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POF TOW Count? PifRl INF -1 11 X County Audiaor 1-1-19; 1 N W i VOL. XXXVIH NO. 21 WAUSEON, OHIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1921 $1.50 PER YEAR T S GULLING CAMPAIGN COMPLETED Poultry is the third most import ant industry in Fulton County. Grain raising is first, dairying second and i poultry is third BOYS AND GIRLS WILL EXHIBIT AT THE FAIR $10 TAX ON AUTOS WILL NOT BE A LAW Boys and girls club exhibits will Poultrv brintrs inibe more in evidence at the bier Ful- over a million dollars each year in ton County Fair, this year than ever the County, in spite of the fact how- before. About one hundred and ga nny Doys ana gins win nave tneir Owners of motor vehicles in Ohio who have been bearing their just proportion of the federal, state and other ' taxes and licenses amounting to $340,000,000 that are collected in the United States on such vehicles, can at least draw a breath of relief Warrants Twed Itrust. Balance to be retained ac- C. D. Perry, expense attend- ! cording to the terms of the trust. ins Board Meeting 17.08 i ' Allie Pike vs Cora Funk et al Northwestern Ohio Telephone action for partition; sale confirmed,. nt nH tnll -. "nr inimt v I deed ordered upon purchaser comply- ' i i i rr :?i;n. ..flt-V, tor-tric nf awlp. Distribution I uoara oi rucuu.,.. ........ ''' "V" "7 " j " "ui" Tilever that the total returns are Wn 1247 12506!any, court' costs including attorneys i large the average production per hen Pjgs, chickens, calves and fruit onnow that the proposed additional tax it ir 7 V7 V.' 'r;t V 'tCtX' ifep tr F S and J M Ham in the!is onl-y about seventy two eggs perid'spiay. . ,of $10 on each automobile is not to nZue CUnt0n D,tuh N- .,1 r. sum of $7.00 balance to heirs iniyear. There is plenty of rom fori The Holste.n Calf Club consists of be included in the new government G'Liningebh No:-U,5- Jthe respective -Potion, found due -P--ment m the nocks of Fulton - - - w German Township 231 f & until fJer 3 H our poultry men had studied the the first time. Every calf if. pure L-.v; wTw'fi CbesterneU ,8 40! court breeding and feeding of poultry as bred Holstein and will be fitted up in JJitcn No. 10 ............ o.iu tu t. Allion ac-'ur dairymen have studied the breed-' the finest kind of shape by Fair time. St h mucker and Nomgcr Chn- ;..Jonn ',. Miley vs eo. Allion ac-. j Hit .iA The competition will be verv keen tun Ditch 1267 lrj.UOjtion ior dissolution oi a pan-nersnip , j i" j V Itell with ree-ard to the averap-e nrn- raise One Hundred Dollars to be Real Estate Transfers Kathcrine Wibon to Frederick Wilhelm et al 42.50 acres, Sec. 11-14 . Swan Creek Township. Wm. Valentine to A. Earl Harger, ' lot 16 Donnelys addition, Wauseon. ( Lurine Evers to John E. and Lulu M. Plettner, lot 55 and of 56, Hibbards addition, Springhill, Dover jtjnued lownsnip. I 6 0f revenue bill This announcement followed the I recent conference held at the White House between President Harding and members of the Senate and House at which time it was deciaed and accounting. Report of appraisers! there would be a different story to I" Mr U r Grisier has agreed toltnat instead of increasing the bur- approved and confirmed. Anna C. Powers 'vs James Powers duction of our hens. given in prizes in addition to the action for divorce and alimony, in junction granted as prayed for, Probate Court Estate of Nicholas first partial account, Barbara Hauenstein to Lurine !,;,... Jtr-tid 0,ni T.. orf- WD OIO 07Q A QUA l"" --- J V vT 1 Of pCXL t U OllU Oil) L.IlUCCi Wauseon. ttmirHinnshin nf Fva Hackett. final Our greatest need is first to learn and be willing to feed our poultry properly. Many a good hen has been greatly limited in her produc tion and therefore hepn nnnrnfitnhlo heranse shp has not hopn snnniioi ihibits as well as in the open classes, hearing con-with enough of the right kind of IWe have seen some of these P'S3 and Iraw matfrial out nf whih tn mnVoiwill say that some of them are as P. Mossing, Lo-o-c '-. 'fine as will be seen exhibited by re- Malburg, premiums offered by the Fair Board Many of these calves will also be shown in the open classes. There will be about thirty five boys showing their pigs in the club ex- hearing con- A hpn in nvW t hp rBfKip 'gular showmen at any County Fair. should lay eggs from nine to ten!.. There will be more entries among months during the- year. A hen;lne Poulwy ,C1UD ?ys p this i . ,mU ery u jFS- Livin,' account, hearing confirmed, guardian iwhich rests five or sjx mon'ths durin(rivear tnan there has ever before at lot 10, Greenougha addition, Wu-jdi harged 'clfs Ve da1ry cowTa! f, ir: The Poultry club exhibits Jos Oberla to Eddie D Oberla 40 f Kfe "T' Pr &oes dry three or four mt dur- J" hou?e 'n,u regf,lar V?iy '9 ILl rJttl ' 40 puWication and notice of appoint-,, the . She is unable to building and it will be we 1 worth the -j mint ruea. .. .t TT . . Estate of ?""ain "ollcea . publication aid notice of appoint- Jay H. Miller, reconstruction of:mtnt filed- houst, Swancreek Township, estimat- Estate of Roy s. Harmon, proof of ed cost. $(500.00. ..ui: .i t Will Zeigler, Dover Township, ,.4. fii0j dit.h, estimated cost $1200.00. Estate of clara V- E1is sheal.( Andrew Short Clinton Township,le )tiong to final account, cause corn crib and shed, estimated cost dismisse(j. First and final account $200.00. I confirmed, Admr. W. W. A. discharg- T . ed. rvew Cases in Court i .,:,tntp f r.onr-oo Rnrrlitt nnnliVa. dens of taxation on the people, that the expenditures of various depart ments of government operation will be reduced. . In this decision, motor vehicle own ers who have been made the target of tax levying bodies since the auto mobile became an important factor in American transportation facilities may find just cause to congratulate themselves. On the other hand they will not fail to appreciate the efforts of the American Automobile Association and its affiliated state organizations of which The Ohio State Automobile Association is one, in helping to bring about the elimination of thi3 latest additional burden that had been proposed for the motorists of thei country. A 2000 WORD SKETCH OF EDWIN DENBY Secretary of the Navy It was written in the stars, when Edwin Denby was appointed Secre tary of the Navy in President Hard ing's cabinet, that the 150,000 odd bluejackets and marines should, without quibble, bestow on him that title of oection among fighting men; ilThe Old Man." For ever since his fifteenth year, when he was a lad in 'Jhina, Edwin Denby has lived a life picturesque in color and rich in ad venture. The only veteran of the W orld War in the Cabinet, he has swabbed decks as a gob and done his trick at kitchen police as a leather neck. Small wonder that rank and Tile aclaimed his appointment. A youngster in the service of the Chinese Maritime Customs, a stal wart forward on one of Michigan's jrack elevens, a gunner's mate under "ire in Cuban waters, member of the Michigan legislature and then of Congress, a pioneer in the automo bile industry with large financial in terests when he enlisted in the Ma tine Corps as a buck private one week after we had declared war on Germany. A slim outline that, but STORIES OF AMERICA AND AMERICANS When time is taken to ' i 1 . It imp of unv rtnp tn visit, that hnilHino- 1 11 1 if (- pnmio'n fi 1 1 ti n rr t n rocr at rno j . . -- - v UB Joseph Jones, proof of (year to make cr Drofitable. In orderland..insPect the Pe"s. o birds shown to lay eggs over a long period, how- by yV J ' pp, v, ,.,f u K.i Tho this has been rather a poor iiiuot uact. an auuiiuaiicc - . , , - . of the right kind of feed. It is for fru,t there will be a large that Ohio motorists are now paying! 'ade Denby the most very hard to convince people of this 1 v V" "f",1Iu. ,u ,vBe"' more tnan $iJU,000,000 in federal and (however, because they have been so7,y l"e g,r' 0I, lnf I,?a cu.?.n j state taxes and licenses and that the used to considering poultry side line, . t"""" -'"iproposea tax wouia nave meani xne that they do not seem to realize that De Ve m e Dniwing lormeriy it will pav to keep a good egg pro-,"8 frJhe Poult club exhibit, ducing ration before the hens the year .,0n morning at ten o'clock around. there will be a parade of all the boys anu gins ciud memDers on tne race Percy Hooker et al filed through tioT filed, bond filed and Vp track? led by the Boy Scout Band and Goo. Everett, action for money only and k.tters of administration issued f:0" n1n?nf 531 followed by the parade of livestock. r. H- fiW throne V. PeF.Guyer,Gw. A. Everett, A heavy producing fen must have a S Arthur Harmon, 1 U L 1 1 j 11 i- 1 Dlentiful sunnlv of animal nrotein in B"."'u "e un Y. see. lnl.s a'SP'ay u c 1 : .. L, : i u 1 . OI parent in Fulton County display live boys and girls, the best crop B. vs 1 pointed appraisers her feed if she ia j to b abl ' " K'. uaaruiansnip 01 Anna May Brat-jto tay steadily. And any flock owner 1lual r ulton Jmiycanproauce. ROADS CLOSED ' IN COUNTY f,.l " " I";;:" V" " "-'s" T V":ton. Cl al application mea, oona mea who exl)ects a heav nrodncinp. hpn . ,1 1 , t -, . .. ,j , ., - - . : . x o - - over the farm for this animal protein in the form of bugs B. Johnson action for money only va ;and at)rroved and otters of guardian-1 forage all "?Let:, r, :hip issued to Clarence B. BrattonJf gneroa" Johii3on action for money only Felix Fabereick et al. Court Orders Frank Miley vs Amos Miley action for re-docket. Report of sale of Estate of Margaret Ries, proof of publication and notice of appoint ment filed. Estate of Wayne B. Harris, first and final account filed, hearing Sept. 12 Guardianship of Frank Bilor et al second partial account filed, hearing 19th, property approved and confirmed; 14,,., ' er deed upon compliance by purchas- " , . . er with terms of sale. Trustee order- Marriage Licenses ed U distribute as follows: Taxes Justin Cairl, 23, salesman, Berkey, and neimltiea if anv. court c-ists in-, Ohio and Henna Dowell, 24, Swanton. 'chiding attorneys fee of $75.00 -to C. John Hallor, 25, farmer, Swanton age and worms is making a big mistake, An egg producing mash should be kept before the fiock of laying hens the year around, one which has given good results through out the State is as follows: 10 pounds of ground corn. 10 pounds of ground oats. '- 10 pounds of ground white mid dlings. 10 poupds of bran. 10 pounds of meat scrap of tank- J. Baser $50.00 to A. T. McComb as nnd Margaret Jonns 17, Delta. If milk is available so that all the payment of more than $6,000,000 ad ditional it will at once be seen that the burden would have been of no small proportions. At the recent meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the American Automobile Association held in Washington that body voiced em phatic opposition to any , further taxation of automobiles and being right at the seat of government it is not improbable that this action as well as other efforts in this connec tion must have had their' weight in impressing the national lawmakers. I Another action taken by the com mittee in a different direction was For information for readers of the the Pf nS ,of a ban ,uPon tournS "Tribune" we will publish a Detour mptoruts who seek road information artirlp erh week of that .r 'without membership m an A. A. A. ; tu .club, BRYAN - WAUSEON R0A3 East Bound "Road Closed" sign 1 mile north and 2 miles east of Archbold. Warn ing and Detour sign first road north of Archbold. Turn right on good gravel road a miles directly THE BURKE BILL The Burke Bill, signed by Goyer- nnr Davis nn .Time 7th ' iOPS into . 00 1 effect on Spetember 5th. The fol CONVENTION OF 37TH DIVISION BITS 0' NEWS jsour milk can be given that the birds! turn left on macadam 1 mile, turn;lowi ia a Synopsis of same: win et wie nuat scrap or lanxage ngnx on west Liggett street to rui- Thpf total weight allowed motor ve- car i be limited to two pounds. Iton Street, Wauseon, turn left on hideg is 10 ton including load. This After eivine the hens a chance to Fulton Street to Elm Street end of ' - jJ n.. j , , . , , a uxzLiiiiv, in bucvuii taoca iivm nit ..w.. v.v- fo ax, io i in co uwu"u 'county surveyor cull out the "loafers." "Road Closed" siern first road west! One of the most r.apid ways to in-, of Wauseon. Detour sign corner of j:. fitn ina npr :nh The followine- NAPOLEON Many . new im- 1 provements are being made at the . T . . ! 1. ana 1. rouna nouse, among tnem, creasa the average production of a Elm and Fulton Street. Turn left The American Legion Councillor, being the installation of two new!flock is to seiect thirty five or forty ion Fulton street to West Leggett. t hi" r .po-inn Posts of TolX"" h I b"erS & ? Smke J e best h?s in the rht ? W.est. Street louMth of all tires a, -. . .r . a urtitfuiiitr uen. inese ntns annum to nrst roan wpsl ot wanton. i-- . . . - . ... ' . I X J u - - come to our desk. It is a six col-1 WEST UNITY The new school j have great capacity and give every (on good macadam 1 mile, turn' right good gravel road 8 miles directly end 01 detour. limn, eight page paper, full of new!hoise is nearmg completion and when indication of being heavy producers, on gooc of interest to the Legionairea. It finished West Unity will have school They should be placed in a coop by'west to also carries a good medium of adver-, buildings and grounds of which any themseves for the winter, two roost- tisement which will go to make a town might be proud. success of this paper. It states on its front page of a big BRYAN The Cronin and Booth- jbef ore eggs are saved for hatching, convention of the a7th Division to st0rB was sold to Fred Uhlman and then all pb-ot to hp hbpH f,,r ers from high producing flocks placed with them, at least two weeks held at Toledo some time in Septem-Uf Bowling Green for $26,600. Der. All service men are urgently re- DELTA The local branch rpiested to turn out for the big parade ; the American Legion is to have Monday the Zbtn to snow loieao anu big home-coming celebration, of a TOLEDO-ANGOLA ROAD Sec. J. Bridge, Fulton County East Bound 'Road Closed" sign three miles east of Fayette. Turn right on good hatching, birds to be kept in the flock should be taken from the coop macadam two miles. 01 select nens. earth road one mile. is a schedule which explains this in greater detail: Wt. Limit , ,v 7,800 8,450 9,100 9,750 10,400 11,050 13 in. , 14 in. 15 in 16 in , 17 in. 18 in. 19 in .... 20 in 21 in consider I tne framework of a career that has picturesque Cabinet figure of his generation. And the ink was barely dry on his commission as Secretary of the Navy when he left Washington to sling his hammock with the fleet and give the high sign of comradeship to the re giments of sea soldiers doing duty in Hatti and Santo Domingo. In more sober fashion Edwin Den by began his career in Evansville, Ind., on February 18, 1870, the son of Charles Denby and Martha Fitch Denby. From 1885, for a space of twelve years, his father served as Minister to China and there young Denby entered the customs service, working with English fiscal experts to put the Mandarin Empire on its feet. He was 24 years old when he entered the law school at Ann Arbor and his powerful physique won him a place in the line when the Michigan eleven was on top of the football heap. He won his degree in 1896 and began the practice of law and his naval career as apprentice sea man in the Michigan naval reserve the same year. Fighting the Spanish Dons ..Truman Newberry was then in the reserve and their carers ran along in an pdd parallel for both were ship mates on hte U. S. S. Yosemite when that converted El Rio liner broke out her Yankee penant in the spring of 1898. Turn left on ' 12,350 -t a ncn In the culling demonstrations justgood macadam road cne and one-half 1 24 in." !.'!!!"!!!!!."."!!!.!!" 15!600 the state of Ohio the strength of the cx-service men. In view of the deal handed war veterans on the National Adjusted August 25th. ARCHBOLD The test well drilling on the Mosher farm seven Compensation and of the campaign i miles south of Archbold has been for approval of the state bonus it is sunk to a depth of over 1,800 feet to the interest of every former sol- with every indication of oil. Crude dier. Bailor and marine to parade oil has' taken a drop from $3.58 to with his buddies and make a large $1.58 the barrel. According to this showing. It is expected that many 1 nresent m-ice of crude oil. casnline tnonsanos 01 men noi aninaiea wiin ought to sell at hlteen cents a gal- 0f the Countv is shown by an aver me Mgwji wm xau m uu xor ion. jage attendance at these meetings of parade. ' Uhnnl nivl-ean noi-cmic Tlii'o ir, cnit-a The 37th Reunion and the legion SWANTON Fanny Mills has! nf thp -fant thnf thpr ivdw liull rlur. trm 71 maA . . 1 11 t l. Cti . . . ; . nere completed seventy meetings wsre miles to end of detour. held and an attendance ot 1112 peo- West Bound pie, who owned 45528 hens. This is I "Road Closed" sign four miles west iuuui one sevenin or me nens in ine oi uaK onaue. lurn lett one and County and practically every person! one half miles on good macadr.m. attending these meetings signified .Turn right on earth road one mile, his intention of culling the poorest Turn right on good macadam road hens trom his flock within the next two miles to end of detour. few weeks. That there is great interest in the improvement of the poultry flocks TOLEDO WAUSEON ROAD Sec. Delta, Fulton County East Bound "Road Closed" sign one mile west! while truck weihinc of Delta. Turn left one mile on fair with 36 in. tires '6 in. front and 6 lurn right one and in. Dual rear) ctfn carry the dif 25 in. ; 16,250 26 in 16,900 27 in 17,550 28 in 18,200 29 in 18,850 30 in 19,500 Total weight Load and Vehicle 10 Tons (20,000 lbs.) Thus a truck weighing 3,950 lbs., with 17 in. tires (3 in front and 5 in. rear) can carry a load of 11,050 lbs., making a total of 15,000 lbs., 9,860 lbs., Buckeye vets and Leeionaire. There : University to iudsre the food will be plenty of entertainment for Clothing exhibits at the Tiffin, Pauld visiting comrades. !im?, Napoleon and Toledo fairs this On the front page of this paper fall. appears a picture of Stanley B. Hod-j pins, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.I DEFIANCE Plans are being Hodgin3, 2213, Auburn Ave. Mr. made to re-open the Defiance hospi llodgins was a member of Co. A.'tal. Ten physicians in nearby 3;Uh Inf. and was killed in the towns have pledged their support. Meuse-Argonne drive. The writer was also a member of the 38th Inf. I ARCHBOLD St. Peters Catho and was well acquainted with him, 1 He church will give a home-coming an l w II remembers the drive in picnic, Thursday Sept. 1st. which Mr. Hodgms lost his life. Poultry raising must be put upon road. Turn right n Adrian street, weight of the classis, 9,800, a load of 10,140 lbs. (5 tons, 140 lbs.) In no case can a (otal weight ot the a business basis in order for it to be j Delta to Main street, end of detour. prohtable, ft is expected to follow West pound the cullini? work bv establish me- as Road Closed" sie-n at west onri UrohiMo on1 lr,,.rl pvnpH in tn inH many demonstration farms in the of brick pavement Delta. Turn .not more than 35 per cent of the County as possible, where careful j right on Adrian street one mile on weight of the load shall be concen- recoras win De Kept 01 receipts and concrete and macadam. Turn left expenses as well as the results of jon gravel and macadam one and one careful culling and breeding. ihalf miles. Turn right on fair gravel one mile to end of detour. Mr. John Waldvogle fell from a barn on the Miller farm one mile west and one half mile south of THE LATE PRIMARY-FARCE WISE REUNION The sixteenth annual reunion of the l eter Wise family was held at Luna, breaking his arm and badly the home or mr. and Mrs. a. j. , injuring, nis DacK. j!.agar and van- ,i,;h w ;,10t nocnH .m.i."j ' Z ... m iVJr " " Rensselaer ambulance removed him '"u": " - C7" 1 " " - B. Bla.vci: iuI" IC 1 " e""a grav The Primary Election TOLEDO WAUSEON ROAD Sec. F. Fulton County East Bound "Road Closed" sign two miles east of Delta. Warning and detour sip-ns t.Wrt hlnpk-s phq! rf T Inmln through Hotel, Delta; Turn right one mile on From Sandusky to Columbus Afoot in 1832 What a British Subject Saw, Heard and Thought About The Country A walk from Sandusky, Ohio to j some twenty miles away. On his Columbus, in 1832, would certainly return to his home after a week's furnish interesting descriptive ma-1 absence, he found his house empty terial. S. A. Ferrall, a British sub- and was informed that his wife and jeet, so found it. After describing children had been seized and taken his journey up to this point he ays: ,to Canada. The negro' was trying 'I next entered Crawford County, and to overtake them in his desperation crossed the Wyandot prairie to Up-1 and was told by Ferrtll that the lat- per oanausKy. inis was tne nrst'ter nad the day before passed two of these extensive meadows I had! wagon loads of neerroes which vn seen and I was much pleased with its appearance. Attached to the Wyandot reserve (nine miles by sixteen) is that of the Dela wares (three miles square"). t errall reached Little Deing transported by the state to Canada. Ohio then had a law pro- hibiting people of color outside her borders settling here.) T7 11 1 . l . l - Sanduskv i cIla" ueratea mis country lor about one o'clock. He learned that'hx? "ame,s OI lls towns and says: 's curse on the town bapti- t mvu ullg XUdUC Willi tllC A . rwM . naioma u 4- u zers of America There are often cil groundn "under seven large elm hve or ?lx places named alike m the trees" and describes the business in !same t.state: Vpper. and. .lower little hand, which was the disposal of the Indian lands. As he continued his journey, Ferrall fell in with a young Oneida Indian named Guedeldk, who owned sixteen acres of cleared land. He consumed the income from his crops in travel, had just returned from a visit to New York and Phila delphia and had seen most of the iarge cities of the Union. As the two proceeded, they met up with a negro who was greatly excited. He had left his family at Cincinnati and had gone to work on the Ohio canaithat. and big, great and small. And in variably the same names are given to the towns in every other state. And I have also frequently heard a long-legged, sallow-looking back woodsman talk of having come lately from Paris or Mecca" wnen instead of meaning the capital of La Grande nation, or the city of the holy pro phet,' he spoke of some town in the backwoods of Kentucky." , Ferrall. however. seems to had a pretty good time in America at EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT Fulton County Fair Five Hun dred Dollars in Premiums All Departments Full The display of school work prom ises to be the most complete ex hibit of its kind in the history of the Fair. Each school is making an en deavor to give a good representation of the type of work it is doing. Every patron and pupil will be anxious to see the work of their own school compared with that of other schools. The display will be so arrainged that the work of any school or class may be readily found. The Fair Board is offering Five Hundred Dollars as premiums to be distributed on tlie following displays: non-competitive, competitive school with scliotl, co.npetitive class with class or gr.ue wiUi grade, and spe cial individual displays. This will include w,sk ir.Vll departments from the primary grades up through the High School. In order to compete ior a premium, a school must dis play in at least fifty percent of the work done in the school and the work of at least fifty percent of the pupils must be displayed. flpi A display will be made ofine re sults of some of the mental and edu cational tests-- that havt -wen t'jven Denbv was then a I in the schools of the county. These gunner's mate third class and New-tes.ts Jy& umany interesting things berry was m the officers mess. Later, when the Spanish dons had had! trated on any one wheel. . The State Highway Commissioner or the County Surveyor 4s authorized to reduce the total load or weight al- the road shows evidence of being lmlttee on Foreign Relations, where destroyed Dy trait ic .during tne irost period or .'excessively wet weather. enough fighting, the gunner's mate won the nomination for Congress that Newberry ran for, and now Denby is occupying the portfolio that Newberry later held in cabinet. j The Yosemite was no slacker in that war, taking part in the blockade! of avanna, destroying a rich Spanish prize, and covering the landing of Huntington's battalion of 900 mari ne from the transport Panther at Guantanamo, which they held as a base for Sampson's fleet against the fierce attacks of Spanish troops. Denby came naturally by his love for the sea, as relatives pi bftth his. father and his mother- served; a.s Amercian n.aval officer. Denby Enters Politics . . With the end of the war, however, Denby turned his talents to law and politics. He was elected to the Michigan legislature in 1902 and then Michigan sent him to Congress in 1904 for three terms. In Congress Denby served on the House Com- CONGRESS WILL ALSO REST Congress will take a month's va cation and so will the country, when it gets this intensive political insti- Rnnooit' ! tution off its hands for a few weeks. like the rest of us they are only hu man : LOOKING FOR A SOUTHERN TERMINAL Orndorff. Friday August 19th. The day was ideal and the tent to the home of ills brother, was erected on the spacious front ; Waldfogel, one mile south of lawn. At noon a finn dinner was served and m ch .enjoyed. Meeting called to ord.-r by the President and minutes of last meet ing read l't"r which a short literary The State Commissioner or the Sur veyor, as the case may be, is required to erect and maintain suitable signs showing such limitations. In the case of solid rubber tires, where he ia boing cared for. r n Vi j i -j . 1 1. o nuur Hu wlunc.tYift . c t rf i m 1 1 I,, 1 - l ... .-. Will f'""'"" " -"-m""""-. -" "- Ki lurn ieii. on gooa gravel ior onenne venicie is required to nave i-b oi IT ili nvnbncivn In v i ii-i. fi 11 .1 , nff.iT : T rti 1 i-. , , I i . i i . - . .v ..oItv . f mne; inrn ieit on goon macadam 'an incn in tnicKness ior xires oi o liauure to express me wm 01 me peo- two miles to end of detour, ACCIDENT T-Hr, VT0- 3F, west truck loaded with bound hit a inches or less in width: 1 inch - in West Bound thickness for tires of from 5 to 8 "Road Closed" siom lu;n mi loo vaot 'inphpe in wirltli nnl 1 1 -fi inpVioa in From five to twenty percent of the 0f South Swanton:' Turn left on o-nnH ' thickness for tires of more than 8 electors availed thinisi-lves of the op-1 macadam two miles. Turn ricrht nni inches in width. pie ,in the selection of candidates for office program was given. sc,cl1 i"ps me crossing jum Rev. B. Parker, pastor of Taylor !west o Pettisville Saturday after M. E. church closed the program m'orV The party was bound from witn a few remarks Elmira, New l ork, to Chicago, Four Seventv five out "of eiehtv mem- ot tllH Party were injured but not . . . .. - i . . , . - v. ... . v. .. . i bers responded .at .roll call Officers elected were: Pres., John Wysr; Vice Pres., Harry Taber, Sec. Emily Orndorff; Treas., John Schamp. See the International Harvester Exhibit at THE FULTON COUNTY FAIR, Sept. 6-7-8-9-10th. 21-2 A good line of mens all - wool trousers at 21-1 Samuel Ruppert household goods Iport'-imty to vote Ki the various lo- good gravel four miles. Turn right Speed Allowed Trucks Solid Tires: """'"I . J, . o" eoou gravei one mile to end 01 de- o ions ana less. .'u mnes per nr. attended the caucuse sto select dele- tour. . 5 to 8 tons 15 miles per nr. gat'.'S to the conventions. Yet inj I Over 8 tons 12 miles, per hr. ffirriWff riFiNii but 9fi.nnn rii. i8 ut-. v l Kin. tsuiv.v nin ill I u i V.I UUb u . x . i tw m M W mm mm mm mm m I -m r- i seriously whie the remainder eixap-: kt'Pt Pen ,fo. that purpose, though j - ftiPn firtT 5 toni W e it,, J5 mUea pw hr, ed. ine nousehold goods was scattered a considerable distance along the tracks. The injured were taken to the home of Sam Schantz just west of where the accident occured, where they are being cared for. Ice cream sodas and sundaes now 11c. New York Candy Kitchen. 21-1-c ffSf A Meal That Appeals Once you have given your self the luxury of a meal here, you will never hesi tate when dining out. And it is not a luxury so far as price goes. Our large scale of business, and the effici ency of our system com bine to keep the prices most reasonable III- F Mr XhHI WHrnl is lo ft ion V! I vthfH IIMhni Over 8 tons 20 miles per hr. The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad, owned by Henrv Ford, is quietly making- an examination of a number of Ohio river towns with the idea of possibly finding a more ac ceptable location for the terminal of the road than. Ironton. Portsmouth, Ohio, has been given particularly careful scrutiny. The D. T. and I. is coming right to the front. Ex. BIG CONCERN WILL LOCATE IN NAPOLEON MANY JUNIOR ENTRIES FOR STATE FAIR SHOW Entries have been closed for th boys and girls department of the State Fair, Columbus, Aug. 29 to Sept. 3, with 708 Ohio youngsters entered in show classes and personal contests provided especially for them. inis nas just been announced by State club workers of the Ohio State. University. Children have entered 156 hops. B4 calves and 51 chickens.. Over 130 farm boys have enrolled in the in dividual stock judging contest. learn competitions will call out 7(1 teams of three or more. Sixtv girls clubs will show group exhibits ox can lieu iruii. BUSSES, BUSSES, ! BUSSES ; Busses Will Handle the Trans portation From Wauseon j ; to the Fulton County j? Fair ft Sept. 6-7-8-9-lOth. his familiarity with Far East condi tions made him a valuable member. ' Back in civil life Denby was at tracted by the building automobile industry in Detroit. He Was an original stockholder in the Hupmo- bile Company and later its treasurer, and became one of the organizers of the Denby Motor Truck Company, S t i : . a u... i- . . : 1 1 xna luieie&is uuuiiaueu uu still o found time to head his Jaw- firm and to act as President f the Detroit Board Qf Commerce. Knlists as a Marine Denby had had his. share of hard knocks a.n,d pn the call to arms in 191? he made his way to the recruit ing office of the Marine Corps in De- The Napoleon Security Building and Loan Company, a $3,000,000 corporation of Defiance and consider ed one of the strongest institutions of its kind in Northwestern Ohio, plans to open a branch in this place. Sweaters suitable for this kind of weather at 21-1' Samuel Ruppert A round trip ticket mill be sold from Wauseon to th Fair Grounds for TWENTY-FIViJ CENTS,- deliv ering the people inside the Fair Grounds. Tickets Jtr the Fair as well as for the busaes will be sold on the First National Bank Corner., Busses will leave on regular schedule, No wait No worry. Commenmce to get ready to go to the FULTON COUNTY FAIR. See the new buildings, the improv ed grounds, Auto Polo, the most ex ! citing game on record. Remember, ROUND TRIP TICK ETS ON THE FAIR BUSSES 25 c. Automobile Races, Saturday, Sep tember 10th. Adv. 21-2 BUCHANAN LOWE Tuesdayj August 16th, at Monroe, Mich., the wedding of Miss Grace Buchanan and Mr. Louis. Lowe of West Unity occured. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Laura Buchanan and is one of Waa seon's popular young ladies. Mr. and Mr Xowe will make their home in Wnuseon. FresiH sweet cream, at New York Candor Kitchen. 21-1-c Its Very Pleasant to Serve , 15 miles per hr, i t ri) t Willi tllO Wni Kill n Draalr rtlil ine aoove weigms mciuae me ve in many of them not a single eluc tor appeared for registration, and in itihA ii tntirnohinc r lif S Diniria VftT (i I : was cast at the primary. The ex-1 Certiluatlon Tests, Now Neanng ' hicie and load, Major Victor i. Morrison, now on pense of supporting the system is; -na, r orefcnaaow onoriage ) In event of damage to the highway, d"1? the Philippines, looked ask- 4iua ran including bridges and culverts, in ance at the bulk that darkened his Specialists of the Department of "0,ailon. ot this Act the fctate ordo0r, borne by tiie already overburdened taxpayer. In one town it cost $7,00 for every vote cast, and in the city of Columbus, which is perhaps typi cal, it cost 12.00 for every vote. The results obtained do not warrant this expenditure. Farm Croos. the Ohio State Univer. 'County IS authorized to sue for dam sity, announce that during the first ;ag?' . . . . , . . ,, two weeks of August they examined I The Sheriff is authorized to detail for seed certific-ation samples of '5,ne or, m.ore dePuties ad the County threshed wheat from 125 of the 20-J Commissioners to appropriate money A lare-e nart of the exnense cou d """""" "." "" , ,tnr thp pnfnmn rti. Ant . .? 7. , ' . hp is nrevious 47 nassintr tie ri msnw. hmiiv "w be avoided n tne law were amended j,. rn, , Jf ", ;i' A Zl' S SJ'TS'ZZ Sf'VfciK S .1 , SHflRTS km j..- I Hu miai ii-iub fffjp oriKiimwy pr'tT'tne Siy or-twoiJ !. i additional clerks could attend to busl season and variety mixtures caused ness even in the most densely popu lated cities, and in most it could be done without any additional Jielp. iThe taxpayers should demand that, l if the primary is to be retained, soi'e i less expensive method of conducting lit should be adopted. When the ' l.-.iricilntiire Hirn'm nnnvpnes it Khnllld Uake cognizance of this matter and I eliminate this useless expense. 1920 YEAR BOK The 1920 ye$r book of the MIDDLINGS "You're too old and you're mar ried," was Morrison's verdict. "I'm only forty-seven and my wife is willing," countered Denby. So waivers were granted by Wash ington and he was sworn in as a private. The scales showed 254 pounds and a height of six feet and half an inch, but the brawn that had served him so well in Michigan's line was little rejection of 400 upon inspection of Jhe growing grain, Of the 200 quaniymg for examination fi a bug in a rug has nothing on a,?" . n T6 Tot r k threshed grain, the eeoitij and f)nU Hmut spore in untreated wheat seed, impaired. On April 36, 19 T. step in certihcation, only 73 remain .with nine others, started for the re- now to be passed on, and only 24,200! It took the Roman farmer four andjeruit depot at Parris Island, S, C. Kll VohTo U 'lahalf days to raise a bushel hejpi Sergeant on Huron, atill in all pi Unio.. xhe American farmer does, it in ninei V ... , .. Recent estimations that 50,000 minutes. dwtv at the Detroit offl0e was bushles of certijied sptj vi hwl wgujd . v . officially credited with the capture; De available lor uniq jarmers. rnis U PHVS dairymen to water the I of recruit Denbv and Morrison swore i Cows given they want heap Ifiwlirr JlTS' ?Z the man who will sign his next H nonage of eprtthed Portsge. the pajl higher, nartment of ' Atcriculture has at last i'fl-unibull and . GJaddeij, are gut- been issued. It contains mueh jnr titanding varieties, judged by success y, fami In ths school of ex- troit'a biggest men, the newspaper commission In the Marine Corps Before he left, being one of De- old customers of this grocery, j They are always so satisfied with what they had last time. We would like you to become an old customer by being a new one today. We are sure our grocery service will please j you. For Friday and Saturday Only Grandmas white laundry soap, 10 bars for 45 C Blue Ribbon baking powder, 3 oz. Mason gl. jar 20 C Large can Monarch baked beans with tomatoe - sauce,, 0c Weidmans preserves in glass jars, jar Oc Soap chips in bulk, lb 5c Sardines in oil, per box 5 c Van Camps milk, tall cans per can l-2c Van Camps baby milk, 3 for 20c Meat Department Fresh dressed hens and broilers Beef Roast, per lb. 24c -UTTljC-BETT-6VtC AClTr IX-BTTH -FOOD -AU)T-HOREOMUnf - teresting and valuable material . on " ftf "id Delaware Counties P"'"06' the,.en'y Wleft yell Is amen 0f Detroit solemnly interview- tion generally, includin articles, ! stand out ,.. Ma bushels ftf ' edS IP r r , , reports and tables. It is a pe. '''e, 'th 5,60- and 5,2 Q bushels, Some Ohio farming rejrtons, anv Why did , I enlist in the ranks?" manently bound volume of 889 pages. rePpertjvly, Then egmes Stark y enineera uaa 80 percent more and Denby's eyes twinkled. "Be ry.i .v, k,.r r.f ni- County, with 2,02, buspe s, VVi liams lah nr for pvitv aerp nf rorn and . a n 1 , - : ;-r .'-- with anH fireene with 1.100 ".t "t" ' e" Tn '..C' uD uw rausu au iuuofc uegm units avauapie unq icutf vtt utf n yvn -i- .Cl " I" S IC a "laf e"'- piu. pv;ny :. will write to C. J. Thompson, Wash- ?W coupty of tm 83 represne- prevent efficient use of modern farm 83 dicers. mkton, D. C, la tne 7 cer"" machinery- (Continued on last pae)