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BLUFFTON NEWS The Advertising Medium for Bluffton Trade Territory VOLUME NO. LXV CERTIFICATES TO BE GIVEN TO 40 OF NIGHT SCHOOL Formal Presentation to be Made To Men Finishing National Defense Course Graduation Exercises Will be Held in Auditorium Wed nesday Night, April 23 Certificates signifying completion of the national defense training courses which closed here recently, will be presented in graduation exer cises to 40 men at the high school au ditorium, Wednesday night, April 23, at 7:30 o’clock, according to an nouncement made this week by A. J. B. Longsdorf, superintedent of Bluff ton public schools. Norman A. Triplett of the Triplett Electrical Instrument Co. will speak at the meeting which, will mark the completion of the three months’ courses in national defense. Formal presentation of the certificates will be made by Forrest L. Steinman, presi dent of the board of education. Two courses were presented at the night sessions, one dealing with metal working under the instruction of A. L. Daymon and the other in vocation al electricity taught by George Sigg, both high school instructors. All of the men receiving certificat es are registered at the Ohio unem ployment bureau in Lima which has branch connections throughout the state. The government does not promise employment but exerts every effort in placing the men in either a commercial or private job for which he is most suited. Men finishing the course of instruc tion were: Vocational Electricity Vocational electricity, George Sigg instructor—Jack Clark, Maurice and Robert Criblez, Gene and Richard Mericle, Richard, Ralph and Dean Motter, Elmer Burkholder, Marlowe Bish, Raymond Spangler and Marion Fisher, all of Bluffton Sherwood Huser, Wayne and Robert Sutter of Pandora Delbert and Nelson Harter and Richard Kiene of Columbus Grove Gerald Cans and James Clum of Ada Wilbur Bormuth of Rawson Raymond Crawford of Mt. Cory Rob ert Borgelt of Ottawa. Metal Working, A. L. Daymon, in structor—Harold and Robert An drews and Robert Green of Beaver dam Leland and Lester Badertscher and Herbert Howell, of Pandora James iNusbaum of Ottawa Robert Moyer of Mt. Cory James Burkhold er, Marion Fox, Kenneth Gable, Walt er King, Wayne Niswender, Fred Tschantz, Eugene Augsburger, Ray Schumacher, Omar Welty and Harley Augsburger of Bluffton. 0. S. U. Professor At Community Council Bluffton’s newly formed com munity co-ordinating council will be addressed by Dr. H. W. Nisonger, assistant director of the Bureau of special and adult education at Ohio State university, in a meeting to be held at the high school cafeteria Friday night at 7:15 o’clock. Prof. Nisonger was formerly junior dean in the college of agri culture at Ohio State and at his own request was transferred to the posi tion in which he could devote more of his time to adult education. Harrison Sayre, chairman of Gov. Bricker’s Commission on Democracy, will also be present at the meeting. The speakers have no prepared ad dresses but will informally discuss problems connected with the organi zation and operation of the council, it was announced by A. J. B. Longs jdorf, president of the group. Reception Program Left To H. S. Class Arrangements for the program of the annual junior-senior class recep tion at Bluffton high school will be left to members of the entertaining junior class, it appeared following a meeting of the board of education, Monday night. At its meeting a month ago the board suggested that a professional entertainer be engaged for the after dinner program as a substitute for dancing. At the Monday night meeting, how ever, the board after a discussion took no action on the matter of an enter tainer and indicated without record vote that arrangements for the pro gram be left in hands of the class. Majority sentiment in the board ap peared not to favor dancing. Dancing at the high school junior senior reception has been subject of sharp controversy since it was intro educed here two years ago. 50th Anniversary U’ORREST L. Steinman, man ager of the Bluffton office of the Steinman Brothers Lumber company, which is marking its Golden anniversary. Besides his business connections here, Stein man is president of the Ohio as sociation of Retail Lumber ers. Its appearance here is an unusual phenomenon in that its habitat is farther north and also in places of large bodies of water. Sailors on the ocean and Great Lakes often sight bird far out at sea especially about dusk. The bir dhas a wolf like cry and typifies the untamed savagery of wilderness. It is an excellent diver and feeds largely on fish. The bird is seldom seen in flocks and is known usually as a solitary bird. The loon, infrequently sighted on land is forced to keep well off shores frequented by men to insure its safe ty. Probably few but cripples ever land on shores when people are any where around. The bird found in Orange township has feathers of glossy black apear ance with white spots and a neck of velvet appearance.. It has a long beak and webbed feet and is very definitely streamlined for high speed flying. It appearance in the Bluffton area is due proably to a migratory jaunt to another body of water ocasioned by the change in season. The bird probably became exhausted from con tinued flying and lack of food, Prof. Geiger pointed out. The bird will be mounted by J. O. Basinger, former Bluffton barber and taxidermist of Jenera and will then be placed in the high school science laboratories for permanent keeping. Two From Here On Institute Program Miss Edna Ramseyer, dean of women at Bluffton college, and Dr. V. H. Allman, of south of town on the Dixie highway, were speakers at the MinisteriH Institute of the San dusky Conference of the United Brethren church, in the Rawson U. B. church Wednesday. Theme of the all-day institute was “Mobolizing the Christian Forces for Tomorrow.” Special music was pro vided by the Rawson choir. County Epworth League Meets Here Epworth League of Allen county held a rally Tuesday evening in Bluffton Mehodist church, with league of the church here hosts the session. Varied Activities Mark Work Of Airline Stewardess, Beaverdam TWA Hostess Says Deal- and the A series of lectures demonstrations open to public and of special interest to prospective home builders and craftsmen is being sponsored by the company this week. Found in a stunned or exhausted condition, a huge water bird identi fied as a common loon, was picked up on the county line near the Lincoln highway, Sunday afternoon by Elmer Fett, Jr. of Orange township. The bird, weighing ten pounds and measuring thirty inches in length, was taken home and died several hours later. It was brought to the high school Tuesday morning by Har riet Fett, a sister, where it was iden tified by W. O. Geiger, science in structor, as a common loon. Huge Water Bird Identified As Loon Found In Dazed Condition Near Here the the for Announcement was made at the ral ly of a county Epworth league roller skating party at the Lima rink on Wednesday, April 23. Funds from the event will be used to finance the county league program. A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE BLUFFTON, OHIO, THU1 Occupation Has Many Exacting Requirements Regarding Training & Personality Miss Jean Arthur, Daughter of Beaverdam Minister, Tells Airline Experiences Duties of an airline hostess range all the way from preparing formulas for babies to pointing out scenic spots enroute, according to Miss Jean Ar thur, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Arthur of the Beaverdam Methodist church, who visited recently at the home of her parents. Miss Arthur has been employed for two years as an air hostess for’the TWA lines with headquarters at Flushing, N. Y. She made applica tion for the position at Flushing and was one of two selected from 70 ap plicants. Rigid Requirements Most of the air lines call their girls “stewardesses” but TWA has always used the term hostess in referring to theirs. The requirements for an air hostess are rigid. She must be a graduate registered nurse and in ad dition have personality qualities of cheerfulness and tact. (Continued on page 7) McVey-Whisler Nuptials Sunday On the 77th birthday of the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. John White of Mt. Cory, occurred the marriage on East er Sunday afternoon at the Pleasant View United Brethren church of Miss Mary Louise W’hisler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Whisler, four miles north of Bluffton, and Robert McVey, son of Rev. and Mrs. McVey of Elyria, formerly of Mt. Cory. Rev. McVey, former pastor of the Mt. Cory Evangelical church, officiat ed for his son’s wedding using the double-ring ceremony. The bridal party stood before the altar with a background of white satin and gar lands of arborvitae and baskets of gladioli flanked by palms, ferns and hydrangeas and lighted cathedral tap ers in two floor candelabra. Open church was observed. A reception for the immediate fam illies followed in the home of her parents. One of the wadding cakes was baked by Mrs. White, 77 year old grandmother of the bride. Both the bride and groom are grad uates of Mt. Cory High school in the class of 1936. Mrs. McVey is em ployed at strument senior at versity. the Triplett Electrical In Co. and Mr. McVey is a Bowling Green State uni Edinger Sisters In Double Wedding Two Bluffton area sisters were the brides in a double wedding Sat urday evening in the Rawson United Brethren church. Misses Dorothy and Opal Edinger, daughters of Scott Edinger, of near Bluffton, took the vcrws in the im pressive ceremony, at which Rev. Paul Zimmerman officiated. Miss Dorothy became the bride of Harold Bell, of Tiffin, son of Thomas Bell, of Ada and Miss Opal was wed to Frederick Hoffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffer, of Bluff ton. The two couples attended each other in the ceremony. Both the brides wore rose colored dresses. Dorothy had tan acces sories and Opal wore black. Each had a corsage of roses, forget-me nots and sweet peas. For the present both couples will make their home with the brides’ father. The two sisters are em ployed by the Triplett Electrical In strument Co. in Bluffton, and both grooms are truck drivers. Longsdorf Named To Tax Committee A. J. B. Longsdorf, superintendent of Bluffton schools has been reap pointed to the committee on tax education of the National Education association, it is announced at head quarters of the association in Wash ington. The committee to which Superin tendent Longsdorf is named serves as a clearing agency on tax educa tion and carries on a systematic program for public enlightenment as to taxation for social needs. LHE BLUFFTON NEWS HITLEI OF SPE Dr. Bruno kian Re’ Distri’ Had Repar Adjusted Be 1 The Versailles treaty was a great mistake because it did not keep Wil son’s 14 points and because of the huge amount of reparations Germany was forced to pay, the speaker point ed out. Reparations The Lausanne conference attempt ed to settle the reparations problem by trying to show that Germany could not pay more and at the same time the Allies insisted that Germany pay four billions more. The evils in Europe today are due largely to those four billions, was the opinion speaker. He used exactly thg same policy against nations, starting with the weakest and then one at a time tack ling the stronger countries. When the Munich Pact gave Hitler the Su detenland area of Czechoslovakia he immediately enjoyed immense stra (Continued on page 7) Floral Lecture At College On Friday An illustrated lecture on “Wild flowers of the Appalachians” will be presented by Miss Alta Schrock at 8 p. m. this Friday in the Bluffton college chapel, for the benefit of the student activity fund. Miss SchrocU is instructor in bi ology at the college. More than 100 beautifully colored slides of the Appalachians and views of the Alpine meadows of the Rocky Mountains will be used to illustrate the lecture. Miss Schrock and Presi dent Paul R. Stewart, of Waynes burg college, Waynesburg, Pa., took the photographs and the slides were hand-colored by Miss Schrock. The slides have been widely recog nized as, among the best in the United States pertaining to nature lore. Miss Schrock has been lecturing and writing on nature subjects since 1931. Last Rites For Mrs. Halla Carr Funeral services for Mrs. Halla Hews Carr, 72, life-long resident of Union township were held at Mt. Cory Evangelical church, Sunday afternoon. Rev. I. O. Kauffman, pastor of the church officiated and interment was in Clymer cemetery. Mrs. Carr died Friday morning at her home several hours after suffer ing a heart attack. She had been in failing health since fracturing a leg in a fall last September. She was the daughter and Sussanna Hews and on Nov. 1, 1868. Her ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY Y, APRIL 17, 1941 BDUCT ATIONS STATES urst, Czechoslova gee, Addresses Lumbermen Been Properly Would Still Painter Lausanne, Switzerland the Had reparations conference been success ful Hitler very likely would still be a house painter, according to thte point of view expressed by Dr. Bruno Furst, Czechoslovakian refugee, who addressed a district meeting of the Ohio Retail Lumbermen’s Association at the Walnut Grille, Tuesday night. Dr. Furst, for many years a pro fessor of law in Masaryk college at the Hague, was a member of the Lausanne commission as a delegate from Germany at the turning point in Hitler’s life. of the caused and it Widespread discontent was by these reparations demands was easy for a rabble rouser, promis ing everything, to win the people. Believing that conditions could not be worse the people followed Hitler hop ing for even a slight chance of im provement. Eliminate Opposition He came to power in 1933 at which time he won 51 per cent of the people. As his first step all opposition parties were eliminated.”' He kept going step by step wiping out the Social Demo crats, the Jews and other groups starting with the weakest. Ending a long spring siege of in clement weather, last Sunday was the warmest Easter in the 48 years' records have been kept by weather observers in this section. Maximum temperature recorded on the day was 85 degrees and the weather was reminiscent of mid summer. The official reading was three degrees higher than the warm est previous Easter in 1927. Responding to the balmy weather, Bluffton residents did the things they generally do in mid-summer. They sat on their porches and strolled the streets. Everyone had a rare opportunity to parade their Partners Obtained Funds to Buy Jenera Mill by Work ing in Brick Yard Business Began in 1891 with Manufacture of Screen Doors Lumber for more than 400 homes and many more barns and other buildings has been provided by the Steinman Bros. Lumber Co., of Bluffton and Jenera, in the 50 years the firm has been in business. The firm is celebrating its Golden An niversary this week. The establishment was started at Jenera in the fall of 1891 and has continued uninterruptedly since that time. Originally in the firm were Charles, John, Joseph and Jacob Steinman and a brother-in-law, Ira Smith. Jacob died in 1906 John Steinman bought a lumber con cern at Arlington which he still operates as the John Steinman Lum ber Co. man, pany man, of Hiram was born husband, Thomas J. Carr, died 18 years ago. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Clarence Reiter, and a son, Harold Carr, both of Union township also six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mrs. Carr belonged to the Mt. Cory Evangelical church and for many years was a Sunday school teacher there. She was active in W. C. T. U. work and was a former president of the Mt. Cory organization. In ad dition, she belonged to the Evangeli cal Missionary society. First Made Screen Doors Originally started as screen door manufacturing plant, the Steinman brothers expanded operations (Continued on page 7) Alford Moser Wed In Bluffton Parades Its Finery On Warmest Easter In Half Century Many Changes Witnessed In Half Century Of Business By Steinman Bros. Lumber Co. and Charles and Joseph Steinman are still active in the the present time, is the father of manager of since 1932 and Emerson Stein manager of the Jenera firm. firm at Jenera at Charles Steinman Forrest L. Stein the Bluffton com- to Is Illinois Moser, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Noah Moser and a brother of Ezra Moser three miles north of Bluffton, graduated from Bluffton college in the class of 1924. He did graduate work at Ohio State uni versity and Chicago university and is an instructor at the River Forest high school. a graduate of Illinois has been teaching in schools. The couple The bride is Wesleyan and the Oak Park will make their home at 628 South Austin boulevard, Oak Park. Missionary From Far East to Speak Here Dr. Henry Lampe recently re turned missionary from Chosen (Korea) will speak at the Presby terian church Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock. Dr. Lampe has been in the Far East for the past thirty years and is well versed with conditions in that region. His address Sunday night will touch on political and social condi tions as well as the religious and missionary outlook in that country. There is more than one homesick boy in an army camp wondering why he doesn’t get any mail from home— and home folks are wondering why their boy in camp doesn’t answer their letters—all because the mail to their soldier-boy is improperly ad dressed. This was the statement given out by Postmaster E. R. Reichenbach Tuesday morning after returning from a district postmasters’ meeting Monday night, where this new phase of the jJbstal service was widely dis cussed. Complete Address Is Important When Writing Men In Army Camp Easter finery in the bright sunshine. Perfect weather also prevailed for the ever-popular Easter Egg for kiddies at Harmon field on urday. hunt Sat- set- Many contrasted the Easter ting with that of last year when the minimum temperature was nine de grees above zero and the highest reading of the day was 23. Easter last year fell on March 24, however, nearly three weeks earlier. Buds on trees and shrubbery have pushed forward noticeably in the unseasonably warm weather of the last few days, as Nature did its best to keep step with the Easter parade. News To Publish Addresses Of Men In Army Training BEGINNING next week the Bluffton News will publish addresses Bluffton training done in delivery training. of men from the area now in army camps. This is being an effort to facilitate of mail to those now in Relatives are invited to send in addresses carefully checked for correctness and complete ness. All addresses must reach the office not later than Tuesday noon for publication in the cur rent week’s edition. Wava Fisher Wed At Lima Sunday Marriage of Wava Fisher, daugh ter of Mrs. Jeanne Fisher of Riley street, and Harold Poe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Poe of Lima took place at the home of the bridegroom Sunday noon. attired in a blue the ceremony was present of the im- The bride was street dress and performed in the mediate families, ated from Lima South High school in the class of 1935 and the bride was a junior at Bluffton High school. Mr. Poe gradu- The couple will reside at Cold water. In New Locations Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wentz have moved from the Max Miller prop erty on North Main street to the Mrs. Zoe Zehrbach apartments on Vine street. The apartment of was recently vacated bill and family who the T. A. Kitchen Cherry street. Moser, of Marriage of Alford River Forest, Illinois, and Miss Lou ise McCarty of Oak Park, Illinois, took place at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Ewald Schenkler, of Oak Park, Saturday, March 29, according to word received here. Mrs. Zehrbach by Earl Lugi have moved to residence on Jesse Welty has moved from his farm north of Bluffton on the Dixie highway to his newly built property on Cherry street. Rev. A. F. Albro and family are occupying the Welty farm, having moved from the Ezra Basinger property on Jefferson street. Ezra Basinger and family are oc cupying their property vacated by the Albro family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Cuppies are occupying the prop erty on Cherry street vacated by Ba singer which they recently purchased. Births The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Hilty, Swan ton, a boy, Thursday. Mrs. Cleland Amstutz, girl, Sunday. Mr. and Pandora, a Mr. and Jenera, a boy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gallant, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cherry, Pan dora, a girl, Sunday. Mr. and Pandora, a Rolland Burkhart, Monday. Paul Mairiot, Con Monday. Eugene Wilch, Je- Mrs. boy, Mrs. girl, Mrs. tinental, a Mr. and nera, a boy, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Higley, Gilboa, a girl, this Wednesday. Pointing out that some army camps contain as many as 50,000 men, it is important, that no detail omitted. “The which it takes plete address may mean days or even a week’s difference in the time it takes to deliver the mail”, the post master said. Reichenbach stated, of the address be few minutes extra to look up the com- All addresses should be written with pen and ink or typewriter— never with an ordinary lead pencil, Reichenbach cautioned. A Good Place to Live and a Good Place to Trade NUMBER 51 STEINMAN BROS. LUMBER CO. HAS 50TH ANNIVERSARY Firm Sponsoring Meetings in Observance of Half-Cen tury Record Demonstrations and Lectures On Building and Home Decoration Features Celebrating 50 years in the retail lumber business, the Steinman Bros. Lumber Co. of Bluffton and Jenera, is sponsoring a series of meetings for others trades pective week. ary are in charge of Forrest L. Steinman, office. contractors and in the building owners and pros in Bluffton this Golden Ann i vers- carpenters, engaged for home builders Plans for manager of the Bluffton of tradesmen and lay have been attending ses viewing the building and Scores men alike sions and material exhibits on the second floor of the Hankish building, above the West Ohio Gas Co. and Todd’s Grocery on South Main street, where most of the meetings are being held. Materials Display Contractors, carpenters and other building tradesmen will attend the sessions and see the displays of the PROGRAM p. m.—Displays carpenters and Wednesday 7:30 for contractors, building trades. Thursday 8:00 demonstration tion” decorator. Friday afternoon and evening— Building tures of Meeting floor of Todd Grocery and West Ohio Gas Co. p. m.—Lecture “Home Decora- by Carl Koeppen interior (Ladies meeting.) show and moving pic home construction. to be held on second Hankish building over new types of construction and ma terials being used in residential building at the present time at the (Continued on page 7) Esther Gratz Wed To Robert Motter In an Easter morning ceremony solemnized in the St. John’s Reform ed church by Rev. Emil Burrichtef, Miss Esther Ann Gratz became the bride of Robert Motter. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gratz, of Bluffton. Pink gladioli, ferns and palms adorned the chancel and altar for the seven o’clock ceremony. Preceding the vows, Miss Bettye Lewis played “Clair-de Lune” by De bussy and “None But the Lonely Heart” by Tschaikowsky. Thruout the ceremony Schubert’s “Ava Maria” was played by Miss Lewis and Harold Thiessen, violinist After the benediction Miss Lucille Hilty and Miss Janet Bigler sang “Blest Be the Tie that Binds.” The Lohengrin wedding march marked the entrance of the bridal party, and the Mendelssohn march served as the recessional. Dressed in a floor length gown of white silk marquisette trimmed with chantilly lace, the bride was given in marriage by her father. The dress was fashioned with sweeheart neck line and puffed sleeves and the bride also wore white lace mitts. Her veil of illusion was held with a braided tiara of the same material and she carried a white testament showered with white iris and sweet peas. Mrs. Eugene Firestone, sister of the birde, who served as matron of honor, was dressed in & pink organdie floor length gown. She wore a Dutch cap of organdy and carried a colonial bou quet. John H. Romey, of Columbus, was best man and ushers were Janies West and Charles Montgomery, Jr., the latter a nephew of the bride groom. Mrs. A. D. Gratz, mother of the bride, wore a black and white esem ble with black accessories and a cor sage of gardenias. Mrs. Charles Montgomery, Sr., was in a gown of navy and white sheer crepe with matching accessories and a shoulder corsage of spring flowers. A breakfast for the families and close friends was served at the home of the bride’s parents where a pink and white color motif prevailed in floral and table decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Motter left for a southern trip following the ceremony, and will be at home after April 28 in Lima. The bride has been employ ed at the City Loan and Savings Co. in Lima, and the groom is an em ploye of the National Bank in Lima.