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rhe Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory ______________ A VOLUME NO. LXV START RESIDENCE BUILDING PROGRAM SEE BUSY SEASON Excavation is Begun for Second New House in Bluffton This Spring Prospects are that Volume This Year May Equal Record Figure of 1940 Residential building in Bluffton which has been tending sharply up ward for the past two years bids fair to continue at the same pace during the present year, according to spring construction activities which are get ting under way with the arrival of favorable weather. The first of the w’eek found Rev. E. G. Steiner breaking ground for a new residence property near the end of South Jackson street on the lot which he purchased from Mrs. Moses Stein er last year. This is the second residence under construction for Bluffton’s 1941 build ing program, the other being that of Rev. Levi Mellinger who is building at the rear of Mrs. Alma Bixel’s lot, Suoth Main street on a site which he recently purchased. Building Starts Early Building this spring is starting earlier than for the past two years when the peak of construction activ ity was reached in the fall and ex tending into the winter season. One reason for the early opening of residence construction this year may be due to the fact that prospective house aiders want to get wcli un der way before work starts on the large addition to the generating plant of the Central Ohio Light & Power company which is scheduled for a lit tle later in the season. Contractors generally are expect ing a busy season until next wintei and a number of new residence pro jects are expected to be announced within the next few weeks. May Equal Peak Year The number of new residences to be constructed may reach last year’s record figure of fourteen, the largest number of dwellings to be built here in any one year. Although this num ber established a record, it is pointed out that it surpassed by only one, the 1939 construction total of thirteen new hemes. The home-building program, now going into its third year ist'ne reaction to Bluffton chronic housing shortage. A survey conducted by the Bluffton News the first of the week disclosed that empty houses here are practic ally non-existent. Supplementing the building pro gram are several remodeling projects now under way by which residences are being made into apartment dwell ings. These are expected to be ready for occupancy by arly summer. Farewell Service For Rev. Kliewer Sunday Farewell services for the Rev. P. A. Kliewer, pastor of the Ebenezer Mennonite church since 1929, will be held at the church Sunday. His final sermon will be given Easter morning to be followed by a basket dinner at noon with the farewell mes sage to be given in the afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Kliewer will leave Bluffton on Monday to accept a call to the pastorate of the Grace Men nonite church in Albany, Oregon. Albany is only 28 miles from Dallas, Oregon, the former home of both Rev. and Mrs. Kliewer and is 18 miles from Pratum, Oregon, where Rev. D. J. Unruh, former Pandora pastor, is located. Rev. A. C. Schultz, professor of Biblical literature at Bluffton college, will take up the pastoral duties of the Ebenezer church starting Sunday April 20. Rev. and Mrs. Schultz will occupy the Ebenezer parsonage located on Grive street. Enroute to the west coast, Rev. and Mrs. Kliewer will visit their children at various points. From Bluffton they will go to Barbourville, Ky., to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ru dolph Larson. The next stops will be at Wheaton, Ill., to see a son, Paul and at Elgin, Ill., to visit another daughter, Mrs. Calvin Kielsmeier. In Joliet, Montana, Rev. and Mrs. Kliewer will visit Rev. William Tem plin and conduct a series of meet ings. Rev. Kliewer came to Bluffton from the Mennonite church at Mon roe, Washington in 1919 and has served the local church continuously since that time. LIBRARY CLOSED The Bluffton public library will be closed on Good Friday, it was an nounced this week by Miss Ocie An derson, librarian. BLUFFTON NEWS 'T' L-J DT No Easter Tulips Or Hyacinths This Year Due To War tJYACINTHS and tulips, tra ditionally associated with Easter’s floral parade, will be missing from the scene this year because of the European war. Germany’s occupation of Hol land has cut off exportation of hyacinth and tulip bulbs com prising the principal source of the American supply. SEASON OF EASTER IS AT HAND WITH VARIED ACTIVITIES Sunrise Meeting to Mark Be ginning of Day of Special Services Sunday Good Friday Afternoon and Evening Services Egg Hunt on Saturday Easter—an outstanding event on the church calendar, traditional har binger of spring and an important milestone in mercantile circles—will be observed in Bluffton next Sun day. Preparations for the occasion are seen in pre-Easter activities which are absorbing the interest of the town and community this week. Spe cial programs rin churches, new Easter wardrobes and the perennial interest in home gardens all are ap parent. Union Good Friday Service Union Good Friday services will be held at the First Presbyterian church from 1 to 3 p. m., with pas tors from the various Bluffton churches speaking at the seven 15 minute programs. An Easter Egg hunt at Harmon field Saturday afternoon will be one of the high spots of the year for Bluffton kiddies. All children are in vited to take part in the frolic, di rected by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Bluffton American Legion post. Sunrise Service Easter will be ushered in with a sunrise service sponsored by the Bluffton Young People’s Federation, at the First Mennonite church at 6:30 a. m. Prof. H. W. Berky will be the speaker. Also on the Easter program of the Young People’s Federation is a Good Friday Candlelight service at 7:30 p. m. Friday in the Presbyterian church. A one-day vacation will be enjoyed by pupils in the Bluffton public schools, with classes dismissed all day Friday. Bluffton college is closed for the week for spring vaca tion. Lions To Hold White Elephant Sale May 10 A white elephant sale will be held by the Lions club at the vacant lot adjoining the Stratton building on Saturday afternoon, May 10. A plan similar to the one in which the Lions raised funds for the pur chase of materials for the swimming floats at the Buckeye lake several years ago, will be used. The funds from the sale this year will be used for the Lions Commun ity Betterment fund. This fund is used to assist in the financing of the various community service projects of the club in the community. A systematic canvas of the busi ness houses and residences of the town will be made by members of the club to secure items for the sale. Edgar Chamberlain is head of the committee in charge of the sale. Sunrise Service Is Planned On Easter Easter sunrise services sponsored by the Bluffton Young People’s Fed eration will be held at 6:30 a. m. Sunday in the First Mennonite church. Prof. II. W. Berky, of the Bluffton college faculty, will be the speaker at the event. All young persons of the Bluffton community are urged to attend. A Good Friday candlelight service also will be held by the Young Peo les’ Federation, at 7:30 p. m. Fri day in the Presbyterian church. “The Tragedy That Opened the Tomb” is the theme of the service. Special music also will be presented. Births The following birth at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Hauenstein, Ada, a girl, Thursday. JL JL JL JLJ j/ JL JL JL NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, O HARRY BOGART IS APPOINTED RURAL ROUTE 2 CARRIER Will Give Up Job As Postal Clerk To Assume New Duties Monday Other Appointments Expected To Be Announced Shortly By Postmaster Harry Bogart, clerk in the local post office since 1937, was named mail carrier on Bluffton Rural Route No. 2, the first of the week. Announcement of the appointment was made by Postmaster Ed R. Reichenbach from a list certified by the federal civil service commission. Bogart will assume his duties on the mail route next Monday morn ing, relieving Ralph Patterson, sub stitute carrier, who had filled the position since last fall when Ross Bogart retired. Bogart’s appointment is the sec ond to be made in the last two weeks, Woodrow Little previously having been named carrier for Route No. 1. Four Other Appointments Four other appointments remain to be made at the post office this spring. These comprise three new posts including janitor, assistant janitor and charman and an addi tional post office clerk. In addition, a new clerk also will be named to fill the place left va cant by Bogart’s transfer to the rural route. Appointments to the positions will be made by Postmaster Reichenbach from lists of eligible candidates fur nished by the civil service commis sion. Announcements will be made as soon as routine requirements have been met. Union Good Friday Service In Afternoon Union CkftflT Friday services will be held in the First Presbyterian church from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. this Friday, with the program consisting of seven 15-minute sessions. Theme of the service will be on Christ’s “Seven Last Words on the Cross”. Pastors in charge of the seven in dividual services will be Revs. Chas. M. Armentrout, Emil Burrichter, Eli Steiner, P. A. Kliewer, J. A. Weed, Grover T. Soldner and H. T. Unruh, speaking in the order named. Special music will be presented, with Miss Esther Niswander as choir leader. Those attending may enter or leave as they desire since each session will be presented as a separate service. Lenten Cantata At Ebenezer Church Choirs of the Ebenezer and First Mennonite churches will present “The Story of the Cross”, a Lenten can tata, at 7:45 p. m. Good Friday evening in the Ebenezer church. Francis Niswander will sing the role of Pilate and Clayton Bucher the part of Jesus. Other featured soloists include Mabel Lora, soprono Esther Lugin buhl, soprono MabeL Amstutz, alto Vera Amstutz, alto and Geraldine Grismore, accompanist. Prof. Otto Holtkamp, of Bluffton college, is di recting the production. A7. E. Byers To Talk To Lima Club Here N. E. Byers, former dean of Bluffton college, will be the speaker at a meeting of the Lima Torch club to be held at the Walnut Grill in Bluffton this Wednesday night at 6:30 o’clock. Byers will speak on the subject, “A Just and Permanent Peace”. Bluffton members of the Lima club in addition to Byers are Dr. C. H. Smith, Dr. L. L. Ramseyer and Dr. J. S Schultz, all of Bluffton college. Jhe Torch club is a service organi zation composed largely of Lima business and professional men. State Athletic Head Will Address Lions H. R. Townsend, state athletic di rector for the secondary schools of the state of Ohio, will be the speaker at the meeting of the Lions club to be held at the high school cafeteria Tuesday night at 6:15 o’clock. Also attending the meeting will be the high school athletic officials and members of school teams, it was announced by P. W. Stauffer, presi dent of the Lions club. I HO, THURSDAY^ APRIL 10, 1911____________ Bluffton youngsters will scatter in the wake of the Easter Rabbit at Harmon field Saturday afternoon, when they participate in the annual Easter Egg hunt sponsored by the Women’s Auxiliary of the Bluffton American Legion post. Should weather prove unfavorable, the egg hunt and its associated con tests will be held in the Legion hall. Starting time of the event will be 2 p. m. Those in charge of arrangements estimate that more than 100 dozen gaily colored Easter eggs will be used in setting the stage for the annual egg hunt. .-------- Contracts for 100 Acres of To matoes Being Let to Farm ers of This Area Planting Done by a Mechanical Planter Displacing Hand Labor First step in making the Bluffton and Pandora farming area a produc tion center for tomato growing will be the planting the latter part of next month of 270,000 tomato plants to provide tomatoes for the Pandora Cannery to be opened this summer. Contracts for 100 acres of toma toes will be let to farmers in the area in order to provide sufficient tomatoes necessary to pack 25,000 cases. The firm will pay a flat rate of $10 a ton for tomatoes delivered to the plant. Average Yield With the average yield estimated from 8 to 12 tons per acre the new farm produce outlet has considerable possibilities in providing an attract ive income source for farmers. The tomato plants ire grown from seed by a largtyg^er in Georgia and will be about 8 inches high when planted here. The seed is drilled in the ground, somewhat similar to the drilling of wheat. The Georgia grower has about 700 acres devoted to raising tomato plants. They are shipped north in crates, making the trip in about 18 hours. Upon arrival here they will be planted immediately making them transplanted from Georgia soil to the Bluffton soil in about 24 hours. Easter Egg Hunt For Kiddies At Hannon Field Saturday Afternoon Area Fanners To Plant 270,000 Tomato Plants In Anticipation Of New- Income Machine Planting No longer is transplanting done by hand as was the case until recently. The job is now done by a mechanical transplanter drawn by a tractor or horses. Three men are required for the planting—one to drive the plant er and two to place the plants. The mechanical planter digs the hole and puts in some water. The two men with the planter place the plants. The plants are placed about four feet apart to give them ample room for spreading and for root de velopment. If they are planted closer together both the quantity and quality of the yield are decreased. 2,700 Plants to the Acre About 2,700 plants are required for an acre of tomato growing and with the 100 acres being contracted for in this area a total of 270,000 plants will be required. The plants will begin producing about the mid dle of August and will continue until late September, the same period of operation for the cannery. Machinery for the new industry is being purchased and will be installed during the month of May in the building being fitted for that pur pose. The building, now owned by Hiram Schutz of Pandora has been obtained under terms of a 10 year lease. The building was used as a can ning factory about 35 years ago when a Pandora company did a large business in that field. The concern will be operated by B. H. Macke of Wapakoneta, who has been in the canning business for about 35 years. About 50 people will be employed during the canning season. Mrs. Diller Named To Health Office Mrs. Waldo E. Diller, of Bluffton, was named vice-president of the Al len County Tuberculosis and Health association at the annual meeting of the group last Wednesday night, in Lima. Dr. Hirschel Litherland, Allen county superintendent of schools, heads the association as president, and among the members of the board of directors are Mrs. Calvin Early, of Lafayette, and Wendell Crider, of Beaverdam. Participation in the afternoon fro lic will be limited to children up to and including the sixth grade. Prizes will be awarded to winners in the special contests. Legion and Auxiliary members will provide most of the eggs, but the cooperation of other residents of the town and community also is asked. Colored eggs may be left at Fett’s hardware store not later than 1 p. m. on the day of the event. Each Legion and Auxiliary member is to provide two dozen colored eggs. Bluffton Boy Scouts will assist in conducting the hunt again this year, under the direction of Scoutmaster Karl Gable. Real Estate Deals Walter Stratton has purchased the Donivan Steiner property on Har mon road occupied by Wilford Stein er. Deal handled by H. W. Althaus. The Frank Zuercher farm of 102 acres south of Bluffton has been purchased by Ralph Williams, who will ocmupy the place. Zuercher has purchased the Otto Klay property on Mound street now occupied by Fred Bronson and expects to move to town this spring. Fred C. Badertscher has purchased the S. F. Nonnamaker property on Spring street. In New Locations Al Lownsbury and family have moved from the Edgar Chamberlain property on Cherry street, the form er Mrs. Jean Murray residence, to the Hamilton Berry property. Chamberlain is remodeling this week the apartment vacated by Lownsbury into two apartments one of which will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Byron Anderson. Harry Lugibihl moved Tuesday from the Gottlieb Frankhauser farm to the David Reichenbach property, formerly the Dillman residence, on North Main street. Fishing Contest To Be Held At Quarry Cash prizes will be offered by the Bluffton Sportsmen’s club in a fish ing contest to be held at the National quarry lasting until Dec. 1. Only members of the club will be eligible. A prize of $4.00 will be offered for the heaviest bass, blue gill and chan nel cat caught at the quarry. Only weight and not length will be consid ered in determining the awards, it was stated by the officials of the club. Edgar Root and Leon Hanuenstein will weigh all fish entered in the con test. Only fish caught in the quarry at locations other than the north side will be considered in the contest. Spring Weather Finally Is Here Spring weather made a belated ar rival in Bluffton this week nearly two and one-half weeks after its official debut on March 21. Warmer weather and bright sun light on Monday and Tuesday set the stage for the first touch of spring fever top coats were left at home and amateur gardeners were hard at work. A maximum temperature of 71 Tuesday afternoon was the high mark for the year, and altho the weather in the evening turned slightly colder the warm spell is ex pected to continue. With the long-awaited break in the weather, Bluffton area farmers are busy in their fields from day light until dark, and residents of the town are at work in gardens and on their lawns. Motion Picture At Masonic Meeting “The Army on Wheels”, a motion picture, will be shown at the regu lar meeting of the Bluffton Masonic lodge next Monday night in the lodge rooms. Charles Aukerman, master, announced that the meeting will be open to Masons only. Bluffton Boys Is M. P. At Camp Knox Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stonchill and daughters Carolyn and JoAnn and son Elmer and Joe Swank visit ed John Stonehill and Neil Holden at Ft. Knox, Ky., over the week-end of March 29. John who volunteered for army service last winter is one of the camp’s military police. Traffic Over Route 103 Being Detoured to Vance, Cherry And Mound Streets W^b BLUFFTON Motorists Here Pay Bill Of $16,000 For Auto License Tags TJU’FFTON area motorists have spent more than $16,000 for new 1941 auto tags, Clayton Bixel, local registrar, said Monday. Approximately 1200 sets of license plates were distributed here for passenger cars, trucks and trailers during the latter part of March and the first week in April. JEFFERSON BRIDGE IS BEING REPAIRED BY HIGHWAY CREW New Steel Stringers and Wood en Floor Being Built Into New Structure Work on the Jefferson street bridge leading into Route 103 is be ing completed this week, it was an nounced by Mayor W. A. Howe. The tools for doing the job have been placed near the bridge for several weeks, the repair crew wait ing for warmer weather in order to begin construction. The bridge was a center of con troversy for some time, the mayor threatening to close it to traffic un less action or assurance of action were taken in the near future. When the matter was finally set tled that the bridge repair responsi bility rested with the state, plans were made for the repairs. Repairs will consist of placement of the steel “stringers” for the sup port of the floor of the bridge, a new wooden floor and painting of the structure. Traffic on Route 103 is temporarily being detoured around the bridge by the way of Vance, Cherry and Mound streets, Students Qualify For State Contest Qualifying 34 students for compe tition at the state musical contest on May 2, Bluffton High school walked off with a lion’s share of the honors at the annual district solo and en semble contest held at Ohio Northern university at Ada, Friday. More than 400 musicians from 60 high schools in northwestern Ohio were present to compete for the honor to represent their schools at the state meet. All musicians receiving the rating of superior and excellent qualified for the state competition. Superior is the highest rating and excellent is the next high rating given by the judges. The following musicians qualified: Solos—Roger Howe, tenor, super ior Wilhelm Amstutz, bass, excel lent Betty Holtkamp, mezzo-soprano, superior Alice Oyer, soprano, su perior. Boys ensemble LeRoy Lugibihl, Norman Beidler, Wilhelm Amstutz, Roger Howe, excellent. Girls ensemble—Marcene Stonehill, Ruth Hankish, Mary E. Stearns, Marjean Todd, Betty Holtkamp, Hild red Eversole, excellent. Mixel ensemble—Alice Oyer, Dor othy Anderson, Betty Steinman, Hel en Soldner, James Gratz, Robert Cooney, Harold Augsburger, Gerald Augsburger, excellent. Violin solo—Neil Neuenschwander, excellent. Cello solo—Betty Steinman, super ior. Xylophone solo Barbara Jean Triplett, superior. String quartet—Alice Jean Bixel, Neil Neuenschwander, Jane Howe, Mary Margaret Basinger, excellent. Flute quartet Geneva Hankish, Beverly Biery, Harriet Burkholder, Raymond Schumacher, excellent. Father Of Bluffton Man Dies In Crash William Krichbaum, 69-year-old Arlington resident, father of Carl Krichbaum, of Bluffton, was injured fatally at 12:30 a. m. Sunday when his automobile struck a bridge abut ment three miles south of Findlay on Route 31. Krichbaum was southbound, appar ently enroute to his home in Arling ton where he lived alone, and it is thought that he may have fallen I asleep at the wheel. His son, Carl, is employed at Gaiffe’s filling station. Other sur vivors include a daughter, Mrs. Clara Burkett, of Michigan a sister, Mrs. Adam Von Stein, of Jenera and a brother, Philip Krichbaum, of Carey. A Good Place to Live an Good Place to Trade NUMBER 50 MARKET FOR FARM PRODUCTS SWINGS TO HIGHER LEVELS Quotations for Hogs and Dairy Products Lead Sharp Ad vance First of Week Egg Prices Also Rise in Face Of Large Production from Flocks of Area Prospects of better prices for farm products appeared the brightest in recent years as farmers this week took advantage of favorable weather to get under way with spring tillage. Spurred on by the impetus of war demand, livestock and dairy products especially moved up briskly. Hogs, leading the advance were up some 40 cents over last week’s figures with a top price of $8.10 on the market here Wednesday- morning. Hog quotations in the big central markets gyrated wildly the first of the week, chalking up an advance of fifty’ cents per hundred pounds on Monday and losing half of the gain Tuesday. Prices were steady at the local yards Monday and Tuesday at $8.10. With a jump of five cents a doz en over retail egg prices of last year, it is going to cost more money to have Easter eggs this season. Top quality eggs were quoted at 23 to 24 cents per doz en at local groceries Wednesday morning. Soybeans, also spurred by demand of defense industries for its oil con tent crossed the dollar mark for the first time in recent months and were quoted at $1.03 Wednesday morning. Smaller Pig Crop According to reports of the bureau of agricultural economics, the crop of pigs this spring will be smaller than last year. This together w-ith increased pork shipments to Britain under provisions of the lease-lend bill is expected to cause even higher prices. The beef and lamb supply situation is more favorable. The bureau re ports that surveys indicate that more cattle will be marketed this year than last. It says, however, that prices can be expected to average higher on ac count of improved consumer demand. More For Eggs Farmers are receiving four to six cents more for eggs this year as com pared to last y ear, w-ith prices at 21c for w-hite and 19c for brow-n eggs quoted by local buyers. With butterfat at 36c an increase of three cents in the last two weeks has been reported at local markets. Last year at this time farmers were receiving 32c per pound for butter fat. Consumers are paying 40c per pound for butter on the retail -market, it was reported Wednesday morning. The spring season is usually the time of heavy egg production for poultry farms and w-ith the higher prices being paid this year, area farmers are in line for some good profits in this particular line. Fishing Prohibited At Water Works Quarry Fishing in the quarry at the municipal w-ater works will be pro hibited this year, it was announced Monday night at a meeting of the Bluffton Community Sportsmen’s club. The quarry was stocked last year with crappies and other breeder game fish as a part of the district fish conservation program, and in the future it is expected to be one of the best fishing spots in this area. Plans for rearing approximately 100 four-weeks-old pheasant chicks as a summer program of the sports man’s organization are nearing com pletion, it was announced at the meeting. One of 10 pheasant pens has been completed in the Bluffton High school w-oodw-orking shop, directed by A. L. Daymen. Pens will be 10 by four by tw-o feet in size, and will be covered with w-ire mesh. Announcement w-as made at the meeting that the local club now is affiliated with the League of Ohio Sportsmen. Slight Damage In John Marquart Fire An evening fire in the Orange township residence of John Mar quart last Sunday evening resulted in a loss of $13. The blaze was discovered soon after one of the family struck a match in a closet. A call was made for the Bluffton fire department, but the alarm was cancelled after the family succeeded in extinguishing the fire.