PAGE FOUR Gloves on Your Pets Dogs and cats are the cause of al most one-fourth of the runs in stock ings. Puppies are the worst. They can ruin a pair of silk or nylon just by brushing their paws against them. Hosts who have this in mind could put small gloves on their pet’s paws. ANNOUNCEMENT Recent Government Rulings provide: That no newspaper may purchase more newsprint than the amount required to produce its net paid circulation of 1941. Also no more waste paper and no returns on copies not sold. To aid us in complying with this ruling we are asking the reading public to cooperate by ordering their daily papers laid away for them each day. Our orders to our suppliers must be adjusted to meet the demand which has cut our supply of daily papers very low. Your cooperation is necessary if we are to serve you satisfactorily under the present regulations. SECHLER’S NEWS STAND JACK: Plenty, Public Sale 1 will offer at Public Auction at my farm, located i/ mile east, 1 mile south of Beaverdam, on Friday, Jan. Sth Commences at 9:30 A. M. McCormick-Deerihg F12 tractor, in good condition cultivators and P. O. breaking plows McCormick tractor disc, used 2 seasons McCormick rotary hoe, grass seed attachment John Deere corn planter, fertilizer and bean attachment R. 1. corn planter cultipacker spring tooth harrow Deering mower McCormick corn binder Mc Cormick grain binder Dain hay loader Gale riding break ing plow Appleton corn husker. Machinery all in work able condition. HORSES—Sorrel mare, 6 yrs. old, sound work any where sorrel colt, coming 2 yrs. old. Unequal Images A special study of 400 aviation cadets showed that two out of every 25 men had aniseikonia—a condition which produces unequal images in the two eyes—to the extent of one half of 1 per cent or more. Differ ence in visual images, however, in no case was more than 1 per cent. 0. COTNER, Owner Harold McClain, Auct. R. C. Klinger, Clerk. "What on earth has a battleship got to do gS Bl Mom ... plentv! They tell me down at the Navy yard almost every thing that goes into making those babies is cooked with Gas. MOTHER: Cooked? What do you mean cooked... JACK: Heat-treated to give the metal proper toughness. For instance, Gas cooks armor plate so it will shake off big shells and not shatter under gunfire. And the steel for tanks, guns, planes and bombs ... they’re all cooked with Gas I MOTHER: But why Gas? JACK: Why Gas! You ought to know because it saves time and money makin* a battlev agon—just as it saves you time and money cookin’ a meal! EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCHES Emil Burrichter, Pastor Emmanuel’s: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Public worship at 10:45 a. m. In stallation of all church and church school officers. Consistory meeting Monday even ing at Wiiford Gratz home at 8:30. St. John’s: Public worship at 9:30 a. m. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Junior and Senior C. E. at 6:00 p. m. Ladies Aid society meets at the church parlors Thursday afternoon. Junior Choir meets at the parson age Thursday evening at 7:30. Senior choir meets at the Noah Nlswander home Thursday evening at 8 00. Gertrude Hoy Missionary Circle meets Monday evening at 8 o’clock with Miss Lavada Balmer. CHURCH OF CHRIST G. Bright, Minister v I Bluff ton— 1 9:30 a. m. Church School, R. Lug inbuhl, Supt, 10:30 a. m. Worship. Lord’s Sup-l per. Sermon: “The Impelling Faith’’ May we not forget the remaining nights of the Week of Prayer. Wed nesday, Methodist Thursday, De fenseless Mennonite Friday, Church of Christ and Sunday, First Menno nite Church. Time at 8 p. m. Wel come everyone. Beaverdam— z 9:30 a. m. Church School, C. Am stutz, Supt. 10:30 a. m. Lord’s Supper. Note: “The power which is turn ing the tide is the faithful men of our forces, both at home and abroad. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH J. A. Meed. Minister Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. Union service (observing Universal Week of Prayer) at this church. Rev. E. G. Steiner, speaker. THURSDAY: 8:00 p. m. Meeting of Woman’s Society of Christian Service at home of Mrs. Edith Mann, 127N. Main street. 8:00 p. m. Union service at De fenseless Mennonite church. Rev. Gerald Bright, speaker. Friday, 8:00 p. m. Union service at Church of Christ. Rev. E. N. Bigelow, speaker. SUNDAY: 9:30 a. m. Church school. 10:15 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon topic, “God Speaking Through Human Experience.” 10:15 a. m. Meeting of King’s Guards, downstairs. 11:15 a. m. Meeting of Official Board. a 11:15 a. r.i. Young People’s Choir MOTHER: So that’s why they say we may be asked to conserve Gas for home uses this winter. JACK: 1 hat’s it, Mom Gas is mighty im portant stuff, and they need lots of it to win the war! MOTHER: Well, if I can help. I’ll be glad to do my bit. JACK: Now you’re cookin’with Gas...Mom! 85,000,000 American! depend on Gas to save time, money and food in cooking .... to preserve food safely in silent Gas refrigerators to heat water and homes. That’s why they've made the Gas Company community headquarters for cooking and nutrition information! If you want the latest advice on these all-important sub jects consult your Gas Company. .4/ 41 GAS kLA Buy War Bonds today —savejor the Certified Perjormanee Gas Range cj tumorroa WEST OHIO GAS CO is vital to war production use It wisely I THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO rehearsal. 6:30 ,p. m. Junie Fellowship. 8:00 p. m. Union Mennonite church. High Y'outh Service at First Monday, 4:00 p. rehearsal. n. Junior Choir What a power—moral and spiritual —could be generated and released in this war-torn world, if all Christian people of our community would, as far as possible, ur ite with other Christians of the world in this Universal Week of Prayer Observ ance. MISSIONARY CHURCH A. F. A!bro Pastor SUNDAY: 9:30 Sunday sch'X 10:30 Morning wo -ship. 7:15 p. m. Children’s church. 7:15 p. m. Young 1‘eople’s society. 7:45 p. m. Evang?listic service. Wednesday, 7:45 Tayer meeting. DEFENSELESS MENNONITE E. G. Skin Sunday school Adella Oyer, Supt. Worship service Pastor ,9:30. Mrs. a. m. No evening servi due to Union FLORIDA ORANGES ft™™ su. CALIFORNIA ORANGES FRESH ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE WHITE SAIL SOAP GRAINS 2 33c GOLD MEDAL FLOUR.......^$1.09 BEST FLOUR PILLSBURY 81.07 SUNNI FIELD PASTRY FLOUR......... aiV.b885c IONA FLOUR 24’,i LB. BAG SUNNYFIELD FAMILY “Enriched'’ FLOUR......... 95c QUAKER OR MOTHER’S OATS............. X' 22c KELLOGG’S Corn Flakes or Post TOASTIES 2pk'S: 17c SUNNYFIELD 1 LARGE PKG. AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR .. 2X°:.-2lc N.B.C. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 SUNNYFIELD CAKE FLOUR *1 TF/. LARGE I PKG. ANN PAGE MELLO WHEAT TF- LARGE I PKG. AT k FSIABLISMO t8$« y SELF-SERVICE service at the First Mennonite church. Union Week of Prayer Service Thursday at 8 o’clock. Rev. Gerald Bright will speak. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY’ Sunday services at 10:30 a. m. subject: “Sacrament.” Testimonial meeting at 7 30 Wed nesday evening. The reading room at the church is open every Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. The public is invited to all services and to visit the read ing room. This society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ernest N. Bigelow, Pastor Rockport— Morning worship at 9:30. The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup per will be observed. Church School at 10:30. Mr. Edgar Begg, Supt. The regular meeting of the Wom en’s Missionary Society will be held on Wednesday, January 13, at 2 p. m. in the home of Mrs. J. C. Begg. Bin ffton— Church School at 9:30. Morning Worship at 10:50. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed. The monthly meeting of the Wom en’s Missionary Society will be held next Tuesday, January 12, at 2:30 in the home of Mrs. Armin Hauenstein. CALIFORNIA 42c CARROTS doc. doc. 29c DRESSED SILVERSIDES 21c pkgs. SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES 11 oz. Pkg. SALMON STEAK FINE QUALITY SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE FRESH CAUGHT CATFISH ai1 deanci BLUE PIKE RED FISH PHILADELPHIA 23c SOAP.......... 5 b„. 21c 21c KIRK'S FLAKEWHITE or P&G SOAP .... 5 bars FLAKES OR GRANULES CHIPSO EBENEZER MENNONITE CHURCH Arnold C. Schultz, Pastor THURSDAY': Tender .... FRESH CALIFORNIA 37c PASCAL CELERY TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT for WHITING The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary society will be postponed to Thursday, Jan. 14, be cause of the death of Mrs. Jacob Haas. 7:30 p. m. Women’s chorus re hearsal. 8:00 p. m. Teachers’ meeting and prayer service. 8:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal. SUNDAY: 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. Morning worship. Sermon topic: ‘The Death of Christ.’ 4:15 p. m. Church radio broadcast from WFIN, Findlay. 7:30 p. m. Programs of the Christian Endeavor societies. 8:30 p. m. Evening service. The subject of the message will be, “The Gospel Trumpet.” “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be ac ceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” FIRST MENNONITE CHURCH J. N. Smucker, Pastor Thursday— 7:15 Choir rehearsal, both the reg ular-choir and the Juniors. Sunday— 9:30 Sunday School, under the su pervision of Mr. D. Hilty. Classes for all ages. 10:30 The Sunday Worship service. 6:00 Intermediate Christian En­ Ell I Boneless. QQ- ril I ETP Boneless, Pole OR* FILLS Id pnn R(.ady ]b. OwJG FILLCId star Brand lb. CUV WISCONSIN FRESH CHEESE 3Oc ib. SURF. GOOD OLEOMARGARINE FRESH CRESTVIEW MED. SIZE c(jk» fiRADE NATURAL AMERICAN LOAF CHEESE CREAM CHEESE AXT BAKERS COOKIES JANE PARKER DATED ENRICHED MARVEL BREAD 3 29c DOUGHNUTS JANE PARKER FUDGE NUT LOAF COUPON NO. 28 NOW GOOD FOR 1-LB. COFFEE Buy the Coffee of Finer, Fresher Flavor 8'CLOCK RED CIRCLE BOKAR Make A & Your Coffee Headquarters THIN SKIN TANGERINES 25c bunch stalk TISSUE PAPER 3“s 15c VEAL PIMENTO LOAF 18c HALIBUT STEAK V. 8. NO. 1 GKADE MAINE POTATOES .......... 9c FRESH QUALITY TEXAS BROCOLLI........... 21C U. S. NO. 1 GRADE MAINE POTATOES........... 29c for NORTHERN 29c lb. 32c lb. 31c lb. 27c lb. 2»»• 31c 48c doz. ctn. 35c lb. 10c 3 oz. pkg. 2 lb. 29c pkg. ]2c doz. Sugared 2 41 2 47c 2 51c THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 194? deavor. 7:00 Junior Christian Endeavor. 8:00 Closing Service of ie u i Week of Prayer series. Rev. J. A. Weed will bring the message. Ail are cordially invited to attend. LUTHERAN CHURCH W. L. Harmony, Pastor 9:30 a. m. Sunda school. 7:30 p. m. Preaching. KLEK 2 43c A&P KITCHEN MATCHES .... 6 ajf: STOCK SALES Jfc For dehorning cattle write G. H„ Edwards, 223 Jefferson St., Findlay, Ohio. Arteries masculated and no bleeding. 49 Notice—Due to gas and tire situa tion, changes will be necessary in our business. On and after Jan. 1, 1943, all kinds of service bulls are same price, $2 each plus 5c per mile one way. Terms strictly cash. Call early in day as no trips made after sun down. Please limit Sunday calls to cows repeatedly in heat on this day. C. N. Long & Son, 3 miles west of Ada. Phone Red 1360. tf Wanted—Y'oung calf. Paul Shu law, Bluffton phone 578-Y’. For sale Purebred Shorthorn bulls. Ellis Steiner, 2 miles north and ’2 mile east of Pandora. 38 For sale—Chester White male hog. J. E. Emerick, Beaverdam. For sale—Good Guernsey bull ready for service. Hiram Kohli. SWEET JUICY FLORIDAS 15-lb. cons, bag Wfcw bunch 21c 50-lb. 4 E9 cons, bag Vlivfc SUNNYFIELD PANCAKE FLOUR 5 19’ 2 OXYDOL or 1ge. pkgs. RINSO .... SWEETHEART 43c SOAP..........■. cakes OLD DUTCH 17c 20c CLEANSER ....3C„, 20c SOAP BEADS 28c boxes WHITEHOUSE EVAPORATED MILK ............ 4c.“!,'35c PET MILK or CARNATION 4 37c RAYON SAFE SUPER SUDS 2 LARGE X| PKGS. PALMOLIVE SOAP......... 3 „kt. 19c ROMAN CLEANSER 2,X 17c TISSUE PAPER WALDORF .... 3 rolls 12c WHITE SAIL SOAP FLAKES 2 pkggse 27c GRANULATED BEET SUGAR 2 lb. 13c ENCORE MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 3 23c GELATIN DESSERTS SPARKLE 5pks». 24c SULTANA PEANUT 2 19c each ar 54c For Victory WAR SAVINGS STAMPS AVAILABLE Al AIL 1 UP FOOD STORES