OCR Interpretation

Fulton County tribune. (Wauseon, Ohio) 1883-1925, April 13, 1922, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87076552/1922-04-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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r :
In a factory devoted exclusively to manufactur
ing Goodyear Tires for small cars, the two tires
illustrated above are made.
One is the famous 30x3 Goodyear All -Weather
Tread Clincher.
By long wear, superior traction, freedom from
skidding, and ultimate economy, the Goodyear
All -Weather Tread has won unquestioned
As a companion to this tire there is the Goodyear
30 x iyi Cross Rib.
Built of the same high grade Egyptian fabric and
with a long wearing but differently designed
tread, this tire offers unusual value.
Over5,000,0Qd of these tires have been sold in
the last five years.
Their quality and serviceability have proved to
thousands of motorists the folly of buying un
known and unguaranteed tires of lower price.
Ask your Goodyear Service Station Dealer to
explain their advantages.
30 x 312 Cross Rib Fabric . . . $10.95
303Vi AH-Wsather Fabric . 14.75
30i34 Aft-Weather Cord . . 18.00
30 x3V4 Heavy Tourist Tube . 2.80
SOxSVx Regular Tube .... 2.25
' . Manucturiff tax ixtrtf
Not in Chin.
Traveler The Chinese make it a
invariable rale to settle all their debts
New Tear' day.
Stay-at-Home Yes, but the Chinese
lont have a Christmas the week "be
For many years druggists have watched
arith mch interest the remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot,
the Brest kidney, liver and 'bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine, ft beipe tfoe kidneys, liver and 'blad
der 4a tite work nature intended they
bosM 4a.
Swaanp-Roe feat stood the -test of years.
It is said by all 4rnggists on its merit
and it abeald kelp yu. No other kidney
aoedicioe fcas so many friends.
Be siare to get Swamp-Root and start
tfeatsaent tut once.
Bowever, if yo wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer A Co., Ringhaimton, N. Y., for a
ample bottle. When writing be sure-and
snesitiasi this paper. Advertisement,
The Diagnosis.
Flubdub Has the doctor diagnosed
jrour ease?
Cotrox Perfectly.
Flubdub1 How did be find ot Just
That you've got?
Gotrox Looked me up, to Brad
street's, I suppose.
Tbe charm of a bathroom is Its spot
aessness. By the use of Bed Cross Ball
Blue, ail cloths and towels retain their
arhlteaeM until worn out. Advertise
ment. Now and then you hear of aa Ideal
husband but, honest, now, did you
ever see one?
After we have regulated the rain
fall, we might pay more attention to
regulating humanity.
WARNING I Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets,' you are
not getting genuine, Aspirin prescribed by physicians
over 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Tain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contain" p'opr directions.
ITandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottle o -1 l')0 TViv-ista.
eVarla Is the trads nark of Bayer Manufacture of Montac. ..u.ie vt Bul.cr!!raoid
v ewjui e&a fad
offers to home seekers opportunities thst cannot
be secured elsewhere. The thousands of farmers
from the United States who have accepted Can
ada's generous offer to settle on FK EE homesteads
Or buy farm land in her provinces have been well
repaid by bountiful crops. There is still avail
able on easy terms
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre
land similar to that which through many years
baa yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat
to the acre oats, barley and flax also in great
abundance, while raising horses, cattle, sheep
and hogaisequaltyprofitable. Hundreds of farm
ers in western Canada have raised crops in a
single season worth more than the whole cost of
their land. With such success comes prosperity,
independence, good homes and all the comforts
and conveniences which make life worth living.
Farm Gardens, Poultry, Dairying
are sources of income second only to grain
growing and stock raising. Attractive cli
mate, good neighbors, churches; schools,
good markets, railroad faculties, rural tele
phone, etc
For ffloitrated literature, mana. d.eriptioo at farm
opportunity, in Manitoba, saBttatcnawao.
Alberta and British Columbia, reduced
railway racaa, axe, writs
t. lETKERT. M 12. Urttnirtian Stat!o
IMf., Mmbst, Ohio; M. J. MWNSTONE, 2t5
Tract lOB-Tarmlaai lalMlag. lafoupoila, Indiana
AaMiai la nl nt. Dept. of tmmlrraflon
and eeHMlnthMi, Dominion el Canada
Spohn's Distemper Compound
to brrak It a-p and get them back in conflltto. Twenty-eight
vears' xtrr has made "SPOHN'S" indispensable in treating -Coucha
and Colds, Influema ana Distemper, with their resulting campli
ealtom. and all diaemaes of the throat. Rose and lunga. Acts
inarvelevaly aa a preventive, acts equally well aa a cure. Obtain
able in two sixes at rrug stores.
Fur Market Shifts to China.
Because of the disturbed conditions
in Russia, Lelpodg has been deprived
of its place as tine fur center of the
world, which has now been shifted o
Mukden, China. Many American firms
have representatives located there.
Prior to 1915 practically no shipments
of furs were imade from Mukden,
whereas the Tarae of such shipments
now amounts to 52,500,000 annually.
Your little one will love the tfnulty"
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if
constipated, bilious, irritable, (feverish,
or full of cold. A teaspoonful never
fails to cleanse the liver and bowels.
In .a few hours you cum see for your
self how thoroughly it worts all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of
the bowels and you have a well, play
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea
spoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu
ine 'California Fig Syrup," which has
directions for babies and Children of
all ages .printed on bottle. Mother!
You must say "California" or you may
get am Imitation fig syrup. Adv-entise-
The Noble Darling.
"Willie," said the mother, "your
elofbes are wet You have been in
the water again."
"Yes, mother," said Willie, bravely
I went in to save Charlie Jones."
"My iwVMe darling !" cried his moth
er. -"DM you jump in after him?"
"No, motlier," replied Willie, "I
Jumped in first so as to be there wheo
be fell In."
A pawned opportunity seldom is redeemed.
Combination of Broadcloth Pro
duces Stunning Effect
Costume Suits Offer Splendid Oppor
tunity for the Use of the
Two Materials.
Broadcloth is being used for some
of the new two-piece models, and, be
cause of the smoothness of its finish,
it has an elegance of charm that is
not touched by other materials. The
French designers, observes a fashion
writer in the New York Times, are
making a great point of putting black
and white broadcloth together, and
this, of course, makes a stunning ef
fect, whether it be used for frocks or
capes or dresses. It is something
which is always becoming to a certain
type, and for that reason It is always
more or less in the fasnion, though
it happens to be more so Just now.
The costume suits offer splendid op
portunity for the use of two materials,
for with the extra coat or wrap or
cape as the case may be, there is a
largeness of surface on which to carry
out a divergence of the principle of
using two materials. Perhaps it, is
the fashion of two materials that helps
the costume suit to be popular, and
perhaps the reasoning may be Just the
other way round; but. In any case,
there is in this respect a very happy
union of ideas.
Another stunning combination Is
that of a piece of paisley shawl with
a dark twill, which is illustrated in
one of the drawing's. There are many
ways in which to make use of paisley
material, along with some plain mate
rial, for the dull ids and blues In.
(Broadcloth and Piece of PaiBley 'Shawl
Make This Interesting Street Cos
the antique design are -always becom
ing and, when not too much of it is
used, it becomes extremely interesting.
This model showc one 'of the sleeve
less coats which are bound to be pop
ular during the spring ;and summer
seasons. They give such a tremendous
opportunity for showing 'thefbeauty of
the wide sleeves without -subjecting
them to the confining influence
tighter oversleeves, and thereby spoil
ing the effect of the gown -as it was
originally intended to be.
Stole Serves as Wrap to Throw Over
Shoulders When Subjected to
Chilly Blasts.
A long, flat fur scarf is an excellent
(thing to own and helps its owner to
be well dressed. You can wear It
with a suit. You can wrap it around
your throat when a topcoat needs ex
itra warmth. You can wear It in early
spring as your only wrap, and you can
use it to throw over your shoulders
in the evening when, suddenly, you
are subjected to chilling blasts of air.
These useful flat stoles are good in
squirrel, in one of the lighter toned
caraculs, in kolinsky, in seal and in
ome imitation furs which have taken
a fast hold on fashion's creations.
The flat scarfs of fur are always In
fashion, for If they cannot be used
in one manner then they enn be em
ployed in some other way and an in
vestment thus placed gives value In
the return of good looks for all oc
Mottled or Flecked Effect May Be
Obtained by Using Sponge Cut '
-Across Grain.
A rather unusual, very artistic and
much employed process in decorating
nails, is that by which various colors
are employed. First, the background
of the plain flat desired tints is ap
plied and this in turn mottled or
flecked with one or two additional
harmonizing colors applied with an
open sponge cut across the grain so
as to present a flat surface.
Crinkled Seersucker Leading Fabric
for Youngsters' Garments; Cot
ton Is Featured.
The novel cotton fabrics featured
this season make interesting children's
Among the practical wash materials
featured for children's dresses for the
coming warm weather season is
crinkled seersucker, known by several
other names, but seersucker neverthe
less. This fabric might be trimmed
with wool fringe or wool embroidery
with very good effect, as it is of good
body, and comes in all sorts of inter
esting colors and color combinations.
Plain brown chambray is used to
make some smart little frocks,
trinined in nifties of organdie in con
trnstinsi color, and often with wool
embroidery mulching the ruffles. Cham
bray In vii Hons colors Is combined
witii nsirrow striped glnglmm with
very good effect.
A dainty party dress for a very
w. girl is fashioned if -white and
Although simple in line this crea
tion is rendered lovely by the glisten-
ing beads in diamond-shape design. The
slashed sleeve Is held at the wrist by
bracelet of the beads. The hat is
of bright straw with large frostedi
: i
The Wide, Flowing Wing Arm Cover-
ing Is Featured ir. the Majority
of Dresses. .
Novel and interesting sleeves may
certainly be recorded as one of the
high lights of spring and summer
styles, and the range of types featured
is very wide. Practically all sleeves,
except those shown in strictly tailored
or sport suits, flare somewhere, and
not infrequently there is a generous
width from armhole to wrist.
Sleeves of the peasant type, quite
full, but drawn into a narrow cuff
at the wrist, are popular both in
dresses and blouses, and variety Is
given to them by various slashings,
so that the bare arm is visible. Some
times such a sleeve is slit its entire
length either on the inner or outer
arm ; sometimes it is fashioned of
several s trios or sections merely held
together at the armhole and by the
cuff, and again the sleeve will be slit
. . .
from wrist to elbow only.
The leg-o'-mutton sleeve still at
tracts attention, but lias not attained
the vogue that was early predicted
for it, and in formal gowns and hand
some negligee garments wide, flowing
wing sleeves are much featured.
Cleaning Silk.
Never use a stiff brush to clean
silk garments. Use a piece of velvet
to 'remove the dust. Do not use u hot
iron to press silk it will, injure the
fiber and may ruin the color. Silk
stockings should be washed with tepid
water and white soap after every
wearing and silk undergarments
should be frequently washed with the
same care. These small items in the
care of silk wearing apparel mean
prolonged service.
With this .process, tiffanized effects
formerly done only with paint and at
a considerable expenditure of time and
money, may be produced quickly at a
price mat win be within reach of the
humble tomes and cottages. iTor this
work, a water color wall decoration
may be used instead of fcadsoinine,
paint' or wall paper.
Children's Style.
, l: ...3 ,
-niJiJiiiiueu mums sua Heavy em
broideries continue to be the popular
trimmings for silk, cotton and wool
fabric dresses for children. An in
teresting line of dresses for little girls,
uruugm our. ior soutnem resort or
early spring wear, features tub silk
as the materint, sometimes in all white
and sometimes in white striped in
blue or red. Heavy silk embroidery
is the trimming used, and the dresses
are for the most part straight and
plain, equip 1 with pockets, and
gathered pe-.tsant fashion into
straight necklwmd.
Frocks for Little Girls.
There are me smart frocks of
velvet for little girls. They are
trimmed with embroidery of woolen
threads, which also form loose and
irregular fringes at the bottom of tbe
skirt. f
Utility Frocks.
Light weigh! wool jersey cloth con
tinues to be popular in utility frocks
for children, one little model recently
seen having a lifted waist, with ac
cordion plaited skirt bound with silk
braid in contrasting color.
pale blue voile. The cut of tlie dress
is ' interesting, in that two perfectly
straight sections are used, pintucked
at the top to form a sort of yoke,
banded all around with the blue voile
(the dress proper is in white), and
with fagoting holding the two panels
together on em h side from skirt hem
to armscye. T!ie dress is caught on
the shoulders with bows of blue rib
bon, so that u wide neck line is ef
fected. Camiso e Suggestion.
Women win- wear camisoles and
bloomers that slip on with elnstic at
the waist usually find the elastic is
stretched and "dead" arter the gar
ment has been m the laundry a few
times, and so Me best thing is to sew
a hook and eve, or snappers, firmly
on the end of the elastic and remove It
before the L. i'inent is unshed. A
safety pin hi: Ues a "bender" that does
not allow the tape to slip while L I
put in.
T Lesson T
(By Rb,. b. fc'lTZtv A1H.K. D. D..
Teacher of English Bible in the Moody
Bible Institute of Chicago.)
Copyright., 1922. Western Newspaper Union.
LESSON TEXT-Jolm 20:19-31.
GOLDi.N TEXT 'i'he Lord is risen ln
oeea. Luke 24:34.
First taster.
W hy v'e Observe Easter Day.
The Kttect of Belief in uie Resurrec
tion. 1. Jesus Manifests Himself to the
t5'--. v , Thomas being Absent (vv.
iie 'appeared to several of His dis
cipits ut several different times during
thai day. This is the first uppearance
io the disciples as a body. The rumors
of His several appearances on that day
caused the disciples to assemble to
talk yyer the mutter, b or fear of the
Jews, they met in a private room and
barred the door. While they were dis
cussing tue struiige happenings of the
day, the Lord mysteriously appeared
before them witii the greeting of good
cheer, "Peace be unto you." He did
uol come with censure for their fail
ure and desertion. At His birth the
angels announced "Peace." Just be
fore he took His departure, He said:
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I
give unto you" (Jotin 14 :27) ; "Let not
your heart be troubled" (John 14 :1) ;
and Bow the first word after His resur
rection is '-Peace." Haying calmed
their fears, He gave them Sn iinmis
takable evidence of His resurrection.
"And when He had so said, He showed
upto them His hands and His side.
Then were the disciples glad when
they saw the Lord." Their doubts
needed to be scattered, and His peace
needed to be upon them. Consider:
1. The disciples' commission (v. 21).
"As my Father hath sent Me, even so
send I you." This commission waS not
simply to a class, as the eleven, but is
to all Christians. In Luke 24:33 we
ilnd that there were others there in
that meeting besides the eleven when
Jesus showed himself to them and
commissioned them, showing that the
commission Is not confined to a ctysa
or order, but is wide as the Christian
body Itself. All Christians, therefore,
are envoys and representatives of
Christ. The v exercise of this great
function Is not merely optional with
the IndividuiC, but is obligatory upon
him. The Lp'rd placed it upon a plane
with His own commission from the
Father "As my Father hath sent me, !
so send I you."
2. The disciples' equipment (v. 22).
"He breathed on them, 'and salth unto
them. Receive ye the Holy Ghost."
The mission of the disciple is a very
great one, but every one who goes
forth in Its execution He clothes with
the power of a new life by the bestow
ment of His spirit. No one who has
this equipment shall ever. fail. The
Lord's representatives have His life in
them. The barrenness of our efforts
Is due to our failure to take by faitb
our equipment. ,
3. The disciples' authority v. 23).
"Whose soever ins ye remit, they are
remitted unto tfhem ; and whose soever
sins ye retain, they are retained." This
authority was not by virtue of office,
toot by virtue of having tfhe Holy
Ghost. This -would give the spiritual
discernment to know who had or who
'had not repented, and consequently
o pronounce pardon or mot.
II. Jesus Manifests Himself to tl.
iDisciples, Thomas Being Present (vv.
Thomas was absent at the first ap
pearance of Jesus. His absence de
prived him of a vision of the Lord. Ab
sence from the assembly of believers
always occasions loss. The other dis
ciples go to Thomas at once with the
glad news of the resurrection, but he
will not believe. His stubborn disbe
lief is such that he doggedly declares
that unless he sees the prints of the
nails, etc.. he will not believe. It is
right to demand evidence, but to pre
scribe terms is rank -unbelief. Note :
1. The Lord's kindness to those who
have difficulties'. Thomas deserved re
buke, but the Lord kindly supplied the
evidence which he demanded.
2. The revelation of the Lord trans
forms a doubter .into a possessor.
III. The Conclusion of the Gospel
(w. 30-31).
In these verses John's arguments are
summarized, and an explanation is
given as to why he wrote this Gospel.
Many other things could have been
written, but these that he wrote he
Judged adequate to prove his point:
To prove that (1) Jesus of Nazareth
was the expected Messiah; (2) that
He was divine the very Son of God;
(3) that those who believe on Him as
God's only Son the Messiah would
receive eternal life. Eternal life Is in
Him and only as He is appropriated by
faith can men be saved.
God Is Victorious.
If He bowed His meek head to mor
tal Dain for a time for us men and
our salvation, if He emptied Himself
of His glory voluntarily in order to do
this for us, if He, on Easter day,- by
the power of the Father rose from the
grave and said on Easter morning,
"I am He that llveth and was dead.
and behold I am alive for evermore.
Amen, and have the keys of hell and
death" then I have got a gospel of
victorv. then I have got a gospel of
hope; that great enemy Sin and that
great enemy Death were met in fair
fight and were conquered by Jesus
f'hrist. and God is victorious. The
Bishop of London.
To Draw Our Faith.
Here In the Cross Is the source
from which to draw our faith: here
Is the demonstration of love, and it is
with the faith drawn from this that
we face the facts of life. Conviction
of sin follows conviction of love; it
is when I realize against what tre
mendous love I have sinned, it is then
that I can begin to repent. The Bish
op of London.
What Christ Saw in World.
Christ saw much in this world to
weep over, and much to pray over;
but He saw nothing in it to look upon
with contempt.
Happiness in Our Heart.
The happiness that we vainly seek
the world over is ll the time within
us, nestled close to our own hearts.
Bruce Calvert.
Our Comforts.
Most of our comforts grow up be
tween our crosses. Xoung.
Save the
Good for
The Whirligig of Time, j
An oUl Arkansas man remarked the
other day that "Times ain't like they
useter be. In the old days the men
put powder lu their guns and went out
to hunt the deer; but nowadays the
dears' put powder on their faces and
go out to hunt the man." 'Boston
Look for Name "Bayer" on Tablets,
Then You Need Never
To get genuine "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin" you must look for the safety
"Bayer Cross" on each package and on
each tablet. 7
The "Bayer Cross" means true, world
famous Aspirin, prescribed by physi
cians for over twenty-one years, and
proved safe by millions for Colds, Head
ache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain in
general. Proper and safe directions
are in each unbroken "Bayer" package.
Advertisement. .
Paris Newspapers Would Like to Know
More of the Wondrous "Land
Where Nobody Dies."
In truth, they do die there, but not
until they are very old. The country
is Madagascar, or, more exactly, An
tanarivo, the capital, situated in the
middle of the island, on a rock crown
ing a small plain belonging to the
plateau of Imerina. According to Dr.
Estrade, the colonial' physician and
him the birth rate at Anjtanarivo is
extremely high and the mortality Is
surprisingly, low.
These Malagasays are a happy peo
ple. "But could we not," asks the
Paris Figaro, "get from them their
two beautiful secrets: That of the
numerous births and that of longevity?
They would render us greater services
than all the laws on depopulation and
the bounties and other encouragements
which the state gives to the parents of
large families."
That Started Him.
Staylate (at 11:30 p. m.) "My mot
to Is to live and let live."
Miss Eright (stifling a yawn) "I
wish it was to sleep and let sleep."
"How can I keep my toes from going
to sleep?"
"Don't let them turn In."
William found a pocketbook
That's the way a good many
people have found it to be with the
comfort and cheer they thought
they had secured in tea and coffee.
When they came to depend on it
there was a hidden string, and
nothing left but disappointment.
The drug, caffeine, in tea and
coffee, is a nerve stimulant. Con
stant stimulation of the nerves often
produces rebellion that takes the
form of sleeplessness, headaches,
irritability, high blood pressure.
That's the string to tea and coffee.
Postum for
Made by
Fruit, Peppermint
and Spearmint are certainly
three delightful flavors to
choose from
new sugar-coated -pepper-,
mint gum. is also a great
treat for your sweet tooth.
All are from the Wrigley
factories where perfection
is the rule
His Immediate Needs.
Midnight was 30 minutes distant.
The cafeteria was experiencing its
nightly rush as the young men return
ing from their "dates," satisfied their
appetites before retiring.
A young man rusheJ tip to the coun
ter. '
"Say," he demanded, "I want some
thing to eat, quick. I've been out to
one of those upstage dinner parties
and I was afraid to eat for fear I'd
pull a boner. Give me a hamburger,
a piece of pie and a Jar of dirty
Important to Mother
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA; that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that It
. Ttonra tha
Signature (Zffflu
In Use for Over ao lean.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
"Full House" Likely to Be the Least
That Father of Quintet Would
A social worker attending the
convention in Indianapolis of the In
diana Tuberculosis association told
this one:
A Sunday school teacher had been
asked by one of her pupils what word
was used in referring to two children
born at the same time.
"Twins." the teacher answered. '
"What is the term used in referring
to three babies born at the same
time?" was the next inquiry.
"They are triplets," she replied.
"How do you tefer to four babies?'
another asked. '
"Four babies are called quadru
A bright, flaxen-haired youth, prob
ably thinking to catch the teacher,
asked the term for five children.
Before the teacher had time to re
spond, a red-headed little fellow, the
Peck's bad boy of the class, answered
"Gee, that's a full house." Indian
apolis News.
Historrc Date.
On June 2, 1875, while experiment
ing on his harmonic telegraph, Alexan
der Graham Bell made the discovery
that led to the construction of the
first telephone.
An Equation.
O'Rourke The man pl.wat has no
woife is nawthln'. McToole So is
the man phwat has wan, b'gob ! Life.
But the string jerked it back
It looked like a happy discovery as it lay there
on the sidewalk until the discoverer reached
to pick it up. Then the hidden string jerked it
away. All William got was disappointment '
Postum, that wholesome and
delightful cereal beverage, is com
pletely satisfying and there's no
harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk
away the comfort which you find
in this splendid, table drink. Any
member of the famihA may enjoy
Postum with any meal and there
will be no after-regrets.
Postum comes in two forms : Instant Postum
(in tins) made instantly in the cop by the addition
of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of
larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink
while the meal ia being prepared) made by boilinf
for 20 minutes. Sold by grocers.
Health "There's a Reason
Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich.
Our West Virginia Grown
Nunerr StocK. Fine canvassing ounu rnaa.
Cub Commission Paid Waekly. WRITE lor term.
Mann City. W. Va.
The Best Way to Buy a Farm
Farme In the South aa productive aa Waat
ern farma can be bought at low prlcea and
bring blRger net proflta owlnit to mild cli
mate and good raaketa. Unusual opportuni
ties for dairy farming. Study theae condi
tion!. before buying. Good farma can be rent
ed for a vear with option to buy at a fixed
price. Full information free. Write J. C.
WILLIAMS, Manager. Southern Railway De
velopment Service. Washington. D. C.
Steady or Part Time
can coin money aelllng our Invention. Dropa
doughnuta. cooklea. irittera, pancakea, ate.
wuhout the use of rolling pin, breadboard,
cuttera, etc. 99 pure aluminum. Large
Sronta. Sella for tl.75. Women can't realat
uylng. Sample 11.16. Write the Stoddard
Mfg. Co., 11607 Detroit Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio.
Twenty Independent Occupation! for Women
at Home. All the twenty. 60c. Write today for
free circular. Smith Service. Ganaevoort, N. T.
Guaranteed Cure
for Baldness, Falling
Hair, Dandruff. Large
jar$L Agents wanted.
I-GROW, 9 Sheridan
St., Jaauica Plain, Man.
Reduces Bursal Enlarge
ment. Thickened. SwoUea
Tiiiici. Curbs. Filled
Tendons Soreness from
Braises or Strains; stops
Spavin Lamanass, allay pain.
Does not blister, remove the
hair or lay np the horse. Only
a few drops' required at each
rmHcation. 12.50 a bottle at
drupenata or delivered. Book 1 A free.
W. F. TOUNG. lac, ill Till SU SariarfaM. aW j
HIVE UflKCV If Ton are well acquainted ana
RiAne. Iff vita. I want Jo maae eome profitable
aide money In congenial work, write Chaa- Murdocfc,
Utb Floor, W. T. Waggoner Blag., It. Worth, Texas.
tl.te per dozen. Can uae own seed after
flrat year. Retain their color all winter.
Order now; planta will be aent you aa aoon
aa weather permlta planting- A flower your
nelghbora will envy.
Chaa. Mathews Son, Newporville, Pennaw
Men Sell Silk Knit Ties to acquaintance!) In
spare time. 100 profit. Send no money-
Just name, address. Pay postman 13.75 for
12 samples. Triangle Co., 701 Broadway, N. Y.
FQRD windshield visor; only practical Ford
viaor made; no competition; Bella on alght at
16; 100 profit. Manufactured by
Lamb jsrothers a? ureene, Aappanee, ma.
INDIAN RELICS. Their probable worth and
other Information. A DooKlet ol ,uu worai,
price 60c coin or money order. OLIV KR
Adroit Publicity.
"Tou once told me you were very
much interested in the theory of evo
lution." "I am," replied the member of the
"Then why did you Introduce a bill
to prevent it from being studied?"
"People seemed to be forgetting all
about it I thought if would be a good
idea to bring it back to popular atten
tion." Dyspepsia Soon Disappears
When You
.2S.OO0.0O0 Bottles Sold
Former Mississippi River Steamer
Seems to Have by No Means Out
lived Its Usefulness.
. 4
One of the survivors of the days
made famous by Mark Twain's "Life
on the Mississippi," the steamboat An
drew Paddock, is now serving as a
power plant at New Orleans. Perched
high in the air on 'stilts, smoke still
belches forth in black masses from its
tall stacks, but the stern wheel that
once churned the murky waters of the
river is motionless.
The captain and crew of the "Andy.",
as it was affectionately termed by the
negro roustabouts, were transferred to
other boats, and the crew now consists'
of two firemen, each of whom is ad
dressed jocuiary as ''cnptahV Th
numerous passing craft Invariably1
blow their sirens in salute, and old
"Andy" always replies vigorously from
Its position just beyond the water's
edge. , .i
The Sunday school teacher was do
ing his best to inculcate lessons of
altruism, and had taken as his exam
ple the case of two little boys, one
of whom was always ready to grab,
while the second was willing to share,
"Now, children," he finished Impres
sively, "which of these two boys will
grow up into the successful and re
spected man?"
And as one voice the class an
swered :
"The guy that gits !" American Le
gion Weekly.
A man should know the company
he avoids.
1 1 I
1 i
-. . r

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