THURSDAY, JAN, 9, 1941
Bluffton area lesidents may place
complete confidence in the labels of
insecticide, germicides and disinfect
ants because of the federal govern
ment’s surveillance, Robert Maxwell,
of St Louis, Mo., formerly of Bluff
ton, declared last week during a
visit here.
Maxwell, with his wife and fam
ily, visited in Bluffton over the holi
days with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
Maxwell, and his sister, Miss Helen
Maxwell, of Lawn avenue.
He is associated with the insecti
cide division of the United States
Department of Agriculture and is
located in St. Louis.
Few violations in the labeling of
insecticides and other disinfectants
are discovered by the federal depart
Catherine Balmer, daughter of
David and Catherine Stauffer, was
born four miles south of Bluffton
May 15, 1855, and died at her home
on Lawn avenue January 5, 1941, at
the age of 85 years, eight months,
twenty days.
She was united in marriage to
David Balmer who preceded her in
death 22 years ago. To this union
were born three children.
Early in youth she united with
the Emmanuel Reformed church of
which she was a faithful member.
She was also a member of the Dor
cas Missionary society.
Surviving her are one son, Austin
Balmer, of Toledo, and two daugh
ters, Mrs. J. E. Morrison of Ell
wood City, Pa., and Mrs. Elmer
Lauby of Bluffton fourteen grand
children and twenty-one great grand
children, one sister, Mrs. Lydia
Stettler, and one brother Isaac Stauf
fer, both of Bluffton, and a host of
relatives and friends.
We wish to thank the friends and
neighbors for their aid and sym
pathy so generously extended in the
illness and death of our beloved
mother, Catherine Balmer also Rev.
Burichter who officiated, the singers
and all those who assisted in any
way on the day of the funeral and
all those sending flowers.
Former Bluffton Man Checks Labels
Of Insecticide For Federal Bureau
The Family.
Genuine Army Duty Over-runs—see them in our
window. While they last—
ment, Maxwell said, but the unit is
on constant guard to prevent manu
facturers from taking advantage of
the public.
It is part of Maxwell’s duties to
check on frauds and he covers sev
eral states in his operations. Re
ports of labeling violations are
checked carefully.
Materials manufactured and dis
tributed within the same state do not
come under the federal department’s
jurisdiction, and purchasers of such
items should check carefully before
buying, he suggested.
Doubts as to any claims made by
disinfectant manufacturers should be
reported to the county farm agent,
Maxwell said. This information wifi
be relayed to the proper authorities.
Addition Will Be
Made To Bluffton
Legal formalities preliminary to
adding the Lona Triplett addition to
the village of Bluffton were complet
ed this week, and final action on the
matter will be effected at a meeting
of the Allen county commissioners
in March.
Announcement of progress in the
matter was made Monday night by
Mayor Wilbur A. Howe at a meet
ing of the Bluffton council. The ad
dition consists of five lots bordering
Kibler street at the southwest edge
of Bluffton.
Mayor Howe announced that other
additions may be annexed at the
same time if arrangements are made
within the next week or two.
Lima Mission Feeds
17,149 During 1940
Welfare activities of the Lima
City Mission during the last year
included the feeding of 17,149 trans
ients and providing overnight lodg
ing for 5,848 persons.
During December the mission fed
1,081 and lodged 336.
Adam D. Welty, superintendent of
the mission, was a resident of the
Settlement, west of Bluffton, before
going to Lima to engage in welfare
W. H. Gratz Footwear Shop
You can reach your place in the sun—on a
Florida beach—with the greatest ease, com
fort and saving by Greyhound. Go now by
Super-Coach—for more fun, for less mqpey.
One Way One Way
TAMPA ................ $14.45 W. PALM BEACH $15.30
MIAMI ................. $16.05 JACKSONVILLE $11.95
N. Main Street Phone 368-W
1, in a Home of
qour Own
o one can raise your rent
order you to move, tell you
how many pets you may
have or restrict the size of
your family when you
own your own home. To
day—you can Build and
Own cheaper than you
can rent Investigate our
Service Today.
You can Bui kJ
and Own(Mcrf
Tte/rt) This Home
for as HH/eas
Steinman Bros. Lumber Company
B. F. BIERY, Business Mgr.
C. A. BIERY, Editor
Published weekly at Bluffton, Ohio,
by the Bluffton News Publishing and
Printing Co.
Subscription rates: $2.00 per year
in U. S. payable in advance.
Entered as second class matter at
the postoffice at Bluffton, Ohio,
under the Act of March 8, 1879.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stultz visited in
Findlay, Sunday.
Mrs. Theo. Schultz and daughter
Mary spent the first of the week in
Pure home made candy for sale.
Mrs. Samuel Bixel, South Main street.
Bluffton phone.
Isaac Stauffer who has been ill at
his home on South Lawn avenue since
Sunday with heart trouble is improv
Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Travis of Garau
street have returned from New York
city where they visited during the hol
Robert West of Toledo spent Sun
day at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff West of South Lawn
Miss Maeanna Steiner of College
avenue visited over the week end with
her sister, Miss Madonna Steiner at
Ft .Wayne.
Lawrence Balmer of Toledo visited
last Wednesday with his grandmother,
Mrs. Peter Oberly and Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Oberly.
Mrs. Noah Augsburger and Mrs.
J. W. Eversole and daughter Hildred
spent last Friday with Mrs. Joe
Crouse at Ada.
Miss Martha Flick of Detroit visit
ed here over the week end with her
grandmother, Mrs. Martha Flick of
South Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. George Frick and
family visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Mowery of Lafayette
on New Year’s day.
Miss Neva Bigler has returned to
Tiffin to resume her teaching duties
after spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bigler.
Mrs. Charles Bartholomew of Lans
dale, Pa., is spending a week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Eversole and daughter Hildred.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Niswander and
daughter Miss Letha Niswander of
South Jackson street have returned
from a motor trip to Florida over the
Regular meeting of Royal Neigh
bor’s lodge will be held at the club
rooms Friday night. Planning for
installation of officers will be made at
the session.
Raymond Hixon has returned to
Hillsboro to resume his teaching du
ties in the high school after spending
the holidays with his mother, Mrs.
Mrs. Della Hixon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert McGeorge and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Day
men of Adrian, Mich., spent New
Year’s day with Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
McGeorge and family.
Mrs. John McKinney and children
of Lima visited over the week end at
the home of A. S .Faze and Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Faze and daughter Margar
et of South Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Murray enter
tained as their guests, Sunday: Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Breese of Shawnee
and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whisler and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gribling of Lima.
Wade Lape of Chicago visited over
the week end at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Lape-of
Grove street. He is traveling sales
representative of the Marion Steam
Shovel company of Marion, Ohio.
Stanley Steiner, son of E. P. Stein
er, east of town, returned from a trip
to Miami, Florida, Friday afternoon,
with a bountiful supply of grape fruit
and oranges. He returned to his work
in Detroit, Mich., Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Augsburger
and sons Don and Buddy motored to
Berne, Ind., Sunday. They were ac
companied by Mrs. Gerald Hilty who
returned to her home in Berne after
having spent two weeks at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Stratton and daughter.
A family dinner was held on New’
Year’s day at the home of A. S. Faze
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faze and dau
ghter Margaret on South Main street.
Their guests wrere: Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Faze, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Faze, Gerald Faze, Miss Margaret
Edw’ards, Mr. and Mrs. John McKin
ney and family of Lima and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Sumney and family of
Mrs. Ira Kimmel is ill at her home
in Orange township. Visitors at the
Kimmel home the past week were:
Rev. and Mrs. Lee Remaley, Mrs.
Merton Moses, John Welsh, Chas.
Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kim
mel, Mr. and l^Irs. Carl Kimmel, Ma
rie, Betty and Raymond Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Caris and Gerald Mr. and Mrs.
Feiser, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gilbert Mrs.
Ruth Henry and daughter Evelyn.
Diller ambulance removals: Rich
ard Miller from the Lima Memorial
hospital to the home of his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeVore
in Pandora Low’ell Minch of Lima
from the Bluffton hospital tn the
Lima Memorial hospital Mrs. Lester
Binkley from her home to the office
of Dr. .D. Soash and return Solo
mon Marquart from the Bluffton hos
pital to his home three miles south of
Jenera Mrs. W .H. Bridges and in
fant son from the Bluffton hospital to
their home west of Beaverdam.
Miss Marjorie Stratton returned
home Saturday after having spent
the week with a girl chum in Cleve
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Reynolds and
son David Ray of Marion spent the
week end with Mrs. Mary Matter of
Garau street.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Eichelberger
and daughter of Toledo spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hahn.
LeRoy Traucht of the Bixel Motor
sales is attending a school of the Ohio
Oil company in Findlay this week for
special servicing of all makes of new
Miss Mareen Bixler, who is engaged
in social settlement work in Philadel
phia has returned to that place after
spending the holidays with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bixler of
East Kibler street.
Francis Badertscher and Miss Doris
Lee of Bluffton, Ind., spent Saturday
in town visiting relatives and friends.
Badertscher is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Badertscher of Bluffton,
Ind., w’ho formerly resided here.
Right now’, after the holidays and
before the spring rush, we can give
unusual prompt service in furniture
upholstering and repairing. Phone us
for estimates without obligation. The
Murray Upholstering shop, corner of
Thurman and Washington Sts. Phone
Mrs. A. T. Worthington, of Los
Angeles, a former Bluffton resident
visited here the latter part of last
week. Mrs. Worthington, who has
spent the past two months in Cleve
land with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph
Locher and family, expects to return
to her home in California soon.
Prof. A. C. Schultz and family have
moved from the Martha Steiner res
idence on South Lawn avenue to an
apartment at the Armin Hauenstein
residence on South Main street. The
apartment was vacated last week by
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Baker who are
now occupying their new home on
Kibler street road.
Sunday evening supper guests in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Lora were Mrs. Mabel Reinhard and
children, of Jenera Mr. and Mrs.
Omer Gratz and sons of Pandora.
The occasion w’as held to celebrate
three birthdays, that of Mrs. Gratz
and son Arthur, the 3rd and 4th, and
Marilyn Reinhard’s of Jenera, on the
Basinger ambulance removals:
Mrs. Gusta Davidson from the home
of her son Dale Davidson on Lawn
avenue to the Allen county home
near Lima Peter Burkholder from
the Bluffton hospital to the home
of his daughter Mrs. Fred Miller on
Geiger street Mrs. Roy Herr and
infant daughter from the Bluffton
hospital to their home wrest of
Beaverdam Emanuel Kohli from the
Lima Memorial hospital to his home
north of Bluffton.
Training Course To
Start January 23
Opening date of the Community
Leadership Training School has been
changed from January 16 to Janu
ary 23, it w’as announced today by
Rev. J. A. Weed, pastor of the
Methodist church and dean of the
school. The sessions will be held at
the high school every Thursday
night from seven to eight o’clock.
The following courses will be of
fered: A Brief Survey of the New
Testament Work With Juniors
Youth At Worship How Jesus De
veloped Leaders.
Only one course may be taken by
any one individual, but each of them
has been chosen with a view of
making church w’ork more effective.
The school is under the auspices
of the Bluffton Council of Religious
Education and is accredited with the
International Council of Religious
More detailed announcements will
be made later.
Another Operation
After Auto Accident
Another operation was necessary
to save the life of Miss Augusta
Unruh, of Newton, Kansas, who was
seriously injured in an automobile
accident several weeks ago in New’
Mexico. She is the sister of Rev.
H. T. Unruh, pastor of the First
Mennonite church.
Miss Unruh underwent a second
operation at the hospital in Roswell,
New Mexico, last wreek and is re
ported doing as well as can be ex
Among recent visitors at her bed
side in the hospital were Miss Frieda
Streid and her sister who are resi
dents of Roswell. Miss Streid will
be remembered in Bluffton as an in
structor in home economics at Bluff
ton college about 25 years ago.
The annual meeting of The Men
nonite Mutual Aid Society of Put
nam, Allen and Hancock counties,
Ohio, will be held in the high school
building at Pandora, Ohio, on Sat
urday, January 11, 1941 at 2 p. m.,
for the purpose of transacting any
Business that may properly come
before the meeting. All members are
requested to be present.
Girl Reserves Council
The Girl Reserves council will meet
at the Girls Reserves’ room at the
high school Friday afternoon at three
Altar & Rosary Society
Officers of the Altar and Rosary
society of St. Mary’s Catholic church
were re-elected for the coming year
at the annual election held Tuesday
night. President of the society is
Mrs. Harry Turner vice pres., Mrs.
Edward Reagan and sec.-treas., Mrs.
Chas. Hankish.
Society of Christian Service
The Women’s Society of Christian
Service of the Methodist church will
meet at the home of Mrs. Lysle
Baumgartner on Cherry street
Thursday night at 8 o’clock with the
Executive Board meeting at 7 o’clock
Devotionais will be led by Mrs.
Forrest Steinman Program in
charge of Mrs. J. S. Steiner Hos
tesses, Mrs. W. B. Augsburger, Mrs.
Chas. Aukerman, Mrs. Lamar Bas
inger, and Mrs. Anna Bame.
Christmas offering envelopes will
be received and gifts for Children’s
Home in the South will be appreci
ated. All women of the church are
invited to attend.
House Warming
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Diller w’ere
pleasantly surprised last Sunday
night when a group of friends gath
ered at their home on North Jackson
street and gave them an old fash
ioned house warming.
The evening was spent in playing
games after which a potluck lunch
was enjoyed. Later the newlyw-eds
were presented with a gift from the
Those present w’ere: Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Reichenbach, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wenger, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Schumacher, Johnny and
Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ben
roth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gratz, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Gibbs, Rawson Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Benroth and the
honored guests Mr. and Mrs. Silas
Bridal Shower
Honoring Mrs. Silas Diller, a re
cent bride, Mrs. W. O. Geiger enter
tained with a shower at her home on
Washington street Thursday night.
The evening was spent in playing
games followed by dainty refresh
ments. Many beautiful and useful
gifts were received.
Those present were the Misses
Carolyn Romey, Rita Hankish, Neva
Bigler, Rhoda Matter, Meredith
Stepleton, Ora Spangler, Beulah
Geiger, Wanda Diller, Dorothy and
Helen Greding, Clara and Ella
The Mesdames Arden Baker, Rich
ard Bixel, Herbert Rupright, Don
Patterson, Eugene Firestone, L. T.
Greding, A. D. Gratz, Fred Gratz,
Aldine Kohli, Amos Moser, Dallas
Bernard, Theodore Stepleton.
Regrets were sent by the Misses
Margaret Luginbihl, Esther Gratz,
Helen Maxwell, Mrs. Lloyd Van
Meter and Mrs. Eugene Benroth.
Missionary Society Meets
The Woman’s Missionary Society
of the Church of Christ will meet
with Mrs. Helen Wells Thursday
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary of the hos
pital will meet at the hospital next
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.
The Amico Club
The Amico club met at the home
of Miss Pearl Ramer on Mound
street Friday night. The program
was in charge of Mrs. Clarence
Rockey. The game of Bunco was
enjoyed by the group. The next
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. Esther Kirkland on January 17.
Alice Freeman Club
“Health Hygiene and Hooey” was
the theme of the meeting of the
Alice Freeman club held at the home
of Mrs. H. T. Unruh Wednesday
afternoon. The meeting was featur
ed with an address by Dr. B. W.
Travis, Bluffton physician and sur
Century Circle
The Century Circle met at the
home of Mrs. Noah Basinger Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. Wilbur
Howe serving as assistant hostess.
Mrs. I. W. Bauman talked on
American Relationships. Members of
the club responded to a roll call with
names of American authors.
Richland Trustees
Name 1941 Officers
Allen Grismore was named chair
man of the Richland township
trustees in the annual organization
meeting of the group held in the
township room of the town hall last
Wednesday afternoon.
Other officers chosen were vice
chairman, W. E. Marshall clerk, N.
W. Basinger. The other member of
the board of trustees is D. C.
Farewell And Welcome
Neighbors and friends of Mrs.
Mary Matter gathered Thursday
night at the Mrs. Mary Matter farm
on Bentley road in a farewell party
for Mrs. Matter who moved to Bluff
ton and a welcome to Joe Follas and
family who will occupy the farm.
Mrs. Matter recently purchased
the Walter Stratton property on
Garau street and the Follas fanvly
moved from near Columbus Grove to
her farm south of Bluffton.
The evening was spent in music,
games and contests after which re
freshments were served.
Present were:
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Reynolds and
son David of Marion Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Zimmerman and daughter
Karen, Mr and Mrs. Sam Bader
tscher and son Walter, Mr. and Mrs.
Reese Huber, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Huber, Mr and Mrs. Waldo Huber,
daughter Patricia and son Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Will Lei her, Mr. and
Mrs. Millard Herr and daughter Dor
othy, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gratz,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Marquart and sons
Francis and Melvin, Miss Lucy Bes
sire, Mr and Mrs. Follas, son Ray
and daughter Joann and Mrs. Matter.
Regrets were received from Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Matter, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Leiber, Mr. and Mis. Ray
mond Matter and Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Amstutz.
®rof. Lantz Directs
Lima Mixed Chorus
Prof. Russell A. Lantz, of Bluffton
college, will direct the Lima mixed
chorus of 100 voices when it com
petes in the Central Ohio eisteddfod
at Columbus on Washington’s birth
day, Saturday, February 22.
Prizes in excess of $2,500 are of
fered in the eisteddfod, which is one
of the state’s richest. First award
in the mixed chorus division is $700.
Prof. Lantz succeeds Mark Evans,
who died last spring, as director of
the Lima chorus, which is rated as
one of the best in the state. Evans
was an instructor in the music de
partment at Bluffton college years
Why rent a farm, when you can
buy for ten per cent of the purchase
price? Payments less than cash rent.
H. B. Marshall, phone 623-R.
Wanted—Girl to care for baby
while mother works. Omar Welty,
142 S. Jackson St.
Wanted—To buy or rent a home in
town or home with small acreage in
country. Address Box A, Bluffton
News. 38
Wanted—We need some extra flocks
of White Leghorns and Rhode Island
Reds. Call Steiner’s Hatchery, phone
When in Lima stop and see us at
331 N. Main St., Stratton Hardware,
“Hap” Stratton, prop.
For rent—Dwelling at 507 N. Main
St., consisting of two suites. A. D.
Gratz, City hall.
For rent or sale—8 room house on
W. Elm St., modern. Possession Feb.
I. See John Kohler, S. Lawn Ave. tf
For sale—Used radios, all sizes
electric and battery sets priced to sell.
Braun’s Radio serivce.
For sale—Baby buggy in good
condition. Mrs. Fred Hahn, Bluffton
phone. tf
For sale—Potatoes'. Clarence Stein
er. Bluffton phone. tf
For sale—Modern house 364 Cherry
St. Richard Bixel. Adm. tf
For sale—Winter apples also pure
strained honey. Augsburger Fruit
Farm. tf.
For sale—Limited number of line
and end posts many hard oak in the
lot. Line posts 12e each while they
last. Call 576-R, or see Frank Lug
ibihl, 3*2 miles south of town on the
Bentley road.
For sale to settle estate—90 acre
improved farm, well drained, excellent
soil, good bank barn and silo adapted
to livestock feeding, electricity. Lo
cated midway between Col. Grove and
Pandora. Can give possession by
1 March 1. Clarence D. Diller, Execu
tor, Henry A. Diller Estate, Pandora,
Ohio. 40
For sale—Ear corn. Amos Kling
ler, Bluffton phone.
For sale—Globe kitchen range,
Protane gas range and Coolerator ice
box, all in good condition. Inquire
302 Cherry St.
For sale—Modern suburban home
with small acreage. Priced reason
able. A. .Gratz, City hall.
For sale—Several varieties of good
winter apples good apple butter. The
Steiner Friut Farm, east of town.
For sale—Irish cobbler potatoes.
H. P. Zimmerman, phone 52,-R.
For sale—1936 model tudor Ford
V-8 new battery, good rubber, in per
fect running order. Priced to sell.
See Silas Diller at Fred Gratz Cloth
ing store or at 152 N. Jackson St.
For sale—Cheap if taken soon. H.
A. Alderfer property, South Main St.,
Andrews property, Lawn Ave. and V.
G. Green property on Spring St. Bet
ter get a farm before March 1. I
have 20, 40, 60, 80’s and bigger. H.
W. Althaus.
Lost—White collie, brown spot on
face answers to name of Laddie new
collar without license disappeared
about three weeks ago. Call E. M.
Reid, Bluffton phone 455-T.
Hospital Meeting
Annual business meeting of Bluff
ton Community hospital for election
of trustees and transaction of other
business will be held at the high
school cafeteria next Monday night
at 7:30 o’clock, it is announced by
Calvin Balmer, secretary of the or
is inventory time.
The first week in January is
inventory time—when affairs
for one year are closed and
plans made for another.
It’s also a good time to check
up on your insurance.
Changed conditions in the
past year may also require
changes in your insurance.
This is especially true in
cases of co-insurance.
We invite you to consult us
on all matters of insurance—
without obligation, of course.
Dependable Insurance for
Dependable People
See Us for Bonds
For Quality Dry Clean
ing Phone 302-W
We Dry Clean
and Press Daily
We Call for and Deliver
Fresh Drugs
Quality Drug Store
of All Kinds
Prescriptions Care
fully Compounded
Sidney’s Drug Shop
Phone 170-W
1 n Bluffton
rJ "♦hespectacular]
musical extrava-|
nents have been!
waiting fori