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PAGE SIX ALLEN COUNTY PWA Spends Half Mil lion In County The Public Works Administration has spent $517,893 on projects in Allen county since its inception, it was reported Wednesday. Throughout Ohio the PWA has built 1,211 structures at a cost of $270,605,035, of which $48,024,495 ■was expended in Cleveland and Cuy ahoga county. Of the total projects, 1,058 wjfre partially financed by city, county,/township and school taxing areas while 153 were federal under taking. Second Surprise Costs Him Money “I had two surprises this morning, judge,” Thomas W. Lloyd, 49, of Lima Route 3, told Judge M. B. Jen kins in municipal court Wednesday morning. “The first was when the neighbors came over to help shock my oats and the second was when the police told me I was exceeding the speed limit.” Lloyd, charged with speeding on a Lima street, pleaded guilty and was assessed $3 court costs. G. O. P. Strife Ends Factional strife within ranks of the Allen County Republican party apparently was at an end last week following the selection of a coalition 36-member executive committee which met Friday to select its officers. Rare Pirate Perch Found Ever see a pirate perch? ac cording to the Conservation Depart ment of the state of Ohio, none had been seen in Ohio since 1893, until BARN PAINT goes farther lasts longer looks better STANDARD Barn pain1 Protects your barns and other building for years. Spreads over a maximum number of square feet per gallon. Holds its freshness of color—keeps your buildings looking good. Saves you money —eliminates frequent painting. LOWE BROTHERS STAND. ARD BARN PAINT is a bam paint of unsurpassed quality! Let us show you how you can save money on painting costs Echo Feed Store NEWS NOTES FROM FOUR COUNTIES Public Sale recently several of this rare species were found in this Auglaize river not far from Spencerville. The are can nibalistic looking little minnows that never grow beyond five inches in length. Meteor Big As Moon Seen Three Lima residents reported Wednesday that a meteor, variously described as being “as big as the moon”, which was visible to many Ohioans as it streaked thru the sky Monday night, apparently fell east of Columbus Grove. Mrs. Charles Crockett, Sr., and Mrs. Lillian B. Hookway, of Lima, who were swimming at Columbus Grove, and Justice of Peace War ren Jones, American township, all reported having sighted the phenom enon. Justice Jones said he saw the meteor for fully several seconds and that it appeared to break up into three or four pieces as it reached the horizon. Lima Is Ohio’s 13th City Preliminary census figures for all of Ohio’s major cities, released in Columbus, showed that Lima has climbed from 15th to 13th in the state in relative size. By an increase of 2,477 to a population of 44,764, Lima passed Portsmouth and Lorain, both of which showed population decreases. Meanest Thief Thwart ed By Blind Man Lima’s “meanest thief” was repaid with kindness by a blind vendor who displayed ability to take care of himself. Don Binkley, blind proprietor of a cigar stand in the Allen County court house, helped a strange man to a chair behind his counter when the stranger complained of feeling ill. But Binkley’s acute hearing enabled him to know when the man reached into a case and withdrew several packages of cigarettes, dropping one of them on the floor. As the man stooped to pick up the package, Binkley leaped onto him, while passersby called deputy sheriffs. Having sold my farm, I, the undersigned will offer at public auction at my farm 7 miles south of Bluffton on Allen-Hardin county line and 1 mile east or 1 mile north and 2 miles west of Ada But Binkley declined to file charges, and officers released their prisoner. War Vets To Meet In Lima Arrengements were under way for the entertainment of 1,500 delegates and visitors to a national convention of the Veterans of All Wars, which will open a fourday conclave in Lima, August 15. A. C. Troutman, commander of the Lima post, said invitations have been extended to members of all United States war veterans’ organizations. The headquarters post at Jackson ville, Florida, will send its 40-piece band. Killed In Doodlebug Crash A former Lima resident, Cleon H. Wills, 45, of Cuyahoga Falls, Thurs day was listed among the 43 victims whose lives were snuffed out Wednes day night in the disastrous Cuyahoga Falls train wreck. Wills, architect on the Old Na tional Bank building construction Thursday, August 22 The following property: Strawberry roan gelding, 3 yrs. old, wt. 1500. 14 CATTLE—Herd of 13 purebred Shorthorns con sisting of 3 year old roan registered bull Villager breeding Shorthorn roan cow 5 yrs. old with 3 months old roan bull calf by side 3 roan Shorthorn cows, 5 to 7 yrs. old, to be fresh in fall 3 Shorthorn heifers, bred 4 yearling Short horn steers also Shorthorn-Jersey cow giving good flow of milk. 46—HOGS—5 Poland China sows bred for September farrow Poland China boar 40 spring pigs avg. 50 to 100 lbs. FARM IMPLEMENTS New mud boat with fodder rack new Hudson brooder stove hay tedder steel hay rake riding plow old wagon with hay rack. Kitchen cabinet and other articles. Sale to begin at 1 p. m. Terms—Cash. Auct., Harold McClain Clerk, Rodney Hoover Donald G. Shuster project, now known as Cook Tower, resided in Lima for about a year when the structure was being built. He married May Maynard, of Lima. Lima Budget Is $527,806 Lima council last week approved a 1941 city budget for the county budget commissions approval total ing $527,806.11. Principal item was the reduction of $350,346.11 of the bond retirement disbursement from $367,790 which was expended during 1940 for paying outstanding bonds and interest payments. Business Remains Good In Lima An indication that business re mains good in Lima is a report that bank debits so far this year total $3,724,000, as compared to $3,247,000 for the same period last year. Build ing activity also continues brisk, totaling $216,246 since Jan. 1. Pioneers Meet At Elida Thursday Forty-sixth annual pioneer meet ing, given under the auspices of the Elida Pioneer Society, will be held Thursday of this w’eek in the W. W. Crites Grove, one mile northeast of Elida, it was announced Saturday. Realty Tax Receipts $461,267 Receipts of last-half 1939 real es tate taxes Saturday amounted to $4, 978.57, bringing the total for the week to $70,066.73 and for the col lection thus far $461,267, it was an nounced by Allen County Treasurer Byron H. Dershem. Deadline for payment without pen alty is Sept. 10. Sales tax collections Saturday to taled $910.46, for the week $4,428.73 and since the first of the year $159, 199.31, Dershem reported. 3,000-Foot Oil Well Being Drilled A rarity in Lima oil field well drilling is being accomplished by one of the district’s prominent producers, Bradley Stoner, on his property seven miles northeast of Lima. The producer is sinking a 3,000 foot pit, a depth more than double that of average oil-producing wells hereabouts. The procedure is new in the Lima fields where shafts rarely have been sunk to a depth exceeding 1,500 feet. Average oil producing wells in this locality are about 1,450 feet in depth. Delphos Fair On Aug. 20-24 Rapid strides are being made by officers of the Delphos free street fair for only two weeks intervene before conversion of the business district into a midway of a county fair. The 20th annual event will be staged Aug. 20 to 24 with day and night show’s. Concessionaires are booking space on Main street and the plan of the thorofare reveals that every avail able inch of ground will be in use by opening day. Army Recruiting At New Peak Soldiers wearing the brassards of the army recruiting service are but one phase of the Army Recruiting Service activities, according to Capt. Philip C. Wohlbom. To interest prospective soldiers, Capt. Wahlbom said he has been ad vised that an intensive billboard pub licity campaign will be inaugurated about ug. 15. Car cards, depicting outstanding army posters, are dis played in buses, trains, subways and elevated cars. Capt. Wohlbom said tw’o million automobile stickers are being pre pared for use on windshields of pri vate and commercial automobiles and window’s. Trouble In Bunches For Motorist Trouble comes in bunches for David W. Musser, 23, of Lima. Shortly after noon Saturday, police reported, Musser’s automobile was involved in a collision with another car operated by Frank Vanatta, 63, of Lima. After the accident Musser straight ened out his banged fenders, hitched a trailer on behind his auto and went about his business of hauling dirt from the rear of the Yale Bloom junk yard. Parked at the junk yard on an in clined drive, Musser’s car coasted onto the railroad tracks into the path of a southbound fast freight train. Musser attempted to move the ma chine off the tracks but was unable to get it started. He tried to flag THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO the train but again failed. The locomotive crashed into the stalled automobile, carrying it about 100 yards from the crossing and leaving it a wreck, according to Pa trolman Elgin Ralston. HANCOCK COUNTY Two Hurt As Fire Razes Barn Two men were burned slightly and tw’o horses, six hogs and about 60 tons of hay were destroyed in a barn fire last Friday at the Isaac Sulp farm one mile east of McComb in Route 113. Harry Ryder, a thresher, and B. Culp, owmer, nursed arm burns suf fered w’hen they attempted to get the animals from the burning building. Mr. Culp said he was forced to jump from the window of the structure to save himself. He estimated the to tal loss at $7,000, all covered by in surance. German Refugee Reaches Findlay Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Selo of Findlay last week were overjoyed to greet their daughter, Ruth, who they left in a boarding school in London two years ago while they were flee ing from Nazi persecution in Ger many and came to America to re establish Dr. Selo in medical prac tice. The girl arrived in Montreal, Can ada, and came to Findlay by train. Fugitive Caught In Stolen Car A 16-year-old colored boy who said he escaped Wednesday morning from the boys’ industrial home at Lan caster was apprehended by Police man M. R. Pressnell of Findlay, shortly before 1 o’clock last Friday. The youth w’as sitting behind the w’heel of an automobile parked on a Findlay street in front of the county jail smoking a cigarette. The car, a Chevrolet sedan, was stolen in Wash ington Court House Thursday morn ing, he admitted to the officer. First Current AAA Checks Ready First parity payment checks for the current season have arrived at the Hancock county AAA office and are ready for distribution as rapidly as the farmers call for them. One hundred and forty-four checks for corn parity payments, totalling $4,973.07, were included in the first batch as w’ell as 137 wheat parity checks totalling $3,897.33. Tomatoes On Potato Plants G. W. Alspach, of Findlay, has a number of odd potato plants. Po tatoes are growing at the im of the potato plant, and underneath the leaves are clusters of little green balls which resemble tomatoes. Then comes Mrs. L. D. Oren, of Gilboa, who had her curiosity aroused when she found little “toma toes” on her Irish cobbler potato vines. But the phenomena is explained like this: “It’s potato seed, and if they ripen and are planted a new kind of a potato will be born.” Kettles Are Stolen A crime wave struck Hancock county Tuesday night of last week, Sheriff Lyle Harvitt reported and the only loot taken w’as three 20-gallon iron kettles, the kind used by farm ers during the butchering season. The sheriff said he had information that junk dealers called at the farms and asked to buy old metal. They were refused in each case, but the kettles disappeared. Drops Dead While Doing Farm Chores While doing his evening farm chores, Elmer J. Pepple, 77, dropped dead in the barn on his farm in Jackson township Wednesday night. Death was attributed to a heart at tack. He was found a short time later by his wife. Chain Advertising Against Conscription A chain advertsement campaign against military conscription has been started by Robert J. Ohl, 29 year-old Findlay radio expert. Ohl spent $2.70 of his ow’n money to start what he hopes will be a newspaper advertising campaign against the Burke-Wads worth con scription bill. The “ad” placed by Ohl in The Findlay Republican-Courier was headed “military conscription almost here!* and read’: “Young men, 21 to 30 years of age, who w’ish to oppose should act at once. The press, radio, movies and political party machines are rapidly creating public opinion favorable to conscription. There are over eleven million of us in the proposed age group and we should be the ones to decide this question. Every one write or wire your representative in Wash ington that you oppose conscription or if you wish, drop me a card con taining name, address, age and rep resentative’s name and I will include same in petitions. Meet this crisis the American w’ay. Let Washington hear the voice of American youth. Please act at once, for the time is limited. This is a chain advertise ment. If you possibly can spare the price, clip and insert this ad in an other newspaper. With cooperation, this message can be carried to every state in the union. In the name of our Creator, cooperate!” Hen Works Overtime A case of a hen working overtime has been reported by George Lewis, of Findlay. Mr. Lewis said that the hen hatched a brood of chicks several weeks ago, and although she still is mothering them, she finds time to lay an egg a day, cackling brazenly all the while. “It’s very unmotherly for a set tin’ hen”, Mr. Lewis says. Retire Fire Chief Dies Ex-Fire Chief Charles M. Arthur, for years a familiar figure on the Findlay fire department, died last w’eek following an illness of two years. He was 75. Mr. Arthur retired in 1924 after having served as head of the Findlay fire department 19 years. He joined the department in 1898 and became chief seven years later. Prior to his service in that department, he was a city policeman. Mt. Blanchard Home coming August 13 With preparations rapidly going forw’ard for Mt. Blanchard’s annual homecoming to be held Tuesday, August 13, General Chairman Chas. B. Fahl, former county commissioner, has announced chairmen of various subcommittees. Governor To Speak At Findlay Governor John W. Bricker will be the speaker at a Hancock county Re publican picnic to be held at River side park, Thursday evening, Aug ust 15. Horse Show Attracts Interest The program has been announced for the horse show to be held as a feature of the annual Hancock county fair, Wednesday and Thurs day evenngs, Sept. 4 and 5. Because of the wide variety of classes and events listed, it is expected there will be a great many entries both from Hancock county and other counties. Trucker Fined Follow ing Crash William H. Walraven, 29, of Fen ton, Mich., a truck driver, was fined $10 and costs by Justice Charles C. Holliger Friday, on a reckless driv ing charge filed by the state high way patrol following an accident on route 25 at the Jenera road. Walraven pleaded guilty to at tempting to pass an auto driven by George W. Buchanan, 63, at the in tersection of the Jenera road and the Dixie highway. His auto, patrol men said, struck the Buchanan car in the rear. HARDIN COUNTY Plane Crashes In Onion Marsh Frank Lawrence of Atlanta, Ga., pilot of an airplane used for dusting the potato crop in the Scioto marsh near McGuffey, escaped injury last Thursday when his plane crashed on State Route 195 about a quarter mile north of McGuffey. The plane w’as badly damaged but will be re paired by Lawrence w’ho is a me chanic as well as a pilot. Lawrence apparently misjudged the distance in landing and collided with a concrete culvert at the edge of the road and was throw’n into a utility pole along the highway. Three Held For Shoot ing Dog Three Mt. Victory young men were bound over to the Hardin county grand jury here by Justice of the Peace Roy Haudenschild on charges of malicious destruction of property. They were charged with shooting a dog. The dog’s owner, Nelle Foreman of Mt. Victory, filed the charges in which the animal w’as valued at $25. Those bound over are Grafton Black, Charles File and Ed Schertzer. Each furnished bond of $300. Sentenced For Stealing Fire Escape Donald Beltz, 23, Kenton, last week started serving a 30-day term (Continued on page 7) Brown To Tell About 1940 Ohio State Fair On Farm Night Radio Program of WOSU, Monday, Aug. 12 Dial 570 Kc. 8:00—Music, weather forecast, pro gram preview’, student farm re porter. 8:15—Plans for the Ohio State Fair, B. P. Sandies, Ohio State Junior Fair Manager and Howard Mc Clarren, Asst. Supvr. Voc. Agr. Instruction in Ohio. Also: 4-H Club News, Miss Hulda Horst, Asst. State Club Leader. 8:30 Union County Musicians. 8:45—“Homes on the Land”, Drama tization. 9:00—Come to the Fair, Mrs. Doro thy S. Hammans, Asst. State Home Demonstration leader. 9:15—1940’s Ohio State Fair, John T. Brown, State Director of Agri culture. Also: A Well-Stocked Farm Woods, J. A. Hall, Director, Cen tral States Forest Exp. Station, U. S. Forest Service. 9:30—The Goal of Cooperative Cred it, Morris D. Rice, Sec’y-Treas., Nat’l Farm Loan Assn., Osborn. 9:45 to 10—Music. Ohio Moves Forward In Producing Turkeys Ohio production of turkeys jumped from 175,000 in 1929 to 1,184,000 in 1939, a figure which put the state in eighth place in the national turkey parade, according to R. E. Cray, specialist in poultry husbandry, Ohio State University. While Ohio was increasing by 700 per cent the number of turkeys pro duced here, the whole nation only doubled the number of these birds produced in the period from 1929 to 1939. Ohio now’ has several poultry men who grow more than 3,000 turkeys each year, and one man has raised about 20,000 in each of the past three years. Mr. Cray says there are three main reasons for the upward trend in turkey production. Discovery of a way to control blackhead, pre viously the most deadly of poultry diseases, was the first factor. Put ting the business on a production basis w’ith incubators and brooders, and the development of a national appetite for turkey through the year instead of only on holidays also helped. Considerable work has been done in developing a strain of turkeys which matures early and w’eighs enough to serve the modern smaller family without exposing them to an after diet of turkey hash. Restau rants provide an outlet for large THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1940 turkeys, which furnish a lot of sliced meat for sandwiches. The latest developments in mar keting turkeys is a system of bon ing which leaves only turkey steaks, either light or dark, and which per mits the consumer to buy part of a turkey or a whole one. The develop ment of better cold storages where turkeys can be kept in excellent con dition permits the housewife to buy them any month of the year. Mr. Cray says turkey meat is a good bargain now because there is a larger than normal number in stor age and the new’ crop will be ready for market in a short time. The Ohio State poultryman says that meat held under the right conditions in cold storage improves in quality. ANNOUNCEMENT Octozone treatment for arthritis, rheumatism, sinus trouble, female dis orders internal hemorrhoids and many other conditions. AGRICULTURAL SAND A ground limestone product from our quarry with neutralizing power of 98.75% as attested by the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station at Wooster. Buy Bluffton limestone and save expensive freight charges. Our service includes hauling to your farm and spreading on your fields. Phone us today for prices. Bluffton Stone Co. Phone 142-W We have adopted Ration-Ayd to sup ply Vitamin and the benefits of milk’s B-G Vitamins in all our Poultry Feeds. DR. C. A. BLACK, Osteopathic Physician, 514 Steiner Bldg. Lima, O. Phones—Office, Main 6144. Res., Main 2066 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT STATE OF OHIO. Allen County, m. Estate of Henry S. Searfoss, Deceased. Elmer M. Searfoss. Harrod. Ohio and Clyde R. Searfoss, 670 No. West St., Lima, Ohio, have been appointed and qualified as execu tors of the estate of Henry S. Searfoss, late of Allen County. Ohio, deceased. Dated this 16th day of July 1940. RAYMOND P. SMITH, 15 Probate Judgre. NOTICE! The Amstutz Cannery will operate every Tues day, Wednesday and Fri day until further notice. Amstutz Cannery North of Bluffton on College Rd. Bluffton Phone 635-Y For Vigor and Health— include meat in your menu. Always ready to serve you. Bigler Bros. Poultrymen know that the B-G Vita mins of milk, and Vitamin from cod liver and other fish liver sources are high ly important in poultry feeds. Feed your chicks our C-Ka-Gene Treat ed Ration—builds immunity to Bloody Coccidiosis and prevents heavy losses. Fresh and Salt Meats PRICE Cwt Banner Egg Mash................................ $2.20 Banner Starter...................................... $2.30 Banner Starter with Ca-Ka-Gene___ $2.50 The Bluffton Milling Co. ____ __ _________ _______________ ___ i WANTED—DEAD STOCK WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES Horses $3.00 Cows $1.00 Small Stock removed free of charge. Quick Service Telephone Findlay, MAIN 475, Reverse Charges BUCKEYE REDUCTION COMPANY, Findlay, Ohio __________________ “Branch. Fostoria Animal Prodncti. Inc.”