Newspaper Page Text
51 BUN VOL. XXXVIII NO. 35 WAUSEON, OHIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1921 v ' 1 i r i SCHOOL NOTES . . IS S ' via . . 5 Si V 1 X i f MM I DCN'T SPOIL YOUR CHRISTMAS We recently told Wauseon citizens how they could add to their Christ mas happirss by doirifr their shopping early, before the stores are crowded and the clerks are dead on their feet. fow we want to take a moment to tell you still another way to make the occasion a joyous one, both for your s -j if, for those to whom yo'1 .ive. and fo your neighbors. And chat is the simple proposition of buying the gilts you expect, to buy rij:'ut here at homo. You'll doubtless vi; insiuy tempting offers in biy .'it. papers nil J sometimes you'll form the false impression that you can't ct Just what you want, and that it wont l.e a nice as you want if iioujrht hive at h"me. T;ar any vl that attracts yo . out of the paper and tak it to a h im? merchant and hi-'ll qukkly con vince you of your err jr. It nwy not U- rijjnt there in 'stock, hut n 'thing will j lease your home merchant more than to order that particular gift f'ir you, and at a price in keeping with the one you see advertised. There is mighty little loyalty in buying away from home the thinirs you are going to give home people f r Christmas. And neither is there economy in it. You have to pay ex press or postage if you order by mail, and when they tell you that you ran '"save" enough buying somewhere else to pa yo t railroa-i fars th-vv n merely imposing on your ignorance. Tak ail this into consideration be f .re you make a purchase out of town IJ' t, above all, ask yourself if you are l ;yal t your home t .wn if you make y ur living here and then spend the m ney with strangers. Think these th'nfcs over and then don't make the , m stake of spoiling your Christmas bv trading any place but right here at home. ARCHBOLD Wm. Bchrer, vet eran mail carrier has been in con tiiiuous service o t of Archbold since April 1, 1899. He is now in his 23rd year as carrier. SHORTS AND MIDDLINGS Milk is bfiby's building material. The Wauseon Schools will make i every effor to make American Ed- jucation week a sucess. All our par-! ents and patrons are urgently re- SaVs'Sam: There's -a. whole lot ,. a ,i, I ot ilijjon ju?t in gettm:'long wuhi ptopie. I 33 1-3 per cent more rural pupils ; . , , , , . . . , ... are enrolled in Wauseon High School, Nests 11 by 14 by 6 inches, with than were enrolled a year ag0. 15 inches het'd-room, have been found . the most satisfactory by leading! The first number of "The' Red and, poultrymen. .White." a monthlv publication of the i In Van Wert efforts insulted in being sent; to the niaming linns laid NAPOLEON John Leonhart age 65 years, was found dead near the door of the home of Mrs. Minnie Rexworth, last Thursday night. DEFIANCE Defiance ' will li cense its milk dealers, the ordinance becoming effective on Dec. 1st. The license will cost 50 cents each. r ... 'pupils of the Wauseon High School, County, culling ma(e jts apnerance Monday morn-' 691 ot 2300 hens j o last week block. The r-J- as many egt;s :is T), t,,! nt tha Mfinnol J l ad tho whole bunch before culling , ucation Association has the following: ,, .. . 'to say under "business and Schools":i Whose word would you first hdeJ, .The school problem is too greati - nvangers or a friend s Ads m , for business to ignore. It directly; your home p.-.per have that 'friend to ,touches the lives of one.fith of our; friend persuasion power. entire popuation daiiy. The operation TT ,i, . . . . ... ,'of the public schools necessitates the Health S not put up in bottles and employment of more than 050,000, cannot be purchased at drug stores, teachers. The output is daily findin?; no matter what the labels on the;:,,. , infn a,,, ;rw,.,, 0a bottle may read. i commerce, because pupils are daily Tr rT . . 'dropping out of school and going to! Keep your mind growing this worij I winter by a form home study course j 0ut o cver one hundred pupiis! f.r home reading Address Exten-jwho enter the public schooIs onIyi tion Editor, the Ohio State I ii-ver- fifteenge tthrough high school and sity, Coiuinbus. fewer than three finish college. The . i, , .... i i , education which can reach the entire "All the tithe of the land, whether, Nation and which therefore du. jf the seed of the land, or the fruit mandg the first attention of Ameri ca trie tree, it iS holy unto Jehovah." j busineSS, is the education offer Ievit.ous AAV11, 2d. jed by th eeiornentary schools, which i. . . . , , , cover the first eight years of the Corn fed through cattle , and ! Hogs' chids training. Popular suffrage is wcrth 1-om (.0 to 90 cents a bus.iel : wilI never justify itseif without un ai present meat prices, s-ay Univers-vy iversal education of the right kind, .-con .mists and feeders. lhats a American business will suffer so lot more than its worth in the fur-,Iong as ignorance prevails. The men-naee- ace af the great mass of illiterates NAPOLEON Hanford Schnall and in our Nation must be reconized and Howard Poley, of Liberty Center and ?Y.t;r.COn,e:. , hat ls.. ,be , done? ( Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Prentiss, of Na- Ll"le,.wi11 e ancmPllshed by gen-. oleon, were passengers in two Fords eral "is. ussion. 1 he answer will come: ,v.,v.h .,th, iaj...n i., f only wht'n business men of everyj Wednesday evening, on the Wauseon community actively aid in bringing i i, .?.. ... the local schools to a hieh plane of effectiveness. As good business men, can US i. J5, V ? K 3 Ve. jtjr tit, I irv .Miik 55v1-'--. r li.-"! I V ffT Red Cross Gives $310,000 to Aid DUNBAR MaLc QUARTET AN D r program of the Duuhar Quartet is BELL RINGERS. For many years a Dunbar Quartet and Bell Ringers Company was one of the most popular of Chautauqua and Lyceum organizations. The present company was organized by Ralph Dun liar, of the original Bell Ringers, and Is most worthy to bear the Dunbar name. The niemliers of the Dunliars appear In solos, quartets and read ings end carry 150 hand bells upon which are played some of the best ertu es and solo numbers. In electing the repertoire of the D.iiba-s, due attention is paid to the ioica of music which Is really appro ve for bells. feature which characterizes the the absolute blending of their selec tions into a complete whole. There is a consistency in these programs which has distinguished them among all the Lyceum and Chautauqua attractions of the last double decade. No feature will be remembered longer than the beautiful chimes and harmonies which are introduced in their sacred selec rions. Their original transcriptionsJn which are heard excerpts of beautiful pongs, sung by the players and acconi pauied by the bells, will be counted by many the most beautiful music they have ever heard. The young men in troduce a sufficient amount of humor to leaven the program properly and to sustain the reputation long held by the Dunbars as musical entertainers extraordinary. rr1 i ii- i 1..1.1 t j j y-y . ine worm nas Deen iairiy laKen on VlCclIi.-U P LrlVe lts iti(it y tne Proposition to scrap billions of dollars worth of battle- r,nnriofin - . ships, and then to cease building any An appropriation of $310,000 for more lor ton . It was as da. Red Cross work In connection with the ing stroke on the part of America to i"'i ujr niK propose sucn a program, but Amen- c-a is iiolcju ior aoing Dig mings, ana this newest proposition is merely in keeping with her way of doing that which she sets about to accomplish. Wauseon citizens who pay taxes are heartily in favor of such a Dro- Government to bring the claims of all disabled service men who are entitled to Federal aid before the proper gov ernment bureau for action, lias been made by the American Red Cross. The Executive Committee of the American Red Cross in making the appropriation authorized the appropri ation of $35,000 of this sum to the American Legion to defray the ex pense of the Legion representatives assigned to the various districts of the Veterans Bureau. The remainder of the appropriation was authorized for apportionment among the several Divisions of the Red Cross for carrying on that part of the "clean-up" work that falls di rectly upon the Red Cross organization. road. A heavv loir was resting over the road which made it impossible as good business for the drivers to see each other. Mr. 5od c!tlens ood Parents, they -..:.,.! i i i i "'J " icsa. I ICIIblf)a ICLCHCU ail IIIJUIVU liciuci auu Poley, an occupant of the other car was thrown twenty feet out of the machine. Both cars were badly smashed up, but fortunately the in juries were slight to the passengers. MORENCI Roxanna Turner, 85 years of age, well known in this vici nity, died1 November 16th, at her home in Morenci. The Salesmanship class in the High School is inviting different business men of Wauseon to come into the class and take part in dis cussion on matters of salesmanship. The fellows who claim America and Europe will soon be at war are the same ones who picked, Carpentier to lick Jack Dempsey. DELTA Mr. Gordon Trumpower, well known here, was united in mar riage to Miss Mildred Mozier of . Bowling Green on November 15th. In some of our K..y restaurants ! ,, , , you don't have to-fifthe waiters. They weren t all forced v t,,ci- n v, army of t- " "iiployed. food. tnem volunteered. jcsJj into the Some of tn;;n:t;t:;:t;K::;un:;:iu:?::::;?::n:;:::::::t::::::::::::na:;:;:: .' - " " - ' " - ! TDi'soi riant fJsi Trfirift. Now Heads Jfed Cross A m Vv' v V.' iWi. i -nl h " ?" cm vfi-jt w it 0JiS I ' i it Young America Sends Vast Relief To Needy Abroad Various relief projects of the Junior American Red Cross In European countries resulted in helping 237,000 destitute children during the last fis cal year, according to the annual re port of the American Red Cross for that period. The growth of the activi ties of the Juniors abroad is mani fested by a comparison which shows this figure ls 200,000 larger than that of the previous fiscal year. The National Children's Fund raised by school children, members of the Junior American Red Cross, was drawn upon for $420,557 for these proj ects. Receipts for the National Chil dren's Fund during the last fiscal year totalled $155,317. BIG DRAMATIC EVENT ON WORLD'S TOUR Coming to Auditorium Theatre, three nights, coming Monday Decem ber 5th. Guy Bates Post and his excellent company including Effie Shannon are this season appearing in "The Masquerader" one of the few really worth while plays of th decade. The unusual company the one that will make a world's tour by the way with its wealth of soenery, electrical effects and novel revolving stages. This well known rpnrpaaYitntiva of the world, for that matter. There I actor has never had a better vehicle is no question but the modern ideal than this. His manager, Mr. of each nation spending billions to Richard Walton Tully has gone to keep its navy ahead of the other na-l absolute extremes in providing a gram. bo should taxpayers in every section of America in everv tions goes a long way toward keep ing the people of that nation poor ror u is tne people who must pay ior inese battleships. spent in maintaining a big navy and a big standing army comes directly out of the pockets of the .taxpayers. And no further good is accomplished in the end" than to pile up a lot of ships that usually are found worth less when an emergency arises. The plan would do more to prevent production both ponderous and unique. Two crws of mechanics are carried bv the comuanv .to insure Every dollar j proper stage effects. The manage ment ot 'lhe Auditorium Theatre, Toledo, Ohio is giving special atten tion to out-of-town patrons in order that automobile and excursion parties may have seats reserved with as much care as though the' purchaser were at the ticket office window. Mr. Post has played "The Mas- war than anything yet suggested, i querader" in Australia and Europe Couple it with the plan offered bv Mr. Wilson whereby nations would have to give three months notice before de claring war, and you would have to give three months notice before de claring war, and you have prac tically put an end to it. Nothing is where he scored the greatest hit ever made by an American actor. - The story is of two men, John Chil cote and of John Loder. The first is a man born to wealth, society and political leadership. Unfortunately drugs have secured a hold on him. sums i.w uc iubip uy going i,en years aim wnen tne craving comes ne is without building a battleship. And restive under the ntd for caring for possibly at the end of ten years every, his many important interests, nation entering into the agreement While Chilcote is .in one of these will sign up to extend the holiday f or ' resentful moods he encounters John all 'dire to come. ILodre is a man well read, well V.:- J LI. . .... ins uuuuie, except mat ne nas America Succors Russians Food, - clothing and medical relief costing $700,000 has been provided by the American Red Cross for the thou sands of Russian refugees stranded i last year In CoHStantlnople and vl i cinlty. Succeeding former President Wilson, President Harding was recently elected president of the American Red Cross. He is here seen accepting the office. From left to right: MaJ. Gen. Merritte W. Ireland, Surgeon General, U. S. A.; Dr. Livingston Farrand, chairman Central Committee of the Red Cross; the President; Asst. Secretary of the Treasury Eliot Wadsworth; Rear Admiral Edward R. Stitt, Surgeon General, U. S. N. CARRYING ON SERVICE FOR DISABLED VETERANS OF THE WORLD WAR THAT IS COSTING $10,000,000 A YEAR, THE AMERICAN RED CROSS IS HELPING FULFILL THIS NATION'S OBLIGATION TO ITS DEFENDERS. HELP THE RED CROSS CONTINUE THIS WORK BY ANSWERING THE ANNUAL ROLL CALL NOVEMBER 11-24, 1921. WHEN HER BACK ACHES noticeable scar on one of his fingers. Loder is a man well read, well trav eled and ambitious to take a place A Woman Fin's Ail Her Energy and Ambition dipping Away among the leaders of his race. Chilcote, in the frenzy of morphia, seeks out Loder and proposes that t )l lUr Ori)lfll1fla nlnnnr. T 3 Wauseon wony-n know how the fuses. Chilcote collapses and his aches and rains tnai often come when, man Brock pleads with Loder to re tire kidneys fail, make life a burden. ; present him as a speaker on an im Backache, hip pains, headaches,; portant issue in parliament that dizzy spells, distressing urinary night. Lured by the opportunity troubles are frequent indications of j Loder consents and carried away by weak kidnevs and should be checked the cause he pleads scores a Nation m time. Doan's Kidney Pills are for al sensation, the kidneys only. They attack kid- ' - !M-'----iOONT TRUST THE SOCK Mrs. J. A. Hauenstcin, 263 W. Chestnut St., Wauseon, says: "I can recommend Doan's Tvidnev Pills as a l-ptiahln klilnsv ramaj:, fnf T I aWJ-y "1 an j - - - - ........ j . . . . . v. , . . i iiaic ;used them with the best of results. ; My kidneys were disordered and my i back pained me so I could scarcely uena or do any lilting work. There are still many Deoole around V-avseon who still put their money away in an old so:k or the sue-ar bowi, and refuse to trast it to Uncle Sam or a good, solid banking insti tution. We read recently where a Theiman lost nis straw hatf and with $75 ne iiau muicu jtwuy insiae me nar,-, 'action of my kidneys was irregular,' "e "aQ s?ore wav lnsiae itoo. Doan's Kidney Pills' which lifn,' Anther man gave a boot black a pair of shoes to shine and 11 r ff -n ror1 -f ITinL- oi(l IT -i 1 1 m i 'Drugstore removed the ' backache ! ,t0eo JSf. remembered he had inii mi mir tiHno in stuffed $2,000 m the toes of the shoes m. n -t , . Tfr SH TP-lcPPriiriO' AnH avavt Watt r iuey are a ianniv remedy in our r v "vjr home Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simnlv ask fnr a kirlnpv rpmprlv ov !Mrs. Hauenstein had. Foster-Mil-tcan Pr?fit ,PV the?e examples; i burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. We wish to thank our friends and patrons for their loyal patronage and to show our appreciation we will offer the following specials for I tTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTtTI riday and Saturday Only C & W Coffee, 3 lbs 99C Waseo Hour per 1-8 bbl 94C Morenci Patent 1-8 bbl. 95C Perfection Blendid Flour, bbl. . . . 90C Corn Meal, 5 lbs. . . . IOC Good Cream Cheese, per lb. . . . , 23C Tnat good napoleon Bread, per loaf ... ... 9G Ilootous Cocoa, per lb can 11C Assorted Pure Preserves, 3 jars LJJ Choice some Beauty Apples, box 40 lbs. apples $2.50 MEAT DEPARTMENT Beef Steak, young and tender, per lb. . . . 22C Beef Steak, young and tender, per lb 16C Fine Fresh Weiners, per lb 1BC OYSTERS, COUNTS", SELECTS AND STANDARDS Remember Our Trading Discount Slips' 1 Say it with Jewelry GEHRING-RUHLIN CO. Successors to Lyon & Co. 50tf. t read of money stolen from its hidinir place under rug or mattresses the first place a burglar looks for valu ables. But some people simDlv thev can't bring thmeselves to realize that nothing in all the world is as safe and secure as Liberty bonds and war savings stamps, and that bank failur es are almost unheard of in this country any more. We're sorry for these, kind of people the kind who are afraid to trust their fellowmen. We're sorry for anyone who loses RT7VAM Main Tl V. R.,nn sleeD and th man whn fan' tnit A Michigan man has confessed to Dental Corps. U. S. Armv with Mrs! bis money into the keeping of others stealing 19 autos. . As punishment, i Repp and their two children of the usually loses more or less sleep for they ought ot require him to buy Philippine Islands are to spend the ; fear someone will walk away with the tires lor all ot tnem. I still have a nice assortment of auto seat top buggies and in the best ( makes which I will sell at greatly i reduced prices. 1 29-13-c Chas. F. Stotzer j holiday season here. sugar bowl or the sock. HKHCH0HXHHKHKHK The Old Old Story Vapors reach deep colds When the cold "goes down" get after it by the rubbing and vapor method. Obstinate colds that go down into the chest can be reached by the combination rubbing and vapor-inhaling method with Vicks VapoRub. Apply Vicks over throat and chest. Rub well in, spread on thickly and cover with two thick nesses of flannel. At night ar range bedclothes loosely, like a funnel, so the arising vapors will be breathed all night, right, into the lungs. Quick relief should be had Just rub it on and breathe in the vapors from the tightness, soreness and cough with rapid loosening of the phlegm, abating danger of pneumonia or influenza. Vicks contains the antiseptic, healing vapors of Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Oil of Turpentine and is the standby in millions of homes for congestions of impe, throat, and chest; skin hurts and itch ings, and various bodily pains. Once tried, Vicks becomes a stand-by in the medicine cabinet. V A P O l J L3 Oomr 17 MEioii Jars Ussd Yaarfy EDGAR & VAN RENSSELAER Hundreds Flop Thousands Drop Few Reach the Top In the Bread Baking Art To overcome this trouble, profit by the mistakes of others and let your next order for flour be a sack of ALL WAYS GOOD GOOD ALL WAYS DON'T FORGET THE COUPONS Sold by All Grocers Funeral Directors Motor Equipment ion k iiieemeai Telephone 500 Ambulance Service JONES WAUSEON, OHIO QUALITY AND SERVICE ;:;f;::::rt:t:;:?;:;i:::;:r.;:::t:t::;t:::::;u:u::t:ut:: ttssssst SOULE