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BLUFFTON NEWS The Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory VOLUME NO. LXV TOWN GETS TEN DEGREE BREAK IN LONG HEAT WAVE Cooler Weather Sweeps Into Bluffton District Wednes day Morning. Merucury Records Temperatures Over 100 Degrees in Long Torrid Spell. Breaking a two weeks’ heat wave, a brisk cooling breeze early Wednes day morning sent temperatures down to seventy degrees. At noon the thermometers registered in the low eighties, some ten degrees lower than marks which have prevailed here at midday for the past fortnight. Although Bluffton and vicinity joined the rest of the nation in hop ing that the weatherman’s oft-re peated predictions of showers would bring an end to the blistering heat wave, opinion was skeptical on that point and many believed that the break in the extreme heat would be only temporary. Since Wednesday of last week, the thermometer has hovered at the 100 degree mark every day, and weather forecasts of thunder showers this Wednesday and Thursday have re kindled hopes that relief from the broiling heat may be in the offing. Last Sunday brought the hottest weather of the year, when the tem perature climbed to 102 degrees in the afternoon. All of last week has been unbear ably hot, however, with the official thermometer readings as follows: .Wednesday, 100 Thursday, 09 Fri day,. 98 Saturday, 101, Sunday, 102 Monday, 98 Tuesday, 101. 14 Days of Heat The ’heat wave has gripped the district without a break for 14 days, and on the last 12 successive days temperatures have been over 95 degrees. It is the most extended heat wave suffered here in mahy years, and Biafftor residents havi tried practic ally every available expedient to gain relief. Operators of the municipal swim ming pool at Buckeye Lake have found it almost impossible to close at 9:30 p. m., the regular time, be cause of the large numbers who hate to leave the cooling water. Electric fans are being worked overtime in every home of the town, and practically everyone sits outside until late at night. Some apartment dwellers in the downtown district have been sleeping outside in the Presbyterian church yard to escape the bake-oven temperatures of their bed rooms. Potatoes Hurt Farmers report that the potato crop has been hurt to some extent by the extended heat. Tops of the plants have been killed by the blaz ing sun, and as a consequence the potato harvest is under way much earlier than anticipated. Corn has been hurt only slightly, and showers of rain last Friday and Saturday afternoons helped the crop altho they failed to bring relief from the baking heat. Oats are ripening rapidly and prospects of a good crop are reported generally. Davy Is Acting Dean At Western Reserve Edward D. Davy, native of Pan dora, has been named acting dean of Western Reserve university school of pharmacy in Cleveland, it was an nounced Tuesday. His wife, the former Zoe Bentley of this place is a sister of Mrs. Edgar Hauenstein. of South Jackson street. Davy, professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at Reserve, succeeds Dean Edward Spease who resigned re cently to direct the newly formed pharmaceutical department of the National Association of Retail Drug gists. Davy is a graduate of the college of pharmacy of Ohio State university where he taught for four years be fore joining the Reserve faculty at Cleveland. Injured Man Taken Home In Airplane Winfield Fretz, formerly of this place who was injured in an auto mobile wreck in California early this summer was removed to his home in Chicago by airplane last week. Fretz who has been in Upland, California, is improving nicely. His wife is the former Marguerite Geig er, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Geiger of this place. Births The following births at Bluffton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Biery, Leipsic, a son, Friday. Mr and Mrs Richard Staley, Ada, a daughter, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boutwell, Je nera, a son, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold May, Colum bus Grove, a daughter, Monday. Announcement has been made of the birth of twin daughters, Joan Marie and Jean Ellen to Mr. and Mrs. Doris Bogart of North Warren, Pa. Mr. Bogart is the son of the late William Bogart of this place. A son, James Harper has been born to Rev. and Mrs. Paul Tewell of Ohio City, according to announce ment received here. Mrs. Tewell will be remembered as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harper re siding north of Bluffton on the Dixie highway. HEAT WAVE BRINGS NCREASED DEMAND ON WATER SUPPLY Another Week of Unseasonable Weather Might Bring Water Shortage Here r,hree Wells Pumped Day and Night Unable to Keep Pace With Consumption Another week of the scorching mid summer heat which has gripped the district for the last 14 days will bring Bluffton face to face with its first water shortage in nearly two decades. Altho there is no immediate danger of lack of water, John W. Swisher, superintendent of the municipal light and water plant, reported that another seven days of severe heat will bring requests for residents of the town to conserve water in order to assure enough for home consumption and fire protection. Three large wells at the water works have been pumped day and night for the last two weeks, and al tho their aggregate capacity is in ex cess of 300,000 gallons daily the sup ply of water in the plant’s reservoirs is diminishing. Had Large Reserve Only the fact that th$ town had a large reserve in the reservoirs when the heat wave struck has kept Bluff ton from a shortage, and it will re quire a break in th^ weather within the next week to prevent that occur ence. Last Friday, with a shower during the afternoon, was the only day on which the volume of water pumped from wells has equalled the amount used by patrons it was reported by Superintendent Swisher. 2 Bluffton’s output of water is not metered at the plant and it is impos sible to determine what the town’s daily consumption has been during the extended heat wave. It has been considerably in excess of 300,000 gal lons each 24 hours, however, consid ering that the output of the wells has not been sufficient to maintain the reservoir at a constant level. Previous Shortages Recalled No water shortages have been ex perienced by Bluffton in nearly two decades, altho it was formerly com mon for extended periods of dry’ weather to result in requests for res idents of the town to discontinue sprinkling of lawns and gardens in order to conserve the water. Increased facilities at the plant have made it possible to keep more water in reserve and also to pump in greater volume, but this summer’s unusually long heat wave is begin ning to cut into the supply on hand in a manner that has not been exper ienced for 10 or 12 years. Fire Alarms Come From Two Garages Gasoline fires in two garages dur ing the past week were believed to have been indirectly due to the ex treme heat. In both cases gasoline in containers ignited while cars were undergoing repairs. The fires were extinguished by the department and damage was small. The first alarm came last Thurs day morning from the Augsburger garage at the rear of the Stanley Basinger funeral home. Gasoline and oil in a pan under a truck caught fire while the truck was being re paired. The second alarm came Tuesday morning when gasoline in a con tainer ignited while a car was being cleaned at* the Bixel Motor sales garage. ONE OF OLDEST BUILDINGS HERE BEING REMOVED Blacksmitth Shop Next to Riley Creek Bridge on North Main Torn Down. Building Housed Many Bluffton Projects Condemned by Fire Marshal. Familiar to generations of Bluff ton residents, the old red-painted weatherbeaten building on North Main street next to Big Riley creek bridge is being torn down. The building, built on the very edge of Big Riley—in fact overhang ing the creek bed—has been con demned by the state fire marshal’s office and its removal ordered. Work of tearing down the building was started Wednesday morning by a Mt. Cory wrecking crew. The structure consisted of two rooms one of which has been vacant while the other housed the David Basinger blacksmith shop. Basinger on Tuesday night moved his shop to the home of his sister Miss Lydia Basinger on West Elm street. Year of Building Lost Old records have furnished no clue as to the date when the building was erected. However it is said that the late John Deppler when a boy worked with the carpenters in the construc tion. Earliest record of the building, ac cording to old timers who were at tempting to fix dates Wednesday morning was some sixty years ago when it housed the wagon shop of Chas. Gustweiler and Lawrence Fisher. Those were the days in which wagons were made by hand. Later the partnership was discontin ued and Fisher continued the busi ness for many years. The place was identified with the oil boom when in 1896 William Kim mel operated a saw mill and made rig and djyyjck timbers. Later Kim mel moveonis plant to the site on North Main street now occupied by the Hi-Speed filling station north of Riley Creek bridge. Paint Shop It was about 1898 when Charles Burns set up a carriage paint shop in the building. Later Burns again rented part of the building and as sociated with Basinger operated a blacksmith shop about 1932. After Burns left for Arkansas a year later Basinger continued the shop at the location until the present time. About the time of the World War the late Harl Dillman who then owned the place used a portion of it as an automobile salesroom. Since that time it has served as a garage operated by Fred Martin, later by Burket & Wagner and also by Morris Swick. Title to the real estate is held by a loan company in Lima. Whether a new structure will be erected on the site is not known. Remains Brought Here For Burial Burial services were held at Maple Grove cemetery Monday afternoon for Mrs. Catherine Klay, 78, of Cleveland, former Bluffton resident, whose remains were brought here for interment. She was the mother of George Klay of this place. Mrs. Klay died at her home in Cleveland, Friday night following several years of failing health. Fun eral services were held at that place Sunday evening followed by services at the cemetery here. Rev. Way man of the Lutheran church officiat ed. Mrs. Klay was the widow the late Chris Klay. The family resided in Bluffton for many years and had a large number of friends here. For the past eleven years they lived in Cleveland. Besides her son of this place she is survived by three daughters Mrs. Nina Berkey, Mrs. Eva Cattran and Mrs. Carrie Parker all of Cleveland. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Lucy Klay of Cleveland, Mrs. Rose Tschantz of Upper Sandusky, Miss Margaret Eiserling of Los An geles and one brother Jacob Eiser ling of California. UNION SERVICES Union services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock with Rev. Charles Ar mentrout of the Presbyterian church as the speaker. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1940 To a former Bluffton woman—Mrs. Matthew B. Sweeney of Dallas, Tex as, remembered here as Rose Ben roth—went the honor of christening the newest ocean-going oil tanker of the Sun Oil company at Chester, Pa., Wednesday. Launching of the boat “America Sun”, took place at the yards of the GLEANINGS Picked up from Harvest Fields of the District Harry Anderson of Orange town ship hangs up a record for wheat production for growers of the dis trict to shoot at. The other day Harry threshed an even 100 bushels of wheat from 2% acres. Just in case you don’t want to bother on a hot day with the problem of figuring out the yield per acre, we’ll tell you that it is better than 42 ta bushels. The wheat is of the Thorn variety obtained from Herr Brothers. Hany says he expects to sow more of it for next year. Believe it or not, but there were 1,068 sheaves of wheat in one load at Melvin Hilty’s last Thursday afternoon when Eldon. Tschiegg and his crew were threshing. The boys out in the field set out to send in a big load to the threshers and they did. The 1,068 sheaves made 57 bushels of threshed wheat. This is more than double the 450 to 500 sheaves in the ordinary load. The rubber tire wagon, seven feet wide and 16 feet long had sheaves piled five feet above the seven foot standards. Gid Garmatter and Ray Lora piled them high the wagon and it took tall Minor Vhut to pitch up the last sheaves. It’s in Richland township where even pop corn is growing tall this summer. John M. Marshall of Beaverdam has a patch the stalks of which measure nine feet and eight inches. Marshall also has nine and one-half foot hollyhocks. Fewer Mosquitoes Here Result Of Surveys And Systematic Spraying Orlo West, Former Resident Is Dead Orlo West, 75, formerly of near Bluffton, died at his home in Steam boat Springs, Colorado, Thursday. Death, due to pneumonia, followed a five days’ illness. His death occurred three weeks after his brother, Cliff West of this place visited him in Steamboat Springs, this having been the first meeting of the two in fifteen years. Funeral services were held at Steamboat Springs, Saturday, fol lowed by interment at that place. Mr. West, the eldest son of James and Florence Ewing West was reared on what is now the Roy Rog ers farm two and one-half miles northeast of Bluffton on the Dixie highway. He and his wife, Mary Whisler West left here about forty-five years ago, locating near Steamboat Springs where he operated a ranch until he retired several years ago. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons: Walter of Casper, Wyom ing and Alva West of Kremmley, Colo., and four daughters Mrs. Mont Palmer, Delta, Colo., and Mrs. Levi Boettler, Mrs. Auburn Luekens and Miss Vaden West all of Steamboat Springs. Also surviving are four brothers: Bert of Toledo, Cliff and Fletch of Bluffton and Glenn West of Los An geles one sister, Mrs. Ira Garner of Toledo, six grandchldren and one great grandchild. Another Tar Coat For Township Road Another coat of tar and chips is being applied this week to the Hu ber-Matter road a two and one-half mile stretch extending from the Al len-Hancock county line to the Dixie highway. The first tar treatment was given a month ago after the roadway was widened to forty feet with a fifteen foot wide tar top. Real Estate Deal R. L. Triplett has purchased the David Lugibill farm of 90 acres northwest of Bluffton. Morris Nis wander will occupy the place. Former Bluffton Woman Christens Ocean Going Oil Tanker at Launching Wednesday Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock com pany at Chester in the morning at 11:15 o’clock. As the big tanker slid down the ways Mrs. Sweeney broke a bottle of champagne over the bow of the boat in the christening ceremony. Mrs. Sweeney, accompanied by her husband, an executive of the Sun Oil company, left Dallas for Philadelphia last Sunday to participate in the christening ceremony at nearby Ches- All Exposed Bodies of Water Sprayed Three Times Each Week 1000 Gallons Insecticide Used Mosquitoes Killed in Larvae Stage It’s no mere quirk of fate that Bluffton this summer has fewer mos quitoes than at any time in the mem ory of most of the town’s inhabi tants. Scientific spraying of all exposed bodies of water, on a regular sched ule, is responsible for the compara tive freedom from the troublesome insect pests which in recent years have assailed Bluffton in swarms during the summer months. That the village’s first mosquito control campaign very definitely is a success is attested to by enthusiastic reports from persons who this year can sit outside in the evenings with out being bothered by biting mosqui toes. Careful planning, surveys of spots where mosquito larvae are most apt to breed and regularly scheduled spraying have brought about Bluff ton’s transition from a mosquito ridden town to one comparatively free of the pests. Oyer in Charge Robert Oyer, a medical student now on his summer vacation, is in charge of the control activities, working under the direction of Mayor Wilbur A. Howe and the community mosquito control committee. Spraying of Big and Little Riley creeks and other bodies of water where mosquitoes may breed was started late in May, and will be con tinued until the first frost, according to present plans. Oyer makes daily surveys to spot the mosquito larvae, or wrigglers, as (Continued on page 8) Funeral For John J. Klay Thursday Funeral services for John J. Klay, 83, pioneer Bluffton resident, will be held at St. John’s Reformed church, Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock with Rev. A. F. Albro and Rev. Emil Burrichter officiating. Burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery. Mr. Klay died Tuesday afternoon at his home on West Elm street fol lowing ?ji illness of five days from uremic poisoning. A lifelong resident of this com munity, he was a stone mason by trade and widely known. He was a member of St. John’s Reformed church and the Odd Fellow lodge. Mr. Klay was born on March 27, 1857, the son of John and Elizabeth Geiger Klay. On February 4, 1879 he was married to Elise Marie Tschantz who died on March 23, 1927. Surviving are four children and a step-son: Otto of Lebanon, Mo., Wal ter of Waynesboro, Pa., Elmer and Caesar Klay and Mrs. S. H. Steple ton all of Bluffton. Also surviving are one brother Gideon Klay of Los Angeles and a sister, Mrs. Hannah Kunzman of Alva, Oklahoma. Tax Collectors To Be Here Next Week Bluffton area property owners will have an opportunity to pay their taxes at the Citizens National bank next Monday and Tuesday, when deputies are to be here from the Allen county treasurer’s office. Deadline for payment of last-half 1939 real estate taxes, represented by the present collection period, will be September 10. Last week’s real estate tax pay ments in the county amounted to $46,795.83. Receipts from the sale of sales tax stamps last week were $4,441, an aggregate of $154,770.58 since the first of the year, it was reported by Treasurer Byron T. Dershem. ter, Wednesday morning. On their return to Dallas they ex pect to stop here to visit at the home of her brother, Albert Benroth and family and also her two sister in Li ma, Miss Minnie Benroth and Mrs. Mont Euller. A number of invitations to attend the christening ceremony and also the noon luncheon following were re ceived here the first of the week. COUNCIL TO TALK HARD SURFACING OF LAWN AVENUE *roposa! Slated to Come Before Council at Meeting Monday Night Resurfacing of Cherry Street May be Undertaken if Council Approves Proposed re-surfacing of Lawn and Cherry street will be discussed at next Monday’s meeting of the town council, and work will be com pleted this summer if approval is voted. Asphalt surfaces would be placed on both thorofares under the plans which are to be presented to the councilmen. Lawn avenue one of the longest un paved streets in the town, will be sur faced from Kibler to Riley street, a distance of nearly one mile, if the proposal is approved. Talk Cherry Street Surfacing Re-surfacing of Cherry street is suggested from its intersection with Main street to the Nickel Plate rail road crossing. This would entail placing asphalt surface over the pres ent brick pavement. A summer street improvement pro gram was launched in the town last week when 21,000 gallons of prime coat road oil were put on alleys,' ntfle used streets which had not been treat ed previously, and dust along the borders of streets which have hard surfaces. Oil had to be used instead of tar because these alleys and streets had not been treated before. It is impos sible to apply a tar and stone chip surface until an oil base Kas been built up with road oil, it was explain ed. Last Rites Monday For Jacob D. Huber Funeral services for Jacob D. Hu ber, 82, pioneer resident of this sec tion were held at Pleasant Hill church, Monday afternoon with Rev. J. L. Guthrie and Rev. Lee Moore officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mr. Huber died Saturday night in Ada at the home of his son Prof. H. E. Huber of Ohio Northern univers ity where he had made his home for several years. During his active career Mr. Hu ber operated a farm south of Bluff ton and was a leader in community affairs, education and agriculture. He was a charter member of Richland grange and was one of the original founders of Pleasant Hill church. He was also prominent in farm institute affairs and was one of the first in this section to intro duce modern farm machinery. Mr. Huber and his brother Wil liam were the oldest twins in this district and w’ould have celebrated their eighty-second birthday anni versaries August 21. Surviving are three sons: Prof. H. E. Huber of Ada Dr. L. L. Hu ber of Wooster and Harry Huber on the home farm. Besides his twin brother William of near Bluffton he is survived by another brother John of Beaverdam. Six children also survive. His wife died ten years ago. Woman's Hand Is Injured By Fan Mrs. Olan Lewis, residing in the post office building apartments, was painfully cut on the left hand by the metal blades of an electric fan, Sun day aftemcon. The accident occurred as Mrs. Lewis attempted to steady the fan while in operation and her hand was struck by the revolving blades. Med ical aid w*as given by Dr. M. R. Bixel who took four stitches to close the wound. BLUFFTON A Good Place to Live and a Good Place to Trade NUMBER 14 BIG CROP SURPLUS BEING STORED ON FARMS IN DISTRICT kirns and Granaries Filled to Capacity with Bumper Crops This Year General Opinion Thru Farming Districts is that Prices Will Rise Will prices of farm products rise? Ask any farmer in the Bluffton district, and you will probably get a non-committal answer. They are all too busy right now with wheat threshing, oats cutting and corn cul tivating to take much time out to talk about future price trends. But make no mistake about it— right or wrong—the farmer is ex pecting a rise in prices this winter and he is shaping his plans with that end in view. Here’s the Answer The real answer to the question is found in the barns and granaries filled to bursting with a veritable flood of bumper crops this summer— one of the best all-around growing seasons in years. Hay, wheat and oats—all crowding barn storage space and prospects for a big crop of corn in the offing—not to mention soy beans. Hay started the procession a month ago when farmers were faced with the problem of what to do with it. Some burned the less desirable cuttings while others gave it away. Wheat, Oats, Show Well Wheat averaging thirty bushels to the acre—fifty per cent above twenty bushels, the average yield in this district over a period of years. Yet dealers will tell you that wheat ship ments here are about the same as in previous years. In fact the peak of wheat ship ments was reached on the Bluffton market during the past week and is now beginning to taper off. The aaleg represent the surplus for which, “there was not sufficient storage an the farms or selling to provide money for immediate needs. Price of No. 1 wheat on the Bluffton market Wednesday morning was 73 cents. Oats now being cut will make the best crop in four years, according to competent farm observers. Yields of fifty bushels and more per acre are confidently anticipated. Heat Hits Potatoes Potatoes, however, have been dam aged by the unseasonable heat wave and may fall short of an average crop. Digging of the crop is now under way, having started earlier than had been expected due to the heat. Corn prospects generally, however, have not been diminished by hot weather of the past fortnight and barring unforseeen circumstances, a heavy yield is anticipated which will make additional demands for stor age space. War Cancels Plans Tq Teach In Persia AppointuMmt of Miss Barbara Joyce Haufnstein of this place as in structor in the Presbyterian mission school in Tehran, Iran (Persia) has been cancelled on account of unset tled conditions in the Near East due to the European War. Miss Hauenstein who had expected to sail this month received word the first of the week that no new in structors would be sent to the school at this time. The Bluffton young woman, daugh ter of Prof, and Mrs. Sidney Hau enstein of Campus Drive, received her appointment last May from the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Mis sions. She had been scheduled to sail early in August and to arrive at her destination in time for the opening of the fall term of school the first of September. For the past year she was an in structor in Columbus Grove high school, which position she resigned to accept the appointment to Iran. The school was established seventy years ago in Tehran, metropolis of that region and includes grade and high school classes. It has an en rollment of 110 students consisting of children of missionaries, European officials and natives. Building House P. W. Stauffer has started excava tion for construction of a residence on Kibler street near the Grove street intersection on a site recently purchased from Mrs. W. A. Triplett.