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VICTORY BUY’ VN1TED STATES DEFENSE 11ONDS AND STAMPS VOLUME NO. LXVII DRAFT BOARD NO. 3 STILL HAS SUPPLY OF CLASS 1-A MEN Board in County Outside Lima Can Meet October and November Calls Estimates Made Wednesday As Both Lima Boards Say Shortage In Sight Allen county draft board No. 3 estimated Wednesday morning that there would be a sufficient number of men in class 1-A to fill anticipat ed October and November quotas. This statement came from Lima headquarters of the draft board which has jurisdiction over Allen county outside of that city, after the two Lima boards stated Tuesday that their supply of 1-A men would be insufficient to fill big November re quirements. Statement that board No. 3 would have sufficient registrants in class 1-A to meet immediate calls was based on estimates only, since classi fication of men is not made until after physical examination. Await Word from State Headquarters Board attaches stated they had re ceived no word from state head quarters that it would be called upon to furnish 1-A men to make good quotas of other boards whose supply of men in this class was exhausted. State selective service headquart ers in Columbus, however, said Tues day night that no board should begin drawing on men maintaining a bona fide relationship with their wives,, with children or with wives and! children until all boards in “are in substantially the same tion.” One-third Japanese Student president of the college. Ohio posi- when State draft officials said that this situation came about—and it is expected shortly—the local boards would be given sidering Class 3 duction into the word to start con registrants for in army. Have No 1-A I As matters now stand, one-third of Ohio’s 330 draft boards have in-1 formed state selective service head-1 quarters they no longer had any men! Levi Gable was hired as janitor of in the 1-A classification. I These boards have been requested! tbe Bluff*011 board of educa te inform state headquarters whether Monday night. He will succeed they have completely classified all ^vi Mellinger who resigned recent registrants, including 20-year-olds l-v- The position carries a monthly whether all 3-A and 3-B classifica-| salary of $105. tions have recently been reviewed Gable, a painter and paperhanger, whether the boards are considering! be*in his "ew duti*s as s0°n as reclassification of men whose occupa-l b*s ^ad work is completed. Mean tional deferments are expiring I whde Charles benton, one of the whether all registrants who married! JUnitors at the high school building, when their induction was legally filling the place temporarily, considered imminent have been re classified whether reclassification of all registrants in 3-A because of col lateral dependency claim has been completed whether all alien cases have been processed how many ap-| Elbert Anderson and Clarence peals are pending before appeals I Young of this place will leave soon boards whether all 4-F (physically| for their final physical examinations unfit) cases have been reviewed the boards and their physicians accordance with the latest list defects permissible in potential ductees. day may fair fair continues School will be resumed on Fri day, it was announced by A. J. B. Longsdorf, superintendent. I Another student of Japanese an-1 cestry, Richard Okada .also from the University of Washington, is expect-1 ed to arrive next week. Okada was! born in Hawaii and Kumata was born in the state of Washington. Gable To Be Janitor At Grade Building the grade school building at a meet- Homecoming Queen Take Army Physical Examination Shortly by and possible induction into the army, ini it was announced the of week. in-1 The two will be sent county selective service with headquarters in Findlay. I Arrives On Campusl Radio Sermon Series Robert Kumata, Japanese transfer I radj0 address to be given in the student from the University ofl Ljvjng Today series by the Rev. A. Washington, arrived at the Bluffton I Schultz, pastor of the Ebenezer college campus this week to begin I Mennonite church and c0nege Bible work, under arrangements with the I profeasor over f’indlay radio station Federal Relocation Authority, it was I announced by Dr. .L. Ramseyer, o»cjocjc I I I I Both youths are United States citizens and have been working ini the relocation camp at Tulelake,! Newell, California. I I Bluffton is one of 300 mid-west colleges which has agreed to accept a small number of American-born I Japanese students. Oberlin college! Processor Finds Favor as with 19 American born Japanese hasl Sugar Substitute the largest number Before permits are granted to these students to attend the mid wotern schools they- must be cleared by the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion and the Army Intelligence serv ice. All of these students are paying their own way, Pres. Ramseyer re-| Bluffton householders who may ported. At the suggestion of federal have experienced some inconvenience officials in charge of the relocation! because of the sugar rationing pre program, the police and administra-| gram are being supplied this fall tive officials of the village and coun-| with an acceptable substitute—sorg ty have been informed of the ar-| hum molasses—produced at the mill rival of the students. I 1LTARY Alice Howe, Bluffton college homecoming queen who will reign over the annual festivities Saturday when graduates and former students re turn to the campus. She will be crowned in ceremonies at the gym nasium Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. She will also preside at the homecoming football game at Harmon field, Saturday afternoon. No School To Be Held On Thursday Because Of Fair LUFFTON public schools will 1 be dismissed all day Thurs in order that the students attend the Putnam county to be held at Ottawa. The started on Tuesday and through Saturday. Homecoming Will Be Celebrated By I Bluffton College Saturday And Sunday first of the by Hancock board No. 2 “Character” is the subject of the Friday afternoon at 3:45 Magdalena Wilson of Dayton Wednesday at the home of Mrs. visited her brother, Guy Corson and Mrs. Corson of North Jackson street. Output of Pioneer Settlement Night Shift Added at Miller Cane Mill to Meet Enlarged Market Demand of E. E. Miller, four miles north- FHE BLUFFTON uraay Aiteinoon ____ I Crowning of Queen College Music Series Opens Tuesday Night Sugar Rationing Creates Demand For Sorghum Molasses From Mill Here west of town. Miss Mary Alice Howe, senior,! W. A. Howe, chairman of the Bluff daughter of Mayor and Mrs. W. A. I ton drive. Howe, will be crowned queen in cere-1 Organization of town and town-. monies to be held at the college gym-lsbip committees has been completed A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INT ERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY’ BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, OCT 8, 1942 USE OF BUSES IS BANNED FOR ALL SCHOOL CONTESTS Use of Buses Limited to Haul ing Pupils to School, is OTD Ruling Athletic Teams to Use Private Cars All Other School Meets Cancelled Miss Howe was one of four[and details of the solicitation are Representatives She will be attended by Miss|of various local organizations are serving on the committee. nasium. Miss Howe was one of fourland details of the solicitation are! candidates selected by the football I being worked out. I team. f‘ Lora Schultz, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Schultz of Bluffton and by Miss Ruth Neuenschwander of Quak ertown, Pa and and “B” Richard Wenger, son of Mr. Mrs. Fred Wenger of Bluffton president of the men’s Varsity organization, will escort the queen to her throne and place the crown (Continued on page 5) Opening the annual Bluffton col-1| chairman lege music string trio chapel Tuesday night at 8:30 o’clock.I Rowland. During the Russian revolution Mr.| being selected Sykora, the leader, toured Siberia I Mayor said, and came to America in 1920. Other numbers on the are: Dec. 7—The Stevens changes in all inter-school in which Bluffton High involved will be made as Drastic activities school is the result of a ruling this week by the Office of Defense Transportation which forbade the use of school buses for any other purpose than hauling of pupils between homes and the schools. WAR CHEST DRIVE WILL START HERE Dr. Harvey Bauman, Returned! I xVlissionary, Vesper Speaker I AH ar Relief Solicitation ill Sunday Afternoon I 3e Combined Under One FRIDAY OCT 16 Beaver Gridders Meet Capital farm aild V. at Harmon Field Sat- Local Committees are Organiz-houthwest of Bluffton urdav Afternoon e* in Bluffton and Rich- u “clng nlarr,ed °n„the --1—.. their| vocal All band, orchestra, and music contests have been cancelled for this season and presumably will. be eliminated for the duration of thel*^1* war. All Other contests in debate,! dramatics and other similar inter-1 Occasion school competition are definitely out| for the duration, it was stated by| (Continued on page 5) I Named Committees In Richland township the mittee consists T. V. series will be the Sykora I Bowers, Raymond to play at the Ramseyer I Harvey Gratz aftd The trio is composed of Russian I The community will musicians who lived many years ini a systematic house to the Ukraine, the Don River region,! in which every the Caucasus, the Crimea and other I will be invited theatres of the present war. I tion. A large Feb. 2 Koch-Turner Duo recital. I numerous drives under the new plan, I pandora a girl Tuesday April 30—The Chicago Little Phil-|it was pointed out. _______ harmonic. I All of the numbers will be Pre'| lists the following agencies to whit the philharmonic group which will fuuniJdn bseX‘ebutorganizations play at the high school auditorium.] British War Relief I Equipment of the mill was made! (Continued on page 2) The national war chest committee C. A., War Prisoners Aid. The mill, one of the few of its I Because of its nation wide appeal I this week by Norman Triplett, chair kind in-this part of the state has I the Red Cross is not included in the I man of the Bluffton war bond sav been operated for many years prin-lwar chest. However, with this one lings committee. cipally on a custom basis for farm-1 exception Bluffton residents may bel Intensification of the purchase of ers in this section. Sugar rationing,! assured that there will be only one I war bonds is being urged by the however, has brought it into prom- war relief drive during the year,I committee in charge of the salesl inence and the place is now operat-l the Mayor stated. ing a day and night shift to meet! I ’s very good but more in Bluffton the increased demand. I I Advances In Rank K i I held no prospect of ill omen for land 1 ownsnip land I _I October 13, Hold Open House in Afternoon 1 And Evening at Their Home Near Bluffton I I Head I w’fe, 71, Starting with the crowning of the I homecoming queen Saturday morningl Solicitations of Bluiy on and Rich-1 at 10 o'clock, a gkla round of fes-lland township residen. for contribu-1 tivities has been scheduled for the| tions to tljq war A for the relief vnek end Bluffton college of war .offering wif, hwe on homecoming to be celebrated on the I Friday, October 16 and eontiliue untii| fn)d( campus Saturday and Sunday. I Oct. £3, it was announced by Mayor I Air IxUld OUrSC The committee in the town drive| this Wednesday night at 7:30 o’clock, as announced by the posed of: Amos American Legion Mrs. J. S. Steiner, Legion Auxiliary Mrs. I. W. Bau-1 two-hour lessons and will deal with man, Women’s Federation of Clubs I precautions and methods of handling Don Conrad, Masonic Order Harold I air raid emergencies in order to Beals, Eastern Star Chapter 1. B. avoid disaster. Beeshy, Lions Club Arden Baker, manufacturers Robert Ewing, ton public school teachers Burrichter, Bluffton ministers. I person in the town to make a contribu corps of workers is for the drive, the Purpose of the war chest is to music series I combine ad drives for war relief under one head. The residents of Marionets. I g|uffton will not be bothered with Starts W C'dllCSllail The first course in air raid pro tection for the home will start at the Bluffton High school cafeteria Mayor is com-1 jt was announced by Mrs. L. L. Tschiegg, the| Ramseyer, general chairman The course will consist of four Mrs. Rouse of Lima will be the Bluff-1 instructor. All residents who take Emil I the course are asked to bring note- books and pencils to the meeting. com-1 Other committee chairmen assist- of Henry Huber, I ing in arrangements for the course Stirn, Arthur I include: Mrs.’ Arthur Amstutz, Mrs. Stratton, Mrs. I Walter Stratton, Mrs. Guy Corson, Mrs. Everett I and Miss Carolyn Romey. be solicited in house canvass Births Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Ruesch, Jenera, a girl, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sommers, Co lumbus Grove, a boy, Thursday. Inc„j _____ Russian War Relief, Inc., Polish-1 American Council. Greek War Reliefl Every wage earner in Bluffton Ass’n., Queen Wilhelmina Fund, Inc., I should give at least 10 per cent of American Social Hygiene Ass’n., I his salary to war bond savings to War Emergency Fund of the Y. W.|help in the gigantic task facing the I Advances In Rank I largely by Miller himself who thru! I with total sales of about $20 000 years of experience has become an I Arthur Eldon McConnaughey, 19.1 per month Bluffton has had an ex expert in this line. Associated with! son of Mrs. L. McConnaughey, ofl cellent average and with demands him in operation of the establish-! Lima, formerly Miss Lillian Woods! for war financing increasing resi ment are men whose long exper-l of this place, has been advanced ini dents here are urged to step up ience in this work have made them! rank to petty officer in the United! their purchases especially if they thoroughly familiar with every step! States Navy. He is radio man 3rd! have not been buying the bonds in in the processing and who need nonef class at a U. S. naval operating! the amount of 10 per cent of their base.| total earnings. place.<p></p>NEWS Golden Wedding number for Burkholder, section who Thirteen is a lucky Mr. and Mrs. John T. pioneer residents of this will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary next Tuesday at their one-half miles th'rt“Mr. Mrs.<p></p>Anniversary MR. AND MRS. JOHN T. BURKHOLDER Couple To Observe Their Golden Mis. John T. Buikhold- er Announce Observance of Wedding Anniversary Next Tuesday "‘h Mrs. Burkholder who were wed 1892, and fifty years of happy married life have confirmed their confidence. I I Both Mr. Burkholder, 76, and his are enjoying good health, all of their ten children are living and during the fifty years since they started housekeeping they moved only once—just across the road. Open House Tuesday The couple will tell their friends i is their lucky number at *Th& Golden wedding observance next Tuesday at open house from 2 (Continued on page 2) a Mr. and Mrs. Brice Watkins, girl, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Williams, Leipsic, a girl, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sommers, Greeting Cabled By Tony Wilson To Grandfather 4 REE A BLY surprised was C. C. Corson of Pandora when he received a cablegram from his grandson Carleton “Tony” Wilson last Friday on the occasion of Corson’s 83rd birthday anniversary. IT .• zxp 117 1 I American armed forces, it was stated ProKram here- Local participation should pledge 10 per cent of thvir earnings, Triplett pointed out. Pension Fund Drive At Methodist Church I llltCHSlIlCclt lOll v/1 W31* ISOIlfl I 11I*C11ISCS I PaUmeilt For To 10 Per Cent Of Income Urged Here I I Funeral services were held Sunday! tors created the German mind at Carlock followed by interment at|which demanded military action in that I Besides his daughters living here,I They admit aggressive action he is survived by two other daugh-1 agajnst the United States when ters: Mrs. Rufus Rich of Washing-1 many declared \war on this country ton, Ill., and Mrs. Richard Vincenti but indicated belief that actual shoot of Carlock. I Also surviving are a brother, Sen-|two countries before the official decla ator Simon Lantz of Carlock and ratjon of war. two sisters Mrs. Joe King of Car-1 The Germans took American entry lock and I I a Staff Sergeant Wilson is radio army at an tralia. operator for American bomber squadron located operational Wilson graduated from Bluff ton High school in the class of 1938 and lived here with his un cle. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Corson of North Jackson street. I base in Aus- ago a picture from Austra was shown About a month was received here lia in which he standing in front of his tent with a group of soldiers. Milo P. Lantz, 83, of^ Carlock, I1L,| these sources. German Propaganda The German people feel that they died at the Mennonite hospital ii Bloomington, Ill., Thursday night.I they were forced into the war by the Death followed an extended illness.! belligerent action of England and Mr. Lantz visited here in past! France. German propaganda played years and was known to a numberl up the mal-treatment accorded Ger of Bluffton people. I man I A letter from the office of the! scrap metal in the town’s collection Secretary of the Treasury at Wash-1 ^or tbe war eff°r* raaY receive pay ington, D. C., to the local war bond|ment at the mayor’s office on Wed committee states that regardless ofl nesday or Saturday nights between supplements and increases in the! *be hours of 7:30 and 9:30 o’clock, present tax program the government! was announced by Mayor W. A. will continue to rely on voluntary Howe, lending of money to ...... part of citizens for a large part ofl tons of scrap wi,J receive payments the war financing. I1 *to them on the More intensive promotion of the| and rural mail patrons may pur local campaign through advertising! chase them from the carriers. Many and personal contacts can be expect-1 of the patrons are purchasing the ed in future weeks, Triplett said. I stamps regularly, it was reported. BUY Poland, the speaker stated. UNITED STATES savings ri»ONDS iNmnuu*Ger- jng had already started between the NUMBER 24 SPEAKER INTERNED IN GERMANY SAYS IT'S NO SHORT WAR Lydia Lantz of Cove,|5nto the war in stride and did not al_ Oiegon. ]QW aner their absolute and com plete confidence in victory for the Germans it can not cause a turn in the tide, is the German belief. Germans Here Loyal to U. S. With a local quota of $1,650 the| ’s bebeved further in Germany Bluffton Methodist church has open-1 *be millions of people in is ed a drive for a million dollar re-1 coun*ry German ancestry and ex serve pension fund for the retired! trac*’onWorker could not possibly fight ministers of the church ,it was an-1 wholeheartedly against the father nounced by the Rev. J. A. Weed,! land- Germans have generally re pastor. Relief Held for Five Months Addresses Lions, Tuesday Night I mained loyal in other countries but German People Unable to Real ize Magnitude of America’s War Effort German people generally underesti mate American military strength and look upon Americans as an impulisve and unstable type of people incapable of sustained effort, it was stated by Dr. M. C. Lehman, who recently re- the Lions club at the Walnut Grill, Tuesday night. 1 Dr. Lehman is director of the Men nonite Central Committee in charge of European war relief. Headquart ers had been maintained in Berlin and when Germany declared war on the United States he was interned with other Americans until arrangements could be made for Germany and Unit ed States to exchange nationals. Dr. Lehman returned to this country on the diplomatic exchange liner, the Orotlingholm, arriving in New York on May 28. The group consisted of newspaper men, diplomats, business men and some relief workers. I? people in official positions and many aliier mutt ton I Women Succumbs\^^h^ I Four Years* W ar Belief One of the journalists sponsored a straw vote of the passengers connect ed with the American diplomatic of fice in Berlin and newspaper men re turning on the boat with reference to their belief as to how long the war would last. The 141 passengers who were questioned indicated a belief that the war will last four years, and that American victory may be expected. In his five months internment in Germany, Dr. Lehman was given free dom of movement on the streets and talked with many different types of ordinary citizens. He also talked to the German foreign of- fice and drew his conclusions from nationals in Poland. These fac- church it was an-1 wholeheartedly against the father- The campaign is state wide and! ’s no^ realized in Germany’ that will continue until November 15. It I United States is the one exception to is under the sponsorship of the Ohio! situation, the speaker stated. Conference of the Methodist church. I Americans are pictured as an im- The local committee is composed! pulsive lot representing a, conglomer of A. J. B. Longsdorf, chairman a^on races and national back Forrest Steinman, Ross Gotshall,I grounds. Without the common tra Elmer Short, Mrs. A. T. Worthing-! dltion and homogeneity of the Euro ton and Mrs. A. J. B. Longsdorf. (Continued on page 3) set mained loyal in other countries but Junk Contributors Bluffton residents who contributed The 75 persons contributing 16 in sums varying from eight cents $17.10. In no sense will the requirements! The junk was purchased by L. A. be lessened and it is highly urgent I Kaplan, Lima dealer, for $9.5*0 a ton. that the people of this democracyr increase their purchases of the war' bonds. Regardless of the other measures that are needed, the volun tary savings program will be essen-| Bluffton rural mail carriers have a tial until the war is won, the com- com|)lete supp|y of war „vi mumcation stated. stamps at aR times on the route Sell War Stamps