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BLUFFTON NEWS The Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory VOLUME NO. LXIV SEMINARY WILL RE-OPEN DOORS First Steps to be Taken at Meeting of New Board Here Next Tuesday Prominent Mennonite Leaders To Attend Session at College Library the Prominent leaders of two of country’s largest Mennonite groups— the General and Central conferences —will attend a meeting here next Tuesday to formulate plans for the reopening of Witmarsum Theological seminary, a Bluffton institution closed since 1931. The meeting will be held in the Musselman library on the Bluffton college campus at which time will take place a reorganization of the seminary board of trustees. Time and place for the reopening of the seminary are expected to occupy a major place at the delibera tions of the meeting here. As yet there has been no indication as to when the institution may open—or whether it will continue in Bluffton or be moved elsewhere. Strong Conference Support As a result of the impending re organization the seminary will have definite and official support from the strong General and Central confer ences. Besides this, well informed sources stated the first of the week that at least two other Mennonite conferences will support the newly reorganized institution unofficially at the present time. These two conferences, whose identity has not been disclosed are said to be preparing to send students here and financial support will be forthcoming from individuals in these branches, ever, it is ences will stitution. Within a few years, how believed that the confer officially support the in At the meeting to be held here next Tuesday, the present seminary board of trustees which has served since the institution closed nine years ago will turn over the adminis tration to the new board composed of representatives from the enlarged constituency. Several of the present trustees will continue to serve as members of the new board. Incoming Board Personnel Members of the new board trustees which will take over the ministration of the seminary at meeting Tuesday are: of ad the G. E. General conference—Dr. E. Kaufman, North Newton, Kan. W. Baumgartner, Berne, Ind. A. S. Rosenberger, Dalton Lester Hostetler, Upland, Calif. Rev. Paul Whitmer, Pandora Rev. C. E. Krehbiel, Newton, Kan- Rev. Rev. Central conference—Rev. Emanuel Troyer, Carlock, Ill. Rev. I. R. Det weiler, Bloomington, III. Rev. Allen Yoder, Goshen, Ind. vote) H. T. Advisory members (without —Dr. L. L. Ramseyer, Rev. Unruh, Bluffton Rev. P. K. Regier, Moundridge, Kan. John D. Unruh, Freeman, S. Dakota Rev. W. S. Shelly, Wadsworth. Outgoing Board Personnel Personnel of the outgoing semi (Continued on page 8) Leaves For Denver To Attend School Marjorie Moser, thirteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moser, missionaries in Brazil, South America, who stopped here during the past week is now in Denver, Colorado, where she has entered high school. The girl, together with her sister Ruth, aged eighteen arrived in New York city last month voyage from Brazil. after an ocean Bluffton high her home with Mr. and Mrs. Ruth has entered school and is making her uncle and aunt. Ezra Moser. Marjorie, while attend ing school in Denver will reside with another uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Cal Stuckey. Mrs. Stuckey, formerly Miss Marie Lahr, is a ter of Mrs. Homer Moser. sis- Roger Hauenstein To Teach At York Roger Hauenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hauenstein, of South Jackson street, has accepted a posi tion as instructor of music in York Centralized High school of Van Wert county. Hauenstein is graduate of the Bluffton college department of mu sic. He will succeed Miss Betty Burk who left York to take a posi tion in the Louisville, Ky., school system. Gay Cricket Chirps In Cellar Despite Cold Wave Outside TT’S a gay cricket that is spend ing the winter in the basement of Oswin Luginbuhl’s residence on South Jackson street. Shy at first, the cricket has grown ac customed to its winter home and now chirps forth a daily concert nmindful of the snow and cold weather outside. There’s just one thing lacking, says the Luginbuhl family—the cricket should have a name—as yet it is nameless. The statutes require that any pro posed ordinance be read before the town council three times, either at one meeting or three separate meet ings. The council adopted the latter course for the anti-firecracker meas ure and according to regular proced ure it will be up for vote on its adop tion early next month. Noise-making Devices Barred The ordinance will prohibit the sale and use of noise-making devices which include besides firecrackers, roman candles, rockets, bombs, balloons, wheels, blank cartridges, torpedoes, concussion canes and cap pistols. Cold Weather Turns Slush Of Streets Here To Glare Of Ice REWORKS BAN UP TO COUNCIL Ordinance Prohibiting Noise making Devices Placed on First Reading May Sparklers not Included Ask Action from Richland And Orange Twps. Cooperation of Richland and Orange townships may be sought in Bluffton’s movement for a noiseless Fouth of July observance this year. At the meeting of the Bluffton town council Monday night when the anti-firecrack er ordinance was placed on its first reading, council members discussed the possibility of firecrackers being sold just outside the corporation lim its. To check such a move it was sug gested that the trustees of the two townships be approached with a pro posal that they enact ordinances sim ilar to the one now under considera tion by the council here. Under the present arrangement, it was pointed out there would be noth ing to prevent the unrestricted sale and shooting of firecrackers just out side the corporation boundary line. Forecast Passage of Ordinance Although the anti-firecracker ordi nance reached only the preliminary stage at Monday night’s meeting when Tt was placed in its first reading, there is every indication that the council will enact the ordinance unless strong public sentiment should develop against the measure which apparently is not likely. Sparklers, colored fires, and non explosive novelties are not banned by the ordinance. Also the mayor may, at his discretion, issue a permit for the use of fireworks at a public gath ering or exhibition. Violations of the ordinance will subject the prepetrator to a fine of from $25 to $100. Funeral Services For Henry Matter Funeral services for Henry Mat ter, 59, prominent Richland town ship farmer, were held at St. John’s Reformed church, Wednesday after noon with his pastor, Rev. Emil Bur richter officiating. Interment was in Maple Grove cemetery. Mr. Matter died in Bluffton Com munity hospital Monday evening from a streptococcus infection lowing a ten days’ illness. fol and was The son of the late Christian Regina (Stauffer) Matter, he born January 2, 1881, two miles south of Bluffton on the farm which was his home all his life. He was a native of Richland town ship and widely known here. For eighteen years he was secretary of the Richland Township Farmers Mu tual insurance association from which position he retired two years ago. He was a member of the St. John’s Reformed church. On February 12, 1905, he was married to Mary Waltz who survives together with a foster-daughter, Mrs. Helen Reynolds of Marion. Also sur viving are two sisters Mrs. Anna Groman of Bluffton and Mrs. Gideon Oberly of Lafayette and a brother Peter Matter, of Bluffton. Traffic Hazardous to Motorists And Pedestrians Wednes day Morning lichland Township Snow Plow, Bought in 1936 Gets First Workouts Falling temperatures early Wed nesday transformed Bluffton’s streets and highways from a sea of slush to a glare of ice making traffic haz ardous for motorists and pedestrians alike. The slush Tuesday which followed rain and snow was the worst of the winter. Residents of Bluffton have had plenty of exercise in attempting to keep walks clear of snow and ice. Streets have been treacherous at times, but on the whole state high way workers and city employes have kept the thorofares safe for motor ists. This winter’s heavy snow has giv en the township plenty of opportun ity to use the snow plow, bought in 1936 after officials found the equip ment of that time unable to cope with drifted roads. Use Snow Plow Purchase of the plow was in the fall of 1936, but the winters of 1937, 1938 and 1939 offered no occasion for its use. This year’s snowfalls, however, have justified purchase of the equip ment, and altho the township is re sponsible for keeping almost 80 miles of roads clear the plow has proved capable of the assignment. the plow is fastened to the the township truck. Gaso the truck is furnished by township, but Allen county In use front of line for Richland commissioners pay the salary of the operator, Bert Balmer. Altho snow this week marked a continuation of a true winter set ting, the sub-zero cold wave of Jan uary appears to have definitely abat ed. Temperatures in more than a week have been no lower than seven above zero, last Friday’s recording, and the weather since Saturday been considerably milder. has C. D. Steiner To Be Speaker At P. T. A. “As A Man Thinks” will be the subject of C. D. Steiner of Pandora who will address the February meet ing of the Bluffton Parent Teacher association at the high school next Tuesday night at 8 o’clock, public is invited to hear him. The and here Mr. Steiner, educator, writer practical farmer, is well known and is in demand as a public speak er. Formerly operating an alfalfa ranch in Idaho, he now has an 80 acre farm near Pandora and a poul try plant for 1500 White Leghorn layers. Besides this he was in strumental in the development of the Pandora Cooperative Egg association doing a business of $100,000 an nually. He has also been a frequent con tributor to farm papers and maga zines as well as the farm page of daily newspapers. Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding More than friends called and Mrs. John Lawn avenue, Sunday afternoon and evening on the occasion of their Golden Wedding anniversary. 200 relatives and at the home of Mr. Badertscher, of South Observance of the Golden wedding anniversary was marked with a family dinner at the noon hour. Thirty-five were seated at the table, including members of the immediate family, together with their pastor Rev. Emil Burrichter of Emanuel’s Reformed church and Mrs. Burrich ter and family of this place and Mr. and Mrs. Seabold of Bluffton, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Badertscher are lifelong residents of this vicinity. For many years they resided on a farm near Bluffton from which recently moved to town. they Baumgartner Is Cemetery Clerk A. L. Baumgartner, clerk of the Maple Grove cemetery board, was re appointed to that position Monday night at the meeting of the town council. The appointment, recommended by the board of cemetery trustees, was made by Mayor W. A. Ilowe and approved by the council. Baumgart ner’s term will be for two years at a salary of $50 annually. He was also reappointed custodian of the cemetery at a monthly salary of $70. rHE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1940 STRONG FORAGE CROPS MARKET Corn Reckoned Worth More Crib Than “on Hoof” in Present Market in lay and Soys Market is Strong Straw Commands Scarcity Prices With weak cattle and hog markets on one hand and rising prices for forage crops on the other, farmers in the Bluffton district engaged in live stock feeding projects this winter are facing a difficult situation. Notwithstanding one of the largest yields of forage crops in recent years harvested here last summer feed prices which started rising the lat ter part of the year have gone, in some instances, to fantastic heights. Official agriculture department re ports last week disclosed that a government “squeeze” on corn has forced prices up to a point where it is unprofitable for farmers to feed the grain to livestock for market. Worth More in Crib During the past twelve months corn prices have advanced approxi mately tw’enty per cent while hog prices declined thirty per cent and corn is now reckoned as worth more in the crib than “on the hoof’’. Likewise the soy bean crop which is generally estimated would bring 50 cents on the market is quoted at nearly double that figure. The hay market has been strong for the past month with prices firm. Alfalfa hay in the mow, second and third cuttings, was sold in the Bluff ton district during the past week at $14 a ton. Bids of $10.50 for clover and $8.50 for mixed and timothy hay were reported. One dealer here, however, quoted the market price of red clover at $8 a ton with timothy a shade lower. No Straw Straw has been practically off the market since late last fall except at i scarcity prices. The shortage of straw supply is attributed largely to an increasing industrial demand for the product from paper box manu facturers together with an increasing practice of harvesting by the “com bine” method. The present' high^price'levels bus resulted in many old straw stacks on farms formerly believed of nominal value being sold at gratifying ures. Likewise it is reported one farmer in Auglaize county week sold a quantity of hay had lain in his mow for fifty years. fig- Commodity Credit Corporation loans were said to have created an artificial corn scarcity instrumental in forcing prices upward despite an alltime record supply. Ship Supplies East High price levels for forage crops is attributed largely to the fact that although the yield here last year was above average, this situation was not prevalent in other parts of the country. A large part of the crop sold by farmers here is eastern markets. shipped to ratio price reverse of The livestock and feed levels at present are the what has been prevalent for a num ber of years. How long this situa tion will continue is problematical However a sagging in prospect for the current year, it is Ohio Cooperative service. As for hogs, the pork scar city of the last five years has passed into history, according to the Insti tute of American Meat Packers. cattle market is first half of the indicated by the Crop Reporting Visits Mennonites In South America Dr. Henry A. Fast, field secretary of the General Conference of nonites who recently returned a trip to South America will an illustrated lecture at the Mennonite church, Friday night at 7:30 o’clock, it is announced by the pastor, Rev. H. T. Unruh. -ocal Troop Completes First ear with Successful Record Of Progress nterest Indicates Second Troop Will be Organized Here In Near Future National observance of Boy Scout Week from Feb. 8 to 14 finds one Bluffton troop ending a highly suc cessful first year of activity and sentiment indicating early organiza tion of a second troop for local boys. Bluffton’s present troop No. 56 has just made application for its second year’s charter after completion of a program that has already made it one of the most progressive troops in the Shawnee area. Interest manifested in the move ment locally indicates early organi zation of a second troop, and a group of men representing business Mrs. Huber died at pital last Wednesday ing a seven weeks’ illness. that last that Men from give First Dr. Fast spent last fall visiting Mennonite settlements in South America, principally in Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentine and will show pictures of their life and work, in connection with his address here. The public is invited. Jamboree Here Wednesday Night The Boone County Jamboree, a headline attraction familiar to all radio listeners, will be staged by the original cast in person at the high school gymnasium this Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. The attraction is being brought here under auspices of the Bluffton Legion post. Success Of Scout Movement Here May Bring Formation Of Second Troop From Bluffton People in North and South Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Hartzler ar rived in Hartford, Conn., the latter part of last week, where Dr. Hartz ler is a lecturer at Hartford Theo logical seminary. Of their motor trip to that place from Goshen, Indiana, Mrs. Hartz ler writes: “I never saw so much snow as there was in New York state be tween Freedonia and Cazenovia. The roads, however, were cleared. Here at Hartford one sees only little patches of snow here and there.” Chas. F. Miller who has been in the south since last fall on an elec- Funeral Held For Mrs. Chester Huber Funeral services were held for Mrs. Chester Huber, 54, Richland township resident, at St. John’s Re formed church, Saturday afternoon. Rev. Emil Burrichter, pastor of the church officiated at the services. In terment was made in cemetery. Maple Grove Bluffton hos night follow- A native of Orange township, she was born near Bluffton on February 2, 1885, the daughter of Benjamin and Minerva (Stover) Elsea. She was a member of the St. John’s Re formed church and the Richland Township Farm Woman’s club. Surviving are her husband and two daughters Mrs. Howard Moser of near Bluffton and Miss Olive Hu ber of Columbus and two sisters, Mrs. Rosa Mowrey of Findlay and Mrs. Leah Klett of Columbus Grove. Joint Orchestra Concert On Feb. 18 Bluffton and Fostoria High school orchestras, an instrumental aggrega tion of more than 100 pieces, will present a joint concert Sunday after noon, Feb. 18, in the Bluffton High gymnasium. Presentation of the concert by the consolidated orchestras will repre sent an innovation in public school musical circles, and will join to gether two of the best high school musical organizations in this area. Sidney Hauenstein and Earl Smith, instructors in instrumental music at the two schools, will share the ductor’s wand. con- On Feb. 25, a week after the con cert here, the same group will play at Fostoria. Family Night At M. E. Church Thursday Men of the Methodist congregation will serve a potluck supper at Church Family night to be observed Thursday night at 6:30. Following the supper a program has been ar ranged including a duet by Dwight and Eugene Weed, other special mu sic and a pageant of India by the of Rev. John Thiessen, re missionanes from India. family turned Births The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Burry of Pan dora, a son, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simon of Ada, a daughter, Friday. 900 Pound Hog Butchered Here Believed Record TV HAT is believed to be the largest hog butchered this winter is a 900 pound porker be longing to Homer Zimmerly liv ing three miles north of Bluffton on the College road. The hog. a 2-year old Poland China, was so large that the equipment of Peter Schnegg, who does custom butchering, was barely adequate to take care of the huge carcass. The hog, it is said, was not unusually fat and could easily have been made to weigh over half a ton. WEATHER COMMENTS and community leaders are now working toward that end. In one year of activity, Troop 56 already has three first-class scouts and seven of second-class ranking. Members of the troop include Nor (Continued on page 8) trie power line construction project I work at Princeton Theological semin writes from Dallas, Texas: I ary, Yale university and the Univer “Cold weather is past here. Days IS*1J Zurich. are sunny and temperature up to I ^r‘ had the privilege 56 degrees.” I 8tudyin£ with Karl Barth, celebrat- With The Sick Mrs. John Kohler is seriously ill at her home on South Lawn avenue. Mrs. Dwi^rWtcr underwenl a major operation at St. Rita’s hos pital in Lima ten days ago is im proving. Miss Berda Gratz underwent anl operation for appendicitis at Blufftonl hospital, Tuesday night. Her condi-F1 tion was reported satisfactory Wed nesday morning. Mrs. Martha Radebaugh critically ill at her home Bluffton. World Day Of Prayer Meeting Here Friday 10:00 .. 7:30 continues! so“*h °1 Miss Gertrude Hilty who has been I hole course for tbe Bluffton Com a patient at the Bluffton hospital for I niunjjy jbjs year, was effected Mon several months is improving. I day njght at Kenneth Hilty who sustained ^Rlgchool. injuries in an automobile-motorcycle I Rajph A. collision east of Bluffton last sum-1 presjdent of mer expects to enter the hospital I Romey serving as secretary-treas here for treatments. I urer Mrs. Mary 1’olet who has been al Members of the executive com patient at Bluffton hospital has re-1 mittee are Dr. B. W. Travis, chair turned to her home. man. Russen a. Lantz and Dr. Evan Church women of Bluffton and vicinity will observe the World Day« Will rj of Prayer Friday afternoon at theI Methodist church at 2:30 o’clock. I ive and Trade Good NUMBER 41 BIBLE LECTURE WEEK TO OPEN Annual Series Will Continue From Sunday Thru Friday Of This Week Dr. Calvert Ellis, Noted Biblical Authority, to Appear Under College’s Auspices Opening Bluffton college’s annual series of Bible Lectures, Dr. Calvert N. Ellis, professor of Biblical litera ture at Juniata college, Huntingdon, Pa., will make three lecture appear ances here next Sunday. Meetings will be held from Sunday thru Friday in presentation of the se ries which in past years has brought to Bluffton some of the outstanding Biblical authorities of the country. Lectures will be given twice daily, with the exception of Sunday when an afternoon talk by Dr. Ellis also is scheduled. Two Lectures Daily Each morning, beginning Monday, the visiting lecturer will give address es in the college chapel at 10 a. m. Evening lectures will be in the First Mennonite church at 7:30 p. m. Dr. Ellis is a well known lecturer and Christian leader. He has taken I ed German theological leader. I In connection with Bible Lecture C. C. Amstutz, former Bluffton I week, the annual Mennonite Ministers* resident, now living at Leesburg, I conference will be held on the Bluffton Florida, writes: I campus, Wednesday and Thursday, “Average temeperature of the past|Rev- Alva J. McLain, president of month was the coldest January in I Grace Theological seminary, at Win Florida for sixty-four years. The I ona Lake, Ind., will speak to those at lowest reading in this vicinity was I tending. twenty-four degrees. Much of the I Subjects Listed orange crop is frozen but growers I Subjects for the Bible lectures to believe the trees can be saved.” I be presented by Dr. Ellis are as fol _____________________________________I lows: 10:00 .. 3:00 Mrs. M. M. Bogart of South Main! ^-30 street received a broken bone in ther right wrist as the result of a fall on an ice covered sidewalk last Wed nesday night. Sunday, February 11 a. m.—The Search for Security p. m.—A Sensitive Spirit p. m.—The Prophetic Vision 10:00 7:30 Monday, February 12 a. m.—The Purpose of College p. m.—The Biblical Church Tuesday, February 13 a. m.—One Who Knows 10:00 7:30 p. m.—The Church Yesterday Wednesday, February 14 a. m.—One Who Grows p. m.—The Church Today 10:00 7:30 Thursday, February 15 a. m.—One Who Shares p. m.—The Church Tomorrow Friday, February 16 a. m.—One Who Triumphs p. m.—The Lord of Life Golf Club Names Mrs. Noah Augsburger been ill at the home of her son, IL I E. Augsburger of North Lawn ave-l Organization of the Bluffton Golf nue is improving. I c|ubi which plans to obtain a nine- who has I Officers For Year in the high a meeting Patterson the club, was named with E. C. Basinger. On the membership com mittee are: R. L. Triplett, chair man Harry Bogart, Wm. Edwards, Edgar Chamberlain and Don Pat terson. Clipper Will it Oil OF Each year the first Friday in Lent I ______ is marked by this union prayer I Honoring its past and present service held throughout the world. I masters, Richland Grange w*ill hold a Members of the cooperating I COVered dish supper at its regular churches will have a part in the I meeting next Tuesday* night at 6:30 program which is being prepared by o»clock at the Grange hall, women leaders of the different mis sionary meeting. dent of the Methodist women’s so ciety will be in charge of the meet ing. Women of all churches are urged to attend. Tn Npw OPnfinnQ I occupying their newly completed ±11 X’lcn ±jvvl/ivii3 I home on Grove street, moving from Mr. and Mrs. Carl Painter and I tbe Ronand Stratton apartments on family who occupy the Faze farm I South Main street the latter part of near Rockport expect to move this! |as^. week spring to the D. S. Early farm near I The Stratton apartments vacated Beaverdam. I by Triplett family will be oc- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bixel and’ family residing west of Bluffton have left for Texas for the benefit of Mr. Bixel’s health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klickman andl cupied by Coach and Mrs Dwight family will move from the I. R-1 Diller. Mrs. Diller is convalescing Harris farm north of Bluffton to I gt Rita’s hospital, Lima, follow Pandora. I jng a major operation ten days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Amstutz andl treasurer’s office will be at the Citi daughters will move from the Amos I zens bank in Bluffton Tuesday and Thut farm to the Henry Diller heirs I Wednesday, Feb. 20 and 21 to col farm the first of next month. I lect real estate taxes. Masters Of Grange An evening program of games and societies sponsoring the I contests has been planned with prizes Mrs. Edith Mann, presi-|^0 awarded to winners. In New Home Norman Triplett and family are Collect Taxes Here A deputy from the Allen county