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FULTON COUNTY TRIBUNE, WAUSEON, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCT. 18, 1918 IWMIMHIMWIIMIIIMHMmHUMlWI 66 OUTl n PI TING TT Tf TT 'IT"1 HUN By LIEUTENANT PAT O'BRIEN Copyright. 1018, by Pat Alva O'Brien iittitiitttiitiiittjiiiiiiiiii8tttiitttttitiiiiiiii4tiiiiiiiitiMitiiitnimntnnfiimtttitimmiitttnt - CHAPTER XVI Continued. 11 From the kitchen you could walk directly Into the cow-barn, where two ows were kept, and this, as I have pointed out before, is the usual con tructlon of the poorer Belgian houses. -1 could not make out why the caller seemed to be ao antagonistic to me, and yet I am sure he was arguing with the family against me.- Perhaps the (act that I wasn't wearing wooden shoes I doubt whether I could have obtained a pair big enough for me had convinced him that I was not really a Belgian, because there was nothing about me otherwise which could have given him that Idea. At that time, and I suppose It Is true today, about 94 per cent of the people in Belgium were wearing wooden shoes. Amonj tfte peasants I d&nt believe I ever saw any other kind of footwear and they are more common there than they are in Hol land. The Dutch Wear them more on account of a lack of leather. I was told that during the coming year prac tically all the peasants and poorer people In Germany, too, will adopt wooden shoes for farm work, as that la one (Tlrectloa In which wood can be subvfftuted for leather without much loss. When the young man left, I left shortly afterwards, as I was not at all comfortable about what his Inten tions were regarding me. For all I knew he might have gone to notify the German authorities that there was a strange man in the vicinity more perhaps to protect his friends from suspicion of having aided me than to Injure me. At any rate, I was not going to take any chances and I got out of that neighborhood as rapidly as I could. That night found me right on the frontier of Holland. CHAPTER XVII. Getting Through the . Lines. Waiting until It war quite dark, I made my way carefully through a field and eventually came to the much dreaded barrier. It was all that I had heard about It. Every foot of the border line between Belgium and Holland Is protected In precisely the same manner. It Is there to serve three purposes : first, to pre vent the Belgians from escaping into Holland ; second to keep enemies, like myself, from making their way to free dom ; and third, to prevent desertions on the part of Germans themselves. One look was enough to convince any one that It probably accomplished all three objects about as well as any con trivance could, and one look was all I got of It that night, for while I lay on my stomach gazing at the forbid ding structure I heard the measured stride of a German sentry advancing towards me and I crawled away as fast as I possibly could, determined to spend the night somewhere In the fields and make another and more careful survey the following night The view I had obtained, however, was nufTlcient to convince me that the pole-vault Idea was out of the ques tion even If I hud a pole and was a proficient pole-vaulter. The three fences covered a span of at least twelve feet end to clear the lust barbed wire fence It -would be necessary to vault not only nt least ten feet high, but at least fourteen feet wide, with the cer tnln knowledge that to touch the elec tricnlly charged fence meant instant death. There would be no second chance If you came a cropper the first time. The stilt idea was also Impractica ble because of the lack of suitable timber and tools with which to con truct the stilts. It seomed to me that the best thing to do was travel up and down the line a bit in the hope that some spot might be discovered where conditions were more favorable, although I dont know just what I expected along those lines. It was mighty disheartening to real . lie that only a few feet away lay cer tain liberty and that the only things preventing me from reaching It were three confoi nded fences. I thought of my machine and wished that some kind fairy would set It la front of me (or just one minute. This seemed to be the most likely plan and all night long I sat construct ing a ladder for this purpose. I was fortunate enough to find a number of fallen pine trees from ten to twenty feet long. I selected two of them which seemed sufficiently strong and broke off all the branches, which I used as rungs, tying them to the poles with grass and strips from my handkerchef and shirt as best I could. ' - It was not a very workmanlike looking ladder when ' I finally got through with It. I leaned it against a tree to test it and It wobbled consid erably. It was more like a rope lad der than a wooden one, but I strength ened it here and. there and decided that it would probably serve the pur pose. ' I kept the ladder In the woods all day and could hardly wait until, dark to make the supreme test. If it proved successful my troubles were over; within a few hours I would be In a neutral country out of all danger. If I failed I dismissed the Idea sum marily. There was no use worrying about failure; the thing to do was to succeed. The few hours that were to pass before night came on seemed endless, but I utilized them to re-enforce my ladder, tying the rungs more securely with long grass which I picked in the woods. At last night came, and with my ladder in hand I made for the barrier. In front of It there was a cleared space of about one hundred yards, which had been prepared to make the work of the guards easier in watch ing It. I waited In the neighborhood until I henrd the sentry pass the spot where I was in hiding and then I hurried across the clearing, shoved my ladder under the barbed wire and , endeav- ored to follow It. My clothing caught in the wire, but I wrenched myself clear and crawled to the electric bar rier. My plan was to place the ladder against one of the posts, climb up to the top and then jump. There would be a fall of nine or ten feet, and I might possibly sprain an ankle or break my leg, but If that was all that stood between me and freedom I wasn't going to stop to consider it I put my ear to the ground to listen for the coming of the sentry. There was not a sound. Eagerly but care fully I placed the ladder against the post and started up. Only a few feet separated me from liberty, and my heart beat fast I had climbed perhaps three rungs of my ladder when I became aware of an unlocked for difficulty. The ladder was slipping. Just as I took the next rung, the ladder slipped, came In contact with the live wire, and the current passed through the wet sticks and Into my body. There was a blue flash, my hold on the ladder relaxed and I fell heavily to the ground unconscious. Of course. I had not received the full force of the current or I would not now be here. I must have re mained unconscious for a few mo ments, but I came to just in time to hear the German guard coming, and the thought came to me If I didn't get that ladder concealed at once he would see it even though, fortunately for me, it was an unusually dark night I pulled the ladder out of his vath and lay down flat on the ground not seven feet away from his feet. He passed so close that I could have pushed the ladder out and tripped him up, It occurred to me that I could have climbed back under the barbed wire fence and waited for the sentry to re turn and then felled him with a blow on 'the head, as he had no idea, of course, that there was anyone in the vicinity. I wouldn't have hesitated to take life, because my only thought was to get into Holland, but I thought that as long as he didn't bother me perhaps the safest thing to do was not to bother him, but to continue- my ef forts during his periodic absence, His beat at this point was apparent ly fairly long and allowed me more time to work than I had hoped for. My mishap with the ladder bad con vlnced me that my escape in that way was not feasible. The shock that I had received had unnerved me and I I spent the night In a clumn of tushes and kept la hiding most of the was afraid, to risk It again, partial- Uext day, only going abroad for an I larly as I realized that I had fared Lour or two la the middle of the day I more fortunately than I could hope Hi Intercept some Belgian peasant to again if I met with a similar mis- moment or two of pulling as I had never pulled in my life before, a staple on the next post gave way, and my work became easier. I had more leeway now and pulled and pulled again until in all eight staples had given way. Every time a staple gave way. It sounded in my ears like the report of a gun, although I suppose it didn't really make very much noise. Never theless, each time I would put my ear to the ground to listen for the guard. If I heard him I would stop working and lie perfectly still In th dark till he had gone by. By pulling on the wire, I was now able to drag it through the ground enough to place it back from the fence and go on digging. The deeper I went the harder be came the work, because by this time my finger nails were broken and I was nervous afraid every moment that I would touch the charged wire. I kept at it however, with, my mind constantly on the hole I was digging and the liberty which was almost with in my reach. Finally I figured that I had enough space to crawl through and still leave a couple of inches between my back and the live wire. Before I went under that wire I no ticed that the lace which the Belgian woman had given me as a souvenir made my pocket bulge, and lest it might be the innocent means of elec trocuting me by touching the live wire, I took it out rolled it up and threw It over the barrier first Then I lay down on my stomach and crawled or rather writhed under the wire like a snake, with my feet first. and there wasn't any question of my hugging mother earth as closely as possible because I realized that even to touch the wire above me with my back meant instant death. Anxious as I was to get nn the other side, I didn't hurry this operation. feared that there might be some little detail that I had overlooked and I ex ercised the greatest possible care In going under, taking nothing for granted. " When I finally got through and straightened up, there were otlll sev eral feet of Belgium between me and liberty, represented by the six feet which separated the electric barrier from the last barbed wire fence, but before I went another step I went down on my knees and thanked God for my long series of escapes and es pecially for this last achievement, which seemed to me to be about all that was necessary to bring me free dom. Then I crawled under the barbed wire fence and breathed the free air of Holland. I had no clear idea Just where I was and I didn't care much, I was out of the power of the Germans and that was enough. I had walked perhaps a hundred yards, when I re membered the lace I had thrown over the barrier, and dangerous as I real lze1 the undertaking to be, I deter mined to walk back and get it. This necessitated my going back onto Bel gian soil again, but it seemed a shame to leave the lace there, and by exer cising a little care I figured I could get it easily enough. When' I came to the spot at which I had made my way under the barbed wire, I put my ear to the ground and listened for the sentry. I heard him coming and lay prone on the ground till he had passed.' The fact that he might observe the hole in the ground or the ladder occurred to me as I lay there, and It seemed like an age be fore he finally marched out of ear shot Then I went under the barbed wire again, retrieved the lace and once again made my way to Dutch territory. It does not take long to describe the events Just referred to, but the Inci dents themselves consumed several hours In all. To dig the hole must have taken me more than two hours and I had to stop frequently to hide while the sentry passed. Many times, indeed, I thought I heard him coming and stopped my work - and then dis covered that it was only my Imagina tion. I certainly suffered enough that night to last me a lifetime. With a German guard on one side, death from electrocution on the other, and starva tion staring me in the face, my plight was anything but a comfortable one. It was on the 19th of November, as the German uniforms were the 1 same color, and I had suffered too many privations and too many narrow escapes to lose all at this time by jumping at conclusions. I had just turned off the road to go back Into some bushes when out of the darkness I heard that dread Ger man command: "Halt! Haiti He didn't need to holler twice. I heard and heeded the first time. Then I heard another man come running up. and there was considerable talking, but whether they were Germans or Hollanders I was still uncertain. He evidently thought someone was on the other side of the fence. Finally I heard one of them laugh and saw him walk back to the sentry station where the guard was billeted, and I crawled a little nearer to try to make out just what It meant I had begun to think it was all a nightmare. Between myself and the light in the sentry station, I then noticed the stooping figure of a man bending over as if to conceal himself and on his head was the spiked helmet- of a Ger man soldier! I knew then what another narrow escape I had had, for I am quite sure he would have shot me-without cere mony if I had foolishly made myself known. I would have been burled at once and no one would have been any wiser, even though, technically speak ing, I was on neutral territory and Im mune from capture or attack. This new shock only served to be wilder me more. I was completely lost. There seemed to be frontier be hind me and frontier in front of me. Evidently, however, what had hap pened was that I had lost my sense of direction and had wandered in the arc of a circle, returning to the same fence that I had been so long in get ting through. This solution of the mystery came to me suddenly and I at once searched the landscape for some thing In the way of a landmark to guide me. For once my faithful friend, the North Star, had failed me. The sky was pitch black and there wasn't a star in the heavens. In the distance, at about what ap peared to be about three miles away, but which turned out to be six, I could discern the lights of a village, and I knew It must be a Dutch village, as lights are not allowed in Belgium in that indiscriminate way. My course was now clear. I would make a beeline for that village. Before I had gone very far I found myself in a marsh or swamp and I turned back a little, hoping to find a better path. Finding none, I retraced my steps and kept straight ahead, determined to reach that village at all costs and to swerve neither to the right or left until I got there. One moment 'I would be In water up to my knees and the next I would sink In mud clear up to my waist I paid shivers ran down my back while he sat beside me, because every now and again I caught a glimpse of his gray uniform and it resembled very much that of the German soldiers. Some of the neighbors, aroused by the commotion, got up to see what it wns all about, and came in and watched while I ate the meal those good Dutch people, prepared for me. Ordinarily I suppose I would have been embarrassed with so many peo ple staring at me while I ate as though I were some strange animal that has just been captured, but just then I was too famished to notice or care very much what other people did. There will always be a warm place In my heart for the Dutch people. I had heard lots of persons say that they were not inclined to help refu gees, but my experience did not bear these reports out They certainly did more for me than I ever expected. I had a little German monev left but as the value of German money is only about half In Holland, I didn't have enough to pay the fare to Rot terdam, which was my next objective. It was due to the generosity of these people that I was able to reach the British consul as quickly as I did. Some day I hope to return to Holland and repay every single soul who played the part of the good Samari tan to me. With the money that these people gave me I was able to get a third class ticket to Rotterdam, and I was glad that I didn't have to travel first class, for I would have looked as much out of place in a first-class carriage as a Hun would appear in heaven. That night I slept In the house of my Dutch friends, where they fixed me up most comfortably. In the morn ing they gave me breakfast and then escorted me to the station. While I was waiting at the station a crowd gathered round me and soon it seemed as if the whole town had turned out to get a look at me. It was very embarrassing, particularly as I could give them no Information re garding the cause of my condition, al though, of course, they all knew that I was a refugee from Belgium. As the train pulled out of the sta tion, the crowd gave a loud cheer and get In the compartment and, observ ing my unusual appearance, would endeavor to start a conversation with me. None of them spoke English, however, and they had to use their own Imagination as to my Identity. When I arrived at Rotterdam I asked a policeman who stood In front of the station where I could find the British consul, but I could not make him understand. I next applied, to a taxicab -driver. "English consul British consul American consul French consul 1" I said, hoping that If he didn't under stand one he might recognize an other. He eyed me with suspicion and mo tioned me to get In and drove off. I had no idea where he was taking me, but after a quarter of an hour's ride he brought up in front of the British consul. Never before was I so glad to see the Union Jack 1 (TO BE CONTINUED.) STATE WINGS at CAUSE AND CURE OF CRAMPS Too High Blood Pressure Frequently Brings Them On Removed by Vigorous Rubbing. In this article we shall discuss only the local muscular spasms that affect most commonly the calves of the legs, but that sometimes occur in the thighs, the arms or the wall of the abdomen. Internal cramps, or colic, swimmer's cramp and writer's cramp are affec tions of an entirely different nature. A cramp, in this restricted sense. Is a sudden, painful and very strong con traction of a small part of a muscle; It does not usually cause any move ment In the rffected limb, for to do that a contraction of nearly the entire muscle Is necessary, and then we have what is called a spasm, or a convul sion. The contraction is Involuntary, al though persons who are subject to cramps sometimes bring them on by a voluntary movement such as stretch ing. The early-morning cramp is of ten brought on by the stretching to which one is prone on awaking. Very commonly the cramp comes on during sleep, and the intense pain awakens the sufferer with a start. The affected the tears almost mmp to m v o-caa na I nnrt nf tha toiispIa fnrme n hnrrl Vnot a contrasiea in my mma tne conauct : ana u a large part or tne muscie is and beg for food. The Belgians In this ction were naturally very much Kfrald of the Germans and I fared ladly. In nearly every house German toldlers were quartered and It was out of the question for me to apply for food In that direction. The prox imity or tne border made everyone eye each other with more or less sus picion and I soon came to the conclu sion that the safest thing I could do was to live on raw vegetables which I could steal from the fields at night as I had previously done. That night I made another survey of the barrier In that vicinity, but It looked Just as hopeless as it had the night before and I concluded that I only wasted my time there. I spent the night wandering north, guided by the North Star which had served me o faithfully in all my trav eling. Every mile or two I would make tny way carefully to the barrier to see If conditions were any better, but It seemed to be the same all along. I felt like a wild animal In a cage, with about as much chance of getting out The section of the country in which I was now wandering was very heavily wooded and there was really no very jrreat difficulty in keeping myself con cealed, which I did all day long, striv ing all the time to think of some way in which I could circumvent that cursed barrier. The Idea ot a huge stepladder oc curred to me, but I searched hour after hour In vain for lumber or fallen trees wt of which I could construct one. If I could only obtain something which would enable me to reach a point bout nine feet In the air It would be comparatively simple matter to Jump from that point over the electric feuce. Then I thought that' perhaps I could construct a simple ladder and lean It against one of the posts upon which the electric wires were strung, climb to the top and then leap over, getting wer tha barbed wire fences In the ihi way hap. There was no way of making that ladder hold and I gave up the Idea of using It I was now right In front of this electric barrier and as I studied It I saw another way of getting by. If I couldn't get over It, what was the matter with getting under it? The bottom wire was only two Inches from the ground and, of course, I couldn't touch It, but my plan was to dig underneath it and then crawl through the hole in the ground. I had only my hands to dig with, but I went at it with a will and fortu nately the ground was not very hard. When I had dug about six inches. making a distance In all of eight inches from the lowest electric wire. I -came to an underground wire. I knew enough about electricity to real ize that this wire could not be charged, as it was in contact with the ground, but still there was not room between the live wire and this underground wire for me to crawl through, and I ether had to go back or die deep enough under this wire to crawl under It or else pull it up. This underground wire was about as big around as a lead pencil and there was no chance of breaking it. The jack-knife I had had at the start of my travels I had long since lost and even If I had had something to hammer with, the noise would have made the method Impracticable. I went on digging. When the total distance between the live wire and the bottom of the hole I had dug was thirty Inches, I took hold of the ground wire and pulled on It with all my strength. It wouldn't budge. It was stretched taut across the narrow ditch I had dug about fourteen Inches wide and all the tugging didn't serve to loosen It I was Just about to give up In de spair when a staple gave way In the nearest post That enabled me to pull tha wire through the ground a little and I renewed my efforts. After a 1917, when I got through the wire. I had made my leap from the train on September 9th. Altogether, therefore. Just seventy-two days had elapsed since I, escaped from the Huns. If live to be as old as Methusaleh, I never expect to live through another sev enty-two days so crammed full of In cident and hazani and lucky escape. lllfilHSMH the CHAPTER XVII L Experiences in Holland. But I was not . quite out of woods. I now knew that I was in Holland, but Just where I had no idea. I walked for about thirty minutes and came to a path leading to the right, and I had proceeded along it but a few hundred yards when ' I saw In front of me fence -. exactly like the one I had crossed. "This Is funny," I said to myself. "I didn't know the Dutch had a fence, too." I advanced to the fence and examined it closely, and judge of my astonishment when I saw beyond It a nine-foot fence apparently holding live wires exactly like the one which had nearly been the death of me I I had very little time to conjecture what It all meant, for just then beard a guard coming. He was walk ing so fast that I was sure it was -Dutch sentry, as the Huns walk much slower. 1 was so bewildered, however, that I decided to take no chances, and as the road was fairly good I wandered down It and away from that mysteri ous fence. About half a mile down I could see the light of a sentry sta tion and I thought I would go there and tell my story to the sentries, real izing that as I was unarmed It was perfectly safe for me to announce myself to the Dutch authorities. I could be Interned only If I entered Holland under arms. As I approached the sentry box I noticed three men In gray uniforms, the regulation Dutch color, I was on the verge of shouting to them when the thought struck me that there was Just a chance I might be mistaken, of this crowd and the one that had gathered at the station in Ghent when I had departed a prisoner en route for the reprisal camp. I breathed a sigh of relief as I thought of that re prisal camp .and how fortunate I had really been, despite all my sufferings, to have escaped it Now, at any rate, I was a free man and I would soon be sending home the joyful news that I had made good my escape! ' At Elnhoffen two Dutch .officers got Into the compartment with me. They looked at me with very much disfavor, not knowing, of course, that I was a British officer. My clothes were still pretty much In the condition they were when I crossed the border, al- i though I had been able to scrape off some of the mud I had collected the night before. I had not shaved nor trimmed my beard for many days, and I must have presented a sorry appearance. I could hardly blame them for edging away from me. The trip from Elnhoffen to Rotter dam passed wlthaut special Incident At various stations passengers would FISH-SKIN SHOES COMING? Involved the limb may be drawn up, Children and the aged suffer more often with cramps than do persons In middle life. In children the cause Is usually violent exercise, such as run ning and jumping, but in the elderly a tendency to cramps Is often caused by incipient hardening of the arteries. When the blood pressure Is high. cramps often occur, but they cease to trouble if the pressure is reduced. Persons who are rheumatic and gouty are especially liable to be attacked by cramps very likely because hardening of the arteries accompanies their con stitutional disposition. The treatment of a single cramp of the calf is very simple: stand on tip toe in such a way as to stretch the calf muscle and at the same time rub the place where the contraction has occurred. That will put an end to the attack promptly. If the attacks recur frequently, there Is probably some constitutional fault that needs correction, and the sufferer should con sult his physician. Youth's Compan ion. MANY USES FOR SANDBAG Heard the German Guard Coming. no attention to my condition. It was merely a repetition of what I had gone through many times before, but this time I had a definite goal and once I reached it I knew my troubles would be over. It took me perhaps three hours to reach firm ground. The path I struck led to within half a mile of the village. I shall never forget that path ; It was almost as welcome to my feet as the opposite bank ot the Meuse had seenied- The first habitation I came to was a little workshop with a bright light shining outside. It must have been after midnight, but the people inside were apparently just quitting work. There were three men and two boys engaged In making wooden shoes. It wasn't necessary for me to ex plain to them that I was a refugee, even if I had been able to speak their language. I was caked with mud up to my shoulders and I suppose my face must have recorded some of the ex periences I had gone through that memorable night "I want the British consul!" I told them. Apparently they didn't understand, but one of them volunteered to con duct me to the village. They seemed to be only too anxious to do all they could for me; evidently they realized I was a British soldier. It was very late when my compan ion finally escorted me Into the vil lage, but he aroused some people he knew from their beds and they dressed and came down to feed me, The family consisted of an old lady and her husband and a son, who was a soldier In the Dutch army. The cold Quite Possible, Though It Must Be Ad mitted They Are Not Altogether Desirable Footwear. When things come to the worst every day Is going to be like Friday the atmosphere will be crowded with the aroma of fish. There Is a scarcity of leather, as everybody knows, and, that being so, tanners are making a dili gent search fcr other substitutes, and new sources of supply. Experts de clare that the skins of aquatic crea tures offer a practically undeveloped resource, and It is not unlikely that be fore long we shall be covering our ex tremities with the skins of the man eating shark and the sacred codfish. The reason such skins have not here tofore been utilized for leather Is not because they are not perfectly well adapted for such use, but only because the skins of land animals have been so plentiful. - Disciples of Izaak Wal ton dispute the experts about the cur ing of fishsklns. They say once a fish always a fish. If It comes to pass- that we adopt fish-skin shoes these fish ermen offer some advice to the cajlow youth who goes courting. "Leave your fish-skin shoes on the front porch, like the Hollanders and Japs, and court In your stocking feet Otherwise there will be a chilly reception awaiting you." Being married, tney are taiKing by the book. Jungle Can Furnish Food. While the new food campaign was being talked about at Seattle, Ran dolph L. Summerfield of Singapore, who has lived forty years In the Malay States, arrived on a government, mis sion. He is a civil engineer. "The world's live-stock market has been dec imated," said Mr. Summerfield, "but if worst comes to worst and there's a real meat famine, the jungles of the Malay States can supply vast quanti ties of meats and fats. Our forests are full of monkeys of all kinds. Our streams teem with crocodiles. The huge anaconda snake is numerous and prolific. Monkey meat cooked French or Spanish style, billed on the menu as veal, would make an epicure yearn for more. There's no disagreeable sen timent about killing a crocodile or the boa constrictor. Portions of the 'croco's' tail are extraordinarily good, and the boa constrictor is a culinary favorite In India. Fried In butter, or certain oils, the boa constrictor is con sidered a delicacy." Argonaut Soldiers Employ It in a Number of Ways Besides What It Is Offi cially Intended For. The sandbag Is one of the most use ful pieces of military equipment found anywhere and the soldier puts it to manifold uses. Their official use, of course, is to be filled with sand or clay and built into ramparts, barricades and trenches. Their unofficial uses are legion. The infantryman always uses a sand bag for carrying and storing his ra tions, for patching and re-enforctog his clothing, for lining and curtaining his dugout, for muffling mallets and stakes -when putting up wire In No Man's Land. They make excellent gai ters, being tied on over the puttees as a further protection against mud and damp. They make cozy mufflers In bad weather. They are used to cover shrapnel helmets to prevent reflection. and they are frequently in demand for rifle covers. Many soldiers always pull two sand bags over their feet and legs when go ing to bed In billets; In other words, the sandbag is Tommy's pajamas. The warmth and comfort of a burlap sand bag when pulled over chilled feet is astonishing. The postman's mallbag at the front Is nothing more than an empty sand bag, and the water carriers also use two sandbags, slung back and front over the shoulder, each containing a petrol tin full of water. "The war will be over," a soldier wit once said, "when all of Belgium and France has been put into Band- bags." Discouraged. 'Tve given up trying to keep a hired girl." "What's the matter V Tve come to the conclusion that when it comes to paying wages I can't compete with a munitions factory," Heat Sufferer. "Suffer much from the heat?" "I should say so. Nearly had a sun stroke rushing around to lay in next winter's coal- When a 'Prisoner Is Exchanged. Ivan Rossiter, captured by the Ger mans and later exchanged, says in the Farm and Fireside : "Then I lay down, not to sleep but to think. I thought of the day when I enlisted in Canada, of leaving home, the training camps, the trip overseas to England, the training in England, going across the channel to Flanders, the terrific fight ing at Tpres, of the many friends who fell on that bloody battlefield, how I was wounded and captured, the Inhu man treatment I received at the hands of the German surgeons, who had four husky Germans hold me down while they cut five bones out of my wrist and amputated my middle finger at the second joint when I was wounded In the palm of the hand, the kicks and the cuffs from prison guards ana the terrible stuff the Germans called food In the prison camps." Getting by the Censor. He wrote the fair one, who had been kind enough to try to give him all the information possible, ana alter ac knowledging the receipt of the letter told her that unfortunately part of her news had been obliterated by the cen sor. In her reply she said: "Just tell me what part of the letter It war and I will write right away and tell you what it was. Last saloon at Helena, Sandusky county, closed voluntarily. Miss Lllah Miller resigned as head of the Sandusky Girl Scout troop, Robert David, 8, Xenia, was acci dentally shot in the head by a play mate asid may die. Riley Shue of Dayton, right guard on Miami university football team, died of pneumonia, A violent wind and hail storm did considerable damage in Marion, Han cock and Crawford counties. Mrs. Nellie Osborne. 70. was found dead in the public highway near Dex ter City, Noble county. J. C. Babcock and Ferdinand We- heele of Napoleon were arrested. charged with menacing a liberty bond solicitor. State health department ordered private funerals for influenza victims. the same as in other contagious and Infectious diseases. While Assistant Fire Chief Allen E. Nice was speeding to a fire In Co lumbus his auto struck and killed Otto Thiel, aged 52, a mechanic. Rev. O. T. Swigert of Morral was elected president and Rev. Mr. Bagby of Delaware secretary-treasurer of the Marlon Baptist conference at Prospect. Schools, churches and places of amusement at Dayton Avere closed as a precautionary measure against in fluenza epidemic. Lieutenant Phil Farren, a govern ment airplane tester, was killed at the south field, near the Dayton Wright Airplane company, when his machine fell. Twenty-five houses will be built by the Bucyrus Builders . company, backed by Bucyrus Manufacturers' association, for the Ohio Steel Foun dry and Machine company. , Chillicothe board of health ordered all schools, churches, lodges, clubs and movies closed following reports of 100 cases of what physicians diag nosed as influenza in the city. ueatns at tamp snerman as a re sult of the influenza epidemic now total 841. New cases, however, are being reported more slowly, and dis charges from the hospital continue in increasing numbers. More than 800 city firemen voted to hand their resignations to Fir Chief Wallace at Cleveland, to take effect Oct. 18, unless their demands for an eight-hour day, back pay and Increased wages were granted. Three little children of Frank Wise- cup of Belief ontaine will likely die from playing with matches. They started a' fire in an upper room of the house and were unconscious when firemen rescued them. Because of the spread of Influenza In Ohio, four liberty loan meetings at which Governor Cox was-to speak this week have been called off. The dates at Hillsboro, Greenfield, Co lumbus ' Grove and Kenton will not be filled. ' ' Three children, two boys, 6 and years old. and a girl, 7, the children of Joseph Broad, are dead at Wind sor, Ashtabula county, as the resuR of eating toadstools. Three other younger children and their mother were made' ill. Because Oct 9, customarily ob served as fire and accident preven tion day, this year falls within the liberty loan campaign, the observ ance has been postponed until Sat urday, Nov. 2. Governor Cox issued a proclamation urging co-operation of all state and civic bodies in its ob servance. - Private Ambres Sandrowske has been found guilty at Camp Sherman of willfully disobeying orders and sentenced to five years In the United States disciplinary barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Private Hiram C. Mayne was found guilty of deser tion and sentenced to eight years in Fort Leavenworth. Governor Cox has recommended to the provost marshal general that the call for 4,000, Ohio draftees to entrain between Oct. 21 and 26 b? suspended on account of the influenza situation In this 6tate. The men are to go to Camp Wadsworth, S. C. He advised also that physical examination of prospective draftees" be suspended for the time being. Federal circuit court ot appeals at Cincinnati denied' the application of John J. Shea and Edward Taylor of Toledo for a rehearing in their ap peal from the fines and sentences im posed upon them in the federal dis trict court at Toledo. The men were convicted at " Toledo ' on indictments charging misuse of the mails in fur therance of schemes to defraud. Former Lieutenant Governor Asa W. Jones died at his home at Burg- hill, Trumbull county, near Youngs- town. He had been ill six months with heart disease. During the first administration of Governor J. B. For- iker he was appointed judge advocate general. He was a candidate for the nomination for governor when chosen as running mate for Asa S. Bushnell in 1896. President Wilson has declined to Intervene in the Columbus streetcar fare controversy, as requested by Mayor Karb. John M. Roan, former chief stats mine inspector, was injured, perhaps fatally, when his auto went over a 90-foot embankment near Wellston. He was taken to a hospital at Co lumbus. Ohio King's Daughters elected Mrs. Sara Gugle of Columbus state presi dent for ,the eighth consecutive term. Mrs. George Mendell, Steubenville, was elected secretary, and Miss Ellen Brady, Fremont, treasurer. Near Millersburg Lewis Mohr, 53, farmer, was killed instantly when a colt kicked him on the head. William Frisbee, 46, Urbana, lost his life when a telegraph pole fell on him. Mr. and Mrs. John Moss, near Goodhope, Fayette county, died of Spanish influenza. Four daughters and one son are seriously ill. From 500 cases of influenza to less than a score is the record, made in TiSln through a quiet though active campaign by the health board. One or two deaths may be traced to the dis ease there. More than 1,000 cases of influenza have been reported at Newark. Near ly 800 pupils in the public schools are 111 of the malady, Superintendent .Barnes reported. I A. M. Willard, painter of the fa mous picture, "The Spirit of '76," died at his home in Cleveland, aged 81 years. Death was due to heart fail ure. Willard was a civil war veteran. George Hammond, Columbus cab driver, was sentenced to the peniten tiary without hope of pardon upon a finding of first degree murder, made upon Kammond's general confession to the kllllne of his Mww Edson M.'MIlle," professor of nmtfc. ematlcs at Ohio university. Is deaA. A doxen persons were Injured In a railroad accident near East UvsrpeoT. At East Liverpool, W. O. PowaS, wife and two sons were Injured when their auto turned turtle. , National dairy show has been opened at Columbus with a- large number of exhibits, War work in four Columbus plants is being delayed by a strike of ma chinists for an eight-hour day. George L. Corbett, 32, New PhJIa. delphla, died, from injuries received. in a wreck. Thirty doctors and nurses wera sent from Canton to fight Influenza, at Camp Taylor, Ky, - Fayette county has shipped a car load of clothing to destitute Belgians and French. With only a few deaths out of 8,000 the epidemic is on the wane. '-'' Near Millersburg. Ford P. Fry. 1?. farmer, while hauling saw logs, was instantly killed in a runaway. - In State Auditor Donahey's family ; of 12, Mrs. Donahey.ia .the only on not suffering with influenza, it is said. Spanish influenza in the different. camps of the United States caused: the death of six Crawford county-boys. Mrs. Henry S. Willard, Jr, 35, wife of one of the owners of the Milton,' iron furnaces at WTellston, died of influenza. Rejected when he tried to enlist Youngstown, J Howard Lloyd joined the Canadian forces and was killed in action. Rev. R. Lehn leaves the Methodist Episcopal church at Lakeside for ' a pastorate at Warsaw. Kev. H. B. Allen of Warsaw goes to Port Clin ton. Strike of 50 plumbers and steam fit ters at the government nitrates plant at Toledo threatens to tie up all work at the institution. The men de mand a wage increase. Reaching for a revolver when a lone robber held him up, Louis Schmidt, aged 43, grocer at Colum bus, was shot through the right long. He fired twice at the crook, who es- . caped. - Schmidt may die. Orville F. Barcus, a returned mis sionary, was chosen as postmaster of Sunbury. .The postoffice department, adhered to its new rule that the high,' man wins. Fred D. Baker, 'postmas ter at. Sunbury, recently resigned. . With the program completed, tha - state convention of the Women's . Christian Temperance association. scheduled for Oct. 15-18 at Clflciit nati, has been postponed on account of the influenza epidemic. Three hundred men and women employed in the plant ot the Clausa Shear company, Fremont, walked out. demanding they be. paid every other Saturday instead of the 10th and 25th of the -month. . , Because further ; investigation . of their crime by the state board of clemency is desirable, Governor Cox reprieved until Dec. 6 George W. Baker and Faolino Panattonl, Ports mouth murderers, sentenced to die at the penitentiary. All pupils entering Columbus pub- lie schools must be vaccinated, .ac cording to a ruling of , the board of education. Parents who do not wish to abide by this" ruling will be com pelled to take their children ' from school. Ohio has 5,000 farm ' tractera in operation, . against a few more than 2,000 a year ago, says N. E. Shaw, state secretary of agriculture. Ha expects to have his crop reporters make a survey to obtain the exact niimhAr Grape growers of the Lake Erie islands are receiving prices this year which are the highest In the history1 of the grape industry. For Concords' - $70 per ton was paid and for the Ca-. tawbas prices of from $95 to $105 per ton have been paid for the crops Ohio's labor shortage continues acute, according to reports from '21 local employment offices throughout the state. Approximately 10,000 jobs' were filled during the week ending- : Sept. 14. Requests for help numbered 17,074. G. V. Sheridan, secretary of. the Ohio State Medical association, has gone to Washington, called by the council of national defense, medical section. The council is planning ta. organize volunteer medical service, ' corps in other states along the suc cessful lines followed in Ohio. Foreclosure of a mortgage of tha -New York Trust company, of New-; York' and sale of the property of uie: Cincinnati, Flndlay and Fort Wayne. Railway company was ordered by Federal Judge Hollister at . Clncin-: nati The sale is to be held on tha premises 6f the company at Flndlay, on or about Nov. 15. Ohio communities unable to cope with the- influenza epidemic will be. furnished emergency medical and nursing relief through the United States public health service. Gov ernor Cox and state health officials issued statements to the public. In which they urged vigilance, but not hysteria, in coping with the epidemic - Mr. aad .Mrs., Edward Kennedy, North Lewlsburg, received word that their son, Glade Kennedy, who ran away early In August and joined the navy, had died aboard, a hospital ship. The boy was 17 years old. A large production of all grains In Ohio is shown by the first joint crop report of the state and federal gov ernments. Many counties report bumper crops of oarts as well as other grains. Spring wheat, where grown, yielded more bushels per acre than winter wheat. The condition or tne corn crop Oct. 1 is reported at 76 per cent of normal. State health, department sent out orders closing motion picture houses, theaters, schools, churches, and pro hibiting public meetings of any kind in Ohio communities where Spanish influenza exists. In localities where it does not exist the order Is to be come effective when the disease makes its appearance. Perry county was the twenty-first county In the state to reach its quota of war savings stamps. Quota o $759,820 exceeded by $1,322. George Narrance, 45, Marion, died of injuries received a few days ago when hit by a train. At Xenia Joseph Ayers, 47, was trampled to death by two, cows. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Will of Upper Sandusky died of Influenza. Rev. William B. Gage, Washington C. H. Presbyterian pastor, leaves soon for Paris to do Y. M. C. A. work. Miss Dolly Moore died at Marion, of typhoid fever. Her mother, Mrs. H. A. Moore, and a sister, Gertrude Moore, are critically ill of the same disease. ....... As the result of a stroke of paral ysis four weeks ago, Rev. George I. Hart, 56, pastor of First Baptist LcfeureA, Washington C H., la dead.