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p* BLUFFTON NEWS The Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory VOLUME NO. LXIII NO MORE LAND TO BE BOUGHT Letter from Washington Ad vises Present Property Be lieved Large Enough Purchase of Additional Lot Thought Unnecessary Survey Continues Indication that there will be no en largement of the site chosen for Bluffton’s new $80,000 postoffice is seen in a letter received this week by The Bluffton Business Men’s As sociation. Following announcement that the post office department had selected lots owned by Edgar Chamberlain and A. D. Gratz, at Main and Frank lin streets, the Business Men’s as sociation and the Lions club entered a protest as to the size of the real estate. In a letter of suggestions sent to the post office departments, the two civic organizations urged the addi tional Mrs. Gratz purchase of a lot owned by Clara Geiser, adjoining the property on the north. letter from the procurement The division of the treasury department indicated the matter is pretty defi nitely closed, and that officials con sider the Chamberlain-Gratz site suf ficiently large for the purpose. Consider Site Large Enough In part, the communication reads: “Careful study has been given to this case, and it is found that the 86-foot frontage on the cor ner of Main and Franklin streets will be sufficient space on which to erect a suitable building at Bluffton. “The Department has entered into a contract for the purchase of the land in question. It is not expected, therefore, that the ste case will be re-opened, and consideration given to the selec tion of other property.” Preliminary survey of the site at Main and Franklin streets is under way at present. J. D. Levin, the engineer in charge, is visiting Bluff ton intermittently to make a detailed investigation of the property. It is believed contracts will be let for the work and construction will be under way before the close of government fiscal year, June 30. the Night School Class Has 32 Students First meeting in a three-months’ vocational night school course was held Tuesday night in the Bluffton High school building, with a class of 32 students reporting for train ing in shop electricity. The shop electricity class will meet each Tuesday, and another course in shop drawing will be held Thurs day night of each week. jack Remde is teaching the shop electricity course, and George Klay is in charge of the other class. Births A son, Michael Wade, was born to Dr. and Mrs. DeLos Kervin of Port Huron, Mich., at that place, Sunday night. Mrs. Kervin was formerly Miss Dorothy Rae Triplett, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Triplett of South Main street. Announcement has been received here of the birth of a son, Don Erwin to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koch of Toledo. Mrs. Koch was formerly Miss Mabel Althaus of Bluffton. A daughter was born Monday to Dr. and Mrs. C. Butte, Montana. was formerly Miss daughter of Rev. Kliewer of Grove street. E. Kielsmeier of Mrs. Kielsmeier Elizabeth Kliwer, and Mrs. P. A. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bame of Williamstown are the parents of a son bom at the Community hospital here, Satuday. A son was born to and Mrs. Clarence Greiner residin, north of Bluffton at the Community hospital, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lehman of Pandora are the parents of a daugh ter bom at the Community hospital, Tuesday. Orange Township’s First School Was Log Dog’s Life Just One Thing After Another Nowdays IFE’S uncertainties loom larg er this time of year than ever before—at least for a dog—with the announcement that sale of dog tags is running considerably under last year’s figure. With only two days left in which to buy tags, Menno Bad ertscher, in charge of this part of Allen and counties is expecting a last minute business. sales in Hancock rush of Friday will be the last day to purchase tags without paying the $1 penalty. MAN KILLED AS AUTO HITS TRAIN Hitchhiker Riding in Car Fatally Injured Com panion in Hospital is Accident Occurs at Nickel Plate Grade Crossing North of Bluffton Death which stalked the ice-covered highways of northwestern Ohio the past week brought to an abrupt close an expedition of a Michigan hitchhik ing couple wl|p were returning to their homes after the romance of the open road had faded. Gordon Black, 30, hitchhikier, of Big Beaver, Michigan, is dead and his companion Dorothy Green, 17, of Haz el Park, Michigan, lies in the Bluffton Community hospital in a serious con dition as the result of injuries sus tained when the automobile torist who picked them up time before, crashed into Plate passenger train near Monday afternoon. of a mo a short a Nickel Bluffton, W. F. Ridge, 29, REA engineer of Tamaqua, Pa., with temporary head quarters at St. Mary’s, driver of the ill-fated car is also a patient in the Bluffton hospital, having sustained a minor hip injury in the accident, is expected to leave the hospital the first of next week. He by Crash at Grade Crossing The accident occurred at the grade crossing of the Dixie highway and the Nickel Plate railroad one mile north of Bluffton. Ridge, enroute to his work on a REA project in Huron County was driving north and crashed into the westbound Nickel (Continued on page 4) Three Hurt In Mt. Cory Auto Mishap Three Hancock county youths were treated last Thursday in Bluffton Community hospital for injuries suf fered late the preceding night in an automobile crash on Route 69 at the south edge of Mt. Cory. John Gill, 18, Mt. Blanchard, wras the most seriously hurt, receiv ing a broken arm and cuts and bruises. He is a brother of Virginia Gill, an office employe at The Trip lett Electrical Instrument Co. Thomas Rodabaugh, 17, also of Mt. Blanchard, and Earl Deter, 16, of near Findlay, escaped cuts and bruises. with minor the driver of the car State patrolmen said apparently lost control which crashed into a utility pole. The car was badly wrecked. Real Estate Deals has the L. L. Clymer of this place purchased the 90 acre farm of late Louisa Smith six miles east of Bluffton in Orange township near the Main school. The place occupied and Clymer expects it for pasture purposes. is un to use Dayton Rev. Will Motter of near has purchased the 50 acre farm of the late Coy Main in Orange town ship. John owns well Henry, which adjoins the Main farm. Rev. Motter, son of the late Motter of Orange township also the tract known as the Bout place occupied by Leonard House Back In 1850 First Educational Structure was Located on Site of Late Ewing School Literary Societies Provide Early Training for Distinguish ed Leaders The Bluffton News presents the twenty-third installment of the “Centennial Series'' dealing with early Bluffton history and published in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of Bluffton's founding.—Editor. The school house in Orange town ship was the first community center. It housed not only school activities, but on Sunday was used for church and in the evenings were in full session, ing of the school houses every religious and community place in the cabins of one tiers. Two Changes Made In Business District Two changes of location are taking place in the business district this week. The Economy store, dealers in men’s clothing and furnishings moved from the Chas. Hankish block, formerly the Lugibihl hardware block, to the room in the Mrs. Edith Mann block formerly occupied by C. F. Niswander. The West Ohio Gas company office will occupy the room vacated by the Economy store. The Gas company will move from the Rolland Strat ton block where it has been occupy ing quarters in conjunction with the Echo Feed store. Auto Crash Fatal To Former Student Vernon Ramseyer, 42, of Oska loosa, Iowa, Bluffton college gradu ate in the class of 1919 w’as in stantly killed on Tuesday night of last week in an automobile accident. Ramseyer, who w’as engaged in the hatchery business w’as killed when his car crashed into the rear of a parked truck. He was enroute to his home at Oskaloosa after ing a hatchery meeting in a town. Government Turns Down Plea for Larger Site For New Postoffice literary societies Before the build cial, event took of the set- letter days These events were red on the calendars of the people and all the inhabitants would assemble, no matter what the attraction might be. Roads were difficult to travel and trails w7erp harder to traverse, but be cause there were only a few attrac (Continued on page 4) Social Security Man Will Be Here Friday William Ashbrook, manager of the Lima field office of the Social Se curity board will be in Bluffton at the post office on Friday from 11 to 12 o’clock for venience of anyone having with this board. morning the con business his orig- Any person who has lost inal social security card may file ap plication for a duplicate at this time. Also women who have changed their names either by marriage divorce may correct their social curity records at this time. or se- attend nearby riding of the A Presbyterian minister with Ramseyer at the time accident was hurled from the auto and is reported in a critical condi tion. Funeral services for Ramseyer were held at Oskaloosa on Friday afternoon. Ramseyer was prominent in Bluff ton college activities during his col lege career and has been engaged in the hatchery business since that time. He was married August 24, 1920 to Florence Lehman, youngest daughter of the late J. F. Lehman, of Berne, Ind., former president of the Mluffton college board of trus tees. She is a sister of G. A. Leh man of Rochester, N. Y., and C. O. Lehman of Geneseo, N. Y. Besides his w’ife he is survived by tw’o children Jacqueline Rose and J. Carroll, his parents and one bro ther Harry Ramseyer. rHE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1939 POWER COMPANY DOUBLES PLANT CAPACITY HERE38NUMBER CITY GETS NEW WATER SUPPLY Acquires Rights to Large Vol ume Pumped from Bluffton Stone Quarry May be Used for Drinking Pur poses if State Health Board Gives O. K. for An additional source of water Bluffton’s municipal wat works was assured this week with the consuma tion of negotiations that made avail able approximately three-quarter mil lion gallons of water daily from the quarry of the Bluffton S i- Co. In exchange for the water, the town council has agreed to fur current from the muni ci to exceed 50 horsepower the electrically driven pi quarry located nearby. electric mt, not operate at the Samples of the water, however, have been sent to Columbus for analysis by the state board of health. If a favor able report is received, there is the distinct proabability most of the water from the stone quarry will be pumped into the the reservoir and used to ply the needs of Bluffton water rons. More Desirable Water If the state board of health gives its approval, the new source will more than double the town’s supply of drinking water, and in addition a bet ter quality prixluct will be available. Near End Of Work On Light Plant Addition Construction of the new addition to the municipal water works and electric light plant will be completed this week. Brick work on the walls has been completed and the new 20 by 60 structure shortly will be under roof. Herbert U. Tuttle, of Lima, has had the contract for construction of the building, which involved a total ex penditure of $6,990. Delivery of the boiler and stoker, which will be housed in the addition, is expected about the first of Feb ruary, and installation will be start ed at once. The parts will be de livered unassembled. All work is to be completed on the $34,512 expansion program by next April, when it is planned to place in operation the new boiler for the generation of electric current. Eight separate contracts were let by the Board of Public Affairs for various phases of the work, which is being financed in conjunction with the PWA. To Attend Anti-War Meet In Washington Miss Barbara Hauenstein of Campus Drive will leave this Wed nesday night for Washington where she will attend a national confer ence on the Cause and which will be held January 21 to 25. Cure of War in that city conference as She will attend the one of one hundred delegates from the National Committee of Church Women, representing eight large de nominations. Following the conference she will remain in Washington to do gradu ate work at American university toward a Master of Arts degree. Bluffton’s weather during the last week varied from spring-like condi tions that prevailed until Thursday to include a sudden and violent re turn of winter that gripped the area unexpectedly on Friday. Dandelion blossoms were found on farms which winter snow highways. ’olice to nps are being boiler pur piped into For the present, plans made to use the water fo poses only, and it will the main quarry at the w iter works. 'ransient Skull in sup pat- was Water from the quarry, it pointed out, has no sulphur content, is much softer and is entirely free of sediment. Both sulphur and sediment are contained in waiter pumped from the present weels ope-uted by the water works. Springs from which water is taken in the stone auarry are about 25 feet below the ground level. Approximately one-half to three quarter of a million gallons of water daily are pumped from the quarry. Bluffton’s average daily water con sumption on the other is about one quarter million gallons. In addition to the new water supply from the stone quarry, the municipal plant has three wells. Two are pump ed reguarly and the other is held for reserve purposes it was announced. Lions Hear Talk On Service Clubs Development of service clubs as a force in community betterment was outlined by Roland Bixler, of To ledo, Tuesday night at a dinner meeting of the Lions club in the Walnut Grill of the Pine restaurant. Bixler, a graduate of Bluffton High school and Bluffton college, is managing editor ite”, magazine Exchange club. Winter With Heavy Snow7 And Ice Covered Roads In Bluffton Area the early part of last week closed with a touch of real that and brought five inches of treacherous ice-coated storm Friday was the The snoiv heaviest experienced here this sea son, and it continued night. Light flurries Saturday and Sunday. all day and also fell on highways as Snow’ packed on the it fell, transforming them into dan gerous ice-covered roadw’ays that made automobile traffic unusually Receives Fractured Automobile Crash Near Bluffton Seek to Learn Story in Connec tion with Theft of Wrecked Detroit Car Suffering from a fractured skull and slowly regaining consciousness in the Bluffton Community hospital, a thirty three year old man, belived to be a hitch hiker, is expected to furnish po lice with corroborative testimony rela tive to a stolen automobile wrecked on the Dixie highway, three miles south of Bluffon hast Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock. According to paper found in his pos session following the accident, the man is Raymond E. Roth, bom in Al lentown, Pa., and later lived in New York state. Roth who was brought in the Diller ambulance to the hospital unconscious following the accident showed first signs of regaining (Continued on page 5) of “The Exchange published by The had their inception Service clubs in luncheon clubs organized during the latter part of the nineteenth century, Bixler pointed out. Their work in community betterment, how ever, was not inaugurated until the early part of this century. Of the international service clubs in existence today the three largest are the Rotary, Kiw’anis and the speaker said. Lions, Bluffton Woman's Grandson Honored John Bash, senior in Oberlin col lege and grandson of Mrs. M. M, Kibler of this place, awarded the Jerome D. dustrial scholarship for cording to announcement first of the week by the college pub licity bureau. has been Davis in 1938, ac made the The scholarship w-as awarded for Bash’s essay on “Labor Conditions in the Lorain Steel Plant.” Lorain, a com in that Bash, whose home is in worked the past summer as mon laborer in a steel plant city. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bash. His father is an in structor in Lorain high school. His mother wras the former Helen Kibler of Bluffton. LEAVE FOR FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deppler of South Main street left Wednesday for St. Petersburg, Florida where they will spend the winter. Enroute south they will stop off to visit at Atlanta, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla. perilous. Two serious accidents oc curred near Bluffton as a result of the slippery highways. Many other minor crashes also were reported. Ice and snow were pretty well cleared from the highways by Tues day, but the fall of snow resumed Tuesday night and continued until Wednesday morning, giving indica tion that perhaps winter has not yet ended its latest siege. The cold wave arrived quite sud denly last Friday, after the first of the week brought a continuance of almost spring-like conditions. Farmers were plowing generally early in the week, and one of them, Joshua Amstutz, found a dandelion in blossom while plowing on his farm, five miles north on the Allen Putnam county line road. Quiz Awaiting Accident Victim Unconscious In Hospital con- RICHLAND FARM INSURANCE MEET Association Holds Annual Meet ing and Election Here Saturday Afternoon Organization has 510 Policies Outstanding and $1,948,265 In Risks Insurance risks aggregating nearly two million dollars are carried by the Richland Township Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, a rural mutual insurance organization operating in the Bluffton area. Report of business done by the com pany during 1938 was made at the annual meeting held here Saturday afternoon to effect organization for the coming year. At the session it was disclosed that the Richland Township association has policies in force amounting to $1,948, 265. This represents a gain over the preceding year when risks were $1, 872,580. 510 Policies In Force A total of 510 policies are in force, 12 more than a year ago which re port showed 498. Total loss for 1938 was $1,225.63. No assessment has been made since November, 1936. Elected at the meeting were: Eli Augsburger, director for a term of three years Charles Lora, appraiser, cne year Earl Matter, secretary, one year and Henry Huber, treasurer, one year. Huber, Lora and Augs burger were re-elected, and Matter was named to fill the place formerly held by Henry Gratz. Augsburger also was re-elected president. Peter Matter and Jacob Schick are the two holdover members of the board of directors. Peter Mat ter also serves as vice-president. Organized in 1885 Altho the Richland organization does not include professional insurance men in its personnel, it has continued in operation successfully for more than a half century. The society was organized in 1885 for the primary pur pose of insuring farm property on a mutual basis. Business originally was conducted in a comparatively restricted neigh borhood but in the last decade or so orperations have been generally ex tended to include surrounding count ies. On several occasions state insurance authorities have complimented the lo cal mutual organization on the man ner in which its business affairs have been handled. Officers and members of the board of directors are chosen directly from farmers of the district affiliated with the company. PIANO RECITAL the Re- Elma Schifferly will present following pupils in recital at the formed church, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock: Marilyn Steiner, Lavon Burrichter, Virginia Miller, Treva Kempf, Sarah Amstutz, Mary Ellen Luginbuhl, Mirian Hannawald, Margaret Nis wander, Alfred Basinger and Arthur John Moser. The public is invited. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live and a Good Place to Trade NEW $175,000 UNIT INSTALLED Central Ohio Light & Power Company Adds Second 5,000 KW Tubo-Generator Bluffton to be Principal Point For Generating Electric Current Installation of a new 5000 KW tur bo-genrator was completed here last week at the Woodcock generating station of The Central Ohio Light and Power Co., at a total cost of more than $175,000. Completion of the additional genera tor makes it possible for the local plant to assume a new imoprtance as the power company’s principal source of electric energy. Erected at a total cost of over $1, 000,000, the modem plant of the util ity, located on the grounds of the de serted quarry, in the future will be al most the sole regular source of elec tric energy for patrons in six counties. Pinci pa I Source An older plan tat Findlay, with 8,000 KW capacity, which previously has been the principal supply station for current, will be kept in operation, but will provide only a limited out put. It will be repdy at all times for emergency use, but the principal source of current in the future will be the Bluffton station. Installation of the 5,000 KW gener ator doubles the output of the local steam generating plant. Another generator of the same type was in stalled when the plant was built, and was placed in operation early last spring. Both generators will be operated on a full-time schedule, with the Bluffton plant carrying approximately 75 per cent of the total current requirements i of Central Ohio customers. 10,000 KW Output With the two generators operating, output will be 10,000 KW. This out put together with current from the Findlay Station will be ample to meet all requirements up to the peak load of from 11,00 to 12,000 KW. Installation of the new generator was started last September. Aggre gate cost of the turbine and auxiliary equipment installed during the five months period has been announced as approxiamtely $175,000. When the plant was constructed last year, space was left for the recently placed equipment. Construction of additional boilers was no* required, for sufficient boiler capacity was pro vided in the original plant work. were been gen- Two complete sets of boilers built last year, and have since used intermittenly with the first erator included in the plant equipment. Car Is Damaged In Collision With Truck Four Bluffton young women were severely shaken up but otherwise un harmed when the car in wrere riding skidded into the Dixie highway three of Van Buren, Friday o’clock. which they a truck on miles night north at 7 Miss was Ruth badly The car, driven by Greding of this place damaged. Miss Greding, instructor in the high school at Waterville, near Toledo, was returning to her home here for the week end. With her in the car were Miss Marcella Steiner, instructor in the near schools at Grand Rapids, Waterville and Misses Letha wander and Annabelle Weed, dents at Bowling Green State versity. Nis stu- uni- skidded on the ice covered colliding with a truck Hobard Jayne of Wake- The car pavement driven by Miss Niswander and Miss finished the trip on the bus field. Weed while drove the evening. Miss Greding and Miss Steiner the car to Bluffton later in Lewis Gets O. K. As Auto Tag Distributor Robert Lewis, Bluffton barber, has been endorsed by the Allen County Republican Executive com mittee as deputy registrar of motor vehicles of auto cinity. to have charge of tags for Bluffton the sale and vi- endorsed committee also The Arthur Lewis, a brother, for a posi tion in the state highway depart ment.