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FULTOX CO. TEIBUXE, WAUSEON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 15 Why That Bad Baclcl la backache keeping you miserable? Are ."on "all played out," without itreng".h ortigor for your work? Then find i causing the trouble and correct it- likely, it'a your kidneyi! You ha probably been working too hard and neglecting rest and exercise. Your kidney have slowed up and poi sons hT accumulated. That, then, ii the cause of the backache, headache, dizziness and Madder irregularities. Use Doan'$ Kidnep PilU. Doan'i have helped thousand and should help you. Atk your neighlorl An Indiana Case Or Parker, 466 Oar den St.. Kcndallvllle, Ind., says: "My back ached and p & 1 n e d dreadfully and every time I stooped I could hardly straighten up. I also had consider able bladder trouble and my kidneys acted too freely most of the time. I used different remedies without ben-l eflt. Doan's Kidney Pills however, cured ma." f T f . ai- - D w. auww an iuj mil m DOAN'S Kifr FQ3TER-MILBURN CO, BUFFALO. N. V. "TAX THE TRIALS OF A HOUSEWIFE Roi Tfcsy Have Been Endured and Hew 'Overcome by Lfdia L Mam's VeptatlB Compound Experience of a Providence Woman N " v - ' ' tl tite. At times I could hardly do my housework. I got medicine from the doctor but it did not help me. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound' advertised in a newspaper and took it with good results, and am now able to ' da my housework. I recommend your medicine to my friends and you may publish my testimonial." Mrs. Chester A. Ball, R. 15, Fayette, Ohio. An Illinois woman relates her experience : Bloomington, I1L "I was never very strong and female trouble kept ma so weak I had no interest in my housework. I had such a backache I could , not cook a meal or sweep a room without raging with pain. Rubbing my back with alcohol sometimes eased the pain for a few hours, but did not stop ' it. I heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and six bottles of it have made me as strong and healthy as any woman : and 1 give my thanks to it for my health." Mrs. J.A.McQurrTY, 610 W.Walnut St., Bloomington, I1L '" ' The conditions described by Mrs. Cassen, Mrs. Ball, and Mrs. McQuitty will , appeal to many women who struggle on with their daily tasks in just such con ditions in fact, it is said that the tragedy in the livesof some women is almost beyond belief. Day in and dayout they slave in their homes for their families and beside the daily routine of housework, often make clothes for them selves and for their children, or work in their gardens, all the while suffering from those awful bearing-down pains, backache, headaches, nervousness, the . braes, and troubles which sap the very foundation of life until there comes a - - time when nature gives out and an operation seems inevitable. If such women would only profit by the experience of these three women, and remem ber that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the natural restorative . ' , for such conditions it may save them years of suffering and tmhappinesa There Is hardly a neighborhood in any town or hamlet in the United States wherein some woman does not reside who has been restored to health by this famous medicine. Therefore ask your neighbor, and you will find ha a great many cases that at some time or other she, too, has been benefited by taking it, and will recommend it to you. For more than forty years this old-fashioned root and herb medicine has been restoring suffering women to health and strength. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Pecu liar to Women" will be sent to you free upon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable Information. Petrified Apple. Dr. C. E Holt of Otis, Me., IB puz zling local scientists with what appears to be a petrified apple. It was picked up on the shores of a near-by lake, and whether the "apple" is petrified, the work of nature, or of a clever stonecutter cannot be decided. It Is lierfectly formed, yellowish white in color, natural fruit shape, about two inches in diameter and exact even to the stem, leaf and a decayed portion ' of the skin. A girl" glands before a mirror while dressing so that she can see what Is going on. One never realizes the aimless life of a policeman until the officer, at tempts to shoot n dog. Th$pMto("Color DUturd" r'm mi yu from ttrtmln wmllt. OfoHMi( if ! i thadowt Irom mntanitmry wilt. Brighten Up Your Walls This Fall Have the walls of your rooms cheerful and sanitary, to reflect cheerfulness instead of gloom. Have walls that will harmon ize with rugs and furniture, colors that will "enhance and not detract from your gowns and personal appearance for Your WaUt Instead of Alabastine will give you that soft, pastel effect in neutral colors that so many are enjoying in the most sttractive homes and public buildings. Alabastine is artistic, sanitary, durable and economical. Alabastine has dis tinctive merits recognized throughout the world; ready to mix and use by adding colli water. Our Decorative Service Department Our decorative department hw Ate tbiiitr to serve you, and tf.c derire to do to. We hve the experience of planning interior decorations for thouwnds of the best homo snd that experience is yours for the salting. Remember, there is only one quality of Alabaatine and at a very economical coat. You purchase the tame identical material that goes into the home cf the millionaire. The Alabastine packaeea alwaya have the croaa and circle printed in red and are iden tical in out 1 icy. Thia being the caie, the question of whethet your walla are aituacally decorated depends on the proper treatment of colors. . x WrtN m mtal that yotf are ImcTMcel and ( rfU wnd vow a Chan mat may b mU feUad an with the SAfe-rmattofi that will enable out anl t work huillajiwllT a4 there will be no coet or obligation on your pan. Out rcaeorj I Hi A aptftilj imiwmi UaWnf tVf OHVt TOOt Kooioavm The Alabastine Company 1633 Gmulvillc Avenue Grand Kapida, Miehtgta If yon ose Red Cross Ball Bine in your laundry, yon will not be' troubled by those tiny rust spots, often caufsed by Inferior bluing. Try it and see. Advertisement. Valuable Experience. "Has woman's participation In pol itics benefited the home?" "It has," replied Sir. Meek ton. "Her arguments nt some of tlie meetings have convinced Henrietta that there are people in the world just as hard to get along with as I am." Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cut! cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented convenient, economicul face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes su perfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Sonp. Ointment, Talcum). Ad vertisement. Work for Two Presidents. It almost seems advisable that the people elect two Presidents every four years; one to shake bands, talk, meet the public and lay cornerstones; the other to be President. Portland Jour nal. Providence, R. L " I" took Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound for a female trouble and backache. It began just after my baby was born, and I did the best I could about get ting my work done, but I had awful bearing-down pains so I could not stand on my feet. I read in the papers about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and the good it was doing other women, and I have got dandy results from it, and will always rec ommend it. You can use these facts as a testimonial if you wish." Mrs. Herbert L. Cass en, 18 Meni Court, Providence, R. I. Ohio woman for three years could hardly keep about and do her housework she was so ilL , Made weU by Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound : , Fayette, O. "For about three years I was very nervous and had backache, sideache, dragging-down pains, could not sleet) at nierht. and had no ame Instinct. Instinct Is a wonderful thing. ' Thi street department had been flushing the street and a small stream of watei still ran down alongside the curbing The sweet young thing came to th edge of the walk, saw the water frowned and hesitated ever so slightly and then crossed over carefuly hold Ing up a skirt that came within ai least 12 Inches of the pavement 1 Kansas City Star, Deadly. Artist's Modi Do you do mucl sketching from life? Artist Oh, vol mostly from th wife. - . Two swelled beads are worse thai one. . ChrMnt, hap piness, hmalth, m rn psacmtulnctt, it tku ktmutiful "Spirit" ol AUbs: tint mmlls. Kalsomint or Walltapet it arte am ttn arfwtmimwia. MIX IN X t Minora wwi i coio wavrrw ! 4? T VP- wmmm 4 A II iSISC Till P3 Cattle and Camels at a Foro. (Prepared by the National Geographic I Society, Washington. D. C.) A Christian nation when our ances tors were floundering in paganism, now as for centuries an African em pire one of the three or four remain ing empires of the . world and the only bit of land on the great conti nent of Africa, with the exception of the, little republic of Liberia, which has not been made a possession or a protectorate of a European power such is Abyssinia, little heard of In the world's affairs, but possessing a history and a promise of future economic importance which make it deserve a different fate. The country owes its independence In large part both directly and indi rectly to its geographical environment. Set upon a great plateau, it is anut- nral. fortress ; and while the natives of most other sections of tropical Africa dwell in enervating jungles or inhos pitable deserts, the people' of Abys sinia, thanks to their altitude, fertile soil and temperate conditions in gen eral, have an Invigorating climate and a land literally of "milk and honey." A situation near Arabia and Palestine, too, has drawn Arabian and Jewish blood to Abyssinia and has given the people of the country a racial advan tage which the African tribes of pure negro blood have not had. But while geographical situation Imd in many ways been an advantage to Abyssinia, it has brought its disad-, vantages also. Without access to the sea for centuries, the Abyssinlans, held to their inland tablelands without contact with the outside world, failed to make the most of their possession of a lofty religion and an early start toward civilization, and have re mained a semibarbaric people. It Is perhaps remarkable that, isolated as they were, they maintained their Chris tianity in any recognizable form. Ob servers marvel at the fact that the principal tenets and observances of the faith are practically pure rather than at the growth beside them of certain superstitions and laxities. Cut; Off From Sea and Nile. As the situation now stands, Abys sinia Is entirely cut off from the sea and the Nile by the colonies of Euro pean powers; Italian Eritrea, French Somallland and British Sotnallland on the north ; Italian Somallland on the east ; British East Africa on the south and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan on the west. But this is. a mere holding of the gates by new keepers; since the rise of Mohammedan power in the Near East the country has been cut off about equally as effectively by various Mohammedan tribes. Those people of Arabian blood were able to take possession of the low desert lands, but on their Invigorating high lands the Abyssinians were, with rare exceptions, masters. Abyssinia is more than twice the size of the German republic and of about the area of California, Orejjon and Nevada together. The country lies in the same latitude as Venezuela and the southern Islands of the Philip pines, well In the' tropics ; but because ofts general high elevation it has, like Mexico, a much cooler and more healthful climate than its proximity to the equator would indicate. These highlands are from 5,000 to 8,000 feet above the sea. Their roll lng prairies are well watered and have a good growth of grass. The climate on these uplands Is superb, and If one desires cooler surroundings there are mountain chains rising from the pla teau in almost all sections of the coun try- Some of thege mountains reach a height of 15,000 feet and are topped by perpetual snow. Irrigation could be practiced in Abyssinia to great ad vantage, but the utilization of the abundant water supply In that way seems never to have entered the minds of the natives. Canyons and Deep Valleys. The great amount of water which runs down from the Abyssinian moun tains has carved gigantic gorges through the tablelands, some of which, in depth at least, rival the Grand canyon of the Colorado. The gorge of the Blue Nile which flows for more than half its length through Abyssinia is from 5,000 to 6,000 feet deep In places. The material washed from this remote chasm has played an important part, incidentally, in the history of the world. Ground into silt and deposited through the centuries and millenniums In the lower valley of the Nile, it produced there a garden spot and made possible the growth of THE TEN VIRGINS RETOLD. At a negro camp meeting In Louis iana the following sermon was deliv ered by a very black old parson wear ing huge spectacles: "Brethren and eistren, de preachifying dls roawnln" will be from de text on de ten vir gins. De bridegroom war a-coralng and 'spectln' dem 'en virgins to be ready wlf dere lamps all trimmed and n-burnln', but, lo, when he was come he done foun' dat on'y five of dem virgins was ready; yes sir, five was Recover Sanity on Deathbed. Persons who have been deemed hope lessly insane have been known to re gain complete sanity in their last hours of life. One man who had been a maniac for years, confined In an asy lum, expressed on his deathbed the most touching regrets for having so long left his mother alone and unpro tected. A woman recovered from a profound melancholia, so that she was able to arrange her affairs aud bid her friends farewell with the greatest san ity. Buffalo Express. one of the world's earliest civiliza tions. In the bottoms of these deep valleys, some of which are fairly wide, and in other depressions, tropical conditions prevail, so that the possible products of Abyssinia range' from those of the tropics to those of the northern tem perate zone. Little has been done toward the development of agriculture beyond its primitive stages. The rais ing of cattle, sheep and goats for their milk, flesh and skins is tne more popu lar pursuit. The Abyssinian has been described by one American as "rather an Inde pendent, easy-living, battle-loving, raw-meat-eating, sensual, devil-may-care chap." Socially, the people are living in feudal times. The various reigning princes of the provinces owe allegiance to the emperor and must furnish soldiers to support him In time of war. The land is theoretically owned by the emperor and those who make use of it are his tenants. "Jus tice" is administered personally by the rulers and their representatives. AV'hen a person is accused of a crime the first step is to confiscate his property. Decision us to his innocence or guilt can follow in due time. Because prop erty has been unsafe for a long period people of wealth have buried what they could for safe keeping. Vast quantities of gold, silver and ivory are believed to lie underground at the present time, the latter, of course, de teriorating. Good Roads Are Scarce. One great drawback to the commer cial development of Abyssinia 'has been the lack of roads leading up to the high plateau and over its surface. The routes of travel which have been used for more than a thousand years are mere trails, and the burdens have been carried on mule and camel back since the days of the great Queen of Sheba, who, the traditions of the Abyssinians say, was the queen of Ethiopia. The royal line claims de scent from her and Solomon. Some years ago the French began construct ing a railroad from their port 1 of Jibuti, Just below the mouth of the Red sea, toward Abyssinia. The Abyssinians ierinltted this to be ex tended Into their country and in 1917 it reached Ad Is Abeba, the capital. Over this road a large part of the hides, coffee, beeswax and Ivory, which constitute the chief exports of the era plre. are shipped. Specialists in various fields who have visited the country believe that this is but a small part of the prod ucts that could be shipped to the world, and that the people are enjoy ing but a fraction of the prosperity that they might enjoy if they devel oped their resources along modern lines. As the only African people which has been able to maintain its inde pendence in modern times in a war with a European power, the Abys sinians have become rather conceited and are inclined not to recognize the superiority even of Western civiliza tion and culture. Their victory was won over the Italians in 1896 at tihe battle of Adowa where the pick of the Italian army was cut to pieces. The Abyssinians have bought large quanti ties of modern rifles in recent years and could probably put In the field in case of war au army of 250,000 well equipped soldiers, a large part of them mounted. Tested the Saw. Mr. Biggs was planning to build a motor shed in his garden, so he bought an expensive saw. He left his office early the next afternoon, with the intention of starting the job. Tut ting on a pair f overalls, he went out Into the garden. An hour or so later he came Into lie dining room and flung himself down into a chair in dis gust. "That new s:iw I bought isn't worth 2 pence!" he stormed. "Why, the thing wouldn't rut butter!" His small son, narry, looked up in surprise. "Oh, yes, it would, daddy," he ex claimed earnestly. "Why, Ted and I sawed a whole bricks in two with it this morning." London Answers. Diabolical Joke. Ted Tom is a great practical joker. He made himself up as a ghost and appeared before a professional me dium. Ned Yes, and as it was the first ghost she'd ever seen It threw her into convulsions. i trimmed and five was ontrlmmed; five was wise and five was unwise; five was ready and live was onready; five was men and five was women." Har per's Magazine. Early Greek Writing. The earliest Uieek Inscriptions were written from rftrht to left. Next came the 'method cul! d "bousthophedon," in which the writu-n lines run alternately from left to mht, or a vica versa. Lastly, writing from left to right be came universal. Aviation An approxlmsii miles was com i slight crashes, m ly injured, in t ! eminent flying, n in Canada. e distance of 33,612 d with only three id one person sllght ! work of civil gov nder the direction of the Canadian aii A total of 18,671 made, with 6,5f." board, during 1920. machine flights were machine hours flown N;w Method. Now that a gang of girl burglars has been found in Des Moines, peopl ought to keep a mouse Instead of watchdog. Omaha Bee. 5COUT5 (CondnctPd by National Council of the Boy Scouta of America.) SCOUT IDEALS I am Interested in the boy scout ! movement because I believe in boys. I have five boys of my own. The boys of today will be the men of tomorrow. The problems of tomorrow will be solved, not by us but by our boys. writes John O. Rockefeller, Jr., in Boys' Life. A well-trained, industrious, high- minded son is the greatest heritage any father can leave. Yet we fa thers are often putting business, poli tics, social work, almost anything else, first and giving our boys only the leavings of time. I believe the boy scout movement is a great, and powerful influence in helping boys to come into their own. This it does by holding up fine Ideals and inspiring boys to attain to them. vou can lead boys, but you cannot drive them. AVhat are the ideals that the boy scout movement holds up to the boys? They are found in the scout oath and scout law. ' On my honor." The boy of honor is trustworthy. He speaks and acts the truth, and is always to be relied upon. He is also loyal and stands by his friends. The boy of honor is chivalrous, cour teous to women and girls; he shows reverence for things that are sacred and holy. He Is likewise a good sportsman, taking his part in sport for sport's sake; just as good a loser as he Is a winner. "On my honor, I will do my best" How the world needs those who will do their best, and who do not seek to see how little work they can do In a day, but how much service they can render. Not restriction in the output of industry, but thrift in conserving the rewards of Industry is their motto. I believe profoundly in a definition of success which I heard many years ago. It is this: "Success consists in doing the common things of life un commonly wel." That is real success. It is within the reach of anyone who is willing to do his best. x "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country." What countless illustrations of a high sense of duty the late war has given us! "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey." Obedience, respect for authority for the law of the land, for teachers, parents how sadly lacking such respect often is In modern times, "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times." In render ing service the boy scout is helpful. friendly and kind. Love is the great est thing in the world; service comes next to it. "I came not to be minis tered unto but. to minister," said Christ. The real purpose of all business to be successful must be to render use ful service. "On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the scout law; to help other people at all times ; to keep my self physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight." The desire to keep fit for the supreme moment of conflict when It came helped many a soldier boy In the late war resist temp tations which otherwise would have pressed him sorely. Physical fitness induces to' bravery. Fit mentally means cheerfulness. Fit morally means a clean mind, free from Impure thoughts and desires, which is essen tial to clean living. In somewhat rough but forceful lan guage, which might be paraphrased as follows,' did a father give advice to his son who was just leaving home for college: "So live," said he, "that you can look any blank man in the eye and tell him where to go." To you, scoutmasters and leaders of this great movement, let me say that it is not so much what you say that influences the boys of your troops as what you are and do. ' The power of example, whether for good or evil, cannot be overestimated If your life is not what It should be. unless you are prepared to so change it as to make it a worthy example to your boys, it were far better for you to quit scouting. And you, boys, will never know un til you have become men what an In fluence for good you may have on the men who are your leaders. May you help them as they are seeking to help you, to be always true to the scout oath and scout law. SCOUTS ENTERTAIN SHUT-INS, Following the Good Turn rule of their organization, some boy scouts In Montana recently presented their play. "A Strenuous Afternoon." WHAT SCOUTS ARE DOING. . Some ' Harrisburg boy scouts are making a canoe trip to Sunbury, Pa bearing an official message to the mayor of the city. Boy scouts of Concord, N. II., ar making a unique educational trip, to Washington. They will make stop overs at New York and Philadelphia, and when in Washington will have an interview with the President, who i also the honorary president of the Boy Scouts of America. WHAT IS A FORESTT A forest is a complex community ot living things. It is more than a mere collection of trees, for associated with the trees are many other plants and animals, all of which live in close re lationship with one another. There is a right and wrong way for boy scouts to find out what a forest really is. Many hours may be spent In schoolrooms, libraries and parlors studying about the forest and Its in habitants. SCOUTS PLANT THOUSAND TREES Scouts of Oswego, N. Y.. have plant ed more than a thousand spruce and pine trees in a vacant space near the city reservoir. Scout are efficient and quick workers, and the whole job of digging and planting was accom plished in less than three hours, the boys working in gangs. Boy scouts of Hartford. Conn., did police and guard duty at the aviation meet held recently in that city. VNet Contents ISFluiCDraote j .ALCOHOL -3 PER CENT. I AVopMhlePreoarationtorAs ktHX 0 -:. :-.t,F,inrt hvTCetfull.' annual... u.- -, - . TewPmrriritinC'DilJeSlI! Cheerfulness and RcstGontaus neither Optam.Morphuiefi Mineral. NoTNAncoTKj Senna- Ahdpf ul Remedy fcc Constipation and DW1 and Feverisltnws nd Za Simile Sijoatom Exact Copy of Wrapper. Father's Prediction. Prospective Bridegroom Helen pre fers a quiet home wedding. Prospective Father-in-Law Don't let that worry you. She'll make up for he quietness after you're married. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Warning! Unless you see the name Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache,' .Neural gia, Bheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicycacid. Advertisement. BALKED AT WORD "COMMON" Profiteer Felt It Wat Due to Hi Dignity to Have Nothing But the Very Latest. Bishcj- Homer Stunts said at ! din ner in Omaha: "If ve were all as , ambitious to progress ethically as our war profiteers are to progress socially, it would be a very good thing. "A war profiteer decided recently to drop the Baptist faith and turn Episcopalian, as all the bang-up people in town went to the Episcopalian church. "So he visited the bookstore and asked for the hymnals. Bibles and so forth that he would need in his new way to worship. "He seemed well enough pleased with the volumes that the salesman laid before him till he came to the Book of Common Prayer. Over this he frowned and shook his head. " 'This'll hardly do,' he said, and he tapped the title with his forefinger. 'Let's have something a little more select, bo.' " Reasonable. The matron entered the seasick pas senger's cabin softly. "Is there anything," 'she said, "any thing at all that I can do to make you feel more comfortable?" "There is," remarked the girl who was doing her flrst-time-a cross. "If you don't mind." "Not at all, my dear, not at all !" , "Well, then, if It's perfectly conven ient, you may pick m up and let me down on the ground under a large tree, please P'-Bichrcond Times-Dispatch. Still I The Folly of Cheating Nature Many people get the idea that they can keep their nerves on edge and their digestion upset year after year, and "get away with it." They sleep only half as much as they should and never get properly and thoroughly rested. If you tire out easily, if you are getting pale and anemic, if your food doesn't digest as it should, would it not be well to stop and consider whether coffee or tea is having its effect on you? The caffeine and thein found in coffee and tea are drugs, as any doctor can tell you. Is it any wonderthatthesteadyuse of these drugs sometimes causes serious damage? If you really want to be fair with yourself, and Postum for Health There's a Reason" I Ildren ramw":"ni"ii '" ' 'ill'. "TT9 &avv&&;&a Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Beither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's 6tomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers; that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. Bo Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. ' MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE lOOKLET THAT M AROUND EVERY ROTTIE OF FLETCHER'S CASTWRA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the TMC CaTNTAUM COMMNV. Poorly Equipped. "Funny how some people try to get along with no household equipment at , all," remarked Juggins. "Why, those new neighbors of mine haven't a lawn mower, a hose, a stepladder, a saw, a fishing rod, an ice cream freezer or any new books." "How in the world do you know they haven't?" asked Muggins. "Why, the day after they moved in I stepped over in a neighborly way and tried to borrow those things." New Tork Sun. CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Is sr-eatly relieved bv constitutional treat ment HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness 1s caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eusta chian Tube, When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result. Unless the in flammation can be reduced, your hearing mav be destroyed forever. HALL'S CATARRH MEDKMNK acts throiiKh the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thus reducing the inflammation and assisting Nature in restoring normal con ditions. Circulars free. All Druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ad Tertisement. QUEER METHOD OF DEFENSE Fishes That Have the Power of In flating Their Bodies, i Frighten ing Their Enemies. The swell fishes of tropic coast waters have the power of suddenly inflating the body with water or air until they assume an approximately globular form several times the normal diameter, which must be disconcert ing to any enemy about to seize one. The porcupine fish. In addition to doing this, has the body everywhere covered with long, sharp spines which project in every direction tike the quills of a hedgehog. The trunk fishes, in stead of being protected in ithls way", have the body encased in a bony shell, like a turtle. In the East Indies there are rectangular species, but ours are three-cornered, beechnut shaped. They go by various names cuckold, shell fish, ahd so forth, the cowfish being a species with fwo hornlike spines projecting from its forehead. They are excellent eating, cooked in the shell like a lobster. The back muscles of the swell fishes are sometimes eaten, but make a risky delicacy, as there are well-authenticated instances of severe poisoning from eating these fishes. The poison seems to be local ized in the viscera and to permeate the rest of the fish after death. 1 Canada a Good Customer. Canada is the second best customer of the United States. This is proved by trade statistics recently Issued by the Canadian government covering the fiscal year ended March 31. Great Britain is the largest buyer. Canada's Imports from the great republic last year averaged $100 per capita of Can ada's population. Its total imports amounted to $1,240,125,056. This was an increase of $175,000,000 over imports of the previous year, due, ac cording to authorities, to heavy buy ing in the United States. The grand total of trade done by Canada during the last year was $2,450,553,175. Why isn't a man without front teeth a back-biter? give yourself the oppor tunity you deserve in order to do your best work, make up your mind to quit coffee and tea for awhile and drink delici ous, appetizing Postum instead. Postum permits sound, refreshing sleep which builds strength, i energy and endurance. Order Postum from your Grocer today. Drink this hot, refreshing bever age in place of tea or coffee for 10 days and see what a wonderful difference it will make in the way you feeL Postufn cornea In two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who pre fer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. SI Cry For a Signature of NKW VOHK CITY. In the Beginning. It was a beautiful New Year morn ing in the. Stone age. , "Hey, Strongarm," said Hairy Face, "lend me your crowbar, ' will you?" "Watta you wont with It T asked Strongarm. "I wanta take it home," Informed Hairy Face, "to turn over a new leaf." WOMEN NEED SWAMP-PM Thousands of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. 1 Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or tlte result ot Kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the. other or gans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription, obtained at any drug store, nay be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. 1 Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y for a sample bottle. Whenwriting be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. - ; Security. "Pa, what is security?" "Security, my son, la something worth fifty dollars on which' a banker will lend you two dollars." T O seal in the delicious Burley , , flavor" Once you've enjoyed the toasted flavor you will al ' ways want it 7JrjMicvaiv- Western Canada Land of Prosperity otters to borne seekers opportunities that can not be Kcured elaewhere. The thousands of farmen from the United State who have accepted Canada's generous ofier to settle on FREE homesteads or buy farm land in her provinces have been well repaid by bountiful crops. There is still available on easy term Fertlla Land at $15 to $30 an Aera hmd similar to that which through many years haa yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre oats, barley and ftax also in great abundance, while raising horses, cattle, sheep and hose is squally profitable. Hundreds of fanners in Western Canada have raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. With such success comes prosperity, inde pendence, good homes and all the comforts and conreniences which make life worth living. Farm Cantons, Poultry, Dairying are sources of income, second only to grain climate. DnnH nicrtrior- ranrrhM nrf YW schools, eood markets, railroad facilities, rural telephone, etc. For certificate entitling yon to r aucM railway rates, illustrated litera ture, maps, description of farm oppor loniuti in roamiooa, aasKatcnewan. i-uoena ana txaaa boiumoia, etc. wrue W. t. HETHEBT, Rom tl Msmrbss tittles lulMlni., Colsmfeui. Ohio; M. J. iOHNSTDME, 21i Irsctfes Ttmknl lutitflif, Mtamyoll. M. MM C ! ww, pBWlwtaa m$ HAIR WRTS "i Gap or fringe shape sett In light, medium a4 dark brown, black, Monde ana auburn of raal human hair and full b.s. Bach net In aeparai sanitary envelope. Send II 0 currency, obeck or money order to EDITH Dept.C, SM Fifth Avenue, New Tort City Women Wanting Profitable Spare Time Work . Writs F. BURGSNER, OUNKT, ILLINOIS. FRECKLES fosmvyiy amovsD y nr. tm'i rracal. ObatMBl I our drsawfat mr I . W. N. U., FORT WAYNE, NO. 37-1921. llsTmiy toasted it '