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BLUFFTON NEWS The Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory VOLUME NO. LXIV 800 AT MEETING OF MENNONITES Sunday Session of Middle Dis trict Conference Draws Many to Bluffton Mennonite Congregations of Five States Represented At Four-day Meet Representing an aggregate mem bership of 5,400 communicants in five states the Middle District Conference of Mennonites concluded its annual meeting, a four day session, at the First Mennonite church, Tuesday af ternoon. Comprising the Middle District Conference are 20 churches of the General Conference distributed as fol lows: Missouri, one church Indiana, two churches Illinois, three churches Iowa, four churches and Ohio, ten churches. The Middle District Con ference is one of seven district con ferences which make up the General Conference. This is the second occasion in which Bluffton has entertained the Middle District Conference, the previous meeting having been held here in 1915. The General Conference, which consists of 145 Mennonite churches, has held its triennial sessions in Bluff ton twice previously, one in 1911 and then again in 1933. Clearing House The conference bringing together as it does, ministers and prominent laymen of the district, serves as a clearing house for matters of com mon interest, including progress Rev. A. S. Rosenberger, for mer president of Bluffton college and at present minister of the Dalton Mennonite church, was elected president of the Middle District conference for next year, at the final business ses sion Tuesday afternoon. Donnellson, Iowa was chosen as the place of meeting for next year. Other officers elected were: Rev. Otto Friesen, Donnellson. Iowa, vice president Gerhard Buhler, secretary E. W. Baum gartner, Berne, Ind., member of the home mission committee John Tosh, member of the education committee Dr. J. S. Schultz, member of the profes sional committee. Rev. Paul E. Whitmer, Bluff ton college trustee Mr. Adrian Amstutz, Dalton and Rev. Del bert Welty, Noble, Iowa, mem bers of the peace committee Gordon Leichty, Berne, Indiana, young people’s field secretary Eli Luginbill, Berne, Ind., con ference trustee. which the church is making, its ac complishments in mutual undertak ings as well as a forum for discus sion of the various problems confront ing the denomination in this district. Over one hundred registered dele gates augmented by hundreds more of laymen from this immediate dis trict have provided excellent attend ance at the various sessions held in the First Mennonite church and the high school gymnasium. Total at tendance at the sessions has been es timated at about 800. Principal (Continued on page 8) College Enrolls 40 At Summer Session With 40 students enrolled and late registrations expected, Bluffton college opened its annual nine weeks summer school session, June 15. Dr. J. S. Schultz, dean of the college, is director of the summer session. Regular teachers offering courses this summer are: Prof. H. W. Berky, Dr. I. W. Bauman, Mrs. A. M. Myers, Prof. Otto Holtkamp, Prof. Sidney Hauenstein, Mrs. Pearl Mann and Dean Schultz. Prof. Donald Bowman, of Ohio State university, is offering special courses at the college this summer in mathematics and physics. The summer session closes on Aug ust 12. Will Attend N. E. A. Meet In California Superintendent and Mrs. A. J. B. Longsdorf are leaving Monday for San Francisco where Mr. Longsdorf will attend the annual conference of the National Education Association from July 2 to 6. He will attend the conference as the delegate from the northwestern Ohio district. They will also visit friends and relatives in the west. Meeting Mary Pickford, Buddy Rogers, Norma Shearer and Ignace Jan Paderwski on the S. S. Nor mandie was the honor recently ac corded Miss Harriet Criblez as a re sult of winning the prize by the Normandie for being the first person to sight land. In addition to meeting the cele brities, who presented her with or chids and rare perfume, she received all first class privileges of the boat for a day. Miss Criblez also had an interest ing experience when the boat was called to answer an S. O. S. call near the coast of Ireland. A sailor on a nearby freighter had the misfortune of a broken leg. Several sailers and a doctor went out to the freighter in 4th OF JULY Use of Fireworks Restricted to One Day No Shooting in Business Area Mayor’s Proclamation Will Pre vent Sale of Fireworks Until July 3 Regulation of the Fourth of July observance inaugurated in Bluffton a year ago will be continued this year, it w’as announced the first of the week in a proclamation by Mayor W. A. Howe. The mayor’s procla mation w'as issued with approval of the town council. Regulations governing the sale and use of fireworks and noise-mak ing devices will be virtually the same as those in force a year ago. Firecrackers, torpedoes or other ex plosives of any nature may not be discharged in the business district at any time. Fix Boundaries Boundaries of the business district are fixed for this regulation as from College avenue to Washington street and from Jackson street to Big Riley creek. Discharge of firew'orks in the resi dential district is restricted to one day only—the Fourth. The resi dential district is held to include all parts of town not included in the business district. Dealers in firew'orks are not per mitted to display or sell their stocks before Monday, July 3. Council Approves Step Regulation of the Fourth of July observance again this year was au thorized by the town council last spring and the mayor’s proclamation issued the first of the week was ap proved by the council Monday night. Future permission for the use of fireworks in Bluffton’s Fourth of July celebration will depend largely on the cooperation of the public in the observance of this year’s re stricted program, it was announced. Last Rites For Mrs. May West Rittenour Funeral services for Mrs. May West Rittenour, former Bluffton resident, will be held at the Garner Funeral Home in Toledo Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Mrs. Rittenour, aged 76 years, died at a convalescent home in To ledo, June 20, at 9 a. m. No service will be held in Bluffton but the casket will be opened at the Clymer cemetery for Bluffton friends. Interment will be in the Clymer cem etery. Mrs. Rittenour was born on what is now the Roy Rogers farm. Her husband, George Rittenour preceded her in death in 1927. The follow ing brothers and sisters survive: Cliff West, of Bluffton, Orla West, of Steamboat Springs, Colo., Glenn West, of Los Angeles, Calif., Fletch West, of Lima, Bert West and Mrs. Ira Garner of Toledo. Bluffton Girl Awarded Prize On S. S. Normandie Meets Celebrities Wife Succumbs In Indiana Hospital Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. A. A. Frederick of South Bend, Ind., which occurred in a hospital in that city. Her husband, well known to a number of people here, is the bro ther of Dr. H. O. Frederick of Ash tabula, former Bluffton dentist. Funeral services were held in South Bend last Wednesday. Be sides her husband she is survived by one son and one daughter. a lifeboat and brought the patient back with them. She also had the honor of attend ing a birthday ball in honor of the captain’s daughter. The entire trip across was marked by amusements, deck games, show's and swimming. They arrived at Havre, France, on the afternoon of June 5th. She reports that France is a very beau tiful country with crops and har vesting much in advance of the states. Miss Criblez, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Criblez, south of town, is visiting relatives in Switzerland and will study for one term at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. She will return to Bluffton during the latter part of the summer. Summer—With All Accessories Checks In Here QUMMER—season of the bath ing suit, shorts, ice cream cones and lemonade—officially checked in at Bluffton. Wednes day. Also Wednesday was the longest day of the year with the sun at its most northern point from the equator. Worthing ton-Locher Nuptials At Chapel A romance which had its inception during student days at Bluffton col lege culminated in the wedding of Miss Eleanor Worthington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Worthington of Spring street and Ralph Locher, of Cleveland, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock in the college chapel. Dr. S. K. Mosiman, president emeritus of Bluffton college, officiat ed at the wedding. The ceremony took place in the presence of the families and friends of the couple who filled the lower floor of the auditorium. Preceding the nuptials were organ numbers by Miss Eleanor Niswander who played a medley consisting of “At Dawning”, “Our Love” and “L’amour Tou.iours”. Following this were two vocal numbers “Because” and “I Love You Truly” sung by Miss Helen Hartzler of Goshen, Indiana. The organ rendition of “Liebes traum” by Liszt played by Miss Nis wander marked the entrance of the officiating minister and the groom accompanied by his best man James Myers, of Cleveland, a former college roommate at Dayton university. The bride entered the chapel from the rear of the room on the arm of her father who gave her away. She was attired in a lovely net dress and satin jacket. Her veil was held together with a band of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bou quet of roses. She chose for her Maid of Honor Miss Margaret Steiner of Lima who appeared in a gown of blue net. The bride’s attendants, wearing gowns of pink net, were Miss Rita (Continued on page 8) Dr. C. O. Lehman To Head State Normal Dr. Clarence O. Lehman, well known in this community, will as sume the presidency of the State Normal School at Potsdam, New York, effective July first. Dr. Lehman at the present time is head of the department of teacher training at the State Normal school at Geneseo, N. Y„ a position which he has held for a number of years. He graduated from Bluffton col lege in 1915 and is the younger bro ther of Prof. G. A. Lehman, also well known in this community. Rev. Wm. Schwab To Hold Meetings Here Rev. William Schwab, pastor of the Missionary-Alliance church of Duluth, Minnesota, will hold a series of meetings at the First Missionary church in Bluffton starting July 27 and continuing through August 2. Rev. Schwab is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Schwab of Lawn avenue and formerly lived in this vicinity. Services will start each evening at 7:45. The public is cordially invited to attend these meetings. Births Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Diller of Pandora are the parents of a son born Monday at the Community hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Augsburger are the parents* of a daughter born at the Community hospital Tuesday. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939 COMPROMISE IS OFFERED BOARD Orange Township Group Of fers to Give I Part of Territory Hancock and I nion Boards Considering Compromise Made Saturday An offer to comps n :-e the four year-old battle of Change township electors to be attach, i to the Bluff ton school district instead of the Union township area is the newest development in the ngled school situation. Orange township representatives made the compromise suggestion at a meeting of the Hancock county board of education last Saturday night in the hope that the drawn out controversy might be brought to an end. Their suggestion was that areas in which a preponderance of electors favor affiliation with the Uunion township district, having changed since the original petitions for trans fer were set up, be permitted to re main in that district. Other areas involved, however, have not changed in sentiment, the spokesmen said, and should be assign.-! to the Bluff ton district for school purposes. Negotiations Under Way It is understo ‘that less than one- fourth of the aggregate area over which the fight as been waged for assignment to Bluffton would be involved in the compromise. Details were not announced, p- i. ling further developments. After the measure had been submitted, the county board agreed to present it to the Union township board of education and in dicated that the matter would be taken up at once. Representatives of the Orange township group at tl meeting were Jesse Anderson, 8. S. Amstutz, Harry Anderson and Will Beagle. No reference" made relative to the compromise offer in the an nouncement made to newspapers fol lowing the session. Vanlue Transfer Made Before the Orange township mat ter was discussed at the meeting last week, the county school board trans ferred the Vanlue portion of Marion township to Findlay as commanded by the Ohio Supreme court. Orange township electors point out that the Marion township case is similar to theirs and see in the Supreme Court's uling evidence that they also will eventually win their extended battle. Altho the Marion township area was transferred to Findlay the case is not yet settled, inasmuch as the Hancock county board ruled last Sat urday that the Findlay school dis trict must assume approximately $9,000 of the Vanlue school debt. Issue has been taken relative to the debt transfer, inasmuch as Mar ion township residents do not con sider they have ever rightfully been a part of the Vanlue school district. They fought Vanlue affiliation from the beginning and finally won their battle in the Supreme Court. When the county board first assigned the district to Vanlue, the area had no school debt. Religious Movie To Be Shown At H. S. “Golgotha”, an outstanding talk ing motion picture of ten reels, will be presented in rhe Bluffton High school auditorium this Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock under the spon sorship of the Presbyterian church. It is the first and only talking pic ture ever made of the life and cruci fixion of Christ. "Golgatha” presents the immortal story of Christ in a spectacular and impressive manner. Critics have ac claimed the production as probably the most outstanding religious spec tacle ever filmed. Production costs of the picture were over $800,000, which is about four time more than the average feature motion picture made in Hollywood. The picture v made in the old country, consequ ntly the scenic back grounds are accurate and correct in every detail. All of the speaking parts, however, are in English. A matinee presentation will be made at the high school auditorium Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at popular prices. The evening per formance will be over at 9:45 p. m., according to announcement made this morning. Permanent Wave Can be Se cured in Manilla Beauty Shops for 2J4c Tells Lions Club of Unique Ex periences and Voyage on Tramp Steamer The trip around the world took five months, which included many stops at islands along the way as well as many out of the way ports. The passenger list was made up of four men and four women. The trip circling the globe was made by way of New York, Panama Canal, Japan, China, India. Philip pines, Java, Bali, Africa and then back to Halifax and New York. The boat, “Prince of China” picked up cotton for the Orient in Savanah, Ga., and airplanes for the Orient in California. Once the boat was completely loaded it took 21 days to cross the Pacific. Stormy Weather A dreadful storm was encountered in the China Sea which made it ne cessary to chain the passengers in their beds. Everyone crawled on hands and knees in order to get any place. The severity of the storm made it necessary to eat in the spe cial dining room of the ship where even the dishes and spoons were chained to the table. She went shopping for a hair net in Manila, P. I., and finally found one in a hardware store. Here she was arrested and put in jail for driving her carriage down the wrong street. In the native section of the town, where all of the buildings are (Continued on page 8) Bluffton Publisher Enroute To Alaska 'LJERE are Mr. and rs. B. F. Biery boarding The Alaska Line’s flagship Aleutian at Seattle on Tuesday morning, June 13, enroute to Alaska. They agreed that the idea of conventioneering aboard ship in Alaska waters appears to offer an idea! combination for the delegates to this year’s National Editorial Association convention. From Seward, Alaska, the group will make a trip inland over The Alaska Railroad through Anchorage, the Mantanuska Valley colonization project, Mt. McKinley National Park, to Fairbanks and return to Seward to board the Aleutian for the homeward voyage. The trip is taking sixteen days round trip from Seattle. Sandusky Librarian Describes Trip Around World On British Freighter Description of a trip around the world on a tramp steamer was given by Miss Dorothy Keith, librarian at Sandusky, Ohio, at the regular meet ing of the Lions club at the Walnut Grill, Tuesday evening. Miss Keith chose a British freighter for her adventure because of the more cosmopolitan nature of the crew which consisted of Malay, Javanese, Chinese, Russian, and English sailors. Bluffton school authorities are in vestigating the June 14th ruling of the state supreme court whereby a writ of mandamus was issued to compel the state department of edu cation to include average daily at tendance of 27 non-resident pupils of the Roundhead Rural school dis trict, Hardin county, in the basis of apportionment of state school funds. The high court, however, denied the writ to six of the non-resident pu pils. FIRE RATE BOOST IS FORESTALLED Cleaning of Water Mains Means No Increase in Town's Insurance Schedule Local Authorities Studying Mandamus Given Hardin Group By High Tribunal Comparisons on this ruling were being made in the Bluffton schools which lost $2,000 in payments from the school foundation fund because the board of education did not collect tuition from 37 Orange township pupils living outside the district dur ing the 1937-1938 school year. In the Roundhead case it was ad mitted that 27 pupils lived more than one and one-half miles from the Water Pressure in Mains In creased Between 30 and 40 Per Cent by Cleaning A contemplated increase in Bluff ton’s fire insurance rates because of lack of water pressure has been forestalled by cleaning of the town's three-mile network of water mains. State underwriters for some time have been urging that steps be tak en to better the water pressure, and within the last year they indicated fire insurance rates would be in creased unless action was taken. Following cleaning of the water mains, tests taken here by repre sentatives of the underwriters’ asso ciation showed water pressure has been increased between 30 and 40 per cent. Preliminary tests were made on North Main street and others will be taken soon by the same group. It is felt, however, that the pressure gen erally has been increased by as much as one-third and that there is no need for a boost in the insurance rates. Cleaning of Bluffton’s water mains was started early in May and com pleted in June at the suggestion of the state board of health. A dual benefit has been gleaned because of the program, however, since the health board’s recommenda tions were carried out, and at the same time the project was in line with suggestions made by the under writer’s association. If some men expended as much energy in trying to earn a dollar as they do in trying to borrow one they would never have to borrow. school to which they were assigned in the district of their residence and that they were entitled to attend the Roundhead district school with transportation provided by the dist rict of their residence. The court held that the average daily attendance of these pupils should be included in the amount allocated to the Roundhead school board in apportioning the school foundation fund. The six non-resident pupils who were denied the writ lived less than one and one-half miles from the school to which they were assigned in their own district, and were there fore considered not eligible as tui tion pupils of the Roundhead dis trict schools. Hence they should not be included in computing daily at tendance records for participation in the fund for the Roundhead district, the court ruled. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live and a Good Place to Trade NUMBER 8 New Schedule Effective With June Billing Home User To Benefit Most harges for Heating Service Will be Increased this Fall, Board Announces Reduction in Bluffton’s electric cur rent tales effective with the June bil ling on July 1 was announced this week by the Board of Public Affairs. A flat reduction of one cent per KVN11 will apply to each initial rate classification as compared with the present schedule, it was pointed out. The starting rate in the future will be five cents per KWH in contrast to the six-cent schedule previously in effect. In announcing the electric rate cut, members of the board at the same time declared charges for municipal heating will be boosted. Higher Heating Rate New heating rates will become ef fective on October 1, and under the revised schedule users will pay 20 cents per square foot of radiation. This is an increase of five cents over the former charge of 15 cents per square foot. Complete data relative to the de crease in electric current rates was not released by the board and the schedule of progession will not be announced until its completion in ap proximately another week. In commenting on the reduction members of the board said the de crease will apply to domestic, com mercia' and industrial rates. The -me consumer, however, will benefit the most, it was pointed out. First Cut Since 1936 Bluffton’s present electric current rates have been in effect since Febru ary, Ip.’B, when a 20 per cent reduc tion was made from the previous schedule. The rates adopted for dwellings in 1936 and which are being reduced are as follows: First 30 KWH, 6 cents per KWH next 30 KWH, 4 cents per KWH next 40 KWH, 3 cents per KWH next 100 KWH, 21.- cents per KWH and next 200 KWH, 2 cents per KWH. There is a minimum charge of 50 cents per month. Under the new schedule the start rate will be five cents per KWH, and members of the board said reductions will be made also in other progressive steps. Complete details will be de termined and announced before mail ing of the June bills on July 1. Bluffton Couple To Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lovell, of South. Main street, will be celebrated at their home on Sunday, June 25. The couple were married 50 years ago, June 20. A dinner will be served Sunday noon for the immediate family and open house will be held from 2 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon. The bride of 50 years ago was Miss Lillie Harlow, daughter of Joseph and Saraheta Harlow, of McComb. The groom was A. B. Lovell, son of Joseph and Nancy Lovell, also of McComb. The marriage was solemnized in the home of Rev. Cooper, pastor of the McComb Presbyterian church. Attending the couple were the bride’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. McAtee of Dundee, Mich igan, who are expected to attend the celebration. Also attending the celebration Sunday will be another sister of Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. H. J. Cooper, of Findlay. The couple went to housekeeping in McComb where they lived for 15 years, then to Findlay where they lived for five years. They lived in several other cities before taking up their residence in Bluffton 12 years ago. Mr. Lovell is a carpenter and contractor and is still engaged in this business. They both enjoy good health. Mrs. Lovell was 68 years old on May 25 and Mr. Lovell was 71 last September 28. They are active members of the Methodist church of Bluffton. Mr. Lovell is the only re maining one of eijzht children in the family. They are the parents of three daughters, Mrs. L. R. Reese of Ben ton Ridge Mrs. Ward Marshall and Mrs. L. L. Clymer of Bluffton. They have seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.