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PAGE SIX ALLEN COUNTY County Employees Get Pay Boost Hany L. Burgess has been re elected president of the Allen county board of county commissioners. Other members of the board are H. T. Morris and Dale Jennings. They re-appointed 13 county employes and raised salaries of several including Clerk Edward Jones. Grocer-Poet On Radio Howard Clevenger, Vaughnsville grocer-poet, read several of his works over radio station XV LOK, Lima, at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. They included “Just A Forty Acres” and “Fall and Shadows”. Delphos Man Discovers Seven Comets Leslie Peltier, amateur astronomer, has discovered seven comets and a nova, or a new star. A nova really is not a new star, but merely one that has faded and suddenly reappears with new bright ness. Of the comets he has discov ered, four bear his name. His name also is given to the others but along with other astronomers, who discov ered them simultaneously. His most famous was found in first since enough to of a tele in another May, 1936. It was the Halley’s in 1910, bright be seen without the aid scope. It will reappear four centuries. Lima Asylum May Be Improved Prospects for a $200,000 expansion program at the Lima State Hospital for the Criminal Insane appeared brighter Friday with announcement that priority in the state’s proposed $5,000,000 welfare improvement plans would be given to four insti tutions for insane, including Lima. The announcement was made by Welfare Director Charles L. Sher wood. He said emphasis would be put n enlargement of institutions at Lima, Dayton, Akron and Hawthorn den, and modernization of clinical apparatus. Window Looted Of Watches A thief who broke a window’ at the Zumbrun Jewelry store in Lima shortly after 3 a. m. Friday, ob e 1 seven wrist watches valued at $378, G. F. Zumbrun, proprietor, in formed police. The loot consisted of four men’s women’s watches. Officers E r.r. itt Scott and Frank Yost the thief hurled a piece r’.ent thru the front window. re of Loan Conmnv Earns $474,385 The Colonial Finance Co. earned a AP FOODSTORES 1 POPULAR BRANDS CIGAF.rm ■'l.t FRESH SALTED SOD/ CRACKERS 2 1 3c IB. BOX MLP SOFT TWIST BREAD SUNNYFIELD PASTRY FLOUR 24,'2b£ 59c u 33c Bacon Squares Stacked Picnics NEWS NOTES FROM FOUR COUNTIES net profit of $474,385 for the year ended Oct. 31, reports showed last week at the annual meeting in Lima. Common stock dividends totaled $2.30 a share, as compared with $1.31 1939. in Former Lima Girl Top Singer A one-time Lima schoolgirl, Helen O’Connell, now a singer with Jimmy Dorsey’s nationally known orchestra, was selected as the best feminine vocalist of the year by the magazine “Down Beat”, musicians’ trade jour nal. General announcement of the selection was made by Time maga zine in the current issue. HANCOCK COUNTY Sled Goes Thru Ice. Boy Rescued Two Huber school boys went to the rescue of a playmate late Tues day afternoon in Findlay after he and his new Christmas sled had gone through the ice of Eagle creek just south of Lincoln street. Bobby Routson, a fourth grader, after being rescued by Donald Mains and Leslie Gaines, appeared more worried about the loss of his new sled than about his wet clothing, his rescuers reported. Utility To Raise $400,000 The Central Ohio Light and Power company is taking the preliminary steps involved in the sale of securi ties in connection with additions con templated later on at the company’s plant at Bluffton. Sale of $400,000 in securities is now being completed in the financial market in the east by the company as the initial step in the program. of a million dollars will by the time the financing completed. Upwards be involved program is Real Service In Fire It was a lucky thing for H. Smith, 50, of Tampa, that his car caught fire at Tuesday where it did. William Florida, 4 p. m. the the The fire broke out in front of state highway patrol barracks at north edge of Findlay and patrol men quickly attacked the blaze while city firemen were called. Damage was estimated at $50. The fire apparently started when a wheel became hot and a out. Smith was towing new trailer which was not tire blew a brand damaged. 13 Men In February Draft Word has been received from Columbus that Hancock county will send 13 colored, sued by quarters draftees, 12 white and one when the third call is is state selective in February. The two local boards white men each and board No. 1 (Findlay) will send one colored. The call is expected to issued between Feb. 10 and 15. Fund Appropriated For Farm Agent The Hancock county commissioners last week voted an annual appropria tion of $2,000 for the year 1941 for the purpose of meeting the county’s half-share of the cost of maintaining the office of county agricultural agent. The amount is the same as last year. 77 In Defense Classes Sixty-five are enrolled in the third period of the national defense voca tional school in Findlay, which last week swung into regular class work in Findlay High School. It will con tinue for 12 weeks with classes from 6 to 10 p. m. five days each week. Twelve persons turned out for the initial meeting of the Vanlue de fense school. Findlay 35th Ohio City Findlay is the 35th city in size in Ohio, according to the latest census which places the city’s population at 20,228. Treasurer Asks Non Payment Of Taxes This is one of those things that just can’t be true—but it is! The doesn’t during here is Hancock county treasurer want anyone to pay taxes the next few days. And the reason— The treasurer’s office was hasten ing Friday afternoon to complete the writing of statements and receipts, preparing to mail tax bills to Han cock county’s 12,000 taxpayers. With hundreds of them already in en velopes and hundreds more in the process of preparation it is nearly impossible to find the receipt when ever anyone calls to pay. case it takes a lot An tition chase service head- will send six in addition EIGHT O'CLOCK 3--39 SALAD DRESSING, Iona............ BAKING POWDER, Clabber Girl W utshOUSE MILK................. MFDM FLOUR ............ FLOUR, io SCRATCH ’.c. Daily Egg ..... LAYING MASH, Daily Eag CALUMET BAKING POWDER FRUIT COCK-TAIL, Sulfono TOMATO JUICE, Iona SUPER SUDS OXYDOL, RINSO BEANS, Ann Page All Varieties RICE, Fancy Blue Rose .... SOAP, Ajax Toilet or Laundry CORN, Packers Label MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE PfirG or KIRK'S FLAKEWHIT* SOAP SPRY or CRISCO NAVY BEANS MACARONI or SPAGHETTI, Encore OATS, Sunnyfieid OLEOMARGARINE, Sure Good PILLSBURY'S ECST FLOUR TOMATOES, lono PEACHES, A&P CORN FLAKES, Sunnyfield chase & Sanborn 15c i Apples 16c Grapefruit 15c Oranges of time, statements were The rest will go day to day and of this The first batch of sent out Saturday, into the mails from it likely will be the end week before all are delivered, erally speaking, they are going into the mails in alphabetical order. indication that the second pe for a referendum vote on pur of the Ohio Power company waterworks in Ada may be thrown given this week Ada soions. by the village as illegal was the meeting of out at the revised petition The fact that was not filed within 30 days after council had passed an ordinance ap- qt. 21c 2-lb. can 21c .... 6 fall cans 40c 2414-lb. bag 91c each 25c Vi-lb. pkg. 21c 3 No. 2 cans 23c 3 22-oz. cans 19c 24’/j-lb. bog 61c 100 lbs. $1.80 100 lbs. S2.15 .lb. can 2 fall cans 46-ox. can 2 coffee RED CIRCLE COFFEE 8OKAR COFFEE CH IPSO, Flakes or WALDORF TISSUE PEANUT BUTTER, CHEESE, Wisconsin Cheddar dexo, Pure Vegetable Shortening Granules PAPER Sultana 19c 23c 15c 18c 11c Ige. pkg. 2 1 -lb. cans lb. 5c 3 cakes 10c 4 No. 2 cans 27c 2-lb. fin 48c 3 bars 11c 3-lb. can 49c 4 lbs. 15c 3-lb. box 21c 15c 35c Ige. pkg. 4 lbs. 241/2-lb. bog 89c 3 No. 2 cans No. 2Y2 cans 25c 2 Ige. pkgs. 19c lb. 23c 2 lbs. 33c 2 lbs. 35c 19c Ige. pkg. 19c 4 rolls 17c 2-lb. jar 21 20c 3-lb. can 39c Fancy Box WinMBpa 5 25c 7 25c HO Sise 20 ««69c THE BLUFFTON NEWS. BLUFFTON, OHIO be Gen- County Treasurer Tell Thompson asked, therefore, that until state ments are received, taxpayers defer coming in to pay taxes. HARDIN COUNTY Ada Petition May Be Thrown Out proving purchase of the waterworks plant from the utility for $68,000 (Dec. 3rd) was cited as one reason the petition may be ruled invalid. Students Win Trip To Florida Raymond Hunsicke and Maibelle Harder will receive a 10-day as the award for being the high boy and girl in the recent ‘1 ance quiz”, sponsors county W. C. T. U. ceived a grade of 94 in Miss Harder received 92. PUTNAM COUNTY Old Fire Apparatus To Be Sold the chem-| Mr. village is I tained Two-Bit Bounty On Hawks I Payment of a 25-cent bounty to all members who kill voted last weewk a a the Putnam County club in the courthouse a hawk was meeting of of Conservation at Ottawa, include out. the the this does not officials pointed However, mouse hawks, The hawks must be brought to secretary for members to obtain bounty. Balance In County Relief Fund In sharp contrast ary w’hen the outloc Putnam county fac balance of $7,197.( poor relief fund. In each i rector Bonnie B. balance together cost of relief dur nted out enditures She the Former Pandora Banker Dies Mr. Steiner Beaverdam school that bids Councilmen announced are being received on the chemical apparatus which in the municipal building modern successor. They will be opened and the equipment sold at the council’s next session. I church assembled I Mrs. ed half a cen-1 Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. ith last Janu-I shall was chosen was uncertain,! Other members of the board 1941 with al Lewis Van Meter, E. L. Michael, in its direct! Walter Hoohstettler. Mrs. T. County Relief Di Corns reported this with figures on the ing 1940. reducing 1940 she has been able to opeiatel daughter of Bluffton were Sunday within the ity’s r*,:xI which at the beginning of the year! Cook and family to be too small. I cost a total of $30,430.511 wit! 1,667 cases being pro-1 a 25 perl the costs! cases. appeared’ Relief last year vided with aid. This was cent drop from 1939 when totaled $36,89.3.29 for 2,111 I I Township sign-up meetings were held thruout the county recently for imitteemen county Peter C. Steiner, 72, prominent Pandora farmer, former 1--------, school teacher and merchant, died at 5:20 o’clock Wednesday morning of last week in his farm home after since 1900 has reduced the man labor an illness of six weeks from heart troube. ncnt of Light Plant Head Resigns the family- a life-long resident ofl corn from ip, Putnam county, was I Per acre 7, 1868, the son ofl and Magdalene (Lugibihl) I farmers IL- was married in 18931 claim that Riley townshi born on Dec Christian Steiner. to Elizabeth Bixel, who survives. $85,000 For Putnam Farmers Putnam county fanners Tuesday received $85,000 additional soil con servation checks, Chairman Arnold Schroeder of the county A A A com mittee announced. is Grove municipal 1 lant, for the past thii red l"s position Dereu •Yozen Food Lockers In obimbus Grove ho id 1 »ok at the s poiiulat n incret Stat s. ay determi cen st■s. Southern soutl■ern Florida a 1 reas in +he natim a 25 1-•! cent incr Wni.b Kohli a place Of Maui 10,000 ini-al I n n the fire! Baughman, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell) dish dinner at the noon hour. Guests| t^onadJ' known evangelist, was the Once an important cog in tne nre| I v— nfI speaker, fighting equipment c* now’ outdated and useless, ical outfit owned by the being placed on the block. Koi Rockport Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey and! Miss Madeline Bixel of Rittman I ®ody Works in Lima. daughter were Sundav visitors of I was a week-end guest in the home ofl desse F- Steiner w’as removed from Mr. and Mrs. Dode ‘Ramsey and I her sister, Mrs. F. C. Marshall. Ithe Community hospital in Bluffton family at Buckland. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Vertner left I Beatrice Cupp and Toine Luoma, all! Wilbur Steiner has been seriously this week on a motor trip to Florida. I of Toledo w*ere Sunday guests of Mr.ldl in the Past few daYS of McGuffey! The Ladies Aid Society of the I and Mrs. Walter Cupp and family^ I Mr” and Mrs- Chris Welty and Mt. Victory! Church of Christ met Wednesday! Mrs. Stewart Berryhill w’as re-| daughter, Florence of Ft. ip to Florida! with Mrs. Sam Varvel. I ’J Mrs. John Augsburger and Mrs. hospital in Lima, Friday night, fol '‘temper-l Jack Pugh visited Wednesday w’ith I lowing a serious ear infection w’ith bv the Hardin| Miss June Augsburger in Lima. la threatened mastoid. Hnnsicker re-| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams en-|will be avoided it possible. I neck and Ruth Boaz left Saturday the test and! tertained the Win-One class of the I Mrs. W. E. Marshall was among alfor Ft- Wayne and then to Berne Methodist church Wednesday evening I group of Bluffton members who at-lto sPend Sunday. in the church basement. Those pres-1 tended the O. E. S. 8th district meet-1 Ruth Bixel attended the funeral ent were Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Arthur,ling and school of instruction held inl°^ ^er unde on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams en-|will be avoided if possible. Mrs. W. E. Marshall was among a of Ottawa but I Augsburger. I included Mrs. Lloyd Van Meter of sP®a^er‘ and Mrs. I. C. Paul enter-1 Pandora Mrs. Donald Van Meter,| The father of Charles Grothaus, the Homemakers Sunday I of Beaverdam, and Mrs. Charles I suPer*ntendent of I andora schools, class of the Pleasant View I Wells and little daughter. During I Passed away at his home in New is parked I Ruth attended a District meeting of I year: beside its I the Eastern Star at the Masonic I Pres., Mrs. Glen Huber Sec’y., Mrs. probably I Temple in Van Wert Saturday. I Ralph Vertner is employed at the| Campbell Sec’y of Lit. Patterson Flying When first purch tury ago, the chemical outfit was a hand-drawn vehicle. Later the vol I of Camp Shelby, unteer firemen purchased a usedla ten days’ furlough with the for-|a missionary will be the speaker at I day wdth her sister, Mr. and chassis and motor and mounted the|mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.|the next meeting which will be held! Oren Doty and daughter, outfit on it. Lutterbein. I in the home of Mrs. William Reich-1 Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Stirn was retained as clerk. Richard Arnold of Ft. Wayne Business college is spending the week family and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gris with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gail more were Sunday afternoon callers that by I Arnold. I in the home’ of Mr. and during T\jr an(j Mrs. Earl Matter and| Burkholder. Mr. and Mrs. Sam relief budget dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed daughter Florence and Miss Vera Mr. and Mrs. Carl Amstutz family were Sunday visitors of and Mrs. Pete Amstutz and daughter I near Beaverdam and Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn. I Mr. and Mrs. Win. Younkman are I Pandora were Sunday dinner guests visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clair Younkman and family at West I Neiswander. Unity. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lugibihl andlMr- John Althaus had as their family were Sunday dinner guests of I Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Younkman and I David Schumacher and son, banker LEGAL NOTICE IN THE PROHATE COURT. ALLEN COUNTY, OHIO Maurice K. Kohli, Administrator of the Estate of Christina Kohli, deceased. Howard Winchester and the Misses!to home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herr and family,! Van Wert last Saturday. I returned with the above Mr. and Mrs. Donald Michael and! Members of the Presbyterian Mis-lFt’ Wayne. family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zimmer-1 sionary society enjoyed a very fine! large crowd attended man and family, Mr. and Mrs. I meeting in the home of Mrs. Edgar! a^ afternoon evangelistic services Russell Brackney, Mrs. Dwight! Begg last Wednesday with a covered!at LeiPsic- E. Howard Cadle, na- Friday evening. I the business session the following! Rrernen Tuesday morning. Carrie Durkee and daughter I officers were elected for the coming I ^am Schey. residing south of Pres., Mrs. Edgar Begg V. Flndlay has rented the J. A. Diller Mrs. C. A. Barnum was a recent enbach, the second Wednesday ini Sunday guests in the visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Lenn Fergus February. I Warter*’*Huppr**Treas~," Mrs/ D. C:|Dennia Diller the past year. Mrs. Chas. Field at Sairfield, I Armentrout Red C-oss, Mrs. J. O. Cupp. It was announced that Miss Richard Lutterbein I Lulu Sommer who recently returned Miss., are enjoying from Belgium where she served as! and family of Defiance spent at Sidney. Mrs. Louis Van Meter will be I Mary Louise. Mrs. Harley Lugibihl w’as a Sun-1 hostess to the Friendly Neighbors! David Carr, who day dinner guest of Mrs. Edith Mann Club for the January meeting to be I Lehr Green in his airship to Florida at Bluffton. held Thursday afternoon of next! returned home on Saturday. Lester Piper returned to the U. S.| week. The following program will! Rev. Paul Zimmerman called in Ship Badger at South Carolina after! be given: Music, club Medicine! this vicinity on Monday. spending several days with Mr. and| Men of the 80’s and Progress ini Mrs. Grace Hughes has sold her Mrs. Vernon Foltz. (Medicine, Mrs. Clifford Fruchey |35 acre farm to Jesse Bracy of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bassett and! Horse and Buggy Doctor, Mrs. Wm.I Bluffton. daughter of Bowling Green Mr. and| Reichenbach Music, club Madame! Rev. and Mrs. Paul Zimmerman Mrs. Ed Bassett were Sunday visit-1 Currie, Mrs. Sidney Hauenstein. I and son Paul entertained the young ors of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Bassett) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Amstutz of I folks of Pleasant View at their home and family. Pandora Mr. and Mrs. Otto Badert-lin Rawson Wednesday evening. Walter Amstutz has been named) scher and daughter Doris Jean,! Communion services will be ob president of the board of education Wanda and Allen Tscheigg and Mr. I served at the Pleasant View Church for the coming year at a meeting) and Mrs. Aaron Messinger and son I next Sunday morning, held Tuesday evening. Francis Mar-1 James, all of near Bluffton spent! vice president. Sunday afternoon in the home ofl are Mrs. Eugene Tscheigg. and| Grover Davidson of Pandora was al V. business caller in our vicinity Sat-1 urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Althaus day dinner guests, Mr. and I 1 land Elizabeth Steiner all of near! Development of farm machinery I Pandora. I I who use freezer lockers| Miss Catherine Steinman of Jenera! they make a saving of| was a caller in the W. E. Marshall! about $13 by having a 225-pound hog| home one evening last week. dressed and frozen instead of selling| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sylvester and! the hog and buying the same amount| family of Ft. Wayne were Sunday! of pork at retail. I Plaintiff, vs. Florence Burl holder, et al.. w tterwon amdl foi Hornet Reichenbach, Vli is Schu 1 1. \1- v md children on Armin I own|of Smithville returned to their home Sun Mrs. Mr. Hiram Suter and the Misses Susan! ... I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cupp and! required to produce an acre of wheat I and Mrs. D. C. Campbell heard! from 8.8 hours to 3.3 hours and fori Ralph E. Baneyin’s illustrated lecture! 15.1 hours to 6.9 hours I on “Behind the Scenes in Nazi Ger-1 many” at the U. B. Church in Lima! Sunday morning. I ft eeke vith her 1 .1 fat.hei. Nah Bixel. w,, I Mi. ind Mrs. Ed Gerber of Kidron, iram Mr. and Mr: Miss Mary Bu at Kidron for s ned with them. a deacon at the Sunday niorninj SMITH. THURSDAY, JAN. 16, 1941 moved from her home to Memorial I ^nd’’ sPent the latter part of last work at the Bluffton firm and is at present employed at the Superior week with relatives here. Misses Lucille and Ruth An operation! ^ary Klien Gerber, Henrietta Sch- and Mrs. C. J. Whisler S'c I I Mr. and Mrs. William Althaus and! Mrs. Chris Augsburger I Burkholder, Mr. and Mrs. Walter and I Welty and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. I Homer Spallinger and family all of Orlando Lugibihl and son of near and Wayne, Geiger, and then group to the Sun- I farm. The place was occupied by Pleasant View Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman Sun Mrs. accompanied See us at once. I I I afternoon callers in the Glen Huber| home. Settlement Edwin Luginbihl returned! Wisner, Nebraska, Friday! Mrs. from where she visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Amstutz and time Green and David Carr made to Florida last week by air Works S. P. Herr INSURANCE For Vigor and Health— WE PAY TOP CASH PRICES Small Stock removed free Quick Service include meat in your menu. Always ready to serve you. Bigler Bros. Fresh and Salt Meats WANTED LUNG SUF FERERS TO TRY Lower’s Prescription for bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs and colds. Especially wonderful for that cough that causes worry. Don’t delay. Sold by \. Hauenstein & Son. Chemists. Marion. Ohio. of charge. Telephone Findlay, MAIN 475, Reverse Charges BUCKEYE REDUCTION COMPANY, Findlay, Ohio "Branch, Fostoria Animal Products, Inc.'* 3 were Clymer home of Mr. and daughter I I I I LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Every Load Insured STAGER BROS. Bluffton, Ohio Insurance! Wintry Blasts make us think of Fires. And when we think in this direction, we should think of Insurance against Fire, Storm, Smoke, Wat er, Rent and Explosion. •01 mi aai K)1 E. ff] litj ofl TN