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BUY UNTTED •Tates ON DS AKB STAMM VOLUME NO. LXVII RECORD COLD WAVE SINKS MERCURY TO EIGHT DELOW ZERO Lowest Temperature of Winter Is Registered Here Wed nesday Morning No Early Prospect Held for Relief Road Conditions Are Hazardous Below-zero temperatures coldest weather of an unusually severe win ter—held the Bluffton area in its grip Wednesday with little of early relief. The cold weather swept n jrthwest unexpectedly Bluffton district early morning on the wings of blizzard accompanied by a which which week prospect the cold Wednes- Lowest temperature of •wave was registered early day morning when the mercury sank to eight derees below zero. Near zero temperatures continued thruout the forenoon. out of the into the Tuesday a howling fine snow. Streets Hazardous wind whipped it into waves quickly drifted roads. Streets had been covered for the past with a coating of ice were The made more hazardous for pedestrians and motorists alike. Train schedules were demoralized and the Cleveland-St. Louis through train cn the Nickel Plate due in Bluffton at 5:50 a. m. arrived some eight hours late Wednesday after noon. Numerous auto accidents, none ser ious, were reported due principally to skidding on jee covered pavements and frost-covered windshields which clouded drivers’ vision. Worst Weather, Say Truckers Experienced truck drivers with long service records said Tuesday’s weather was the worst they had ever encountered. State highways were kept clear by the use of all equip ment but prospects for travel on country roads were uncertain. However, buses for transporting their rounds Tuesday and Wednes day. Schools are expected to con tinue in Session as usual unless road conditions become materially worse, it was indicated Wednesday. Rural route mail delivery from the Bluffton post office also contin ued Tuesday and Wednesday, altho somewhat behind the regular sched ule. Wind Drops Subsiding of the wind Tuesday night after twelve hours of a 25 mile an hour gale, gave some indi cation of improvement in highway conditions, altho temperatures con tinued to drop. The cold wave which struck early Tuesday morning came following a week of fog and light rain or snow. Temperatures held consistently at the freezing point with a result that the moisture congealed into a thin film of ice which covered streets, fields and all outdoors objects. With The Sick Institute Poster Winners Anne at Mrs. Guy Scoles is convalescing the Bluffton hospital, from a bone operation performed last Wednesday morning. Noah Zimmerman, Jr., ill with in fluenza and complications at his home on East College avenue is im proving. Zimmerman, scheduled to report for army service the past week was unable to do so because of his illness. Bobby, son of Mrs. Alma Bixel of South Main street, has returned to school after a month’s absence due to illness. ser- Oehrli who has been at Bluffton hospital to his home on Charles iously ill removed street. Condition of Amos Bracy, critical ly ill with heart trouble at Blufftor hospital continues unchanged. Winners of the Farmers Instituti poster contest were announced this week at the conclusion of Instituti sessions Tuesday afternoon. These are: Eighth grade—Mary Kathryn Bau man, 1st: Betty Bixel, 2nd Helei Burkholder, 3rd. Sixth grade—Doneta Althaus, 1st Harold Kohli, 2nd Marvin Bronson 3rd. Honorable mention—Robert Neu enschwander, Susanna Kempf, Bil Burcky, Lois Marquart, Joe Good man. Filling Station To Close Here Friday Gaiffe’s Service Station will close its doors on Friday of this week when William Gaiffe, proprietor, will take a position in a Lima war in dustry. This is Bluffton’s eleventh business casualty as a result of war condi tions. Gaiffe disposed of his ice business to Dick Habegger, proprietor of the Hi-Speed gas station. Other Bluffton firms to close be cause of the war are Steiner Hatch ery cream station, Siefield’s Bakery, Cal Balmer & Son Sawmill, Swank’s Barber Shop, Neu-Art Studio, Sutie’s Haberdashery, Beatrice Beauty Shop, and the following filling stations: Gulf, Marathon and Johnson. 51 SELECTEES TO LEAVE THURSDAY FOR CAMP PERRY Allen County Board Sends One Of Largest Groups in Re cent Months Trappers Of Bluffton District Close One Of Best Seasons In Recent Years Next January Quotas Filled: Physical Examinations at Toledo, Feb. 3 Fifty-one selectees, one of the largest contingents in recent months, will leave Lima, Thursday afternoon for Camp Perry to be inducted into the army, it is announced by Allen County Draft Board No. 3. Physical examinations were completed at To ledo last week. The group leaving Thursday will fill the January quota for Draft Board No. 3 and no further men will be summoned this month. Fill ing of next month’s quotas, however, will be started February 3 when an other contingent of registrants will go to Toledo for physical examina tions. Men leaving for Camp Perry this Thursday are: Max Henry, Wm. Garver, Robert Kupper, Charles Sneary, Robert Stewart, Kenneth Diller, Wm. Wien ken, Ora Barrett, Charles Joseph, Hobart Hall, Otis Struble, Harry Jenner, Harold Lones. Evan Reynolds, Walter Cockerell, Fred Green, Jr., Jas. Miller, Merl Hollar, Wm. Keirns, Fred Weisen meyer, Jr., Don Doty, Jas. Barmp, Leroy Cotner, Delmar Dunlap, Eugene .Steinbrenner. Bernard Will, George Byerly, Rich ard Mikesell, Max Miller, Edward Iinler, I'ivin Rader, Wm. McCafferty, Stanley Wirt, Richard Kline, Gerald Bowers, Jas. Sendelbach, William McConnell. Marion Glass, Frank Reglea, Ad rian Gross, Gerald Dershem, Jos. Isenberg, Richard Sneary, Eugene Wreede, Charles Kaufman, Oliver Harsh, Walter Potts, Maurice Green, Russell Landfair, Robert Gladen, Ernest Akerman. Colored Scenes Of Mexico At Lions Colored motion pictures depicting the Mexican travels of the Rev. A. C. Schultz, Bluffton college Bible in structor, were shown at the meeting of the Bluffton Lions club at the Walnut Grill Tuesday night. Rev. Schultz studied the religion and culture of the Mayan Indians in Mexico and found many duplicates of cultural forms in Mexico and in Egypt where he had traveled pre viously. Many scenes of the Indian temples and pyramids were shown as well as pictures of the Indians at work and engaged in selling on the streets of Mexican towns. Where Our Soldier Boys Are Pvt. Clyde E. Klingler, 35336762 Service Co., 14th Inf. A. P. O. 829, c/o Postmaster New Orleans, Louisiana Pvt. W. H. Schnegg, 35500789 692 S. A. S. Prov. Bn., A. P. O. 9, c/o Postmaster New York, New York Wade A. Shook, RT3C Naval Armory. Michigan City, Indiana More Than 4,000 Pelts, Mostly Muskrat are Sold to Local Fur Buyers Winter’s Catch Also Includes Coon, Opossum, Mink, Weasel and Skunk Fur trappers in the Bluffton dis trict are checking up this week at the close of one of the best seasons in recent years. A large quantity of pelts—more than 4,090—were mark eted here at top prices during the season which closed last Friday. Most of the pelts were muskrat for which trappers were paid $2 each. Market prices for other raw furs were coon, $6 mink, $6.50, and oppossum 35 to 40 cents. Weasels and fox are also occasionally found. The price increase ranging from ten per cent upwards is believed to have been» largely instrumental in maintaining the volume of furs marketed here which is reported to have been as large as usual despite the fact that fewer trappers were engaged in the business this winter. Local Dealers Buy Pelts Most of the pelts are marketed through local dealers, Jesse Manges or Russell Leiber who prepare the skins for shipment. former years there were many skunks caught in the Bluffton than now. It seems that the In more area animals became infected by the same disease that proved fatal to so many of the rabbits here. ago numerous dead skunks found in fields of the district. Several years were Since that time the catch of this animal has been negligible. In warmer winters there has been some danger of over-trapping muskrats but there was little danger of that this past winter because of the cold weather, local sportsmen stated. Couple Is Wed At Parsonage Sunday Wedding of Miss Eudora Eliza- Amstutz Schweitzer, and Marvin Moser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moser, both residing west of Bluff ton, took place Sunday. The single ring ceremony was per formed by Rev. A. C. Schultz at the Ebenezer Mennonite parsonage on Grove street. For her marriage the bride wore a jacket dress of copen blue crepe pompadour hat of black straw, black gabardine shoes and a corsage of lavender orchids. Catherine Firestone, Triplett em ploye, only attendant of the bride wore an aqua dress, hat of black straw, and wore a corsage of yellow roses. Hiram Bucher served as best man for the groom. Following the ceremony a four course wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride to the wed ding party and immediate families. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moser, Eileen, Veldine and Junior Moser Mr. and Mrs. Francis Moser and children Carol and Rob ert,- all of Bluffton Mrs. Charles Kistner, Pontiac, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reiter and daughter Sandra Elise of Mt. Cory Mrs. Mary Sommers and Sharlene Basing er of Pandora Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bowers and daughter Judith Ellen of Lima Mrs. Firestone, Mr. Buch er and the honored guests Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Moser. Mrs. Moser is a graduate of Pan dora High school and was a former employe of the Triplett company. Mr. Moser is a graduate of Bluffton High school and is employed at the Lima Armature Co. of Lima. The couple will be at home to their many friends in their newly furnished apartment at 336^ S. Pine street, in Lima. Births The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Burkholder, a boy, Frank Joseph, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Basinger, twin girls, Marlene Rae and Darlene Kae, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Althaus, twin boys, Jerry Ray and Gary Jay, this Wednesday morning. Ebenezer Broadcast The Women’s Chorus will be fea tured in the weekly broadcast of the Ebenezer Mennonite church over Findlay radio station WFIN Sun day afternoon at 4:15 o’clock. Miss Mabel Amstutz is director and Mrs. Wm. Althaus is accompanist. 11 IE BLUFFTON NEW A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, JAN ARMERS FAVOR MOVING CLOCKS DACK ONE HOUR 'ime Change Altho Not On Institute Program, One of Chief Topics dustry Benefits from “Fast’ Time at Expense of Agri culture, Charge Farmers in the B^iffton area want fie clocks set back an hour to Central Standard time—and they are aying so in no uncertain terms, entiment for a change to “slow” ime which has been rumbling thru ut this district during the last few eeks came to a head at the istitute Monday and Tuesday. farmers 1 21, 1943 farm pro Altho not officially on the ram, the matter of change in ow before the Ohio le ne of the chief topfet ion between sessions athered in informal groups between nstitute sessions. time, fislature, was of conversa- ogether and question of One of the jf the pres .he farmer :ence from ige in time A half-dozen wasn’t long hange in time lost irritating nt situation as far as i s concerned is the insis Vashington that any chai rill hamper industry’s part in the ar effort. Hamstrings Agriculture is Charge until the came up. features Whether a change in time will lamper industry, the farmer isn’t irepared to argue—but he will tell ou quickly and in no uncertain erms that the present time system farm work—and after that agriculture is vital effort he feels that he is fully as much considera- sing told the war ititled to in as industry. Reason given by the farmers here opposing the advance in time is at they must wait an hour longer daylight. Some of the work can done in lighted barns while it is ill dark but general farm work is riejr Stick an iiouf farmer about an the day’s at the rould give the our’s start in arious farmers lointed out. work, institute the time is being The question of changing ack to Central Standard iven consideration at the present ime by the Ohio General AssemtTy. lovernor Bricker has refused to take definite stand on the time change uestion, it is reported. The Governor has suggested that he legislatures of Ohio and Michi an send delegations to Washington o compare data with the War luction Board on electric power ng features of war time. Pro sav- Survey Made that The Governor has pointed out iis survey on the effect of War Time n Ohio industry is at variance with he conclusions of Donald M. Nelson, VPB chairman, but he has asked hat the legislators be careful not o hamper the war effort. Some questions have been raised .s to the legality of a state making he time change. Informed attor leys have pointed out their belief hat congress could require a state o operate on a certain time if such iction was deemed necessary for the uccessful prosecution of the war. The act of congress passed Jan. 10, 1942 advancing clocks an hour in ■very time zone was labeled “an act o promote the national security and lefense by establishing the Day ight Saving time.” Rationing Calendar So that you may not forget the imerous important rationing dates, publishing The Bluffton News is this weekly reminder. 21—Last day JAN. Coupon A book. JAN. to use gasoline No. 3 in your 22—Coupon No. 4 in gasoline A hook becomes good for gasoline purchases. JAN. 26—Last day of fuel oil heading period No. 2. JAN. 31—Last day for in spection of automobile tires. Feb. 7—Last day to use Stamp No. 28 in War Ration Book No. 1 for one pound of coffee. FEB. 20—Last day of fuel oil heating period No. 3. FEB. 28—Last day for holders of and books to have their automobile tires inspected. FEB. 28—Last day for inspec tion of truck tires. MARCH 31—Last day for A book tire inspection. Two records were set this week at the Bluffton Community hospital— 12 babies in the hospital on Sunday and two sets of twins Wednesday. Twelve is the record number of babies in the institution at any one time and this is the first time that there were two sets of twins in building at the same time. Dr. L. L. Huber, Former Bluff ton Resident, Addresses Bluffton Institute Wooster Entomologist Two Sets Of Twins And 12 Babies At Bluffton Hospital This Week the and one Twin girls were bom to Mr. Mrs. Leland Basinger, living mile west of town, on Sunday. Their names are: Marlene Rae and Arlene Kae. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Althaus west of town became parents of the sec ond set of twins at the hospital this Wednesday morning. The boys are named Jerry Ray and Gary Jay. Says That Hybrid Corn is Most Economical Seed time pro with Hybrid corn is ideal for war planting because of its greater ductive capacity on less acreage less labor, it was stated by Dr. L. L. Huber, former Bluffton resident and now entomologist at the Wooster ex periment station, who addressed ses sions of the Farmers Institute at the high school auditorium Tuesday afternoon. Huber was born and raised in Bluffton the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huber, four miles south of town on the Lincoln highway. The old home place is now farmed by a brother, Harry Huber. Anoth er brother, Dr. Everett Huber, is now dean of Ohio Northern uni versity at Ada. Urges Use of Hybrid Dr. Huber urged’the use of hybrid corn in farm planting because of the increased yield, its resistance to in sect pests and the heavy borer and the economy of saved labor. It is very likely that the farmer of the future will never plant corn unless he knows its pedigree where by he can predict its performance on the basis of its past actions. The experiment station at Wooster is constantly conducting scientific ex periments to produce hybrids suitable for local conditions. most Facts Available basis Information gained on the of the research is passed on to the county agricultural agent who makes it available to farmers in the county, Dr. Huber stated. Hybrid seed is made by both single and double crosses. It takes a real scientist to develop the cross breed ing to produce a strain that has all around qualities. One strain might be corn borer resistant and yet susceptible blight. Another be or to another disease Adaptability strain adaptable to one dis One locality might be susceptible to ease in a different section. strain highly productive in one area might produce only an average yield in another, the speaker stated. The farmer should never accept the claims of a particular hybrid strain until he is sure that it will be adaptable to his local conditions. The extension service of the Wooster experiment station is available, thru the county agent, to make this de termination, Dr. Huber explained. Funeral For Mt. Cory Resident Held Here Funeral services for Thomas B. Ghaster, 66, Mt. Cory resident, were held at the Paul Diller funeral home here Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Irvin Kauffman officiated and burial was in Clymer cemetery. Ghaster died suddenly at his home in Mt. Cory Sunday evening from a heart attack. He was a machinist by trade. He was born Dec. 24, 1878 in Hancock county. Surviving are his wife Laura, daughter Ruth at home and mother, Mrs. Jennie Ghaster. In New Location and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stonehill son have moved from the Fred Wenger farm south of town on the Dixie highway to one of the Miss Zanna Staater apartments on North Main street The 12 babies in the hospital on Spnday were: The twin girls of Mr. and Mrs. Basinger Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Burkholder, a boy, Frank Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Neff, Newark, a girl Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Augs burger, a girl, Jean Ann Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Travis, a boy, John Walton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Run ser, Ada, a girl, JoAnn Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mumma, Columbus Grove, a girl, Joan: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Devier, a girl, Carol Sue Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hamilton, a boy, Ray mond Keith Mr. and Mrs. Veil Reichenbach, Beaverdam, a girl, Carol Sue Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, Beaverdam, a boy, Roger Eugene. lybrid Corn Ideal Seed For War Time, Institute Speaker Says In Talk Here MORE MACHINERY NEEDED ON FARMS FOR WAR EFFORT Urge Greater Allotment of Farm Machinery to Increase Food Production ’arm Institute Resolutions Ask For Return to Central Standard Time Larger allotments of farm machin ery and man power for the production of food and fibre for the war were urged in resolutions adopted at the closing sessions of Bluffton’s annual two-day Farmers Institute held here Monday and Tuesday. The stand of the institute was a re flection of the critical shortage in man power and farm machinery coming at ed production to aid the war are the heaviest in agricultural history. Favor Central Time The institute also went on record as favoring a return to Central Stand ard time as vital to an efficient pros ecution of the war effort by the farm er. Also included in the resolutions was a statement asking for a contin uance of the practice of transporting every rural school pupil in the Bluff ton school district. Complete text of the resolutions ap pears on page 2 of this issue of the Bluffton News. Meetings of the institute embraced comprehensive discussions of modem farm community problems as well as offering a variety of entertainming features. Excellent and informative addresses were given by William M. Manahan of Defiance Mrs. Florence Eickmeier of McClure Dr. L. L. Huber, of Woos ter Miss Ruth Barnes of Lima. New Officers New officers of the men’s institute organization are: Elmer Lauby, president Harvey Gratz, vice-presi dent William Althaus, secretary treasurer Harry Barnes, Ezra Moser, Earl Matter, Homer Gratz and Ray mond Statton, executive committee. Women’s institute officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Walter Sommer, president Mrs. Josephine Huber, vice-president Mrs. Albert Augsburger, secretary Mrs. Walter Schaeublin, Mrs. Addie Graber and Mrs. Edwin Niswander, executive committee. Want Thursday To Be “Church Night” Bluffton residents by the Ministerial to keep Thursday church affairs. Wednesday have been asked association here night open for adopted at a In a resolution meeting of local pastors the first of the week attention was called to the custom whereby Thursday night has been generally kept open for church meetings and functions and a request made that this practise be continued. The ministers also expressed ap preciation for cooperation of the public in recent observance prayer week. his of Real Estate Deals The John Zimmerly farm of Hilty school has Jesse Welty to near Columbus is occupied by acres north of the been sold by Mrs. Wm. Nusbaum of Grove. The place Earl Crawfis. NUMBER 39 HOG MARKET AT HERE SINCE 1920 Present Situation Unusually* Favorable to Hog Raisers In District Encouragement Given for Use Of Corn Supply to Finish Porkers for Market Thousands of extra dollars are jingling in the pockets of hog rais ers of the Bluffton district as a result of the unusually favorable com-hog ratio prevailing since the holidays. Hogs were quoted at $15.00 per hundred pounds on the Bluffton mar kets Wednesday morning and corn was selling for 84 cents a bushel, giving every encouragement for fat tening of swine. two yearss’ standing, being the high st quoted here since October, 1920, it was stated by local shippers. Eastern Markets Set Record Storm conditions have caused some of the eastern markets to go to the highest levels in 23 years but locally livestock trucks have been able to come to the markets almost without any delay. Livestock men believe that feed ing to heavier weights may cause a hog run in February or even in March instead of this month. Generally a bushel of corn adds 10 pounds of weight to a hog. The balance between corn and hog prices is more favorable this year than it has been in many years, livestock men here pointed out. Ceiling Price on Corn Another factor favorable to the hog market is the ceiling placed on corn prices last week by the Office of Price administration. Some com I growers have been reluctant to sell because of higher prices for their commodity. With further advances not grow would now obtaining hog producers who do enough of their own corn have little difficulty in their needs of that commodity. Most hog producers, however, grow their own corn, it was pointed out. Although there has been an in crease reported in home butchering it has had little or no effect on the receipts at the local livestock market, it was reported this week. To Get Engineering Degree From O. N. U Joel Kimmel of Bluffton will be one of a class of 51 seniors to be graduated from Ohio Northern uni versity on February 28. The Bluff ton youth will receive the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. He is the son of Mrs. L. D. Kimmel of South Main street. This will be the first mid-year commencement for the school, a re sult of the war accelerated program. Penalty Added For Dog Tags Thursday There was a rush of Bluffton dog owners Wednesday, last day before the deadline, to purchase tags for their pets. Tags are sold here at the Community market. On Thursday a penalty of one dollar for each tag will apply to late comers. The law requires collection of the penalty in addition to the prescribed fee for all dogs three months or older which do not have tags after Wednesday. However, if an application and fee are mailed the tags will be furnished without penalty provided the letter is postmarked not later than Wed nesday. Radio Sermon Series “The American Tempo” is the sub ject of the radio address in the Liv ing Today series to be presented over Findlay radio station WFIN Rev. A. C. Schultz, Bluffton Bible professor and pastor Ebenezer Mennonite church, afternoon at 3:45 o’clock. by the college of the Friday NAMED TREASURER Ray S. Hilty of Kibler road was elected treasurer of the Mennonite Mutual Aid society for the coming year instead of A. S. Hilty as stated in the News last week. His election as treasurer took place at the annual meeting of the organization held at Pandora, Jan. 9.