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Image provided by: Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
Newspaper Page Text
ssion SING, 10:00 A. M. Auditorium 1 FE’S AWAY1 iracters a club Session THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1941 Auditorium ... High School Band .... Rev. Eli Steiner .. Mayor W. A. Howe ......... Mrs. Fred Boli etics’ High School i Mr. C. Clyde Jones ehool Cafeteria IN00N, 1:15 P. M. High School Mrs. Fred Boli High School .Mr. C. Clyde Jones NING, 7:30 P. M. Auditorium School Age, Free ......................High School Band .......... Dorothy Jennings inpersonations. .Mrs. Pearl Boli .........................Robert Marshall T'... Mr. C. Clyde Jones ................. Eleanor Amstutz Harry Anderson Mrs. Fame Fett ys......... Carl Marshall o be...... .Mrs. Mabel Jennings ...................Mrs. Carrie Stratton Clyde Warren WNG, 10:00 A. M. Auditorium .Rev. Albro lulum” Mr. C. Clyde Jones .Mr. Edgar Herr Mr. J. H. Warner slical & Reformed Church ’s Missionary Society tNOON, 1:15 P. M. Auditorium .Mr. J. C. Windau D. J. Basinger, Chairman [err and Hiram Locher ,.......... Levi Althaus, Chairman iy Gratz, Chris Gratz Session NING, 9.4b A. M. Reformed Chyrtf (), ... ^0:30 M- r.... NOON, 1:30 P. M. Ohio 54 Iowa 831 Iowa 93D Ohio K-35 Ind. 431 Ohio 60 High School v God BUbs America .Mrs/H. T: Unruh ... Mrs. W. A. Howe it Led by Miss ttgley', Bluffton^hools ,... Mrs. Brackney Voiida Burkholder 9. Rose Afiiie Hilty aseum hsdt blu .....Mrs. Pearl Boli .Mrs. Arthur Bowers ,r.: mgelical & Reformed Church yb i David Tschiegg ics. .Directed by Eddythe Cupp of Ebenezer Mennonite Church afe”. ........ .Mrs. Pearl Boli Satisfied Customers—One customer reported an average of 75 to 80 eggs per day through October, November and December from 100 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets. Mr. Clyde Jones i nr ni .t-.-i i Mi&HK ................. Il s FREE Constructed for Battery and Power Line Operation (110-120 volts) all contained in one radio. Complete with Battery ready to operate ........... Millen C. Geiger, Owner January 22 and 23, 1941 RAM Bluffton, Ohio Phone 642-Y Associated with Dr. Meyers, Plant Breeder—Member Ohio Corn Hybrid Producers—Member Ohio Seed Improvement Association ER'S INSTITUTE Hybrid Seed Com grove BEST 1 k MEYERS Produced from “Meyers Best Hybrids” bred in Allen County now being processed—tipped, sorted, shelled and graded at our drier in Huber school house on Bentley road. Attend the Institute! Edgar Herr will give an address on Hybrid Corn Thursday morn ing at 10:00 A. M. Visitors Welcome HERR BROS. WS We also sell Coal Oil and Electric Brooders, Poultry Supplies, Salsbury’s and Turner’s Poul try Remedies. Chick Starting and Growing Mash that really gives results. Quality at a Reasonable Price Service that Satisfies Bluffton Hatchery Co. .-J Visit Our Hatchery When You Attend The Institute GENUINE DRESDEN ROSE !. VlfiWl .'I .. 32 I’lliCE SET of DINNER WARE Given with the Purchase of a New Dual Purpose TRUETONE RADIO See this Powerful Set in a Beautiful Cabinet $29.95 These Two Radios are Special for January and February. EASY PAYMENTS. Western Auto Associate Store Another customer who bought 500 White Leghorn chicks from us last year was so well pleased with the quality and good production that he placed his order for 2000 for this spring. THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO Ohio 56 Ohio W17 Ohio €-14 Ind. 608 Blood Tested DAY OLD and STARTED Chicks We have a Modern brooding room to start your chicks one or two weeks. I Constructed for Power Line Operation only (110-120 volts) no Battery is neces sary for this model. Special dur- Ml QF ing Farmers’ Institute. ..... 121 S. Main St., Bluffton, 0. Ml. n less patwnS of so'' FORD TRACTOR WITH Ferguson System Rixel Motor Sales Bluffton I Bixel Tractor Co Findlay (Ziowuuf About Ration Ajd Egg Mash 3 Experienced poultry men right here at home, will testify to the merits of Ration-Ayd Egg Mash. (Jet Ration-Ayd today for your laying flock—it promotes healthy, rapid, uniform growth and Maximum egg produc tion. .. F. Farmers Between the Institute Sessions Stop- in for Our Big January 9c Sale .oM .e-£ Sale chockful of every day necessities that sell regularly* for |be-—15c—20c—25c, all -‘r-: --'C bl'-"” now ................................::::.............■............ "r All New Merchandise 3Cf Z?.rfT ........................................... See Our HancRiills for List of Values '’•rn ................. A’’ Ij Ruff’s 5c to $1 Store i- ‘“N F* wcbitolN k Un/ A THE FORD TRACTOR will more than pay for itself in increased egg production and we invite you in to see for yourself. It’s Important' One of the big advantages of the lightweight Ford tractor is—LESS SOIL PACKING. Ground pressure of the tires is less per square inch than that of horses’ hoofs. Because the lightweight Ford tractor with its Ferguson system of hydraulically controlled wheel-less implements is so different, you’ve really got to see it. Next Week—While you are attending the Insti tute is a good time to stop in and see this tractor— the tractor that has made good. THE BLUFFTON MILLING CO. SxJO XI ___________________________________ _________________________________ Farme IT TU’S Ripe!1. "j Eh».t»qI« t-.tT 3C I PAGE FIVE sh ftns 'AjSA Z Id WHIIL-kESS IMFLIMINTt $2.20 38^ II ..It’s WiefelingH T^osWeCani I 5 JJ We ate equipped to do all kinds .'AMC I naa. Qur Portable Equipment will de the work 1 nM Atvm IF haziacoorv Ro “Waa fad Iiuwupt 'TOBI! ongoloS (1M.I