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i BLUFFTON NEWS The Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory VOLUME NO. LXni leTpostoffice BID NEXT FALL Six Months Usually Required After Survey is Finished Before Work Starts Two Residence Properties on Site will be Moved by Building Contractor Contract for Bluffton’s new’ feder al postoffice building will not be let until late next summer or early fall, it was announced the first of the week by J. D. Levin, who is in charge of surveying the site and other prelim inary work here. Levin, an engineer from the pro curement division of the public build ings branch of the federal treasury department, is overseeing a number of government projects in northwest ern Ohio. His present headquarters are at Paulding where he is supervis ing construction of a new postoffice building. Survey of the postoffice site here, including sub-soil tests has not yet been completed, Levin stated. On completion of this work the data will be sent to Washington and will pro vide the basis for design of the build ing and also specifications for its con struction. Six Months Required About six months usually elapse after completion of the survey before the contract is let. This time is re quired for completion of architect s plans and advertising for bids for construction. Two residence properties which now occupy the site at South Main and Franklin streets of the postoffice will probably be removed by the contract or to whom contract for construction of the federal building is awarded, Levin stated. It is customary, he said to place all preparation of the site in the hands of the contractor. Any buildings on the premises may be disposed in such manner as he sees fit. Organize Bluffton 1 Boy Scout Troop Organization of a Bluffton Boy Scout Troop, No. 56, sponsored by the First Mennnite church, has been completed here, with an initial mem bership of 12. Presentation of the charter, badges to the boys and cards to troop com mitteemen, the scoutmaster and as sistant scoutmaster was a featuie of an investory service held last Sun day evening in the church. Kenneth A. Connelly, Shawnee Area Scout executive, and nine scouts from Troop Six of Lima, headed by R. R. Miille, scoutmaster, and E. M. Carville, assistant scout master, were in charge of the ser vice. Troop Committeemen include Ger hard Buhler, chairman Nelson Herr, Dr. W. N. Niswander John Tosh, Dr. J. S. Schultz and Rev. H. T. Unruh. Karl Gable is scoutmaster, with Paul Wingate serving as the as sistant. Members of the new troop are Norman Beidler, Richard K. Berky, Russell Gratz, Floyd Herr, Roger Howe, James C. Landis, De nard Loganbill, Richard and Robert Oberly, John Schmidt, Raymond Schumacher and Merlin Zuercher. Meetings of the troop will be held each Monday night in the church basement. Activities of the organi zation will be related to those of the Shawnee Area, with which the troop js affiliated. Spring Chickens Early This Year The'spring chicken season will be early this year—in fact it started last Sunday when two local restau rants, Pine’s and Long’s served chicken dinners consisting of two pound broilers hatched from incu bators at the Steiner hatchery exact ly two months ago. And come to think about it, two pound broilers in eight weeks is something, too. Hospital Auxiliary Membership Canvass Bluffton residents will be solicited Thursday and Friday in a two-day canvass for memberships in the Women’s Auxiliary of the Bluffton Community hospital. Announcement of the canvass was made by officers of the auxiliary the first of the week after plans had been completed. The membership canvass is made by the auxiliary •every two years. Easter Vacations At Public School And College Here Tp ASTER vacations at Bluffton college and Bluffton grade and high schools were announced the first of the week. Vacation at the college will begin on Thursday afternoon, April 6 at 4 o’clock and continue until Tuesday morning, April 18 at 8 o’clock. Classes at the high and grade schools will be closed for one day only, Good Friday, April 7. FARMERS SIGN AAA CONTRACTS Compliance Agreed to by 25 Per Cent of Richland’s 375 Farmers Signup Time Will Continue In Bluffton Friday at Township Room Approximately 25 per cent of Rich land township’s 375 farmers have signed compliance contracts for the 1939 Federal AAA Farm Program, it was announced this week. First contracts in the township were signed at the Richland Grange hall last Wednesday and Thursday when representatives of the Allen County and Richland township AAA committee were there. During the two-day period 96 farmers agreed to comply. Additional contracts will be signed at Bluffton in the township room at the town hall, Friday, it was announc ed by Amos Moser, Richland town ship chairman. 40 Per Cent in 1938 In commenting on the program, Moser pointed out that last year ap proximately 40 per cent of Richland farmers complied. He thinks this year’s total will be equal to that of 1938. No deadline has been set as yet for signing contracts. "Major provisions of AAA compli ance is the limit of wheat and corn acreages (soil depleting crops). How ever, other factors also enter into the final determination of benefits. If full compliance is made with the federal program, farmers will receive a price adjustment of six cents a bushel and a conservation payment of nine cents a bushel on corn, a total of 15 cents. For wheat the price ad justment will be 11 cents a bushel and the conservation payment 17 cents a bushel, a total of 28 cents. $2.50 Acre Benefits Ninety-five per cent of those sign ing contracts thus far have agreed to full compliance, Moser said. Under maximum compliance benefits may run as high as $2.50 per crop acre, he stated. Members of the Richland township AAA committee include Amos Moser, chairman, Sol. E. Steiner, Fred Muel ler, Willard Jennings and Virgil Bow ers. Most of those signing thus far have farms averaging about 50 crop acres, Moser said. Under the AAA pro gram, however, any plot of three acres or more may be classified as a farm. Bluffton Motorists Buying Auto Tags Although the sale of the 1939 auto tags got off to a late start in Bluff ton, a total of 137 sets of tags had been sold by Wednesday noon, ac cording to Robert Lewis, local deputy registrar in charge of distribution here. Tags, which were scheduled to go on sale last Wednesday morning, did not arrive until Friday forenoon. Lewis is maintaining office quar ters for license sales at the Steiner Chevrolet garage on North Main street. Real Estate Deal In a real estate deal completed the first of the week Adam Amstutz and his sister, Miss Barbara Amstutz sold their farm of 120 acres two miles west of Bluffton near the Ebenezer church to Chas. Danner of Lima. Danner, a Lima plumber was form erly of this place, being the young est son of the late C. P. Danner. Amstutz and his sister will move to Bluffton this spring. Clarence Amstutz, present renter on the farm, will continue to oc cupy the place. The real estate deal I was made by the Althaus & Collins firm. f/ NEW BOILER IS PLACED HERE nspection of New Municipal Plant Equipment to be Made this Week Construction of Brick Work for Boiler Will be Started Next Week Assembly of the new 350 H. P. boiler has been completed at Bluff ton’s municipal electric light and water works plant, and tests will be made the latter part of this week by a state inspector. Following inspection of the boiler, construction of the supporting brick work will be started. Approximately 20 days will be required to complete this phase of the expansion program, according to plant Superintendent John Swisher. Test runs will be made late in April after brick work is finished. With the new boiler in use, capacity of the municipal plant will be nearly doubled. The two boilers now in use have a rated capacity of 250 H. P. each, but the new unitx will be of such an advanced design that its 350 H. P. output will be nearly equal of the present capacity it was pointed out. Construction of a brick coal silo, adjoining the new addition to the plant where the boiler is located also is well under way. Summer School At Bluffton College Bluffton college will open a nine weeks summer term on June 15, it was announced the first of the week by Dr. J. S. Schultz, dean of the college and director of the summer school. Courses offered will include sci ences, languages, social studies, teacher preparation and fine arts. Special effort will be made this year to adapt courses both as the subject matter and time schedule to people of the community who may be interested in some popular study regardless of college credit, Dr. Schultz stated. With this end in view classes will be organized for the study of birds, trees, appreciation of art, church history, psychology and music will be offered if there is sufficient de mand. Persons interested are re quested to notify Dr. Schultz. Young Peoples Meet At Methodist Church Sixty-five young people from nine churches of Bluffton and community together with a number of pastors and counselors enjoyed a fellowship supper and program at the Metho dist church, Tuesday night. Supper was served by the Metho dist Epworth League after which a recreational program was enjoyed in charge of Miss Jeanne Baumgart ner and Eugene Weed. The program for the coming year was outlined by Miss Luella Luginbuhl president of the Bluffton district Christian En deavor and closing devotional service was led by Rev. J. A. Weed, pastor counselor. Churches represented were: First Mennonite, Church of Christ, Pres byterian, Lutheran, St. John’s Re formed, First Methodist all of Bluff ton, Rockport Presbyterian, Ebenezer Mennonite and Olive Branch United Brethren. The next meeting of the district young people will be a union service on Good Friday evening at the Church of Christ. Births Mr. and Mrs. Brice Henry, Jr., are the parents of a son born at the Bluffton hospital, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Bushong of Columbus are the parents of a daughter, Susan Louise, born at the Bluffton hospital, Sunday. A son, Robert Franklin, was born to Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Rice of Pan dora at the Bluffton hospital, Satur day. Word was received here of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Bert McGeorge of Albion, Mich., Feb ruary 22. Mr. McGeorge was form erly of this place. CRITICALLY ILL Mrs. Med Murray who had been improving for the past month fol lowing a serious illness from heart trouble is again in a critical condi tion at her home on Thurman street. FHE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1939 Bluffton which in recent years has I benefitted largely by federal work. programs under the PA and PWA setups may fail to qualify for a similar program this summer. Mayor W. A. Howe stated the first of the week that there has been little response to the offer of the city administration to apply for a sidewalk and curb work project this summer. Under the sidewalk and curb pro ject arrangement the cost of ma terials is paid by the property own er while the labor is provided by the, government. Last summer some 6,000 feet of sidewalk and 2,000 feet )r. Irwin W. Bauman Talks at Dinner Meeting of Lions Club Tuesday United States Punishes by Death Thru Electrocution, Gas and Hanging Speaking on “Capital Punishment”, Dr. Irwin Bauman, professor of so cial sciences at BlufFton college, ad dressed a dinner meeting of the Bluffton Lions club Tuesday night in the Walnut Grill of the Pine res taurant. Thruout the world today there are 29 different kinds of capital punish ment in vogue, but the United States has only three, Dr. Bauman told his audience. Twenty-two of our states have electrocution for the death penalty eight use gas eight have no capi tal punishment, and in the others hanging is the legal form of execu tion. Dr. Bauman said then- is no ap preciable difference between crime in states that prescribe capital punish ment and those which have laws against it. Records further that in 1930 there were 1200 murders in the United States and only 155 execu 1 tions. Of those executed there were twice as many negroes as whites. Town May Have No Federal Work Project This Summer Twenty-Nine Forms Of Capital Punishment In Use, Speaker Says At one time in England there were 240 crimes punishable by death, the speaker said, and the more len ient attitude of today come slowly. Similar circumstances prevailed in this country in the early days of colonization, altho William Penn es tablished a precedent when he ruled that the only crime punishable by death was murder. Hansaker Funeral At New Stark Thursday Funeral services for Edward Han saker, 59, Bowling Green druggist, will be held at the New Stark Fed erated church, Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mr. Hansaker died at his home in Bowling Green, Tuesday, following a paralytic stroke which he received the previous Friday. His wife was the former Clara Hilty, daughter of John Hilty of near New Stark. Mr. Hansaker was for twenty years a druggist in Lima and last fall purchased a drug store in Bow ling Green where he has since resid ed. He is a native of Martinsburg, Pennsylvania. Surviving besides his wife are one son Elmer Hansaker of Lima three brothers, Leslie and Chauncey Han sacker of Martinsburg, Pa., and two sisters Mrs. Ray Baumgartner and Mrs. Clarence Metzler both of Martinsburg, Pa. Rev. Jaynes of the United Breth ren church of Bowling Green will officiate at the funeral services. In terment will be made in Hassen cem etery. Infant Daughter Pneumonia Victim Edna Marie Marquart, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marquart residing two miles north of Jenera died Sunday morning in the Findlay hospital. Death was due to pneumonia fol lowing a three days’ illness. The child was aged ten months and twenty-six days. Funeral services were held at the Jenera M. P. church, Tuesday after noon with Rev. Jeffries officiating. Interment was in the Keller cemetery near Jenera. Surviving besides the parents are the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marquart and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Benner, also one brother and sister. of curb were built here under that plan. Work projects of previous years have given Bluffton its Community hospital, Harmon field stadium, Har mon road improvement, Harmon field tennis courts, widening of Lawn avenue and additional sidewalk im provements. The PWA project now under way at the municipal electric light and waterworks plant will be completed next month, according to the pres ent schedule. City officials indicated there are at this time no plans to apply for any further government grants of work programs. father Of Rev. Unruh Succumbs In Kansas P. P. Unruh, 86, of New’ton, Kan sas, died at his home in that city Tuesday noon. He was the father of Rev. H. T. Unruh, of Bluffton, pastor of the First Mennonite church. Rev. Unruh who on Monday re ceived word of the critical condition of his father was enroute to Kan sas when the death message arrived here. Funeral services will be held Fri day afternoon at Newton followed by interment at that place. Rev. Unruh is one of five children sur viving. Jobs Lost And Won in Political Shuffle One Bluffton state employee lost his position and another Bluffton man was endorsed for a county post in the shuffling of political jobs the first of the week. Ralph Reichenbach, investigator connected with the Old Age Pension office in Lima was one of six em ployees dismissed Tuesday by Tom McCaw, chief of the Division of Aid for the Aged. The position carried an annual salary of $1,500. McCaw said there would be no immediate replacements. Nile Murray, former Bluffton cor poration clerk, was endorsed by the Allen County Republican Executive committee Monday night for a dep uty’s post in the office of Floyd B. Griffin, county auditor-elect. Grif fin, who will assume his office at the courthouse in Lima next Monday, has not yet announced who his deputies will be. Last Rites Are Held For Mrs. Peterson Funeral services for Mrs. Pearl Peterson, 55, residing one-half mile east of Bluffton, were held at the Methodist church Friday afternoon with Rev. J. A. Weed, the pastor, officiating. The funeral services were followed by interment in the Clymer cemetery. Mrs. Peterson died in the hospital here last Wednesday afternoon fol lowing a six weeks’ illness. She was born in Jackson township, south of Bluffton, July 23, 1883, the daughter of Charles and Louisa Cambier. Following her marriage to Pearl Peterson, December 19, 1912, the couple took up their residence east of Bluffton in Hancock county. Surviving are the husband two sons Robert of Benton Ridge and Ray Peterson of Pandora two daughters, Margaret at home and Mrs. J. L. Doorman of Bowling Green and two brothers Howard Cambier of Ada and George Cambier of Lima. Hold Last Rites For Col. Grove Man Funeral services for Noah Oard, 74, retired Columbus Grove business man and well known in this locality, were held at his residence last Fri day afternoon with Rev. N. H. Brad ley of the Columbus Grove Methodist church officiating. Mr. Oard died suddenly at his home last Wednesday. Following the funeral interment was made in the Vaughnsville cemetery. Surviving are his wife one daugh ter, Mrs. Gust Basinger of Bluffton two sons, Ernest and Thomas at home two sisters, Mrs. Lottie Luce nf Lima and Mrs. F. M. Rimer of Rimer and eight grandchildren. NAMED RECEIVER E. M. Hostettler of the Citizens National bank has been appointed trustee in bankruptcy for the Rock port Stone company. The company went into receivership last fall. New Auto Tags To Make First Showing Friday rJ1HOSE bright new blue and white auto tags will make their first appearance on Bluff ton’s streets, Friday morning. The 1939 tags may be used not earlier than March 10. From that date until March 31, either this year’s or last year’s tags may be used. Use of 1938 tags after midnight March 31 is illegal. COUNCIL DELAYS BUCKEYE LEASE Satisfactory Liability Insurance Is Now Major Obstacle to Acceptance Expect Definite Decision at Meeting of Town Council On March 20 Final decision on the matter of leasing Buckeye lake as a municipal swimming and fishing resort during the summer months is expected to be made at the next meeting of the town council on March 20. That the municipality will lease the quarry is by no means a certainty, it developed at the council meeting Monday night when terms of the lease were under discussion. Major obstacle to leasing the place is the matter of obtaining satifactory liability insurance, and sentiment in the council appeared to be against en tering into any agreement relative to a lease until this point could be clear ed up. Invite Insurance Men In Insurance representatives, it is un derstood. will be invited to appear be fore the council at the next meeting to explain details and cost of such protection. Following this report a final decision is expected to be made. With satisfactory liability insur ance, it is believed that the council will approve terms of the lease with little further delay. In event of approval of the lease the quarry will probably be sub leased to responsible persons of legal age to whom will be turned over re sponsibility for management of the place. Lease Submitted The Central Ohio Power & Light company, owner of the quarry has an nounced that they will discontinue the former practise of direct leasing of the quarry for swimming and fishing during the summer season. However, the company stated at the same time its willingness to lease the quarry to the municipality for sum mer recreation purposes at a nominal rental of one dollar per year. Draft of a lease covering the tran saction was submitted by the ultility company to the council a month ago. Terms of the lease were later approv ed by Francis Durbin, Bluffton city solicitor. In accepting the lease, however, the municipality w’ould be come liable for accidents on the prem ises and as a safeguard in this re spect, the council is delaying action pending the working out of satisfac tory arrangements for liability insur ance. Music Recital At College Next Monday Students in the Bluffton college department of music will be pre sented in a public recital at 7:15 p. m. next Monday in the college chapel. Prof. Russell A. Lantz, di rector of the department, is in charge of arrangements for the pre sentation. Hog Prices Sag On Market Here Hog prices which ran into a sud den slump on the Bluffton market Tuesday continued on the down grade Wednesday. Prices generally closed Tuesday night twenty cents under the morning’s opening quotations Wednesday morning’s prices open ed ten cents under the close of Tuesday night. TAX COLLECTOR HERE Deputies from the Allen county treasurer’s and auditor’s offices will be in Bluffton at the Citizens Na tional bank on Thursday and Friday to assist in the making out of per sonal and classified tax returns and also to collect personal, classified and real estate taxes. 14 BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live and a Good Place to Trade NUMBER 45 MANY SCHUULS IN CHORAL MEET One Thousand High School Con testants are Expected Here March 17 Judges Announced for North west Ohio District Vocal Competition Approximately 1000 students from more than 30 schools are expected here Friday of next week to com pete in the Northwestern Ohio chorus festival in the Bluffton High gym nasium. Boys and girls glee clubs and mixed choruses representing schools from six classes will sing here, with most of the entries expected within the next week. Morning, afternoon and evening sessions will be held, and winners and runnersup in each of the six classes will be eligbile to compete in the state contest. Adjudicators Announced Adjudicators announced this week by Prof. Russell A. Lantz, chairman of the contest, include the following: Louis E. Pete, superintendent of mu sic in the Ashland public schools Dr. Frank C. Biddle, director of music in the Cincinnati public schools, and Mrs. Sarah Cline, of the music education department, Cincin nati Conservatory of Music. Competition will be in six classes, with the grading based on enroll ment. The classes are A, AA, B, BB, C, and CC. Bluffton High school will enter competition in all three events in Class B, according to present plans. Sidney Hauenstein, of the Bluffton college music faculty, is chairman of the Northwest Ohio District group sponsoring the annual state contests. Arrangements for the local meet are being directed by Prof. Russell A. Lantz, director of the music depart ment of Bluffton college. Noted Peace Leader To Speak At College Kirby Page, internationally known author and social evangelist, will be featured on the Bluffton college campus for the entire day of Mon day, April 24. In the morning he will appear before the student body in a special chapel program. Thru out the day he will lecture in var ious classes. A lecture in the even ing, to which several other colleges will be invited, will climax his acti vities on the campus. A social to be held following his evening les ture is being planned. He will appear on the campus un der the sponsorship of the Bluffton college Y. M. C. A., being secured through the state organization. Mr. Page is author of eighteen volumes on international, economic, social and religious questions. His works have been translated into French, German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Greek, Bulgarian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese. Nearly a million copies of his books and pam phlets have been sold. His latest books are “Must We Go To War?” and “Creative Pioneers” (in collaboration with Sherwood Eddy). “Living Creatively” is his best known book. This book was ranked first out of 436 books listed by religious workers with students in a national survey by the Hazen Foundation to discover the religions books most helpful to college stu dents. “Individualism and Social ism”, another of his works, was re commended by the Book-of-the Month Club. “Jesus or Christianity” was selected as first choice by the Religious Book club. From 1926 to 1934 Kirby Page was editor of “The Word Tomorrow”. He is now contributing editor of “The Christian Century”. His ar ticles have appeared in leading periodicals. He has spoken at 300 colleges in the United States and foreign lands, and addressed numerous clubs, con ferences and conventions. He is an ordained minister. Mr. Page has crossed the ocean 20 times and has visited some 35 coun tries of the earth. PARENT-TEACHER ASS’N. “The Budgeting of Money from the Viewpoint of the Parent, Teacher and Pupil” will be the topic for the meeting of the Bluffton Parent Teacher association to be held in the high school cafeteria next Tuesday night at 7:30 o’clock. G. H. Barnes, veteran Bluffton grocer, is ill at his home on South Jackson street with asthma and complications. ‘u- & •SrI