Newspaper Page Text
Ftil&OK. flu. TiiiBbtfy, wAisMK, WiJi&Mv, AvitiL ii ft- For Cleanliness, Thrift and Civic Pride For Home and Towns Beautiful FULTQM COUNTY TRIBUNE ESTABLISHED IN 1883 KENYON BISSONNETTE. PUBLISHERS Entered at th Post Office in WaUMon, Ohio a. Second ClaM Matter daughter Betty Ann of Toledo are SOUTHEAST CLINTON hr mother. Mrs- Will The Thimble Club met with Mrs . Maud Taber last week Thursday. The Miss Cecil Glore spent the week ond; ladies worked for Mrs. Taber, tieing nt the home of James HiDDara. comiorters anu sewing ig iuga RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year .... Ji&u One Year to Fulton County - $1.00 Bubaeribera wtahinn the paper discontinued ihould write na to that effect and pay up all their arrearaKea. If thii to not done, 11 aaunwd that the anbacriber wishes the paper continued and intend to pay when convenient. CORRESPONDENCE A number from Tedrow attenaea the quarterly meeting at Zone Sun day .afternoon. Miss Dorotha Wentz has been at home on account of illness. She has been attending school at Huntington, I ml. ' , . v . Miss Nellie Hibbard is much im proved at this writing. ' Mrs. Walter Stevens returned Fri day from Toledo where she had been viait.ino friends. Mrs- Lulu Bowden is sick with ery sipelas OAK SHADE Mrs. Seth Jaqua spent last week at Hlen the home of her aged uncle at Mani Peter Punches, wife and children tician gave herl sP ttina her arm, H; nd ttT,.nd - Bt Sunday .ith her sister, Mrs: good attendance and a line pot luck dinner. Ivan Gilsons spent Sunday at the home of his father in Wauseon. Emtrson Baker and wife spent Sun day afternoon at Ed Durbins near Delta. Rev. and Mrs. Burtchin and chil dren ate Sunday dinner with Lloyd Hull and family. Mr. and Mrs. Friend Havens spent last Thursday in Toledo. Walter Meyer and family spent Sunday afternoon in Napoleon with Fred Rickenbergs. Supt. and Mrs. Ash and daughter of Napoleon spent Sunday 'that $75,000,000 of this must be f.r-! mshed by institutions which make a1 J l spicialty of building loans. ,4, Building- the loan associations of T the state have been hard pressed fori? some time to secure the funds to nieet:T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ? iti iti if T T T afternoon at Grant Foutys Mr. and Mrs. Dave Nuding and Mr and Mrs. Friend Havens and son SW ANTON M-y : ' rz, :;;::! tou Beach, Mich near aieumuri, itawui "i peter p, 'S- with her mother at; spent Sunday at Lloyd Voniers, . y "VT. V"' T. f "J - Hamler. anesthetic wnne setting ner im, . . , t daurfit Mra. John Spaulding of this place were sent for. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Trumbull took their baby to Toledo and had it bap tized on Palm Sunday in the Epworth M. E. Church where Mr. Trumbull iine-a. Messera Eugene and Robert Taylor anH their families of Toledo visited relatives here over Sunday. Mr. Chas. Fels is getting better and able to ait up after having the flu. Friday evening the Berean ' Bible Class of Ladies and Mens Bible Class had a most enjoyable time at the M E. church. The program was especi ally fine, the violin solos by Mrs. Robert Smith were most pleasing, Vie Plavlet broutrht great applause, the address by the district Supeririten lL4tn LMchtv near Delta. Mrs. Eliza Punches returned home FOR SALE Horses, Wauseon, Ohio, phone 46. 10c Barn, FOR reed, in 460. SALE Baby buggy, good condition, phone 2 requsevs ior loans on unproved pro-! Dtrtv. and the increase in home hnil)J inn within a few months and that '.ri prospect creates a demand for money j FLAT FOR RENT Inquire of that can not be met by the assoscia-i Clias. xeager. tions. 'there is onlv one way in which the building program can be made effec tive, and that is for persons with money ta divert part of it into the channels whi"h supply funds for building. The work done by building and loan associations for years com mends them to consideration agency for promoting the public welfare in building. "Home buliding is a key industry,," a bulletin of the Ohio Building Asso ciation League savs, "because it un- iol-ks praewcany an our activities and! pnp SAT F Two ton resources. It reaches into the mine.!.. 1, xi 1 WANTED A salesman of good as an character. Inquire Electric store or general i phone 200. FOR RENT One furnished sleep ing room. Inquir ; of Mrs- Wm. Beck, West Oak Street, phone 179. It reaches into the mine, I f,..i, me iorest ana into a mumiuae 01 lac- i 0f j j. Eckley tunes, anu gives iu aginuiiuie anu. Delta, Ohio. Master Inquire 2-2-p DOVER CENTER Howard Quillett and wife ate Sun day dinner at Ameil yuilletts. ! various lines of business the support! FOR SALE 1920 New Victory U. H.. crout ana wne aiiencieu h that is imperative to prosperous eon-inat.s. nhone Rd 310. Price 50c bu. Sunday from Hamler where she spentj eoldtn wedding at the home of S. E.'dU: last week w;th her sister who haslHinkle in Lyons, Monday been quite ill. Sunday guests at Harley Sahhiirvs Mrs. Ellen Butler is staying with! were: Sam Knepper and Ralph Mrs. E. K. Boody in Morenci, for the Dancer and family of Swanton and present. Lena Lmch. Frank Fausey, wile ana cniiaren 01 h. a. urwon and wile ana ORDINANCE 1S- ofl 1-2-p FOR SALE One cow to be fresh soon. Carl Reichardt, phone 4 on 468. An ordinance providing for the suance of bonds in the sum Wpl' $44,000.00 for the purpose of extend- TYPING WANTED r . 'cj of th v.,:.., c!,nj n t p,i ing the time of payment of an in-!238 North Franklin nnuacvu optuv - , " - ' uuhuhj ....... .. ...... . HH , , , . , ..... . of her parents, George Swart and Crouts. debtedness of the Village of Wau- . - t o 'irr 1 r that- amnnnt mhinli H-r. WlfeT ' 1 ocuii 111 uiab auiuuiib, iixiii, i.ium its NORTHWEST GORHAM m".s 01 taxauon, saia village is un ' W. F. Spring and family attended hle to pay at maturity, the funeral services of Chester, the Whereas the Village of Wauseon Huff-i"as an outstanding indebtedness in Pirl Punches and family, called on Mrs. E. K- Boody in Morenci, Sunday afternoon. Bert Carter and family .of near' twelve month old son of Paul Campbell. 1-2 At my home St. Zula B. 46-tf FOR SALE 8 room bungalo, good location, inquire at this office. 52-4-( flent weaver was moss inspiring, motored to musical numoers ootu vocai . nu m trumental by ladies of Berean class and the male quartette were repeated- T.-ri r oat iz T,, t .- T ; .,1. Dfll tllkCI 11U XllllJ VI. " ' "'v. . " ,.rnT. , 7 I rUrt O-TVAJUl X .11 11 lilt; till Tedrow spent Sunday at tne nome oi.mans at noneer, sunaay aiieraoon. t umic icKai-:TJ s Qra(je No 1 10 Cent Barn Roll Johnston and lamiiy. irneumonia was tne cause oi nis.-j .i.n, xium ita . 46 . . , n -. l j x .' 1 A-'-l J i-l. Iimit.55 Of tflVntlon KlH Vlllno-a io nn JP Alirea omiui ana laniny, unu ueaiu, i " "6 Hill and wife, Louis and George! Lewis Thompson and famliy were ;ab'e to pay at maturity; and ! Punches and Mrs. Harlev Snow.Sundav evening guests of Clyde1 wnereas tne council by tormal re- 45-tfi Good dark bay lUmler Sunday to see, Stoner and lamiiy. P ' ueciar ea ana determined, Weirht about 1350 Sam Thomas. their aunt, Mrs. Martha tackier, wno: Hoy tstoner ana lamuy visited Mr.!""" "'j uce-wre aim aeter-iFayette Qhj0 ph0he 5295. 2-1 -p FOR SALE horse, five years has been quite sick. The M. E. Ladies Aid Society ly encored , after which all repared , haye a market of baked goods at the' Lester and family, Saturday. to the dining room wnere eiaDorate . . laf..lrJfl nfternonn. Aririli SiHtipv Knnev snent- MnnHav fore 15, beginning at 2 o'clock. Every- noon at Crandall Lesters. refreshments were served. An Easter cafeteria dinner was served by the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church on Wednesday. Mr. Frank Minnich had a paraletic one invited to come. .troV W SmuhM,- morninir. aff ectine I jeo- . " . . his left .ide; Owing to his weakened I a s"" VaT Reid'T LferW. rhLren One! ent Sunday with R. N. Howard and; and family visited the Hartley bro-, proposed bonds is twenty-nve years; They have sent for his children. One Ithers near. Waldron. Sundav. I Now. therefore.' mnn Hiaa . ia in I inlnrJtflO. ' . . . . , . . . t ' ' aJu. ' 97 i m v Judd Todd spent a few , , , rV j j tt.. i. 1 ! week with Len Porters. . . I Mrs. Clyde elger, last week. Village of Wauseon. State of Ohio. i thJ ROO mark for Eister Sur' Jesse Barnett and family and Earl! Mrs. Lee Lester visited Mrs. V. J.,- y. 1. That for the purpose of ex- 2S on 499. reach tne ouu marK ior raster un- ik Tv,r.,,u -;i sAa L.. i.. - ..... . Tin, vniinff menu rirrhpsrrn ruuLlous "u "'""Ji iuuij.imoc i,,.i.w.., ,....u-. itnaing tne tune 01 payment OI me ine young mens orenesira; -i I n: j ,-i ::tj . .. ..... rnnunf,ii.!i. 44,- ,,-..i ana iamny speia ounuay wn.ii inas. v"a " iamn.y na- uoove menuonea lliaeoteaness in the ii'i""fti ure muoioi - , . . , 1 U TtT r r ; .. .. ... fuiiiiuus anu xaniiij. m.w.", . w. vu.-iBUjn UA -i,uuo.vo tiiere oe issuea Vera Buyers and family called on nngton, Sunday. j bonds of said village in the Corby Bixler Sunday afternoon. Jonn jvinsaid was a loieao visitor 44,000.00- Geo. Mollows are the proud par-, Saturday. ! Sec 2 That said issue consist of FOR SALE Fifteen ents of a baby boy. Sunday guests of Chas. Shinmar,s 44 bondg of fa denomination of some with pigs by side, Bert and Ben Barnum called on' were. Mr. and Mrs- Georee Russell. s1 n.w omf w,ln P f . i f Mrs. Anderson and Chester. Sunday. I Mahlon Resell and family and-T'TIlVerVr -w Frank Ritchey spent Sunday with; Mahlon Dunabarger. Albert Dohms. I Rv Hibbard and family SOUTH PIKE Howard and wife, Perry Jacoby returned to his home at Devils Lake, Sundav after spend ing the1 winter with Chas. Shipmans. Miss Alice Bird visited Helen Howard Spring, Friday and Saturday. Wauseon' V- J. Wise and wife and Leon Morr Ralph , and MrsV Harold WalkuD. Sundav. Willi Mrs. Lee Lester visited CrandalL existing, valid and binding obligation! WANTED Veal calves. Will pay oi said municipal corporation; and -highest market prices. Will call for Whereas it appears to the council ti pin Tuesdav and Fridav of each tot the best interest of the corporation ; week. W. D- Clifton, phone 3L IS ont to issue bonds of the corporation for 490, Wauseon. 2-4-p-tf th,e purpose of extending the time of: payment of said indebtedness; and FOR SALE One car load of cowsi Whereas the fiscal officer of the' will sell for cash or milk contract, village has certified to the council Inquire of Myers and Short, Arch- tnat tne maximum maturity of said hold, unio. rnone mi. i-s-p FOR SALE OR TRADE One: rie it ordained by the Council of the'Avrey tractor, will take in cattle on . 1 TT lHffA 1.1 Ill ' traae. r rami ivicn.ri.iiur, puune lu. 1-2-p; day- adds luch and the Men's Bible Class of 127 members makes a good showing. The address of Supt. Bates on the Boy Scout movement and the Girl Scouts and Y. W. were ably presented by Miss Bernice Carpenter and the Ep worth League was presented by Mr. Farnsworth of Waterville. Mrs. Margaret Mossing of Caragher spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pilliod. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perkins enter tained their children from Toledo over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs- John Faucher visited their daughter, Mrs. Glen Bell over Sunday. . The American' Legion will have a Jubilee, Tuesday evening, April 18th; They expect to have something doing every minute. Entertainment for those who dance and those who do not dance. A country store with all kinds of bargains. Do not miss this great event of fun. The Progress Club will plant two trees in Memorial Park on Arbor Day in memory of the boys who gave their lives for their country. Miss Mabel Richardson of Cleve land will spend her Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. J. E. Coon. Mrs. Earl Baker of Lake City, Mich-, was a week end visitor of Mrs. Chas. Sisson. TEDROW Thursday evening there will be a meeting at the I. O. 0. F. Hall. Every body welcome- Last Friday the people of Tedrow had the pleasure of hearing the Hon. F. Reichard of Wauseon, speak. The M. E. Church of Tedrow will hold an Easter bazaar and social at their hall all day Friday, April 14th. They will have ice cream, candy, pop rorn, baked goods and-iancy work. Supper will be served fi repairing paint- and concrete work. Reasonable rharire. E. G. Whited and Son, Lyons OI . . . . mm llf nnone 119. brood sows, others due Wm. McClarren and wife spent' Sundav Sunday with David Simpsons of Oak I Lesters Shade- and May ly from 1 to 44 inclusive, dated April innuire of A- H. Harrison, phone 2 .f!1' 1922' due and PayaWe $1,000.00 on on 470. 1-2-p S"pHI a;i 1 1 1 1 .1..W111 1 : anvil 1 .1 1 I I lllllf 111 nn flnfrnKr.H 1 . C A 11 -.i"'i aim yi, uii uituuci X 111 t-ranaaii j each o( the rs 1923 tQ lg44 jnclu Bert Raker and family called on his mother Sunday afternoon. Howard McClarren and family spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. McClarren and son stayed for a few days. BUNCHED BITS 0' NEWS CLOVER LEAF NEWS Miss Emma Neis spent the week end with her sister, M;rs. Melvin Boyd. house burned Monday night. It Mrs. Chas. Kelsey spentv Monday thought the building was struck with Mrs. Melvin Boyd. I lightning. No one was living in the Mrs. C. E. Thompson attended the place at the- time of the fire, but Mrs. -ft. cavil vi. tne y eti i o iii.j i.u loii iiii-iu-i DAD 1 lrln.xVo Jll ur auuub sive, and bear interest from the date April 20th we can handle a few more' thereof at the rate of six per centum orders for custom hatching at reduced per annum, payable semi-annually, prices. Golden Hill Poultry Farm, on the. first day of April and Octobei Delta, Ohio, R. F. D. 28. Lyons tele- I m ..o 7K nun IP flia dh-.ia.qI in.fnllK.nnl. -l 101 T 1 A n BRYAN F. W. Avery of Wau-nf interest tn h PviHpn,.prl h rm,nnn. 1 seon has leased three acres of Hal-jattahed to said bondSf and both prin. F0R SALE Three houses and lots locks farm west of town for a Col ;.e cipai and interest shall be payable at and vacant iots in desirable location Kennel for the Jefferson White Collie: ti1P nffio nf tho Trnm, .D;i;n w.nnn win hu c.u t -lnoo ,,n village in Wauseon, Ohio, all as pro-! the estate of Oliver McLain. For vided in said formal resolution. (particulars see Fred Clark, Route 1, sec. a. Iliac said bonds shall be! Wauseon, Tedrow phone or Wm. Pi Clean-Up Paint-Up I -mTrt ' 1 Fi n rrrrr'i n pf . irrfl rrrrrri tri Fl jrrl rrzzzzl trl M - ff ivw fimi! mm gj Dl icpi " m 3BE E g j Let your home show the pride that is within you. Plant flowers and grass seed. Trim up the shrubbery and vines. Paint your house with Lowe Brothers High Stand ard Liquid Paint. You can always bank on the quality of the paint bearing the . Little Blue Flag trademark on the label. It may, cost a little more per, gallon than other paints, but it spreads further and easier, so you'll save money at the start on hpth your ma terial and labor bills. This paint als( " olds its color and lasts longer than most other paints. That means you will not have to repaint as often as formerly. We will be glad to show you that the differenoa between Lowe Brothers and other paints is more than a mere difference of opinion. Ask for color card and interesting literature. LM ... - CHURCHES Kennel which he owns and operates. ARCHBOLD The Schwalley wasl by! Signed by the Majur and Clem oi McLain, Delta, Lyons phone. 53-4-p EASTER SERVICE at the Christian Church C. E. Rostofer, Minister Bible School, 9:30. All special fea tures centering on Eastdr. An op- funeral of an aunt in Wauseon, Mon day. How some spent Sunday: Henry Roth and wife and Wm. Eicher and wife with C. E. Thompsons and Lewis Molls; Grant Aumend and family Sunday, Rosendaul had just purchased the pro perty. aa.u village, ana nave anixed tnereto cue corpora seal oi tne vinaire. and! WANTED MEN FOR STEADY uie interest coupons attached thereto! WORK. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY! portunity to make an open confession snail ue signed oy said CieiK, or aFOR ACTIVE MEN OVER 8 of faith in Christ will be given at the lac-simile oi his siunature snail he! YEARS OF. AGE TO LEARN close of Bible School. tUTrifcK MULDiJNti UK joki; Morning Worship 11:00. An rJaster the Alavor aim Clerk MAKING- ALSO HAVE WORK; sermon will be delivered. 52-4c and family m Swanton with his coal oil can exploded, throwing mother, Mrs. John.Pfaff; C. F. Brat-j burning oil all over her body. cons caueo at jonn (jnamberlains in at the afternoon Roy Merrill and family called Luther Dishers, Sunday evening. Dallas Cook and family visited vern Lukes, Sunday. Vaughan Herrick and family spent Sunday at Sherm McCullougbs. John Laver and wife spent Sunday at Grant Laver? ' tt a'htt i?rr hi nr it ' i iprmteQ or nthugrauned tnereon. HAMLER -Mrs. Wm. Verwerk, . . an aged lady, burned to death last hhv ,...BW1M - FOR LABORERS. She was pouring coal oil . .. thi? it s matt, tptim rn with Homer Manns; Clifford PfarTilnthe stove to start the fire when the,.l..,u.uu"U8.8 P- il 1JJ 4-1 4-ln: " lJ'"fc""& ""'"l (-ICUIH ail revenues 01 tne village ior the NOTICE . payment of the DrinciDal and int.M-nr! Trip York Tnwnshin Farm Rnrpan RTnfiFVTTTF mPTVT?5 inhU ! tnereo1 at maturity: meeting which was to have been held "e Jlfe f ,VnrlsL?,Vr,m t?e Fasslon KllKrbVllAJii COKlNtiKS Schools ...... ... . , . . . J... il. ra.u... .t WpoIc. SiiMwt "With (InA in Ootfi. on1 were closed last week due to an epi- aec- - in" lnere snau De leviel ? "lVZ n I I y semane " ,Aa;n t 0-if ,anu collected annaany ov taxation au April 11th, at 7:30 p. m. has been se",,1"- .... amount suuicient to pay tne interest postponed until Wednesday evening,' ln t torget tne spec'a' services suns- April 19th, at the same time and ."j1 ' ' .V ' , meeting uegms moiiuay, April litn Cft RE WORK; sermon will be delivered. Special Easter music. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Elizabeth Quellett, leader. Night service, 7:30. This will be !the climax of the views portraying from Evreyone come and have a good time Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Shaffer were called suddenly to Grand Rapids, Mich., on account of the death of Mrs. Shaffer's brother, Mr. Batess. Mr- and Mrs. L. .T. Meyers of north east of Wauseon were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clarks. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Koose and PETTISVILLE Mr. Don J. Wyse of Achbold ha3 5 to 8! purchased the Chris Meister property. Henry J. Kellar has purchased the Thos. Robinson farm. Mr. Aaron Leininger of Archbold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo-Leininger. Largest display of "Mens Wear" in town. Come in and look around. Funkhousers and Shepard rw STOP! LOOK! lire Prices For 1 0 Days KELLY SPRINGFIELD Fabric Cord Tubes 30x3 SI 0.25 SI.60 30x3 SI 1.50 $14.25 SI.90 32x3 SI5.75 $19.25 $2.25 31x4 $17.85 $21.90 $2.35 32x4 $20.25 l $23.95 $2.50 33x4 $21.00 $24.75 $2.60 34x4 $22.00 $25.50 $2.70 Coopers 30x3 $10.25 $1.50 30x3 $11.75 $15.25 $1.65 Findlay 30x3 $8.50 30x3 $9.00 I c. H. Huffman 3rd Door North of Court House T A PnT TTjniM A-r,.aA too q ;on said bonds, and to proviue a W -J W i 1 i L1L 1 L V. MJtAW. t. UU. - X and James Britemiker, 14. both of,'n lu"u lor tlleir n"ai redemption at P'"- Deshler were arrested by Humane """unt' anu i0T t"at Purpose tni ."e nflfino r.yana Vot,q11 tny U.tii. o Uoiiowiiig tax. is hereov levied lor tue given. Hop- to death. Rritiltpr waa kpn'verai years UtSiunated: I Rearing chicks, following program will be'J- Wa(le Seniff, the great song Evan- lecture while Baer was and costs. fined ARCHBOLD Henry Baer. age 82, died at his home, here Monday evening. Funeral was held Thursday. gelist will have charge of all parts of Mrs. Karl Mohrtthe ,erv'ces except the sermons, the . minister win preacnr no 2,oO0.UU, ior interest $3,960.00. oy Beans, W. L. Biddle and D., W.! $o.uu j n.,. i the moraine service. ror me-year ior rrincipar u",oul-11- i 2,uuO-oO, for Interest $2,520.00. ! Club Work R A. Cave; p,nwpr. fn1v BnH fVl . mocao0 of ouvinc rJinder twmp wi alcn . ...... . ...6w i, into Juvenile court and eiven a e-ood or tne year ly, ior Principal' "vestocn snipping, jacoD Aiegier ror the year li)z4, lor Principal; ARCHBOLD John Swartz and Miss Clara Gardiner were married at the bride's home Thursday by Rev. Steinecker. $2,0o0.00, tor Interest $2,400.00. ror the year 125, ior Principal $2,o00.00, for Interest $2,280.00. or tne year 1926, ior Principal $2,000.00, for Interest $2,100.00. for the year 1927, ior Principal $2,000.00, for Interest $2,040.00. For the year 1928, ior Princinal sugar' $2,000.00, for Interest $1,920.00. for tne year 1929, tor Principal $2,u00.00, for Interest $1,800.00- i''or the year 1930, for Princirial discussed. W. L. Biddle, President Boys Waists with Military Sport Collars. 69c to $1.00. Funkhousers and Shepard Easter time is full of meaning. After being buried all winter, they arose from the dead and are the emblem of the resurrection'. I,onk at thpm nH andi think. Vauseon Floral Co. 1-2 PAULDING During the beet seasan last fall the folks north of Oakwood noticed two or three for eigners going back and forth in an auto- They made the trip out in the $2,000.00, for Interest $1,680.00. morning and back at night almost For the year 1931, for Principal every day for some weeks. The I $2,000.00, for Interest $1,560.00. ! thing that attracted special attention' For the year 1932, for Principal to the outfit was the fact that they ; $2,000.00, for Interest $1,440.00. always had one of their number tied I .For the year 1933, for Principal' on the back of the machine with a $2,000.00, for Interest $1,320.00. ! piece of rope. At no time was thej For the year 1934, for Principal auto so crowded but what they could $2,000.00, for Interest $1,200.00. all ride inside. This aroused con- For the year 1935, for Principal sioerame curiosity so some one set fz,uuu-uu, ior interest $1,080.00. about the task of finding out the why and wherefore. After a number of questions had been asked and partly answered it was ascertaining that .he man was the possessor of a good crop to help tie him on the back of the machine. Can you blame them? HOME BUILDING For the year 1936. for Princinal $2,000.00, for Interest $960.00. ! For the year 1937, for Principal $2,000.00, for Interest $840.00. For the year 1938. for Princinal of old fashioned cooties and the other. $2,000.00, for Interest $720.00. I foreigners in the crowd refused to For the year 1939, for Princinal liA. 1: ........ 1 ii, i rwi .- t . " associate wiui nun excejji. lung ciiuun $,uuu.uu, ior interest $600.00. ror the year 1940, for Principal1 $2,000.00, for Interest $480.00. j For the year 1941, for Principal $2,000.00, for Interest $360.00- j For the year 1942, for Principal $2,000.00, for Interest $240.00. For the year 1943, for Princpial' $2,000.00, for Interest $120.00. I Sec. 6. That the clerk of council! oe and he hereby is directed to certi SPECIAL OFFER (Cut This Out) ---" . . This coupon and 10c will .admit one child-or 15c will admit one,adult to the MATINEE SATURDAY, APRIL 15th, at 2:30 Sharp "The Girl From God's Country" Glean-Up and Paint Up Paint Prices are Appealing Now Paints for every painting purpose, in every color or combination of colors. Var nishes, finishes, for inside and outside. The highest grade enamels for metals, woods and for automobiles. All painters supplies, such as; lead, oil, putty, and turpentine. Place your orders for paint goods now. Qualities cannot be better, prices will not be lower. Fink Ik Haumesser The Corner Druggists 'H i"t 1 1 1 1 1 The Ohio Building Association Lea gue officials estimate that the Buck eye State will build forty thousand rmu; hnnwie within six months, if the money for financing them can bel'y thls ordinance to the county audit made available. Prices of materials j"r f Fulton County, that said County and the cost of labor are attractive,' Auditor may, without further action but the problem will be to find the , council, include said annual ewes in tne appropriate annual budgets submitted by him to the budget commissioners as provided by money to finance the projected build ing- According to the federal depart ment or commerce, Uhio can j make, law. . , use of 170,000 additional hojries, fso :,sec. 7. That this ordinance .take that a little less than one-fourth thiS j ha ; fn - . . ... . 1 j j . ..I. ienect and be in force from and after HpsirpH number is included in the . "u arter prospects of home constuction in theithe earlltst period allowed by law, state. James A. Devine of Columbus, sec retary of the Ohio league, estimates ithat the sum of $120,000,000 will bo j required to finance the proposed num iber of homes within six months, , and Passed April 5, 1922. George Oakley, Mayor Attest: Jas. C. King Clerk of Council Our Low Prices does not mean inferiority. We repair, re build and recharge all makes of batteries. Investigate our yearly club plan. We can save you money. Our prices are 6 volt 1 1 plate 6 volt 13 plate 12 volt 7 plate Batteries recharged for Sol Battery $16.75 $20.00 $25.00 50 and 75c Station Phone 330 113 West Elm St. 1-2 G. V. SOULE GROCERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Pure Swanton Buckwheat, 10 lb. sack 38c Tissue Toilet Paper, 7 rolls 25c Yellow Free Peaches, in syrup, large cans 39c Van Camp pork and beans, large cans, 2 for 25c Van Camp milk, tall cans, limit 6 cans to customer 3 for 25c Soap Chips, for boiler or washing mcahine, 3 lbs 25c . SATURDAY ONLY With a purchase of 3 bars Rub No-More Soap for 20 cents, we will give one box Rub-No-More Washing Powder free. Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lbs , 64c Do not forget we give cash receipts, paying you 2 cents on every dollar you spend. MEAT DEPARTMENT Fish on Friday Chickens Choice-Crate Fed T Veal Cut up for stewing, the lb 15c TTroaVi SiHo Pnrlr the lh 1 7 r