We all enjoyed the music by Mr. Sharp at Palmyra Sunday morning. We hope to hear him again, sometime. Simeon Evers, of Lyons, drove through town early Monday morning wearing a large smile. We found out latter the f eason, twin babies had come to make their abode at his home the other day, a boy and girl. EAST FRANKLIN Simon Klopf enstine and family took Sunday dinner with his brother, Aaron Klopfenstine. John Worden and family entertain ed the following Sunday: Vern Od en, wife and son, Amza Mixter and wife, of near Wauseon, George Stipe, Barney Ruhly and wife, of West Un ity, Mrs. George Leu and daughter, Opel, Bertha and Mary Bemath, Wilma Spengler and Lena MerUatt. For Children There Is Nothing Better A cough medicine for children must help their coughs and colds without bad effects on their little stomachs and bowels. " Foley's Honey and Tar exactly fills this need. No opiates, no sour stomach, no constipation fol lows its use. Stuffy colds,' wheezy breathing, coughs and croup are all quickly helped. Fink & Haumesser. .. , , , NORTHWEST GORHAM The Misses Nine Stahl and Myrtle Doriot, of Fayette, were Sunday vis itors at W. F. Spring's. Vern Wise and wife were guests of Earnie Bullis and family, of near -pvrig&t Sort Scbaffner ft Marx THANKSGIVING QLOTHES FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN You will enjoy more fully the glorious spirit of Thanks giving1 if you are correctly clothed We are especially ready with our splendid display of new fall and winter wearables to clothe you in a man ner that will please you with the style and quality of the garments and delight you with their unusual Iowness in price. Suits and Overcoats $10 to $25 Our many new models in both suits and overcoats are worth . seeing whether you want to buy now or not. Fabrics that lend themselves gracefully to the fine tailoring of the attrac tive models have been carefully selected to make garments exceptionally full of style and quality. WE3IIAVE A STYLE FOR THE BUSINESS MAN WE HAVE A STYLE FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MAN We have a style for every Man No matter what his requirements Shirts The eual in style and fit of a custom made shirt, but at a price a whole lot lower for equal quality. 50c to $2.00 Hats Late Fall models from the foremost hat makers in this country insures you the most reliable quality. $1.00 to $5.00 Cravats Well dressed men are al ways particular 'about their cravats. You'll find the best dressed men buy their crav ats here. 25c to $1.00 HARRISON & FUNKHOUSER BROS fllTTTn CTm-fcTT! TTTTTTlT-fcTl VATT I T 1 .1 T71 T Am TTAlfTl SPICES that SPICE Fresh, unadulterated spices that true natural products clean and potent. That's the only kind that has true flavoring qualities. We ask you to give them a trial knowing full well that we will not have to invite you the second time to use them in preference to others. Besides, they cost no more than the ordinary "near" spices, in fact they are far cheaper in the end. Fink & Haumesser The Corner Druggists. Waldron,, Sunday. , Chas. Lester attended the funeral of a nephew at Waldron last Wednes day. G. B. Caulkins and wife, of Fay ette, and Jerry Hicker and wife were entertained at the home of John Caulkins and wife Sunday. Mrs. J. H.' Borton, of Medina, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Schrider, the first of the week. ' A Box social will be held at the Oakley school Wednesday evening, November 26th. Everyone welcome. FREEDOM RIDGE Visitors at the home of Frank Hoffman .last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Harms and son, Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Rychener, Miss Helen Pocock and Mr. Ralph Harms, all of Wauseon. Mr. John Rice and wife, of Napo leon called on their son, Clarence Rice and family, Friday afternoon. Revival meetings began this week at the ludge U. a. church. Last Tuesday Fred Hoffman and family, George Hoffman and wife, Frank Hoffman and family and Elmer Hoffman and family, of this vicinity, and Claude Hoffman and wife, " of Swanton, took well filled baskets and called on their father, Mr. James Hoffman and family, at Wauseon, to remind him of his birthday. A boun teous dinner was served and all en joyed a good time. John. She was a kind and affection ate mother -leaving three son"' and three daughters to mourn their loss. Like her neighbor, Mrs. J. P. Roos, who had always lived on adjoining farms for 65 years, they had never moved only from their log houses to the present residence. The funeral of Mrs. Terry- was held at the church Tuesday at 11 a. m., Rev. Willison, the pastor, officiating. Interment in .Rose Hill cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith, of Ad rian, and her brother. Grant Onwell- er, of Beaverton, Mich., came to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Terry. Great is the anxiety of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Roos in their desperate efforts for the recovery of their oldest son. It is hoped his life can be spared but very doubtful at this writing, Monday evening. tsen rotes and wite, of Morenci, visited relatives in Chesterfield last Friday. Henry Terry and sister, Mrs Rhoeds, both of Clayton, Mich., and Jefferson Terry and sister, Mrs. Boice, of Weston, Mich., have been at their mother s bedside during her sickness. Mrs. iioger visited her sister at Ar-'an 'ast week. Charley Knapp and wife, of Wina meg, Chase Ragan and wife, of In- let, and Calvin Turner and son, Ar thur, were all at the home of Scott Koos last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark, of Whiteville, were guests of Frazy J.ohsorrs Sunday. The mother of Mrs. (J. G. (Jlark, Mrs. Peter Roman, of Morenci, died Sunday at the home 'of her daughter, Mrs. Delia Rockwell, where she has been a great sufferer the last few months, of dropsy. OBITUARY Louisa M. .Reynolds was born in Franklin township, Fulton county, O., April 4th, 1841, and departed this life November 9th, 1913, aged 72 years, 7 months and 5 days. She was the eldest of a family of a family of eight children of Reuben Reynolds, two brothers and one sister surviv ing her. , In early girlhood she con fessed her faith in Christ and united with the Christian church in Tedrow, Ohio, being baptised in the waters of Brush creek by Elder L. L. Car penter, and always after lived a con sistent christian life. She was mar ried to Levi Marion Spangler Aug ust 22nd, 1865, to which union' were born 12 children, 7 sons and 5 daugh ters, two of the latter dying in in fancy, the remaining members all being present at the funeral services of the wife and mother. Funeral services were held at the Inlet church November 12th, and were conducted by Dr. Z. W. Shepherd,- of Ashley, Ind., and were attended by a large concourse of friends and neighbors. Interment was made at the Morenci cemetery. RHEUMA WILL STOP URIC ACID DEPOSIT EVERY WOMAN wants and needs these books. At an expense of many thousands of dollars and nearly two years time we have completed and ready for delivery, the Six Volume In ternational Cooking Library by 47 of the World's Famous Chefs United States, Canada and Europe. Recipes new. Never before published. Very complete ana easily understood. Each book complete. De Luxe Recipe books. Liibrary consists ot THE SALAD BOOK THE CHAFING DISH BOOK THE AFTERNOON TEA BOOK THE DAINTY SWEETBOOK THE BREAD AND PASTRY BOOK THE DESSERT BOOK 50 Cents each, Prepaid $2.50 Set, Six Books, Prepaid Beautifully Embossed Covers, three and four colors in attractive Carton Mailers. Money refunded' if not de lighted with these books. ' MOST IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. . 29-6 CHESTERFIELD Mrs. Levi Terry passed- away Sun day morning after a brief illness of a few days, caused from a fall in pass ing from one room to another. Mrs. Terry was one of Chesterfield's oldest citizens; her death came the next morning after her 84th birthday and the 60th birthday of her son Rheumatic Complications Checked and the Human sewers Restored ooooooo o o o e u- o EVERYBODY'S DEPT. : O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-o FOR SALE Brick. O. McLain. FOR RENT A six room house on South Brunell, 'phone 463. FOR SALE Four big tvne Duroc Boars, best breeding, good quality. Harvey Shadle. Sl-3-c FOR SALE An eight H. P. sta tionary steam engine. Enquire Beebe, bream Xiaundry. az-tf FOR SALE Baled timothv hav". $8.00 per ton. David .W. Meyers, phone Black 283. 32-tf GRAY GUINEAS FOR SALE 50 cents a- pair. Lowell McClarren, 'phone 3 on 477. 31-tf FINE S. C. W. Leghorn cockerels from $1.50 up. A. A- Chatfield and Sprank, K. D. 27, Delta. 32-4-p FOR SALE Several desirable res idence properties. Wm. Hammon tree. 317 East Leggett street.- 30-3-c FOR SALE Farm, 155 acres. lo cated six miles east of Bryan. Ad dress C. E. Haughn, Bryan, Ohio. 30-2-p FOR SALE Large and small farms and a few lots; enquire of Jerry M. Krontz, R. R. No. 1, Wauseon, O. 31-tf FOR SALE Good work horse for sale or exchange for other live stock, Some good cows for sale. Goodwin Bros. 29-tf FOR SALE A 1913, 7 h. p. Yale motorcycle in A No. 1 shape. In quire of E. W. Jones, Wauseon, O., R. D. No. 2. 29-tf WANTED 500 veal calves: will come and get them and pay highest marKet price. Suy cattle and Glides, Clifton & Flemming. 29- FOR RENT A two storv build ing, containing store room, with fix tures; also living rooms, in E'mira, Ohio. Inquire George Brehm, -Arch bold, Rt. 11. 29-tf MAN past 30 with horse and buggy to sell Stock Condition Powder in Fulton county. Salary $70 per month. Address 9 industrial Jtildg., lndianap. olis, Indiana. FOR SALE One four roll McCor- mick corn husker in good shape and in running order, just the machine for gas engine; must go cheap. J. A. Hauenstein, Wauseon, Ohio. 30-tf The Kidneys, Bowels and Skin are the "human sewers" which carry off the impurities in the blood. When these are clogged Uric Acid sediment lodges in the muscles and joints and Rheumatism follows. RHEUMA, the great remedy for all forms of the terrible disease, checks the deposit of Uric Acid. "I suffered from Rheumatism for six years. Tried different doctors, with no relief. I have taken three bottles of RHEUMA and am entire ly free from the disease." P. W. Miller, Catawissa, Pa.- Read & Wager will return your moijey if it' fails- 50c a bottle. NORTHEAST DOVER Sunday guests at the home of S. F. Wentz were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wentz and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Breese, of Tedrow, and Mrs. W. A. Wentz and family. Mr. and Mrs. A: L. Stites and daughter autoed to Delta Sunday and visited A. R. Perry and wife. Stutzman & Huber completed the foundation for Lewis Buehrer's barn last week. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Will Buehrer is getting along nicely at the Wauseon Hospital and expects to come home soon. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for a smaller farm or good town property, in the county, in part payment,, any reasonable terms on balance, eighty- five (85) acres, 3 miles from Defiance Ohio, stone road, fair buildings, all cleared, three-fourths best of soil, balance hard clay. Ham & Sta'il Wauseon, Ohio. 32-4 -c Ask anybody about it Hanford's Balsam. a Invitation SrnHf No. 73 am thoroughly convinced that the Sltckney Engine is the best engine built and the engine you should have. I want you to come in and let me demonstrate the Stickney with its outside isntter. straight line valve motion, automatic mixer, ball-bearing governor and its three point sus pension. I want you to see how easy it starts and how steady it runs. I Lyon Lumber Co. KXGLUSm AGENTS I Lyon Lumber Co, Fayette, Ohio ADVERTISED LETTERS Mr. A. N. Batmon. , Mr. R. V. Bessler. In calling for the above letters al way3 mention, the fact that they were "advertised." J. F. OUTCALT, P. M. BAD STOMACH ' . ' ONE DOSE of Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy- Should Convince You That Your Suffering is Unnecessary Recommended, for Chronic Indigestion mad Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments. Thousands of people, some right in your own locality, nave taken Alayr s Wonderful Stom ach Remedy for Stomach, Liver and Intesti nal Ailments, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Gas Around the Heart,, Sour Stomach, Distress After Eating:, Nervousness, Dizziness, Fainting- Spells, Sick Headache, Constipation, Tor pid Liver, etcu, are praising and recommend ing it highly to others so that they may also know the joys of living. Alayr s Wonderful Stomach Remedy is the best and most wide ly known Remedy for the above ailments. Ask your druggist for a bottle today. Put it to a test one dose should convince. It marvelous in its healing properties and its effects are quite natural as it acts on the source and foundation of stomach ailments and m most cases bring quick' relief and per manent results. This highly successful Rem edy has Deen taken by the most prominent people and those in all walks of life, among them Members of Congress, Justice of the bupreme L-ourt, JUduvators, Lawyers, Mer chants, Bankers, Doctors, Druggists, Nurses. Manufacturers, Priests, Ministers, Farmers, with lasting benefit and it should be equally successful in your case. Send for free valu able booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr Mfg. Chemist, 154-166 Whiting Street Chicago, 111. FINK & HAUMESSER, Druggists 9 DIG RATES OF TAJJftTIifJ ' In pursuance of law, I, D. S. Knight, Treasurer of Fulton County Ohio, do hereby give notioe that the number of mills levied on each dollar of property listed for taxation within said county for the tax year of 1913 is as follows: . FOR STATE PURPOSES : Sinking Fund, .0336 mills : For University Fund, .0925 mills ; For State Common School Fund, .335 mills : For Highway Improvement Fund. .500 mills. Total State Levy. .961 mills. l FOR COUNTY PURPOSES: County Fund, .8489 mills: Poor Fund, .2066 mills: Bridge Fund, .6777 mills: Building Fund. .1232 mills; Soldiers Relief Fund, .1507 mills; Road Repair Fund, .2056 mills; Agriculture Fund, .0273 mills. Total County Levy, 2.239. FOR LOCAL PURPOSES: See table below. t S TOWNSHIPS, SCHOOL DISTRICTS, CORPORATIONS. 3 4 6 6 71. 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ?4 25 26 27 281 29 30 31 32 33 84 35! 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44! Amboy Amboy, Amboy and Richfield School Amboy, Amboy and Fulton School Amboy, Amboy and Royalton School . . . Amboy, Metamora School .t.. Amboy Metamora Village Chesterfield Clinton 1 . Clinton, Pettisville School Clinton, Wauseon School Clinton, Wauseon Village Dover .' Dover, Spring Hill School Franklin Franklin, Gorham School Fulton Fulton, Amboy and Fulton School Fulton, Amboy School Fulton, Swanton School Fulton, Swanton Village Gorham Fayette School i Fayette Village Gorham. Gorham, German German Pettisville School Franklin School Archbold School . Elmira School . . . Archbold Village German German, German, German, Pike Pike, Amboy and Fulton School Pike, York School Pike, Delta School Royalton Royalton, Amboy and Fulton School Royalton, Lyons School Royalton, Lyons Village Swan Creek Swan Creek, Swanton School Swan Creek, Swanton Village Swan Creek Delta School ,. York York, Delta School York. Delta Village TOWNSHIP PURPOSES I 3 S 3- go U w OH,OQKtoH M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M, M. M. M. M. .961 2.239 1.6 6.4 .961 2.239 2.5 6.4 .961 2.239 2. 6.4 .961 2.239 2.7 6.4 .961 2.239 6.4 6.4 .961 2.239 5.4 4.4 .961 2.239 8.1 .14 .04 .06 .04 .10 -52 .9 .961 2.239 1.3 .6 .13 .11 .03 .01 .11 1.41 1.8 .961 2.239 2.6 -.6 .13 .11 .03 .01 .11 1.41 1.8 .961 2.239 4.6 .6 .13 .11 .03 .01 .31 1.41 1.8 .961 2.239 4.5 .24 .24 .961 2.239 3.8 1.8 .33 .09 .09 .13 .09 1-27 2. .961 2.239 2.3 1.8 .33 .09 .09 .13 .09 1.27 , 2. .961 2.239 1.6 2.5 .26 .15 .03 1.86 1.8 .961 2.239 2.1 2.5 .26 .16 .03 1-36 1.8 .961 2.239 6.6 3. .12 .02 1-66 1.7 .961 2.239 2. 3. .12 .02 1-56 1.7 .961 2.239 1.6 3. .12 . .02 1.56 1.7 -.961 2.239 6. 3. .12 .02 1-66 1.7 .961 2.239 5. .12 .12 .12 .961 2.239 2.1 2.1 .18 .18 .11 1-53 2. .961 2.239 6. 2.1 .18 .18 .11 1.63 2. .961 2.239 6. .18 .18 .961 2.239 1.6 .7 .87 .03 .06 .01 1.49 .04 2. .961 2.239 2.6 .7 .37 .03 .06 .01 1.49 .04 2. .961 2.239 1.6 .7 .37 .03 .06 .01 1.49 .04 2. .961 2.239 3.8 .7 .37 .03 .06 .01 1.49 .04 2. .961 2.239 2. .7 .37 .03 .06 .01 1.49 .04 2. .961 2.239 3.8 .4 .4 .961 2.239 2. 1.8 .04 .15 1.61 1.7 .961 2.239 2. 1.3 .04 .15 1.61 1.7 .961 2.239 1.9 1.3 .04 .15 1.61 , 1.7 .961 2.239 4.8 1.3 .04 .16 1.61 " 1.7 .961 2.239 2.7 2.8 .16 .41 .33 .9 . 961 2.239 2. 2.8 .16 .41 .33 .9 .961 2.239 6.6 2.8 .16 .41 .33 .9 .961 2.239 6.6 .16 .16 .16 .961 2.239 1.9 1. .17 .10 .66 .18 .18 .81 2. .961 2.239 6. 1. .17 .10 .66 .18 .18 .81 2. .961 2.239 6. .27 .27 .27 .961 2.239 4.8 .27 .27 .27 .96l2.239 1.9 1.6 .27 .03 1.50 1.8 .961 2.239 4.8 1.6 .27 .03 1.60 1.8 96112.239 4.8 .27 .27 .27 CORP. PURPOSES M. .37 .48 1.32 .63 .34 M. .02 .05 .031 M. .25 .15 .32 2.30 2.30 1.12 1.87 .95 2.30 M. 2.43 2.62 3.14 4.50: 1.92 3.14 11. 2.S8I3.SKI6.7SI15. M. M. 5.36 6.28, 7.22 4.8 5.04 6.28 9.5 A- ; WHEN you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become con stipated. The food you eat ferments in your stomach instead of digesting. This inflames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting and a terrible headache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach and yon will soon be as well as ever. There is nothing better t mi iffrati -iTi mmtrm h.uuiujH iyn ink. wmi i Mun ih i - . ' ' - Y f x c x -"X LEWIS J. RYAN The Auctioneer Wauseon, Ohio Is a Live Wire in the auction business. He goes far and near and wherever he goes he is never known to fail to, please his patrons on live stock 9,11 cl f firm s&1gs, TERMS: One cent cn the dollar. Satisfac. tion on your part or no pay.. Write or wire me for. dates niv cuinc no r vnue nrt-rt' r FROM FIELD TO THE HOME comes Purity Flour the best ever milled and the best ever made into bread. It is a brand that pleases the housewife because it saves her a lot of trouble and anxiety good Flour assures good bread, rolls and biscuit, you know. When once tried Purity 1 Flour is always asked for because it gives uniform satisfaction to those who use it. HANSON & BRESLER THE FEED MEN Have you None better. used Purity Flour T Oak and. "THE CAR WITH A CONSCIENCE" Sold By ' PH0N3 137 H PAWLING rAYETrE,a ' Demonstration Any Time, Any Where Any Place. Are Yon in Need of Cement! hR..i pn. Sidewalks, Foundations. Floors, Walla. Look (or the Tmrkey Krery Bag To Bay WABASH PORTLAND CEMENT CO. General Offices. Detroit, Mich. Works. Strok, Indlrjsa For sale by H. M. Yarnell, Wanseon, O ; Cement Tile Block C, Elmira, O.: H. C. Zellers, Swanton, O. ; Lyon Lbr. Co., Fayette. O. ; Metamora Lumber Co., Metamora, O. . Wauseon, hio, October 25, 1818. D. S. KNIGHT, County Treasurer. PUBLIC SALE! Having decided to -close out all my tools and farming implements, I will offer the following articles at public sale, on Saturday. November 29. at 1 p. m., at the home on East Walnut street, Wauseon: Team Geldings, heavy harness, set of new buggy harness, heaty wagon, buggy, bob sleds, pair new storm covers, 1 canvas cover 8x14, new; 1 canvas cover, 8x12, Oliver Chilled plow No. 40, spiked tooth drag, 5 tooth cultivatort new; winged shovel plow,. Skoop scraper new, grind stone, cutting box new, picks, shov els, forks, steel bars, cider barrels, washing machine, furniture, dishes, heating stove soft coal, printing press, corn fodder and other articlei too numerous to mention. Terms made known on day of sale". C. H. PETERS, Prop. A. B. Huber, Auctioneer. 32-2 Declare War on Colds A crusade of education which aims "that common colds may become un common within the next generation" has been, begun by prominent New York physicians. Here is a list of the "don'ts" of which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of the cold: "Don't sit in a draughty car." -"Don't sleep in hot rooms." "Don't avoid fresh air." "Don't stuff yourself at meal time.) Over-eating reduces your resistance."! To which we would add when you take a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy most excellent. Sold by all deal- We have just received information that the First National Nurseries of Rocehster, N. Y.? want lady or gentle men representatives in this section to sell all kinds of Roses, Shrubs, Trees and Seeds. They infojm us that with out previous experience it is possible to make good wages every week. Any one out of employment write them for terms and enclose this notice. HANDY & WOLF Lawyers MONEY TO LOAN Wauseon - - Ohio Frank S. Ham Charles T. Stahl HAM & STAHL Attorneys-at-Law Wauseon, Ohio Booms t-S Fink Haumesser Block. Practice in all courts. Mr. Stahl will give special attention to Probate Practice and Abstractins. You Furnish the Appetite; We'll Do the Rest A C R A K E R ' THE QUICK LUNCH ROOM ; Wauseon, Ohio NOW OPEN Depot Street Phone 460 FARM, LIVE STOCK, FIRE INSURANCE CarlF.Orth Health and Accident and Life Insurance ' J. F. DIMKE FIRE, LIFE and BONDING INSURANCE.. UNION AGENCY Office in City. Hall ' Phone 19 L. C. SORENSEN Osteopathic Physician 884J4 Superior Street Toledo, Ohio Office Houss: to 12 a. m., 1 to f p. Other hours by appointment. . Home Phone 189S ' Cause of Insomnia The most common cause of insom nia is disorders of the stomach and constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets nvan thoQA HisnrHprs And enable you to sleep. For sale by all deal ers. ' TIME TABLE Wabash Railroad IN EFFECT JANUARY S, ltOt v EAST BOUND No. 22 A- No. 6 :S0 M. WEST BOUND No. 15 ." 12:81 A. M n 1 00 A. M R. E. SAMS Gash Buyer of Poultry Phone 1 U I B Ul Wauseon Ohio Piles! Piles! Piles! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cur Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It ab sorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant reliet Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre pared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Druggists, mail 50c and $1.00. WILLIAMS MFG. CO,, Prop., Cleveland, Ch The Northwestern Ohio. Mutual Rodded Fire Insurance Company, of West Unity, Ohio. Insures only farm property protect ed by Lightning Rods. The cheapest Farm Insurance in Ohio. P. D. WOODRING, Agent, Delta, Ohio. ARTHUR HILL Contractor and Builder Dwellings, Business Blocks and all lrinria nf PiiilHinera V Plans and Estimates Furnished rnone ioz , Wauseon, Ohio D Estabished Jan. 1882 Oldest in City avis Business College Adams and 15th Sts. TOLEDO, O. Prpnam fnr a (rnnA nneifinn nf 4-1. ; old reliable school, located in a city wucic uuBiiiitiiH are. i ) 11 msv nnrAi any time. Students may earn board and room. Write for catalogue. THURBER P. DAVIS, Principal