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BUY UNITED OTATES SAVINGS flONDS I AKO STAMP* 24 SCHOOLS IN MUSIC FESTIVAL HERE SATURDAY More Than 400 High School Musicians Will Sing in Choral Groups To Be Held At Bluffton High School Gymnasium Spon sored by College More than 400 students from 24 district high schools will participate in a music festival, sponsored by the Bluffton college music department, at the Bluffton High school gymnasium Saturday night at 8 o’clock. The festival will replace the music contests of previous years and there will be no judges. Select student musicians from the 24 schools will sing in chorus and ensemble groups. The girls chorus will consist of 300 voices, the mixed chorus will have 150 voices and the boys chorus 125 voices. Oscar Jones, Director Oscar Jones, director of public school music in the Findlay schools, will direct the three units. Jones is president of the Ohio Music Educa tion association. Prof. Russell A. Lantz, head of the Bluffton college music department, will be festival chairman. Rehearsals for the evening concert will be held in the gymnasium on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mu sic instructors in eight of the partici pating schools are Bluffton college graduates, it was stated. Twenty-four Schools Schools participating and their di rectors are: Columbus Grove, Ruth Burtchin Sylvania, Eleanor Morgan Wayne, Lucille Steiner Mt. Blanchard, Dor othy Whitworth Pandora, Marcella Peterson Arlington, Richard South wick Grover Hill, Pauline Sprunger Ada, Dorothy Titus Ridgeville, Lou ise Bignin LeMoyne, Jane Shaw Leipsic, James Hopkins. Waterville, Charlotte Hutchinson Malinta-Grelton, Hoyt Sprow Shaw nee, Homer Mitchell Continental, Ruth Robenalt Spencerville, Paul Eler: McClure, Betty Hibler, Mc Comb, Marguerite Moyer Salem, Ethelyn Oyer, Hicksville, F. H. Kunkle Vaughnsville, Marceyle Smith North Baltimore, Stanley Weldy Findlay, W. O. Jones Bluff ton, Harriet Brate. Several musical numbers will be presented by two college music groups—a piano duet by Vera Oesch, Washington, Ill., and Lila Moon, Ft. Wayne, and a string trio composed of Harold Thiessen, violin, Arthur Thiessen, cello and Lila Moon, piano. The public is invited. High School Alumni Reunion On May 28 Members of the Bluffton High school alumni association will enjoy a program and dance at the school gymnasium on Friday night, May 28, at 8:30 o’clock, it was announced this week by Dr. Gordon Bixel, pres ident of the alumni association. Due to food rationing, the tradi tional banquet will be eleminated this year. A program will be held after which the alumni will enjoy dancing to a popular out-of-town orchestra. Committees appointed are as fol lows Program—Miss Carolyn Romey, W. A. Amstutz, Miss Agnes Am stutz, Mrs. Harriette Luginbuhl. Dance—Don Patterson, Ropp Trip lett, Sidney Stettler, Roger Howe, Lamont Diller. Other officers are: Ezra Moser, vice-president Mrs. Sibyl Mollett, treasurer Misses Mary Schultz and Harriet Biome, secretaries. No notices will be sent to people with Bluffton addresses this year with the understanding that all Bluffton High school alumni are in vited to the reunion. Mt. Cory -Graduation Will Be Held May 13 Graduation exercises of Mt. Cory high school will be held on Thurs day night, May 13, it was announced the first of the week. Graduation honors will go to four girls of the class. Ida May Arnold .and Carol Montgomery will be co valedictorians. Lois Steiner will give the salutatory address and Geraldine Henry the class oration. Organization For Township Defense Organization of Richland township for civilian defense purposes will be effected at a meeting of township farmers to be held at the township room in the town hall Thursday night at 8 o’clock, fast time. The meeting has been called by the township trustees consisting of Walter Marshall, chairman Alan Grismore and Fred Badertscher. Marshall will preside at the meeting. Various officers for civilian de fense in Richland township will be chosen at the meeting with special attention to be given to the coming blackout. Wardens will be appointed to check on the various houses and to stop motorists who have their headlights on during the blackout. ARMY TO GET FILE RECORDS OF HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS To Give Detailed Information Concerning Aptitudes and Academic Records Copy Must be Presented by Draftee at Induction File To be Kept Here All Bluffton High school students who will graduate this spring or who will leave school before graduation will fill out cards soon giving informa tion desired by the War Department. The War Department stated in an announcement the first of the week that it would soon distribute 5,000,000 of the cards to high schools thruout the country along with instructions. The cards will be filled out and kept in the school files and a copy given to each student upon leaving school. Although the forms have not been received here vet the school will co operate with the War Department in getting them completed as seen as possible, it was stated by Supt. of Schools A. J. B. Longsdorf. Detailed information concerning ed ucational and work experience, aca demic standing and achievement, vo cational training, wage earning ex perience, aptitudes, significant hob bies, etc. Induction The army will require draftees who are in school after the card filing sys tem is completed to present the cards at induction centers which will use the information in classifying them. Civilian employers will also use the information in an attempt to place the student in the position in which he would be most likely to succeed. Cooperating with the army in the preparation of the cards was the United States Office of Education. Officials stated that hitherto there had been no ready or uniform record concerning the students’ school and job histories. The cards will give the following information: The name, birthplace and birthdate of the student. Social Security num ber. Home address. Name and stat us of citizenship of the guardian or parent. Visual and hearing capacity of the student along with a description of any physical impairment. Subjects which the student has tak en, the grades in them. Records in aptitude and achievement tests, rank in class, etc. Special aptitudes, significant hob bies, main interests, extra-curricular activities, peacetime occupation pre ferred, evidence of leadership, etc. Vocational preparation, experience at wage-earning jobs while in school and any post-graduate training. Births Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Coon are the parents of a baby girl, Cynthia Ann, bom at the University hospital in Columbus, April 18. Mrs. Coon was formerly Miss Marjorie Lugin buhl of this place. The following births at the Bluff ton hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crates, Ar lington, a boy, Larry Gene, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Rettig, Raw son, a boy, Philip Cary, Monday. VOLUME NO, LXVIII _________________________________ BLUFFTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1943 “King For A Day” Students Take Over Affairs At College Wednesday Faculty and Students Change Places for Twenty-four Hours College Observes Traditional Student Administration Day King for a day—that was the prevalent atmosphere among the Bluffton college student body Wed nesday when according to tradition of the institution undergraduates and faculty changed places and for twenty-four hours students filled ad ministrative offices, conducted class es, kept peace and quiet in the li brary and managed the dining hall all the way from planning the meals to the most menial k. p. duty. And the faculty assumed the role of students, attending classes which they regularly conducted, and ans wering questions when called upon by the student teacher. Meals at the Ropp hall dining room were in charge of a student dietitian with a completely organized kitchen staff. Student Administration Day The occasion, a tradition of many years’ standing known as student administration day is to give the faculty and student body an oppor tunity to see operation of the insti tution from the other’s viewpoint and to experience in a measure the problems involved. Administration posts are filled by a popular vote of the entire student body with two major parties and full slates of candidates putting on a full-fledged political campaign with oratory, platforms and banners. Students in each class select one of their number to serve as instruct or upon whom rests the responsibil ity of conducting the class for the day. Filling the president’s chair for the day was Herbert Oyer. Royal Thomas was dean Mabel Hill, busi ness manager Robert Kumata, reg istrar Otto Elmer, dean cf men, Margaret Shelley, dean of women Earl Lehman, coach Lois Sommer, librarian Grace Adams, dietitian Stanley Hostettler, superintendent of grounds. Rites Friday For Mrs. D. A. McGinnis Funeral services for Mrs. Delbert A. McGinnis, 58, will be held at the St. Marys Catholic church Friday morning at 9 o’clock, fast time. She died suddenly of a heart at tack at her home on Garau street Tuesday morning at 7:30 o’clock. Mrs. McGinnis, the former Dale Owens, was born near Bluffton Jan uary 11, 1885. Her parents Henry and Elizabeth (Allerding) Owens were pioneer residents. She was married to Delbert McGinnis in 1919. A registered nurse, Mrs. McGinnis was graduated from the St. Peter’s hospital school of nursing of New Brunswick, New Jersey, and served as a member of the auxiliary board of Bluffton Community hospital. She was a member of the St. Marys Catholic church here and the Altar society. Rev. Fr. A. W. Schei ber will officiate at the services. Members of the parish will hold serv ices at the Diller funeral chapel Thursday night at 8 o’clock. Survivors are her husband three daughters, Lieut. Mary McGinnis, Army Nurse Corps, Camp Brecken ridge, Ky. Adelaide, a student at Bluffton college and Anne, a student at Bluffton High school four sis ters, Miss Ida Owens, Bluffton Mrs. Thomas Conway, and Mrs. Esther Wagner, Eustis, Florida Mrs. David Fisher, Pandora, and one brother, Johns Owens, Ada. Burial will be in Maple Grove cemetery. Father Of Bluffton Man Dies In Toledo Herman Siefield, 79, died at his home in Toledo, Monday morning, according to word received by his son Herbert Siefield of South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Siefield and daughter Jeanne left for Toledo where they will remain until after funeral serv ices to be held Thursday afternoon. Interment will be in Lakeview ceme tery at Port Clinton Besides his son of this place, the elder Siefield is survived by his wife and two daughters. THE BLUFFTON NEWS A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BLUFFTON AND VICINITY BLUFFTON PUTS WAR BOND1RIVE ‘OVER THE Honoring all former students and alumni of Bluffton High school now in active service in the armed forces, a service flag will be placed at high school in the near future, it was an nounced this week by Supt. of Schools A. J. B. Longsdorf. Dedication ceremonies will be held during the second week in May. The service flag has a single star on it and the names of all the former Bluffton High school students now in the service will bte attached to the flag. A list of those in service is being compiled and readers of the Bluffton News are requested to inform the high school office of ai y changes or additions to be made to the list. The tentative list, by classes, fol lows 1913—Col. Rene Studler. 1918—James G. Owtii. Dr. Otho CORN ACREAGE UP TOMATO GROWING FACES SHARP CUT Corn Basis of Hog Feeding Also Requires Less Hand Labor Tomato Acreage for Commercial Canneries Less Due to Labor Shortage ----------I Bluffton area farmers are planning to put out an aercyg corn equal, if not greater than that of last year. The soy bean acreage, too, will be large, altho somewhat less than a year ago. The growing of tomatoes for commercial canneries, however, is due for a drastic shrinkage. This was the summary of a sur vey of the farm situation the first of the week as tillage was being rushed under forced draft to make up for the loss of several weeks of unfavorable weather. Farmers busy with spring work had little time to discuss the situa tion, but pointed to the fact that the shortage of farm help will make it necessary to confine planting to those crops which require a minimum of hand labor. Corn Favored Standing at the top of the pre ferred list of farm crops is corn. Farmers called attention to the fact that the crop is not of the emergency class and altho much of it stood out all winter, due to shortage of help, its feeding value was not materially affected. Also corn is the principal feed for fattening hogs for market and des pite prospect of federal control of prices thru the medium of livestock ceilings, raising hogs will continue to be one of the main activities of the farm. Altho about half of the soy bean crop was lost here last season be cause of wintering in the fields, the acreage this year will be substantial as compared to wheat which shows prospects of about half a crop. One grower summed up in this manner: “Farmers prefer soy beans to wheat as long as the government holds the price of beans up and wheat down.” Less Tomato Acreage This district, which for the past several years was rapidly developing into a tomato growing center, will decrease its acreage about 20 per cent, according to present estimates. Growers are agreed that the drop in tomato acreage is due to prospect of not being able to get enough ex perienced help to raise and pick the crop which requires much hand la bor. Tomatoes, it is explained, have to be picked each week and because of the highly perishable nature of the ripe product, experienced help is ne cessary. Inexperienced help, they say, just gets in the way. War Conditions Make Town’s Spring Road Program Smallest In Years Government agencies and canning interests have started last-minute campaigns to induce growers to change their minds about reducing tomato acreages. How well the drive will succeed will depend almost en tirely how convincingly can be pre sented any plan to supply necessary labor. High School to Dedicate Service Flag Honoring Alumni and Former Students Thompson. 1919—Herbert Luginbuhl. 1924—Elbert Anderson. 1925—Roland Swank, Celestine Schmidt, Theodore Criblez. 1926—Charles Dillman. 1927— Jerome Herr, Ivan Geiger, Stanley Basinger, Edgar Schumacher Forrest Basinger, Ex ’27. 19,28—Carl Trippiehorn, Donald McCafferty, Glenn Slusser, Wesley Miller. 1929—Gerald Scoles, James Ben roth, Bob Schaublin, Harry Bogart, Dr. Wade Basinger, Frederick Herr, Harlan Dickson, Ex ’29 Alvin Crawford, Ex ’29, Clifford Filhart. 1930—Marvin Crawford, Rudy Wil kins, Josephine Steiner (nurse) Karl Hostettler. 1931 Donivan Geiger, James West, Garfield Griffith, Howard Trippiehorn, Harold Bell. Shortage of Critical Materials Limits Work to Patching And Repair Proposed Re-surfacing Program Depends on Additional Supplies Faced with a shortage of mater ials, Bluffton is starting this week the smallest street repair program in recent years. Street Commissioner Lee Coon an nounced Tuesday the arrival of 1,500 gallons of road oil and 1,000 pounds of powdered asphalt. This, he said will be barely suffi cient to patch holes in the hard sur face roadways which developed dur ing the past winter. Materials used in road re-surfac ing and repair have been designated as critical by government agencies and will be allotted almost exclusive ly to highways used for miiltary purposes. Seek More Materials Application made for an addition al allotment of materials to be used for re-surfacing here has not been acted upon. Authorities here are hopeful that it will be given favor able consideration in view of indus tries here engaged in war produc tion. Should an additional supply of materials be granted, resurfacing of Elm street and Harmon road from Garau street to Bentley road will be undertaken. Also in bad condition is Spring street from Elm to Riley. Necessary Patching Only Meanwhile, however, the road pro gram this spring will be limited to such patching as is necessary in order that the limited allotment of materials may serve where most needed. Richland township trustees have encountered a similar situation and materials thus far have been allotted only for patch and repair work. The original road program called for resurfacing nine or ten miles of road this season. Peace Conference At College And Church “Christianity’s Contribution to a Lasting Peace” will be the topic of a conference, under the auspices of the Friends Service committee, to be held here Monday afternoon and evening. Dr. A. J. Muste, Presby terian minister from New York city, will be the speaker. The meetings are as follows: Chief Obstacles to Peace, Ramseyer chapel, 4 p. m. The Peace Program of the Churches, pot luck dinner, Ropp Hall, 6 p. m. Spiritual Found ations of Peace, public meeting at the First Mennonite church, 8 p. m. Dr. Muste is nationally known as a minister, lecturer and writer on problems of war and post-war per iods. He was director of the Brook wood Labor college and later served as executive secretary of the Fellow ship of Reconciliation. The public is invited. AT FORT SILL Earl Montgomery of Orange town ship recently inducted into the army has been sent from Camp Perry to Ft. Sill, Okla., for training. 1932— Marion Burkholder, Chas. Emans, Gerald Basinger, Thomas Crawford, Emerson Niswander, Den ver Augsburger. 1933—Morris Amstutz, Wayne Yerger, Wayne Deppler, Ralph Dil ler, Cleon Steiner, John Romey, Robert Kohli, Dr. Robert Oyer, Gerald Trippiehorn, Ralph Kohli. 1934—Robert Root, ex ’34 Francis J. Luginbuhl, Francis W. Lugibihl, Kenneth Luginbuhl, Lester Piper, Walter Williamson, Melvin Lora. Louis Foltz, Max McCafferty, Rich ard Swank. 1935—James Birchnaugh, Ralph Augsburger, Donivan Berry, Richard Burkholder, Robert Motter, Gordon Hilty, Evan Badertscher, Arthur Best, Edward Schumacher, Joe Mum ma, Roger Hauenstein, Edwin Rice, Herbert Moser, David Kliewer, (Continued on page 8) 30 SENIORS TO GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE MAY 24 Commencement Address to be Given by Goshen College President Graduation “In Absentia" to he Held for Several Seniors In Service Thirty seniors will graduate from Bluffton college in the 43rd annual commencement exercises to be held at the First Mennonite church on Monday, May 24th it was' announced this week by Dr. J. S. Schultz, dean of the institution. Graduation “in absentia” will be held for several members of the class who are in service at the present time and will be unable to attend the exor cises. Several seniors will receive their degees as of August, Dr. Schult? stated. Dr. E. E. Miller, president of Gosh en college, Goshen, Ind., will give the commencement address. As was the case last year, the commencement season has been moved ahead several weeks in order to per mit the school to adjust its schedule to war time conditions. Summer school will start immediately at the close of commencement to permit stu dents to obtain a full semester’s cred it. Annual May Day exercises will be held on Saturday, May 22. Miss Ruth Neuenschwander, Quakertown, Pa., will be crowned queen in the tra ditional colorful outdoor ceremonies. The alumni banquet will be held at Ropp hall at 6:30 o’clock to be follow ed by the presentation of the Shakes pearean play, Merchant of Venice, by the Thespian dramatic society. Pres. Ramseyer will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the graduat ing class at the Ramseyer chapel on Sunday afternoon. May 23. In the evening there will be a concert by the A Capella choir at the First Menno nite church. Four students are scheduled to be graduated in the department of mu sic. These are: Ruth Burkhard, Or tanna, Pa., piano, May 7 Sarah Moy er, Mt. Cory, piano, May 14: Bettye Lewis, Bluffton, piano, May 17 Har old Thiessen, Bluffton, violin, May 21. Lora Schultz, also to graduate in the department of music will present her graduating recital in July be cause of a teaching position this se mester at Stryker High school. Chicago Orchestra To Play Here Friday Presented as the final number on the Bluffton college music series, The Chicago Little Philharmonic orches tra will give a concert at the Bluff ton High school auditorium Friday night at 8:30 o’clock. The noted musical ensemble is un der the direction of Dr. Eric Soran tin, interantionally known conductor, violinist and composer from Vienna. A program ranging from seldom heard classical numbers to the latest works of European and American composer will be heard. The members of the orchestra have played with the foremost symphony orchestras of Europe and America. In addition to the ensemble numbers, solos will be presented by several of the members. BUY UNITED ■TATE* PKFKNM AND STAMPS NUMBER 1 TOP’ SUBSCRIPTIONS OF $180,000 EXCEED QUOTA BY $15,000 Goal of §165,000 Passed by Substantial Margin, Head* quarters Says Sum is Largest Ever Raised for Single Project in Town’s History Bluffton has gone “over the top” in the second war loan campaign, it was announced Wednesday morning by M. M. Bogart and Norman Trip lett, co-chairmen of the drive. The sum subscribed in the com munity stood at $180,000 Wednesday noon—$15,000 over the assigned quota of $165,000. With subscrip tions still coming in the total may be even higher than the present sum, Bogart stated. One factor which enabled the town to go substantially over the goal was the fact that the allotment of seven eights per cent certificates to blanks was made by the federal reserve bank. This represented a sizable sum credited to the local suscrip tions. Series E Most Popular By far the most popular issue has been the series “E” bond which was not included in the previous Victory Loan campaign. The final meeting of all solicitors and campaign workers will be held at the Bluffton High school cafeteria this Wednesday night at 8 o’clock. Bogart and Triplett have asked that all reports be in at this time. The $180,000 raised in this cam paign represents the largest sum of money ever raised in a single move ment in this community, it was pointed out. Further Campaigns According to present treasury de partment plans, further loan cam paigns of this intensive nature will be conducted periodically, with the next one set tentatively for late sum mer or early fall. In the meantime, emphasis will be placed on continuing a program of regular and systematic purchases of “E” and other available war bonds to keep the war funds flowing stead ily. In a statement issued Wednesday morning by Co-chairmen Triplett and Bogart, they expressed appreciation for the intensive canvassing work done by the group of 75 solicitors and the courteous reception accorded them by residents thruout the town. Reports from Richland township’s war loan canvass were not available Wednesday morning. Progress of the campaign has been materially handicapped by the serious illness of Henry Huber, township chairman. Pannabecker Places First In Scholarship Robert Pannaecker, Buffton High school senior, son of Rev. and Mrs. S. F. Pannabecker of College road, placed first in Allen county general scholarship tests conducted March 27, it was announced this week by Allen County Superintendent of Schools Willard M. Floyd. Pannabecker who made a score of 221 in addition to being high in the county, placed 12th in the district and gained honorable mention in the state. Second was James Barbour of Shawnee with 203 who was trailed by Richard Thornberry of Lafayette with 197. z Others from Bluffton in the upper 25 per cent were: Dorothy Anderson with 183 and Raymond Schumacher with 182. Pannabecker is valedictorian and Dorothy Anderson is salutatorian of the graduating class at Bulffton High school this year. With The Sick Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huber are ill at their home one mile north of Bluffton. Miss Freda Fritchie, Bluffton high school junior, is convalescing at Bluffton hospital where she under went an operation for appendicitis, Sunday morning. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fritchie of Riley street. Nancy Lou, fifteen-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ludwig of Lima, broke both bones in her left forearm as the result of a fall at her home, Saturday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig were formerly of Bluffton.