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.VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE 'BONDS AND STAMPS VOLUME NO. LXVH WOMEN'S CORPS IS FORMED FOR CIVILIAN DEFENSE New Unit to be Organized Under Auspices of Bluffton Defense Council Canvass Will be Made Latter Part of August for Gasses Sept. 10 Formation of a women’s corps for home defense, under the auspices of the Bluffton Civilian Defense Coun cil, is being made here, according to an announcement made this week by Clair Fett, general chairman. Purpose- of the unit is to have a women’s corps well grounded in mat ters of home defense and trained to take action in case of emergency. Classes, taught by a competent instructor, will start Sept. 10. The Bluffton council decided not, to start before that time because of vaca tions and canning, Fett said. Canvass A house to house canvass of all the women in the community will be made the latter part of August. In this canvass, the work of the corps will be explained and volunteers will be invited, it was stated. Content of the course will be similar to that given the men’s air w arden group. It will include meth ods of dealing with incendiary bombs and extinguishing fires, refugee rooms, blackout procedure, air raid instructions, etc. The unit will cooperate with the present civilian defense organization whose concern is the prevention of disaster in case of enemy action or other emergency. Committees Mrs. L. L. Ramseyer will be gen eral chairman of the new unit. Mem bers of the committees, assigned by districts, are: 1. Mrs. Lysle Baumgartner, chair man Mrs. W. E. Diller, Mrs. Walter Stratton, Mrs. B. W. Travis, Mrs. M. D. Soash, Mrs. D. W. Bixler, Mrs. Fay Isham, Mrs. Raymond Conrad, Miss Rhoda Matter, Mrs. Floyd Harris. 2. Mrs. Arthur Amstutz, chair man Mrs. Swan Stonehill, Mrs. W. B. Augsburger, Mrs. Fred Lingel, Mrs. Grover Soldner, Mrs. Robert Murray, Mrs. Albert Benroth, Mrs. Earl Luginbuhl. 3. Miss Rita Hankish, chairman Mrs. A. C. Burcky, Mrs. Ralph Bad ertscher, Mrs. Forrest Steinman, Mrs. Hiram Huser, Mrs. Millen Geiger, Mrs. Harry Bogart, Mrs. Russell Lantz. 4. Mrs. Guy Corson, chairman Mrs. Harley Augsburger, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. Gordon Bixel, Mrs. Fred Hahn, Mrs. L. M. Thomas, Mrs. Wayne Harris. Funeral Services For John Bixler Funeral services for John Bixler, 75, widely known retired farmer, were held at the Ebenezer Mennon ite church Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Bixler died suddenly at his home three and one-half miles south of Pandora of a heart attack Mon day morning at 10:30 o’clock. He arose at his customary hour Mon day morning but a short time after ward became ill and was forced to go back to bed where he died. Born in Putnam county, Mr. Bix ler had live in this region for 50 years. One of a family of 12 child ren he is survived by two brothers Adam and Abraham Bixler, both of Pandora. He had made his home for many years with a son, Milton. He was a member of the Ebenezer church. Rev. A. C. Schultz, pastor, offi ciated at the services. Burial was in the Ebenezei’ cemetery. Accepts Ordnance Post In U. S. Army Herbert Coon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coon of South Jackson street, has accepted a position as ordnance inspector for the United States army at Columbus. He completed a 12 weeks’ course at Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland this summer in prepara tion for the post. His duties will consist in the inspection of army ordnance material in the different war plants at Columbus. He has resigned his teaching posi tion at Millersburg High school where he was instructor in chemistry and mathematics. Mr. and Mrs. Coon were home Sunday visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Coon and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Luginbuhl, south of town. It’s An Ill Rain— Or Wasn’t It—That Came Wednesday IT’S an ill rain—or wasn’t it— that thunderstorm that rumbl ed over Bluffton early Wednes day morning accompanied by one of the heaviest downpours of the season. East of Bluffton in the Olive Branch district water was re ported standing in the fields after the storm and thruout the district the rain added its bit to the sweltering humidity which has blanketed this section for the past week. Abundant rainfall has made gardens burst into rows and rows of beans and peas. The same rain is rotting hay, knock ing down over-ripened oats and generally upsetting the time table of the farmer who is al ready at his wits end because of a shortage of help. SECOND CANNING SUGAR RATIONING STARTS TUESDAY Will Continue Next Week Thru Friday at High School From 1 to 10 p. m. ’rocedure Similar to That Used In Early June is Expect ed Again More than 28,00 pounds of sugar are again expected to be rationed to Bluffton school district residents as canning sugar purchase certificates will be issued for the late fruits at the Bluffton High school cafeteria starting next week on Tuesday and continuing thru Friday. The rationing will take place from 1 to 10 p. m. on the assigned four days under the direction of A. J. B. Longsdorf, superintendent of schools, and a corps of public school teachers and other volunter workers. Procedure Similar While it is exnected that the pro cedure will be similar to that em ployed in the June canning sugar ra tioning for the early fruits, Supt. Longsdorf is awaiting instructions and upplies at a meeting in Lima headquarters Monday. The late fruits are beginning to ripen sufficiently for canning and Bluffton housewives are anxious to be gin the final summer canning pro gram. Late fruit include apples, plums. peaches, apricc ts, pears, grapes, and other fruits ripening af ter August 1. It has been requested that as many as possible obtain their registration certificates during the assigned four days. Facilities are set up to give the authorization in a minimum of time and with efficiency. 35 Pound Average Boys Of 37th Division Give Black Natives First Taste Of Ice Cream It is expected that the sugar per mits will run about the same as the 35 pound average per family as last time. This figure varies considerably with the size of the family. With about 800 families in the Bluffton school district this would make a total of 28,000 pounds of sug ar to be rationed this time if approx imately the same average holds again. If the same regulations prevail again in the canning sugar rationing program for late fruits each family unit will be allowed nine quarts of fruit per person in the family. Sugar for the nine quarts was is sued on the basis of one pound for every four quarts of fruit canned. Adequate So Far Sugar supplies have so far been adequate to meet the needs but fed eral authorities have pointed out that this condition could be changed sud denly according to the shipping situa tion in the Caribbean area. Retailers, industrial users and cus tom bakers are required to go di rectly to the Allen county rationing headquarters in the courthouse at Lima to obtain their authorizations, Longsdorf stated. Abroad With 37th Kenneth Luginbuhl, in service with the 37th division, has been promoted to the rank of sergeant, according to word received here by his wife. The promotion took place May 26 at which time the division embarked for foreign duty. Sgt. Luginbuhl is a clerk in the headquarters company, quartermaster battalion. iananas and Cocoanuts Plenti ful and Watermelons Huge, Soldier Writes Barefooted Natives Wear Skirts Few Whites are Seen in That Region Where are they—those boys of the 37th division, many of whom are from Bluffton—recently reported as having arrived safely overseas and ready for action? While there has been no official announcement as to their location or when they may see action, the boys are acquainting the black native in habitants with some of the finer things of civilization—including ice cream—according to a letter from Robex-t Ream who is with the 37th. Ream, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Ream of near Ada, writes: “The natives here are very black, have big bushy hair, wear skirts and no shoes. They work for be tween three and four dollars a week. “It has rained here every day for the past seven days. I don’t like the hot days but the nights are pleas ant with nice cool breezes playing and a rain every four hours. “There are plenty of bananas and cocoanuts and watermelons grow as big as 40 inches in circumference. “Only two meals a day were served on our way over. After I recovered from seasickness, I gained about five pounds. Now, I don’t mind the rolling ocean. “There is a native boy here who can speak fair English and gives us the facts about the place. We gave him some ice cream and he nearly went wild over it. There are few white people here.” Last Rites For Mrs. Clyde Yer per Funeral services for Mrs. Clyde Yerger, 59, of South Jackson street, will be held at the Paul Diller fun eral home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. She died at her htrW' Mdffffigy afternoon at 3:30 o’clock after be ing in failing health for one year and bedfast for the past week with heart trouble. She was thought to be improving until Thursday. She was born August 6, 1882, in Orange township the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Roth. Her father preceded her in death. She was a member of the Jenera Lutheran church where she was pianist several years. Rev. E. J. Penhorwood of Lima will officiate at the services. She is survived by her husband, Clyde Yerger, and three children Mrs. Zora Basinger, Lima Georgia at home, and Wayne, Fort Benning, Georgia her mother, Mrs. Eliza Roth of Findlay a brother, Ira Roth of near Jenera. Burial will be in the Maple Grove cemetery. TO RESUME CLASSES The Red Cross classes in First Aid, taught by Mrs. B. W. Travis, will be resumed at the High School it was announced Wednesday morning. Mrs. Travis has returned from a two weeks’ vacation trip and will resume instruction at the Tuesday night meetings. There are only three more meetings required to finish the course, it was stated. Births The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wells, Co lumbus Grove, a girl, Sara Ellen, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis, a girl, Catherine Ann, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Baker, a boy, Keith Arden, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Devore, Ot tawa, a girl, Frances Ellen, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Racine Warren, Louisville, Ky., a boy, Charles Fred erick, Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Beech, a girl, at the home of hex parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkholdex- of North Jackson street, on July 13. Mrs. Beech was form erly Miss Jeanette Burkholder. Rev. Harmony Will Talk Sunday Night Rev. W. L. Harmony, of Findlay, and pastor of the Bluffton Lutheran church, will be the speaker in the third of a series of services to be held at the Harmon Field stadium Sunday night at 8:15 o’clock. In case of rain the services will be held at the St. John’s Reformed church. The public is invited. rHE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY’ BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1942 FIRE DESTROYS BIG BARN HIT BY LIGHTNING uoss on Edwin Niswander Farm, Estimated at sfo,OOO Partially Insured Mrs. Niswander Overcome by Smoke and Shock: Bluffton Firemen Aid Struck by lightning, a large mod ernly equipped barn together with all of its contents burned to the ground on the Edwin Niswander farm two miles north of Bluffton on the Allen-Hancock county line, dur ing a thunder storm Sunday after noon at 3:30 o’clock. Following the bolt of lightning the entire structure burst into flames and it was impossible to save any of the contents. A dog, trapped in the burning structure was rescued by breaking a window. There was no other livestock in the barn at the time. Mrs. Niswander, overcome by (Continued on page 8) WISH FOR TROLLEY FREIGHT AS TIRE BAN HITS TRUCKS Mew OPA Ruling Denies Tires For Transport of Non essential Items Defunct Western Ohio Interur ban Line Would be Boon to Town Now Bluffton retailer- are eyeing long ingly—almost lo' rly these days— those rails of th* A’estern Ohio in ■fernrban Rfrk CM* embedded in 1 Bluffton’s main street and fervently wishing that the trolley system was back in business. It’s all happened since the latest OPA regulation has been announced which bans the purchase of new tires for wholesale trucks that de liver non-essential merchandise to business houses. That term nonessential as OPA sees it, is going to cover a lot of territory—and consequently compli cate enormously the problem of the retailer in receiving goods from his wholesale source of supply, since (Continued on page 8) Nurse In Training With Hospital Unit Miss Josephine Steiner, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Steiner is in training for military service with the Yale hospital unit at Camp Ed wards, Cape Cod, Rhode Island, it was announced the first of the week. Miss Steiner is a graduate of the Yale School of Nursing at New Haven, Conn., and has been con nected with the hospital at that place. St. Marys Lawn Fete This Thursday Night Annual lawn fete for benefit of St. Mary’s Catholic church will be held on the church lawn this Thurs day evening. Extensive preparations have been made for the occasion and a large attendance is anticipated. General chainnan in charge of ar rangements is the Rev. Nicholas Bouschere. With The Marines Eugene Steiner, son of Amos Steiner of Toledo, former Bluffton resident, has enlisted in the Marine corps and is San Diego, Calif., it was learned the first of the week. Enlists In Army John Romey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Romey has enlisted in the anny and is stationed at Ft. Hayes, Columbus, it was announced the first of the week. Romey was graduated in June from the law school of Ohio State university. BUILDING OPERATIONS John Chidester is remodeling his residence south of the Phillips school. Russell Leiber residing south of Bluffton is building an extension to his bam. Lieut. Ivan Geiger, former Bluff ton resident and athlete at Bluffton High school and Bluffton college, has been selected from a group of 20 United States Coast Guard officers to be Lieut. Jack Dempsey’s assist ant in the guard’s Manhattan Beach Training station at Brooklyn, N. Y. His duties will include assistance in the administration of daily details and assuming of complete responsi bility in the absence of Lieut. Demp sey, which is about half the time. The Manhattan Beach station of the Coast Guard physical training unit is the largest in the country. On the staff are 33 expert instruct ors in boxing, wrestling, jiu jitsu, etc. After filling out an application blank at the office of the board of elections, absent voters receive a bal lot which they vote at the time and deposit at the office. Ill Voters Voters who are ill may obtain bal lots upon certification of the attend ing physician. This cextification must be to the effect that the voter will be unable to go to the polls on election day. Former Bluffton Man Chosen Assistant To Lieut. Jack Dempsey In Coast Guard The station trains 1,500 to 2,000 Voters Who Will be 21 Before November Election May Vote in August Absent Voters Ballots Now Available at County Board Of Elections With balloting in the August 11 primary election less than two weeks in the offing, little interest has been evidenced locally in the battle be tween rival candidates for county, district and state nominations. Active campaigning, however, is rapidly approaching a climax and residents of the town and commun ity likely will become more election conscious in the next few days. In line with the forthcoming bal loting, it has been pointed out that if a voter becomes of age before the election on November 8, he is eligible to vote in the primary. This applies even if he is not of age at the time of the primary. Political Interest This Summer Points To August Primary Election Absent .Voters Ballots Voters who are or intend to be at least 50 miles from their voting precincts on election day are eligible fox- absent voters ballots, it was an nounced. Ballots for voters of the above class may be obtained at the office of the Allen County Board of Elec tions in Lima. Deadline fox* appli cation for ballots will be Friday, August 7, at the close of the day’s activity. Upon receipt of the physician’s certificate, the board will send an ap plication form to the votcx- which must be filled out before a ballot can be received. After the applica tion is returned to the board, a bal lot is sent by registered mail. After marking his choices, the voter returns the ballot to the board. Also by registered mail. The return letter must be postmarked not later than the day before the election and must arrive at the board’s office be fore the official count is made. In New’ Locations Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffin are occupying the Mrs. M. M. Kibler apartment above Ruff’s store re cently vacated by Woodrow Little and family. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin recently came hexe from Arkansas and he is employed at the Triplett plant. Mr. and Mrs. Little and family are occupying the Clayton Bixel residence, formerly the Boehr property on Grove street. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Leiber are oc cupying the Nile Murray property on Thurman street, having recently moved here from Arlington. The property was previously occupied by Nile Murray who moved to the Alva Scoles farm. Bluffton Teacher To Receive M. A. Degree Miss Theresa Slusser, Bluffton High school instructor in English and history, will receive the Master of Arts degree from Bowling Green State university at summer com mencement exercises set for Friday, August 7. She is among the 88 school teach ers and students who will receive their degrees at the summer convo cation. men in the United States Coast Guard service daily. Several major news reel companies filmed the ac tivities of the training unit this week. Geiger is shown in the film refereeing a boxing match. Lieut. Dempsey is very demo cratic and well liked by all of his associates, Geiger stated. Lieut. Geiger has been coach and principal of the high school at Van Buren. He graduated from Bluffton High school in the class of 1927 and attended Bluffton college later gradu ating from Ohio State university. His wife is the former Miss Wini fred Thompson, daughtex- of J. A. Thompson of Spring street. She and their two children will move to Brooklyn in the near future. GOOD OUTLOOK FOR OATS HARVEST IN BLUFFTON DISTRICT ’remising Showing of Crop Offsets Poor Results Chalk ed up by Wheat Potato Market Shows Indica tions of Rise Soys, Toma toes, Com Good Offsetting the smallest wheat crop in recent years, oats this summer are expected to turn in a yield of aver age or better, according to opinion expressed by farmers who are in the midst of harvest. A crop average from 60 to 80 bush els is anticipated, altho this estimate may be cut somewhat in this section where part of the crop has been blown down in storms of the past month. A season of unusually favorable grooving weather is proving a boon to other crops including corn, toma toes, soybeans, pickles and potatoes. Corn Looks Good Corn, backbone of farm crops here is giving evidence of a yield better than was earlier anticipated, in view of late planting, some borer damage and smaller acreage than a year ago. Soys, likewise are expected to make one of the best records in recent years both in yield per acre and total pro duction. Large increases in acreage of toma toes in the district northwest of Bluffton has followed opening of new canneries in that section, with both prices and crop yields better than a year ago. Pickles also are in demand by canneries with better than average crop at satisfactory prices. Potatoes Promising Potato growers who have been look ing forward to a market of $2.50 per hundred pounds this season may get more than this figure, it was indicated the first of the week when the mark et developed unexpected strength. Most of the crop in this section will be harvested in August. The prevail ing price of $2.50 is moxe than twice that of a year ago when growers re ceived $1.10. Potatoes are being sold here at retail for 55 cents a peck. This week will witness the end of harvest season marketing of the wheat crop. Wheat marketed here was about half the usual volume re flecting lower yields due to unfavor able conditions early last spring, re stricted acreage resulting from gov ernmental policies and storage of grain on farms in anticipation of higher prices. Local Woman Will Teach In Beaverdam Mrs. Charles Patterson, formerly Miss Caiol Cookson of South Jack son street, will teach commercial sub jects and English at Beaverdam High school next year. Mrs. Patterson graduated from Bluffton High school in the class of 1936 and from Bluffton college in the class of 1940. She has been teaching for the past two years at Buxbank, Ohio. Triplett, Howe On War Chest Board Two Bluffton men were named on executive committees of the Allen County War Chest at an organiza tion meeting in Lima last Thursday. Mayor W. A. Howe is serving on the executive committed, and R. L. Triplett is a member of the budget and admission. a w BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS fBONDS AND9UMM NUMBER 14 RETAIL MEAT SHORTAGE IS LOOMING HERE Retail Ceiling Price and High Livestock Costs Are Difficulty ’ork and Beef Production Ade quate to Meet Needs Scar city Artificial Bluffton, along with the rest of the country, faces a critical meat shortage unless some adjustment is made between the government’s ceil ing prices on dressed meats and the unrestricted advance of livestock prices. Local meat retailers viewed with concern a situation which has al Top price for hogs $14 on the Bluffton market Wednesday morning was 80 cents below the twenty-two year record made here last week. Drop in price followed heavier offerings coming on the market. ready resulted in acute shortages in Ohio cities the past week where meat markets were unable to supply their trade because the skyrocketing prices of livestock, especially hogs, have wiped out dealers’ profit mar gins. Since most of the meat sold in re tail markets here is processed local ly, the curtailment is not felt as acutely as elsewhere at the present time. Ample Livestock Supplies Working out of the price ceiling plan as naw administered has re sulted in a situation which finds ample supplies of livestock on the hoof but retailers counters badly de pleted. Seriousness of the situation was reflected when the representative of a Lixna meat packing firm serving this territory reported that 67 retail outlets on his route had suspended business pending price adjustments. A survey revealed that most pack ers have cut their pork kills by half and beef kills about 20 per cent. Shortages at Packing House Because of restricted packing house operations, meat retailers here disclosed the first of the week that they were faced with a shortage of some items which are purchased from packing house sources. Some dealers here saw in this condition a switching of popular tastes from pork and beef which are under ceiling restrictions to mutton, poultry and fish, for which no ceil ing has been prescribed. It is pointed out that the current situation is aggravated by the fact that this is the slack season in live stock sales. Larger shipments of hogs and cattle to the central mar ket this fall may bring about an easing of the present market, it was said. Mennonite Church Elects New Pastor Rev. Jesse Smucker, pastor of the Bethel College Mennonite church of North Newton, Kansas, was elected to the pastorate of the First Men nonite church of Bluffton at a con gregational meeting after services Sunday morning. If he accepts the call he will fill the vacancy created by the resigna tion of Rev. H. T. Unruh, present pastor, who leaves to accept the pas torate of the Hillsboro, Kansas, Men nonite church, effective September 1. Advance In Rank Robert Dillman, son of Mrs. Budd Dillman has been promoted to the rank of corporal at Ft. Eustis, Ga., where he is in training. Previously engaged in the repair of army mech anized equipment, Corp. Dillman is now engaged in clerical work. In Australia Master Sgt. Robert Root has ar rived safely in Australia, according to a cable message received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Root of North Mound street. APPEARS IN RECITAL Miss Ruth Fenwick, Lima mezzo soprano, will be presented in recital at Bluffton college chapel, Friday night at 8:30 o’clock. She will be accompanied by Miss Sara Moyer. WINDOW EXHIBITS Some fine specimens of plums rais ed by Chester Huber south of Bluff ton are on exhibit in the News win dow.