Newspaper Page Text
Horn iu Mr. aiitl Mrs-. Homed VVyse Tuesday, October 4th, a Worn REX ACL T ' 1 TIT-,. A t Ft ur. aim mia. .n. xj Columbus on business. Curtis are in Tribune ami Blade. or Toledo I Times and Tribune. .You can sub- Clarence Karsehner of Toledo i ! spent Sunday with his parents here. 1 1 . -, - . I itlrs. Mary Zimmerman and ! daughter Byrona spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Ridgeville. ! Mrs. Chas. Parker entertained the I "Get Together" Club at her home on I East Oak St., Friday Sept. 30th. NOW ON The sale where ONE CENT has the purchasing power from $1.00 to $2.50 . READ, WAGER & GORSUCH QKjoJUL Store The 4.4ii,.,l.Hi,HMtn..i.H..H.i..H....Hi.Hi t 1- LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robb .are spending the week end with frieVids in Leipsic arid Ottawa. . Mrs. Roy Goodwin is ill Wauseon Hospital with fever. at the typhoid Dr. and Mrs. Park Robinson of Toledo were Sunday guests of Mrs. Kathryn Conkle. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of De- troit spent Saturday with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. ; Mary Zimmerman. Mr. Wm. Goff will move into tb rooms formerly occupied by George Cramer and will have charge of the Arcade. 1? R3 Mrs. Dave Pennington entertained members of the J. C, Robinson Bible Class at her home on Jefferson St. Friday evening, Mrs. Mary E. Moores of Mansfield. Ohio who has been visiting with Mrs. iL. D. Bayes for the past several weeks left for her home Wednesday, Miss May Leu has resigned her position as bookkeeper with Schlatter Howards and Hoy and will, with her mother remove to Toledo in the near future. 4tttt.!lt!H Mrs. Clara Cooper of Toledo is the guest of her cousin P. H. Bayes. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gorsuch spent Sunday afternoon in Fayette. Mrs. J. E. Merrill and son Harry spent Monday in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edgar are visit ing in Cleveland this week. Mrs. John Sharpe and daughter Hazel spent Wednesday in Toledo Mr. C. A. Theobald spent Tuesday in Defiance on business. Ralph Geer is eonfined to his home wjth typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlatter spent Sunday with friends in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott of Toledo spent Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. Dr. Evers and Miss Vera Fouty spent Friday in Toledo. "Miss Elizabeth Lockmann was a Toledo visitor last Friday. Mis Ada H. Omlor who underwent an operation at St. Vincents Hospital Saturday is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hart left Wed nesday for Fort Wayne, Ind., where they will make their future nome. Dr. and Mrs. Ames of Eau Clair, WiB., were guests of friends here last week. J Mr. and Mrs. James Cox enter tained aa their guest Mr. C. Gibbs ol Maumee Sunday. Mm. J. S. Lawrence bpent last Thursday and Friday with Libbie and Addie liogeboom, Mr. William C, reiser is in Tolede lnplriinir care for her siatiar, Mrs. Leo Cortland who is seriously ill. . Mm. Claire Whittecar sptnt Sat urday with her parents, Mr. ,and Mm. David Bingman. Mrs. Nora Ayers spent last week -with her son David and lamuy neai Tedro. jf. ,f. AAA JSi iti otiifi it Mr. Frank Harper spent Wednes day in Ann Arbor, 'Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hayes ledo spent last Thursday with Domitio. Mr and Mrs. Fred Hartman and son Clarence of Toedo were guests of relatives here a few days last ween Sam Rothfuss and family of Toledo nont Tuesdav with Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer. . ' , ' Mr. tml Mrs. L. S. Williams en tertaiu'd his moth: from Dtlta last of To- Mrs. Daniel Rutz of Detroit was the week-end guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Rutz. Miss Ida Finch of Detroit and Mrs. Iva Flory of Archbold were Sunday quests, of Mrs. Mary Domitio. Mr. Henry Keller will leave in the near future to spend the winter iA Florida. Jay Stratton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stratton is conlined to his aome with typhoid fever. The son of Dr. and Mrs. Clark is ery ill at his home on South Fulton street with typhoid fever. . Mr. and Mrs. P'ifer and Mr. and Mrs. Segrist spent , Sunday with riends at Grand Rapids, Ohio. Mrs. Elizabeth Hine of Toledo jpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Irve nick. , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Goodwin, Friday, September 30th, a daughter, Imogene Mary. : This is candy week, buy your candy at the New York Candy Kitchen Where it is' made fresh every d"y. We serve hot drinks. Come and see us. The New York Candy Aitchen, next to Arcade. Mr. W. W. Ackerman and family will move here from Denson in the near future. 2 They will move into the house formerly occupied by Wm. Gotf and lamily. I Mrs. Roscoe Darby and Mrs.' A. E. Blake left Thursday (-today) for Gary, Ind., where thy will spend a week with Mr. and Mrs.- Arb Wil kinson. Mrs. Phronia Stough and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schnier of Toledo spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunham. Mrs. C. E. Bennett and Mrs. W. C. Fink entertained at one o'clock lun cheon Thursday, at the home of the former. Mr. W. J. Harper who underwent an operation at Ann Arbor, Mich., is as well as can be expected. i PROBATE COURT TWO WOMEN ON JURY AUTO ACCIDENT An ttuto accident that mierht have nrnvpd fatal t.n Countv SuDerinten-:r . i - The case of Julia E. Beck vs The dent and Mrs. C. D. Perry, happened Board of Countv Commissioners et at Copelands Corners north of town Mrs. W. C. Fink, Misses Mary and al an appeai to vacte road was before Tuesday evening. Katie Dovns entertained the Loyal Womens Class Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Fink. Thirty members of the class were present. Mrs. George Hallauer was hostess to the Thimble Club Tuesday after noon. They had as guests, Mrs. James Moyer of Columbus, Mrs. W. W. Caddell, Mrs. Wayne AHman, Mrs. W. P, V. Evers. Mr. and Mrs. James Moyer and son of Columbus, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and son of Fayette, Mr. and Mrs. Art Moyer of Toledo, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merrill and daught ers Mary and Jane were dinner guests ot their parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Moyer Sunday. Last Sunday about thirty mem bers of the Burr family enjoyed a pot luck dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weir on West Leggett Judge Barber Tuesday and Wednes- j Supt. and Mrs. Perry were on their day of this week. This case was ) way to Wauseon and were approach before the Probate Court about two ling the corner from the north. They years ago and affirmed the appeal to ; did not see or hear any car and were the Common Pleas Court but was right at the corner when a Buick car carried to the Circuit Court who I approaching from the east, driven by referred it back to Probate Court H. A. Myers of Bryan was coming after technical errors were found for head on into them. Supt. Perry did a new trial. I not have time to stop, neither did he The jury drawn for this case were i get by as the other car struck the Fred Vonier, Jacob Pfaff, Dora Kolb,rear of his car with such force Harl Dunbar, Frank Mack, L. A. that it overturned it throwing Supt. Skates, E. C. Wright, Harry Carter,! and Mrs. Perry out. Neither one Mrs. Frank Shaffer, John Frybarger.j was hurt seriously. Mrs. Perry had C. B. McLain and G. F. Sams. iher face scratched and glasses broken The names of two women were while Supt. Perry received a wrench drawn and are serving on the jury, ed shoulder and neck. It is a Mrs. Frank Kolb and Mrs. Frank i miracle that both of them were not Shaffer. killed. The trial was still in progress as' Their car is badlyv wrecked. The we went to press. Buick had a bumper on and therefore Judge Allen Barber who is hearing 'was hot badly damaged, this case is the first Probate Judge! . in 18 years to have a trial by ' COMMON PLEAS COURT Street. The out of town members jury, and he is handling it in a satis present were: C. Burr Marsh and factory manner, wife of Galion. Ohio, Fred Bates of Bellevue, Ohio, Mrs. F. H. .Aldrich and Fred Burr and family of Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dudley have packed their goods and expect to leave for Windermere, Florida in the near future. They will probably re main there or locate some other place as they do not expect to make .their home in Wauseon for a number of years. Mrs. Dudley's health has been poor but she is gaining and the change mav restore her health. We; are sorry to lose them from our midst and hope they will come back soon. THE WOODS OF AUTUMN Ere, in the northern gale, Th esummer tresses of the trees are gone, .. -The woods of Autumn, all around our vale, Have put their glory on. The trial of Beebe vs Beebe occu pied all of last Friday in Common Pleas Court. A jury was not called The mountains that infold, and the case was held before Judge In their wide sweep, the colored Wolf. A verdict was returned - landscape round, granting Mrs. Beebe, the plaintiff a I Seem groups of giant kings, in pur- pie ana goia, That guard the enchanted ground. divorce, but certain land rights have not as yet been settled. The deten dant has only a life lease on the farm near Lyons. Mrs. Sarah Snow and son enter- In the case of Hollis vs Hollis ac tion for divorce, the plaintiff was i onow sum sou eiitei-i . , o iOI, " faoa 0j tained at a pot luck dinner Sunday " ' U ll, fomi hae Mi- nnd M va George Snow and jfcmily of .Leipsic, QUR NEW "10 TON SCALES," Mr. and Mrs. Ra ph Snow of Toledo, THE LARGESX IN TOWN, ARE Mr. and Mrs Ralph Fraker and son, ACCURATE. DRIVE ON. NO Mrs. Edna Mason, son and daughter Lii.Rrp ritv vnim rmt H( 1 1! I ' U .. j ........... . v . v w . . of Wauseon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. iFROM US. Snow and sons of West Barre, Mr.SUMERSi ana Mrs. dailies iacAei&uu aiiu xani- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Guy King and family of Clinton Center. Mr. and Mrs. James Croninger and Mr and Mrs. Guy Penrod and chil dren were Sunday guests of J. E. Robinson and family. The North Dover Ladies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Ira Clark, Thursday, October 13th. Everybody invited. Dr. E. H. Rorick of Fayette was in town Tuesday. He was called here as a witness in Beck vs County Com missioners trial. The regular meeting of the Royal Neighbors has been changed from Monday evening to Wednesday even ing. . WOOLEY ROSIER . The marriage of Miss Clara Kosier and Mr. Forest Wooley was quietly solemnized at Adrian, Mich. Tuesday October 4th. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kosier and Has been employed at the telephone office. Congratulations ana good wishes for a happy future. ST. CASPER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH! IT'S GOOD. PHONE 400 CON 27 -tf CALL CONSUMERS COAL SER VICE PHONE 400 BEFORE OR DERING YOUR COAL. WE HANDLE THE BETTER GRADES ONLY.. 27-tf Woolen underwear in two pieces and union suits, the best assortment we have ever shown. Harrison and Funkhouser Bros. I roam the woods that crown The upland, where the mingled splendors glow, Where the gay company of trees look down On the green fields below. Let in through all the trees, Come the strange rays; .the forest depths are bright Their sunny-colored foliage, in the breeze, Twinkles, like beams of light. The rivulet, late unseen. Where bickering through the shrubs ' lus waters run, Shines with the image of its golden screen And glimmerings of the sun, William Cullen Bryant! SAFEST FOR SAVINGS The test of time is the true test for a bank. For over a quarter century The Peoples State Bank has been the largest bank in Fulton Coun ty. The storms of wars and the stress of peace have but made this institution stronger and safer. Deposit your savings with us. Their safety is guaranteed by thirty-two years of sound banking. tie peoples' State Mm KGEST (rv WAUSEON , OHIO ot-5TAND OLDEST BANK IN FULTON CWm - t K. of C. last Sundiv morning about fifty Knights of Columbus of Napoleon were guests of the Wauseon Knights at the 8:30 Mass at St. Caspers church and received communion iir a body. j After Mass they marched to LibeTty Hall where the ladies of the Wau seon Knights served breakfast. The fourty-hours devotion will open at St. Casper's church Sunday at the 9:30 High Mass and will close Tues day evening. There will be two Mr. and Mrs. George Flory and! family and Mr. Frank Flory of Arch-jMasses eacn morning and sermon and ounuay wiui bold spent friends. Wauseonj Denediction at 7:30 o'clock each even ing. A cordial invitation is extend- Mrs. Nell Sechrist and Lelah spent Sunday with Mrs. Lytel Stenson and Elmira. daughter Mr. and family of ed to all. Mr. Joseph Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kolb. Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'niKolb and children motored to Angola Ind., Sunday. The Dorcas S. S. Class entertained friends at the Congregational church parlors Wednesday night. Mrs. Celestine Socie of Archbold was a guest of her son Jerome Socie and family Sunday. Miss Pauline Allion left Monday lor Angola, Ind., whree she will take x course in music. Mrs. Q. C. Poorman was called to Hillsdale last weet py the seriousH illness of her daughter, Mrs Warner Gelzer. Miss LaRue Williams who is at tending school at Bowling Green spent Saturday and Sunday with he. parents here. NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE COUNCIL A local branch of the National Welfare Council was organized in St. Casper's Sunday evening at Liberty Hall by the men of the parish. The officers elected for the coming year are: President Schuyler Sullinger Vice Pres. John Leggett. Secy. W. H. Haumesser. Treas. Geo. Drennan. Honorary Pres. Fr. F. J. Straub. Mr. Edwin Paxson has accepted a position in the office of Paxson and Cantield.' Mr. Harold Smith, daughter Mery lin and son Ronald were guests of re latives in Ligonier, Ind and Sunday. Rev. O. W. Bowen of Albion, Ind. and Judge Donovan of Detroit, Mich, visited at the home of F. J. Spencer last week. Both gentlemen are in the 80's and well and active. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gushman and Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Heyman and Saturday ' daughter Dorothy of Toledo motored j iicic. kjununjf auu vtsjvcu Willi luiaa (Euphrasia Gushman and Mr. and Miss Florence Clark entertained Mrs. bam Morningstar. the Loval Workers of the Christian OBITUARY Church at a pot luck supper at her home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Dorsey and laughter Virginia, Mr. Madden,. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunham and daughter Next Monday will see the Common1 Estella and Miss Gusta Harbig of Picas Court in full swing. Judge ; Archbold were Sunday guests of Mr. Wolf has assigned c9ses for the next and Mrs. Frank Whitesell. two weeks. This is tne Degmnmg oi the October term of court. Mr. Frank Ufer will leave for Win dermere, Florida, in the near future where he expects to make his future home. He will make the trip by auto. Members of Losure Post G. A. R. attended the Reunion of the 111th Regiment at Toledo Tuesday. This Regiment was under the command of Gen. saac Sherwood during the Civil War. Nobles Dry Goous Store at Fay ette was robbed Tuesday of last week and considerable goods were taken. No trace of the thieves have as yet county.. fceen heard of. I - " I Mr ana ;virs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judge Allen Barber and Sheriff Bob Ford with a party of Fayette busi ness men were on a fishing trip to Wamplers Lake a few days last week. They report a very enjoyable time, but the biggest fish got away. The recital given by Miss Celestine Socie assisted by Horton Blair last Friday evening at the Wauseon High School Auditorium was well attend ed and Miss Socie is to be compli mented 1 on the excellent prgoram which was given by her pupils. George Cramer, son of George W. and Sarah Jane Cramer was born in Henry County Nov. 23, 1877.. De- parting this life Sept. 29th at 4:35! p. m. at the age of 43 years, 10 i months and 6 days. He was united in marriage Nov. 26th, 1908 to Miss Freida Harsh of Wapakoneta, Ohio. He leaves to mourn their loss his wife, mother, Mrs. William O'Neil, of Weston, Ohio; his step-mother, Mrs. George Cramer, three brothers, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends. Mrs. N. W. Bowser returned Mon dav after several weeks visit with Mr. E. L. Downer of Archbold her daughter in New York state and spem ivionuay m wauseon on Dusi-jner son in Pennsylvania. ' Her son ness. Mr. owner is a staunch Re- i Frank Bowser of PhiladelDhia came publican from the . west side of the , home with his mother for several days vacation. Donald Werner and Harper and ' grandmother, Mrs. Joe Baumgardner Miss Flossie Harper motored to Ann motored here from Toledo Sunday vroor last Friday morning to Visil : and spent the day with Miss their father, W. J. Harper. Miss Euphrasia Gushman, Mrs, Ruam Jlariwr remained until Sunday even-, gardner remained for several days inv viol. PRICE VS QUALITY By Harrison and Fimkhouser Bros. When a man enters a clothing store with the intention of buying a suit, there are two factors prominent in his mind, price and cjuality. With some men, the two words would stand in the order in which they were just written, while with others, the order would be reversed, With so many demands upon a man's income, price is, of necessity, an important consideration; every man is eager to be well dressed as possible upon the sum that he feels able to spued for clothing and still keep within his means. But there is one thing to be borne Mr. and ' Mrs. C. A. Theobald en tertained as Sundav Ernests! Mr. anrl Mrs. John Theobald Sr. of Archbold, in mmd, quality is remembered long Mr, and Mrs A E. Theoba d of Arch-iafter price is forgotten. One often bold, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Theobald of hears the remark." "This is a fine Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Theo- jbald and family of Napoleon. t: tXlttt iiti Tint U w& 0 nec- de- By carefully planning ypur affairs, setting aside the essary money for household and personal use and a finite sum to be deposited regularly in the Fit National I'ank, you have more than an even chance to become inde pendent and a factor in the community and business life of Bayard. , t Anyone who cannot and does not save money, cannot and will not do anything else worth while. mints mum.mmmm H KHl? 1 1 BW&Baamiiim i ' - r"- "" """" " A BANK THAT OHO SERVICE BUILT wearing suit." But you seldom hear Ihis suit did not cost much. A suit that falls to pieces or soon loses its shape is dear at any price. If a man buys a cheap suit which looks good in the store and which, be thinks ''will dg," he deg'no stop q consider that in a short time he will be jn the same position, buying an other suit; when if he had paid a little more the first time and not al lowed an attractive price tag to over come his scruples as to iti wearing quality, he would still be wearing a shapely suit and be several dollars ahead. Quality is economy whether ap plied to a suit of clothes or to an au tomobile. Inferiority in either will cost more in repairs and in trying to make it look presentable more in time and money than the average man, can affprd tc, pay, Another thing; throughout the poggesgion of either suit or auto he feelu no confidence in it, nor can he teel proud of its ap pearance at any t'me, The clothier who sells good clothing at a fair margin of profit i the man to patronize, for in deal ing wiiK him one is following the lines of true economy. And nowa days "Economy" and not "Variety" seems to be the "Spice of Life," Know a man bv his clothier! Copyright, 1921 fKoUAI'b M)TCE Notice is hereby given that Ray mond J. Henshaw, as guardian of Raymond K. Henshaw, has filedl his final eunt for settlement. The hefinng of sid aceottnt is et for the Sltjt day of October, 1924 at WW o'tlock a, m- A. M. llAJlBER. Probaie Judife Fulton County, Ohio, Probate Court Dn't forget the big dance at the Firemen s Hall rrulay night. SPECIALS AT THE SoutlvjSide Meat Market SATURDAY, OGT. 8th Home Rendered lard, while it lasts, lb. 0c 7 lbs. sweet potatoes for ---25c 2 large cans Monarch or Danish Pride milk 25c 1 quart mustard j 25c Don't forget to watch bur windows for special prices on Irish potatoes Meat- Department Specials Picnic hams, lb. 1 5 C Beef steak, lb. , 25c Beef roast, lb., i8c Saturday, October 8th is Candy Day. See our display of Schraff ts milk and bitter sweet chocolates I ASK FOR THE TRADE BUTTONS Phone 312. ' H. A. KRAUSS V 4"llfrM4"tfr4 1 I I I'M i CHKHXHKHJWCHXHWXHKHKKKHK Copyright 1921 Hart Sclutfner &. Marx Real-value over coats for boys YOU want real-vahie, not just something that looks like it; all overcoats look well when they're new Hart Schaffner & Marx v put the right materials and the best tailoring into these clothes. And we put the right price on them; you'll get more value than usual. Harrison & Funkhouser Bros. SPECIAL Chicken Chop Suey Oysters--Any Style Chili Concarne. Everything Good. Williams Hotel and Restaurant Open Day and Night MARKETS The Florence Borton Circle of the Christian Church will hold i market at the Expositor Office, Saturday Oct. 8th at 9:00 a. m.' Chicken, noodles, baked beans, pumpkin pies, butter milk, cottage cheese and all kinds of baked goods will be for sale. The Loyal Womens Class of the Christian Church will hold a market of baked goods at the Republican office Saturday Oct. 22nd, at 9:30 a. m. The Dorcas Class of the Congre gational church will hold a baked goods sale at J;he Expositor office Saturday Oct. 15th. Libby Leu, Chairlaiy YOU GET THE BEST COAL AT CONSUMERS COAL SERVICE YARDS. GIVE US A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. PHONE 400. 27-tf Velour Hats, special at $5.00, black and brown. See them. Harrison and Funkhouser Bros. MARKETS Red Wheat ' 1.10 i Bran 1.20 Oats 30 Corn .60 i Middlings 1.30 Eggs 40 Flour 8.46 Butter 35 Hogs 8.00 POCAHONTAS, WEST VIRGINIA KENTUCKY AND OHIO COALS ON YARDS. GET OUR PRICES ON QUALITY COALS. THEY'RE RIGHT. 400. CONSUMERS. Read The Tribune Better Still Subscribe For It PHONE 27-tf TEA AND COFFEE are two of the articles for which our grocery department is justly famous. We are es pecially particular about the purity of the brands and the smoothness of the blends'. If you are looking for a tea or coffee which will delight you, give us an opportunity to prove that oura will do it. The home of Good Clothes and Shoes j tttttttityRTT"rtttutttttttt;trtttttTr.uittrxttt Specials For Friday and Saturday Only Monarch" Milk, tall can. T 1 1 c Savoy rolled oats, large 25 C Savoy rolled oats, small I Oc 60c bottle Tomeco furniture polish 25c E. L. Tirano cigars, 6 for -25c Potatoes, per peck 4 1 C Meat Department Fresh Dressed Broilers . Picnic ham, lb. Fine fresh weiners. lb. - -Uc 16c