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BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE "SoNDS AND STAMPS VOLUME NO. LXVII BLUFFTON MAN IS ON NATIONAL WAR STANDARDS GROUP R. L. Triplett on Committee to Standardize Electrical Instruments Leading Manufacturers and Engineers to Meet in New York Thursday R. L. Triplett, president of The Triplett Electrical Instrument com pany has been named a member of the nation’s War Standards committee on electrical measuring instruments which will work to promote the war effort by simplifying and standardiz ing electrical instruments being used by the armed forces. Announcement of his appointment was received here from headquarters of the War Standards committee in New York city the first of the week. Organization of the body was under taken by the American Standards as sociation at the request of the War Production Board. Mr. Triplett will attend the opening meeting of the group to be held in New York, Thursday, at the Engineer ing Societies building. Pooling of Resources The newly organized committee rep resents a pooling the nation’s lead ing engineering and manufacturing resources in the field of electrical measuring instruments. Standardiz ing of the many types of instruments now being used by the army, navy and air corps is expected to increase the supply and simplify maintenance in this field, urgently needed in the conduct of the war. In addition to the Bluffton manu facturer, others on the committee will represent the General Electric Co., Edison Electrical Institute Westing house Electric and Manufacturing Co., Hickok Electrical Instrument Co. Weston Electrical Instrument Co., and Roller-Smith Co. Military experts from the Signal Corps Development laboratory, the Navy, the Joint Aeronautical Board, the Army Air corps and the Instru ments section of the WPB also will work with the group. Recognized in Instrument Field Naming of Mr. Triplett to this committee, vital in the war effort, comes as a recognition of the standing which his company holds in its field. In point of experience he has one of the longest records of active ser vice in the electrical instrument indus try, having been closely identified with the development of meters of early days to the precision instrument which serve innumerable purposes in the mechanized wold of today. Simplification and standardization of electrical measuring as pertaining to the war effort will be recommended by the committee with particular re gard to size, mountings and other general features. Supervisors Named hi Red Cross Unit Supervisors for the new Red Cross unit to be engaged in making army surgical dressings, were announced this week by Mrs. J. S. Steiner, di rector of supplies. The new branch of the Red Cross will be located in the grade building and is scheduled to open on August 1. Mrs. A. J. B. Longsdorf will be general supervisor with Mrs. Evan Basinger, Mrs. Harry Bogart and Mrs. Ralph Stearns, assistant super visors. Mrs. Steiner and Mrs. Paul Stud ler attended an executive board meeting of the Red Cross in Lima on Friday to make preliminary plans for the work of the new unit here. Promoted To Rank Of Army Sergeant Wayne Deppler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Deppler of South Main street has been promoted to the rank of sergeant at Camp Forrest, Ten nessee, where he has been in train ing since last May. Announcement of Deppler’s promo tion was made the first of the week. He is in the army signal corps and has charge of maintenance and re pair of telephone lines and also trouble shooting. Births The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroeder, a boy, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Gib, Raw son, a girl, Monday. On War Committee APPOINTMENT of R. L. Triplett, president of The Triplett Electrical Instrument Co., as a member of the national War Standards committee on electrical measuring instruments was announced the first of the week. The committee organized at the request of the War Produc tion Board, will meet in New York city, Thursday to work out plans for simplifying and stan dardizing electrical measuring instruments which are widely used in the war effort by the army, navy and air corps. NEWLY INSTALLED TURBINE AT LIGHT PLANT Unit With final checking operations completed by Westinghouse engineers, Bluffton’s recently purchased 1,250 K\V generator is now on the line delivering power full time, it was stated Wednesday morning by John Swisher, plant superintendent. The turbine was on the line for the first time in a test run Sunday afternoon. After final adjustments on Monday the turbo-generator was turned on the line Tuesday after noon in regular full time operation. Japanese In Hawaii Generally Loyal To American Ideals, Bluffton Woman Says America Need Not Fear Russia As An Ally, Insurance Manager Says Goes on Line in Full Time Operation Tuesday Afternoon Plant’s Power Facilities Include Two Turbines and Skinner Engine The two turbines have been accu rately synchronized by the plan en gineers and are working together as a powerful unit more than adequate to meet the power demands of the community and its stepped up war industries. Turning the 1,250 KW turbine on the line brings to a climax a improvement program for more than a year. 300 KW Skinner engine again Sunday and proves pie to meet the demand power load is light on Swisher said. plant way small used under The was to be am when the that day, With the 750 KW turbo-generator and the other two units the town has a well balanced set of power gen erating units capable of meeting the varying demands of shifting loads, it was pointed out. power Bluffton Girl Will Give Piano Recital She is a student of Mrs. H. Mann and will be a sophomore Bluffton High school next year. of of in Jean Ann Steinman, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Steinman South Lawn avenue, will appear a piano recital at Ramseyer chapel at Bluffton college on Friday night at 8:30 o’clock. P. in Remodel Store Front Front of the Staater building at North Main and Church streets is being remodeled this week. The building is occupied by the Peter Gratz drygoods store. Cables From Overseas Donald Nusbaum, in the navy, is in Great Britain, according to a cablegram received the first of the week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nusbaum. Miss Evelyn Niswander Arrives In Bluffton From Hawaiian Islands Lands at San Francisco, Calif.. In Convoyed U. S. Army Transport Hawaiian born children of Japanese parentage frequently speak of what the “Japs did to us at Pearl Harbor” and generally exhibit a loyalty to American ideals, it was stated by Miss Evelyn Niswander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Niswander, who ar rived in Bluffton, Sunday morning re turning from the Hawaiian islands where she had been teaching. Miss Niswander was intructor in a private girl chool at Paia on the island of Maui, one of the smaller islands of the Hawaiian group. He? school had been closed since March 26 and has been converted into a civilian hospital under military direction. She was not forced to leave the country by a government evacuation order but desired to cooperate with a request made by the government that all civilians not essential to the war activity hould leave the islands. Flee to Honolulu She flew from Paia to Honolulu the only mean of passenger transporta tion between the islands since Decem ber. From there she sailed on a (Continued on page 8) R. Marshall, of Lima dresses Lions Club on ture Social Trends redicts ('rime Wave War Also New Era in Transportation Ad- Fu- After in hav- America need have no fear ing Russia as an ally- in this was stated by P. R. Marshall, of Lima, district manager of the Mid land Mutual Life Insurance Co., who addressed the Bluffton Lions club at the Walnut Grill Tuesday night. The Communistic government of Russia is not nearly as bad as the press has described it and some re markable social advances have been made in that said. country, the speaker Davies has done a in representing the in the Soviet Union Ambassador splendid job United States the speaker said, criticised President Roosevelt for ap pointing Davies, a man of extreme wealth, ipost of state. Some people have to the Soviet Union, where the wealth is owned by the Russian Purge In commenting on the purge of several years ago, the speaker point ed out that Stalin was simply using (Continued on page 8) Another Business Here Closed By War Another Bluffton business place will close its doors this week because of the demands for manpower in the war effort. Gerald Swank, who op erates a barbershop on North Main street announced that his place of business will be closed after Satur day night, presumably- for duration of the war. Swank who recently enlisted in the navy expects to leave next Tuesday for the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. His barbershop is the second busi ness place here to be closed because of the war, the other Neu Art studio operated Gerber which closed its spring. being the by Leland doors last Re-elected Head Of County Legion Unit Drive, was the Allen unit, at a Clair Fett, of Campus re-elected commander of County American Legion recent meeting of the organization. The Allen county unit includes seven posts of the Legion in Lima and the rest of the county. ESTATE ESTIMATED Estate of the late Anna who died here last month is ed at $1,000, according to a filed in the Allen county court by E. C. Romey, administrator. Assets include personal property valued at $100 and $900 in real estate. E. Agin esti mat schedule probate THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY bluffton, ohio. Thursday, .h BLUFFTON MEN IN QUOTA OF 87 OFF One of Largest Contingents Sent by Board No. ,3, Leave Thursday 'wo Bluffton Men Excused from Quota Because of Previous Enlistment Eighty-seven men comprise the [uota of Allen County Draft Board Io. 3 which are leaving for army morn ing. The group is one of the larg est to be furnished by the board. ice from Lima, Thursday Nine men included in the call will not be inducted with this group as they had previously enlisted. Two of this number from Bluffton are Dale Reichenbach and Deonisie Tri fan. Trifan is a former instructor Bluffton college later located Providence, Rhode Island. Rationing Program Similar That of Early June to be Used A Tain A. J. B. Longsdorf, superintendent of schools, will be in charge of the program and will be assisted by teach ers and other volunteer workers. The rationing wil Itake place from 1 to 10 p. m. on the assigned August 4 to 7 inclusive. Similar Program No definite word has been received as to the amount of sugar to be made available under the new program but it is believed that it will be similar to that allowed for the early that time one pound of every four quarts of fruit ed. Nine quarts of each every person in the family were per mitted under the rationing program. ia 2.3.1912 in at county Those from this part of the included in the quota are: Bluffton—Harold Okla Van burgh, Edmund W. Hummon, H. Best. Steen Donald Beaverdam—Harold L. Eckenwiler. Col. Grove—Donald W. Rockhill. Lafayette—Darwin C. Hull. LATE CANNING SUGAR PERMITS READY AUG. to At Bluffton High School Cafe teria from 1 to 10 p. m. Aug. 4 to 7 Bluffton housewives will make ap plication to receive their canning sug ar supplies for the late fruits in a ra tioning program similar to that early in June at the Bluffton High School cafeteria starting Tueday, August 4 and continuing thru Friday of that week. fruits. At sugar for was al low fruit for Altho sugar supplies thus far have been adequate for the needs, federal authorities have warned all rationing boards that this condition might be changed at any moment depending on the shipping in the Caribbean area. Observe Schedule Some rationing for early fruits has continued during the past several weeks and it has been requested by Supt. Longsdorf ’hat all residents ob serve the schedule as set up for the last registration. The sugar under this arrangement may he obtained at th? high school office on Monday and Wednesday from 9 to 12 a. m. and from 1 to 4 p. m. Retailers, industrial users and cus tom bakers are required to go direcl to the Allen county rationing head quarters in the courthouse at Lima tc obtain their authorizations, Longsdor: stated. ■t Real Estate Deal Mrs. D. P. Diller who sold her forty acre farm west of Bluffton to Elmer Nusbaum last spring has pur chased the Harlan Moser property on North Jackson street and expects to move next week. Harlan Moser’s will move to the Rupright property on Mound street and Francis Moser’s w’ho have been living on the Mrs. Gid Lehman farm will move on the Diller farm pur chased by Nusbaum. Representing a day’s sale of war bonds and stamps five times the nor mal amount, Bluffton citizens pur chased riday, Heroes With son of Postmaster R. Reichenbach, enlist his di Reichenbach, and Mrs. E ed in the navy and will begin training as a physical education rector at Norfolk, Va., Aug. 12. 'o Provide Funds for Purchase Of New Records for Boys In Service Residents Here Requested to Bring Records to Collec tion Depots Phonograph records as a booster for the boys in the forces. That is the purpose Collection Depots 31uffton Residents Buy Five Times Average Amount Of War Bonds Friday Residents here are requested to bring their old records to the Star theatre, the Citizens National Bank or to either plant of the Triplett Electrical Instrument Co. where con venient containers have been placed. The nation wide campaign is ex pected to bring in a total of 37, 500,090 records which will be sold as scrap. The proceeds, estimated at $937,500, will be used to buy new records and phonographs at factory cost for the men in the service. FOR ARMY SERVICE NORMAL VOLUME more than $5,000 worth on designated as American Day. the town averaging per month, the daily about aver $1,000 Head- $30,000 age purchase has been about for the past several months, ing up the stepped up tempo in Fri day’s purchases were: E. S. Lape, retail store sales Arden Baker, manufacturers George Carmack, theatre publicity Norman Triplett, general chairman. Favorable reports have also been coming in from state and federal headquarters in the success of the drive. In the month of May, the state of Ohio with a quota of $31, 769,000 actually sold $35,899,000 in war bonds. In the nation at large 38 states have topped their quotas leaving morale armed of the drive to collect old phonograph rec ords to be started here on Friday by the Bluffton post of the American Legion and the local unit of the Legion Auxiliary. The campaign will continue for two weeks until August 2. The records collected in the na tion wide drive will not be sent to the boys in camps or war zones but will be sold as scrap as a valuable war material. The funds realized from the sale .of old records will then be used to purchase new rec ords, it was announced. Heading Bluffton’s participation in the nation wide campaign will be Millen Geiger, commander of the local post and Mrs. Harold Stonehill of the Auxiliary. The American Legion is working na- in cooperation with a group of tionally known musical artists have established “Records For Fighting Men, Inc.”, a agency to dispose of the to select and distribute records for the soldiers. Our non-profit scrap and the new The agency organized in June by Kay Kyser, Kate Smith, Fritz Rein er, Sigmund Spaeth and Gene Autry has the official recognition of Presi dent Roosevelt’s Committee on War Relief Agencies. Salvage Drive The incorporators decided that the salvage campaign was the best way to help the men in their need for morale boosting music. They have called on the American Legion with its 11,832 posts and the 9,414 units of the auxiliary to move into action with the nation wide campaign. There will be no house to house solicitation and residents are quested to bring their- records to of the four collection centers, case of difficulties in bringing records to the assigned places, member of the Legion or Auxiliary may be contacted, it was stated by Commander Geiger. re- cme In the any only 10 states and the District of Columbia falling short of signed quotas. Vulnerable and Hawaii led all states in of war bonds on the quota the as Alaska the sale basis. In the stepped up drive in which the Treasury Department has as signed a billion dollar monthly quota, the state of Ohio has been assigned a total of $55,151,000 for the month of July. Some of the residents here have stated that they were unable to buy bonds in the amount of 10 per cent of their income because of debts. In answer to this, it has been stated by Chairman Triplett that most people have debts and are be ing asked to sacrifice a bit for the present by buying a commodity that increases in value as it matures. Present indebtedness will be noth ing compared to that to be suffered if the country- loses the war, Trip lett said. lid Phonograph Records Sought In Drive By Legion Starting Friday NINE MILES OF TOWNSHIP ROAD WORK SHELVED Freezing of Bituminous Mater ials Halts Richland Town ship Road Program Road Oils on Hand for Emergency Repairs in County or Twp. Nine miles of roads in Richland township for which improvements had been planned will likely remain in their present condition for the duration of the war, it was learned here this week following the federal order freezing all bituminous road materials. The only possibility of which some of the roads could be repaired would be for the township to establish that the roads have a special war sig nificance. development, it is believed. This would be an unlikely Given Prime Coat The roads for which the improve ment was planned the prime coat of it was planned to coat of stone and Hogs At Record Farmers Too Busy To Sei Although the hog market here hung up a twenty-two year record the first of terest farmers in the Bluffton district who are in the midst of threshing. the week, it didn’t in- A price of $14.80 per hundred pounds—highest since 1920—was quoted on the Bluffton market Mon day morning. Shippers, however, said that offerings were light due to a combination of an unusually busy time and also the fact that this is at ‘he “in between time” after had been given tar last fall and apply a sealing tar this summer, for improvement Roads scheduled included: three miles on the Rock port road three miles on the Fett road one and one-half miles on the Yant road and one and one-half miles on the Swaney road. The total cost of the project would have been $4,000 of which the county would have paid one-half. However, since neither the county nor the township has any bituminous ma terials on hand the improvement program will likely be shelved for the duration, it vas stated. Crushed Stone It is possible that crushed stone might be used to fill some of the chuck holes in the roads but without a tar binder this type of repair is not efficient, it was pointed out. There may be some concrete work in the construction of small culverts. Inability to obtain reinforcing steel will prevent larger new concrete construction. There is not even enough road oil on hand for emergency repairs with the result that the township roads will likely continue in their present condition for the duration of the war. ESTATE CLAIMS FILED Claims igh Find $474.13 were the estate of filed in the ir in total of a schedule of listed in the late Noah Moser, Allen county probate court by Clai C. Moser, administrator. the marketing of last fall’s pigs and before the spring crop is ready. Farmers short of help are enlist ing every available hand for harvest and are driving from morning untli night to complete threshing. Sentiment generally throughout the Bluffton district appears to be that the hog prices will remain strong for the immediate future and mark eting can wait—but threshing can’t. Monday prices were shaded twenty cents Wednesday when a high of $14.60 was quoted here. iS BUY I'NITED STATES SAVING* %OXDS IaXSSUMM NUMBER 13 WHEAT MARKETING DROPS TO HALF OF Smaller Crop, Less Acreage and Present Price Contribute To Situation mbargo Threat Recedes as Sales Volume is Smallest in Recent Years Altho this week sees the threshing season at its height, the volume of wheat marketed here is the smallest in recent years, dealers declared Wed- Three factors pointed out as con ributing to the situation were: Low'er yield—Crop generally aver aging 20 to 25 bushels per acre, which is about one-third less than a year ago. Less acreage—Resulting from gov ernmental policy encouraging reduc tion. Storage grain—Much of the crop is being held on farms in anticipa tion of higher prices. Embargo Threat Wanes As a result of the decreased vol ume of grain marketing, prospects of an embargo which threatened earlier in the season has been removed. In fact dealers here said they have re ceived advices from terminal centers that ample storage space was avail able at this time. With the market holding steady at $1.08 per bushel, Wednesday morning, producers saw little incentive to sell and dealers estimated that grain shipments for the harvest season this year would be about half the normal volume. To date about a dozen car loads have been shipped, principally to the Toledo and Fostoria markets. Local dealers who have in* past years kept their places open nights to accommodate the rush of grain marketing have found this unneces sary this season. Combining Nearly Finished Most of the wheat crop earmarked for combining was processed the lat part o£ task hot weather which followed a long series of rains, made conditions ideal for this method of harvest. A considerable amount of binder cut wheat now in shock still remains for threshing. Prospects for oats are believed by some farmers to be not as promising as was anticipated several weeks ago as heads are said to be none too well filled. However, com, in view of a late start has made remarkable progress and prospects are better than average, as is also true of soybeans, forage crops, tomatoes and pickles. Slate Of Officers Listed By Legion Election of a new slate of officers ill be voted on by the Bluffton st of the American Legion at the xt regular meeting to be held on it was announced Monday, August this week by Millen mander. Geiger, Corn- is announced: Tschiegg, Dr. The following slate Commander—Amos Byron Herring, Danie McCarty. Adjutant—Quinten Burkholder. Chaplain—Millen Geiger, Harry Anderson. Finance officer—Murray Tripple horn, Theodore Schultz. Historian—Howard Stauffer, alt er Ballinger. Executive committee—Gilbert Fett, Charles Hilty, Arthur Amstutz, Harry Trippiehorn, Harvey Garmat ter, Harvey Burkholder, Herman Schmidt, John Ross. Refreshments will be served at the meeting. Lima Minister To Address Meeting Rev. Paul H. Graeser, pastor of the First Reformed church of Lima, will address a union meeting to be held at the Harmon Field stadium Sunday night at 8:30 o’clock. This is the second of a series of summer services to be sponsored by the St. John’s Reformed church. The public is invited to attend the serv ices, it was stated by Rev. Emil Burrichter, pastor. In the event of rain the services will be held in the St. John’s Re formed church. In New Locations Nile Murray and family have moved from Thurman street to the Alva Scoles farm east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thompson have moved to the house on the Chester Motter farm near here.